- -. ,..-..---- - *' -a -, -~---- -, , ~ THUIRSDAY, DEC. 2nd, M9 )34 Cartwright- High School HoId, Fine- Commencement Exercise. Enjoyed by Large Audience Cartwright High School Cam- Werry. Mrs. W. Hutton presen Inencemnent Exercises were held ed Secondary Graduation Di ln the Town Hall, Blackstock lamas ta Don Green, Ali on Friday evenmng, Nov. 19th. Jackson. and Melville Same]l There was a large crowd in at- Mrs. G. Nicholson presentî tendance to enjoy the variety the Secondary School Honot grqam. GraduationDiomst B f7epragramn opened with the Hooyer, Ralph Strong and Di i8Ygng af "0 Canada". There-. vîd Swain. Partial Grade1 tapon Dr. J. McArthur, chair- certificates were presentedt mian ai the board, commented Rev. W. Hutton ta Irene Emei brieily on the school and its son. Don. Green, Alan Jacksoi students, past and present. Af- 1-Heber MeLean and Dick Po ter introducing the other memn- One of the big bits ai th 1Iers af the staff. Mrs. Scott, everling was a medley( Miss Barrie and Mr. Kere, the "moon" sangs-I See the Maci pnagramn was tunned over ta By the Light of the Silver Prî ncipal G. Paisley, who acted Moon, and Moonlight. Bay, sun as chairman for the rest* of the by the bay's quartet, "bow Cenin g. ti2d" ladIs Jim Gieve, Cliffor ,Mne first numnber by the Jackson, Alan Dayes and Dou school choir, compased ai boys Davison. The girl's choir "Th ano girls, was a very fine ren- Blue Belîs ai Scotland" in part 4ition ai "I'm Always Chasing and unaccompanied. Rainbows". This was followed Ralph Strong, representirj bra piano solo "Sabbath last year's graduating class ar Chimes" very welI played by at present a student at the Un Catherine Bailey. iversity ai Toronto, was tli Awarding ai diplomnas and valedictorian. His speech wil qertificates followed with Rev. appear next week. G. Nicholson presenting Inter- Mr. Paisley- complimentec inediate Certificates ta Allan last year's graduates on thei Bailey, Doug Davison, Alan success and expressed a desin D)ayes, Delton Fisher, Josie jfortheir continued succss thi t{aoyen, Joan Hoskin, Clifford Iyear-Ralph Strong and Ber Jackson, Bill Marlow, Miriamn Hooyer in their courses at thE Swain, Jean Thompson, Mae University ai Toronto, and Da. SEE THIS 16-PIECE Outfit contains *verything needed for snap- shooting indoors or out. In addition ta the camnera, you get o Flashalder with twa batteries, Flashguard, eight flash bulbs, two roils of Kodak Verichrame Film, and the bookiet: "Snap- shots wîth your Brownie l-lwkeye Camera." A grand gift sug- gestion for snapshoaters of ail ages. JURY & LOVELL Wben We Test Eyes lit la Doue Properly VOUR REXALL DRUG STORE PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVILLE Ç]WlW TIREAD3 TIRES SUBURBANITE TREADS 600 x16 $15,95 670 x1,5 $17.e95 710x15 $20050 760xl5 $22e35 These tires have been pickect out and carefully examined and guaranteed to b. in perfect shape before retreaded. G. F, JAMIESON TIRE SHQP King and Silver Streets Bowmanvile I'R!f~AWflTA~ ~'Â'ru4~*A UEioelISx¶mTV #,S',IDI vid Swain at the Ryerson Tech- i fical Isiue Mr. Paisley had the honour af recelvlng. -on behait of the 's school, two different presenta- sans. In memory of her bus. band, the late John Scott, Mns. G. V. A. Scott contributed to the purchase of a slide and film ýnt strip projectr. The Willâam d Van Camp family made a valu- la able contribution to the scbool ,slibrary with the presentatian te f some new library books. ur Jean Thompson and Phyllis len Strong sang two duets "With a- a Song In My Heart", and act- ia ing out "Lookin' Back ta See" by which proved very popular with er. the audience. Also sharlng the1 on honours in this second number le. was a rather unusual laaking ýhe vehicle, known as Kere's Com- of et. ), Athietic trophies were pre- ýry sented ta the Field Day cham. ng pions. Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy pre- LJ. sented rase bowls ta winners ird in the giri's competitian, Mil- ig dred Brown winner in Inter- h, mediate class, and Peggy Brown ts in Junior class. Silver cups were presented by Dalton Dor- agrell ta Dick Poole, senior id champion; Daug Davison, In- n. termediate champion and Mike IL' Miller, junior cfiâmpion. ii Fallowing the slnging ai "The Beils af St. Mary's" by the girl'a d choir, was the awardlng ai the jr special praflciency prizes. Wal- re lace Marlow prizes for Grade js 10 - lst, Bll Marlow; 2nd n Clifford Jackson. Grade -12 - e lst, Don Green; 2nd, Alan Jack- a. son. These prizes were award- c. -ed by Mr. Marlow.0 Nestieton Women's Insti- tute pnize for highest standing i n Grade 9 was presented ta Joyce Hooey by Institute pre-j sident. Mrs. M. Emerson. ' Blackstock Woffien's Institute Ic prizes in Home Economics and ' Shop Work were presented by di president, Mrs. L. Thompson, rr ta Josie Hooyer and Clifiord i Jackson. Henry Thompson prize c( ~for highest standing in Grade il was won by Bert Bowers. fi: Principal's pnizes for highest w standing in Latin and French Sc were awarded as follows by Mr. se Paisley: Grade il prize ta Joan w~ Venning; Grade 12 prize ta H Dick Poole. th A piano duet "Shepherd's w~ Evenlng San&" was well playth ed y CtheineBailey and 50 Ja oskin. This was iollow- wý ed by a very lilting version ofioa "Came ta the Fair" by the g girl's choir. The boy's quartet su returned with three more sangs ni -"«This Oie House", "Heart af e. My Heart" and "Sh-Boom". ve These proved even more popu- lar with the audience even ve though some were slightly tak- as~ en by surprise with the "booms" ai af "Sh-Baom." ijr Président of the Student's iot Council, Dick Poale, introduced No the other members of the caun- las cil: Vice-president-Irene Em- it erson; Sec'y, - Bert Bowers; we Treas. - Don Green; pianist- scl Catherine Beiley; Form rn es- hi, entatives, Grade 9-Reta kiar- eci ris; Grade 1O-Darreli Watson; the Grade il - Josie Hooyer and af Doug Davison; Grade 12-Mar- see illn Jackson; Grade 13-Mel- 1 ville Sarnelis. Editars - Joan in Venning, Alan Dayes, Phyflis gi Strong and Wayne Venning. -If The editors announced the ai publication ai the latest édition gi' oi the Eye-Opener and the au- oth dience was given an opportun- mu ity ta buy a copy while thé er" stage was being prepared for grs the play. sch The one-act play, uNot To- gor nlght," was very well acted and arn provlded the audience wlth paf many laughs. It deait with the I problems ai a yaung man try- ta ing patiently ta propose tai bis Mr. iiancee and being rudely inter- for nupted by varlous members ai the, her family walking in their beii sleep. The cast was as iollows: myý Rase flellaws, who wants ta get ne! married-Josie Rooyer; Ches. T ter Frazer, who wants ta pro- ta1 pose-Doug Davison; Mrs. Bel- pri- iows, who's footlaose when as- had leep- Joan Hoskin; Admirai tiai Bellows. a seaiarlng bamnam- For bulist-Alan Dayes; Aunt Fay, ginE a would-be actres-Joan Ven- perx ning. ta feed make sure your mail is in tinte fm. iAUl Mail for Local Delivery Should Be Posted by DECEMBER l7th. j " 2 Mail Hulier For Ouft-Of-Town Poins-Ask your Postmaster for theirDates. 