UUUD Y. Ov. un. m 4T~ E CANADT T# ?A'~II W U~ W A IW W T W ~ U~ A U~ V ~ S~ £ bA~PAGE s EvjuTE EN Who Elects Your Council ? f the appnaximately tive a shareholden in this corporma- dred persoa who make up tion who is paying in more and e aduit po ulation of aur vil- more maney each yean for Its lage, it would be intemesting ta openation. klow many votera kflow just haw many have know whene their tax money *ver attended on taken any part i. spent?The aniy place to tind i a municipal nomination meet- out ig nt the nomination meet- Výeethe main part afi ig. Are only ten per cent of !Muicialelection takes place. the people înterested? It doesn't Raving attended the past five saund that way when the as- Or six in succession, we would sessment or tax bis are deiiv- estiniate that not more than ered. ten per cmt af the voters at- Taxes in this village are due tend the m eetings, and In for a large iump the ncxt cou- mEuot caseit is the same pea- pie' of yeans. Are you gaing >~ with v eny littie variation, ta be one of those who sit back Il is true that when the ai- and wait for youn bill and then ,,ces are not ail fllled by ac- haller blue murder at the Clamation and an election is re- council, or wili you be aI the quined, a tain percentage o! the annual ratepayers meeting ta- vaters do turn out ta cast the:r mnrrow night and learn the ballots for the best o! those reason in advance? flominated. However, we otten Ini order ta be nominated for Wonder if the voter might flot municipal office a candidate be able ta name men or wamen must be present at the meet- who, in their opinion, might be ing or give his assent in wnit- bette qualitied ta filîl the ai- ing. If yau are nat present fices in question, than the ones sameane may ]ose the appor- appearing an the ballot. The tunity ta naminate you for ai- question then arises, why f ice. If everyone, whose duty ehould ten per cent of the val- it is, attended local nomina- ers decide who shauld be nom- tions the main auditorium aof inated for municipal office? the Community Hall wauld nat Trhe only possible answer.is be- be too large ta accommodate cause the other ninety per cent the cnowd and everyonc would are not interested enaugh ini have had an oppotunity ta the affaira of the municipality nominate the best possible te attend the nomination meet- candidates, in his or her opin- Ing. ion, ta filI the offices a! the School Boards, municipal municipality. and we cauld councils, etc., have become bia truly say aur cauncil is elected business and the taxpayer hs by the people. Can ada's Liquor Bill Staggers W. C..T. U. Newcastle Members W.C.T.U. met at the home o! lin.. Geonge Allin with Presi- dent Mr&. T. Sowden presiding. She opened the meeting with a quotation tram Xeuophon, a Gneek General: «"Temperance ineans firet - maderation in healthtul indulgence and sec. ond--Abstlnence tram the use of intoxicating wines."I Atten heanlng reports af sec- retar and treasurer, it was de- cided ta punchase blotters ta be distributed ln the schaals. Misa ferguson read the Beiptune lesson and the me- dit.îon and Mn.. Awde biter- "2tayer. r om the "Listening Post" pnesented by Mise Fenguson, it was learned that down thnough the' years since 1921, the rate ofà,onsumptioan of alcohol has ]ne y trebled and that Cana- dians are now drinking aico- holîc lquor at the rate oi more than $750,000,000 a year. How much of this staggerlng amount was contnibuted by Newcas- tle'. two beverage rooma was flot stated. "The subject o! the "Clip Sheet',' for the day "The prob- lem drinker, a problem for gov- ernments"', was conducted by Mrs. George Allun and reveal- ed that the Ontario Alcoholjsm Research Foundation has been in aperation for three years. Duning 1953 there wene 800 Problem drinkers who availed themselves af the tneatment offered by the Brookside Clin- ic, an increase of 111 aven 1952. 0f Ontario alcahoiics number- îng about 25,000, one in every six is a woman. Editor's Note - We would suggest that the members a! the W.C.T.U. and ahl Newcas- tle citizens honestly interested in Tem.perance nead the report ai the address, in this issue given by Harold Gully at the Bowmanvilie Rotary Club. It is the most practical anid pente- trating address on the liquor problem we have ever heard. -G.W.J. BI1NGO0 Newcastle Community Hall MONDAY, NOV. 29,1954 8:00 p.m. - EXTRA GAMES Three Jack-pots totalling $90.00 Proceeds for Lions Welfare Work Social and Personal Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmen and son Philip, Newtanville, [viuited Mr. and Mm.. George Kimbail and family on Satur- day. Mr. Russell Tamblyn, Cal- gary, Alberta, is vlsiting his cousins, Mr. and Mns. ercy Tamblyn. