om UPTIEMKTTEECANADIAN STATESM. . OWMA&NVILLE. ONTAIUO Presents Pidture of Queen -Elizabeth Cuts Ribbons to..Officialiy Open I.O.O.F. THMUDAY. DEC. 2nd,, 1954 H ilservice was conducted in Eng- hr f Grc With this background, Mr.! Grace, which is the basis of Hood spoke et the worid-wide graciau2aiess, is an indefina Lie nature of the church andl con- hurnan quality rare enough :n cluded withi the enoa~sIa theý,c days to be outstand:ng the only hope of the ,%,l ]y het ih is discovered in a mnn JR the Christian Faitn. uring or wo.nan. In a country le.ýs *the course of the sermion, Nir. chatracte-rized by haste than the *Hood stressed the im.DortarCe present there was a habit of af the work of Laymen in the grace aniong people that made church, and suggested that allil:i a rather common quaiity. of tao often the men leave too human association. A quiclc "large a share of the churcn's1"thank you" or "'Pardon" qeems work ta the women. about as mnuch grace as can be The choir rendered the an- fotrnd in mnany individuals of themt "A Sang of Thanksgiv- toclay. ing", and a large congregation Lack of the courtesies thai attended the worship service. cost a krw seconds in time miayk be due ta the neecssity cof get. W Grace la of the essence of ting mnan., ihings done in tbe 1 kindness. It seemas difficu it ta 'least possible period. Perha.'S conclude that the demands of necessities of our day have this day and age havè ruled brushed grace and charm rnf there is littie room in the hu- manner to one side. If thiç 's 'man soul for a quality so sul- true it is not complimentar-, ..O 44 lime as kindness.i the days in which we live. At the opening of the new TI.O.O.F. Hall in Orono, last ïinursday, one of the Interesting presentatians was that of a large framed photo of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth IL. Mrs. 0. F. Robson, left, presented the gift on behaîfof her husband who -,*as unable to be present. It was accepted with thanks by Noble Grand Mrs. Herb. Murray of Heather Rebekah Lodge and Noble Grand Ed. Graham, Orono Lodge. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Grand Mas fer Present As Odd Fellows Open New Orono Lodge Hall The dreamis and plans of tdit for materials, and ta the Orono Independent Crden of architect-engincer, Les. McGee Odd Fellows were realized wha had donated his services. Thursday, Nov. 25tn.# with the; The hall wvas planned for use opening of their beautiful new as a lodge raam and as a comn- hall. Grand Master Newton A. munity centre. Poster of the Grand Lodge of Foliowing the official open- Ontario eut the white, blue and ing by the Grand Master and red ribbons (the lodge colors) t he officiai dedicatian by Lodge w)iich had been placed across Chaplain, Rev. Bro. John Kit- the room in front of the Noble, chen, Mns. 0. F. Rabsan, on Grand's chair and declared the behalf of' her husband, present- Orono I.O.O.F. Hall officiaily ed a large framed picture ai opened. Her Majesty the Queen ta' No- The program was preceded ble Grands Ed. Graham and by a delicious turkey banquet Mrs. Herb Murray. Bro. Wat- provided by members of Hea- son expressed thanks for this ther Rebekah Lodge, Orana, lovely gift and requested that and held in the assembly room the lodges' appreciation be of the new hall. passed ta Mn. Robson who had Bro. Gardon Watson, P.G., been unable ta be present. was the Taastmasten and in- Showed I.0.O.F. Film troduced the head table guests. The program portion of the Toast ta Grand Ladge was pro- evening was devoted ta the posed by P.D.D.G.M. Wm. Rid- showing of a film, "Odd Fellow- dell and respanded ta by Grand ship in Ontario", a full colon Sac'y. A. C. Stirrett, Torouto. production which had been Other toasts and presentations made possible thraugh the ef- included one ai a cup and sau- forts ai Grand Master Fastef. cer ta the Grand Master's wife, P.G.M. McKinney introduced Mrs. Foster, made by Noble the film which showed the Grand Mrs. Herb Murray ai wonk carried out in this prov- the Heathen Rebekah Lodge. ince by the orden. It included Past Grand Master Dr. J. H. scenes from the I.O.O.F. Home McKinney, Brooklin, gave the at Barrie where elderly mem- toast ta the visitars and D.D. bers and onphans are given G.M. Wm. Pearse, Cobourg, ibympathetic, u n d e r standing inoved a vote 'af thanks ta the cane, the I.O.O.F. sanitarium ]Rebekahs for the sumptuaus building at Gravenhurst, the banquet, Sister M. Allan reply- hospital bed pragram and the ing. many athen activities carried LOL. Presents Flowers out during the ladge's 100 years The program was held in the ai activity. Bro.. Riddell ex- Iodge room with Bra. Watson pressed appreciatian ta Bro. as chairman. Bro. Harry Davey McKinney for his intenesting on behaîf ai the Onono Loyal remarks. Orange Lodge presented a bas- After the film was shawn, ket of red carnations and white D.D.G.M. Peanse introduced 'mums with best wishes for con- Grand Master Foster who dealt tinued success. further with the film and was Bro. Riddell, in întroducing loud in his praise ai Orono a historical neview ai the lodge, Lodge for the