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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Nov 1954, p. 15

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TaTJRDAY, Nov. SSth,, 1954TH AAINSAEMNSOAVLENAfO The Orono News -m for the Barons But naturally. This is charming littie Julie Hooper daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hooper, Jr., 19 Southwa3 Pve, Bowmanville. Frank is the popular captain of the Bowmanville «Barons hockey team. In this attractive photograph Julie looks ail set to cheer for dad. -Pýhoto by Carson Studio, Port Hop( Bethany Retired Merchant On His Eightieth Birthday Recalis Early Days Incidents Our beiated but cordial con- gratulations go ta Mr. Thomas John Jackson, Betbany, wbo on Nov. lltb celebnated bis 8th bithday. He was bora in Cavan township, anly son o! Richard Jackson and Isabella SJones, wbo immignated fnom England ta Canada in 1871. Wben Thomas was six yeans oid they moved inta Bethany village and be bas lived bene since that time. He recalis that two of bis finst teachers at the Betbany scbool wene Robent Grandy .and John Connyn and camments that pupils had a lot mare ta leara in those days. His !irst employment was with the Grand Tunk Railway. At the age o! 24, be went into business for bimself, purchas- ing the meat market. from Mr. Courtaey and 10 yeans later bnancbed -out into the grocery l?usiness as weil, wbich be bought from Levi Sisson. He continued in business for aven 30 years. His tales o! those years wouid sound like reai hardsbip ta to-day's menchants. He worked ealy and late, do- ing bis awn butcbering of cat- tic, hogs and lambs wbich weme purchased direct from the farmens. Today's stonekeepers buy their meat fnom packing plants. During the construction o! the Canadian Pacific Raiiwa, 'in 1910-11, when be supplieg the meat for thein constructia: camps in this area, a typica day's work for him began a 4:30 a.m. wbea be wouid go't( bis slaugbter bouse an tbe out skints of the village with tean of hanses ta bring down tbg supply o! meat kiiied the da: before. Eigbt o'clock would sce hi Store open fan business andà load ai meat cut up for hii "Waggan" wbich be used t( peddie meat tbrough the coun. tryside and ta the villages ol Cavan, Ida, Mount Pleasant Fleetwood, Frankin and Pan. typoal. Many boums were speni on the road. No one else bada whistle like Mm. Jackson, it wai not bougbt in a store. His owi lungs supplied the volume be. hind it. People listened for hi wbistle as be entered a village and be neyer had ta go into the bouses, the housewives came te bîm. Fresh meat was a precious commodity in those days wher farmens and viliagers had ne way o! keeping it except by salting and smoking. Refriger. atars wene unheard of. Home again with an empty waggon and up ta the siaugh. ter bouse ta kili a aew supply. The day's work was neyer fin- ished untîl eleven o'clock ai PHCTOS 0F YOUR CHILDREN Clhristmnas Çt/ts Have your Portraits take early WE TAKE PHOTOS RIGHT IN YOUR OWN HOME Anyone in the rural districts ha. access to this 'service e - Orono - - Tyrone - Blackstock Newcastle - Pontypool - Burketon Car.son Photo. Studio - P3RT HOPE - LEAVE 'YOUR NAME AT McNULTY'S SPORT STORE - PHONE MA 3-3531 OR COLLECT 2181, PORT HOPE Inight, as stores in the village 'V fLJ'iCedile anid Douglas visited Mr. Wallace; Rec.-Sec'y-Mrs. Annie! at that Urne kept "Open" every TYRONE 'la Iand Mrs. C. Murray, Peterboro.lPhillipe; F.S-Marie Taylor; whodid n 94 awas ISo1ina Young People presented TrrndMseG ldra ai-Mrs.Get u Brphys; nigt. is nlysiserElenor their play "Maid of Money" in weM 4:sher guests of Mr. and 1Tral.-Mrs. GEt u Brooks;t ed him in the store. Two ot her the hall Thursday evenlng. 'llMrs. iÊ Hardy, Bowmanvue. GurinLsjBok;D.f cierks, Thomas Hardman and 'Ailda-esi rok;D.o! *Henry Wake were employed. present enjoyed the play. M.r.> and Mrs. J. Clark, Ken Mrae ib John Cox adHryRyad Mr. and Mrs. J. Deianey~ and and Don, Agincourt, with Mr. C.