PAoeI NIGET CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVTLLE. ONTARTO Wins Dairy Council Award The 26-year-old E. H. Stonehouse Memorial Trophy, donated annually by the National Dairy Council of Canada to the top ranking boy in Inter-County Livestock Judging Competitions at the Royal Winter Fair, was won this year by 20-year-old Keith Van Camp of Nestieton, Ont., in Durham County. Keith Van Camp is shown (right) receiving the trophy from G. L. White of Toronto, member of the National Dairy Council and Editor of the Canadian Dairy and Ice Cream Jourhal. Mr. Stone- house was the first president of the National Dairy Council. Local Octogenarian Tells of His Trip to Many Northern Points (Continuad from last wepk) Twelve on Tour The party that lait Edmon- ton for Alaska tour was as fol- lows-12 in ail; two from New York - man and wife, very friendly, secnied ta have lots ai ;money ta spend, bad travelled in Europe, Asia and Africa, South Amenica and aur own continent; their next trip was ta be ta Japan. This couple was very interesting as tiey remem- bered 50 muci and tic hast af aIl ha said that ha was flot paying for these trips: My heirs ara paying for it. If more af us would think tiat way there migit not ha so muci squab- hllng over legacies. I guess I arn in the saeaboat. Then thera was a young fel-' low ironi Flonida, at least mucni younger tien 1, a decoraton, Who too had travelled exten- sively; bis next ventura is a trip around tic world. This gentleman started out tic bard,- way, worked, saved and in- vested and is now reaping tic fruits ai bis labours, although be doas soma work in the win- ter. Tie next two were from tie middle States-a lady and gentleman; tic lady somewhat cripplcd by arthnitis and the gentleman a retired professor, 1 beliave, ai Botany. He was vary muci intereàted in plants and flowcrs and would bning then-ita bis companion ta name, for she too, was well versed in plant life and tirough their en- thusiasm got some of us also interested, They boti ware everyday, down ta carti, iniend- ly, congenial -people. There was also a man and wiie from Texas whom I be- lieve, saw more and rceived more tian most af us frora the tour. Thcy did a great deal of walking and went places and saw things that many ai us 035Q FOR YOUR OLD WASHER REGARDLES S 0F AGE MAKE OR CONDITION, DURING THIS SALE AND THIS $ 47.50 EIECTRIC BLANKET DOUBLE BED SIZE. h is Automatie - has 9 safety thermostats. Set contrai for the temperaturo you want. Talces éll. very littie current. Keeps you mare comfortable thon 3 waal blanicets. Hos Rayon Satin . bindings. Unconcitianal. GUARANTEE. INCLUDED WITH THIS SUPERS NEW WASHER #NE WE( 011y 'Superline Washer' This la a stylimh, modem wesher, with full IengtI, shirt, dame shaped ld and tustie neclc non- plosh tub. Hem the famous Beatty "human hand", wasMing action - quickest and cleanest in the waId. Tub hem top copocity. Touch rtoemakes wulnge safe ta use - and end teset readjustu the presure qukckly. Noe the chrmuu.plated troys end tMm. Het the latest Beatty, heavy duty, 61beal ng mochanlssu. NO BELTS. Uife fubricated~. TOTAL VALUE 0F WASHER ANO BLANKET $247.00 TRADE-IN ALtO WANCE il7.50 YOD PAY oNLY $160-50 NO DOWN PAYMENT IF YOU HAVE A TRADE# TERMS TO SUIT Mason & Dale HARWmARvlE 36 King St. E.j MA 3-54Vt M I nissed. They kept considerably to themseives. but were alwayu Isociable and reaily one of us. I found a notation in one af the northern papers that- Alaska Iwas larger than Texas. I show- 1 ed ta him and hè threw up bis arms and said, I give up, yau gat me beat this time. It made a laugh anyway, but I was wishing it had been nome place lin Canada. "«Taeks In Rer Slackeu" JThe next was a lady from Illinois. She seemed figitty and rahrrestiess. You have aiten heard that oid sayinq "having apply here as she wore slacks; however. it could be "tacks in her slacks"ý-I did flot go into detail. She was nice, sociable, friendiy to -ail and everybody was friendiy te her. The next a gentleman fromn Utah, a retired