1 3 Unsealed Greeting Carda 2r. Chr"ý1nM. 4 Address Securely-Wrapped Parcelà m, À W_ FulIy and Cawefuiy. CANADA POST OFFICE Bon. Alcide C&6 -t- W . J. Tmnmun Q.C.. M.P. Dpi FasasuuerGen,. ouaao Gu 71 'k 1ta go on ta graduation and ;e wha are flot penbaps quite Swhetbcn they will finish ýhigh school education an I would like ta say this. ampleting your higb schoai cation you are taking ad- tage ai the gneatest oppan- y affcred ta young Cana- is to-day. For I believe that ,mpleting yaur higb achool cation you are taking a big Stowards making yaurseli iseful and happy citizen. Lda is a growîng country ia pnamising future; tbat ýré bolds a place for those ,do thein best ta prepare nselves ion it. Let none of dl behind ini that prepana- Sconclusion. I would like ay that I amn thankful for privilege af having attend- bhat 1 arn sure is anc ai the enotable institutions in1 province-Cartwright High mil. Although I will have Imit that I. was vcry hap- olearti that I bad graduat- 'om that institution, I arn that I will look back on bieh eçool deys in later Va Iedictor) Given by R B Iackstock, Mn. Chairman, membens ci the staff, ladies and gentlemen and feliow students,- If you were ta take a trip tbraugh Sauthcrn Ontarioaia this time ai the yean, or fai that matter at any time af the year, what mlght be one of the mare prominent things that you would notice an youn trip? My answer ta th;t question lsa simple ane-schoois. Yes, ail aven aur province more and better achools anc be- Ralph Strong ing buiît for the training af the citizens ai the future. We have one ai these new scbaals here in Blackstock and I think that it wili surcly prove ta be a great benefit ta aur cammunity. Aitbough the two schools wbere I rcceîved my ciemen- tary and sccandary education wvcre nat the most modern in design, I think the educational ncthod itself ranks with the best and aiter ail that is wbat aounts. As I look back now ta the irst time that I entercd Cart- wright Hi gh Schooi as a high school student I remember the omewhat evil forebodings with vhich I lookcd ta the future. Hawevcr aiter initiation and that first awful pile ai home- vork were aven I discovered bat maybe high school wasn't so bad after ahl. Indeed as time wcnt an, and aithough that pile )f homeworc was steadiiy rowing largyer, I, and I arn ;re my iciia0w students with ,e, found that we wene really enjaying aur high school 111e iery much. Yen, those five years passed cry quickly and altbaugh. I wdlle as the other members ofMY class werc always look- ng forward ta that last glar- us day ai schooi each yean. aow that the last day ai the st year bas came and passcd, t i with mixed feelings that ie look back an aur high hool ycars. We arc glad ta ýve finished aur high school ducation 'and yet we nealize at it was anc happy pcniod faur Ide that we &hall neyer ee again. Not long aga as I was look- g9 through some vacationai uidance matenial I found thîs. If yau are initcrcsted ini a life fservice and are willing ta ie fneely ai your time ta ters, but do not wish ta make tch maney, then, be a teach- ". I think that ahl thc tcach- rs that I have had in high iool aptly fit into this cate- )rY except in ane respect. I ,a aune they are qulte well ad. [n particulan I would like thank Mrs. Scott, Mn. Ailin, r.Mawdsley and Mr. Paisley ýthe beip and attention that ey gave ta the other mcm- rs oi the graduating class and yself last yean whcn we Ided it most. ['hene is someone elue I think, whom. we owc much for the vilege that all oi us have Id i olftaining a gaod educa- )n; and that la aur parents. oI arn sure you can ail ima- ae, who have not already ex- ricnced it, how much it casts clathe a teen-age girl or ed a teen-age boy who is go- * to school, f you wcre ta ask any group hig ichoolgraduaes.th. Iyles, @'Oulu-.