-Mrs. agrtGbs lst worked part time, assisting with Douglas, Mrs. Alice Delaney1 and Mrs., G. Brent. Lect.-Mrs. Gertrude Delaney;1 the butchering. were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. And Mrs. C. D. HoIgson, 2nd Lect.-Verna McRoberts;. The great fire of Nov. 3, 1911 Fred Smith and Grace F'ridayl Mr. Glenn Hodgson, Bowman- Pianist-Mrs. Kathleen Davey; rL iwhich destroyed ail the southl evening. ville;'Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodg- I.G.-Mrs. Ann English; O.G.- £1 side of the main business block Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear *son,. Harupton; Mr. and Mrs. D. Mrs. Jacobine Vaneyk; Standing M~ 1 was a serious setback finan- vlslted Mr. I. W. Larnier, Mill- Hooper, Mrs.EF. Storie, Orono; Com-Mrs. Pauline AlIcdread, ciaily. Everything was iost in brook. Mr~. and Mrs. L. Webb and Mrs. Ethel Byam, Mrs. Fanny W, 1 th £lmesincldin hi enire issM. row, Whtby viitýfamfly, Pontypool, with Mr. and Gibson, Mrs. Ruth Bradley; Aud- sii stock, al bis account books and ed with Mrs. L. Boumne. Ms iyodCap tr-Ms enc ateMs considérable money. There was Mr.. Murray Barrie, Newton- Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp, Ron- Ethel Gable, Mrs. Ruth Murphy; lei no fire protection at that tinie. ville, visited Mrs. W., Wright. aid and Marilyn, Miss Jean Sick Com.-Mrs. Ruth Mc- i Business was flot done by ta- M. ndMs.J.Nchisyisîted Han. and Mrs. W. Roberts, Miss Grace Smith, Mrs. I a' ahand carry system. and Mrg' K. Nichais, Jili and PWI iPooe Covtdringtn Murphy. Installation on Dec. at Farmers usualiy an an account T ,Bomnvli; r M. A thelMRbrs Ms aln frm srn ni rdc a erBwavleM.and WreWrssvst]hs oh 5h fom singe au nd tp oe sMrs. T. Woodiock and Alian, 1 er in. Tomonto. sol inth fal nd hestoe-Hampton, visited Mm. and. ?1ra' Mr. and Mrs. *L. Grossut Women's Institut. kpenMr. Jande son t a i G. White and Ann. ahd Harold, Guelph, were dinner Tyrone Women's Institute met c pamnt.Mr acsn as that at the home of Mrs. J. C. Cook, da people were emakably honest Mr. and Mrs.,A. His, Mrs' S guests- of- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nov. 22, wlth Mrs. E. White, M: and with few exceptions came Hoar visited Mr. and Mrs. G: Wright. president, in the chair. $25.00 fa: ta hirm offering to pay what- Hilis at Hannon.. Congratulations ta Arlene was voted to the hall and $5.00 ever he thought they owed. Af- Mr. and Mrs. Harris Little, t4osevear on receiving her Com- to the Hurricane Relief. Group ter the fime he buiit a new Mr. and Mrs. F. Sewell, Mark- mercîi Diplomna at the High under Citizenship and Education an store, where today, Reg. Ed- ham, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. H. ýço1Cmmneet.hdcareo rorm'rs .~ munds carnies an the saine busi- Brent.. Mr. and Mrs. L. Marr and A. Rosevear read the motta W] ness. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gavel and Da>)le, Crystal Beach, visited Mr. "Bàring Happiness ta the Loneiy by STravelling bands o! gypsies boys were tea guests of Mr. and and Mrs. J. Delaney. and Others". Miss Janet Me- were common in the country M5r~Cr.Bwavie eigCu Gillis, Port Hope, favoured with Di at that time and they wereth Mr and Mrs. S. Waiker, Doug- The 4-H Sewing Club a a piano, solo. Mrs. White intro- Ai bane of every storekeeper. He lsadGroBwavle held at Grace Gibbs' on Nov. 15. ucd the speaker, Miss Doris er ~ rcaisonon o!bi tip, owMiss Gladys Maynard, Oshawa, It wsdcddt alte~u Reynolds, Port Hope. She gave a. waggon, purchasing a smali Mrs. J. Liliicrapp returned to a Yellowlees explained how to the West Coast, showing H. amount and when he arrived Cannington after visiting her important harmony is in our pictures on lier projector of many N( at a farm bhouse a little latei~ daughter, Mrs. F. L. Byam and I wardrobe. She told of imagin- places we have beard about and oE intending ta pay for several Mr. Byam. ary people and bow they bought nee been able ta ist Selo *head of cattie bought fromn the Re. and *rs J. W. Wilkinson_: ciothes, some bought foolishly hih many interesting