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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Nov 1954, p. 5

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~oeT7j7 - +zr-~tw -~ -~~':~ ~L - -- -,-- -.-~~w-~~* - - -'. - ,TH'M7RAY NOV. 4th, 1954 TZ CANADIAN UTATESKM. BOWBLA2Vff L.. ONTAWO PAGE Ilm lemperance Minded Citizens Plan Educational Programme- During Banquet Held Here A banquet meeting of tem- perance minded people fronm several churches in town was lield ini the Lions Community Centre on the evening af Octo- ber 26th. The chie! address Was delivered by Rev. E. W. LEmalley oýf Toronto, Eastern Mpresentative of the Ontario % ijnperance F'ederation. He was C~orted at the head table by ether clergymen of. the town Who also addressed the meet- jg in regards to the seriaus ~cial canisequences presently arising from the increasing 11oW of alcohol. The toli of vic- tiTIs, it was indicated, would give rise ta a new "white man's plague." 16W In hif7address, Mr. Smalley beferred ta Cain's attitude ta- ward his brother Abel. AI- though God did flot claim that he was "his brother's keeper" ini the sense that he shouid keep Abel in a cage, yet he Was respansible for hlm ta God Os a brother "whose blood cri- *th unto me from the ground". IBO we as Christian citizens can- flot either privately or public- Iy go through a hand washing ceremony in connection with a narcotic like aicohol which is causing so much distress in our' ALUMINUM CABLE from Canada was used in a Peruvian high- voltage power line, installed at altitudes of from 13,000 ta 15,000 feet-the world's highest. Canada supplied flot only the cable but alsa the technical assistance required on this record job. We imagine that aluminum's light weight was kparticularly appreciated by the ilamas or whatever other beasts of burden were used ta get the cable ta the top. .ý- In the rugged mountain .filountry of British Columbia where Alcan's own huge Kit imat development is going on, the *alumninum transmission uines used represent another record: they- are the largest-diameter overhead power lines in the world. Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd. (Alcan). I fast maving age. When the addresses wi completed there was a gene discussion of alcoho' proble and it was feit there was n< for an educational prograrm on a local basis. So a comn tee compased of two represg tatives from each cburch: presented at the meeting v formed for that purpose. The ladies o! aur local S vation Army served an exc lent meal on tables which WE beauti!uliy decorated and w: a combined Thanksgiving a Hallowe'en motif. SALEM rere rai eed ime tlit- ien- re- was al- el- ,ere ith and Mr. and Mrs. Art Youngma and family, Tyrane, withem. t and Mrs. Gerald Shackleton. Mrs. Roland Shackleton, Mr. Gardon Shackleton and Fred, Miss Gladys Chapman, Hamp- tan, with Mr. and Mns. Ken 7Shackleton. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rey- nolds, Maple Grave, Miss Bes- sie His, Lakeview, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig. Miss Joan Cann, Bowman- .ville, Miss Gerda Craig with Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell and family, Town, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist. Mrs. Fred Smith, Miss Grace Smith, Long Sault; Mr. and Mrs. J. Cook and family, Miss Carol Chant, Hampton, Mr. Joe McGill, Enniskillen, with Mr. and Mrs. H. McClure. Mrs. Mc- Clure Sr., Brampton, bas also been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. McClure. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Werry and family, Mrs. Norman Rickard, Shaw's, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Werry, Ehenezer, wîth Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Werry. Miss Ruby Lane, Town,1 with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster and Darella, MIs. J. Lancaster, Newtonville, with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Buttery. Mrs. Editb Sberwin and Law- rence, Orano, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brysan, Town, with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Welsh. Our Harvest Home Services were well attended on Sunday. There was speciai music by the choir. Mr. R. Coambes was guest soloist in the afternoon. Mrs. Roy Topping and Mrs. Ted Hoar !avored with two duets in the evening. These musical selections were very mucb ap- preciated by ail present. The guest speaker at bath servides was Rev. H. Turner o! St. Paul's Cburch, Bowmanville, wba gave twa very fine ser- mons. Praceeds fram collection $131. There was a large crowd at the Hallowe'en party an Fniday night. There were many inter- esting and varied costumes making the judges' decision a difficuit task. David Johnson is a patient in Memorial Hospital failowing an operation for appendicitis on Sunday nigbt. Miss Beatrice Craig is also in Memorial Hospital. Best wishes ta both for a speedy recovery. $LOANSs Are your present monthly commit- mnstohayto carry? CosutBelvetoday for an easier 1 way to lighten your financial $ worries.