initiative and first learned from the crowd ai courage they had shown in aven 250 that there were pres- erecting their community ceni- ent two 50-yean membens, 18 tre. He also mentioned the with 25 years, three D.D.G.M.'s, considenable work being done 14 P.D.D.G.M.'s, 42 Past Grands by' ladges acrass Ontario in con- and thnee Past Grand Masters. nectian with Cancer, Polio and The lodge was instituted 42 Tubenculosis prevention and year agoandin 1938 fonmed a relief. He spake ai the Educa- service club. Since, over $5,000 infudto whhisp- in sick and motuary benefits viding higher education for de- have been paid out and aven serving students and, in closing, $8,000 for relief ai distness. The urged those present ta remem- ladies of Heather Rebýekah ber that Odd Fellowship meant Lodge have warked hand in "good fellowship" in the years hand with the mnen's lQ)dge. *to came. He » was thanked by P.G.M. Hall Cost S15,151.41 Wilfred Dean, Thornhill, who The new hall was erected for also braught greetings from his' $1,1.51.41, a figure which wauld lodge. have been almost double had itI Congratulations were also xitot been for the free labar pro- extended ta the lodge by W.* E.*ý vicd by lodge members. Praise Armstnong wha had sold thE was also given ta local mer-1 lot ta the Onono I.O.O.F. chants wvho had extended cre-1 To conclude the evening, Mrs. Mr M. J.Tamklvn Orono Odd Fellows were signally honored on Thursday evening by the presence of the Grand Master of Ontario, Newton A. Foster, Kingston, who is shown here cutting the ribbons to officially ope n their new hall at Orono. At left is P.D.D.G.M. Wm. Riddell who gave the large audience of over 250 a history of the local lodge and the building. At right is P ast Grand Gordon Watson who was Toast- master and Chairman of the evening. G uests were present from rnany other municipalities and lodges in Ontario. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Holpe ,yli,',, J""Is (uest Speaker at 1JR. Glanville and C. Bail Win Evening Auxiliary 1 The regular monthy meet- ing of Evening Auxiliary wasj heid an Thursday, Nov. l8th.9 Meeting opened with quiet music and a few remarks by the president, Eileen Biilings, on "New Horizons." Regular business was deait with and a nominating com- mittee was formed ta bring in a slate of officers for the next year. Committee consisted af Gladys Gamsby, Stella Carson and Eiieen Billings. Kathleen Rainey and her group then took charge of the meeting. K. Chapman led in a singsong of familiar hymns with Mary Berry at the piano. Devotional period was taken bSý K. Rainey, assisted by Ilene Reid giving the Bible reading; K. Chapman, a poem; Joe Barlow giving an interesting paper an 'A Meditation on Remembrance Day"; K. Ramn- ey offered the closing prayer. Mrs. Brimacombe favoure~d with a piano solo which was much enjoyed , by everyone present. K. Rainey then called on Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, speaker for the evening, who compli- mented the Auxiliary on the work they are doing. Mrs. Tamblyn spoke on her trip to Las Angeles. She also repeat- ed the fact that people are turning ta religion more and gaing ta church. She asked, that in aur homes we have grace before meals, especially in the morning as it starts the day off better for the whole famnily. She stated that we must be an example ta aur children as they are the citi- zans of tamorrow. Mrs. Tam- blyn described a beautiful Chapel and a garden in the Clifton Restaurants, right in the heart of Las Angeles, where busy people may find a quiet place ta meditate and pray. She also described the beautiful stained glass win- dow, "The Last Supper," in the Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale, California. She told of seeing the "Passion Play" and how it came ta be presen- ted. Mr5. Tamblyn's talk" was mast interesting and a benefit ta all present. K. Rainey thanked those who had helped make the ev- ening such an interesting one. During the evenîng, Mabel Williams wha is leaving ta live in Bowmanville, wa pre- sented with a cup and Aaucer as a littie remembrance framn the Auxiliany. Foster drew the winning tick- ets for $50 bonds, which wene woneby Wesley Luffman, Wa- verly Rd., Bowmanville and Sam Webb, Peterboroughi.à Vi*gor 011 Co. Ltd. Reduces the Prices on Fuel 011 and Stove 011 .STOVE OIL 191'o cents per gai FUEL OIL 162 cents per gai. FOR DELIVERY PHONE' or Oshawa 5-1109 Laymen's Sunday At Orono Church On Sunday morning, at the United Church, the Laymen's Sunday was observed. Guest speaker was M. Mclntyre Hood, Managing Editor of the Oshawa Times-Gazette. M.