curios *farmer, he found no money.nOakwood, visited Mr. and Mrs. adswi iey.Te ics-hrid Skiere mved a ot. of .an ,I bis pocket. The gypsies had A. His. ed shoes,» skirts and blouses for tHanrsltaSissreynld a ndofW their meat and his money as Frank Wismer, Steve Novack, different occasions. They are ta isGli.Atat uc a *weîî. Iington; Mr. and Mrs. Robert sarisrkngonclths hat, serv A t 23presn Cs a Later he bought a car ekianeogdobe orno and ta bring tape measures next sre ote2 rsn.C tha mae bs rad visited Mr. and Mrs. K. Colbar3r. meeting. Lunch was served by tmbequicke ad deliveres M.and Mrs. Cecil Alidread, hses etmeigi tRes] muhqikradeasier. "Coal Mr and Mrs. Dave Alldread, Johstns o N ov. 2eeti 7:30 p.m. A gan o ait es ail shipped in by the barrel, Bowvmanville; Miss Mary Al- Bntnso o.29 :0pm ri o aeysaosH bread shipped twîce a dread and Miss E. Clark, Tofon LOB.A. 1244 everything.-Gracian. da large wooden boxes, tea arriv- ta; Mr. and Mrs. George Al.- Tyrone L.O.B.A. 1244 elected Gratitude is nat oniy the thl ing incbests, flour and sugar dread were dinner guests on these afficers Nov, 17: W.M- memory but the bornage o! th aiways soid by the bundred Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Lloydi Mrs. Ray Scott; I.P.M.-M'rs. beart-rendered ta God for His Mi _jweight" are some of the differ- Aiidread. 1 flelen' White; B.M.-Mrs. Reta goodness.- Nathaniel Parker ni rences he comments on in ta- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park,'MeRoberts; J.D.M.-Mrs. Helen Wiliis.- Ch day' busnes. "Yu din'tseli ly beef hearts, liver or neckbones gave them away. There e was nat the keen compétition then amang merchants, either. Chain stores were unheard ai". )e Ice creami was a iuxury and N ' wma ue o - is store was the first ta han-W dle the sale of it in the village.N emau o Saturday night was family night, wben farmers and their wives and chiidnen ail drove ta the village ta spend the even- ing, doing their shopping and visiting with their neighbars at p the samne time. In yaunger days, Mr. JacksonT h u was quite an athiete, piaying Lhockey and football with the ai od Midiand team. Owning al ualiy teoewbo drove the You 've neyer seen it. it cub mmber totheir destin a- Otion and na one seemed ta mind t-the iengtb o! timne it took ta Y 'n drive ta Bowmanville, Lindisay ie or Peterborough. ~'Always busy, he seemed ta OJ find time for watbwhiie coin- Ls munity activities as weil. He S 0B I a served as secretary-treasurer o! is the local schoal board for a ;0 number o! years, was Master £ 1- o! the local Loyal Orange Lodge, )f heid offices in the Inclependient ,Order o! Fomesterm* and served u e 6 f 2T -as Steward and Eider mn the dUnited Cburch. _ a He retired !mom business in 11928, purchasing a emali farmn non the autskirts o! the village, -where he now lives. In 1907 he Smarmied Rubena Johriston and Stbey had a famiiy of seven e chiidren. One son, Harold, died ln 1929 at the age o! 14; the aioder son, Vincent. now oper- n ates the famm. His five daugh- ters are Mn. Ross Hall (Hazel) o! Wbitby; Mlrs. Norman Neais (Margaret) o! Feversham; Mrs. Norman Wilsoný (Isabel) Yei- Yverton; Mms. Cari Smith <Lor- aine) and Mrs. Ross Carr (Vio- let) af Betbany. There are 12 grand1cildren. 2 3 4 5 For several years, Mr. Jack- son bas suffered fromn indiffer- ent bealtb and is mostiy con- fined ta the bouse. But he finds pleasure in radia bnoadicasts, reading newspapers and books and keeniy enjoying visits Of his childnerl and grandcbiidren. On bis 8th birthday he neceiv- ed many gifts and cards o! con- IHoneymooners Kendal Guests At Reception * Friends, relatives and aeigb- >'~boums attended a reception beld at the borne o! Mn. and Mms. S12ence Gardon, Kendai, Satunday evcning, Nov. 13, in hnuof Mm. and Mrs. Elmer Mua! ard (nee June Gardon) who were ecentiy marmied at McCond, Sask., and are in On- tario on their honeymoon. After a pleasant time spent in music and dancing, June uzi- wrapped the many beautifui and useful gifta. A deliciaus lunch, which iaciuded the very prettiiy decorated weldding cake was served b y ladies o! the neigbboumhood sand was much enjoyed. Guests were present froni Peterbomo as weil as !momn Ken- dai. Mr. and Mns. Munford plan on visitiag relatives in Ontario until a!ter Chnistmas wben they will motor back ta reside at McCord, Sask. