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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1954, p. 20

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"M CANADUS OrATISUM. BOWZMANVffLN. oeAI» 't-. t- ~. TETJIWAi, DEC. SU& M4. B.H.S. Stud«ents Present Delightful Period Comecly Have Leading Roles in Play J. M. Barrie's comedy "Quality Street" which play is being enjoyed by entliusiastic audiences in a four involves some delightful and interesting characters is this night run at the Town Hall. It continues Thunsday and year's dramatic production by students of Bowmanville Friday nights and those who haven't already purchased High School. Directed by Miss Jean Cunningham, the tickets would be well advised to procure them, if they can. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope T I Beveridge realize when he wrote A Bit of Gossip in Quality Streetth bvcomnaoute late Miss Nellie Pattinson that 11rlnHan sPob fTeRnlt n she was a native of Bowman- MrlnHan sPob fTeRnlt n Ville, a brilliant student of B.H. Ronald Turner as the dashing Vaientîne Brown who leaves S. and a successful teacher in her for the Napoleonic Wars are photographed above in a * oot ehia coo for happier mood than they experience during the play ~vmany years. It's a great tribute "Quality Street". This play by J. M. Barrie is neverthe- to Miss Pattison's ability to less a comedy, and is beîng well presented by the Bow- know that the, 2lst edition of avleHg cho nteTw al o orngt her cook bookc has been pub- avleHg colith Twn alfrfur ihs lished.-G.W.J.) this week. * * * -photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope The literary fields of Stephen Foster and Jules Verne do not 'TTT The ladies trio, Mrs. E. Cry- have a great deal in common, L)ULINAE l derman, Mrs. H. Milison and but in this littie note I should Mrs. Wes Yellowlees, sang a k1lilike to link them together as The C.G.I.T. met Saturday lovely selection. "Close to His a vehicle for a bit of informa- afternoon with Barbara Hooey, Side", at the church service. tion I picked up about the steel president, in the chair. The Mrs. Ralph Davis was host- oil barrel, a commodity which rail cali was answered with ess at a party, Saturday even- just about revolutionized the a favorite hymn. The next ing. transportation of petroleum meeting will be on December The Explorer's Group met v .praducts a haîf century ago. 1l. The rall caîl, "exchange of Saturday afternoon with the Stephen Foster wrote a spir- Christmas gifts". Mi:. Ralph leader, Jean Taylor, presenting itual in the 1880's which he Davis will give a demonstra- the chapter from the study called "Nelly Bly", and thîs was tion on making Christmas book, "Chant of India". The the pen name that Elizabeth candles. Patsy Knox will have girls started their scrapbooks Cochrane of Pennsylvania took charge of the program. The at this meeting. when she went ta work as a study book was read by Patsy Mr. and Mrs. Stan Flodgson, reporter on The Pittsburgh Knox and a short discussion Bowmanville, were Sunday Dispatch. Jules Verne, a Frenchi peniod followed. The girls each tea guests at Mr. J. Yellawlees'. wonder-story writer, had writ- read descriptive articles of In- Mr. ana -nrs. nzoss Cryder- ten a book called "Around the dian cities and places of inter- man and Ellen, at Mn. C. J. World in 80 Days". est in mission study. Wray's, Oshawa. It was Nellie (she spelled it The worship service was Mr. and Mrs. George Knox, that way) who talked Joseph presented by Jean Taylor, lead- Carol and Marilyn, Eldon and Pulitzer into letting her try to er of the Explorer's group and Russell Sloan, visited at Mr. bet hiea Fggsfictitious Mabel Huggins. The program H. Farrow's, Starkville. 80-day record, as a promotion included numbers from bath Misses Evelyn Taylor and stunt for The New York World. groups, 0 vocal solo by Patsy Joyce Abernethy, Peterborough, '~> ; ~ An ths rmarabl yongDavis; piano solos by Dianne visited at Mr. E. R. Taylor's. Anth e onl2-et outg Tink, Helen Knox and Barbara Mrs. G. L. Crouse, Oshawa, in November, 1889. to circle the Hooey. Recreation was led by at Mr. E. Spires'. globe. In 72 days, six hours Gail Baker and the meeting Mr. and Mrs. H. Balson and and il minutes later she had closed with Taps. childfen, Hampton, at Mr. jA. accomplished what she had set The Women's Institute will J. Balson's. out ta do. The warld was at her meet an Thursday, December Mr. and Mrs. H. Yellowlees, feet, jUst as it was once at the 9. Program in charge of Mrs. Karen and Brenda, visited at feet of Gertrude Ederle and F. Westlake's group. Rail cail, Mr. E. Larmer's, Blackstock. The Misses Mary Willoughby, Fanny Willoughby and Henrietta Turnbull