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Le- Gresley and Mns. Philip LeÇres- ley attended theRylWlnte Fair. h oa e Mrs..George Walton and Miss Ruth Bonathan visited in To- ronta on Monday. Mn. and Mrs. Vance Cooper and family, Oshawa, were Sun. day visitons with Mr. and Mrs. George Kimbail. Mrs. Sadie Couch, Oshawa, and Mn. and Mrs. Ken Withers and boys, Peterborough, wene Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mn.. Perey Tamblyn. We welcome ta aur village Miss E. Austin, tormerly af St. Cathenine, wha became the new proprietor ai the Kingsway Lunch on King street on Mon- day mornlng taklng over tram Mr. and Mrm. E. R. Irvine and iamily who have moved te To- Citizens Urged to Attend Civi To c Nomination Meeting See Vacancies are Filed Evenything is very quiet on ber of the Hydro Commission the Municipal Election front whose termn expires and he despite the fact nominations will be standing ion nomination are scheduled ta take place in fon another term. Othen mnem- the Council Chambers at 7.30 bers ai the commission are tomorrow, Fniday evening, and Stanley Graham, present chair-* several municipal o.t'ice hold- man, whose term. has another ers, including Reeve John year ta run, and the Reeve. Rickard, have isndicted their There are three members ai retirement. the Board oi Education whase Terms expire for all mem-tem exiWlia La. bers of counicil, three memberstErmm expn ier,WllandLrven of the Board ai Education and ErMCulogh head ri one member of the Hydro Com- MClog. William Lake, rniss. and nominations wiîî who has served on the Board 4~ received ta fuail aio these for more than twenty years, offices. . has indicated he wiil nat be a Reeve John Rickard has stat- candidate for ne-election. ed on several occasions that he It is, theretone, ,practically will nat be a candidate for ne- assured that at least two new election. It is rumored Caun- members will have ta be elect- cillons Harry Jase and Ross cd ta council and one to the Dickinson will seek election ta Eclucation Board at a time this position, bath having stat- when bath bodies will be caîl- ed they will not be candidates ed upon ta carry extra heavy for council seats again. Though responsibilities, making iA Im- councillon Fred Couch has been perative that ail ratepayers urged by a number of citizens wha have the interest o! the ta accept nomination for Reeve, village at heant should be pre- bath he, and Councillor Doug. sent at Friday's nomination Cunningham, are undecided meeting to ensune the nomin- whether or nat they will seek1 ation o! a etrong alate o! can- any office. ,didates ion ail municipal ai- George Walton is the mem- ý fices. W.A. and W.M.S. Hear Fascinating Details of United Church. Meeting Mrs. M. C. Fisher, Newcas- tle, was guest speaker at the joint meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. at St. Paul's United Church Tuesday, Nov. 16th. She had accompanied her bus- band ta Sackville, N. B. for the l6th meeting a!f the General Council ai the United Church ai Canada and described the sessions ta the attentive audi- ence. Her husband was one of the 375 Cammissionens at the Sackville meeting. In introducing the speaker Mrs. Harold Turner spoke of her training at the United Church Training School and of four years spent in setting up women's work in the Home Mission field prior ta her mar- niage. Delegates were housed in Mt. Allison University which al- though it the oldest univer- sity i Cnada still has the largest women's residence. De- legates who came from the World Council of Churchés which had just closed at Evan- ston, Illinois, reported that re- presentatives from ail Protes- TELE VISION OWNERS What wiI a new Pic fure 'Tube cosi you? 0 0 1 Without diagnosis, pickup, installation or deiivery charges, the latcst price Iist issued by Generai Electrie on August 23rd, 1954, lists the AVERAGE pnice of a 21" picture tube as $57-70. It lists 27 different types of 21" picture tubes, ranging in pnice from $80.45 te $46.95. PROTECT yeurself against this unexpected