$ A plan to suit every income. $ A Beilvue Loan is as near $ as your Phone. $ BELLVUE FINANCE $ G H Wilson, Manager $ 29% Sifncoe St. S. Oshawa PHIONE OSHAWA 5-112J %%I'qm SUE AN APPLIANCE STORE WOULD 14AVE A~ 6"J BEAPNGWER THPN 'lOUPS, 10 OUR PROLM!#à Enjoy Botter Liv ing-EI.c--- 'uLliving )NltIm cLow-Cost iEIctrie Appliance.frai. HIOO@N ELECTRIC B3-M sE AWNOEIUD Box 360 EEIAL@ELECTEUS Bnianvil.e 38 King St. M nuom APPLMNCM AMU Ontario 'W .n One.'qf -the Voluabl e Pirzes and, have fun playing the L 41 Store No. 19 is Store No. 20 is Store No. 21 il Store No. 22 is It's simple - This is ail you have to do' Each week there will be a number of pictures appear in this same space. These pictures have been taken in one of the stores listed below. You simply eut out the pictures, and f jîl in the name of the store you think the picture was taken i. At the end of the cantest an entry form will be printed and after you f ili it out you attach all your pictures and either mail or send it i to contest headquarters (to be announced later). The decision as to winners by the Bowmanville Chamber of Com- merce will be final. As many entries may be entered from one persan as they wish. Employees and owners of the participating stores and The Canadian Statesman and their immediate families are not eligible. Four hundred dollars in merchandising certificates will be given 1 away by the mÎerchants participating, redeemable at their store only- First i prize is $100, 2nd--$75, 3rd-$50, 4th-$25 and the next 15 winners willl receive $10 each. Start the contest to-day - you'll have lots of fun and may make yourself some easy Christmas money. Back copies of The Canadian Statesman containing the contest pictures are available. Store No. 23 is 0 Stôre No. 24 is Each Picture has been taken ini one of the- following Stores TED WOOYARD APPLIANCES BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS & DYERS GLEN RAE DAIRY STEDMAN'S SEVERN'S BAKERY BOWMANVILLE SURPLUS STORES W. J. BERRY BOOK STORE OSBORNE'S SPORTS AND CYCLE ELLIOTT'S SHOES AND LUGGAGE McGREGOR DRUGS DOMINION STORES COWLING DRUGS WALKER STORES LANDER HARDWARE ELLIS SHOE ST014E KENNEDY DRY GOODS JURY & LOVELL RICKABY'S "BIG 20"p MARR JEWELRY MASON & DALE HARDWARE McNULTY'S SPORTS AND CYCLE F. F. MORRIS FURNITURE Maple Grove Community MORRISH Presents Jackets io Champions cmmnTh deee d o M H. Young and family in their Mr. Wm. Laird, devotianai luggage being packed for a fam- recent sad bereavement of a loy- leader of the Maple Grave Trail ily holiday trip ta the caast of ing husband and father, on Mon- Rangers, opened their ,Oct. 27th Maine and the reel ended at the day, October 25th. meeting with a hymn, the Trail home door on their return. The late Mr. Young had been Rangers' Code and The Lord's Among a variety of interesting a patient in Port Hope hospital Prayer in unison. and lovely pictures were, one for two weeks and on Sunday, A large number of boys were from atop a 4,800 ft. mountain 24th, was considered well enough present, with several parents, (above the mists of earth), and ta return home. There was great Women's Institute members and another at the black water 250 rejoicing at daddy's return but other members o! the commun- feet clown in the Ausable Chasm. at midnight Mr. Young suffered ity for the special occasion of the The third reel showed some un- a relapse and was rushed back presentation o! jackets ta the usual pictures of Niagara Falls ta hospital where he passed boys who in dlean sport won the and some of the beauties o! the away at noon on Monday. He championship this year in the Falls' gardens. leaves to mourn bis loss his Darlington Junior Soccer League. Mr. Stephenson and Mr. Sum- widaw, Ethel Taylor, and 10 The jackets, a gif t from the ersford were thanked for their children. community, were presented by 1 assistance in making a successfui The funeral was beld from 'their leader, Mr. Wm. Laird and big night for the boys by Mr. Morrish Churcb on Wednesday, coaches Messrs. Howard Bradley Laird, and Ron Brooks extended October 27th at 2 p.m. Interment and Ron Brooks. thanks toalal for the cammunity's was at Welcome Cemetery. The Following the presentatian, Ray recognition o! their 1954 victory. service was conducted by Rev. Preston, on behaîf of the team, presented Howard and Ron with UUMUUU MU M M M MU UMUUU.I attractive coaches' trophies.* Mr. Ken Sumersford, acting as master-of-ceremonies, inicom- menting on sports in general, re- a in men's or boys' leagues to brirxgriddtathswsteirtenhdtebouhmelo!