are Amelia Earhart. a gift for the Children's Aid So- Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Milîson mnueh interested in a certain mysterious lady, a niece of the Misses Phoebe and Susan A famous waman, Nellie ciety. Members are requested and children, Mrs. Ella Taylor Throssell, and the warrior, Valentine Brown is very much in the picture. Above tried her hand for a while in ta bring a Christmas recipe for and Sandra, Toronto, visited at tram left in front are: Ronald Turner as Valentine -Brown; Marilyn Hearne, Phoebe; the fight for women's rights, Phear e ach freda pe r.. Mr. and Mrls. Bruce nk ndy Jerri Ross, Fanny; back row: Elizabeth Prower, Susan; Janet MeGregor, Mary Wil- and then she married an aged ance story at the Sunday Schaal family at Mn. Bruce Onmiston's, louhy.B.H.S. students are this week giving a fine presentatian of the delightful manufacturer who left hier a apening session on Sunday af- Columbus. lu y.few years later with a near-de- fron r n r.HryHth comedy, "Quality Street" by J. M. Barrie. -Photo by Carson Studio, Part Hope funct sheet mnetal warks. She tron j.adMs ar uc- taok aven the firm herself and *Bizarre luneheon of oysters was eventuaily daing a million dollars worth of business an- ~.w ç. ,,~that the walrus and the carpen- nually. When she designed the land". And let us not forget ed the pinnacle of her career. Clne g p S eil the taddy that Kenneth Robents Nellie Bly died in New York o T e E concocted of rum, honey and in 1922. Or penhaps it is betterTohe E (By enjain Bverige)melted butter in "Northwest ta say Elizabeth Cochrane died. àB ejmnBvrde Passage". Nellie Bly stil lives on. The gourmet can have a * * * about the great romances in someone would make a list of his pnivate library. From the a veny fine group of Canadian T h onh p literary fiction and cited such thé culinary delicacies of liter- human flash that Defoe per- wamen. Somahow it is hard ta relationships as that betwaen ature. What delightful repasts mitted the cannibals ta eat in balieve that the Canadian Maggîe Tullivar and Philip the people in navals have had "Robinson Crusoe" -ta dried Womens Press Club is 50 years Wakem in "The Miii on the inl their time! oogruk (seal meat) and whale old! But the press girls have Floss". Another persan collect- Take for instance that won- steak which R. B. Robertson ate At the requestof many citiof ed the famous intrigues of his- derful tea party in "Remain- while gethering matanial for god reaon sitaieoud ofttereu s f a yciie s tory and spent some time des- brance of Things Past". Marcal "Of Whalas and Men". Boiled thernlon sscato wt cribing the activities of Lord Proust took aven 200 pages ta bear's feet were dascribad ta jaurali s.tdbc n 94 frteofie fR e Nelson and that Hamilton wom- describe it. Then thera was that us by Mrs. Traill; T. E. Law- I i tra ak ~frteofc fR ee rence spake of picklad goat's whan the Canadian Pacifie eyeballs, and Edmund Brassat agreed to set an historic prece- I have served three years on Sc tells in "A Doctar's Pilgrimaga"l dent and take Canadian women how the children of Canso journalists to St. Louis on a ye rs as h im n fo ry as sC i were at least sustained by sait tour providedda dozen fernale yeChim n orye sasC was invitad ta a special is) could be produced. Sixteen Eaving servedi four years undE li ~ . idinner of an explorers' club oetrip, and froin that gala time toId b i nm n cain fhsi tie n hic tm nthe acrass the border stems the tme here w asand:wild mag:ificent :rganiz: ion wih have LÂÂoug.ULseriously inpreparation termtes Thee ws alo wldbas s0 many anthusiastic mem- TRI ATRE * E@WMANVILLI seal heant and octopus. Thare("i),e ctdno atmp B ut not all foo is so tra ge of the old M ail and Em pire, re- t y t n o r g h o k a d i t r s FRIDA? SATURDAY - DEC. 3 -4 aBtft. opole m50 p nesentad Toronto as the first tyt no rg h okaditrs asrthat. Somse peopandmapre- presidant of the C.W.P.C., but extent in order to develop a greater i fer nie oyter an saan-of that original charter gnoup -A ff'SDANY'SFUNNESTCOMDY-MSICU naut, grapefruit and shrimps, only Gartruda Balmer Watt, the Township of Darlington. A your rE UTS DANNY F~JNNIIT COMEDYMUSICALand other combinatians; but first of Woodstock and later of co peaewt th De ty eeei th aost of us are stili susceptibleEdotnsuvvs oo ea w hteD p tyR v i tE ta ald fashioned presarves andEdotnsuiv. apple pie, ta Yorkshira pudding Tatasasalgupf have done for the past two vears. and somatimas smokad herring newswaman, and it was a group fan breakfast. Anid, of course, hardly candoned by tha male à j wa shaîl always lika the things members of a hard profession. Iwl n ev u ouem no we neyer have at home be- But