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week Nov. 15 -21: Admissions ------ --32 Births, 5 male, 8 female- 13 Discharges ----________47 Major operations 6 Minor operations 8 Ememgency treatments - 6 These tacts are published weekly in an effort ta acquaint this community with the ser- vices o.1 Our hospita.l SO LITTLE s 95 Mr. George Armstrong has reurned home ta Timmins a!ten ;pending a week witlb Mr. and NIrs. John E. Armstrong. Mrs. Ken Gamsby spent the weekend in Oshawa with her fster, Mrs. Fiigg. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robb eft last week ta spend the 6vinter ln Bradenton, Florida. Mrs. Gardon Cotter assisted it the Post Office iast week xben Mm. J.* C. Gamey was ill. Mn. and Mrs. Luther Barra- >al attended the apening o! aurtice United Church Sun- lay and spent a few days with Ur. and Mrs. Eldon Essery and imiiy. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hemron and family moved iast week ) the bouse in the Smith Block xhich was recently pumcbased :y Dr. A. F. McKenzie. Visitons with Mr. and Mmi. Dave Hoaper were Mrs. G. ý,ndrews and Mm. W. H. Hoop- r, Toronto, Mrs. Chas. Awde ind Miss K. Poster. Mr. anid Mns. Harold Salter, [amptan, and Mm. and Mr&. [ceil Wood, Gail and Saridra, ,akefield, were Sunday guests )f Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. Mm. and Mrs. Harry Lycett ind Miss M. Cowan, spent )the eeekend at Mink Lake. Miss Margaret Flintof!, Osh- twa, visited Mn. and Mrs. O. owan. Mr. and Mrs. Harmy Fraser ;ent the weekend in Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Earl Grady, lamilton, retumned home Sun- fay after visiting in Orono for ie past two weeks. Congratulations ta Mr. and [nrs. Jack K. Mercer on their narmiage et Orono United 'hurcb Saturday evening, Nov. 2Oth. Rev. John Kitchen off i. ciated. Mrs. Mercer was t- i former Violet Elaine Suteliih o! Leskard. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hooper, Mrs.1, E. Stomie were supper guests Fiday o! Mr. and Mrà. [Raymond Clapp, Tyrone. Mns. Thornton Wilson is vis- Iting hem sister, Miss J. Arm. strong ln West Dennis, Mass. Miss Shirley Porter, Oshawa. with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter. Ladies Teachers Federatian o! Clarke Township heid a meeting Tuesday evening at Omono Public Schaol. Miss Elenar Robinson, Toron- to. spent the weekend at ber home. Mrs. Chas Awde, Mm. and Mrs. Dave Hooper spent Tues- day with Mr. and Mms. Fmank Mr,* George Mitchell anid fiends, Toronto, Mmi. Wyven Reid, Bowmanvile, vlsited Mms. Gea. Buttera. Mr. J. A. Rowland, Emmra, and Mrs. L. C. Falis, Tomonto, spent the weekcnd with Mm. and Mrs. H. Rowland. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGil and Arnold and Mns. Drew and family, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller. Mn. and Mns. Gea. C. Fuester and family, Listowei, visited in Onono and wene guests of Mm. and Mms. L. Haoey. Mn. and Mns. Orville Chat- terton, Mr. and Mrs. Jltk Chapman and son, Miss i M Chapman seent Sunday with Mn. and Mmi. Ross Broomé, To- monta. That which in born- o! tbe flesb isnat man's etemnal iden- 'TVvalue Admirai ou've neyer seen it 10 QOOD Llumini*zed Picture, Tube IW1Tr use this chart (o measure TV value AdmraiOter [270* n. .PICTURE ALUMINIZED PICTURE TUBE NON-ALUMINIZED 18 TUBE "Robot" CHASSIS 15-16 TUBES? AC POWER TRANSFORMER NO TRANSFORMER- léolproof PRINTED CIRCUITS old type ASSEMBL 20% SMALLER CABINET S229.95 for Th-e 33 King St. #' BSULKY od style CABINET up to *15OtLo more 9j Sho Bowmanville MA13261 Newtonville Hampton Enniskillen THE CANADUN STATESMAN. BowL&NvrLj.& ONTAplo ý PAGE MMIMM 1 1 220-250 n in.? 1

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