secretary of a university - a very friendiy man who had a story to tell that would conform. with aimost everything you talked about. I do flot know how he could re- niember s0 many atories and have the right one at his tongue's tip wbenever the oc- casion was and whatever the occasion required. I do flot think he had any bigger head than the average, but it cer- tainly heid a fund of stories. The last was a pair from Ai- berta, a very fine couple and would be an asset, to any com- pany or community. These two and the professor stayed with frîends along the way and would be taking a later boat to Seattle. The above is a very short out- line and perhaps rather poor description of the people I was travelling with except the wrl- ter, whom many know and those that do not must form their own opinions. The whole company was sociable, agree- able and helpful to each other when needed, although ecd, to a great extent, went their own way, but I arn sure we al frit we werc each and ail a party af the Alaska Tour. Nceded a Flashllght As I said before we left Ed- monton betwcen 7.30 and 8 o'clock and travelled ail nigbt. It was bad for the driver for it rained ail night and was not pleasant for us when it came ta rest stops. At a midnight stop we had lunch, tien I ask- ed the waltrcss whcrc the men's rest room was. "Out behind", she said, "and you had better ake a flasblight". I sure necd- cd it. Wben I got outside, there was another man out there in the rain and dark, groping bis way. We found tie building and it put me in mind of when I was quite young. These build- ings were then called "back- bouses." This ane would cer- tainly qualify by that name. A littie later on, as I remember, they were called the outhouse, then came the more sophisticat- ed name, tbe toilet, and now more modern and home-like, the rest rooni. This building out there was a poor excuse for a rest room. However, no matter what tie name their purpose is the same and bnings us ail ta the same common le- vel. As 'we travelied furtber we came to a place where every- bady bad ta put away their Modezsty and propriety, and stand in lina and take tbeir turn or else! Everybody smilad and joked and I do not think a blush was seen. This goes ta show that we are, after aIl, good honest human beings and able ta meet the damands of ife bonestly and unashamcd. Reach Dawson Creek We could not tell much about tbe scenery or landscape while travelling at night, although I do remember that some af the way waa ratier drab and duil, sanie places forent fixes had tak- an their tali. Wa could sec tuis before darkness cama. Finally we reached Dawson Crack. This 's a thriving tawn and I was told that it can bardiy keep up with itself. This is the terminal ai the Northamn Alberta Rail- ways and the starting point ai the Alcan Highway. From a niera village a few years -ago it St. John's Church News Christmas preparations are ipon us in full force. With this in mind, and ta underiine the ceal meaning ai Christmas nembars and friands, ai St. John's through the weekly bul- letin and froni the puipit have been invited tc accept tbecinvi- tation implied in the announc- ýd Advent Aim: Every meniber and friand i churci every unday inAdvent. Tonight St. John's Young len's Association meets in the Lub roam at 8 o'clock. Featurad it tic meeting will be a round ible discussion af tic tapic !ate". The Y.M. cordially in- ites ail who may be intereat- Let thecm work for s'ou-The taam 'Âd' Lions' $250 Donation To Hazel Flood Relief Makes Total $3 5,000 Deputy District Governor1 membera, foramost ai which Whitney Martin paid Ms ofi- was tic decision ta donate $250 ciai visit ta tic Bownianviiie from club iunds ta tic Lions Lions Club at their ncguiar Hurricane Reliai Fund. This meeting in tic Lions Commun- oewl brpacdfma ity Centra Monday, Nov. 22nd. pom oney wii harapae rni at Tic Lions Club officiai, who later date. International Coun- 1: a charter niembar andpast cillor J. J. Brown pointad out prasidant ai tic Bancroft Club, that