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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Nov 1954, p. 19

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~SDAY. 1<0?. 351h, 1054 1~ CANAD!A21 STATESMAX. DOWMANVff LE. mIARTO eàd CO-MING EVNTS Reserve Nov. 30th, Dec. 4Ç d, 3rd, for the High School uction ai "Quality Street". 43-6 'Plan la attend St. John's Guild ual poinsettia tea and bazaan Prlday, Dec. 3rd, 1954, 3 to ,,M. 47-1 odenn and old timne dancing rySaturday night in Tynone nmunity Hall, Dancing frei :' la 12.* Music by Sellecks' Icaires. 40-tf T'yrone Evening W.A. are bav- abazaar, bake sale and tea -ic Sunday School roam, ursday evening, Dec. 2, at ».m. 47-1 1,Duhan wty Junior Farm- annual turkey banquet and ce at Newcastle Community Fniday, November 26, at Op.m. Tickets $1.75 or 75e or dance only. 46-2 Hampton Public School var- ety concert in Sundmy School oom ai Hampton Church, De- cember 151, at 8 p.m. sharp. School Board members will be esent. Everybody welcome. dinission, aduits 35c. 47-1* The Solina W. I. invite you ta a8 repeat performance ai their play "Mmîd ai Money" at the Sauina Community Hall, Tues- day, December 7th, at 8:15. Pro- ceeds in aid ai Hurricane Relief Fund. 47-2 The Evening W. A. ai St. Paul's Church will hold their jnnual tea and bazaar in the Lecture Room, Saturday, Nov. ê27, 3 p.m. Home baking, country !More, candy, aprans, doil clothes, children's clothes, plus many 1bazaar items. 46-2 Kendal United Church turkey supper, Friday, November 26th, :from 5:30 ta, 7 p.m., ta be served by the men ai Kendal United ýChurcb. Slides will be shown ýby Mr. C. Carveth during and ater supper. Adults $1.25, cblîdren 75c. 46-2* North Durham Farmers! Come out and hear John M. James, your local M.P., speak at the regular meeting ai the Cart- Wnrigbt Local ai the Ontaria ,Parmers Union, Township Hall, Blackstock, Friday., Decemberj Ir., at 8:30 p.m. 46-21 COMING EVENTS The Canadian National Inat- itute for the Blind is having its annual Chriatmnas Sale af worlc at the Hydro Store on the even- ing ot Friday, November 26th and ail day on Saturday, the 27th. This work is done by the1 blind people of Bowmanville and district. 47-1 The annual Christmas bazaar and teiaifNewcastlc Lionettes Club in the Lions Room ai the Newcastle Community Hall, Sat- urday afternoon, Novemnber 27th. There will be the usual home- baking and iancy work booths and many added attractions in- cluding the Hobby Show. After- faon tea will be served.. 46-2 Countice Woman's Associationj bazaar on Thursday. Decemben 2nd, wili be opened by Mrs..R. W. Nichais, at 2 p.m. Sale wül include quilts, iancy work, aprans, home cooking, children 's wear, novelties and Christmas cards. Special attractions are fish pond, Christmas gifts, coun- try store and tea room. 47-1 The annual banquet ai the Durham County Holstein Club will be held in Blackstock Com- munîty Centre, Friday, Decem- ber 3rd, at 6:30 p.m. We have an outstanding speaker in the persan ai Malcolm Robb ai Belleville, plus good musical en- tertainment. Number ai tickets is limited and should be procur- ed from your director. 46-2 Repairs REPAIRS toalal makes ai refrig- enatora, domestic and commer- cial; milking coolers. Higgon Electric Limited, 42 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf RADIO and television repaira. Prompt service. Pick up and dellvery. Lamne Doreen, 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. (Formerly partner in "The Radio Shop"). 38-tf Personatl HYGIENIC supplies - (rubber goods) mailed pastpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 26c, £4 s amples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, eov-Rubber Ca., Box 91. Ham- #Aton Ont.1-52 ket'u K FOR YOU Let un erect or convert youn eiai to ROTATOR IN MEMORIAM MOFFATT - Sacred ta the memory of my belaved husqbad, Andrcw Moffatt, who paascd away, November 26. 