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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Nov 1954, p. 1

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~înabx4w. t4te.1UU ""Durham County's G,4ct Family Journal" WVOLUME 100 BOWMANIJILLE., ONTARIO, TH URSDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, 1954 10e PER OOPYNUBR4 ~.H. S. Gridders Fight for Titie Saturday '1ucsf ut Contfrec Remembrance Portraitof a Goo egho Hears Bishop of Lewes SrieSna At Town-Hall 'At Inspiring Sessions The community service o remenibrance for those from A Conference on the Town Rural Church,"1 followed by a Bowmanville and District who and Country Chiurch -was held worthwhile panel discussion fell in two World Wars will be at St. John's Anglican Church, h e by Rev AIa Rd of edathTonHladte cnaredy v In e OMemoriai Cenotaph on Sunday Bowmanville, on Monday, un- 1Barrie. beginning at 10.30 a.m. der auspices of Town and Rev. T. A. Nind, a former The service is joîntly spon- Country Church Committee,.~rco ee eddvtoa sored by the Mayor and Town Diocese of Toronto of which peida on fe uc Council, the Bowmanville Min- Rev. W.on N.te Tlrerofow isterial Association, and Branch manville is chairman. A very over 50 delegates embarked 178 of the Canadian Legion. distinguished guest, the Rt. on a field trip to Garnet Rick- Members of the Bowmanvile Rev. Geoffrey Hodgson Warde; ard's seed cleaning plant, the Legion Branch will form Up at LordBisop f LwesWaSBrovie far an Duhamthe Legion Hall at 10.15 a.m. prsn attis of erece. Brwiwfamad uhm and march to the Town Hall, oreta th pst thnree.wes Growers' Co-operative Cold 'headed by the BowmanvilJ4 Le- Fo h atthe ekStçrage plant. ýgion Pipe Band. Bishop Warde has been in the O ler rtrBso e.Wre .TreRv ., United States visiting Roarn- On ae a return isop T. Ae., Rev.dTr Aridge Rural Training Founda- Wardegaea adesonTA.MgnRvHrldu- tio inParvile, issuriand"Impressions from Salina and ner, Lieut. John Hamn and Rev. 4 ~ /. other entres of nterest inEngland," flodbyserlF. B. Fifield will take part in connection with Town and 'five minute reports, on Salina, the service, and the naines of 'Country Church work. given by Canon J. M. Brown- the fellen will be read by His TownandCoutry*Chuclilie, T. E. Downey, H. C. Cross, Worship, Mayor Morley Van- Tow an Contr ChrchAllan Nield, Ralph Porritt'and stone. Two minutes' silence isa comparatively recent idea ilbosevdathCn- having corne mbi being orl Rev. Turner who presided. wahtIl e m observ ed t theeo since the end of World Wàr II. Mayor F. Morley Vanstone placing of wreaths. SIn England, as in Canada and Ilbrought greetings fromn the Following the ceremony at the United States, the object town to the Conference at the the Cenotaph, the Legion mem- of this organizAtion is to brin i supper hour. bers will parade to St. John's the rural church back into the1 The evening session, open to Anglican Church to take part centre of the picture and have the public, was a joint meeting in the Service there beginning . .. .. ... .. .. .it figure more prominently in 'of the Conference and the- at 11.15 a.m. the life of the comrnunity. Great Chapter of the Rural Plotting one (,i the plays they will use against Quinte Secondary School In discussing what he bas ýDeanery of Durham and Nor- team of Belleville when they meet themn h ere on Saturday afternoon in a game to seeri of this work in Canada thumberland. Bishop A. R. decide the Central Ontario Secondary Sehools Association championship are the six and the U.S.A., Bishop Warde Beverley presided. After a Bao ns la husky members of the Bowmanville High School Junior "B" rugby teah-u shown stated lie was impressed with few words from Rev. Turner, above. Sarting ith numer 40 o the botom andrtheivigourkwand