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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1954, p. 15

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Q pening of Orono ArmnouriesYLVRO 11%.i i % I.Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mal- DiscusseadV r olitce Trustees colmn, Mr. and r.Hwd I Malcom spent a long weekend at Mount Forest visiting kith Rev.Fran M. rydemanand kmn. Mr. and Mra. W. J. lMalcolm have taken off again MdanY Durham County citi- member of the protection and lra xeddhldyi e zenswil be nteestd inthtwelfare comitte of thetrait with the Jixn Philpo. zen&wil beintresed n te wlfae cmmitee of helSynpathy ai the community failowig article i the St. Ca- Children's Aid Society. is extended ta Mrs. S. E. Rob- tharines Standard as Rev. Born in Neepawa, Manitobainson i the lots af her broth- Frank Cryderman, although not Mr. Cryderman was gTaduated er-in-law, Mr. Clarence Day. born in this caunty his father, from Victoria College, Toron- The Robinsons motored ta Nia- Howard Cryderman was 5barn ta, in 1928 and iron Emmanuel gara ta attend the funeral ter- and lived at ane tirne in Hanp- vices an TUesday past. ..n and Frank graduated iran The Badminton Club heid ltwmanville High Schaal be- another successful evening with 1tN0rt attending Albert Callege 16 members participating Old at Belleville. As a further local -and young are cordially invit- link we might mention that e d ta attend. Frank was named after uncle M vrs. J. McCabe and Eleanar Frank M. Cryderman, well Jean, spent Sunday with Mr. known blacksmith af Bownian- - and Mrs. Wm. McCabe. Alsa &Ville. The article from the Stan- . -...' Mrs. Margaret McKay of To- dard follows: ronta spent the weckend with Bey. Frank M. Cryderman, her folks. ]BA., B.D, annaunced ta bis Messrs. Ray Robinsannand cangr jtian at Menarial Un- John Burns, as delegates af Itedýliurch, St. Catharines, an 4 Court Manvers C.O.F., attend- SSunday that he has received a e d tht 751h Anniverary Ban- eall iran Tinathy Eaton Mcm- quet held in Brantford an criai United Church, Toronto,, Nov. 25th. Gucat speaker an and wiil be leaving after a ser- this occasion was the Hon. Paul Vice af 8%½ years ta the churchj Martin, Minister of National litre. Health and Welfare. The climax He expects ta take up bis new ofa the evening was the presen- duties as assistant ta the Rev. tation by the Order ta the Can- Dr. C. Andrew Lawson as early cer Research Fund of $25,000 In tht new year as can be con- made by High Chief Ranger veniently arranged. Cooper, and accepted by Mr. Active in bath United Church Martin. Court Manvers has and general ministerial asso- contributed approximately $40 ciations during his service in to this fund by personal dona- St. Catharines, Mr. Cryderman tions ai members and $25 ta waa for eight years a member Hurricane Flood Relief Fund of the Christian Education com- from the reserves. niittee ai the Hamilton confer- Rev. F. M. Cryderman Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wil- cet and canvener ai the son playtd hast ta the Ray Christian education comnittee College in 1930. The following Robinsons and family, on Sun- An bath the Guelph and Niagara year, his Bachelor of Divinity day evening. presbyttries. He servtd as degree was conferred at New Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stacey chairman ai the Niagara pres- York. and kiddies visited Sundayi bytery Ibret years aga and ior He was engaged in field work evening at Harvey Malcoln's. the past two ytars has been at Christ Presbyterian Church Saturday visitors at tht Hugh aecrtary ai tht Hamilton con- in New York, later beconing McGills included Mr. and Mrs. ference. bouse