1952. Thoughts deeper atill Than mcmory's sacred tears Keep fresh the flawers af love Whroughout the years. Vera. 47-1* Cards of Thanks We wish ta extend our apprcc. lation and incere thanks ta our friends in Newcastle for the presentation recently tendered Us. Nuil and Vivian Britton. 47-1* 1 would Uike ta thank my friends and relatives for their kîndness and offers af help ta me and my family during my stay in Memarial Hospital and while at home. Thank you sin- cerely. Mns. Narman Cowle. 47-1* Mere words are inadequate ta express aur gratitude ta each and everyone who has helped us through these days ai sorraw with beautiful flowers, words ai sympathy and deeds ai infinite kindness. We can only amy, "Thank you s0 much". Mrs. E. C. Evans and family. 47-1 * I wish to thank ail my relatives and friends wha sent carda, flowers, gifts and candies, also thdse who vlsited me. Special thanks ta Dr. Ferguson, Dr. Sturgisenurses and staff ai Memnorial Hospital. Many thanka ta ail. Mabel Challis. 47-1 * I would like ta express my sincere thanks to all my friends and relatives who s0 kindly re- membered me with carda, flow- ers, gif ta and inquirles, during my stay in Lockwood Clinic Hospital in Toronto. Mrs. N. G. McCulloch, Bowmanville. 47-1* 1 wish ta express my sincere thanks ta Drs. Rundie, McKenzie and Austin, my special nurses, Mrs. Buttery, Mms. Bell, Mrs. Lymer and Mrs. Widdecombe, and ail nurses and staff ai Memomial Hospital for their kindness; aima, toalsl my frienda and neighbors for letters, carda, ilowers, fruit, candy mnd giits received at hospital and home. Mrs. Ralph Cale. 47-1* The relatives ai Doris (Dot) Dilling, and daughter Dorathy Perfect, wish ta thank ail those who have. contributed ta the fund which went toward pay- ment ai her medical expenses at the Toronto General Hospital, amaunting ta $439. Donations came ta $350, the balance being made up by the relatives. Sin- cere thanka go misa ta those in charge ai the Fund, Mrs. Wm. Mutton, Mrs. Gea. Piper, Mrs. Leon Dumas. and toalal those who donated blood. 41-lh Bring in aIl present and future TV stations - Atm Sale of Stockers the antenna riglit at the station front the handsome Proves Success contrai cabinet« ln yaur living-room. mou y . 16 OUJR EXPERIENCED AERIAL CRÈW la naw ready ta serve you wlth Prompt, Prof essonal Quallty Installations at the Lowest af Costs.I Visit our showroomn and sec anc openatet Television Service Protection Company 3 Division St. S. Phone MA 3-3883 In New Arena The first Stocker Sale at the Durham cÇounty Sales Arena, Orono, an Monday provcd very successlul, with a large num- ber, ai buyers attending from Durham County and Eatern and Central Ontario. A very high top pnice ai 19.25 cents per pound was paid for a choice lot ai Hereford steers, and the average price at the sale was 17.50 cents per pound. Over 200 head ai cattie went under the hammer ai Auctioneer Jack Reid at the event, during whîch the ncw scales recently installed in the Arena proved vemy satisiactory ta bath buyer and seller. A high percentage ai the stocker cattie sold went ta buyers outside ai the caunty. Tele vision Sales ? SCERTAMLY Re ORCONSTANT POLICY IS A WRITTEN ON ALL PARTS AND SERVICE WITH EACH SET SOLD FOR THE CLEAREST '17"i 229*00 COMPLET£ 0STEADIESI PICTURES AN«WHERE! PLUS Prof essional Service 21"I 3 09.00 COMPLETE AS SHOWN CALL TaIia; SrvceProtection Tele~vE~isine rvceCompany S3 Division St. S. Phone MA 3-3883 European Travelo gue in Both Words a~nd Stides- Given Women .TEachers. The Women Teachers' Graup af Bowmanvile, South Darling- ton and Cartwright met in On- tario Street School, Bawman- ville, on Wcdnesday évening, Novemben 17. Misa Marjonie Couch, the preuident. welcom- cd the members ta this first meeting. During the business part ai the meeting the presi- dent appealed ta