f I TRtJBDAY._NOV. 25th, 1054 Four New Mem bers Join B.&P. Club Thurs. Tag -Day The November rreeting the Blusiness and Profes Women's Club held laat Th day evening at the Balm Hôotel was given over ta ne 4171business and reports.1 ù4.,t w members weré msa rec "dinto membership in a c mony conducted by Prezi( Isabelle Davis, assisted by ma Gay, vice-president. The following were pres, ,e4 for membership by, Ibadson; chairman of the M~ bership Comnmittee: Vlct Frgnk* Audrey Wray, Hg w il I, ll o!Bowmnanv an5 4fattieaMasion af Newcm jry Jewell, chairman of Inlternational Committee, ported that S293 was rea.i an the United Nations Tag1 and thanked Helen Cryderr for assisting in her unav, able absence. The United tions Seminar for Business Professional members a. Canada, will again be he]d year frorn Mar. 119-201 at UN in New York. Cost tranmnortation and hotel be S75. Cost of Drapes It xvas announccd that Nets $293 $ 1401 sHoRN )SM-EEP: OUR OVINE ERIENDS Witt be glad to know that in future they may be Spared the undignified and chiflyexperience of beingsheared of théir wool ta keep us warm. A new ightweight iining material for Inen's and womens clothes combines fabric and aluminum ta Sive more than three timea . . e insulating value of a similar ý4igbt of wool cloth. Humans, too, will bc glad if this hastens the end of heavy, bulky winter Wear. The material can be dry-cleaned, drapes well and is sufficiently porous ta let the body "breathe" ... Just on# mort exampie of the way Canadian manufacturers are combining aluminum and imagination for better, easier living. Aluminum Company of Canada. Ltd. (Alcan). the most cherished gifts Luxuries for the Bath in June Geranium The beloved garden freshne&a af Elizabeth Ardens lamous June Geranium . - in rose-pink bath-time luxuries for a loveiv ladys Christmas. Jwt. Géranium, Bati So.pb-3 cokes tube $2.30 il,,. 56,,, S'ap 'n Cittmes Cortoe .83 end )um. Gerchiw. bath Soop $2.20 !m& Love!! MIA 3-oj778 Bowmanv ille was cleared from the presenta- tion o! the Zarle Grey Play ens, and that there is now on hand toward payment o! the curtains in-the Town Hall, $910. Aii ad- ditional collection of $54.79 was taken in at .the' meeting. Total o! the bill received fromn Simp- son-Sears for the drapes is $1106, which will be due in December. Lena Taylor kîndly offered ta boan the balance ta the club s0 that the account may be paid When due. The President reported that a new curtain is being mnade and dyed, ta replace the one damaged by fire recently. The loss was covered by insurance held by the Town o! Bowman- ville. A section o! track and some of the card also has ta beI replaced. A letter received from Town Clerk Alick Lyle was readI thanking the club for its splen- 1 did contribution o! the stage' drapes. Letters *Wre also reaci from the National Président, FlazoelLav.cork. urging partici- patý;on oif memnbes i civic a!- fairs: from the new Regional Advisor for District No. .5, Kay McFarland. co! Napanee; from chairman of the CivicelFection Comn-ittee of the Chamber of Commerce, Ran Abbott, urging B. & P. niembers ta vote in the élection Dec. 6, and urging them ta run a candidate for council and Board af Educa- tion. jPrîzes Givtn The B. & P. Club la.at year offened a prize to the pupIl in each Grade 8 clas id uebli School neceiving the highest standing in mathemnatica. Mary Jewell reported that these two prizes. one for Ontario Street and one for Central School. would be given out at the Com- Imencement exercises at the High School on Nov. 19. The prizes are dictianaries. Ten dollars was voted ta as- sîst the work of the Northumb- erland and Durham Tubercu- losîs Unit. and on a motion it was decided ta take up a col- lection at the next meeting in response to an appeal from the National Fecieration for flood relief. Lena Taylor, officia] dele- gate o! the Bowmanville