director, religious educa- Cliff Snyder, Mrs. Radney Active in young adult work, tion director, and assistant Joncs and littît Davy Jons- hei j a member af tht National minister. From 1935 ta 1942, he four generatians. Young Adult committet and continued to serve as minister Mr. and Mrs. Earl MeQuade aerved as committet chairnan and head worker. Ht returned ai Bowmanville, were Sunday and director of tht first na- ta Canada in 1942 ta preach at aiternoon callers at tht Fred tional yaung adult camp. In ad- Elora United Church. Ht came Stacy's. dition, he is a member of thet ta St. Catharines in 1946. Mr. and Mrs. RalphMacn national committet on ca-or- reprtstnted Yelvertan at tht dination ai aduit work.*Wogvsno hnst Junior Farmers' Banquet and In St. Catharines, he was Wh ie o bnst en, dnehl iNwatels eiten heard in "QuietSactu- gives not tbanks ta God.-John week. ary" broadeasts and was a Lewis Burçkhardt. Mr .and Mrs. Jack Wilson, Kenny and Marguerite, Mr'. and _______________________________________-Mrs. Geo. E. Wilson attcndtd the Ice Capades in Toranta. ARTHUR COLLISON Tht Wilsons Sr. rcmained ta Organist Choirmaster Trinity United Church, visit with tht Vance Wiison's Bowmanville and returned with tht David TEACER 0 PIAO, OGANWilsons who matored up an TAnai HEOFETICANOUBJECTSSunday. and ll TEOREICALSUBJCTSMr. and Mrs. Ernit Lane Telephone MA 3-3900 Bowmanville visited with Mr'. and Mrs. Ro- land Vess ai Peterbaro, recent- y.Emi Henders was a Sunday visitor ai tht Jas. Mackits. s., IMr. and Mrs. Howard Mai- .11 ! coîn and Terry, wert Sunday Pr1IA rnrw ~ ÎI guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neil iie Malcom and Gordie ai Black- ýB9wman~Dvi11stock. -, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell White -Aand Mrs. Chapnan aiUx Ilbridge, were visîtors ai tht Memorial Arena Bert Gibson's on udy ______________Congratulations ta Mr'. and Mrs. Randel Buseblen an tht arrivai ai thtir wtt daughter,. Susan. . - We extend a bearty welcamc I>ub ïc *Skci ïng ta these aur new neighbours th arm prevîously awntd- by Mr Clarke Williams. .2E Tht Balfour Moores played F R* DC hast toa aswarm i firiends this wtektnd. Guests included: Mrs. g Vanet Sedman and Tam Sed- 81 1fl M man; ' Mx'. and Mrs. Bll Jen- kins, Whitby; Mr'. Fern Moore ADMISION * - - Adlte35cChidren20c and Mr. Sam Dicksan, Taronto. ADMSSON_____ 35c_____en20 Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mal- coin and Marleah were gutsts ai the Sam Adans ai Bowman- ville. Also aîtended tht Royal Publi Skaing last week. Publc Sk tingVisitars at the Ed Lawson's SAT., DEC.masLeerdl4 S Te D EC 4 ialeandMr. and Mrs. Gardon Walker and children. ai Wil- n * lawdale. #AONC OVIN DOOR SEAL heavy fibergla8 umal sround ove olde I heet, heepe drafta out, gives perfect baking in ai rack positions. CONTROLIJO OVIN AIR CIRCULATION gives you nmaxinmnbMkng efficiency. Two nput vents, under tii. bake unit, cùcate heat oun4y throughout the -Aoven. REGULAR $329e95 he 33 King St. W. Bowm anville S .ho PAGE TIITEE - mât& - - - - . . w A W Y T W ,s LaTRE LCAJANAIM~AN BAIEMfftn. 4J wIAZVUJV ..A5ICEP va FROM 3 I0o 5p... ADYqSSION - - - Aduits 35c, Children 20e Lakeshore Infermediate COME OUT AND SUPPORT YOUR TEAM ai 8:30 p... SATI DEC 4 LAKEFIELD INDIA NS 80 WMANVILLE BARONS RESERVED SEATS OR GENERAL ADMISSION Aduits 75e Children 35e Public Skaiting WED., DEC. 8 8le10 bpà.. ADMISSION - - - Aduits 35c, Cbildren 20c On Tuesday, Nov. 23, ln tht C.O.F. Hall, Janetville, Court Manvers, No. 553 inducted four new members, nanely: Bras. Wilson Staples, Rasa Wanni- cutt, Murray and Norman Shea, inta tht Order. Tht cerenonY ofi nitiation was put on by the Bawman- ville Degret in a most capable