tzealiddfrTohe vagufilmddealing ownithfltheework withthe wor abo e. tatin w th um er 0 o t e botom nd rea ing cl ckw se th gidd rs and Country Church officials of Town and Country Church n e in g G ~a rnie are: Lewis Bickle, Fred Vanstone, Jim Ferguson, Dave McCullough, Roger Cook and who are tackling the job with iin the United States wasg ]Brian Trimble. The B.H.S. squad earned the right to meet Quinte for the champion- real enthusiasm. shown.Sau d v N ahMr.auHynlan ugrinaywoha ship) by defeating Port Hope in two gam es of a homne-and-home serirs to win the Bishop F. H. Wilkinson of- Bishopa Warde addrsse thsPvd al Grove l d istitfrtels 5yas a Lakeshore championship. They also defeated Pickering District High School 15-12 Holyte Communionl Srice.' ThY assembly on the work of Town The Bowmanville Barons both hostess and honored guesta nqeeethl:i on Monday. Game time Saturday is 2:30 p.m. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope daly waCorno th ie . ht an ad Country brin to"he hurc of a the Lakeshoe HockeeMae _____alo th ig t anni ad Ci o ty Or j,"he wiîîc po the i fîes ho e HocayM a l Grove Church on Oct. 2. In c te pai n o h r vrso ar f te c n e r to f b c n o t e lv s 0 h League schedule on Saturday death M rs. H aynal follow ed t h o d H ng r n cu t m f I~I v: -io skn Pr je is Gunma Ro s BshoWare.people.' In speaking of Can- ffihat830 o'clockwhen they entertaining a Ls upr.Iher frens t H. K. Matson delivered a pa- one day be one of the greatest ets. is in honor of the event which a teddb 5 h ,2r a e 1 n e n n s Nichols Garage' e "The__Challenge ofte1countries the world has known. Playing Coach Ernie Dickenswhe rwl iaspito squad with the addition of Bil plete account of the event isgie nE.Y ng ns Berwick, left-winger, who play- column. Early Saturday Morigage on Building erel winhter sandTrc For Service Extensions hereeo gunma wihor and Cle re yCrsta AieaPoit$,O ~h m ttr f in ncn t e he en in er h dthe man he was ro bn ,Barons will be looking for a 4Jtruction of a trunk sewer that the cost would work out robnwin to get off on the right foqt RWI:i Liberty Place north to tomade Off with $60 in bills and frtesao thmadb MedovewBolvadwhicn 5cnspr otanal change from Roy W. Nichols' > f lscal fans are assured of a goodTu would also serve property over the 20-year period of the garage-showroom at Courtice L g o P l n em ny contest. T r e v ownesflogLbryS.nrhdbnue ofnneie Donations are coming in far~. ersalog ibetySt.noth ebetues o inaceitheearly Saturday morning after The public dance to be stag- A letter was received fromn ly well for, the fufid te pay for E plWoncession St. was discuss- said, and had recommended holding the night watchman at ed by the Bowmanvlle Branch Provincial Command of the the team's eqtîipment. and those '..i.rfrfen d Cn r it e eanat the regular meet- that the town pay 7 cents of gunpoint while he cleaned out of the Canadian Legion in aid Canadian Legion asking thewhbaentytmd thi ~ig ofTow opilM trunk sneer, wih therpera aty etl.o h ae.ntytmd might ofTw.o~lMna this, sinert wil she re a atheti 9f the,-Women's Auxiliary of the Branch's opinion ~nallowing donation to assure the future Cliff Samis, Treasurer of theAsota$133othsa un The problom in connection owners paying the remang Edsal Graham, who was on Memnorial Hospital, Bowman- social memberships. The meet- of hockey in Bowmanville are Arena Management Committee,betndovrothBwa- with financing this approxi- 18 cents. The usual cost to duy as night watchman, told ville, will be held at the Legion ing went on record as being asked to do so without delay.trndora euefr$,0 vle ismnCbto sis mately 3,400 feet of trunk sew- property owners for smaîîer Police the man rapped on the iHall on Friday, November 19, definitely opposed to