- -. - -w------- ?I1UMfAY -NOV. 4th. 1954 II CM(ADIAN STATESMM. BOWMLAIVnlLE.ONqTAPIO PACI r Ir i MEW THE KUNSMEN CLUB 0F BOWMANVI LLE Presents . lu - v FLOOD IN AID 0F THE RELi Ef F UN D 'ho Golden e Choral Grou * Friday, Novomber 18 et S p..n. TOWN HALL, 19 BOWMANVI LLE PREMIERE a Prof essional Group in their P»ERFORMANCE - In a Sparkling, Star-studded, two' hour SHOW acast of 35 mixed voices Ied by Mrs. Marie Lyons --Hear the rhytbmic music Thrill 4 0 To the Sparkling Music fromth score of such Broadway Hits as Oklahom a.* qetc.., -etc. 0. f a Lrugh . 0 Dancing at its finest, with a Beautiful Choral At the Comedy, Pantomine of these Background Stars of Stage 'and Radio Aàdmis.sion 75c no AD)VANCE W~~ALBE FROM ANY KINSMEN CLUB MEMBER. RESERVED SZAT PLAN OPENS AT ALEX McGREGOR'S DRUG STOUE ON MnNTDAY. TqOvFMr4RVR 15 AT 10 AM Many Bowl ln Ladies M On Monday evening, Oct. 25, Lil Phillips, for the second time this season, bowled a high single game of 274 which en- tities her the certificate donat- ed by Mr. Breslin. Two bowlers had 600 triples, Kay Beauprie, with 621 and .Ania Nickerson, 601. I'm pleased to report that tix, "200 or over" list this week was the highest for ihis sche- cule. LiA Phillips 274, Hazel Davis 245, Kay Beauprie 242, ,Amy Winnacott 241, Norma Gxay 236, Eva Whitehead 237, Toots Wiseman 234, Sadie ]Bucknell, Dorothy Brooks, Lii Ijooper, Helen Lockhart ail bowled a 233 gamne; Joyce Ma- o r 219, Onie Etcher 228, Reva Iarker 221, with many more tinder the 220 mark. In contrasi, the lemon league Is -the lowest-Rena Bathgate 99, Dot Fair 97, Lillien Brine Sti, Duaine Palmer 87 and Clive Moffatt 85 who receives a certificate from Mr. Breslin for her low, low game. Our "Lucky Winners" this week-Doris Joli and Alyce ]{odgson. Doris receives a gift from Buckley'a Flower Shop and Alyce a voucher from Crystal Dairy. Standings Naine Ave. Games Bernicé Budai vi Coole --- Mary Walters JKay Beauprié Doris Joli Anita Nickérson- til Phillips jean Luxton Onie Etcher Qrono Orpi Local Interr îoGood ExhiL Led by* John Shetler, who scored two goals, and the West b cîhers. the Orono Orphans eut-sat *ad out-hustled the T Bowm r ûlleBarons in an ex- bibitiOelo'gaeme here Saturday might to chélk up a 6-3 win. Thé Orphans played their usual hard-skatiflg, agressive t rand ef hockey and are hiable o give the other Lakeshore League clubs a lot of trouble belore the current season is over. *"Bud" Hooper. the ex- Bownaflville boy who guards Il,. nets for Orono, turned in & terrific game and when the Barons did break through ta thr6aten his cage he smothered &Il but three pucks thrown his The Barons showed only one realIy effective for*ard line Siturday night, composed of Séb lihoridsn a aood 1playmak- Chuck Armstrong, Lloyd Ham- ' . 1 I dI O vr 00 ilion rapped in ste bond Inrermeciare "A" Lake Shore Shrdn PryMâters alsa ~ r~. /kiI FlH c e drew an assist on the goal, 7£o X'o iLL. n<a.,tCSportsLegeShde -wihcame at 9.34. 9Io ky.ag e S h d l ajor League The Orphas tied it up at By Little Abner iLakefieid home gamnes piayed Orono home games piayed Helen Piper - 181 18 a4.goaî-m ohn Sheilér sanic at'Peterborough. at Newcastle E%;a Whitehead - 179 18 to make the count 1-1, and the ~~" November- January- Lydia Bates 179 18 first period ended that way. Our local Barons hit the ice and will be one of the league's 1-Port Hope at Cobourg 4-Lakefield at Lindsay Haze Davs 17 18 In the second period the Or- iaudyeéiglsadwr fastest skaterà. 