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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Nov 1954, p. 18

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- ~ - - -~ - - -------~7.----- ~ ~ * TEE ~CA2IADUS I UATUMAN. OWkANMiVDI 011TAMIO Turn Page for Âddiiional Classifieds BIRTHS MROCK-Elton and Hilda are very happy ta announce the ar- rival of their second son, Terry James, at Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville, on October 28th, 1954, weight 8 lbs., 1 %/ ozs. A 'baby brother for Douglas. 44-1w MORGAN-Rev. and Mrs. T. Arthiii Morgan are happy ta announce the birth of a son, Michael Arthur, on November 2nd, 1954,offt Women's College HospitW, Toronto. 44-1 ENGAGEMENTS Mn. and Mrs. John C. Bishop, Bowmanville, wish ta announco the engagement of their only daughter, Marlene Marie, to Donald William Moore, son of Mn. and Mrs. Frank Moore, Bow- manville. The marriage to take place in Toronto on December 4th. 44-if Mn. and Mns. Frank Ovens, Newtonvile, announco the en- gagement of their daughter, Margaret Anne, ta Bryan James Noble, sçpn of Mrs. A. Noble, -Tojrcg..j. The wedding ta take .pface in Newtonville United Chunch, November 2th at 3 o'clock. 44-i* Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bate wish ta announce the engagement of their gand-daughter, Shirley Elizabeth Anne, daughter of Mr. Roland Bate Jr. and the late Elizabeth Rae Henderson Bate ta Robert George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bickle. The wed ding' will tako place in Decern- ber. 44-i MARRIAGE MATER - BELL - On Saturday, Octoben 23rd, at Canton parson- -age, ly Rev. UdeIl, Elizabeth jean Bell, dauéhter of M4r. and Mrm Carman Bell, Campbell- croft, ta Lylo Emmett Mater, son ocf Mr. and Mrs. John Mater, Lowbanks, Ontario. 44-1* DEATHS HOSKIN-Entered suddenly inl rost in the family residenc Harmony Road North, East Whi by Township, on Thursday, Oc 28, 1954, Martha Jane (Jenn3 Caram, beloved wif e of Jam( W. Hoskin and mother of Les]: Edgar and Ray, of Oshawa; Ev art cf Cleveland, and William( Orillia, in hem 8Oth year. Memai l service was held in the Arr strong Funorai Home, Osha-w on Saturday, Oct. 30. Intermei »thesda Cemetery. 44-1 LYMER-At his residence,( Queon Street, Bowmanville,c Wednesday, November 3rd, 195 Thomas Lymer, husband of t] late Ida McSorley, aged 75 year Resting at the Morris Funeri Chapel. Service in the Chapi on FYiday at 2 o'clock. Intei mont Bowmanville Cemetery. 44. .IN MEMORIAM 1Reception Mr. and Mrs. S. Edgar Werry wiil be at homo to their friends at Roselandvale Farm, Solina, on Saturday, Novemben l3th, from 3 to 5, and 7 ta 10 p.m., on the occasion of their forty-fifth wed- ding anniversary. 44-2 Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Ashton, Haydon, wili be at homo ta their friends and relatives on Satur- day, Nov. 6th from 3 ta 5 and 7 to 10 p.m., on the occasion of their golden wedding anni- versary. 43-2* Mr. and Mrs. George Chap- man, will bo at home ta their frîends and neighbors, on the occasion of their Sth wodding anniversary on Saturday, No- vember 20, at the home of their daughter Mrs. Percy Preston, Manvers, on Highway 35. 44-3 For Rent HOUSE, 5 rooms and bath. Tele- phone MA 3-3961. 44-1 ONE or two heatod rooms. MA 3-3453. 44-1* CENTRAL-Bright, four-room heated apartment, lst Nov. Ap- ply 29 King St. W. 44-1* GROUND floor apartment, 74 King St. West, Bowmanville. Phono 3-3559, Oshawa. 44-1* FIVE-room cottage, winterized, Pontypool. 20 r 4 Bethany. 44-2* SIX-room' h o u s e, lnsuflated, hydro, bath, garage, at Orono. M. J. Tamblyn, 65 - 19. 44-1* FOUR rooms and garage 1 mile from post office. Phone MA 3- 5812. 