the members ta send in a lit ai the naines ai any ai thase in this district who have been teachers, but are flot teaching at the present time. The teachers af Ontario Street School and Vincent Mas- sey School were hostesses for the meeting. Mrs. Muriel Sy- mons, program .convener, in- troduccd Mns. Olive Mofatt, who was anc of two delegates from this district ta attend a Conference for Curriculum De- velopment in Toranto, in Oc- taber. The aim af this Annual Conference is ta provide a for- um where al points of view may get a hearing. Delegates were present irom Men and Women Teachers' Groups, Trus- tees and Ratepayers Associa- tions, Home and School Asso- KENDÂL Paul Jackson has joined the Navy and is naw stmtioned at Cornwallis, Nova Scotia. Mmi. Norman Therteli and Bob Alexander, Toronto, spent the weekend in Kendal. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer and Mrs. Mary Luxon called ta sec Mra. Patterson and Mr, and Mrs. Wmnnan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Honey and Mary, Mms. A. Jackson and Phyllis visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson. Harvey Mcînnis, who has been in France with the Aýr Force this past two ycars visit. cd his uncle and aunt, Mn. and Mrs. Roy Mercer. Mrs. N. Mc- Kay accampanied him imfom Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson wene Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Saper. The free lance lobacco gnow- ens journeyed ta the tobacco cenlers Thursday. Joe Jilisen eceived 45c for bis crop but the general pnice seema ta have been somewhat lesIban. that received by the marketing board members. The Orangemen held their second dance ai the season in the hall Fridmy evening with a good crowd and a dandy time. Mrs. D. Thompson, M n. Cal Thampson and Misa Mary Mc Lean of Toronto, spent Thurs- day with Mn. and Mrs. Mult Robinson. Mn. McRoberts returned ta bis home here mter spending some trne with bis daughler, Mrs. Chas. Gay and a icw dayg in Bowmanville Haspital. We hope he ia now feeling bet- ter. The Kendal Girlq Stitch in Time Club met Monday even- ing at the home ai thein as- sistant leader, Mrs. Mary Lux- on. They discussed the clothes suitable fao the difiement types ai girls,.Kathleen Geach and Dianne Imwin were present bringing the class up ta nine. Fniends and patients ai Dr. McNcil ai Pontypool, were shocked and saddened ta leamn ai bis sudden passing on Mon- day evening. He will be veny much missed in this commun- ity. Saturday proved a veny ainy day ion a sale but a lange crawd gathered ta punchase the many fine pieces of fumniture etc., be- ionging ta the Cockbumn iam- ily. The Cockbumns are maving back ta Toronto and, while we will miss tbem, we wisb thein the beat ai luck in their new lome. ____ Let a DURO do the Puzupiig V S AVING TIMIC.. . REDUC-' ING LABOR... INCREAS- ING PRODUCTION. DURO Pumpa, designed for Farm duty, supply fresh watcs- whcrc mnd when yen nced it ... in the home. ..ban,.. pouitry yard. . .. truck garden ... provides nesory for lire protection. Se your Plumber or DURO dealer for full information about the type of DURO Shallow or Deep Weil Pump yoeu eed, or1 write for fold c, 'Rumaing W&t.uý, tke Faim N.usuity". ?LUMBING A"1 EATINO rHoNE *isDo wàL.N vILL DM8IIoM Street S. "I cigtioià; Inspectons and Super- visons, frnom ail parts ai On- taii. Mis. M~fiatt gave a mnoat intereaUng account ai hem twa- day visit ta the Confenence. UfrL A. Menkley, accompan- ied br- Mise Leta Bragg, sang Iwo veny lpveIy solos. Mra. SYiMans then intnoduc- ed' MIs Maijorie Couch. Fan the romidr ai the evening, mii CôÙu':' entertained the Group *Iiiiany loveiy cal- aur sUIdeg' "taken on hem recent tt, 10 Gt'ei Britain and the co thiIent. 