club at the ninth annual provincial convention held at Chateau Woodland, Halibunton in Octo-I ber, gave a most interesting re- part of sessions and personali- ties. District No. 5, of which Bowmanville is a member, was in charge o! the program. Bowmanville was in charge of! the skits presented, and this part a! the report was given by Isabelle Davis. Convention Reports Lena spoke af the jury ser- vice ne poar given by Marguer- ite Bailey in which women were urged ta serve if called. A commJttee fan education and., advice on what jury duty in- volves was recammended Margaret Hyndmnan, Q.C., ne- ported for the Employmenti Conditions Committee. Wth re- gard ta discriminatian In pay. Miss Hyndman said women Will nat lay a campl aint for fear of losing their jobs. She would like te see a case go to court. The fine wark of Elsie Gregory McGill on penal ce- form was pnaised by Lena, and t he spirit a! Mns. McGill, wl-s is a cripple. The Ontario Fed- eration will give $50 taward a memonial for Agnes McPhail, it lwas neponted. Provincial Con.' ýenence will be held in London Inext yean, and Lena urged that 'a bus load of members attend. Violet McFeeters. Ontario representative on the Natianai executive for emblerns, reponted that $145 worth of emblems was sold by hen at the Halibur- ton Conference and orders were being received every day. i Minutes a! several previaus meetings were read by Eleanor Hutchinson and approved. Draws were won by Ina Mc- Naughton. Hattie Mason, Mary Jewell, Violet McFeeters, Heleni Nelles, Apha Hodgina, Margar-1 et Purdon. Ada Dadson. These were conducted by Mabel Bag- nell.1 T.ài t% rr t l. %li Ilfu OUI ItplI Honored on Thei ir Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hosakiri, Taunton, were guests of honor recentiy at a farnily dinner par- ty helci at their home on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. Following the dinner the cou, pie received their many friends who gathered ta express con- gratulations and good wishes. The eldest grandchild, Judy ISwain of Blackstock, presented her grandmother with a cor- sage which was pinned on her by Mrs. Melville Tracy, her yo ungest daughter. Donald Hos- kin presented hLs grandfather with a boutonniere. Fromn the famlily the couple received a chest bed with an address read by their eldest son, Mr. William Hoskin, and frorn their grandchildren they recçîved a tri-lite lamp. A.mrong the many other gifts received was a basket of yellotv chrysan- themums from the Solina W.1 Congratulations were receiv- ed fromn Premier Leslie Frost. Rev. A. G. E. Mitchell asked Gods blessing on the couple for many more years together. Tea was poured by Mrs. Wil- bur Johnston of Elmvale. sister of the bride of 50 vears mgo. Serving were the daughters and grand-daughters.' The couple rut a three-tler wedding cake which was made by their.àon, Mr. H. G. Hoskin et Stayner. Gueus were present framn Cameron, Crossland, Waverley, Elmvale, Wyevale Stayner. Dunsford. Midland. Ajax, Oah-1 awa. Blackstock. Norland Hast ana nd whitby. Ail sianed TEM CANqAf)lASTATESMAN. IOWMXANVTLL. &ONTAMI the gold satin covered guest book which had been designedlll'AU by Mra. Lloyd Dalby o! Northl Oshawa and Mrs. Melville Hen- AA ry. la À sscr Mr@. Hoskin, the former Miss' Susannah Hoikin, was born near. Wyevale, Tlny township, Simcoe county. Mr. Hoalkin spent his boyhood in Norland. The couple were married in Port Hope on October 19, 1904, and before comlng ta Taunton ta live in 1951 made their home in Elmvale. They have four daughiters, Mrs. Harold Wheeler (Eva) a! Hastings, Mrs. Andrew McGin- nis (Ada) of Crossland, Mrs. Melville Henry (Alice) af Osh- awa, Mr&. Melville Tracy (Ma- ry) o! Dunsford, and Five sons, William o! Hastings, James A. of avnly, Ivan of Ajax, Hamley of Stayýner,.and Laurie &W% vw amwW Elect New The Law Association for thp Uinted