43-2 TWO unfumnished rooms and use of kitchenette, heatod and central. Phono MA 3-3072. 44-1 THREE-roomed apatment, heat- ed, built-in cuphoards, automatic washer. Apply Apt. 7, 63 King St. W. 44-1 TWO rooms, at 143 Duke St., immediate - possession. Apply Brookdale Kingsway Nurseries. 44-tf APARTMENT-3 heated rooms and 3-pieco bath, tilo floors, stove and frig. Possession at once. Phono MA 3-3197. 44-1* HOUSE ta ent, 6 rooms, gooci basoment and gardon. Apply' Keith Bradley, Pontypool, Ont. Phono Orono 81 r 12. 44-2* TWO heated rooms with con- veniencos, in new house; adults only. Apply 101 Scugog St. 44-1 TWO bright, heated, house-keep- ing rooms, tap. water. Apply Box No. 254, c/o The Canadian Statesman. 44-1 on FOUR nooms and býath, upstairs 4, apartment, heated, privato on- he trance, aduits. Apply Box 237, rs. c/o The Canadian Statesman. -a 44-1* LARGE front downstairs room, redecorated, hot and cald run- ning water, ail canveniences. 187 King E. Dial MA 3-5548. 44-1* TWELVE room bouse with FALLIS-In loving memory of a hydmo, suitable for two families, dean husband and father, Charles three miles north of Bowman- H.- Fallis, who depar'iod this life, ville. For particulars, MA 3-5805. Nov. 3md, 1945. 44-1* -Remembered by wife and family.. 44-1* THIRD floor apartment, ail con- voniences except bath; over HENRY-In loving memoryc a a, Stedman Stores; roomy, $20.00 dear wife and mother, Arvilla1 monthly. Possession Decomber Henry, who passed away, Nov. lst. L. C. Mason, Barrister. 4th, 1953. 44-i* We do nôt need a special day AATETFu am n To bring you ta aur mind A RTE -Furoman For the days we do not think bath, heavy wiring, kitchen cup- of yau boards, centrally located, self- Are very hard ta find. contained; immediate possession. If ahi this world wero ours ta Apply Box 258, c/o Canadian give, Statesman. 44-1 We'd give it, yes and more,. FOUR-roomed apartment, heat- 'To see the face of mothor, der,1 ed, kitchenette and bathroom, Corne smiling through the built-in cupboards, washer,/avail- doar. able now. Apply Arthur Apart- -Lovingly remembered by hus- ments. Apt. 1, 90 Quoen St. E. band and family. 44-1* 42-tf E.UNDLE-In laving memorY Of EIGHT-room houso suitablo for a dear dad, wha passed awayJ one or two famihies, situated one Nov. 2, 1951. mile off highway on good road; uNothing can ever take away hydro, telephone, water, immed- The lave a heart holds dear, iate possession. Clarke 2430. Fond memorios linger every day, 44-1* Remembrance keeps hlm near. P--Ahways remembered by his NICE bright flat, easy ta heat, daughter, Lola (Liz). 44-1* some stormn windows now on. Right down tawn in Bowman- RUNDLE-In memomy of aur ville, over Ontario Department dear grandfather, George Rundle, of Agriculture office; $40 a who passed away Nov. 2, 1951. month rent. Please contact King Sienthy the angels took Patty Taxi. 44-1* Into the mansion above _______________ Sunshino fades and shadows fal But sweet emembrance, out- W anted To Buy hasts ahI. ..-Grand-daughter Heather and AN electric mihking machine and grandson Frankie. 44-1* a milk cooler. Win. Dykstra, 1Newcastle 2165. 44-.i' RUNDLE-In having memomy of C Ladwa soe uth dear dad, George Rundie, who: . passed away Nov. 2, 1951. 1 in gaod condition. Phono MA 3- "Your last parting wish we 3522. 44-1 would like to have heard,1 NOW buying gaod egistered *And breathed in your ear aur certified and commercial oats last parting word; and barhey. E. Swain. Phono Only those who have lostare Blackstock 89 r il. 41-4* able ta tell The pain in the heart at not BEFORE selling your live poul- saying farewehl." try. try us. Our pnices are higp- -Ever remombered by bis or. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. -daugbter Mol, and son-in-law Phone 7 r 13. Reverse charges. Jack. 44-1l 51-ti TYLER-In laving memory of WANTED-Live poultry, goose zny dean husband, Soward Tyler, feathers, feather ticks' scrap who passodt away Nov. 8, 1953. iran, rags and metals. Raw In my heamt youn memory' lingers funs and deerskins. Phono 3-2043 Sweetly, tender, fond and Oshawa, coilect. 46-tf true.Wilas There is not a day, dean Seward W lPay Csh Now That I do flot think of yau. -Ever remembered by bis loy- for 25,000SCOTCH FIM Ing wife Evelyn, 44-le Christmas Trees Wainted To Rent pl TWOfumshe rSscentrally Richardson's Garage iocted. Phono MA 3-3373, ho- PONTYpOOL ONTcS *wSea8 and 7p:m - "4-le a-U i Articles For Sale HOCKEY ecquipment, complote goalie outfit. Phono MA 3-3474.1 44-1 SPACE heater, liko new, reason- able price. Phone MA 3-3083. 0 44-1 GRAY Lloyd travelcrib carrnage, in excellent condition. Phono MA 3-5792. 44-1* ONE cook stove with oil burners, two oil drums. Phono MA 3- 2675. 44-1* ELECTRIC ironer, table model, like now, $60.00. Phone MA 3- 2767. 0 44-1* ONTARIO potatoos, 75 lb. bags, delivered in Bowipanville. Phone MA 3-2473.- 31-tf SERVADOR electric refrigerat- or, in good condition, price $50. Apply 13 Orchard View Blvd. or Phone 3-5881. 44-1* FOUR-burner electric range with automatic oven. Mrs. Wm. Mc- Keowan. Phono Newcastle 3681. 44-1 TUDHOPE-Anderson cook stove in good condition, price $20.00. Fred Cowling, Burketon, Ont. Phone Blackstock 76 r 3. 44-i* ALLIS-Chalmers Model G trac- tor with plough and cultivator; a Frigidaire refrîgorator. Phone MA 3-2677. 44-1* HEAVY duty Maîl chain saw in good condition, also good sump pump. Phono MA 3-2068. 44-1 ONE colony of bees, 2 empty hivos, supers, drawn comb, ex- cluders, etc.; also 90-gallon oul drum. Phone Clarke 2430. 44-1* QUEBEC heater, dog houso, clos- ed ash sifter, cupboards, kitchen porcolain sink. Phone MA 3- 5898. 44-1* LADY'S green coat, size 14, col- lar trimmed with mink tails; baby's play pen. Phone MA 3- 3125. 44-1 SKATES-CI-iild's white pleasure skates, size 12; excellent for a beginner. Phono MA 3-2701. 44-1 * ONE green aIl-over design liV- ing-room rug, 6 ft x 9 ft.; one girl's raccoon coat, size 16. Phono MA 3-3287. 44-1 ALL aluminum combination doors and windows installed. For free ostimates Phone MA 3-2753. M. Jurko. 37-tf SAVE on lumber, direct from mill to you. Phillips Lumiber Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17r11. 13-tf DO your own floors -rent a sanader or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phono MA 3-5774. 34-tf DRY hardwood, $18.00 a cord; hardwood slabs, $18.00 a cord; softwood slabs, $10.00 a cord; sawed and delivered. Telephone Newcastle 2146. 38-tf SMALL quantity of Christmas trees. Apply Mrs. M. Olesen, R.R. 1, Bowmanville. Phono MA 3-2932, ovenings or week-ends. 44-1 * HEARING aid service, testing service and complote stock of batteries and côrds at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanvile. Phono MA 3-5438. 20-tf Singer Sewing Centre For Used or New Sewing Machines Rentais or Repair Phono OSHAWA 5-5443 for Prompt Service 44-tf1 CHOICE YOUNG TURKEYS ALL WEIGHTS DRESSED AND DELIVERED PHIL FINNEY Phone MA 3-2309 41-tf DO IT YOURSELF T IL E 71/c each and up - Alkinde Expert instructions supplled CUSTOM FLOORS LAID H. G. 'HEAL Phono MA 3-2902 Bowmanville 28-tf DECORATING " For tire Latest Paperu * Fdr tire Fineat j'aints " For tire Bost Workmanship S. G. Presion & Son Phones 3-5912 MA 3-37011 44-tf "CLIMATITE" ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS MALONEY ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOORS $59.50 insialled EASY TERMS ROSS CLARK Phone MA 3-3801 Bowmanvillo, Wanda's Boauty Shop 1 jArticles For Saile. IF backaches are slowing yeu up, take Rumacaps and help yourself .to reief from pains and aches. Ask your drugglst. 