granting Cotiuin a egvn t thed ro ea hed o e ora tmnmetigth0dbnt, or mains is that thore are some jsewers on side streets is 14 garage window about 4:20 a m. it was announced at the regu- mnemberships of this type. Walter DeGeen, Nelson Os- tion of the Bowmanville Memor-pyensfraticliewhh Iengthy stretches of farma land 1cents per foot. Council mem- and said his car had etalled i lar meeting of the Branch held Comnade Ah Mavin announc- borne, Frank Jamieson, Blain l Arena during the 1953-54 t1yhv nerrtewt included in it and the owners ' bers foît that residents on Lib- four miles down the road. He last Thursday night. ed that the Legion Pipe Band Elliott or Ron Abbott, or* left soason, to Mayor Morley Van- the$6 ean object to paying a high front- lelty St. from Liborty Place to lot the man in the front door, Use of the hall will be donat- play at the Peter Campbell at either of the banks or the stone at the regular meeting of reanntob age tax for a sewer along this 1Concession St. should not be wereupon he pullod a gun ed by the Legion and aIl pro- Memorial Arena, Port Hope, to Bowmanville Arena. Town Council Monday night. gintoheBwai]eRc farm land. asked to contnibute, since they and told him to hand over the ceeds above expenses will be open the hockey season for the Following is a list of hockey He pnesented the financialnetoDicornbscacty Coun. Nelson Osborne re- are already serviced by a money. contibuted to the Hospital Orono Orphans, and would also boosters in Bowmanville fromi stateinent to counicil, and alongasAnaM agr ported on estimates of cost he tsma]l sewer. Graham said the guoman, 1 uxiliary. Farasoa-lay for the armistice service October 27 to Novemben 3- Wal- with Bob Watt, chairman of the MyrVntn ogauae hdreceived from engineers Tho town solicitor had ne- whomn he descnibed as being Comnade Jim Faras n fthe Fairmount Branch on ter Rahm, Bowmanville Foun-Co iteasrd uto~ heom teenteexlln and asolos theopinineoftpeniporedothttheeelivedehe abutt3 or 0,ewsiasenigt-hn ncNdthat bdane14fr LeeNoveberu4.dTere durde dr, nDoaldHH.Wiiialia Wisof cuncilofson lst seson ojobtoeyhave one n beaif townsoliîto as o wethe proert ownrs long theened as he was. Aften getting gion, Legion Ladies Au xiliary, room for some of the Legion. frid Carruthers, Glen Rae Dai' very successful operations. The ofj etw uigteps theowersofthefam popr-route would he hiable for the the money, the hold-up mand ieBn ebr wi]l members to accompany the ry, Rohert Noble, Sid Price, statement showecd total receip [sjnsptofaltfprb the owners of the farm proper bp ma hel tteHl nNoe-bn nte ties along the route would be cost if the sewer was of use fled on foot in the darkness. hon 13. e rp, .esi Robent Kennett, J. H. Aborne- fo $26,254.98 during 1953-54 and jos hyhv oealto liable to pay the frontage tax. to them, Coun. Osborne stated. Oenw mmeRbn Comnade Ross Rice was wel- thy. Coronation Cafe, Maurice disbunsements of $26,169.1 Thewok itveyite las" Howevon, the solicitor pointed bn R.w 2, Newcastberwa comed to the meetink and Breslin, W. Hamilton, George balance on hand as of Octoer . odcae,"u hn h ~ out that the t wn culd ork T -~iÂ~, E1 ~ j ~ ~ ino mem ershp by thanked the members for the Vice and Roy Lunney. was $1,949.37 and it was this o h iiesae vr out what it helieved wou ld he o w Elg b vV I ~ PoietRs cngtad ery fine Christmas boxes ho amount, plus some receîpts toiwl aife ihtefn a Leg ion Ladies a fair proportion of the cost Thir /-en be h1 fo -h C..rn 5bntysa tSnybokR vso o r ocuc instances of signs boing over-, tansto Mn.Wtte Mn.h *ms1e ariatfthfîei~b turned, some incidents of a m ore' and teo t e M e.W tM ers of the the d s ed fec ol r akr Durha*m Finals ~surrousninge ditrilct. nte>a h he ebr fmh surunig itrc.Committee for their bard work. up