.~.--. TUE CAfAIAJL1S TALTISMMI.BOWMANfVUL. CMAEI ¶RT1tDAm First Pupils in New School at Mitchell's Corners Pictured above is a group of the pupils of Mitchell's Corners School which was afficially opened at a well- attended ceremony held on Wednesday evening of last week. Ross Metealfe, Supervisor of Music for the South Darlington Area Schools, is shown leading the musical number which was included in the pragmam. The invoca- tion was given by Rev. F. J. Reed, Minister of Hampton United Church, and guest speaker was Stephen Saywell, inember of the Oshawa Board of Education. Deputy- Reeve Garnet Rickard brought greetings from the Darling. ton Township Council and United Counties Council. Ale: McMaster, chaimman of the South Darlington Area School Board, pointed out that the new school, cansisting of twc modern, attractive classmooms bings the total number o: classrooms in the Area ta 23. Two new classrooms havE also been added ta the Maple Grave School and CourtiCE School during the past year. -Photo by Carson Studio, Part Hope Officiais at Mitchell's Corner School Pictur7ed above are members of the South Darling- Public School Inspector for West Durham and Oshawa; ton AregSthcïol Board and teachers at the new Mitchell's Ross Metcalfe, Supervisor of Music for South Darlington Corners Publie School on the Fifth Concession of Darling- Area Schools. Rear row, left to right: Trustee Wilfred ton, three miles west of Hampton. They were present at Brown, Trustee Ken Werry, Chairman Alex McMaster of the officiai opening of the modern, new two-room school the South Darlington Area School Board, Trustee John held on Wednesday evening of last week. Front row, left Macnab, Trustee Harold Muir and M. J. Hobbs, Secretary- to right: Principal Henry DeMille, Earl Webster, Public Manager of the Board and Supervising Principal of the School Inspector for West Durham and Oshawa; Miss Ruth South Darlington School Area. Cousins, a teacher at the new school; Thomas McEwen, -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Men Who Helped to Build New School A number of the officiais concerned with the Board 'of Education, who wvas gtiest speaker% at thé cere- construction of the new two-room Mitchell's Corners mony; Gannet Rickard, Deputy-Reeve of Darlington Town- Public School, which xvas officially opened on Wednesday ship, and Alex McMaster, Chairman of the South Darling- evening of last week, are shown above. Lef t ta right are: ton Area School Board. The modern, attractive school is D. Williams, representative of the McCullough Construc- the ninth public school in the South Darlington School tion Co. which erected the school; Architect Herbert Cole, Area. Rev. F. J. Reed, Hampton; Stephén Saywell of the Oshawa -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope IBethany Ladyr- Celebrates Her 9Oth Birthday "Her face a page where pleas- ant iUnes Are written there like hngem signs. A womn4a true of ioving Worth, Her kind a blessing to the earth.10 Thesç =nesmight well have been W.itenfor Miss Annie Sisson, Who. on November 25th quietly obsenved her 9th birthday, receiving gifts and carda from hër lange circle o! relatives and fniends. She la another of Bethanys Wonder- fui old ladies, who has watch- ed the 1[rowth of- the village smnce childhood; a daughten, and the lait member o! the 'tamllY of Mn. and Mmi. Mich- ael Sisson, who were among the Pioneer farmers in the dis- trict. The homestead is now owned- by Harry Preston and, the house occupied by the Pie- ton Portez- family. 