44-1 INSLULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanulip guaranteed. Free estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf USED pressure system, washlng machine, new steel roofihg, new' washing machine and plumbing supplies. See Harvey Partner, Tyrone. Phone MA 3- 2240. 44-2 MODERN washer with pumip, dlean, good condition,~ name your price; Evans Irigersoli player piano, very good condition, 19 roils. 187 King E. Dial 3-5548. 44-1 * KEYS tcut to àrder by' new, modern machines, automattcally, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bow- manville. Phone MAU 3-5408. 36-tf VENETIAN blinds - Stock sizes, white or eggshell siats, plastic or cloth matching tapes. Made- to-measure blinds a specialty; free installation; 28 tape and siat colors. Morris Co. Telephone MA 3-5480. 10-tf ARE you interested in buying a television set from a cornpany that guarantees service complote- ly free of any charge for one year fromn the date of sale? if so, inquire at Television Service ProtectioV Co., 3 Division St. S. Phono M A 3-3883. 44-1 Auciion Sales* I have received instructions from Mr. Max Smith to seli by public auction on Friday even- ing, Nov. 12th at Durham County Sales Arena at 8 p.m., his entire housohold effects. Lawrence Harris, clerk. Jack Reid, auc- tioneer. 44-1 Mr. R. R. Cochrane, Lot 8, Con. 8, Clarke Township, 2 miles north of Kendal, has sold his farm and will seli by public auc- tion on Saturday. Nov. 20th at 1 p.ip., his entire household of- fects. Terms cash. No reserve. Lawrence Harris, clerk. Jack Reid, auctioneer.. 44-2 Mrs. Fred Cornish, Lot 22, Con. 3, Hope Township, at Mor- rish, on No. 2 Highway, has sold hier farmi and wili seil by public auction on Saturday, Nov. 13th at 1 p.m., ahl her farmi stock, implements, and somo furniture. Terms cash. Lawrence Harris, clerk. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 44-2 John Patton & Sqn, Lot 6, Con. 8, Clarke Township, one conces- sion north, %/ mile east of Ken- dal, has sold hià farm and will seil by public auction on Satur- day, Nov. 6th, at 1 p.m. sharp, ail his farm stock, implements, 1954 Cockshutt "3011 tractor, hay, grain and furniture. Terms cash. No reserve. Lawrence Harris, clerk. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 42-3 Livestock sales are held every Monday evening commencing at 7 p.m. at the Durham County Sales Amena, situated a haîf mile west of the Provincial Forestry Station at Orono. Ail livéstock sold in the order in which it cames in. Your consignments are always appreciated. The place where buyer and seller meet. Owned and openated by Jack Reid, auctioneer. 42-3 Mn. Mike Zachonawich, Lot 1, Broken Front, Clarke Township, 1/2 mile east of Port Granby, has sold hîs farm and will soîl by public auctian on Wednesday, November l7th at 1 p.m., his entire herd of beef cattle,o Inter- national 21/2-tan truck, Massey- Harris 44 tractar, full lino of neamly new tractor machinery, 2,300 bales of hay, 800 bales of straw, 2,000 bus. of Lorain aats, many other items. Terms cash. Lawrence Harris, clerk. Jac~ Reid, auctionieer. 44- Auciion Sale I have received instructions from the Board of Education, Cartwright Public Schaol Area, ta soîl by Public Auction on Saiurday, Nov. Mi 1954 at the Recreational Hall Blacksiock The followîng Scirool Desks and other Sohool Equipment from thre six sehools, that have been sold. 59 Single Desks, 52 Double Desks, 9 Chair Desks, i Teach- er's Desk, 2 Pianos, 5 Stoves, 3 Faldîng Cots, 3 Clocks, estimated 16 Single Cords of Hardwood, 3 cords Kindling, 4 Tons Furnacel Coal, 4 Stop Ladders, a number of Cuphoards and numeroqs oth- or anticifs of school equipment. ý Let's make this a community sale. Residonts wishing ta sl anything at this sale are wel- came. Terma Cash - Sale at 1:30 p.m. Henry Thompsan, clerk. Clifford Pethick, auctioneer. 