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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Dec 1954, p. 18

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PAE IGTEN ________________________________________ , vAa LmJLN.>LL±U TURDA. EC 04. UITR! !AAfT?.ONTARIO... Tau~V1U A~ Adult Rotary Club Entertains 25 Crip pied Children at Christmas Party The twenty-f ive crippled children from West Durham who were given a special Christmas party and banquet by the members of the Bowmanville Rotary Club on Tuesday night are shown above with their hosts and old Santa Claus himself. Also included in the picture are- the District Nurse of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children and the nurses of the local branch of the Northumberland-. Skating Cluùb Presents Fine Concert Saturday Be fore Sm ail Audience1 slightly under 400 was a bit di appointing, those who did a tend the Variety Pops Concel af the Bowmanvilie Skatin Club at the Memoriai Amer an Saturday night weme unan mous in their pmaise of th event. The program was tmuly vai led, inciuding skating numbei ranging from those by the ver yaungest members of the clu ta the polished performancec the club professional, Miss Dor othy Belcc, barrel jumnping speed skating races and a "'Pe Wee' hockey game. The very fine performance Of sarne of the "veteran" meir bers of the club such as Gai and Lynne Bagneil, Donni Herne, Joan Allun and Jud, Goodman shows the exceller is- pmogmess they are making un- t- dem the coaching af Miss Beler. mt Barrel Jumping Demonstration ng Bihl Bagneil gave a very good lia demonstration of barrel jump- he ing, getting up to 12 barrels in suffering fmom a very painful ýr- and badly injured toe. rs Ehaine Richard's comedy ou- ry tine as "Grandmaw" once again .b pleased the audience immensely, Of proving that the brilliant young r- Oshawa star bas lost none f 9, ber local popularity. e- The tiny tots stohe the show, bowever, with their antics in 's a goup number. Many of these l- toddiers weme as young as three il years, which shows that the a Bowmanvilie Skating Club is Iy interested in deveioping young it skaters andi is looking forwamd THEATRE OMNLE FEIDAY - SATURIDAY DEC. 17 18 "Hiis of Home" Your favourite Lassie show Friday- 7 and 9:10 - Saturday - 6:30 Durham Health Unit who assist the Rotary Club in their efforts on behaif of handicapped youngsters. The party brought home ta the Rotarians just what their humanitarian work with the crippled children is accomplishing. It is estimated that several hundred Durham children have benefitted from operations paid for by the Rotary Club in the 30 years since it has been formed, or have been with confidence ta the future. T The programi of the concert Fast A ction in Tc was as follows: groups from three skating o tS clubs. Oshawa SC - Bonnie Gay-1 nor, Sandra. Martin. Doreen Front Street pulled an upset h onit Yeo; Orono SC - Mary Ann by trouncing Courtice 8-5 in notc Armstrong, Marilyn Cobble dick, IGail Cooper, Carolyn Jones; Town Hockey League action mr Bowmanville SC - Joan Allin-, last Thursday night, while the F Lynne and Gail Bagneil, Judyj Foresters edged Miller's Taxi Saye Goodman, Donna Herne. . ters Pair, by Penny Jeffery and Chiuck Kilpatrick was the Jir Donna Wilcox, Bowmanvilie SC. top hand for the Front Street in ti. Trio, by Yvonee Anonîchuk, squad with a four-goal perform- er's' Judy Brough, Gail Mulholland, ance, one better than the bat Broc' Bowmanville SC. trick. In addition, hie lad three Mari Group, presented by the assists to round out a realiy tons. "Tots" of the Bowmanville big night. Don Bishop was not Ja( Skating Club, 26 in ahl. 1 far behind Kilpatrick in the ers m Pair, by Lynne Bagneil and scoring department as he tomn- Lane Donna Herne, of the Bowman- ed th e hat trick also by firing other ville SC. Solo, by Dorotby Belec, Clu Professional. L b u g L a Solo, by Elaine Richards, ' Cob urg Lea awa SC, who replaced Hugh 5 Smnith, also of Oshawa, who was unable to bepresent. La kefie,., in L Gran Marh, b theJuniors of the Bowmanville SC. Fours, by Joan Allun, Gail i Baron s Tied f Bagneli, Lynne Bagneli and Judy Goodman of