1Misa Sisson's remarkable memary i.ncludes many tales of eanly daya unknown ta this genenation; Fal ains held i.n the' village, the annual celebra- tion o! July l2th, when the visiting ladges tram the neigh- boring communities came ta celebrate in Bethany. The two and a haîf mile -drive into the village was a treat ta be look- ed tarward ta, ln buggy or dem- acrat in the summen, cutter or slelgh in the winter. She at- tended Galloway's school and St. Mary's Anglican Church, which was the finat cch h Manvens township and remarks -on the large attendance at bath cin companison with that of ta- îj day. 0 "TheW w~ere large families in ii h homes along the Elghth Line (hîghway 7A) e then, and everybody went ta echurch. There were no radias ta pravide entertainment and e a concert or dance held in the village, or a party at a neigh- bor's home was an event ta be laaked fonwand to, and em- embered for long afterwards. Nowadays thene is samething ta go toa ah the time.'I "We were a big family", she ne- marks, "But we were all need. ed. Farmens did nat bave the machinery ta wonk with that they have taday and the sons and daughters ahl had ta help wîth the work. bath on the farm and ini the house. Theme wene no electric gadgets ta make housework easier. The baking was all done at home, 1 even the bread. We learned ta cook, sew and knit tram aur Mother, flot at school." Miss Sisson's lite has been cheerfully spent in looking after others. She cared fon hem awn mother fon many years as well as other membens o! hem family. She stili does a great deal o! work for St. Paul's Chunch and Missions. Hem f in- gens are neyer idle ton there la always sewing or knitting ta be done ton others. During hem lifetime she bas been active in the Women's Institute, in the vàrîous church organization J and in the Red Cross Society. Right now, she la busy with Christmas plans, knittlng gifts tor hem numerous nieces and nephews and thein families, ta ahl o! whom she is a much loved aunt. Miss Sisson advances no ea- son for hem longevity; but we venture the opinion that the secret lies ini hem cheertul dis- Position* hem eal intemest ln the fallâ of the neighbonhood; hem veny way o! living ber en- tire life for others, with no thought tor henself. Enniskillen W. A. The Enniskillen W.A. met at the home of Mns. R. McLaugh- lin, Bawmanville. with 34 pres- ent. Devotional was in charge a! Mns. R. McGill and was "Are you neady for Chnistmas?j" Prognam was in charge a! Gnoup 3 wlth Mms. G. Yeo tak- ing charge. Mnrs. Slemon gave a veny interesting talk on hem trip ta the West, taking us as tan as Saskatoon. Mns. R. Seymour toak change of the tallowlng slate o! offi- cens: Presîdent, Mrs. G. Yeo; lst vice-pres., Mmi. F. McLaugh- lin; 2nd vice-pres., Mns. J. Gni!- fin; secretamy, Mrs. F. Beckett; assistant secmetany, Mns. A. Brunt; treasumer, Mns. M. Hobbs; assistant treasumer, Mms. J. Slemon; pianists, Mms. M. Stainton and Mrs. L. Lamb; tlowen committee, Mms. L. Lamb and Mns. E. Page; an sonage committee, Mrs. R., Mc- Gili, Mrs. H. Stevens, Mrs.e. Page; visiting cammlttee. Mrs. F. Toms and M.rs. T. Slemon; booth commtitee, Mns. J. Sle- mon, Mmis. J. Griffin, Mrs. A. Boyd, Mmi. H. Stevens, Mrs. W. Fenguson, Mrs. A. Sharp; Au- ditors ton 1955, Mms. A. Wenny and Mrs. F. Toms. Mmr. Seymour thankect Mms. president for the last five years. Mr. and Mrs. D. Evers, For- 1 Mrs. L. D. Sykes, Hampton. have returned home from an Mrs. H. McGill thanked Mrs. TYRONE est Hill, visited Mr. and Mrs. jMn. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner extended trip. They visited at R. McLaughlin for her position A. His. land chiîdren, with Mr. adMpe Çek îde and as treasurer. Lunch was serv- Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaugh- The evenhig group of the W.! Mrs. W. Park Sr. Sorry to heax Sasatoon.Congratlin a ed by Group 3. linan fmil. laksock; Mn. A. have been working real; Mr Park is cofned ta bed. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Phare on, and Mrs. Charles Taylor, Or- hard for their bazaar. Al wish himn a speedy recov- hi eetmrig.Te Mnpy.M. and Ms. ateLaiew r. W. AX. Clarke, ery. returned with his paet o arm Forums Mn. an Mrs.H. Phxp, i s f Mn and weekend visitors Mr. and Mrs. C. Bigelow, a holiday.PRV ENEF MFOU Mr.andMrs H.Phip, issof r. ndMrs. J. C. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rickard, at- Sorry to learn Mr. NormanPRVDNEF MFOU Jean Philp. visited Mr. and also Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wat- tended the Findlay-MacdoadClaotfe'n nue i Providence Farm Forum met Mrs. G. Phulp, Castieton. son- of Braripton, were Sunday wedding at Unionville Uonited kne. *at te hme Mr and Mrs.edhi Mn and Mrs. K. Lanb, visitors. Church and reception at Grey- M.adMs an ahr m rg ih1 ebr Por Cr dit s ent the wee en Mn an Mr. loy Aldre d ton s R sturant, Aurora. ly and family, Port Credit, present. The dramatized broad- with Mr. and Mns. G. Alldread. and *Maxiiie, visited Mn. and Mns. Florence Scott spent the visited bis mother. Mns. Hath- cast on the subject of wills was .Mr. and Mrs. A. Marshall and Mrs. D. Beckett, Oshawa. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. erly neturned home with them very informIfative. Jimmny, Humber Bay, vislted Mn. and Mrs. H. Skinner and Macdonald, Bowmanville. for a visit. The Federation pot-luck sup- toi. and Mrs. T. Scott. Miss Porothy Skinner visited. Mr and Mns. E. Spry, Les- Mns. R. Spry and Mrs. L.- per was discussed and the re- tand Mrs. Henry Stain- Mn. and Mrs. A. Brown, New- kard,« visited Mr. and Mrs. Bourne spent a day in Peter-. mainder of the evening spent tL ri. D ouglas and L ynne, visit - castie. R y S r .b r u h r l y n r k n l . M s m c: .I.and Mns. James Stain Mr. and IMrs. R. Glaspell'RyMry. dugh. FrpiBayg, GrdonoBre. n.wmn ton, Sauina. Grant and Gwen, visited MrM.n r.Fak ahr rgGodn Bri o Mr n I.Fe mtadMs .A eyod, r y ad cideLkvehigh score pruzesand Mrs. Neil n. Sondt, Mis. ed SM and Mre . vJ.te A. RAonn ~ I ad c ien, a eview, We should give as we wqjld Mutton and John. Frayer con- Lo. e i, vst d M . a d H pvst&Mrs. Anni Harhdny. receive,. cheerfull, quickly, solation prizes. M.K ad.Mn. and Mrs. Loi-ne Grîffin IMr. and Mrs. How ard Brent. and w%,ithout hesitat ion: for Next meeting at Mn. and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. G. White and 'and jean. Blackstock, with Mr. %vere suppen guesits of Mr. and there is no grace in a benefit Douglas Wight's. Everyone in chl1dren, Bowmanville, with and Mriý W. Rahni. Mrs. Allan Wood, Millbnook. that sticks ta the fingers.-Lu. Providence eornrunity weI- Mfr. and Mrs. lr. Werry. 1Mr-i. Annie Hathen],y vuuted iMn. and Mr&, Lorne Phare i us Seneca. aMM1 j I I I the late Dr. George W. Mc- anniversanies. mine greatness - Mary Baker Eddy. I ERd. Grapes POUNDS 25C Sweet - Tasty - Valencia FLORIDA - No. 1 - MARSH - 96's SUNKIST ORANGES Grapefruit Size 288 Doz.2.c 10FOR45 WE ARE TAKING ORDERS FOR DOMINION'S FINEST QUALITY TURKEYS. Tell us the size you need and we will do the rest. Satisfaction guaranteed. MAPLE LEAF- SKINLESS- One Lb. Pkg. PURE PORK SAUSAGE 45c . COPPD' Round Steak Roast ONE BEEF SUET Pork Butt Roast PRICE One.Prrk rioulder BHune) Lb. 29c. Cottage Roll Lb . 5 9 C FRUIT . W ~CAKE lb. 5O OUR All.D~. I9 .Just orammed GICHIS'S1 (iLCHRISTASS See this year's tins BISCUITS Many New Vantes - FOeLb Cg Mxed4 SEE Tais ADVT. NEXT WEEK FOR SPECIAL STORE HOUES DURING DECEMBER I Values effective at Bowmanville, Thuraday, Friday, Saturday, Dec. 2 - 3 - 4 8-oz. Pkg. c B.C. - FANCY RE Sockey< Salmon %s3 9c Cundy Speciaols Cream -Gum -Satin JINGLE BELLS B lARD MlX LOW GLOBE Cream Centres CIIOCOLAtES Lh.390 Lb. ) 94 Family Size - Assorted 21/2lIL - NOIR'S CHOCOLATES $1.55 CANDY CANMES 5c - 6or25c Organizations, please contact us for Special Prices on BuIk Candy - Oranges Nuts, etc. Dominion Stores Lt d. Bowmanville Ont. di mi PAGE suXTEmI r........ 25cl Dominion Stores Ltd, î- Bowmanville Ont. 1 v.mvv~vevNeil in Pontypool