43-2 Livestock For Sale 65 LEGHORN pullets, laying. Phono MA 3-2521. 44-1 MALE collie pupa, 5 weeks old. Phono MA 3-3961. Ken Brooks. 44-1 LEICESTER ramn lamba, owo lambs and sheanhinga;- choice breeding stock. Ernest Lamner, Blackstock 5 r 2-2. 44-2 TWO 4x5 Graphie film holders. Rewalïd. Alan Richards, MA 3-2706. 44-if TWO Holstein heifers. Anyone having information of their whereabouta please Phono MA 3-2016. G. Bisschop, ".. 2, Burketon.441 ONE ýsmaIl bêagle, answers ta the nam~e of <Laly", in the vicin- itbf Port Perry. Anyone knbwing her.whereabouts please, [Phono Oshawa 5-6184. 44-1 COMING EVENTS Trinity Fali Fair, Friday, Nov. 12, 2 p.m. Tea 25c. Films for children, also baby-sitting serv- ice. 43-3 Reserve Nov. 3th, Dec. ist, 2nd,- 3rd, for the High School production of "Quality Street". * 43-6 Euchre at Devitt's Hall, Nov.! 5th. Ladies' and gents' pnizes. Ladies bring lunch. Gents 50c. 44-i Providence Farm Forum will bo held at Mm. and Mrs. Clarence Turner's on Monday, Nov. 8th. 44-1 Modern and old'time dancing every Saturday night in Tyrone Community Hall. Dancing from 9 tQ 12. Music by Sellecks' Musicaires. 40-tf Be sure tp get your tickets for Choral Socîety concert of Christ- mas music to ho held in Town Hall, December 1Sth and l6th. Tickets 75c. 44-2 Plan to attend the chicken shoot of the Goodyear Rod and Gun Club to be held at Norm Bothweli's on Saturday, Novem- ber 6 at 2:30 p.m. 43-2 Trinity Fal Fair concert, Trin- ity Church, Friday, Nov. 12, 8:15 p.m. Oshawa Barbershop Quar- tet Society assisted bY Mr. Klemi Hambung, violinist. 43-3 Anyone wishing to go to e the evening performance' of the Ice Capades on Wednesday, Nov. 24, 1954, cali Bowmanville MA 3-3811. 44-1 The Burketon Women's *As- sociation are holding their an- nual bazaar in the church on Weckuesday, November lOth, starting at 2 o'clock. Everyone welcome. 44-1 Bowmanville Badminton Club directors are holding a dance this Friday, November 5th, et the Club House. Dancing 9 until 1. Lou Deweli's Orchestra. Admis- sioni $2 per couple. 44-i Plan to attend the annuel Evening Auxiliany Bazaar and afternoon tea in Maple Grove Church basement on Wednesday afternoon, Nov. lOth, fromn 2:30 p.m. on 44-1 Anniversary dance of Black- stock O.N.O. Club ini Cartwright Recreational Centre, Friday, Nov. 12, 9:30 to 1. Bryce Brown's Orchestra. Lunch. Prizes. Every- one welcome. $1.00 each. 44-1* The Salvation Army Home Loague will hold their annual pre-Christmas sale in the Salva- tion Army Citaclel, Division St., Friday, November 19th, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. 44-3 Remnember the date, Nov. l8th, for St. Andrew's Church bazaar in the schooi room. Aprons, towels, fancy-work, home bak- ing, aftemnoon tea. Booths open at 3 p.m. 44-i Hospital Auxiliary Sale of home-knitted children's sweat- ers, socks, men's socks, fancy- work. good used clothing, Satur- day, Nov. 6, 3-6 p.m., St. John's Parish Hall. Tea sorved, 25c. 44-i Newtonville United Church Woman's Association Bazaar, Wednesday, Nov. lOth, 2:30 p.m. in the Sunday School. Home c o o k i n g and miscollaneous booths. Lunch served, 25e and Newtanville United Church Thank-Offening Services, Sun- day, Nov. 7th, 2,30 p.m. Rev.M. C. Fisher, B.A., speaker; Junior Choir. 7:30 p.m., Rev. S. J. Pike and Part Hope Male Chorus. 44_1* Recdl Estate For Sale FI VE-roomed brick house, cent- raily located, 3-piece bath, fumn- ace, double garage, immediate possession. $1.500 down, balance as rent. MA 3-3183. 