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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1954, p. 6

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PAGE SIX 1E AAINSAEMN OMNTLE NAI HRDY E:~ Reformatory Construction Progressing at Millbrook t ILLRO'~(NTARv, Pictured above is the architect's drawrng of the new $2,500,000 maximum securîty Ontario Reformatory being built just west of Millbrook. Work was started on the niew prison for "hard-to-handie" prisoners at the end of September and it is expected that the job will take two Rel igious Instruction in Schools Urged by Minister at Shaw's Rev. M. C. Fishen, Newcas- tlc, gave a most informative and tbought-provoking address at the Shaw's Home and Scbool Club meeting on Fniday, Nov. 26, on the subject, "Religions Instruction in the Schools." The three greatest influences in a child's ie are the home, the sehool and the cburcb. In the past the home and the chunch exerted a greater influ- ence on the religious lufe of children than they are to-day. Dr. Sidney Smitb, president ai the University ai Toronto, bas stated that aur young people are better versed in ýGreek mytholagy than the basic faun- dations ai aur iaitb. In reference ta the criticism which bas been made ai aur schoals today that there la "toa little for the mind", Dr. Smith contends that there is "taa lit- tic for the spirit." In recognition of this fact that the school could wield a great influence for good if ne- ligiaus instruction weregve there an act ai Parliament a passed about 10 yeans ago in the Province of%Ontario stating that religious instruction could be taught in the schools by the 1teacher or the scbool board can ask a ministen ta give the i- struction. Recently in the Teachers' Colleges in Ontario a course bas been started ta give the kteachers instruction in how ti carry an this work in the schools. There is now an Inter- 1denominational C a m m i t t e e .whicb has been set up ta study Fthis matter af religiaus instruc- tion in aur schools. The chair- man of this cammittee is Bish- op Beverley af the Anglican church and the secretary is Rev. H. C. Burkhoider wbo is also secretary of the Ontario Coun- cil of Christian Education. Now that we have the legis- ilation required and the great need is seen let us as parents, membens of Home and School tAssociations exert aur inf lu- Sence that religious instruction may be given in aur schools. Lewis Wood, chairman af the programn committee intro- duced the speaker and present- Eyears to f inish. The reformatory Will be surrounded by j20-foot concrete walls and when completed, will have a icapacity for 250 prisoners. At the height of the work it iis expected that as many as 300 construction workers wil )be employed on the job. ed the following pragram: John Allun, Providence, gave a vers' fine speech, "Adventis- in g," which he had delivened previously in a public speaking contest. Mrs. Lloyd Ayre accampan- ied by Mrs. M. Rabb rendened two solos, "Love Sends a Lit- tlc Gift of Roses" and "The Li- lac Tree," wbîcb were much enjayed. Lewis and Everett Wood accompanied by Mrs. Ot- ta Bragg, played sevenal violin selections. Mrs. Hope, teacher, announe- ed that Sbaw's Christmas Con- cert will be beld on the night ai Decemben 15 in the schooi. Thenex meeting ai the Home and School Club will be hel on Jan. 7. Lunch xvas served by Mrs. Kenneth Werry and her cam- mittee. The business part of the meeting was conducted by Kennetb Werry, president and ýMrs. Garnet Rickard, secretary. LESKARD Mrs. Caryell bas ieft Leskard ta spend the winter with ber daugliter, Mrs. Fowler, High- land Creek. We are sarry ta hear that Mrs. W. Hawkes is in bospital. We wisb ber a speedy recovery. Mn. and Mrs. D. Smeatbers and Bian, Kingston, witb Mr. and Mrs. A. Loucks. Mr. L. Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. E. Syer, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Rabbins and Gail, Tononto, with Mn. and Mrs. A. Rabbins. Mrs. E. Green has been ta Bowmanville Hospital ta un- dengo a minar operatian. Mn. and Mrs. Eanl Spry, Ka- thie and Tommy, Orono, with Mn. and Mrs. E. Green. Mn. and Mrs. Harry Davey visited with Mns. Mary ,Spry who is staying with ber Augh- ter. Mrs. Roy Fenwick, Sum- merville. Congratulations to Mn. and Mns. Jack Mercer (nee Elaine Suteliffe) who were marnied last week. Frank Dorland New President Canadian Club Frank Dorland, an Enniskil- Ian farmar, v*as elected Prasi- dent af the Bawmanville Men's Canadian Club on Wednesday evening ai last week as the 48-year-old organizatian began its senias ai faîl and winter meetings. A large turnout ai 69 pensons, 15 ai whom wene members joining the club ion the first time, nmade it one ai the Most successful apaning meetings af the Club in necent years. Guest Speaker ai the evening was D. M. LeBourdais, well- known Canadian author, wbose address appears elsewhene in this issue. Othen aificens appainted by the Nomination Committee un- dan Chairman Wilfrid Canru- thers wene: Immediate Past IPresident, Rav. Harold A. Tur- ner; Vice-President, Perey Carbett: Secretany - Treasurer, Cecil Alldread;, Auditors, L. W. Dippeli, William Quick, Memn- bership Committee, Charles Osborne, Gardon Brent, Frank Rickand. Roy McGill, Ross Stevens, Sidney Little; Nom- inating Committee, Rev. Han- old Turner, Neil Mutton and Alfred Aluin. Ouests Weicomed The new members and guests I were welcomed by President Turner. They were: Russel Gilbent, Carl Down, Walter Rundie, Bob Stevens, Bob Mlutton, Harvey Brittain, Dr. L. B. Williams, Harold Watson, David Craig, Bob Craig, Earl Osborne. Kay Matthews, A. H. Davis. Wallace Munday. Ru- pert Hamlyn anel Rev. Fred Jackson. 14& wzm ohbitbsk le membens for the fine co-opera- tion shown him during bis tenm ai office and paid particu- ian tnibute ta the membens aif his executive fon their bard work. Mr. Dorland expressed the hope that the 1954-55 sea- son would be as successful as the past one had been. The auditor's report present- ed by Mr. Dîppell sbowed a fa- vorable balance af $85.58 in the Club's account. BLACKSTOCK The High Scbool Faîl Dance toak the farm ai a Sadie Haw- kins Party. Everyone reports a splendid evening. The prizes wene as follows: Sadie Hawkins Race, Josie Haoyer and Howard Black; Lucky Spot, Kay Ham- ilton and Joe Colley, Several boys got pnizes ion their cor- sages. On Sunday aftennoan at St. John's Anglican Cburch. John Robent Russell, infant s Qn of Mn. and Mrs. Thomas HodÈe was baptized by the Rev. George Nicholson. Mrs. Ira Ar- gue and Mn. Russell Spinks were the godparents. After- wards at the home the follow- ing were tea guests: Mn. and Mns. Russell Spinks, Oshawa; Mrs. Cecil Hyde, Patsy and t Linda and Mn. Stan Paine, To-i ronto; Mn. and Mrs. Oscar Gra- ham, Mn. and Mn.. Ross Dufi and Graham. Rev. George Nicholson and Mrs. Nicholson presented their pictures and address at the Ajax Anglican Churcb on Sun- day evening. Rev. Fred Riding, Mrs. Rid- ing and children, Union City, Pa., visited Mrs. W. A.Va Camp last week. On Fniday evening the Riding family and Mr. and Mrs. Arthun Bailey wenm dinner guests at Mr. nd Mrs. Stephen Sayweils. O0C. awa. Congratulations te, Mr. Tho- mas Bowman wbo celebrated his 84th birthdgy last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bowitia n .'and Eric, Enfield; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grass, Geneva Park, were guests. Mrs. Harry Vincent, Isling- ton, with Mrs. V. M. Archer, Mr. Chas. Smith and Oliver, on Sunday.. On the Communion table at St. John's Anglican Church on Sunday morning, Mn. and Mrs. T. Langfeld plàced beautiful white 'mums in memory of their son, Seaman Leslie Lang- feld. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook, Beaventon; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archer and family, Wbitby, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer. There will be a welcofne home party in the United Church on Saturday evening for Rev. Merrill Ferguson, Mrs. Fergusan ard family wbo are on furlough. from Airica. CongratulatiOns to Mr. and Mrs. John Beacock who were married at Windsor on Satur- day. We welcome John's bride ta aur community. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Debaîl, St. Catharines, with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bowman on Satur- day. Miss Jean Wilson, Toronto, was home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnston spent Sunday in Milbrook witb the John Ralands. Mrs. Maude Mary Holmes Lucas, Toronto, a former resi- dent, was buried at the Union Cemetery last Thursday aften- noon. Mrs. Mark Weldon, Uxbridge, visited members af the Parr family last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray MeGilI and_ Miss Barrie were ini Toronto Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lea Timlick. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mount- joy were at Bronte with Mr. and Mrs. Belyea. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fer- guson, of Nelson, B.C., (son of Joseph Ferguson) were on a hurried business trip ta Ont- ario last week and called on the Earl Dorrelis and Dalton Dorrelis and other friends. On Sunday afternoon at the Harmony United Chtirch there was a beautiful Dedîcation Ser. vice in memory of Gordon Wes- ley Hoskin. The communitY presented a communion table scanf of deep wine velvet trim- med with gold bullion braid. Mr. and Mns. Howard Hoskin and family presented an elec- trie carillon chimes. IV. .A, Mrs. Lorne Hoskin, Mr. and ý Mrs. Frank Hoskin and family attended the service. Mission Band The Mission Band met in th church basement on Friday af-, ternoon with 16 children axd. two leaders present. A hymn, the Mission Band Purpose and, a prayer opened the meeting. Nancy Hutton taok up the affering and Donna McLaug.h- lin offered the prayer. Mrs. Hill gave a talk, "You are myý disciples if you love one an- other." Sylvia Law rence gavé' a recitation:, Janice Byeris piano solo; Donald Bradbun reading; Lorraine Dayes a Pi- ano solo; Shirley Snooks a reading. Mrs. R. Taylor told ithe story from the Study Book and said the Benedi ction.-- We wiII presenti you with a I 20 Lb. TURKEY with any AMANA FREEZER l'q Purchased in December Investigafe before you buy 1. Will you 2.Are year. recei ve a top quality f reezer? you guaranteed a- continuous food supply for s 3. WiIl you receive written You'11 own the Finest made iguarantees'? Your Amana Plan Dealer and Amana "f'Bonde d" Food - Service can answet these or any questions with written "proof" hbacked by 31/2 years of satis- Iactory service Io Canadians front Van- couver Io Guebec MiY. For complele information have a fully trained food counsellor corne around Io your home and help you with your meal planning, food budget and kilchen work. Ki*tson y s A ana Plan I AÀ division of the Bowmanville Frigid Locker Systenm 73 Ring Si. W.- Bowmanville witIh y«. URRYIYou con buy this terrifIc Car Wash only by mail . .not Washwe' Se onsale at any store. Be sure to get Vours now. mail you a bag containing approxi- t he coupon to-day'for your Car Wash and Plastic Baig with 40 ty cars. motely 40 plastic toy cars <ail 0tt tt.Stt.t S..- - 5*=~ tS kinds-cars, tucks, butasNo)ik AI STRATTON MFG. CO., 47 Coiborne St., Toronto, Ontario0 obuolut.Iy fi«. ...T b.ey'rme y aomt5 MAILW.0 fr» sa you can start rlght in V because money opeatnq ou Cr Wshleh refunded COUPON #o anu rush me ................... Car Wash UnIt(s> @ $2.98 .ach a mal, busy washlng statiow. I enclose S........... (post free)>CI cash C] choque CI monty ordeio# Hury, ge yours ,o. ~Mil e~r TO -DAY!1 0 MAME ........*.......................................... 0 thscopn ol ffltdeihtdADORESS.............................................. 0 * ** * e CIT..............PROV............... ZONF STRA TON FG. O., ORON O, 0NIA, 10 ' 5ry.................... 5ttS .t to corne? Ladies' Brush, Oomb and Mirror Sets In gift boxes. New shades. 3.49 - 5.95 - 7.95 - 11.95 - 14.95 Shullan for Men Hair Care Shave Bowl------ 1.50 Rabbi 1.75 Liquid Aftershave 1.35, 2.00 Prom ---------- 1.75 Talcum ~ 1.25 Toni Silver Curt 1.75 Sets - __ - 2.60 -4.10 Tonette for chiidren -- 1.75 Shaving Shaving Hair Christmas Bowls Brushes Brushes Cards 89c 1.501 59e to 5.00 59c to 4.95 79c-98e-1.00 Ott Gifis for Him Cifis for Her Yardley Sets ---- 2.35 - 3.25 Yardiey Sets 1.85, 2.75, 4.85 Woodbury Sets - 1,85 - 1.40 Yardley Lotus- 1.75, 3.00 Fitted Cases 7.50, 8.50, $12 Stick Cologne. 1.00, 1.50 Key Cases* ----- 1.65 - 2.85 Bath Saîts 1.50, 2.50 Gillette Razors 89c, 1.59, $5 Dusting Powder 1.00, 2.00 BiIifolds - 1.00 'to 6.95 Yardiey Soap, box - 1.50 NEW REVELON WELT BALL POINT PEN Qucen of JIlamonds Four colours in one pen 1.65 value for 1.00 1 1.98 CIGARETTE LIGHTERS, fully automatic, 1.00, 1.98, COWLING'S PHONE DRUG STORE W I MA 3-5695 TR US SES THURSDAY, bEC.- týd. l«C THE CANADIAN STATMMAN. BOIMANVMLE. ONTAPJO . 1 -y-«--17-1

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