the Bowman- ville SC. Standings in the Lakesore- Comedy, by Elaine Richards Hockey League up to and includ- of te December Il showed the Co- of te ObawaSC.bourg Cornets on top of the heap Barrel Jumping, by Bill Bag- with 8 xvins, 1 tie and 4 losses, M neli of the Bowmanville SC. for a total of 17 points. and Sped kati~ Rces(oen Bowmanvihle was in a tie for Murn to ahl spectators), classified ac- fourtb place with Port Hope by M cording ta' ages. Included in virtue of 5 wins and 7 losses, aMd. this grouping was an obstacle while Lakefield occupied the andf race. egecllr n Pee Wee Game legecla.Mr. This was an exhibition game P W T L Pts. M~r. between the Pee Wee Bruins Cobourg ------- 13 8 1 4 17 Mr. and the Leafs of the Minor Orono ------- 12 7 0 5 14 maid Hockey league. The Bruins, I-ndsay ----- 12 6 0 6 12 Mr. coached by Frank Jamieson and Bowmanville - 12 5 0 7 10 Osha' managed by Sam Black were Port Hope il- 115 0 6 10 Dr. defeated 3-0 by the Leafs, Lakefiehd ----12 4 1 7 9. and coached by George Piper and managed by Harry Hughes. Re- 1 - -- - feree xvas AI Vail, Recreation Director. A great deal of credit for the quality of the show on Satur- day goes to the following peo- G ood b pie: MC, Stu James; Pops Chair- mnen, Mrs. C. H. Palmer and~ [Vrs. N. Mulholland; Tickets, l ' [Vrs. J. MeNulty; Publicity, E Bihl Bagneli and Glenholme UW D C H-ughes. )arlington Man From Local Pi Elected Reeve of 15 EERSDN 15 Reach Township 19,51 METEOSEDAN 1951 The Statesman joins with h.1s 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN 1950 nany friends and relatives in Durham County in congratu- 1949 OLDS. SEDAN 19491 lating Elmer Gibson in being > elecled Reeve ofP Reach Town- i 949 PONTIAC SEDAN 19491 hip in Ontario County. 4 14 ODCUE14 Mr. Gibson was born and 14 ODCUE14 aised in Darlington Township ~ 1947 PONTIAC SEDAN 19471 nd attencied public schooi at Enfield and Bradley's. He was ~ 1946 HUDSON SEDAN 19461 Eson of the late Mr. and Mrs. ;eorge Gîbson of Bradley's 1950 CHEV. PANEL 1949( section. After his marriage to 1948 CHEV. 2-TON 1947( Verna Van Nest, sister of M r. lesse Van Nest, Bowmanvill e, 1ey resided in Oshawa for 20 - eears. In 1939 tbey moved ta *each Township having pur- FOR A RELIABLE iased a farni on No. 12 High- 'ay, forth of Greenbank, 4GIVE 'bere they and their family are uccessfuh farmers. FRED OR TED A ~ai.# pRobson N émwà«ý #Limited ýý« 1rPHONE MA 3-55 m el sh ra ar Et a G se Je th ye nt eh "J 51. trained to earn their own living. The children are holding the presents and boxes of candy, crackerjack and candy canes which they received at the party. They also saw "Mickey Mouse" movies and other shorts, in addition to enjoying a turkey banquet. >xvn ockey atMesrs. . E.and Wes Wer- andMr.W J. Spires, Mill- )wn ocke " '* "Il brook, rvisted atMr. E. Spires'. Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, Brook- Mm. and Mrs. Murmay Vice 1'lin visited at Mm. Bruce Tink's. adKteie eeStra Take rionors Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmer,t 1 Backtok; r.and Mrs. Rus- tea guests at Mm. Wm. Gilroy's, ne thmee goals. Ron Burgess seli Balson and daughters, Oshawa. ched the other Front Street Courtice. visited at Mr. A. J. Mm. an Mr.JA.Em - er. Baisos, sn an Stephen, Peterborough, or Courtice George Osbomne j Mr. D. N. Spires, Toronto; were Sunday visitors at Mr. ched two goals and Norm1 Ricky James, Woodbridge; Mm. Wes His'. ers, Bob Johnson and Pe- had one apiece. nm Levitt led the Fomesters their 5-4 victory over Miil- *A U by iotching two goals. Irv 'Y . A TTILL ok, Clint Ferguson and W Y W I -in Brooks ail had single- ck Wbiteman led the las- Y tJ Y I wth w akr andicGary; N O I FKUM A& P RIGH Margarine Is League .0W Spot 'or Fourth SOLINA rand Mrs. Lloyd Broome sons visited at Mr. W, iay's, Maple Grave. rand Mrs. David Clarke family, Mrs. Eva Le Maître son, Willowdale, visited at Wm. Darch's. rand Mrs. Joe Snowden, and Mrs. Charles Lang- 1and Marlene, visited at Harry Hutcbeon's, North Lwa. and Mrs. George Werry children, Oshawa, visited oeoe Vili 'ARS i rchasers PONTIAC SEDAN PONTIAC SEDAN PLYMOUTH SEDAN PONTIAC COACH HUDSON SEDAN PLYMOUTH COACH CHEV. SEDAN