3-Lakefield ai Orolio 5-Cobourg ai Port Hope Helen Dunn - 178 18 Stra vnnlsadwe i Dot Crombie 177 18 ono squad took the lead at 1.441Shrdnpae i sl5-om vleatPtHpe6LdaytOoo Mel McNulty 17 Ï5 we etWetsoe onagetdwta6- ea tth aggressive style Saturday and Lindsay ai Lakefield 7-Lindsay at Port Hope -ea are 1776 15 shot frorn directly in front of hands of the Orono Orphans. although flot large in stature 6Cbuga Bowmanvill omniie ai Cobourg ea Parer----- 176 15 the goal and about eight feet The garne was very fast for ihere is nothing wrong * 6-COoourgaindsway vil Orono at Lakefield Emma Brommell 173 18 out. Junior West drew an as- early season hockey. his courage. He's a heady play- Oooa ida 8-Port Hope ai Bowmanvilie MayHrio 7 8 sist en the play.' ni Dickens' crew are for maker and centred the Baron's 9-Cobourg ai Lindsay 12-Cobourg ai Orono Eleanor Larmer - 172 18 -The Orphans made il 3-1 at the most part, young and inex- etlnonSuranih. 1 Pr Hpa On otHpetLkfed Lil Hooper 171 18 4.57 when Junior West took peinced ta thîs type of play. Lyle was the ieam's besi Bowmanyille ai Lakefield 13-Bowmanville ai Lindsay Doris Poiley 169 18 a pass from Gerry Robinson Aeioit is impossible for a coach backchecker and dug ahi he 12-Orono ai Cobourg 14-Orono ai Port Hope Edna Large 169 6 and skaied in alone on Denny ta correct the faulis of hi$; way. He's a littie on the chippy Lakefield ai Port Hope Lindsay ai Cobourg Ev Sweetman - 168 15 Pallisier in the -Bowmanville charges in three weeks. Ernie side and picked up a couples of 13-Lindsay ai Bowmanviile 15-Lakefield ai Bowmanvilie Ll Wrgt167 18 iwines to slip the puck in thé has done an excellent job wiikl needless penalties. However, 5-oougai Lakefield 17-Port Hope ai Lakefield Anna Strike -- 163 18 -left side of the net. The Or- the boys an~d they will definite- he'1l lose ihai wiih experience. 17-Lindsay ai Port Hope 18- o itCobourg ida Mary Wilcox 163 18 hnswrousaigth Ba ly be a going concern corne Teia mse ilol 9-Lakefield ai Cobourg 19-Lakefieîd ai Port Hope Amy Winnacott - 163 15 rons throughout the firsi h.1.f Christmas.,flue te the team's and Berwick who were suffer- . Bowmanviile ai Orono Bowmanviiie at Orono Joyce Major 163 15 of the second period and ihis, inexpérience this reporter does ing from stomach f lu. These 20-Orono ai Bowmanville 21-Port Hope ai Orono Ruth Barclay . 163 14 as much as anything, provided not place them any higher than fellas will help out plenty with Port Hope ai Lindsay Bowmanviile aI Lakefield Dorothy Brooks - 163 6 them with their two-goal mar- lourth or fifth in the standing their experieilce. Gil is a shar- 22-Orono ai Lakefield 22-Lindsay at Bowmanviiie Edith Marlow 162 18 gin, ai thai urne. They will make pie around thé net and Berwick 94-Cobourg ai Port Hope 24-Port Hope ai Cobourg Norma Gay-- 162 18- In the latter part of the per- théir move then and should hé is big, rough and can score. If 26-Bowmanvilie ai Cobourg 26-Orono ai Bowmianviiie Toots Wiseman - 162 18 liod however, thé