Counties o! Northum- berland and Durham met in Ca- bourg on Nov. 15th. One o! the main purpases of the meeting was election of 1955 executive. Erdman Friesen a! Part Hope was elected 'President, Hafty R. Deyman o! Cobourg, Vice-Pre- sident and Allan Strike of Bow- manville, Secretary - Treasurer. Ross. Douglas, W. E. Bonneville and B. C. Thonipson were elec- ted membera o! the Executive of Taunton. , Also 'included in councii. their family are 18 grandchild- The netiring Presîdent and 'ren and five great-grandchild- ren. îength tulle illusion veil was caught ta a wreath of, orange blossoms, worn by hrmte WLIJIJING on her wedding day. and she car- ried a cascade of bridai flowers ROWE - TAYLOR and rose camelias. She was given in marriage by her father. 1St. Leonard's Anglican Chunch, Attending the bride were Mrs. Toronto, was the setting for the Robert MacGillivray, matron of marriage of Betty-Glen Taylor, honor; Mrs. Douglas Ferguson, daugliter o! Mr. and Mrs. R. Mrs. Robert Hill, Nancy Simpson Bruce Taylor. ta Brenton Scott tadfoe ilAn usn Rowe. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L.; They were gowned alike in bouf- Rowe. The groom is a nephew fault Balmain blue panaglaze and o! Mrs. W. H. Densem and Mrs. carried cascades of pink carna- H. Humphries, Bownianville. tions with white gardenias. 1The ceremony was performed James Walden was best man. by Canon P. J. Dykes, assisted Ushers were A. C. Wilson, L. S. by Rev. H. Sheppard Musson, Densemn and T. F. e~enny. Troi Louisville, Ky. The bride chose receive at the Granite Club the on original gown o! Italian bro- bride's mother wore a pink- cade fashioned with a motîlded beige chiffon and lace gown with bodice and wide bateau neckline. a corsage of 1ink roses. The The bouffant skirt, which feil in groom's mother assisted in a. deep unpressed pleats, extended gown o! teal blue taffeta with ai to a cathedral train. Her full corsage o! coral roses. Fali ls baking trne. Plan ta give your famlly a surprise. You'l. find ail the newest cake, biscuit and rail, pre-mixed and pre-cooked ingred- lents here. If yau lîke to bake and mix your own formulas, you'll fînd ail the fixings you'll need at RED & WHITE thîs weekend . . . at savings. l rRR WHITE IFOOD STORES 'r *6,- PA=ETRTl theso o!Mr an Ms.1iliarm ce laneous &hower when the 0 Lord. who'lends me lite, in ieNewfoundlanid. : the bride works at the Toronto thankfulness. -William Shakes- Bronze and white ' ýnu s East Geera1 Hospital. 1 peare. fornied the background for the; ýation ceremony which wiv periorm- i ed by Rev. Harold Frid. <7.,,'at terteulx It Yeuvelf-CaI la i"I E - The bride wvas lovely in a 0 f ficers cocktal length gown of iride.- wie cr etay ofTrsasur r ean She wore long nylon rose gloves! B.in Tholl 0n fCoBion.'A and rose velour !elt hat with B. . 'hotpao a!Brihto. Amatching ghoulder length veil. vote of fh*iks was tendered1 Her bouquet was- a nosegay- cf ta them for their excellent work 1 Talisman and Anerican Beau- druring the past two years. 1 ty roses. The bride alsa wore jCommittee reports wpre read the grooin's gift of a peari abd- then eniýued a lengthy dis- neekiace.f cussion in regard ta the facili- Miss Cord N.laltby, Toronto, ties for 1 ith- administration of was the bride's onîr attendant Jiat1oe ià: thé çountiete, a pro- wearing a cocktail lencytl dresï blemt wht bam faced bath the of hyacinth blue tafîeta cm- A890dfàIÎ6in t*nd the Countiet' bossed in white. She wore tdounot orom timre. matchir gloves and hat ~ Fo1o~i.~hemeeting the carried a iitiegay c f pinik car- menibers :&dJouiried for dinner, nations ànà PLIK ro.ses. Nlr. C o r .oi t c , a d sdthe E r.hen h M m o i l l b tb ý gsest of h on our, T he E l m er A 2ýcher. W hitby, b roth er - 1o ual ihr pne of the bride, wvas best man, ineinbr eo he.. Ontario Higrh1 A recepiion was held at the Qca gath erlng.