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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Nov 1954, p. 7

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Durham County Club o! Toronto meets tonigbt (Thurs- day) wben Ms. H. W. F. Mc- Kay, M.A., manager of the jPort Credît Weekly, wil gîve' an address on "The Responsi- bility off the Community News- papes." Mr. and Mss. Harry Osborne, Ms. and Mss. Ralph Poole, Mr. and Mss. Clarence Osbornýe attended the wedding off hi niece, Miss Erie Gray, ta s Edward Stubbs in High Park United Churcli, Toronto, on Saturday. Ms. Robert Gi, new owner off the Royal Theatre here, bas recentliy idened the screen at the theatre by six feet ta show the new wide-screen movies. Ms. Gill plans further improve- ments ta make the films shown at the Royal more enjoyable for lis patrons. jivitea. Jack< AtkinSOn speai<- Mr. and Mrs. Wrightson1 C.1. Wight are visiting theîr daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Graham ter in Ottawa, during the ab- tnà girls spent Sunday with sc.nce of ther son-in-iaw, Mýr. 1-7r. L:nd Mrs. Don Thompson, J. F. Monroe, who is in Paris ( urice, and attended Dedica- as a Canadian delegate to a 1Uon Services off Courtice Unit- NATO conference, after xvhich ca Churèh. lie xiii travel tol Zurich, Swit- Mrs. R. L. Worden and Mr. zeiland, on officiai business. r.nd Mrs. E. . Folcy spent Santa Claus has sent advance 1ýund!ay with '\r. and Mrs. notice to Goodyear employees .Albert Wilkins and attended to sce that their chiidren, 12 I'edicated Services of Courtice years and under, wjll be at the *Lnited Church. plant on Saturday afternoon,i Winners off tickets in the De. l8th. xith a heaping ba;l lionis NI-IL. Hockey Draw for off gifts for ail good children. ' aturda ' , November 27 wvere He is also sending a magician .ack Ceddes and Ernie Brad- to enteriain the party until lie crv, and for Wýednczday, Dec- arrives. c Imber 1, Fred Cole and Gien In the recent Dog Show in 11odgson. Oshawa Miss C. McCausland, li.X-. 2, Orono, won the higchest On Tuesday evening Mr. and honor in the terrier group withc 1Irs. J. M. Rowe and Mr. John lier famous Kerry Blues. Sh2 A. Tabb spent a verY enjoyable was also a successful exhibitor evening with Mrs. W. Trenouth at the Royal Winter Fair witli and Mr. and Mrs. John Cox, it hier Poggenburg goats, being being the occasion off Mr. Tabb'.i awarded champion on doe; lst 83 rd birthday. and 2nd on yearlings, and 3rdî Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eastaugrh and 4th on kids. and ffamily, Brampton, werc A' fareweli party. attcnded visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. by a large.numoer off lier Osh- M. Thompson on Saturday. awa neiglibors, was held for Mr. Eastaugh is a former sup- M rs. George Vice at the home erintendent off the Ontariaofof Mrs. Jack Tay*lor, Masson '1raining School for Boys herz. Street, Oshawa, on, Tuesdayh Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Mc- evening, Nov. 16. Mr. and iVrs.e Cullocli motored down from Vice are leaving Oshawa at the 1 M1anitoba to spend thic winter end off the week to make theira with Mr. McCulloch's parents, home in Bowmanville, whereU brother and family, Mr. and Mr. Vice is postmaster. An Mrs. N. G. McCulloch, Mr. and enjoyable evening xvas spent Mrs. H. McCullocli and ffamily. playing games, and Mrs. Viceb was presented with a hostess i tray in the shape off a long t green leaf. Mrs. Taylor made1 STO j HNS the presentation on behaîf off S . the guests. Assisting the otv ess with reffreshments wereq r.Raîpli