Y, NOV. 25th, 1954 THE ANADAI< TATSMAX. BOMANILLE ONTRJOPAGE "IV )r. Charlotte Horner Addresses viaple Grove Women's Institute )n Counties Health Unit Work Speaking at the November eeting of Maple Grove Wom- ns' Institute Dr. Charlotte [orner, who is in charge of he Northumberland and Dur- a1 eHekaIth Unit sad that e 7~ s flot merely absence tease, but is a state of D plete physical and mental veli being, and public health 9 surely an investment, flot ýn expenditure. .i'he Health Unit is to the ountZ what the family physi- ian is to a family and cost Lround 63c. per person per, ,ear. Its scope is public health ýducatiort emibraces maternai ifant ahild hygiene, com- nunicab'& 'diseases. sanitary nspection, tuberculosis, men- al disease and venereal dissease. Finances for thîs zservice cimes 50% from the province ýnd 50% from the Counties. Motta for the evening-'Wor- y is like 'a rocking chair; it ives you. something to do but ioesn't get you anywhere". was AUTOMATIO OIL HEATER AS LOW AS a $71.95 4-WAY RADIANT HEAT Other Nw Excluive Features @oane i and tee ýj4NDER ,ARDWARE taken by Mrs. C. H. Snowden. She said worry is the interest. paid on trouble before it cornes. It uses up energy and if y ou worry too much about, 'the dust around you, you MaYi have dust over you. Little wor- ries are the worst. It is easier to dodge an elephant than a f ly. Mrs. Edward Foley gave ai reading o! recipes for a suc- cessful and for an ur.successful day. President Mrs. C. Mills!re sided for the business. A mo- 1 tion was carricd to rater ta th implement deal'ers' turkey din ner on Dec. lst. Mrs. Wallace i Munday, Mrs. Chas. GreenhamI and Mrs. Eber Snowden were appoînted to look after the dinner. A donation was voted to the Flood Relief Fund. Mrs. Kcnneth Sumersford, convener of "Home Economies and Health", was in charge of the splendi.d program. Dr. Hor- ner was introduced by Mrs. ýNuIls and was thanked on be- haif of the WLI. by Mrq. How- ard Bradley. Roif rail was, "The first fam- ilv. physician 1 remember and Why". Solina H. & S. Clubl Elects New Officers Solina Home and School Club met on Friday night with Percy, Westlake, vice-president, in the chair. *Election of officers rcsulted as follows: President-Percy West- lake; Vice-President-Mrs. Wil- lard Gorr; Secretary-Treasrer- Mrs. Wes. Werry; Pianist-Patsy Davis; Assistant - B ar ba ra' Hooey. It was decided that a sperial collection would be taken in January for the Flood Relief Fund. Mr. W. Lycett, teacher, spoke briefly on ways the Home and School Club may help the school children, c.g., by en- couraging themn in public speak- ing competitions. Thc mcm ber- ship fee will remain as before, 25c. Mr. C. Shortrîdge suggest- ed that a letter o! thanks be sent the reti-ring President, Mrs. Carl Bradley. Programme convenors for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. C. Hamer and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wcstlakc. Musical numbers in- cluded a piano solo by Patsy Davis and a vocal trio by Gail Baker, Sharon Robb and Deanna Vance. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cruick- shanks entertained with lovely slides of England and Scotiand with Mr. Cruickshanks providing interesting comments. Mr. C. Ramer thanked those who took part, on the programme, aftcr wbich lunch was servcd. At- tendance 50. The January pro- gramme committee is Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and Mr. and. Mrs. E. Hockaday.- sLOANS $ Are your present monthly commit- $ments too heavy to carry?$ Consuit Beilvue today for an easier wa oligbten your financial wa t "wrries. $ A plan to suit every income. $ A Bellviie Loan is as near $ as your Phone. $ BELLVUE FINANCE $ G. H. Wilson, Manager 29%~ Simcoe St. S. Qshàawa $ PHIONE OSHAWA 5-112J BRESLI4 Win One of te Vuulunemble PrmzeBs and haeve fun playing the "'KNOW YOUR DO WMAN VILLE" Store No. 37 is Store No. 38 is CONTEST Store No. 39 in Store No. 40 is s~ Store No. 41 is Store No. 42 is It's simple Store No. 43 le - This is ail you have to do Each week there will be a number of pictures appear in this same space. These pictures have been taken i one.of the stores listed below. You simply eut out the pictures, and f ill in the name of the store you think the picture was taken in. The Entry Blank is printed at left. This must be filled out and your pictures with answers attached must be mailed or delivered to The Canadian Statesman before Midnight, Monday, December 6, 1954. The decision as to- winners by the Bowmanville Chamber of Com- merce will be final. As many entries may be entered fron one person as they wisb. Employees and owners of the participatitîg stores and The Canadian Statesman and their immediate families are not eligible. Four hundred dollars in merchandising certificates will be giveà away by the merchants participating, redeemable at their store only. First prize is $100, 2nd-$75, 3rd--$50, 4th-$25 and the next 15 winners will receive $10 each. Start the contest to-day - you'll have lots of fun and may make yourself some easy Christmas money. Back copies of The Canadian Statesman containing the contest pictures are available. Each Picture has been taken in one of the following Stores COWLING DRUGS WALKER STORES LANDER HARDWARE ELLIS SHOE STORE KENNEDY DRY GOODS JURY & LOVELL RICKABY'S "BIG 20"p announces OSBORNE'S SPORTS AND CYCLE MTARR JEWELRY ELLIOTT'S SHOES AND LUGGAGE MASON & DALE HARDWARE McGREGOR DRUOS McNULTY'S SPORTS AND CYCLE DOMINON SORESF. F. MORRIS FURNITURE FOR MADE-TrO-MEASURE i Ti's.ETnskilen 66 9 AY ONMiss Lorraine Craham, Osh- Haydon Sunday School has 1 awa, at Mr. and Mrs. M. Ber- sent a donation of $25 ta Hur- MI O LO H S1r. and INr., D. IacKenzie trim's. ricane flood victims and Hay- T1 ~ O H~and famnilv xerc SLinday visit- Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus 'Alshton idon W.A. sent a donation of ors at Mr. and Mrs. A. M(:- Iand Roy, Burketon, called on! $15 to Hurricane flood victims. NeiFsMr, and Mrs. Leslie- Graham, Mi. and Mirs. Harold Gay on 'Thursday. paes ciei ! Osliawýa. at Mr. and esrs. Mrs. F. Steele, Port Perry, S ekr ciei Charles Garrard's. called on Mr. and Mrs. mpeoand -U* rs. J. Anderson, Mimico, is Slemon, on Sundav. LodTem eac ots viiigMr. and Mrs. Arthuir Mr. and Mrs. Harold Averv Trewind Sunday visitors were an Ro ne ukt n r n H e Id at E nniskillen IR L N Sson adfamily, Port Hope. Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. Nor- The annual Temperance Elo- 'IM U N IS 1 Mr. ~~~~and Mrs. Allun Werrv, man Avery's. cto ots a edi h LUT RIKDALER FOR CANADA'S GREATEST CLOTHINQ VALUE Enniskillen,: Mr. and Mrs. J. Mrs. W. Thompson, Bowman- cion ontes a hedingth Martyn and family, Bowman- ville. spent the weekend at berchrho Turdyeeig fville. at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tre- home. Nov. l9th. A very large audi- Miss M. Bouck spent the ence of parents and interested d.PIANOS-TUNING & REPAIRING a PLASTICS & PLASTIC PRODUCIS e .IEWELLERS a CLEANERS & OYERS eweckend at Ottawa. friends enjoyed a concert of re- - ~ Mr. and Mr.s. B. Vivian and citations and music trom child- » familv were Sunday visitors of e agn naefo he Mr. Waltr________Oshwa.__________n______m hre Mr. and Mrs. J. Hast, and _________ jjIUSt .uî omn us guus, ia... family, Hampton, at Mr. and Safr rs Mrs. J.Liptay's. c'à Mr.and Mrs. Louis Ashton Si afr os mU and family, Toronto, were Sun- loiR h 1Dm ~daN visitors at Mr. A. Read's, M nm na ok look in â e ~and Mr. Henry Ashton's. M nm na ok e.* Mr. and Mrs. J. Liptay visit- PoeWib 5 ý-e ,ed their daughter. Mary Lip- PooWib 5 cD tay. at Peterboro. 8 Dundas St. E.. Whitby PA g3 rs. Charles Garrard visit- FN UL~ 9 jed r.and Mrs. Theron Mount- MOUET AN <.3 joy, Hampton, on Saturday.MOU NS N «0 and Ronald, attended the Royal Prcewolnaspad »» Winter Fair last week. creiul wattni ndi S Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Siemon aeuatniot dal Sand Mr. Walter~ Lov-eridge. are your assurance when =visited Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo yueos rmtewd SMountjav, Nestieton, on Sun- selection of imported and ~ day I domestic Granites and *IAIURiSUS&IS y PAUS m mOOSU U M L&INS.U UB .RMLIMITICKU AMNIES 0 Mr .and Mrs. Lloyd SiemioniMresnstk BRESLIN'S ROBSON MOTORS HIGGON ELECTRIC LIMITED McGREGOR HARDWARE J. H. ABERNETHY PAINT AND WALLPAPER BOWMANVILLE AUTO PARTS SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. YEO'S GROCETERIA FRIGID LOCKERS AND KITSON AMANA PLAN GLORY ANN SHOPPE ta 14 years. There werc 48 contestants and six other child- ren who assisted with music. Pragram opened with a hymn followed by prayer, b)y Rcv. R. M. Seymour. Chair- man Rev. R. M. Seymour cali- cd on the follawing grou.ps: Group 1, which were four years and under, cansisted of, Mar- tha Boyd. Sheryl Ashton, Garry Wilson, Gail Stainton and Hea- ther Griffin. with Gail Stain- ton, chosen as wînner. Group 2, 5 years aId, with six comjýetitors, Robert Slcmon, Marie Beckett, Douglas Ashton, Robert Griffîn, Ruth Pethick and Evelyn Ferguson. Winner was Marie Beckett. Group 3, of 6 and 7 year olds, had 13 campeting, Jimmy Me- Laughlin, Clare Ashton, Susan Wcarn, Lockie McNair, Rodney Irwin, Leona Ferguson, Lam- rence Wright, Doreen Trewin, Charles Ashton, Georgie Lead- beater, Muriel Griffin, Betty Jane Werry and Patsy Mc- Laughlin with Charles Ashton, as winncr. Group 4, 8 and 9 years aid, witl. 10 taking part, Wayne! Beckett, Maureen MeNair, Nýeil Yeo, Kathryn Slemon. Gordon Boyd, Patsy Ellis, Mary Yeo, Betty Wright, Laura Griffin anîd Jeanette Almey, with Ka- thiyn Siemon Ieading anîd re- ceiving the bronîze miedal. Group 5. 