no ana thinks it odd today P i l daningr oardseUmenof cas hecidrndn' iethat avary daily newspaper in establishing a Pln igB ar .ta caue te cilrendont lkeCanada taday bas its woman them.reporters and editors. Fîfty for services that are needied ini this rar. Evenyone to his awn tat, yaars is a long time ini any kind trelcnne taiaof wonk .and ntmayof those R aiigtei prac ft And whila Tononto and Mon- who saw the Press Club thnough Monday - Tuesday Wednes. Thurs. othan for kitchen supramacy But namas like Isabel Eccles- Ih v a real ne sti the w r D eexbe 6 7 Deembr 1g am quite preparad toreconm- tone MacKay, Lucy M. Mont- ____________________ "Cnadin Bok" oraa Hmnd, Miriam Green Ellis, eoa, Linda and Anne, North Oshawa, visited at Mn. Chas. Langmaid's. Mrs. Nelson Fice visited hon mothan, Mrs. Fnank Westlake Sr., who la- atil confined to bed but la slawly ixnproving. We are pleased ta know Mrs. J. Kiveil ta able ta be up around a little alter being con- fined ta bed fan some weeks. Mn. and Mrs. Frank West- lake Jr., visited at Mn. Bill Cook's, Richmond Hill, on Satunday. Mn. and Mns. Joe Snowden wene Sunday visitons at Mn.ý I. Hardy's. Mn. and Mrs. John Knox and faxnily at Mn. Robent Millan's and Wm. Knox's, Brougham. Sevanal ladies of the W.I. an- jayed a day of quilting at Mrs. E. Vica's. Mrs. M. Gilnay of Enfield was aiso presant. Mn. and Mrs. J. Dyer and Elizabeth, Oshawa, visited at Mn. Rae Pascoa's. Mr. and Mns. J. Large, Rab- bie, and Janet, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook and Dale, Toronto, visitad at Mn. W. Par- rinden's, on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. Chas. Werry, Oshawa, visited at Mn. S. E. Wanry's, Satunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davtu and Patsy, were Sunday tea guests at Mr. Allan McKenzies Columbus. The Statesman SoId At Following Stores Trull's Store, Courtice Strong's Store, Port Hope Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown. Newtonville C. Pethxck, Enniskillen T. M. Siemon. Enniskillen F. L. Byam. Tyrone ~ G. A. Barron, Hampto A. E. Ribey, Burketon- H. T. Saywell, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrreil, Orono H. K. Reynolds. Kendal Gilbert Food Market, Miilbroolt Henderson's Book Store, Osh*'M - Bowmanville - R. P. Rickaby - «'Big 206 Rite's Smoke Shop Jury & Lovel Elgie Harnden's Handy SI&~ The Statesman Office To the Voters of the Town of Bowman ville Under considerable pressure, I have allow- ed my name ta stand for election ta the Town Council. Sa that you may be *in a better position to know whether I arn qualified ta menit this Svote of confidence, I - I have been a citizen of Bowmanville for 33 years and have been in business here for a number of years. I have enjoyed taking part in Home and School, -Eastern Star and Girl Guide activities. I enjoy membership in the Women's Canadian Club, Business and Professional Women's Club; on the Executive of the Choral Society and Franklin Park. The feeling has been growing that women should take a more active part in civic affairs and if it is your wish that I should serve in this capacity, you have only ta make the effort ta get out next Monday, Dec. 6th, and cast your ballot ta prove it. If you do not think that I can be of service. support the men you would like ta see in office f 1955 and "may the best men win". Last year only 827 out of an eligible 3,000 citizens went ta the polis. This percentage of about 2717r is a very poor representation of public opint and surely this is flot a very creditable picturè4.., a town growing such as ours. Let it neyer be sad in Bowmanville that we as public spirited citizens are lacking in interest and support of those who are willing ta give time and effort to conduct our municipal matters. uto Victoria A. Frank (Mrs. A. J. Frank) rectors 0f of Darlington Ls of Darlington I amn offering rny services >outh Darlington Area School Board, two uncillor and two as Deputy-Reeve. ýer the present Reeve and havingj-been htention of lectving office this year, I Lfor this task. ýoperate a one-man council, but will ,of ail members of Council to the f ullest terest and responsibility for af fairs of 'epresentative at County Council I will e best interests of this Township as I E experience within our Township in we may make more orderly progress pidly changing Township. e training of our Public School childrew k of our local School Boards and wil - eir work. ve consistently advocated hard-surfac- this be continued and that othewoads c.1 rd administration of the numerous pro- icil, and for such I solicit the support Poils on Monday, Dec. 6th. Sincerely, GARNET B. RICKARD ri

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