- H. Staples led the service and the Scripture reading wias given by James Rickaby.' The subject of Mr. Hood's sermon was "The Church Uni- versai" and as a background for his message he told of a service he attended this pas t summer in Greyfriar's Church in Edinburgh, where a Confer- ence of the Worid Student Christian Movement had as- sembled. Gathered in old Greyfriars church were representatives of many counfries and the A silver medal, contest un- der the auspices cf Women's Christian Temperance Union was held in the Sinday School Auditorium of Orano United Church, Nov. 26. Rev. John Kitchen, chair- man for the evening, opened the pragram by singing a number af famîliar hymns. He called on> the following boy contestants, Vincent Bruton, Bruce Bowman, Biliy Dawson, Douglas Barrabal. Aithouse Kesteloot and Carman Bal (medalist) - Mrs. Ken Gray played a number af piano selectiçns, also Joan Allun and Byron Gray sang two numbers. There'were nine girl contes- tants, Shirley Duncan, Gail Haas, Marilyn Major, Joan Vagg, Betty Dawson, June_ Miss Jean MeLean, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller. Mrs. Jennie Richardson re- tunned ta Chatham recently, after spending a week at her home here. Mrs. Lena Beal Smith is vis- iting in Taranto until aiter the New Year. Rev. and Mrs. John Wilkin- son, Oakwaod, visited Mrs. Fred Tamblyn. Mn. and Mrs. A. Clough and Mn. Arthur Clough, Trenton, spent Sunday with Mrx. and Mrs. Jim Major and family. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood visited an Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Crowthen and family, Newcastle. Mn. and Mrs. Carl Tennant moved on Saturday ta an ap- antment in Kumrite -Inn. Mn. John F. Stevenson is iii et his home. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Williams and family moved lest week ta Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. Eldon Essery, Cauntice; Mn.' Roy Barrabali and Ann, Whitby; Mr. end Mns. Bob Barrabaîl visited Mn. and Mrs. Luther Barrabaîl on Saturday. Mr. C. B. Tyrrell was -in Owen Sound attending -the funeral ai Dr. George W. Mac- Neil ai Pontypool. Mn. Cassar is a patient> in Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto. Several cars found thein way ta Kendal an Friday and enjoyed the Turkey supper et the United Church. Mrs. Wilfred Hawke neturn- ed home Sunday from Memnor- ! al Hospital. Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. Harry Mercer in Toronto on Tuesday. Mn. and Mrs. Juniar West and family, Peterborough, vis- îted Mr. and Mrs. A. E. West. Mrs. Alex Watson is spend- ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson and fam- ily. Toronto. Mrs. Dave Kilpatrick fr a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. H. Luxton and family. Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mns. Bruce Mercer. Mr. J. D. Brown is staying with his son Jim et Newcaustle since his injury. Jim Bruton, R.C.A.F., Clin- ton, spent Tuesday at his home here. Yaur correspondent will b9 lieased ta nenew your States- nan or order them. fan you as Christmas presents for yaur friends. Phone Orono 27r16. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Wood, Mrs. R. Best and Mr. and M1rs. Gea. Carson attended the ded- ication service ai Chimes and Communion Runner on Sun- dav at the Harmony Unitted Church in memory ai Gardon Hoskini. A numben from Oronoeat- tended the concert af the Les- lie Bell Sinzers et Trinitv jUnited Church. Bowmanville, on Thursday eve. Heron, Joan Cowling, Leona Kisteloot and Roma Gianvilie (medalist). The judges, Mrs. Chas. Glenney, Mrs. Milton Gray and Mrs. R. Moffatt had a dif- ficuit task deciding the suc- cessful candidates as the cam- petition *was very close. Mrs. Moffatt reported for the mad- ges and Roma Glanvilie was first for the girls and Carman Bail first for the boys. Mrs. Gray presented the medals. Mrs. Rowe presented each contestant with money and advised themn to purchase books of their choice. Mrs. Walsh, in a few well chosen words, thanked each one for their assistance in making a successful evening. Mr. Kit- chen closed the meeting with prayer.. Mr. and Mrs. Delmont Card, Mrs. McGregoi- and Sandra, Lake St. Peter. spent weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ly- cett. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Junker, Preston, spent Sunday with Miss Aima Cutteil. Mrs. Ceci Powers visjted her brother, Mr. J. C. Clemence, Oshawa, who returned home from Oshawa Hospital recent- 'y. Mrs. L. Lunn is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Nothing is more honourable than a grateful heart- Lucius Seneca. T1C K ETS TO EVERYWHERE Air. Rail or Steamship Consuit JURY & LOVELL 3owmanville 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 DAILY ICK-T. AND DELIVERY Local Agent.- BOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR PHONE: OSHAWA ZENIT 13000 pFP Wrrmnui increasing hazards of highway travel, there may be a big market ahead for a new lightweight aluminum cr-ash hel- met developed in Europe. t net only takes unnecessary weight off your mind; tests proved that it aise exhibits Iess "dent depth" when abjects are drap- ped an it - with ne ane under- meath, we should add. Seunds like a sensible cha- peau for constructien workers tee. Certainly lots ef aluminum articles developed for one use have been quickly adopted for others ...- a process which bas helped build heavy demand for Canadian aluminum both at home and in foreign markets. Aluminum Company of Can- ada, Ltd. (Alcan). e e a * * s !W.C.T.U. Public Speaking Test The Orono News I Orono 53r7 e 1 àr -