*UI E RNl presenting three, wortby leaders, M Laird, Bradley and Brooks with 1 a matching team jackets. PARK Mr. arl tepenso proide PAR y TO ONT interesting entertainment for an!M a hour with pictures !rom bis'u movie camera of cadet exercises *m on the Bowmanville High School M. grounds. Several familiar faces were recognlzed, one of Pat Bag- * nell in full Drum Majorette re- M galia. gbe second reel started at Mr. Stephenson's door with q CA DPNME IEPM CAN PIPEND1 "0RIEND J? ENPM.s EVERY WEEK DAY < .OTe 25- NOV. 9i ADMISSION (in. tax) $1.15 No children under 16 uM FIRST CLASS LUNCH COUNTER g M Full Course Meals from 75e p.-------------------------------------UMU M8 hlm..* BRESLIN'S ROBSON MOTORS HIGGON ELECTRIC LIMITED McGREGOR HARDWARE J. H. ABERNETHY PAINT .AND WALLPAPER BOWMANVILLE AUTO PARTS SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. YEO'S GROCETERIA FRIGID LOCKERS AND KITSON AMANA PLAN GLORY ANN SHOPPE A. W. Harding. The many loveiy floral tributes and large number o! relatives and friends gathered at the church in silent sympatby testi- fied ta the love and esteem in which Mr. Young was beld, in and around this community wbere he bad lived so long. Our sympatby is indeed sincere for this bereaved family. W. A. Bazaar The annual bazaar under the auspices o! the W.A. was beld on Friday, Oct. 29tb instead o! the 27tb, as scbeduled, owing ta the sad passing o! Mr. Harry Young. Rev. A. W. Harding opened the affair at 3 p.m. For the past few years this bazaar bas been held in the ev- ening. This year a change in time was suggested and worked out very satisfactorily. After- noon tea was served !rom 4 p.m. until nearly diosing time. The members in charge o! this were: Mrs. H. McHolm, Mrs. Lloyd Marvin, Mrs. Harold Osborne and Mrs. Harry Beckett; pre- - paration in kitchen, Mrs. M. J. Osborne and Mrs. Wm. McHoim; dandy and popcorn, Mrs. A. Peters and Mrs. D. Haines; home cooking, Mrs. Dawson Beebe and Mrs. Bevan; !isb pond, Mrs. Ira Bebee; knitting, plain and !ancy sewing, Mrs. Wm. Marvin, president, Mrs. Wm. Henderson and Mrs. F. Cornisb. The e remnaining articles are expected ta be sold before Christmas. The financial returns o! the bazaar ta date are very satis!actory. The regular Sunday morning service was resumed at 10 a.m., Oct. 3lst, Rev. A. W. Harding in charge. There was a fair con- gregation. For the children there was a short address !rom Mr. Harding about books, the rigbt kind ta read, why tbey sbould be reaç the good and harm caused by reading certain books and above ail, the constant study o! "The Book", the Bible. Sunday Scbool was weil attend- ed. Next Sunday, S.S. as usual, il a.m. A Hallowe'en party was, held on Friday at 3 p.m. in school. Many were the weird and strange costumes worn by thel chiidren and the parade wasl very funny. The -usual dandy, nuts and other goodies were en- joyed and the party was voted a great success, thanks ta, Mrs. Wilson, teacher. Hailoweten was very quiet In j this neighbourhood. We had the! usuai cailers, mostly little: "tramps" accompanied by a witch with a terrible face, enough ta give one a nigbtmare! The mnan who fiddles around seldoma gets ta J.ead the orchestra. HOOPER'S JEWELRY and GIFT SHIOP CARTER FAMILY TEA ROOM WOOD'S T.V. SHOP KEN'S MEN'S WEAR MAHER SHOES CAWKER'S I.G.A. JOHN & JUDY SHOP S. J. JACKMAN & SON FLOWERS McDONALD'S GROCERY PARKIN'S GROCERY ROY NICHOLS OBITUARY Jand secondarY education a EDGAR WILLIAM SMALE Bowmanville High School, later After a brief, final illness, attending Port Hope Model Edgar William Smale passed to Scb.ool. After a short teachîng rest at the hospital at Sheldon, period, he spent a short time in Iowa, on October 21st, 1954, in the Canadian West and !inally his 8ist year. visited relatives in Iowa in 1897. He was the surviving member Phere he has spent the interven- o! the family of the late Thomas ing years, baving made his home and Prudence Ann Smnale o! at Sheldon, Iowa. Providence. Three brathers, His wife, Olive Wykof! apid Hubert T., Dr. R. Russell, Clar- one daughter Enid, wbo teacb'es ence J., and one sister, Lillan M., near Denver, Colorado, mourn predeceased hlm. the lass o! a beloved busband Edgar obtained his primary and loving father. F A BIANÀ of SCOTLAND YARD A girl working in the code room of a foreign embassy in London cornes accidently upon a state secret: agents seek to silence ber in the approvec fashion. The incredible story reaches Inspector Fabian via the girl's best friend, a nightclub dancer. A gunfight in Billingsgate, Fish Market 6rings to an end this exciting case from Scotland Yard's files. Especially filmed in authentic settings for T.V. Doo't miss 'Escort to Deatb'. WHAM-TV WEDNESDAIr CHANNEL à ROCHESTER AT 10.30 * I m "mai "'KNOW YOUR DOWMANVILLE" ai 1 CONTEST

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