Barons put on good for third or fourth by the Gilhooly is given the protection Lindsay ai Orono Lindsay ai Lakefield Sadie Bucknell 162 18 the pressure and Ernie Dick- end of thé season. Expérience hé needs from ithe port and 27-Lakefield ai Lindsay 27-Lakefield ai Orono Molly Badgér 162 15 ens and Masters sparked some la a wonderful tonic for mis. siarboard sides he will be Port Hope ai Bowmanviile 2-omavepiPrtHp Teamn Standings nice attacks which kepi play takés, rnighty valuable to ihis iéam. 29-Lakefield ai Cobourg 29-Coborwi onanville otHp Téam -Pis. Pins ntéOooédrmnts On the brighter aide,,not too We are ail hoping Hooper 30oBowmanville ai Lindsay Orono ai Lindsay ai a lime. Thé pressure paid off many Orphans charged down will be able ta corne oui. If his 1CbugaLkeil Eleanor Larmer 36 16467 whén Bob Sheridan notched a right wing whén Ernie Dickens réfereeing turns out and he's Decémber-31C ougaLkfel Veric Coolé 30 14966 goal frorn in close ai 15.11 oni was on léfi defence. If théy accepied we wlsh hirn the bési '-Cobourg ai Orono February- Vi Cole28 15201 passes from Hamilton and Ter- did, they were usually gréeed o luck because hé looked plen- 3-Orono ai Port Hope Doris Jol-____25 15649 ry Masters. Bowmanvîlle tiéd withconebofeth sweetést mov-2-Orono ai Lakefield Lydia Bates - 25 15397 it up only two seconds béfore ing hips ihai I'vé had the plea- tyCale oSaturday vile. t' Laindsay a Coorg o oug i orlHp Corne3onheomendilfe thes 4-Lakéfeld ai Bosurvelle __Lidsay ai Orono Onie Etcher 24 159 h n ftescfdpro ueOf watching. Ernie's clear- qet out and support ihis team. Port Hope ai Lindsay Bowmanville ai Cobourg Kay Beauprie - 21 15576 when "Buck"~ Cowle snapped ing was excellent and he hadT hey bélong to your town and 8-Port Hope ai Orono Helen Dunn --. 17 14293 in the rebound of a shot bY Terry Masters settled down by théy are your iearn. The boys Bowmanvilie ai Lakefield 5-Lakefield ai Lindsay Lil Phillips 14 14680 Terry Masters. thé second period and a going play bélier in front of a crowd. lO-Orono ai Cobourg 7Port Hope ai Lowake ie 1 Ollie Patfiéld 13 14761 The Oha nd the edg cocrintetid afela PtHpe 7 otHpetLkfed Norma Gay Il 14457 i te thrdpns dna dege cnen nte hr. akfed iPrtHp-Bowmanville ai Lindsay Hazél Davis 8 139081i h hrdpro xi crd Both Térry Masters and Lar- The new Whitby Club open- Lindsay ai Bowmanville 9-Cobourg at Orono three goals W%.thout a reply ry Chant are short on éxper- ed ils home schedule wiih 285 I1l-Cobourg ai Lindsay il-Orono ai Port Hope High Single -Lil Phillips, frorn Bowmanville. The Barons iencé but long on intestinal paid admissions ta the first 14-Orono ai Lindsay Lindsay ai Cobourg 274. had some chances, but Bud fortitude. Terry was In theré Senior "B" hockey game in the ls-Lindsay at Lakefield 2LkfedaBwmnil High Triple -Kay Beauprie, Hooper in the Orono nets made burnping continually and bis town. If things don't pick up, Bowmanvilie at Paxrt Hope2l akfeda omnil 621. several fine saves to rab them. clearing rnroved throughout théir management will be téar- 17-Lakefield ai Orono TîméOrono gamés in Port_ _________________Thé Orphans' talliés wére scor- the game. hant's timing was ing iheir hair oui by théeroots. Port Hope ai Cobourg Hp nFia ilsata éd by John Shéiler ftrm Don off on his body checking, but he I wonder how many Bowman-! 