Burton, Mrs. Wil- liam Sargant, Miss Beverley s CHURCH Sargant, and Mrs. John Kemp.d Successcful contestants in the (Anglican) gamnes were Mrs. Thomas Gra- Rev. Warren Turnei, ham, Mrs. Lloyd McBridg, Mrs. t B.A., B.D. Morris Kane and Mrs. Goardona Leslie. Mr. and Mrs. Vice have OUR ADVENT AIM: buiît a modern ranch house on il Every Member and Friend the Martin Road on the west-0 In Church every Sunday ern outskirts off Bowmanvilien in Advent. which location presents a most 2 Seviesaifascmnating scenc view oi them 8 arn., il arn. and 7 p.n. f ____ ____ ___ Patch Curtain Evangelistic Centre (Pentecostal) Rev. F. B. Fiffîeld, Pastor Sunday, Nov. 28 10 a.rn. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 a.rn. and 7 p.m. HEAR Rev. Adams a converted Monk 8:45 p.m. - Film "LIFE IN THE MONASTERY" All Welcome At Town Hall Until Replaced The stage curtain damaged by fire on Nov. 6 in the Town Hall was fuliy'covered by in- surance, Wilfrid Carruthers, chairman off Psaperty Com- mittee of Town Council bas advised. The insurance adjus- ter lias made bis inspection and the damaged curtain xill be repiaced through the Rob- ert Simpson Ca. from whom the curtains were originaliy purchased, and their suppliers, Evans & Sons off Toronto. It will take three to four weeks for the new curtain ta be made, dyed to match and hung. In the meantime, Evans & Sons were good enaugli ta pateli up the damaged curtain temporarily sa that the drapes could be used for the Kinsmen Golden Mile Choir concert last Thursday and Friday nights, and for any other functions until the new curtain is ready. A section off track and rope were also damaged, and these bave been replaced. It is un- derstood that some changes wilI be made in stage liglit- ing. Trinity United Church Minister, Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. Missionary and Maintenance Sun day 11 A.M. - Rev. Merrili Ferguson, M.A. United Church Missionary in Africa Intermediate Choir wiII ing at morning service 7 P.M. - Professor John Halla of Indore Christian College, India IOrganist, Air. Arthur Collison, Mus- Bach., L.R.S.M. R.C.M.P. Wedding at Sydney Corstnbie SLalcy TjaMS CGatceel of theRoa Canadian MJountecI Police, and his bride are shown follow- ing their wedding in St. George's Anglican Church. SNdney,. Nova Scotia, on August 2ô. The wedding xvas a verv color- fi-i one, with the bride and groom passing betxveen a guard of honor formed by the groom's comrades of the R.C.M\,.P. as they lef t the church. The bride is the former Jessie Mac MacDonald, daughtcr of Mrs. George MacDonald and the late Mr. MacDonald of Sydney, NS., nd the, groom is the son of Mrs. Cecil Gatcheli and the late Mr. Gatcheli of B ow manvil le. IMAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mis. Chas. Green- ham anîd Carole, spent the xveek- end willî their cousins, Mr. and Mcs. J. R. MacDonald, Weston, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas. Tliurpson, Mount Dennis. Mrs. L. C. Snio\den and Miss Mildced Snowden accompanied by Mrs. John Baker, Solina, vis- ited tlie lalter's son and daugh- lec-in-law, Mc. and Mcs. Maurice Baker, Georgloxvn, on Saturday. Mr. Elgin Gceenham spent the weekend with Mr. Bill Snowden, Torontlo. Sunday ScOool and churcli service at the usual lime on Sun- day, 1:30 p.m., 2:40 p.m. A number from here altended the dedication churcli services it Cauclice Churcli on Sunday. Aflernoon and Evening Aux- ilianies are planning ta hold an- othec communily friendship 'îight on Monday evening, Nov. 2OtO, in the basement, at 8 p.m., when evecyone is