fashion bringing credit ta their lodge and honor ta tht partici- pants, exenplifying that spirit ai iraternity which is the goal ai tht Order. D.D.H.C.R. Bro. Ed. Hender- son ai Oshawa, brought greel- ings iron Hîgh Court. Bro. Norman Wilson C. R. Court Manvers, conveyed a iitting welcame ta Court Bowmnan- ville while Bra. Everett King C.R., made a suitable response., It is this interniingling of; courts that gives neaning ta tht word "Fraternity" and sets the C.O.F. aside fram ordinary ".run - ai - the - miii" Insurance. Companies. By Ibis t int, moit of You will knaw we're ta have an election next Manday for tht; municipal offices ini Manvers. Allan Beer and Eari Argue are in tht iight for reeve; John iPayne and 'Ralpb Malcom for: Deputy-Retve. and Addison Scott, Orm Miller. Lau MeGill, Bob Brown, Fentan Falles andl Edgar Beer are running for the Ibret scata on council. Whope tht Manvers ratepayers wilU make every effort la exercise 1 their greatest demoeratic pri-1 vilege, tht right ta vote. May the best men wi! A littho facl la worth a whole limbo ai dreams.-Ralph Waldo' Emerson. I To Sing Here Saturday Night As a special feature of this Saturday night's Youth for Christ Rally the Toronto Christian Business Girls' Choir will be present as the guest talent. The choir was formed ini 1949 by Miss Nan Allun, well known here I Bowmanville, and as each year passed the group became larger, so their sphère of service broadened, and since then the choir has sung in many centres of Ontario as well as same in the United States. ?HUR83DAY. DEC. 2nd. 1954 I i EVERY BODY GETS $100 [Z 4. MA3-32621 FOR CHRISTMAS THE TV SHOP ON THE PURCHASE 0F THIS NEW Avenoble w aul 300 & AV Adufravebu SEE IT ON DISPLAY TODAY FOR ONLY .229."s 1 Breeding Unit Pays $5,00O For Holstein Bull Two Holstin buils soid for $6,300 and $5,000 aI the annual Roaie reductian sale hcld Nov- ember 24th at Oakviile, Ontario. Seventeen ai tht 40 head went to U.S. and Lati American buyers, the latter icludig breeders from Uruguay, Argen- tia, Columnbia and Mexico. Tht Rosait herd is owned by Dr. Hector I. Astengo ai Brampton and Buenos Aires. Farty head brought $39,465.00, an average of $986.00. This is the hîghcst dispersai sale average af tht year in Canada, and was ex- cecded amangst consignment sales only by tht Sale ai Stars held i confection with the Royal Winter Fair, where an average ai $2,168 was estab- llahed for thirty-one Hoisteins. Tht Quinte District Cattie Breedig Association, Belle- ville, paid tht second tao price ai $,000fora A.B.C. R'ece- )n 3ovetl n n ela nam- cd Rsa= Ajdicaloand is just four months aid. Adjudi- catar la a full brother af Ro- sait Shanrock Bannit, tht Rt- serve AU-Canadian two-year- aid and three-ytar-old heifer ai 1952 and 1953. OBITUÂRY MUS. NORMAN WINSTON In poor health for the past three years Norma McDonald, belaved wile of Norman Win- stan. 61 Bruce Street, Oshawa, died late Sunday Navember 28, i Oshawa General Haspital, in ber 54th year. A dauéiter af the late Mr. and Mrs. William McDonald, the deceased was barn in Baw- manville on March 31, 1901, and was married i Toronto i 1922. A resident of Oshawa for over 40 years, she attendcd St George's Anglican Church. Besides her husband she leaves ta maurn her paslng one son, Donald Winston ai Oshawa. rAlso surviving la a brother, Fr4MacDonald, Moose Jaw Sas! wha came east this fai ta sec his slstcr and renew acquaintances In his native town af Bawmnville. Rev. T. B. Purves af St. Gearge's Anglican Church canducted the memorlal, ser- vice at the Armistrong Funeral Home an Wednesday, Decem. ber 1. Interment was in Osh- awa Union Cemnetery. 1 "A"'

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