PAGE ZIGRTErW -Nestieton Girl, Wins Junior Fa rmers Trophy il At the Durham Junior Farmers A nnual Banquet and Dance, Friday night at Newcastle Community Hall, Miss Doreen Van Camp of Nestletonj won. first prize in the Public Speaking Contest and will rep resent Durham in the provincial finals. She is shown here holding her trophy, wh ile President Margaret Aiken of Cavan and runner-up Glenn Larmer of Nestieton of fer congratulations. The trophy was donat- ed by John M. James, M.P. Couple Honoured As Home Complete At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kowal Sr., Maple Grove, relatives and friends gathered ta honour Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kowal Jr., (nee Ruby Welsh) on completion of their new home. Mr. Kowal Sr. made a speech followed by presentation of a beautîful tri-light lamp and de- corated cake with best wishes displayed. A delicious lunch was served and Mr. and Mrs. Kowal Jr. made speeches of appreciation. The couple are now residing en Waverly Rd., in Bowman- ville, Ontario. SALEM Salem W.A. beld their Nov- ember meeting at the home of Mrs * S. Buttery. Tbe president, Mns. K. Sbackleoton opened the meeting and eonducted the business. A letter of tbanks was read fromn the superintendentý of Memorial Hospital for fruit donated to the hospital. It was decided to send $20 to the W. M.S. and pay $30 on the chairs for the cburch. Mrs. Les. Coombes and ber gnoup were in change. Bible neading and devotional was given by Mrs. Bob Collacott. Readings were given by Mns. J. Hall and Mrs. H. Bannie. Misses Grace Black- burn and Marion Butteny f a- voured with several piano TO THE CITIZENS 0F BOWMANVI LLE 1 am again' offering my services as Town Councillor during 1955. If you sce fit to elect me for. a second terra, 1 will do my best to further the interests of the Town of Bowmanville and its Citizens. Councillor, LLOYD PRESTON EMERSON TV LESS MONEY Emer-son Model 791 FRO$219.95 Te Woodyard's Appliance Stores Orono duets. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. Next meeting will be election of of- ficers. A pot luck suppen is being held at the cburch on Saturday, Dec. 4 at 6.30 p.m. under auspi- ces of the Sunday School. The film board pictunes will be sbown after the supper. Mn. and Mrs. F. Blackburn, Mr.and Mrs. Bob Craig atterid- ed a Forester's Banquet in Osh- awa, Saturday. Mrs. Sam Buttery visited ber mothen, Mns. J. Lancaster, wbc is confined to bed at the homne of Mr. and Mrs. I. Munday, Maple Grove. Mn. and Mns. F. Blackburn witb Mn. and Mrs. W. Cowling, Aurona. Mn. and Mrs. Ken Shackle- ton, Mn. and Mrs. Gerald Shackleton attended the Odd- fellows - banquet at Onono, Thunsday. Mns. Mark Blackburn with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Foley. Maple Grove. A numben from this commun- îty attended tbe Oshawa Milk Producer's banquet at North- minsten Cburch, Oshawa, Fri- day. Many Mourn Sudden Passing 0f Dr. MacNeil The entire comm unity sur- rounding Pontypool was sad- dened and shocked by the sudden passing of a' higbly es- teemed citizen, our local doc- tor, Dr. George MacNeil, last week. While returning fnom a Masonic meeting and banquet in Peterborough, on Monday, Nov. 22, he died suddenly fromn a heart attack. Dr. MacNeil came to Ponty- pool in 1923 and took over the practise of tbe late Dr. D. W. Clark. Previous to that, he had served for four years as a medical officer in the First World War. After the war, he served for a time as an associ- ate director of the Peterbor- ough D.V.A. hospital. "Doc" was loved by young and old and many an hour be spent witb the sick and old, trying to comfort them and their loved ones. He was intensely interested in community work; was a former manager of the local bail club, active in Red Cross work, a very ardent Liberal in politics, and active in the church and fraternal circles. He was member of North Star A.F.