18--Cobourg ai Bowmanvle 9Ho0p nFdywilstn a Mercer, Dean West fromn Miles has a willingness ta mix lt in ville people wilI feel sorry for .20-Cobourg ai Lakéfield9:0pm an L eT aT and Armstrong and Mércer rough going and will improve the management. As you prob- - 22-Bowinanville ai Orono é AI] other games are schedui- b n e e i fromn Junior West and Keith quickly. al nwb>now, thé Oshawa ;27-Lakéfield ai Cobourg e for 8:30 p.m. West. Little Maxie Yourih played Truckmen have changed their 29-Lindsay at Port Hope Referees-OHliA. ta appoint cet Chips bis usual heady game and narne ta Wbitby Royals. but ar- Orono at Bowmanville thé reféree. Theé inesman to red ia tes in é Denny Pallister and George while Orono trîed to upset 'him sîiîî opérating under thé saine 30-Port Hope ai Lindsay hé a home appointée. In Play- *-"Gunfighter" Heath éach play- with body bell,, they Jfiund an1 management. offs-Two Référées. it on C a i ed f f thée arn in the nets elusivé target. Maxié will take Montréal Ais looked veri W ion G m e fo Bowmnvide and aIa- a litile longer than the kids strong over thé wéékénd wt owd three goals . . . Jack rounding into shape but won't thé 41 to 13 ihumping ihat thévR I I M11arshail and Terry Masters rnake any mîstakés while do- handéd ta thé Argos. It oksB ill tiegiley oi s 0 er, ai centre, wiîb Lloyd Ham- both went well on tht barons ing sa. like thé Grey Cup will rési in- ilion on left wing and vétéran i déféncé, along with Dickens Buck Cowle played an ag- thé East for anothér year. That Maxie Yourth on thé right aide. -.......Buck" Cowie played a greanive game and scored thé Montréal liné with féllows likeFor ighest S core In This trio accounîéd for two inîce gaine for Bowmanville ... gamt's prettient goal. B1ucks Hugo, Stanton, Coultér, Fra- o goals nd 0Bck Col ,h Orono Orphans-Goal, Hoop- playmaking was good and he's a wick, McNicol, Miller, and com- er; defencé, Milés Sheu, rough lad, but hé's far from payplstéinscoeto Girardi, notahéd thé other. ins oArwstrn, Sean e t, Di ondMter n. oné u-has ever seeén shouid win the M e n's M ajor B oln cete IvBoksadD nny Me r mtrongarDs anShet t, Db i ondito n hn ur ackfeter Cdanaditandbte Playing Coach jirnié Dickens Ginn.Junior West, Wright, gess killéd penalties like tbey EaenCanadian TiileHamin'd thée olr httetami udigi h sadn had Don Masters centéring Mill Kéilh West, Ray West. hdawy en ti.TerGrey Cp oeé,Hmloi Ol he olr i h émi edn ntésad LyléandRonBureason is owmnvilé aros -Goa, fréceckng au ot hé éatTigérs cannaI hé sold down thé 300 mark this weék with Bi with 31 points but had théeon third line. George Brabin aller- Palliuiér, Heath; défence, Dîck- but they skaiéd well and clear- river. Voyles has had to juggle Begiey w nningp honor xwt!for ofhittingasn81til o nated wiîh Dan Girardi ai right es er ases1aaal,é elwé te rpé h is ineup ihrough injuriés, but '306. Nriennswsnéifrti esn wing on thé Cowle line. Erniej Chant; forwards, Sheridan, puck. When théy took their ré- iAhyhv uIta hn ih35adJmFi 0.LLEY CHATTER Dickens and Térry Masters H V ~ ourth, Cow'le, gular turn on the icé he they méet thé Tanks in thej Doug Taylor had high triple n,11o 6 