the Lions Clubs across had a great deal ai praise for Canada hava donated $35,000 tic Bowmanviile Lions Club. for flood reliai following Hur- "With menibership ai 73, thc ricana Hazel, and $20,000 of Bowmanvilie Club is becomnngtus has alrcady been tunad ana ai tic largeat ai tic 19 oe o teofca nai clubs in tuis zone", ha declared. aveineta etieffiiiOn.i "Your monay-raising projecisHuicnRea. hava beau vary successful, your Undertake Stag Draw coninunity service work is ex- Tic Lions Club also decidad celaent, and your club bulletin ta undertake a naw type ai is ana ai tic most intercsting fund-raising project in tie form which I neceiva". ai a stag dinner and dnaw. Daputy District Governor Tickets for tuis dinnar wili sali Martin urged tic mambers ta at $10 and 150 guests wili ha wefl' ticir Lions Club badges invited. An alimination draw proudiy. "Lika tic watenniark wili ha iald for a priza ai $500 an fine bandad paper and tie in Canada Savings Bonds on tnadcmark on sterling silven, cash ta ha won by ana ai tic youn Lions badge shows that persans attcnding tic dinaer. you are ganuina, sterlingpapo- Several smaller pizcs will alsoj pic wbo spend part of youn be drawn following tic dinner tima beîng ni service ta and antertainniant. otiers", ha assertcd. Lions Glenn Lander and Fred Ha urgcd tic Bowmanville Cola ncpontcd tiat tuis type ai Lions not ta ha afraid ai nun- draw iad pnovad most success- ning for higiar office in ticir fui raccntly at Oshawa and club, as it is anly by tic ex- wouîd ha a good metîad ai oh- panianca gaincd in assuming taining fu nds for community rasponsibiiity that club leaders service work. A conirittea arc daveloped. consisting ai Lions Glenn Lan- Mr. Martin was introducad dan, Jack Brougi, Fred Cola, by Lion Herbent Goddard and AI Cutibartson and Fat Yeo thenkcd on bahalf ai tic Lions was formed to a e arrange- Club by Lion A. McGregor. Mn. niants fan tuis stag dinner and McGragar also presentad iim draw. with a git from tic club. Prasident Jim-my Marr wcl- $250 Flood Donation coed two guasts ta ticenicet- A considerable amount afi ing; W. H. Brown and W. A. business was discussad by club Courtney, Bowmanvillc Agent ai thc Canadian Pacific Rail- way. He alsa congratulatcd Lion Howard Gibson on tie oc- casion ai bis 25th wedding an- niversary. New Year's Dance Lion Jack Brough reported that tickets for the Lions New Year's Eve Dance will be $10 per couple and that the dance, would ha liniited ta 72 couples. Jack Dcnton's Orchestra will play for tic evant. Lion Herbant Goddard turn- ed ovar $10.25 ta Tailtwister Laurence Goddard whîch ha and four otier niambars had raised by cooking the dinnen for those attending thc Zone meeting here. Birthdays wcra clcbrated by Lions Joe Flatt, Ross Stevens and Ralph Amas. A draw for a chickan was won by Lion Andy Tbompson. The sing sang was led by Lion John Watson with W. E. C. Workmani at the piano. OBITUARY JOHN CHARLES HANCOCK John Charles Hancock, well known resident of Newcastle, passed away in Memorial Hos- pital. Bowmanvilla, on Nov. 18 at tie age ai 83. Mr. Hancock had been in failing hcalth for the last six yeas. Tic deceascd was a son ai the lata John Hancock and Su- sanna Bye and was barn in Clarke Township on June 22, 1871. He iarmed in Clarke un- til 1919 and then iollowad the trade ai carpenter and cabinet makar. Woodworking was a hobby as weil as a profession with Mr. Hancock. Ha was a member ai the Unitcd Church at Newcastle and a member ai tbe Sons of England. Surviving are bis widow, Bessia Winniired Adair; daugi- ters Elizabeth (Mrs. Wilbert Teeple) Bowmanville, Ruth ai PAGE IMGIRT Stafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone Whltby 552 318 Dundas St. E., WbItbv FINE QUALIT MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise wonlcianshlp ad carafu attention ta detal are your assurance whon you choase from the wide saiection ai imported and doniestie Granites and Marblca la stock What's new with Chevro. %leta Everythig 8 Great new V8- two new 6 9 .New "Turbo-Fire V8" delivers 162 b.p. with an iiltra-high compression ratio ai 8 ta 1. Thare are two ncw 6's, tea-tha naw "Blue.Flame 136" with Powerglide (optional at extra cast) and the new "Blue-Fiame 123". Easier stel-n g, ~ stopping, clutching The new Chevrolci sîcers with bail. bearing casa, thanks tô ncw BaIl- Race Stcering. New Swing-Type Brake and Clutch Padais operate with a light pressure ai your to&. 