4liing part ai hem tour, $ho v1àited France, Bel- giunx; Sw4 tzerland and part ai GÇmany * hd hem pictures shawed ymafta the beauties ai *these cQtimies. Miss * oùv's informai talk, deicribiïg ome ai the events ai her trl#,was moat Interest- ing ta hem audience. Miss Phyllis Parker Ihen led in several games, ailer whicb the teachers ai Ontario Street and Vincent Massey -Schoals served lunch. The next meet- ing ai the Group is ta be held in Jmnuary with the teachers aof South Danlington in charge. COURTICE The Exploners cf Courtice United Church held a 1cm for thein mothers and iniends on Mandmy, November 151h. Each girl invited, two guests. The 1cm was planned ion the pur- pose ai expiaining ta the guests how the Explarers' meeting is conducted with the prai cl oi the evening being the tea, aenved and prepared by *the girls. Everyane really enjoy- cd tbemselves and the leaders, Mrs. W. Parker. Mrs. E. Gmt- chell and Mrs. Carl Adams appreciate the interest shown. Wornzns Association The Courtice Woman's As- sociation met -on Thursdmy, Nov. 181b, witb the president, Mms. C. Penfound, pmesiding. The scnipture was rend by Mrs. H. Hermon. Mrs. A. Wil- kins remd a poem on "How ta be ready for Christmas - Chnist's birlhday." Mrs. Cecil Adams led in prayer. Mrs. Roy Nicholîs will. open the bazaar ta be held on Dec. 2nd. Mrs. Cecil Adams, Mms. A. Wilkins- andi Mrs. E. War- burtan weme the lbree ladies nominated for the Nominating Camîiftte. The Flower and Visiting Committee reports were given. Mns. C. Pcnioufld introduced the guet speaker, Mns. Tam- blyn, 1 'st Vice-president ai the Oshawa Pmesbyteny, wbo apen- cd hem talk by saying that some day our new church will be a landmamk. Mrs. Tamblyn gave a very intenesting talk on part oi a visit she made to Las Angeles. Mrs. Robent Barber lhanked Mrs. Tramblyn for ber ins iring talk. Mrs. E. Essery an d Mrs. R. Barber sang a duel "God Wills Il To," that seemcd so fitting miter the talk by Mrs. Tamblyn. The meeting closed and a social lime was enjoyed. Young, People's Union The Caurtice Circuit Young Peopie's Union heid ils regular meeting in Ebenezer United Church. Duning the business periad final plans were made ion the night af games at Maple Grave United Church. The devationai opcned with Gloria Pbiliips memding the Cmli ta Worship. Seniptune lessan was given by Allen Thompsan. Gloria rend a paem. "On Re- ceîving an Old Bible" written by Elemnor Zimmerman. "The Beaver" written by W. R. Stuk on the beaver's wintcm given by Allen. Bible study- was led by Rcv. L. M, Somerville. Re- creation led by Marlon Wymmn was enjayed by ail, aithough rough at limes. .Mn. and Mrs. C. Daniel, Mns. S.Daniel, misa Mrs. C. Wmrbur- ton vlsited Sunday at the home af Mr. and Mrs. E. Warburton and iamily. Mn. and Mns. G. Osborne and daughten Linda, Hamilton; Mrs. R. Wordcn and Mr. and Mrs. E. Foley, Bowmanvllle. visited Suxiday at the home af Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilkins and mttended the special services held aI Caurtice Church. Mn. and Mns. Ed. Youngman, Pontypool; Mn. and Mrs. Gea. W. Graham and girls, Baw- manville, were- gucsts oi Mn. and Mrs. Don Thompson. Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Penfound and daughtem Joan, Whiîby; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans, Charles and J)ouglas ai Bow- manville; Mr. and Mrs. S. Pen- found, Mark, Tad, Lee and Claire, also Mrm. Eari Shipman spent the dinnen houn at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Peniound. Mr. Walter Robertson, Lind- say; Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hooper and iamily, Prince Albert, spent Sunday at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. O. Robertsbn. Mr. O. Thompsan. Oshawa, spent the dinner houm at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomp- son and family. Mn. and Mrs. George Leaming, David, Danlene and Diane apent the dinner hour Sunday at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. T. Glad- man. LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. Dick Evers ai Toronto were Sunday supper guests ai Mn. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk. Miss Joyce Van Camp and Mr. Neil Brownell, Oshawa, were also guests at the Vaneyk home. rMrs. Edith Murphy with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gable and boys, Courtice, were Satur-, day supper guests ai Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McLmggmn. Francis and Rac Johnston i spent Saturday at the Royal Winten Fair. Mr. and Mma. John Wright and: Muriel, Janctville. visited hem parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gib- son. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson and Willie visited Mn. and Ms.. Brmdburn, Burketon. Ma$ter Tommy Milison, New- tonvilie is with hîs parents alter his operation in Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parînen with Mm. and Mrs. Stanley Gable, Courtice. Miss Barbara Harper and Misa Elaine Turner, Tarante, with Mr. and Mra. E. Harpen. Brigade Gives To Flood Relief In Etobicoke The Bowmanville Valùn- teen Fine Depanîment, whick donated $100 te the Kingsway-Lambton Volun- teer Fine Department In Etobicake followlng that departmentla's agie lau or a fire truck, and five f ire- mien In the floada which accompanlcd Hurricane Ha.- zel, reccntly received an acknowledgement of this genenaus donation. The lutter was wnltten by Fine Chief W. H. Bell of that department, wha la a brother ai Mnrs. George Maody. Aithougli he was flot on the truck which car- ried bis five men ta their deallis, . hief Bell very neanly jost hi. own ie au lie was swcpt m t te Hum- ber whule assisting ini nos- cue work. Hie was saved from drowning, by other warkers on the bank. A number oifallier fine departments t hr o u ghout Ontarioalmso contributed to thc Etabicoke Firemenls Relief Fund, which Io be- ing used ta helpthe fami- lies ai the five victims. Cou rtice Chu rch ier; C muontbe,'rset ed by Ma lrnePe=on in honor ai Mrs. (Rev.> W. S. P. Boyce; pulpit drape, donated bpy Miss Mabel Walter in hon. ori of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Waltmr; the hymnary, presented by Grant and Lintan Herron; baptismal font, pre- sented by Mrs. Je"si Tooley in memory ai Rex Sutherland Taoley, born in Caurtice, killed in action ini IIuly, November, 1944. Mn. Somerville extcnded a laciSexprcaalýof thanks tb p 1. onratos1 R. B'PIWilln Oshawa, to Mr. Walter Parker for thc allar rmillng, and la aU who mnade, the complellon -of the building possible. The building is of modem Gothic architecture with nat- ural wood arches frâmlng the interlor, Beauliful bouquets af flowers decoraled the churcai. Special muisic under the dl#ec- tion ai Mn. Frank Walter wlth ?&. Dan, Alîman, Oshawa, as guest soloist, added greatly to the beauly and inspiration ai the services. OraitARTHUR COLLISO N Orgaist- Choirmaster Trinity U'nited Church,I Bowmanville TEACHER 0F PIANO, ORGAN and ail THEORETICAL SUBJECTS Telephone MA 3-3900 Bowmanvlfle EXHIBITION HOCKEYi at the Me morial Arena j 8:30 p.m. WED'.. DEC 1 TORONTO' ALL COLOURi Seven coleured boys are featured on this team VS.i BOWMANVILLE BARONSi Admission - 75c Studeuls - 35c Ou a/lt Street"' $37-50 $49-M AComecly Bowmanville High School Students at THE TOWN HALL Tues. - Wed. - Thurs. & Fni. Nov. 30-Dec. 1-2-3 TimE - 8 P.M. Admission M- M- 0 50C Tickets may be obtained from any Hlgh Scho4ol student, at B.rry's Book Store or Rickaby's "Big 20" Seating plan opens at 9:30, November 27 at High School Auditorium $45-00 One Year Guarantee T11is drmtmaa, ch1osc a precouion-built, 17 iewel Glaasosi. W" 0116oz *at .p.oie.l gift. No preoent ia more g o,15. , Onrd Hooper'sç Jewellery & Gift Shop 28 RING ST. W. BO WMANVILLE MA 3-5741f 1 MMAT. NOT. 29th, 1054 TEE CANADM grATESUM, BO"TgAWVU= OWAPM %, S6, 1

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