-. à -1%6 -, ..FWC--9y y ' eussy utruiiy Cat" or "Oh, whele has My Little Dog Gene" . .. ask vour little girl which of these four famaus nursery ihymes she likes best. Trudy wilI recite that rhyme as oFten as you want. Trudy is a big, beautifut cuddly doil, aIl decked out in a sweet plaid pinafore and cute hoeded bonnet to match. She's 24 inches tailianld sturdily built te take aIl sorts of punishment and stili talk in rhyme. There's no complicated machinery, .no Jelicate settings ta go wreng. Just turn the sturdy handie at Trudy's bockc and she talks inrhymne . .. every time! HURRY! -HURRY.1 Den't disappoint your luttie girl. Mak sure that $fie sets ber "'Tallcing Trudy" dol. ORDER NOW. Supplies are Iimited so don't delay and be sure ta state yaur first, second, third and * fourth choice ôF nursery ahymes by numbering the squares ini '- the attached coupon. Tallcing Trudy Is always ready ta Say her piece! "Mary *PUSSy CA?, pUy A TALL YORMON!Y IMMEDIAIy RIFUNDED IF YOU ARE NOT COMPLSTELY SATISPIIO WITH 'e- I And Mail is Coupon AND A FREE NECKLACE 1001, FF % OGet this grand 17. inch cati neciulace ABS&UELY FREE o Trudy" doii you order.wiheey"aiige Q oTdstleoîrG3 Let Trudy wear i . . . will ind il aàflic. grcwn-up touch...0 js iemummy';. It's. 0 REE if yauordur o QTrudy" right o ee e **e e e -Ci,,OR NT., NTRI STRÎTO MO. O. 47Colore S.,TrnoOt.,G TRUDY r * Pi.,.Rwsh~,'.,-..........PhotoroDh DOMiS) et S4.95 sab I 1 Oi e . S ......... cah'eu'Moey arde (pots# fret> i P... md C.O.D. (a .1l1 ..y postae>. HOM ..................................................... IAdé............................................................. rn4«e At My Nuser y Rhyme Pruf e,<,ices Moked 1 te 4 13 ROCK-A.BYE BABY C MARY HAO A LITTLE LAME8 lO OH W111111 HAS MY LITTLE C PUSSY (AT, PUSSY CAT DOG GONE IL -. - - IDdaughtcrs in Toronto during th Kodak Poney 135 camera. Sec- service P oto onlesi Bondk Robert Mitchell, Canadian A d d re s Th reglar hurc serice ankofCommerce, Bowman- was held on Sunday, Nov. 28th. vil, won a Gadg-it Bag; third. Avery impressive sermon was D ravi Com plete Mis.s Betty Mutton, R.R. 2, .alp S t ong ive bythe ev.A. W Had- owmanville, also wlnner of a 'alph Sfg ronth pabl o, tevAWher-N e Gadg.ît Bau.a story or hymn for the cbildren- Film ta fit thein cameras go ta H igh S chcoi as only anc junior was present.. The draw in Jury & Lovell's the folIow;*ng: Miss Pat Smitit, H i h c o1I Sunday Schaol was held wîtiâ Photo Contest was made on Division St., BowmanvillIc WaI of yeans as one ai the mast happy the usuai good number present. Saturday, Nov. 27. Picture tak- Diling,38WsBecHw n, periods af my lic. I arn sure the supenintendent, Ms. D. ing is ane ai the mast popular1 manville; Miss Kay Bishop. R. that the other members ai 'the Haines, was in charge. ai hobbies just naw and the1 R. 2, Bunketon; Mrs. Ross Hal- ip graduatlng class, Ben Haoyer A "bec" was helcI at the followiîg lucky people were' lawell, R. R. l, Ncwtonvll'e; t and David Swaln, share these icbunch shed on Monday, Nov. winners ai articles which help' Mrs. Pickering, Newcastle, Mrs, )r feelings with me. I tbank you. 22, ta saw and split the remains them ta pursue this pastime. M. Henry, 300 High St.. Bow- te oaithe large locust trec idlled Wben leaving a film at the manville: Mrs. M. Luxton, c/o Le a iew months ago by the De- store ta be developed tbey de- Dr. V. H. Starey, Bowmanville; u partment aofH.tghways. This aosited a slip in the Contest Mrs. Covcniy, King St. W.# y MORRISH tree was split and dangerous £iraw Box. Bowmanvil]e; Miss D,. Austin, ata h spire o the church. The Ms Chas. Betties, 145 King 46 Division St.. Bowmanville; On Thursday, Nov. 25th a wood shed is naw aimost filled St. E., Bowmanvillc was 'first Miss M. Osborne, 200 Church Smîscellaneous shower was hcld ta the doar and a very pleasing 1 prize - wînner and receives a St., Bowmanville; Mrs. D. H. In the Sunday Schaol for Mrs. ihtohejnor- Leavitt, 39 Bcecb Ave., Bow- G.