invited. Mrs. IH. C. Hurîbert, Toron- ta, Mrs. M. Morrison, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Des MeGralO, Oshawa, called on Mrs. H. C. Hucibcrt's parents, Mn. and Mrs. A. F. Spencer,. after altending the Clarke and Gillien wedding,e Oshawa, on Friday night last. Hospital (Cantinued from page one). iay la any ratepayer off Ihese nuncipalities who pays bis ac- aount at lime off leaving. This lacs flot apply la accaunîs paid by Blue Cross or other com- panies, because il would not benefit the ralepayer hiniself. This discount lias amounted ta $1,325.05 sa far tOus year. This 'effund developed out off the dis- 'overy by Reeve Roy W. Nicli- els thal lOis hospilal was flot gelling the benefil off the money paid by these municipalilies and Clarke for hospital purpases. This casl figure is for operat- in oniy and does nô - include plant improvement, malerials miade and supplied by the Vomenls Auxiiiary or money paid by patients to special nurs- s. Ducing that time three major additions have been put mbt the building. These were in thc original plans, but wece drapped It the lime for lack off funds. The walk-in refnigerators for alli food and garbage, a second vashing machine and a second lectric slox'e have been installed nd xviii play their part in keep- rîg Up the effficiency off the Hos- rital. Anoîher majar improvement ths ycar is the cafeteria methad of feeding the staff. The Women's Auxiliary have recently donated atoaster off the type used in 1 t d: n1 ri ci e ai v e! ai a, lioteis anîd luis is an important addition. Last year the Onîtario DepI. off Health found so many liospitals in the red figures that they gave an extra grant and yoLuc board xvas able la pay Ihese accaunts, amounling ta about $10,000, out off bis money. Eaclî year more aid nmore people ai-e being served by thej Memoriai Hospital anîd Ilesel people can only gel that service if your hospital is kepl up ta date. In the past, many people have given a donation in. lîcir wilis and it is lîoped Ihat lOis customn wilI beconie more pop- ular. To keep up the standard' off service, your hospital must be kept in a healthy financial con- dition. 'SA&LE of Baonkm'upt Stock *WASHERS *RANGES *RADIOS * SPACE HEATERS *RANGETTES *KITCHEN SETS *CHESTERFIELD SUITES * CHROME KITCHEN SETS * BEDROOM SUITES * END TABLES Murphy and Co. 47 King St. W, Bowmanvllle PHONE MA 3-5811 cSocai & (Perso nal Phone MA 3-3303 NEEDS NO NEUTRALIZER! * becouse Prom noutralizes automalticollY 0 "Takos" ev.ry time e Wavff wnh any plastic curlori only $1.75 2for 45c1 COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAy SHOP EARLY FOR CHRISTMNAS Visit your neighbourhood I.D.A. store early to select lovely gifts , such as: Perfumics, Cosmnetics, Leather Goods, Stationery, Shaving- Accessories, Electric Shavers, Baby Gifts, Hair Brushes and Dresser Sets -just to mention a few of the quality items you wvi1I find at competitive prices. SPECIALS on I.D.A. BRANDS Aromatic Cascara - - - 23c, 39c 1 3 oz., 6 oz., reg. 30c, 50c Floor Wax I.DA. "Easi Glass" - - - 39c -1 lb. lin, reg. 53e Minerai Oul - - - - 43c, 16 oz:, 40 oz., - reg, 55c, 1.16 Hot Water Bottie - - - - "UTILITY" 2 yeac guarantec . ceg. 1.79 ~89c 1.29 I.D.A. BRAND SACCHARIN TABLETS In effervescent form ensuring quick dissolving action 100's ~500's 1<~100,s -500's reg. 20elc ICeg. 55e39 C reg. 23,19cre..6'5, 49c I DAMALT EXTRACT of MALT and COD LIVER OIL SA nutritious vitamin preparation especîally 1T good for chldren. Easily assimiiatcd, pleasant to take 1 i1lb., 2 l b., 4 lb. Reg. 75c, 1.29. 