expense - and al other expenses, delays and canes et your televisien set by inquiring teday abe, our Televisien Service Contract, with the partial REFUNO ftature if yeu should net have eccasion te use it. Telephene us, and a representative wiii be pleased te expiain our contract fuliy te yeu et yeur cenvenience. We tan guarantee toeocver any make of set. Television Service 3 DIVISION ST. S. BOWMANVILLE I Protection Company PHONIE MA 3-3883 tant churches of the world had in this day of doubt, unrest and fear, formed this conviction that "Christ is the Hope of the World". Thrilled as she listened ta the heart beat of the Churcn, Mrs. Fisher concluded that the church is big business even if ail around us we see people giv- ing just what i. left af tîme, talent and maney ta the church. Rt. Rev. Dorey, the new Moderator, impressed her in his abilitY. after 40 years on Home Mission Board, to a mninisters by name although they came tram il con.ferences from coast ta caast. Among the eight who were honoured by Mt. Allison Uni- versity was one woman, Mms. Jean Gardon Forbes, a gnad- uate, former president of Dom- inion Board af W.M.S. upon whom was conferred the de- gree of Doctor of Laws. The women o! the church are very proud af this for they know that Mrs. Forbes accepted this honour not for hersel f but for the women she represented. The Commissioners atten two years' study brought in reports an the plan of action of the United Church toward the dit. ferent problems of aur mod- ern lite. In dealing with latter- ies il was stated that at the cross of Jesus Christ there were those 'who looked on His face and loved Him while athers cast lots for His garment. As members of the United Church let those who love the Lord look on His face rather than take part in bingos, tickets or lotteries of any kind. The Commissioners and their wives were entettained by the provincial government of Prince Edward Island. Piped on theŽ largest ice-breaker in the world owned b';v the Dominion Gov- ernment they annived at the isc land and thence by cavalcade across the i.sland visiting the home of Anne ot Green Gables ta be entertaîned at the hotel ta a lobster dinnen. Mrs. Teeple, president of W. A. thanked Mrs. Fisher. Miss Elva Orchard conduct- ed the worship period ini which was emphaslzed the great need to prepare our homes and oun hearts for the real meaning et Christmas, the birthday of Je- sus. A sang, "Give Me Oil in My Lamp" which was taught at the Eastern sectional meeting et Tyrone was led by Mr&. Ken- neth Werny. Mrs. Harold Fengusan, presi- dent of the W.M.S. shared with YIns. Teeple the leadership ai he day. Mrs. Chas. Greenham, Maple Grove, spoke words of appre- liation t¶iat the ladies of Maple Grave W.M.S. had been privil- eged ta. share the fellowahip and attend in imagination the sessions o! the higheut court af our church. Gordon Âgnow, Edilor Phono 3621- TOWI announces their Ob 2nd Anniversury Seule Sfarting Thurs., Nov. 25 2,000 YARDS TUBFAST SPECIAL COTTON PRINTS 39c 36" PRINTED WASHABLE FLANNELETTES Florals, Stripes, Novelty Check and Plaid. Sanforized SPECIAL * l Shirtings with soft suede finish. 'Yard 39 56" RAYON AND WOOL AUTHENTIC TARTANS 19 in twelve plaids. Special Yard 19 54" ALL-WOOL JERSEY In ten-beautiful shades. .2 Speciai Yard.29 36" PINWALE CORDUROY In fifteen shades. 14 Speciai Yard ---------- 14 58" RAYON AND WOOL GABARDINE. In ten shades. 19 Special Yard ------------- -- 1 9 38", FEATHER FLANNELS In eight shades. Special Yard -9 56" ALL-WOOL FLANNELS In ten shades. 44" ONION SKIN TAFFETAS In six beautiful shades. Special Yard -1.29 36" ENGLISH VELVETEEN rI eight shades. Special Yard------. 2.29 38" WASHABLE SPUN RAYON PLAIDS 98 Special Yard98 1,000 YARDS - 38".- 42"P CREPES TI assorted colours. 0 ORIGINATOR PATTERNS B3ANKRUPT STOCK 5,000 PATTERNS Regular Values up to $2.50 each SPECIAL 10Oc EACH ATTENTION BRIDAL PARTIES!I 47" CELANESE TAFFETAS In 10 beautiful shades SPECIAL YD. 1.29 FRENCH LACES 36" - 42" In 15 beautiful shades SPECIAL YD. 2.49 72"' RAYON and Nylon NETTINGS In 10 beautiful shades SPECIAL YI). From our Drapery Deparîment 48" DRAPERY DAMASKS in eight colours. Regular 3.49. SPECIAL! Yard ____---- 48'. Imported Drapery Sateen Lining SPECIAL! Yad 98C Fer quality merchandise et lewest prices shep and save et Fabnic Town! The abeve specials are enly e few of thé many greet fabrie values you'II find on dispicy! COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION!1 TOWN. maivîlIs Pho.. NA 3-3609 M FARRIC ADMISSION 50C Our buyer cleared eut an Amreican miii ef 20,000 yards of tep-quality, vat-dyed, pre-shrunk 48" drapery fabrie. Regular values up te 4.50 e yard. la fierais, abstracts, scenics and nevelty weaves la every celer imaginable. 