0 a. and Chevrolet'a got that long, Iow "Iet's go" look Longer looking - and iota lower, the new Chavrolet bas the spirit- ed look ai a sports car. There's iplenîy ai glamor inside, too. i& Chevrol]et and General Motors have started some- thing - by taking a whole new look at the Iow.cost car. Here are young ideas that are ail rolled up in the moat glamorous package that ever wore anything ike a Chevrolet price tag 1 And look what you see from the driver's seat Chevnolet's new Sweep.Sight Windshiald gives yau a wider view of the road ahead. And you can sec ail four fenders from the driver's sent!1 A ventilating systemn that really works Cbevrolet's new High.Air Venti. lating System takes in air at hood.high levaI, away front rond heat, fumes and dust. Wonderful new Glide-Ride Front Suspension New sphenical joints fiai freely ta cushion ail road shocks. New Anti-Dive Braking Contrai assures levai, "heads up"I stops. Tubeless tires as standard equipment Proved tuheîess tires give you a greatar protec- tion against blowout .-.-. dafiata é more sîowly when punctured ... and are much more mesis- tant ta ailier causes af tire failure. This is the car that began with a great ides - the idea that a Iow- priced car ahould be built that would have the style, the perform- ance, the conifort and convenience features, and the fine quality "feel" of high-priced cars. Lots'of car buyers have drcamed about snch a car. But until Chevrolet and General Motors sat down and tackled the job it couldn't be doue. It took a long tume but they designed and built a car to fit the New Outrigger Rear Springs Rear springs are langer - and thcy're aîtached ai the autaide of the frame - spaced wider spart,, ta give you greatar sîability in cornering. 4". J- -4 Thrce drive, including Overdrive Take your choice. Powerglide tcamed with the new V8 or the new "B lue-Flame 136". New Overdrive teamed with the new V8 or the new "Blua-Fiame 123". (Power- glide and Overdrive are extra-cost options.) Or a new standard trans- mission affered with either the. new V8 or the "Blue-Flame 123". dream .. the motoramie Chevrolet for 1955. When you tlîink about it, it makes sense that only the world's largest motor car producer could have donc it. Chavrolet and General Matons have what it takes - plus a desire ta make your dreama corne truc. Corne in and mcci the motoramie Chievrolet - mare thian a new car- a NEW CONCEPT of LOW-COST MOTORING. motoamie evrolet ROY OURTICE 1,-q 'j' More titan a new car..'. A NEW CONCEPT of low-cost motoring w. BOWNANILLE $1 NICHOL MM CANADL« STATESMM. BOWNUNVffl.ý& ONTARM 'I!!RSDAY, DEC. 2nd, 115< home; anc son Adair at'iri. Ico. Three brothers almso ur. vive, Rev. W. G. Hancock, Cal. gary, Alta., Fred W. Hancoclc, ai Newcastle and H. Egertoa Hancock of Orono. Funaral service was held an Saturday, Nov. 20, at the resi. danca, Naewcastle, with Rev. M. 'C. Fisher afficiating. Frienda and relatives ware present from. Belleville, Peterboraugh, Port Hope, Orana, Oshawa, Torati- ta, and Bowmanville. Manyr beautiful floral tokens paid tributa ta tic affection and es- teem in which the deceased was held. Basidas those ai friands and naighbors were tiose of Newcastle Unlte~ Churci Woman's AssocaI& and Durham Chapter 0.E. Pallbearars were .Mosars. Gea. Gaines, Gea. Mcadowu, Gea. Zwiar, Chas. Cowan, Jack Wade and Gardon Gray, al iriends and neigibors. Inter- ment was in Bowmanvilo Cern- etery. Surviving also ara two.sqand- children, Catherine Te e~nd Murray Hancack. Mr. a côck was prcdeceased by sisters Ma- ry Louisa, Ida and Robena, and a brother Herbent E. HancooL. C-6560 b