ihJh rhm76 ha emtabthtrul iformed thé most effective Brooks. Girardi, Braban, Don showed burat.s of théir abil ity fnasfireworks should hé the of765 ieP eth ".John Grhm 736, ai s em to th é twlrolé h neanguard, and Jack Marshall Masters, Lylé, Burgess. which will corne along with order of thé day in Maison and EriePrfct76,NomHé- h s areithé owesT hé and Lêrry Chant made up thé -Fan ooe, ofie. Civic Stadiurns for théir play-, nings 714, Normn O'Rourke 712 aerages are wtheBlwestl kév Ofiiis-Fark Hopreniec. offs. and Bill Mutton 704. éa aswt iIWslk ailier. . Rusa Halîman. Hamiton lôoked good 1ôr the __________ Thére was only one 10w store léading thé pack with a low 2331 Barons Open Scorint _________ fitst two perioda.. ele ne recorded for the evefiflg with average. Thé Barons déightéd tht thé ucoing with a nicé goal. How many eggs did yeu eat Murray Tighe capturing ibis Surely thé bowlers have net 260 fans w~ho saw thé game by Thé religion of Christ is H', a very spéedy akater and in 1933? If you're an average honor by bowling a 436 triplé. goné back that mnuch. Thé al- opening thé scoring. With the peace and good-will,-the réli- works hard ta proiect his wing. Canadian thé numbér was 279, Dick Little's ieam won hign leys look ta bé in excellent i 'Orhn ssnoert2twan Tayor hd to shape but the pins just will not rphnsshot wo endue ta gion of Christendom is war and Hammie will coame up witn according ta governrnént fi ig tile o1 24 7. Bylrc Mln' Iai. oetopurtp ower ci oast a 200 aragoé. teva bOt of 800bowers oly33ar btoin4200or ler. This33 re- presents about 39%. Men'. Major Bowling League Firat Schedule, 1954-55 Standing End of 6th Week Milne --- Fair -- - - Taylor-- Osborne-- Bagnel - Brôck - Cancilla - - Little - - Bates - Siemon-- Rundle.-- 19187 31 19025 28 19138 264 19574 23 18979 22 19414 -21 19295 21 19127 20 18511 16 18216 15ý 17556 15 18342 14 Average@ Gaines B. Westlake .~.--18 A. Osborne ---18- E. Brock . . . 18 N. O'Rourke --18 E. Perfect -- 18 D. Taylor - - - - 18 B. Hearle - - - - 18 A. Halîman ---18 B. Bates - ... ..18 G. Elliott .« - 18 B. Mutton - -18 R. Oké - --18 J. Fair - -- - 18 J. Coole - --18 T. Bagnell ----18 J. Gay 1 J. Graham ---18 B. Polley - -18 J. Landér --- 15 R. Richards - --15 F. Blackburn- 18 R. McKnight - --18 N. Hennings 18 R. Wriht18 S. Woods . --18 E. Rundle.. ~18 D. Wright -19 F. Samis- 12 R. Hearle - .-18 M. Hàrrison --- ----18 D. Littié - -18 H. Janzen 18 Dr. H. B. Rundle -19 Ave, 233 23Q,,, 223 223 219 219-- 218 217 216 ' 216 2151. 213 213 212 211 211 210, 21(), 209 209 20u4 204 204 204 201 201l 201 201 201 200 20 23 Doug Taylor Takes Top Spot Legion Bowling Doug Taylor racked up botif ï thé high single and thé hîgh triple in thé Légion Bowling Léague on Octobér 19 witha single game of 339 and a triple of 781. Standings in Ihis jeague are now as follows: ' R. MeKnight -- 28 15505 . W. Bates 20 15014 J. Faýr------ 17 14608 F. Samnis 15 14586 D. Taylor 14 15012 E. Perfect ..-. - il1 14051 Ross McKnight had thé high triplé on October 12 with nice * gares of 196, 314 and 317 for a total cf 827. Members of the teams are urged 10 turn out for ail gamet I' id avoid handicapplng tulwi ,team. Thuvsdaly 4 t4 I. 4 i ':4 't t, t "-4"I c1' As With See VARIETY Il t -