44-2 EVANS REAL ESTATE For homes, larms, tobacco fanms. building lots, at reason- able prices, in Durham County, contact W. C. Evans, Broker Phone 84 - 17 Orôno ~41-4 J. VAN NEST REAL ESTATE NEEDS LISTINGS Let Us Soul Your Home, Farm or Business Cail in and talk lt over 118 KING STREET EAST BO WMAN VILLE PhoneMA 3-3230 42-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Propertles Sold. Rented.- Managed and Appraised L. M. AL LI SO N Real Estate Broker Phono 25b6 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signae, Newcastle. 20-tf Pedwell Real Esiate 14'arms and all other properties, businesses, etc., for sale. H. C. Pedwell, Broker, Newcastle Phono 38-SSL 25-tf O. E. CARSON REAL ESTATE Homes-In Oshawa, Bowman- ville and Port Hope vicinity. Businesses - Theatres, stores, garages, factories and summer propenties. We particularly need a few farms, any size. O. E. Carson Realtors Chas. D. Rankine 52 King St. W. MA 3-2762 Bowmanville 44-1 EVAN'S REAL ESTATE New 6 room,- stucco house, funnace, 3-pieco bath, immediate possession, $6,500. $1,500 down. New 8-room apartment house, stucco. 2 bathnooms, extra lot, $7,800. $1,500 down. New 5-room stucco house, furnace, -garage, $4,000. $2,000 down. 85 acres of choice land on county road, 30 minute drive ta Oshawa; new hîp-roof barn, 8- room frame house, hydro, $13,000. 190 acres %/ mile fmom high- ways and village, well fenced, 2 springs. bush, 10 acres refores- tation, good barns and stables, brick pig pen, hon house, 8 room frame house, $8,000. $2,000 down. M9 level acres on highway joining villages; sprîng, good hip-roof barn and stabling; 8- room stone house, hydro. $20,000. Several other farms, tobacco farms, housos and lots for sale. W. C. Evans, Broker Phono 84 - 17 Orono 44-1 De WITH REAL ESTATE 100 acre farm, 95 acres work- able, 1 mile from highway, large L-shapod - bank barn, driving shed, hon house, etc.; 14 moomed insulated insulbrick house, suit- able 'far two families; hydro throughout. Price $15,000. Con- sider house for down payment. 200 acre farm, 100 acres bush, trout stmeam, well, 50x30 ft. bank barn, driving shed, 6 moomed frame dwelling. Price $4,500. 230 acre farm, i mile from hîghway, 100 acres workable, cneek, close ta school and church, 70x36 ft. bank barn, sheep pen, driving shed, 8 room- ed brick house, heavy duty wir- ed. Asking price $14,000. Temms. 92 acres of dlay loam pasture, 4 acres wood, springs, good fences. Price $4,500. Terms. 57 acre farm, close ta high- way and villagè, 40 adres work- able, lots of wator, 60x30 ft. bank barn, milk house, wells, driving shed, etc.; 8 roomed frame house with furnace, heavy duty wired. Price $8,000. 5 roomed ranch type bun- galow, ail heated, with 4-pioco bathroom, hardwood floors, laundry tubs, electric heater, recroation room in basement, nice size living-room. Price $10,000. Terms. 4 roomed unfinished bungalow at Courtice, 1 acre lot. Pnico $2.200. 6 roomed claphoard house, Bowmanville, with bathroom, garage, built-in cuphoards, sow- or and water. Price $5,000. Terms. 8 roomed, newly painted and re-moofed clapboamd house on highway, with bathroom, water pressure system, electric heater, handwood floors, partly heavy dut~y wîreu; 1Uacre lot. 1z-in. Cartwright L oc ai Ontario $9,000. Tenms. Farmers' Union elections and ne- 14 noomed bnick apartment view of Alliston Convention, Fnl- bouse in Bowmanville, good in- day, Novemben Sth at 8:30 p.m., came roturn. Asking price Community. Hall, Blackstock. $8.500. Terms. Came and hear the Union's stand Besides the above mentioned on producer marketing. Ail wel- properties we have 30 farms, 10' came. 44-i homes