BUICK SEDAN CHEV. STAKE CHEV. SEDAN E BUY LTRY lotors AN PAGE FRUIT CAKE 3-lb sab 18 9 ALL A&P STORES OPEN THURSDBAY DEI. Z3rd S TILL 9.00 P.M. SAVE WITH . Boneless Round '-STEAK or ROAST S Picnc Style, Cooked, Ready to Serve PORK SHOULDEI Chie et SPARE RIBS Extra Lean, Excellent for Hamburgeri MUNCED BEEF 2tlb dC t tlB. dCuBACON Pl Lake Erie, Fresh Caught #jSILVER BASS FIL APPLES SA VI WflT APPLEFancy Grade - 1/ hampi AGIft Package that would make an Christmas Gift SAPPLES Delieous 3-b. cello SFancy Red APPLES Mclntosh SIPrices Effective Until Sat., De<. ~. lStb w -~ ------------- Buck-Nites RS SMOKED rs or Meat Loaf PEAMEALED NI A&P's PRODUCE SPECIALS er$24 an excellent bag 39e Mb. 10e b39c b 29e b53c OBITUARY MIS. HARRY HAMLEY Mrs. Harry Hamley, for manl years a resident with hem bus. band and famuly an the Wharf Road at Port Bowmanvlle1 passed away in Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Dec. 9. She was ini hem 87th year. The Hamley family was weil known and highly respected in this area. The fanm and residence is now owned and occupied by Blake Short. * For the past number of years Mrs. Hamley lived witb her daughter Gertrude in Oshawa, until the latter's death hast year. Since that tume she rnade ber home with the other mern- bers of her family. About a week prier je ber death, Mrs. Hamley fe suffer.. ing a broken hip. he aWs talc- en ta Memorial Hospital, Bow-'ý manvihie, where she died on Dec. 9.. Funeral service was beld at the Morris Funeral Chapel an Dec. Il when Rev. J. Moffat af Simcoe Street United Chumch, Oshawa, conducted the service, paying a very fine tribute te the chamacter and qualities af the deceased. Her favorite hynins were phayed prier ta the service. Many beautiful floral tokens were evidence of the love and esteeni in which the deceased was held by al who knew ber. Among the tri- butes was that af the Parts and Service Division of Genemal Motors af Canada, Oshawa. Friends and relatives attend- ing froni a distance inchuded Mrs. Imwine Hamhey and Mr. and Mrs. R. Oke, Peterbomough, also friends and relatives from Oshawa. Mrs. Hamley was born Jj- anna Maria Bickehh, a daugh.. ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Bickelh, at Myrtle, Ont., on February 28, 1868. She mar- ried R. H. Hamhey, a native ai Bowmanville, and in ber mar- * ried life xvas a wondemfui bousewife and mother. She en- joyed her home and chihdren and was fond of knitting and caring for ber flowers and plants. She also enjoyed church work and was a member of Trinity United Churcb whihe in Bowmanville, and later af Sim- coe Street United Cburch, Osh. awa. She was predeceased by ber busband, and daughter Gem- trude. Surviving are ber daugh. ters, Mrs. H. T. Hircock, Mrs. B. D. Mutton, Bowmanville; and son Wilfrid, Oshawa. Pahibearers were Messrs. AIf. Bickehl, Morley Oke, Neil Mut- ton, W. Chaude Ives, Bowman- ville; Theodore Wilkins, Osh- awa; Albert Himcock, Cobourg4, Interment was in Bowmanville%, Cemetemy. Let tirem wark for vou-Th è Statesman Classifieds. LCHRISTMAS?. E FOODS ITNOW Jane Parker Delicious SAVE Se APPLE PIE oach49C A&P Fancy MIXED NUTS 1-1b ce3 9c Ogilvie Cake i FRUIT CAKE 28-oz pkg6,5c Yukon Club (Contents Ony GINGER ALE 23o.oz bts25c B owe s MINCEMEAT 28-oz tin3 9C Jane Parker, Daily Dated W HITE BREAD 24-oz loafi15 c Canadian Nippy OLD CHEESE. 1b4,5C MeCormick's *SHORTBREAD oz. 29c SP's SUPER»RIGHT MEATS lb. 69c Ordor Your XMAS POULTRY NGW!~ iii' California Seediess Navels, Extra Large 39e ORANGES dcx- Fancy Grade, Christmas Stock, Size 200 and20 Florida Sugar Sweet, Large Six@, 150,s TANGERINES do35 STAINIESS STEEL SINKS 18 X 20 X 71/2, SeIt-rimming, with 4" Stainless Basket Strainer. Eàsy-Install. 5 Reg. $2425. Sale Price NOW only BRAND NAME MAKE MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED ABAt PLUMBING SUPPLIES 1 46 Berkeley St.-Toronto Monday - Tuesday, WedRes. - Thurs.,- Dec. 20 - 21 December 22 - 23 Boneles lb. 69c RUMP ROAST TIME - 7 and 9:10 ý 1 dm MMM114 ý 1 mov '141 0000ce4l 1 PAGE EIGHTEEN THE CANADLALX STA7w-qu,&tj ItnVIM À %TIM T 11M É%%JM" A lblro% 1 w. 18tb lb-69c lb45c

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