10, 1Il and 12 years, Dav id Stainton, Brenda Ellis, Linda Yeo, Daris Wright, with Linda Yeo taking top rank aad HOOPER'S JEWELRY and GIFT SHOP CARTER FAMILY TEA ROOM WOOD'S T.V. SHOP KEN'S MEN'S WEAR MAHER SHOES CAWKER'S I.G.A. JOHN & JUDY SHOP S. J. JACKMAN & SON FLOWERS McDONALD'S GROCERY PARKIN'S GROCERY ROY NICHOLS recciving a bronze medal. Group 6, were bronze medal holders wbo were competing for a silver medal, David Fer- guson, Donna Gai] Irwin, Cher- yl Rowan, Douglas Ferguson, Bruce Ferguson and Irene Fer- guson with the silver medal being won by Irene Ferguson. Group 7, were silver medal halders wha were campeting for a gold medal, Jimmy Row- an, Gary Beckett, Bruce Milîs, Lois Ashton and Nancy Wood. This gold medal was won by Nancy Wood. Bctwcen groups music was provided with piano solos by Kathryn Slemon, Charles Ash- ton, Linda Staintan, Maureen McNair, Lois Ashton, Mary Yeo, Linda Yeo, Gardon Boyd, Elenor Heard, also accardion mnusic by Gloria Wright and a vocal trio by Grace, Maryr Lou and Çolleen Patterson. The offering was rereived by Bert Werry and Chester Mills. Medals were presented ta the winners by Mrs. Seymour, Mrs. Earl Trewin gave a book te ech contestant. An efficient job of judging was donc by Mrs. M. J. Hobbs, Enniskillea; Rev. T. A. Morgan, Bowmnan- ville, and Rev. Jackson, Ty- rone. Rev. Morgan, who gave the judges' derision, made a brief comment by way o! con- structive rriticism suggesting an impravement in platforrn manner .and gesture alsa in chaire of material. Mesdames Wearn and A. Boyd gave the vote of thanks ta al who as- sisted. The concert iconrluded with the national anthem. Ca ntest Entries must be mailed or ýdelivered to the "Know Your Bowmanville" Chamber of Commerce The Canadian Statesman Bowmianville BEFORE MIDNIG'HT Mon., Dec. 6., 1954 ENTRY FORM *Fi in your name and address below - Cut out and mail or deliver with your pisilires and answers to "KNOW YOUR BOWMANVILLE" Contest, Chamber of Commerce, The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviille. A complete set of pictures must accompany each entry form. NAME------ *STREET OR R.R. POST OFFICE__ -- - - - - - TELEPHONE NO. -__ TED WOOYARD APPLIANCES BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS & DYERS GLEN RAE DAIRY STEDMAN'S SEVERN'S BAKERY BOWMANVILLE SURPLUS STORES W. J. BERRY BOOK STORE "PINTO PONY"ASSECA YOUR NAME "BRANDED' 9ON THIS INDETRUCTIBLE PONT NEIGHS AS YOU RIDE l Sentnally new I At Imt Yeu tan have your 0wn pany braded» wlth your firit naîne i ght acreu hie front. Amaslng new Vinyl Plastic Pony Infiate te .ztrt-larg.ait&. Kidefrom £6 montlu La lé yearm get the oy tii.. et their alv" when theyrid" this »Blue BroStn"e saro e rema.i Y« n ait Ouihim ou kick hi". boanme.kilomvhip hlm--but yen wont ha NAMe ble..NHamlask fer marse. a"aslghs wlith each bonne.« aime"it baa1nt em Mbg. tough and tropng-200-Jb). Mau eam rida bine. etajap o« hl u d vw uara wiii mot bre.lg@UeraiiY aaimd seama. Spatial latroductor, prie-anlr $3.00 for two. B"y than, ft aeary ehld u is r lBat utt 151.asazag low oeer. bond 82.06 if yen ,nly viheueaspony. Bupply limlted. aoùanrdes many nas ye meai NOW. Be ura te PRINT n ne...ut helidrésin en aun pony. On. Dama aen ieeh I Stimlartlea guarantftd I CHRISTMAS OULIVLMT GUABANTEI. DEPT. STRATTON MFG. CO., 47 COLIORNE ST., TORONTO, ONt4. THE CANADIAN STATESMAlq. BOIVbUNVMLE, ONTARIO P.O-.-W-