and sevemal businesses to choose from. Plan Io .pttend Bowmanville Contact Art Gnaup disphay of paintings John F. De With, Realter at Community Centre on Nov. Newcastle Phono 3341 2th from 2 p.m. ta 6 p.m. Toa F rSaeorR n i wilh ho served. Mm. Arnold Hadg- FrS l rR n kins will do a domonstration of __________ painting between 3 and 4. Ad- SIX-room house In Pontypool,1 mission, 35c. 44-3 hydro, 60 cycle, constant hot1 water, 3-piece bathroo'0 garageý The Darlington Fao o t b a il and gardon; fumnture opýtional. League are holding their annual John St., East side, 2nd house dance and cup presentatian at North of school. HO 1881, Newcastle Community Hall on Toronto. 15 Fairside Ave. 41-51 Fniday, November 5th, 1954. - --- Bryce Brown and his Sevenaimosi Pets For Sale orchestra, Oshawa, wil ho in at -_____ _______ tendance. Tickets wilho avail- FOUR Col't;e puppies, black and able from your local football white. Phone MA 3-2355. 44-1* club. Admission $1.00 per per- --- - - --- son, which includes a draw for FIVE hound pups and beagle $75.00 worth of door prizos. fomale: gaod hunter. Phono New- 1 Dancing 9 pan. ta i1aam. 42-3 castle 2440. 44-11 Real Estate For Sale Ppportunity NIXON REAL ESTATE New 5-room bungalow, 3-pieco bath, furnace, heavy wiring, ful basoment, immediate possession. $1,200 down. 6-room solid brick, bath, ail furnace, hardwood floors, base- ment, verandas, storm doors and windows, garage. $6,500. 5-roam new framo bungalow, heavy wiring, full basemont, in- sulated, cuphoards, cook stove, well, etc. $5,500. Terms. 6-room house, insulated, heavY wiring, %/ acre land, $3,000. $1,000 down. Lot, 90 ft. frontage, with cellar excavated with footing, with wator and sewer ta basement. 4-raom bungalow, 2 bedrooms, livingroom, modemn kîtchen. Pargain for quick sale. Many more bouses and farms. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvflle Dial MA 3-5682 44-1* Pedwell Real Esie $12,000-120 acres on paved road, 6 room frame house, hydro, watem, telephane, banl< barn 40'xlOO', silo and other build- ings. Buildings ahane worth more than the asking prico. Haîf cash or your bost off or. $6,500-New 5-raom bungalow, all canveniences, close ta Bow- manville. $1.000 cash will handle. $6,300-One ta 16 acres can ho bought with brick and cernent block house, 12 rooms newly remodelled, attached garage. On a gaod road close ta New- castle. Easy terms can ho ar- *ranged wîth immediate posses- sion. We have a number of new farm listings in the Lindsay district. Contact us before buying. H. C. Pedwell, Broker Newcastle Phono 38-SSL 44-i LEASK REAL ESTATE HUNTING LODGE in Haliburton district, 2 miles from paved road. Adjoinîng miles af, trackless territory, ex- cellent hunting and fishing; 5 rooms, campletely fumnished, large fireplace, insulated, accom- modation for sleeping 8 persans. A work shop which could ho used for sleeping quarters. Boat and outboard motar. This is an excellent buy for a summer cot- tage-. For further information or pictures on inside and out- side of cottage contact us. 8 oomed solid brick house, 2 apartments, ail fumnace, 3 ver- andas, double garage, large lot; centmally located on one of the best streets in Bowmanville. Full price $7,250.00. 120 acre farm on No. 2 High- way, one mile from Bowman- ville, best of dlay loam soil, bank barn, water bowls, cooler, cernent silo, hon house, imple- ment shed. Milk cantract. Well fenced. We have lots, bouses, ýarms and businesses in Bowmanville and surmounding district. M. E. Loask, Broker 65 Ontario St. Bawmanville Telephone MA 3-5919 44-i Help, Wanted WOMAN as campanian and help with housewomk. Apply Box 253 c/o Caifadian Statesman. 