h rubeaya Pu li torago barn on tepoet Pu lc neaing f o Roy, R.R. 4, Bowman-' 10 ie - w I ý ilnean the Bethesda Ceme- e s~ i n i In Orno Frclay tory, was burned to the ground Ve s tl i erySunday morning. This fin iî eleved to bav benrh In'r O rn 10~s nt cOtshow ae en Thene wene 10 contestantswork of Hailowe'en vandals, a /a i > In the public speaking contost iSwsntwnd o lcnct for the West Durham public and no one had heen in the' schools held at Solina on oct. building on Saturday. M. and 27. The five winners wiîî com-MsRoweeaandabu at& OoooFriday, Nov. 2:30 Sunday morning by passingTo Hp F o d V i im r te D h m fi asmoo ts who told them that theT e cii ns o B w a vi e d n es om d r îc no spaeswr:storage barn was ablaze. By theh1 t tt jSa gro h e s p e a k e r s w e r e T e r t e M n. R o y r a c h e d t h e b u i l d - -- v e n o î m n r a i e t ~ r a i g h , H a m p o n - I s e c t s ; i n g i w a s n a n l y b r n e d d w n -i n s t o r e f o r t h e n i o n N o v e m b e n g r o u s M s M l co n Jack Swain, Blackstock - iy ng ho did notrl 'phonte ow- hinfTrnowîlpoetth t argon. Institute; Betty DeVries,mavleFnDeatet ,-seeispîntthop- nekS mock , - B e Can adîMai- Sto ed in the barn were apple 1 18h in c nc r and 19 ~et sh w hsevce o the Golde M ilenîtyw n ell Smih Bet n - Mari- 3 boxes and ba rels and other ' Chat th f To rn t Hall unden t e i te h nc u da' S nBl; AinS.S ,articles of fanm equipment. Mn. tercnetadvit hwi ýeauspices of the Bowmanville Patotepncdso e videne -Advertising; Be- Roy estimated the boss at about -Kinsmen Club. show wl o dntd b h v e r l y S m i t , C e n t r a l S c h o o , $ 1 , 0 0 0 , o n y p a r t o f w bi c b w a s , -t t h e T î ] o w kng m tsl fd r t h e p r - Bomavile- nda;Wsly ovre b israce Te uidsýTded Chor, f35 mixed voic-'KHicnaîecuiefte pi.xon, Boys' Training Schooi - ed bya mnuane Thede huild- Ip 35 m..e voe- HibntoRlefFn ho Spiders; Norma Jakeman, Fal- ngasocted about a quarter- - fess inl bt Kînsmen Club fhîh pro- ath mile from the other farm build- japae rvos\ tSa-$00frtî ups Il e o l a i y n B l ; in g s so th ere w as n o d an g er of - -.b asa p ar n e bt o g d n tdu h m boogh, Mount Albert and New-Teon iai llgon-Naue' roetin Halbowe'en rowdies also broke On the occasion of the Earle Grey Festival leqft to right: Mns. Tom Buttery, president ol WVomes mahet asldn Mteuor groul p. of Sml nml;Hwr l h idw ntePo-Company's presentation of the Shakespearean comedy, Institute; 0. F. Robson, president of Rotary; James Marr, sung ov r radio station CFRB, ltthienetie PRundle, Ontario St. School, idence School and many in the "Telth ]Dowmanville - Casa Lomna. Salem sehool. Some maiboxes TefhNight" in the Town Hall, Oct. 27, the newly president of Lions Club; Mayor Morleoy' Varnstone; Miss Toronto, on the Kate- Aitken i Thersre etpa p- Winners wene: Jack Swain, were abso ipped up and out- decorated auditorium was officially opened by Mayor Isabelle Davis, preiident of Business & Prof essional show and dnew a groat deai of atM( Gco' rgSoeo Bowinanvill; ely Dmithoni bosesveritarnes f ow Morley Vanstone. Wilfrid Carruthers, chairman of the Women's Club; Mr.( Carruthers, and Earle Grev a,-; hel favorable comment. No oetac0rsre e' Traîning~~~~~~~~~ Seol om eeas eotda rn~n roperty Committee, told of the redecorating program and, appeared in the rolet of Malvolio. nadto "m Onyoepr ]30a1 T Fais Schoo],Nom 0w r arepe w t yrn an from such Braýyshows as pucaedfo nymme .r~iRuncie. wmaniueV j oec ~ badi ct~ called on the presidents of the four organizations who have' -Photo by Carson Studio, Port. Hope Olhmtogopas r-j~.Avnesl ikt a WI Rude omnil. te ae contributions to the decorating pro gram. From g ents a variety program of folk ofthKimeClb

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