1Se corne eanly while sélection i. et its best. ON SALE AT 1. 98 Yard FADRIC le., King si. W. Bown Phono MA 3.3609 ý 9ýý 1 ---- ---------- - ------ lm m in imm ENNISKILLEN Sharp- Capt. Gregg and fam. Graham and Joyce, Purpl:e hetuh htdoeu it dut laToyo1Japn. Sunday dinmer guests of Mr. mous. The Enniskîilen Service Club *Mr. and Mire. N. Collacutt, mnd Ms. Fred Toms. and .Senior Football Team Tyrone, were Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton ipenard uretapr o t~ests of M.r. and Mrs. Wallace Loin. and Charles attended thý leJnor Boys' 1Football Grlffin'a. birthday party for Mns. BE.C team ýýrh1ch wai held et lMrs. Mrs. Minit Hatherly, Ty* Ashton hsld, et the home .of Harold MiII.' on Saturday, Nov. rale, spent last week at the her daughter, Mrn. S. Rodinan, 20tb. '.*A good Urne waa had home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lead- Scugog Island. bi ait. beater and visited other friends Mr. and Mrs. Allen Henry, Service Club ladies met et while in the village. Judy.and Beth, Lindsay, visited Vit E. 1EPAlpR' the hom~e of Mns. P. Ellis wlth Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith and Mr. and Mrs. A Sharp. 12 preae1t.. Lunch was uerved Dale, Bobcaygeon. visited Mr. Mr. and Mns. George Irwln, AID WE by Ifrt. A" Werry n.L and Mrs. Geo. Irwin. Donna Gall and Rodney visit- INBTALLI, Wearn, réï. E. Trwlnand Mr. and Mns. C. B. Dalton, ed Mr. and Mu. James Houck, PQC A D hosteaa. -Ne*t meeting et Mnr. Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. S. . H. Bowmanvflle. PC AN A. Leadbeatet.Nov. 3th. Ma~ and Mr. Bill May, Taronto, Mr. Frank Spry, Rochester, 15MOICE So'rry ta report Alvin Boyd wMtMr. and Mnà . C. Ash- N.Y., vlslted Mr. and Mns. Edgar t C had the mUo6rtune of talling ton. Wright, Mrs. Spry returned down: atep, t the Cammunity Misses Ruth Lamb and Reva home tfram visiting with te. A 0 Hall and breaking somne nbs. McGill were Sunday visitera latives. W We wish hlm a speedy recov ofai Mss Gloria Wright. Mr. and Mns. D. Yxeo and g ery. - -Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bow- Lamna, Oshawa, wlth Mr. and Regglar C.G.I.T. meeting wiîî man, Bruce, Laura and Eric, Mrà. Gordon Yeo. be held in the church bs.Entleld; Mr. and Mns. Elwyn Mn. and Mrs. Allan Werry men onSatrda, Nv. se-h Dickey, Bawmanvllle, with Mr. were tea guests with Mr. and met Snl yi Nov.Gloria and Mrs. Milton Stainton. Mr$. E. A. Werry.à Wright in chkarge et the pro. Master Tomnmy Leadbeaten Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, g!am an Lon: Warnandwîth Master Lawrence Wright Clame and Douglas attended a Mrym adLm Weann orl nch. an Sna.brha aryfrhsmt ~~arMr ar~l o ulh nSndy s tne Tre . andprStewo rtie oh Mre and »ýmrs. iCeith Fergu- and Helen, Oshawa, wene at man's, Scugog Island. jrTZ son. $owmanville;Mr an Mr. and Mrs. F'rank Dorland's. M.adM,.E .Wle Mn..Donld Le, ayneand Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van ana girls, Bowmanville, were ______________ Terry, Mr. and Mn.. George Camei and Arthur, Blackstock, Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mms. Lee, 'Mr.-Harry Ferguson, Oah- with Mr. and Mme. F. W. R. Griftkn. awa, were recent dinner guests Werry. Mr. and Mrs. V. Goodale, of Mr. and Mr.. Walter Fer- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke Sandra and Bruce, Glandford guson, belng the occasion ut and Gary. Mr. and Mrs. John Station, Ontario. were weekend celebrating birthd ays of Wal- Oke and Randy, Oshawa, with visitons of Mr. and Mrs. A. ter and Keith Ferguson and their parents, Mr. and Mr. Leadbeater. Donald Lee. Walter Oke. Mrs. Verna Wood, Mr. and Captain and Mrs. H. W. Mrs. F. Steele, Port Perry; Mrs. Floyd Pethick and Robin, Gregg,. Donald and Michael Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemnon, Toronto, with Mr. and Mn.. S. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Adam Haydon; Mr. and Mrs. Cortney R. Pethick. _________ m TEM CANADIAlq STAIIML4M WIVIUWVffTAL nWÀlqTe% f B I I 1.981 malville