44-1 EARN good money in your spare time. Pin boys wanted at Matyn's Bowling Academy. 43-4 A woman ta cane for two child- mon for raom and board and small wages. No housewomk. Apply Mrs. G. Petersan, 68 East Beach, Bowmanville. 44-i HOUSEKEEPEI4 for home in country, with modemn canven- iences. Phono Bowmanville MA 3-2645 between 12:15 and 1 p.m. 44-1* WANTED: Man for steàdy travel among consumers in Bowman- ville. Permanent cannection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustier considered. Write Rawleigh's, Dept.- K-140-131- Montreal, P.Q. 44-1 FOR sure success start your awn business with a permanent year round way of making $$. 150 PULLETS, five ta six months aid. Murray Osborne. Phono MA 3-2134. 44-1' TELEVISION sets ta repair after Manday, Oct. i8th. Phease Phono MA 3-3883. 41-tf HOUSE with a few acres or smali farm nean Bowmanvîlle, under V.L.A. Phono MA 3-2125. 44-1* HOUSEKEEPING raom, central 'location, desired by working girl at once. Apply Box 256, c/o Canadian Statesman. 44-1 ELDERLY lady desires 3-roomn- s-d heated apartment, ground floor prefemred central location. Apply Box 255, c/o Canadian Statesman. 44-il DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly 'for sanitar disposai. Telephone collect: Co- ourg 1266 or Toronto EM. 3-3636. Gardon Young Lim.ited. 80-tf BECOME a book-keeper, stenog rapher or typist. Lessons 50e Canadian Correspondence Cour For Sale - Exchangê BEAGLE hound, thoroughbred, j running rabbits, or will trade fqf good fox hound. Hugh Palmer 5 Beamish St., Port Hope. 44-14 Found farm in September. Owner m~ have sanm on identificatioP. Clarke 3821. 44-2~ Cars For Sale '49 AUSTIN, 4-passenger, in good repair. Phone 2841, New- castle. 44-1 '41 OLDSMOBILE coach, '39 Ford, cheap for cash; 2 truck tires, 7.50x17, 7.00x17. Perman- ent antifreeze, three dollars a gallon. -Ernest D. Knapp Auto Wreckers. MA 3-5756. 44-1 Room and Board FOR a middle-age person for ~companionship., App]ly at 41 Church St., or Phono MA 3-5861. 44-10 Work Wanted DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for custom killing. Phoné MA 3-3243. 32-tf DUTCH girl, 20 years old, wants housework; independent. Phone MA 3-3936. 16 Silver St. 44-1* PLASTERING, chimneys bujît and ropaired. Caîl Herman Van De Boît, 35 Waverly Rd. Phone MA 3-3694. 43-2* CLERK-typist desires part time work or work at home. Apply Box 257, c/o Canadian States. man. 44-1 FLOOR* and wall tule laid, cup- boards built or any carpentry work done. M. Jurko. Phone NEW plhtering and repairs, waterproofing basoments, al work guaranteed. Free estimates. A. C. Woods. Phono collect 23 r 04, Newtonville. 43-4* SAVE MONET AT DAV E'S SHOE REPAI SKATES SHARPENE 4 35 TEMPERANCE ST. Mnr GENERAL CONCRETE AND MASONRY Construciion or Repair Estimates Free L. TURNER P.O. BOX 177, BOWMANVILLE J 43-t1 ]BULLDOZING G EXCAVATING TRENCHING . LOADING DRAGLINE - CLAM WORIL Trucks and Loader for Gravel and F111 Jobs Tripp Consiruciion PORT FERRY 392W A. E. (S-AMMY) COLE Plumbing and Heaiing AGENT FOR Mor-Sun The Furnace wlth thre 10-year guarantee 26 Ontario St., Phone MA 3-3473 BOWMANVILLE (Formerly Bothwel & Cole) 30-tu Addifional Classified Trn Page fr -,ém uORT THfTJISAY NOV. 404, 1ui CODMECIALL CLAS8IFIEDS Includes ail advertising fi personsa: fmatir lngservices&, Sa o ds01ai ny description -3c per word; minimum charge 75c cash witb arder. To regulai advertisers payoble monthiy Dis ploy Ciossilied at $1.50 peî lanc? with a minimum ai ane inch. Addltional insertions at the samne rotes AU l Cassified Adi muni be te this office flot loter than Il o'oiock noon. Wednesday. Snd cash. stonips or manev order and sav* maney. Clip thus outwfrhandy reference

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