-'on the subject of Toronto, where the bride's Juries w * ispecial relation ta mnot-her received wearing a the Criminal Law and th e f-, dreSs of navy. faille with fect on them of Pre-trial news- mnatching accessories and cor- paper reports. Mr. Justicesage of Talisman roses. Spenee was thanked b Rsa The bride and grooffi left an "%W-t M- -'FRPJID 1 CPsN'T GIVE \(OU MUCP O F >A Douglas of Carnpbellford. a short wedding trip, the bride TrRADE-IN ALLOWPANCE. 'COURSE, ir- you RPAON' __________- wearing a charcoal grey dres TRIED -TO FIX -r- FURNACE \OUR$ELF... ,with black coat and pink hat. ~JJiJJ.NU )vIr. and Mrs. Smith will re- Awy aiaRIcreH a~Cnrco o SMIIH - ARCHER T'he bride's gift to her brides- Expert Workmanship-Qualily Maferiali Try r-n&id was a pearl and rhine- A. wedding of interest inth- stone choker, and the groom's community was that of Miiù'd i!t ta the best man wxas a set Lilliar. Floren;ce Archer aid 0 f' gold tie pin and cuff links. EvrttBrraiSit efo ýro o e arig the Le A, PARKER & SONS Avenue United Church. Toron-i number of girl friends at her PLUMOING HEATING ' OI BURNERS ta, on Saturday afternoon, Nov, home in Toronto, when she ne- 13. The bride is the daughe ceived many lovely and useful of Mr. and Mrs. Wi]bent Arcer gifts. Mns. Bi11 Leslie, Toron- '17 KING ST. E. - BOW11ANVILLE MA 3-5651 Blaekstock, and the groom is ta, was hostess ai another mis- DUZ BLUE DETERGENT S ic FREE TEA TOWEL Fîve Roses FLOUR Bg3 3c PAMUN Suprerne Swoet Pickles 160Z. 21C PN AYLMER PEAIS 15-z. for229C SLO Culverhoue1 LB. TIN TOMATOJUICE48-oz. Tin Fancy 5; EVERY DAY LOW PRICES, CLARKF S PORK and BEANS CATELLUI MACARONI Readr Cut STOKELY'.1 - FAN<'Y CREAN CGRN IT'S NOURISING OXO CUBES GOOD TASTE - CHOICE PEACHES MORI', FE CO- FF -IE qING GI 2 ~ 35v TABLE QUEEN - SLICED BREAD 16-onY. Pkg. 16Cv- - - - - - - - NESCAFE - 25e OFF REG. PRICE ~i~ 9vINSTANT CGFFEE 2 29 KELLOGGOS CORK FLAKES JOHNSON'8 - NO RUR 12 29c PRIDE POLISH BRUNSWICK 20-s.SARDINES Tin 24c HEREFORD BRAND CORNED BEEF Cç ROWN LORY TEA BACS ESH ROASTED 1 Lb. 1.08 There's a Red & White your BOWMANVILLE Yeo's Marketeria MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove Groceteria ORONO Cornlsh Groceteria OSHAWA McKenna's Supçr Market 948 Simcoe St. N. Stroud's Food Market 54 Simcoe St. N. SPlroule's Food Stores 272 King St. B. and 458 Slmcoe St. S. Store District COBOURG Jeffery'Food Market BROOKLIN Brown's Groceteria PORT PERRY Dowson's Food Market WHiTBY Stroud's Food Market 116 Brock Si. N. AJAX Ajax Marketeria LITTLE'BRITAIN Builock's Groceteria PORT HOPE Roberts Brou. Foo>d Store Roberts Uptown Market p t i p £ P..- SEBAGOES BUY NOW - Christmas Priceg GENUINE - CAPE COD Ccnbeies 50-Lb. 17 wiIl he Higher! Cl~lb kg. 2 5c SUNKIST -FANCY ORANGES s»2 Doz. 5 9C ROSEBUD - 3 BUNCHES RÀADUSHESl FROZEN BIRDSEYE BIRDSEYEwe Lima Beanç Cello Bag 2 or.19 FOODS1 Ift-O .. 29 c 12-0z.37 Sc 2-z e I TENDERLOIN END - 3'2--LB. AVERAGE Po rk Loin ROAST Lb. 49c SWIFT'S PREMIU31 - CRYOVAC OVEN-READY Grade "A" FOWL Lb. 45C SWIFT'S PREMIU.M. - 112-»LB. TO SMOKED Pork Loin ROLLS F'RESH Po rk LIVER SWIFT'S PREMIUM BOLOGNA Sliced 2-LB. AVERAGE Lb. 59c Lb. 2,%c Sliced Lb. 27c YQUR BAKING NEEDS MAGIC BAKING POWDER IBOWES ALNOND ICINC ]BAKER'S - UiNSWEETENED DAKING CHOCOLATE 19 nt. 34c 16 et. 43C 9 z 59C DALTON'S SHEREDDED COCOANUT 14 oz. 45c SAVOY - ASSORTED CAKE DECORETTES 15C FARM BOY lo1.92 SEEDLESS RAISINSLagel43C WESTONMq - 7 MINUTE 12oz. 25c CAKE FROSTING 79cUPREME - CELLO 7WALNUT PIECES 3 25c, SUPRÊME - EL SHELLED ALMONDS 12-ai. Tin 3CDALTONS ]Box of 5 CUT NIXED PEEL 100 95 CUT MIXED FRUIT f oz. 25c 3 oz. 18C 3oz. 19C oz. 18C oz. 21c Greeta Cantera Value Ever Off ered! 10-PC FLASH CAMERA SET e nly $300 with two labels from QUAKER KEN-L-RATION DOG FGGD ITi 2 Fo 29c QUAKER Puss 'n Boots Cal Food 'T01 *10c M /OORooeeE D & H ITE 1:001) !e 15-oz. Tin 2 t'or 35C