&A.M. 322, Owen Sound, Peterborough Lodge of Perfec- tion, Scottish Rite and Peter- boro Chapter of the Rose Croix. On Wednesday scores of peo- ple from far and near passed by bis casket to pay their last tribute to a true friend and doctor. Rev. Bonsteel conduct- ed the funeral services after which the Masonic Service was had attended by members from several lodges. This service was conducted by Orono A.F. & A.M. with Mr. Chas. Tyrell in charge. Furtber services will be beld in bis home town in Owen Sound. Deceased is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Wilson of Simcoe and Miss Margaret MacNeil of Owen Sound. Palîbearers were, W. Rennie, H. M. Richardson, Bill Morri- soBert Richardson, Nelson Wfder (Peterboro) and Elgin Budd (Simcoe). There will be an election in Manvers on Dec. 6 for Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Council. The contestants are: Reeve, Allan Beer and Earl Argue; Deputy, Ralpb Malcolm and John Payne; Council, Bob Brown, Fenton Fallis, Orme Miller, Louis McGill. Addison Scott, 1954 Council- ]or and Ed Beer were also nominated but did not stand for election, Vote as you like but vote. Sorry no more time ta write. Got a lot of "Babies" to kiss this week. tru gratess -Charles eim- mons. -A» TRI_ CAKADIAN STATTsMAN. EOuWMAnv1LLE, OTTARto (25 VEARS AGO (1929) There seems to have been just as mucb going on 25 yeans ago. Three entertainments fon early Decemben were advertis- ed on the front page: Boys' Training Scbool Concert, Dec. 3, Cantata Esther, Dec. 15 and 6, Public Scbool Concert, Dec. 12 and 13, aIl in t4ie Opera House. Tbey were saying 25 yeans ago that Bitain was decadent and Hon. Stanley Baldwin, Ex- Premier, was botly refuting it. Britain showed she was far from decadent in a war since theft. Stanley Rickard, Allan W. Balson and James Hancock were running for Boys' Panhia- ment. Deatb was recorded of Mrs. Tryphina Hoar, widow of Tho-. mas E. Hoan, who predeceased ber by il years. Among the weddings was that of Luce May Oliver and Mn. HowardýGibson. George Brown's Radio Shop had Steinete radios for $177 (less tubes) $212.50 (with tubes). Real bumless neception was one of the features. Work was scheduled to be- gin on the new Salvation Armny Citadel soon, on the corner of Cburcb and Division Streets. Tynrne-Cburch service was taken by five laymen from Bowmanville: C. H. Mason,~ Dr. J. C. Devitt, Dr. C. W. Siemon, A . M. Hardy, W. R. Strike. There neyer was yet a truly great man that was not at the same time tnuly virtuoug.- Benjamin Franklin. e » HAYDON Î9 M.ancl Mrs. D. Fontain and son, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. A. McNeil's. Miss Audrey Hay, Peterboro, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ashton's. Miss Florence Werry, Hamp- ton, visited Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd ýjAshton. Mr. and Mns. Clifford Peth- ick, and Ruth, and Mrs. E. Stnutt, Enniskillen, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts and Mrs. W. Martin. Mrs. Bernard Houseman and Wayne, Calgary, is visiting her parents, Mn. and Mrs. Charles Garrard. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and family, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read's. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hodgson, IBowmanville, Mr. and Mns. W. E. Lymner, Maple Grove, wene tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ce- cil Slemon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ander- son and Carolyn. Downsview. eMr. and Mrs. Fred McCallum, and Gordon, Brampton, visited Mi. and Mrs. Arthur Trewîn. Mr. and Mrs. Sulas Trewin and Judith, Bowmanville, at Mr. and Mns. Wm. Tnewin's. Mis. Alice Westover and Bill Westover,, Bowmanville, called on Mr. and Mis. D. Straw- bridge. Dr. and Mrs. W. Conrigan and Vilda, Toronto, at Mr. and Mns. C. Rankine's. Mrs. J. Cowling and Murray, Salem, Mi. and Mrs. H. Brock and family, Bowmanville, call- ed on Mn. and Mis. G. Tabb and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Dickie, Bowmanville, at Mr. and Mrs. D. Black's. Mr. and Mns. Cecil Slemon were tea gdests of Mn. and Mrs. L. Bradley on Saturday. Mrs. Alice Westover and Mr. B. Westover, Bowmanville, at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westover's. Mrs. J. Anderson, Mimico, bas returned to her home- aften visiting ber daughter, Mns. Ar- tbur Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Avery and family, visited Mr. L. Coch- rane, Bunketon. Mr. M. Slemon visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert and Miss Annie Mountjoy, Bow- manville and called on Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mountjoy, Hamp- ton. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tom's, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mis. D. Black vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Young- man, Pontypool, Sunday. Mr. and Mis. W. Blackburn and family, Miss Lily Tabb and Mrs. T. Cowling, visited Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Elfred. Port Perny. Mrs. H. Crossman attended the funeral of Mn. Charlie So- per, Oshawa, Tuesday. Mr. and Mns. B. Vivian and family, visited Mr. Walter On- miston, Oshawa on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Asbton and Mn. and Mis. Ross Ashton and family, were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Werry, Toronto, and visited Miss Em- ma Werry at the General Hos- pital. Adult Bible Class meeting will be held on Tuesday even- ing, Dec. 7 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin's. National Film Board pictures will be shown in the church on Dec. 8th at 7.45. W. A. Deoemnben meeting will be beld at the home of Mn. Cecil Slemon on Thursday ai- tennoon, Dec. 9th. The teacher and pupilz and music teachen, Mr. Wôrkman, are busy practicing for thein, Christmas concert on Dec. 21 which will be held in the church. Your correspondent will be pleased to renew your States- man subscription for you. Mr. and Mrs. George Ber- trim, O-shawa, visited Mr and Mrs. I. Bertrin and &Ia.y 49 VEARS AGO (1905) Death -was recorded of a prominent citizen, Ch a rle s Young, who carried on a gro- cery and meat business for 42 years in Bowmanviile. The Mn. Young's retirement in 1900. business was purcbased by bis son-in-law, F. A. Haddy, upon Mr. D. B. Simpson, K.C.wa appointed President of h Henderson Roller Bearing Man- ufacturing Co., Ltd., Toronto, a large corporation capitalized at $1 million. Fred C. Cubitt, who had been. conducting a sporting goods business, became propnietor Of the Imperial Book Store, Peter- borough. Fashion Hints - Peacock blue is the coming colon in London, for millinery and evening gowns, the latter in layers of tulle spangled with pailettes. Miss Margaret Treleven wbo spent a yean with her brother, Robent A. Treleven and visiting in Canada and the U.S. neturn- ed to ber home î n Stratton, Cornwall, England. Mrs. Thos. Power, president of West Durbam Women's In- stitute, was appointed delegate to the Provincial Institute, in Guelpb. Mns. J. W. Spanling was alternate. Orono-The Methodist Cburcb will be ligbted by acetylene gas. Hampton-Mr. A. B. Cryden- man, Sunday Scbool Superin- tendent, was given a neception by tbe school in bonon of bis recent marniage. A presenta- tion was made of a locket and chair. LONG SAULT TM7MSDAY,MMf V_1 Du rham County Bull Winner at Royal Trewhaven Rocket, the first prize Junior Yearling Holstein bull at Royal' Winter Fair owned and exhibited by J. G. Trewin and Son, Blackstock; Reserve Junior Champion at the Peterborough Championship Show and Junior and Reserve Grand Champion at the Durham County Black and White Day. Following the Royal Winter Fair it was sold to a South American buyer for $1,700. our community Tuesday morn- ing. wben we learned that o un family doctor. Dr. G. W. Mac- Neil, Pontypool, bad passed away in Peterbono Hospital Monday nigbt following a beart seizure. Many attended the funeral. service Wednesdaxr night in Pontypool chuch. Mns. Vera Milîson, Mns. Leon Moore and Mns. Moffat, visited Mn. and Mns. A. Milîson on Friday. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Part- nen were also Saturday even- ing visitons at the Millson I Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Earl Duvail, Craig, Port Hope, were Sun- Leskard, were Sunday guests of day dinner guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mis. OrmeMler Mrs. A. J. McLaggan. Mr. Stanley Fletcher, Toeron.- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sker- ratt, Mary and Marilyn, Toron- to, with bis parents, Mr. and to, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bent- Mrs. ordo Flecher ley, Port Perry, were Sunday Mr. Fred Sim, Toronto, Mr. visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Rye and Mrs. Wm. Sim and Mrs: Gibson and Sandra, Mr. and Mary Sim, Oshawa, visited Mrs. Sidney Martyn, Oshawa, Mr. and Mns. Robert Sim. Mr. were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mis. Peter Bathgate, Shir- and Mrs. Fred Partner. ley and Barbara, Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. John Hooyer, ville, were Sunday supper Nestieton, Mr. andý Mrs. Han- guests at the Sim home. old De Mille and boys, Burke- Don't forget your Home and ton, Mr. and Mrs. C. Penwan- Sehool Club is one week ear- 'den, Mn. and Mrs. Paul Van- lier this month. The evening eyk, were entertained to Sun- of Dec. 3 is the date. day supper at the home of Mr. Club 50 will meet at the and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk in honor of Mr. Vaneyk's birth- home of Mrs. John Johnston day. Congratulations Mr. Van ruesday evening, Dec. 14, eylE to a happy birthday. when Christmas gifts will be exchanged jamong the mem- ThtrygeeusI te bers.Th rl eeosI te You anua ChistassCholtruly wise.-Jobn Horne. Yourannal hritma scool A man thene was, they caîl- concert will be held in the e db im mad; the more he gave, school the evening of Dec. 16. the more, he had.-JonBn A deep sadness was cast over1 yan. More Heat ..a.. at Iess cost with the POPULAR QUAKER QIL SPACE HEATERS Corne i and see the many models that w. now have on display. There is a model for every.purpose and every purse W. He BROWNt DEALER FOR Case Farm Machinery Firestone rirei DeLaval Milkera and Separators I Beatty Bros. Stable MA 3-5497 Ciizens of Darlington, Next Monday, Dec. Sth, you will go to the poiis ta elect your Township Reeve for next year. Be sure you vote! It's important ta youl It has been my privilege to be your Beeve f or the past four years, and I make no apologies for again off ering my services. This decision was taken, flot because of any self ish motive or wish to remain in of fice for a longer time, but because there is still a great deal of work to be done; work with which I have been in very close contact. Bef ore retiring, it is my hope to complete the job that was started four years ago. This work includes, among other things, additional improvements to our roads. During the past f ew years we have' hard-surfaced many of the township roads, a procedure which eventually will save you many thousands of dollars in maintenance - as well as pro- viding better driving conditions throughout the year. This job is by no means complete and because it has been my pet proj oct, I would like to have the opportun- ity of f ollowing it through to its conclusion. The work has been done economically and competontly. In fact, without increasing taxes, we have boon able to show surpluses regularly in our road account. Our population growth since the war has made it necessary to build several new schools and more will be needed. These can cost a great deal of money, or, if handled as we have done, the cost need flot be exce§sive. It has been a great source of satisfaction to me as your Reeve to have been able, through personal contacts, to save the township many thousands of dollars on these various contracts. There are many other township problems which might be mentionedi where good results can only be obtained by constant attention. This takes time - a great deal of time if the job is to be done right - and I have the time to devote to it. If you again give me your support, 1t assure you mnat ine ]oiD oi neeve of Darlington Township will be practically a full time job for me, as it has been ini the past, Sa that Darlington will continue to grow and improve in every way. In your own interests, be sure you vote. Sincerely, ROY W. NICHOL S.- --.-.-.----.---......... -......t-..- -~ In the Dim and Dis tant Past From T'he Saieumau Vil«s MORE VALUE FOR Bowmanville 1 MMMMMOJ
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