* McMur'rey, nee Rose Ellis. Mrs. Hopkins for ber very' fini, manvilie. The naamn was comfortabiy full r I talk. of elties fiens ndwel-Trnitv Auxiliarv Secretary, Miss Mary Jcwc il, ai elaive, iieds nd eii I read the minutes and the treas- I swear notbing is izoad ta mes wishêrs ai this young bride. Fiears an Impressive uner's report was given by Mls; now that ignares indlvldual.-. Mrs. Wright was chairman r Vivian Butiner. . Valt Whitman. and conducted the pnogram ta TaIk on Friendship-- _ __ a successful finish. 'the pnogram opened witb The Autumn Thankofcning "0 Canada" with Mrs. Helen aif the Eveniiig Auxiliary aiofi bY d~V C .~~~ McHol as ianis; thre w rTinity United Church was belcI1 -N D I J"IL.d ~ McHln a panst ter wreon Tuesday evening, Nov. 16 B.I.tIqVf qf'Z'r four readings by Mrs. Win. Mc. in the chunch panlours. The Habit and two contcsts annang- membens cnjayed an excellent11 ed by Mrs. Wright. Mns. Harold Pot luck supper before pro-,Rpyii1 otl ntlet Osborne was winner ai the ceeding ta the devotional adRpyi 5mnhyisenet flnst cantest and Mrs. F. Cor- bùisiness part.. of only $16.00 each. nlsh winner ai the second. Then Worship ~service was canduct- came the event ai the evenin, cd by Mrs. H. Jeffeny, Who waz _ Mn. and Mrs. McMurrcv were assisted by Mrs. G. Eliiott, Mrs. eupt$10 onssiltns- v r >calied ta the front af the room M. Edwards, Mrs. E. Thomp- Gtu o$00o esbetri-nvu wherc two chairs wene placed son, and Mrs. E. Cox. The own signature. Requirements- are easy te ready for tbem. An ad- theme af the service, was "The meet. Fast, one day service. Cal] HFC toda,'! dra a ed by Mrs. Lost Sbcep". Mrs. Black sang rFancis Lewis and a pretty very beautifully "There WeneFI A C dccarated basket' was bnought Ninety and Nine".HO S OL in fillcd ta avcnilowing with The President, Miss Marion O S H L FI A C gaily wnapped gifts. For the Belîman, întroduÏced the speak- next bahf hour the bride and er for the cvening, Mrs. Hap- 11 V2 5SImcoe. SLSouth, second floor, phono Oshawa 5. 1139 groom wcrc busy unwrapping kins, president ai the Oshawa the iaveiy and useful gifts. Presbyterial ai the Women's OSHAWA, ONT. Wben the last was unwrapped Missionary Saciety who spoke PORT HOPE IRANCHIf 71 Walton St., 2nd fi..., phone 3030 and passed araund the surpris- an the biessing ai Friendship. ____________________________ cd Rose made a nice little Miss Ethel McKague thanked speech thanking ber many friends. Garnet also followed *F RIT BULIGMTRAS*TXAB SAG&RAE MNSCLNNONOIRNNNS* with bis fcw words ai thanks eFOIT ULIGMTRAS TXCB AD GA ESCORN N UNS O then everyanc joincd in sing- ing "For They Are Jally Good Fellows."' A dainty lunch with c= tea and cofice rought a very u pleasant cvening toa aclose. 0. .. .. HA 1-o d e number ai iniends ai Mn. and!19 Mns. Morton Hendensan slaged -14 a ~ a surprise party aiter the regu- was aven just before midnight. ~a Aiter a little nonsensical fun - and gaad-natuncd banter the M visitons calmed down ta cnjoy M o a dainty lunch servcd by the :;B-Y U O C E yaung married couple aiter MC iwO wbich with hearty congratula-j ~ tions .and goad wisbes the un- I~ invited guests quietly ,q-'-a their way in the canly dw fc Sunday morning. Mrs. F. Cornish spent the weekend with bier grand-dauh- ter, Mns. G. Howanth in Toron- ~ ta. e CARTAGE & EXPRESS'. SIGNS - ROOFING CONTRACTORS. DEPARTMENT STORES. AMBULANCE SEUVCE' i 6 6 ý 8 0 0 4 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4. 1 - THE CANADUN STATESMAlq- IMWMAMMTLP- MMTXPTn rm 1, aéýih Il qw oýý