2.29 Special 59c, '98c, 1.89 Idafer Iron and Vitamin B RYBUTOL SPECIAL Cornplex-Llquid -1.50 1.98 size frte with 5.9,1 size Capsules ---- --ý 1.50, 4.50 You may nevc-r know h ow good iyou can feci until YOU POND'S ANGEL SKIN try Rybutol Dispenser« OCNFE T Combination Special -DLINF ETRA Get an 8 oz. bottie of Angel 50 Tablets FREE when o Skin and a Free Dispenser buy 100. Save 1.20 for .-------- 98e I3oth for-2.9 HELENE CURTIS CUTEX HAND CREAM LANOLIN DISCOVERY SPECIAL and HAIR BRUSH SPECIAL Two 49e jars for 89e 3.25 value. Bath for 1.98 ('orenel and find out about Get a 40e bottie of IIINDS Hazel Bishop Long Lasting 25e REFUND OFFER NAIL POLISII FREE witli on Purchase of 65e bottle of' purchase of Hazel Bishop NEIV HINDS IIONEY & LASTING LIPSTICK 1.50 A!lMOND CREAM CHRISTMAS CARDS Fifty, lovely, colorful cards in a %vide assortment of attractive Christmas .'designs. You %viII be plcascd %with thia fine seleetion. 50 for 98C Also - a Deluxe Assortmpnt 50 for 91.50 )RASPIN COUrof4 d? * 8-75t Idasal Tablets - for relief off neadac-he, pain, 300's 89e W.* H. BR@WN Ilx 1FARM SUPPLIES Alx JiPHONE MA 3-5197 BOWMANILLE We Dei'er PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALrY McG.0r e g or, Your Local IDA. Drug Store FOR 29Ç * Modess SANITARY NAPIIINS NVO CAUZE.. &6e~ new fabric cover is t! %tronger, mort absorbent. Box of -12- MU iUAJt 0 eJUNIOR * SUPER *T.M. R.g'd. Drugs Phcno- MA 3-5792 Mss. J. W. Willis, Port Ar- thus, bas been visiting ber sis- ler, Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson. Mrs. E. A. Stinson, Peterbor-1 Ougb, spent the weekend withl her brather, Rev. W. P. Rog- ers and Mss. Rogers. .L Ms. and Mss. RnIpli Parrish 'Lâd Joan, Hamilton, were 'Weekend visitors" with ber Inother. Mrs. C. A. Wight. MsIs. H. Humphries attended the Rowe - Taylor xedding held in St. Leonard's Anglican Chusch, Toronto, on Friday, l ov 9. Mss. A. Gillette left Ibis wieek for Penticton, B.C., after Lpending six weeks with hîer Luàta, Mss. C. Gatchell, Car- lWAve. The 4tlî Cub Pack are having re'nsnight Wednesday' Dec Ist, at 7 o'clock at the Lions cnire. Parents and friends are 'P.~AY. IiOY. 15% 1954 - - ?!oe fANADIAN STATEBMAN. EOWMANV1LL~. ONTAMO - ~vr~ r ~ I T.AIR'T'ITat Thosnhili where rnany o h r , aica e tu e ia n dH MP O od time articles and furaishings Mrs. J W. Balson is undes The W.I. bazaar was quite F or Federation Pot Luck Supper the~ doctor'sr ca[e and conf ined.ti %vexlattended and a scesu ii i ecr2oved. iThe first seal nwaloth A t N alpteti h sav eea vc ecastle Furi T urs., e ,2 r.Axfford wha lias be.en a scason uas on Monday niglht An excellent program of A seception cammittée madei Hospital is iio\ at homie and is 'Leé ground. following drizz1in,1 speakers and entertain'ment bias up off nembers off the Federa-i convalescîng favorabiy. ramn throuch the day. been arranged by the Durham tion will meet the variaus Mr. and Mrs. Mecviii Mountjoyý Federation off Agriculture for groups, show them ta t1leir pla- attended Dedication services 01 EvcrN, indiivýdual nature lias ils Pot-Luck Suppes and annual ces at the tables and introduce Courtice United Churcli an Sunî-: is ovwnY beauty." - Ealph Waldo meeting ta be held ait the N'ew- them ta their Durham neigh- day. Eîner-on. çastie Community Hall next. bars. The sehoal concert will be________________ Thussday, flecember 2, begin- A goad time is assured toalal held in the Sunday Sclîooi room __ ___ ning at 6.30 p.m. rural peaple off Durham who on Wednesday evening, Dec. lst. M.MeIntyse Hood, Maaag- attend this annuai Pot-Luckt Malcolm Reed, Toronto, spent 1 ing Editos off the Oshawa Supper and get -together. the wveek-end wilh bis parents, I TimesGazete, wll b the uestRev. and Mrs. Reed.S u e Tspeae ndtertinetgu Irs, Maria Cole. Toronto, is K m T n be supplied by Dan Staples Km5 OW a guest off Mrs. E. H. Cale. tr K m ind bis Country Four quar- .Jinsmen S Miss Reta Kerslake with Il. tette, and Freddy Comenzind,j and Mrs. H. Saller. i Swiss new Canadian who is (Continued from page one) Mrs. W. W. Horn visited Mrs.! a skiiled accordianist. In ad- numbers tao, including Old Cathariîîe Jacob, Port Hope, on 1 THE SUPERIOP. dition, a siate off officers for Ark's A-Moverin and Whither Monday.11 r bhe Durham Federation for Thou Goest, with Carol Franký Mrs. Chas. FerguLson, Oshawa,' RUBBER BASE 1955 xiii be presented ta the as soloist, also Bless This1 at J. W. Balfon's. 1 I NTERIOR PAIN1 rmeeting. House. Mr. and Irs. T. Salter arc Ray Hergoît, Directos off The two autstanding full visiting Mc. andi Mrs. Hiltoi Disiion ort Field Services off the Ontario chorus numbers xvere Dear Petcrs, Toronto. iesi n ort Fedecation 'off Agriculture, xiii Land off Home by Sibelius, and Mrs. Ev"a McMillan, Pelerboro, evt-ihrbe-og bring members up ta date on They Caîl It Canada bý' Grant, is a gucst Off Mrs. Harland Trull.' finish! xvhat the Ontario Federation is with which the concert clased. The special nmeeting off thel doiny fr th famersof hisMarie Lyon was soloist in thc Wonîen's Institute held on Tues- yea tapl hn fanmett off thislatter xvhich, as she said. coui d day off lasI wee4 was off inlerest.o -R . Na o* Amila o ainlye as t ple Caoperalors Insurance Aso well be a national sang off Mrs. .H elofTonii vspitd~'ls lse ciation %vill also speak, and ex- Canada. deparlmeîît representaltive, was or wallpaper! ceutve 'emecsoffcouty arm Mrs. Lyon sang. ii Bowman- gujst speaker and gave a very organizatians w,%ill give bnifVille at the opening cecemon- inl-erstin ean inomtie Atari * Needs no primer or sealer! reports. Silver trays will be rles off the nexv building at f'resesii1eAtc presented by the Durham rFed- Trinity Unîited Churcli, and i xhîch wvas mnueli enjoyed.' 50e (,ration to the members of thL-ihas been organist and choir also presented a numbes off *Quart Gallon Durham 4-I-I judIgiîîg teams leader at Scacborough UnitedI slidcs, sho\vinl many beautiful xvho xvn provncial huons Cîurchantique articles and furnishings - .0$ 6 rù'ucing inter-counîy campeti- Thougli the Kinsmen Club 1wil h adsol cpiê eion at1AC uOtbr i o elz ul iacaî and pcesecved beeause off their j____ On'a OAC.hiOcoer odnlhoncert w muh inc a y value, and xvhiclî represented theI Farm families off the varlous adon the Huoncrr ich aneReieflabor and careful xvockmanship iii Duham lund tý;10.00hadairtadY been of th1e pi<)ncers. A numbes off A e urged 10 miaý~e arneet Solina W.I. ladies attended and fledi>' hy s at~'îil te Pl-Lck uppr luoe te nd vii o ttlie a1 àsocial lhaîf lour witli refresh- ~ Q ~ f atrn te otLuk uperFuuîd anyway, President Ar ot erved bv the Hamptona n t & valpaper and als-o for proper distribu- i isav~d ladies uoncludcd the nîeeting. A týon cf fonds anon, their gcoup. Ho ______lias _________ suggestion xvas mnade thaï at 85 King St. IV. Tra, coffee, disiies Pnd Fiuver some future limie the ladies Phione MA "d-5431 v. iii bc supplied by hie Fedci7- 1Pacts are mare powc'rfui Ihan nîight have the' opoprltunity off atinn. arounents.-Tlionias Paine. r visîing Mrs. Neai at lier homne _______________ UýGll S'TO RES.lý PAGE SEVEN «Itmmb'T. lwy. ne 1954 - , TIM e«ADIAN STATMWAN. WWIL&NVffIX. ONTAPID -

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