on Wednes- BLIllAri day, with Rev. Richard Bon- steel of this village conducting Friends wlll be pleased ta the service. Dr. McNeil wiil be know that Mrs. Edgarý Beer la greatly missed throughout the reported as making good pro- district. gresa following a major opera- Sincere Congratulations ta tion in Peterborough Civie Mrs. Richard Fallis, who quiet- Hospital last week. ly celebrated her 89th blrthday Mn. and Mrs. Larry Ingram, on Saturday. Cleveland, .Ohio, w ere w eek- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ end guests with Mr. and Mirs. James McKinnon. Members of Manvena town- ENFIELD ship council attended the War- den's banquet held in Cobourg Mn. and Mrs. L.' Bradley, on Tuesday af last week. Ennlskillen; Miss Joyce Aber- Mn. and Mms. Ceci McGill, nethy, Manilla, visited at Mr. Toronto, spent the weekend M. Sailis'. with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ry- Mr. and Mrs. W. Pascoe, ley.i Misses Marion and Evelyn, During the iln'ess of Mr. .J. visited at Mr. H. Beaton's, C. Cummiskey, Mn. Henry Oshawa. Jakeman is acting as assistant We welcome Mr. and Mns. clenk of Manvers 'township. Stableford and Louise of West Mn. Fred Sanderson, Toron- Hill who have moved into the ta, spent the weekend witil McCulloch homestead whifch Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sander- they purchased last summer. son. A most enjoyable evening Mr. and Mms. Keith Sisson, was spent in the Vos home on Toronto, were recent guests of Monday when the friends and Mr. and Mns. William Hannah. neighbors o! Mr. and Mrs. Mn. William Bolton of Lans- Johnt Vos assembled ta extend downe was a recent guest congratulations and sincere of Mrs. Hilliard Bristow and good wishes on the occasion of family. their 30th wedding anniver- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stinson samy. The event was informai and family o! Oshawa spent and everyane settled down ta the weekend with Mr. and an evening o! tniendly visiting Mrs. Perey Mantie. and a most abundant lunch The Young People o! Beth- iprepared by Mms. Vos. Friends any United Church pnesented f ram a distance remembered thein play "Too Many Rela- 'the occasion with gifts and the tives" -in Raeboro on Thursday neighbors presented Mn. and evening and aein in Cameron Mns Vos with a basket o! on Friday evening. 'chnyýsanthemums. We hope the Many fnom Bethany attend- popular couple remain in aur ed the funeral service held for 1cammunity ta celebrate future Nesilelon Station ' Mn. and Mrs. Bud Lawrencp. of Toronto and Miss Marion Hoskin, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawrence. 1Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb, Ralph, Stewart and Ruth of Enniskillen and Mn. and Mrs. Donald Lamb, Hampton, visi- ted Sundayi.vith Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson. Mr. David Davidson of Rab. erts' Creek. B.C., bas been re- newing ald - acquamntances in Cartwright. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Semo* Haydon, visited Mr. and Mcr4_ Lorenzo Mountjoy. Rev. Mn. Strathena of Belle- ville spent several days witlx Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Harrus. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Symons, Joan and Nancy o! Bowman,. ville visited Sunday wîthM1. and Mrs. N. C. Manlow. The De Vries family Bill, Jack, Patricia and Bel spent a week visiting in *icago and attended the wedding of~ their brother Walter in that city. Mn. and Mrs. Walter De Vries, honeymooners, spent a week with his parents, Mn. and Mrs. John De Vries and !amily. Mr. and Mns. trant Thomp- son and Mr. David Davidson visited Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Thompson, Beaver- ton, and Mrs. W. H. Johnston and family, Pefferlaw. Time end goodness deter- m a DOMINION'S m a a m L One qunw_ dq&l«AITAW «MAMevouRA" 2»& 1954 EMPEROB