'-b-. -.- ?EUE DAY DE . l th,115 ______* 4~ = Z~ L LflI ~ I A L~I1.& 1. 5U MAI VI LE. ONTA IC fSAO A * , En. - - Rundie Team SLN Lions Club Orono C.G.I.T.ENIL C.G.I.T. met Saturday after- (Continued from page one) 1.adJs Mra i nooidntwitheBarbai.hraooy e A I and babe, Solina, Mr. and Mr G e t T o T r p i Pr:Id nt, n he hai. C ris: T oph , mbl matc o su rem H O 1Jack M allette, Tyrone,M r M e mas3436 Pins service was led acy initis event. Members vy Prescott, Burketon, e W ith 3436 Pin wîthrs RalphVDavis, leader, of the team were Keith Van Ve per Service . visitors at A. W. Prescott's. The t Deanna Vance Parding Camp Nestleton, who also had Thwed first six teams have th eitr asage, Sharon M.adMs oadSm boldtheir -playoff games Robb reading a poem and Pat- the high score in the compet- Memnbers of Orono C.G.I.T. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. L. Bar and Dr. Rundle's team came sy Davis and Gail Baker sing- ition with 282 out of a possible conducted a very inipressive rabeli, Orono, were weekenc Up with scores of 1032, 1288, ing a carol. Mrs. Davis gave a 300 points; his cousin, Richard Vesper Service, with candie- visitors at Mr. M. Samis'. Ai 1116 fr hightripleof 343. j!emnstraton of aking Van Cmpightio gf eeremonylion SundaymonVionitingy wereinMr.re anrdand s.s.Waa 1 1 1 f o h i h t i p e o 3 4 6. ie m n s r at o n ! m k i g a V a n C a m , à i ~ o ! N e s iet n , e v e n mn g . A s p le n d id c o n g r e g a - te r F e r g u s o n , E n n is k ille n . This mneans that Rundle's team tChristmas candle which the and John Ogden, Newtonville. tion of parents and friends was Mr. and Mr&. H. L. Pascoe aveXaged 227 per man. This s group were happy ta present Spare man on the tearo, Ron there ta give support. The Mrs. Wallace Scott, Mr. Allar flot - a high score but it could to Mrs. (Rev.) Reed. Roll caîl Brooks, was also intraduced. sevc cntrd aud th SotCum s;MsMxn goai the way for the big was an exchange of gifts. The Also present were members story of St. Francis of Assisi, McMillen, Port Perry, visltec e~Heony. roga inclded stare by of the winning Durham tearns One of the great saints of the at G. Bowman's. Thenex si tems owlHeen arrnde an Heenof 1953 and 1952. The 1953 early church - a man, who in The niome of Mr. and Mrs Thes wek and teamwibeot t Knox; a Christmas quiz by members introduced were Bey bis day, challenged ail the A. W. Prescott was the scenE knocwk Rund i e o t top Patsy Knox and ail o! the Gray, Howard Trewin and Sami values o! a quarrelling and Of a Christmas !amily party lasi Perch. CG.I.T. group and a story by Turner, and the 1952 members grasping Europe by going Out week. Present were: Mr. and Jack Knight was the big Evelyn Hockaday of the Ex- were Earl Brown, Bill Fergu- n eresylvn ieSOfl r.Pect n ln -~ nanoftheniht ithscresplrers gou. A Chistasson and rc alr of love and sacrifice that it won '1r and Mrs. Donald Prescott, of 228, 325. 259 for high triple contest was conducted by Miss Other Wlnners Introduced theheartt efeo!fl3hiceturyradMro.dMri;M.a Of 812. Sam Woods had 792; Gladys Yellowlees. The lead- A Durham team also won the cagdtefc fhsoy Mrs. J. Harris, Linda and Mar- Ernie ~fect 750; P;r. Keith ers served candy to the girls Agrico Trophy in grain judging The candles lit were symboljc lene; Mr. and Mrs. L. Rahm, Slemon#2 and Bill Bates 702. after which the meeting closed at the Central Ontario Spring o! Work, Friendship and Broth- Richmond Hill, Mr. and Mrs fY Sam 'Woods had high single with Taps. Next meeting wili Show for the 24th consecutive er. d n h ihigwscr .SihadDrty r n Y~ 364. Jack Knight was next be on Dec. 29, Wed., with year, and 1 member Maurice ried out by Elizabeth Reid, Mrs. J. Smith and Danny, Mr. With his 325 and Dr. Keith Deanna Vance in charge o! the HalloweIl o! that team was in- Elisabeth Martense and Ruth and Mrs. Ross-Smith, Oshawa. Siemnon had 309. program.- troduced. Other members of Bulock. Two splendid selec- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samis andi Standing Ist Hall' of Fiayoffs The annual business mneet- the tearn nfot present at the tions of music were sung by the famUly' were Sunday visitors Team Pins ing of the Community Hall dinner were Don Green and'C.G.L.T. choir: bJesus, aur Broth- with Mr. and Mrs. F. Aberne- Rundle 3436 was held on Friday evening. Gerald Brown. Robert Aflin rstog and, good," and bBring thy, Manilla. Slemci 3334 Progressive Lost Heir was a 4-H club member who wo a Torch." The cannecting stories Slemoii3331 played during the evening the trophy for the bighiest o! St. Francis' life were rea by Misses th adaie Toresto Taylor 3327 with prizes for highest scores points with bis cal! St the Doreen Aldred,, Aniu Best, cattet aturdeay n oonto Little .1151 being awarded to Mrs. Ralph Orono Fair, was also introdue- Doreen Copping and Marlyn vhre theasatteindead a oped Cancilla 2977 Davis and Harold Yellowlees, ed.1 Quantrell, and a poemn "The Car- tArCa Alamaandoshopped.ta whleJon no ndMr Tre Dramfames hoipenter of Galilee" by Nora A letVs CFSa Averag-hl onKo n r TreDra amr h Wood. tion, St. John's, wvas home for Harvev Yellowlees received were amang the first 10 win- h il okdlvl nterasotweed J. Knight 271 consolation awards. Mr. John ners in the 60-Bushel Wheat CGTe g is akd lovlac i teir r.ashor ePed.en o S. Woods 264 Knox, chairman of the Trustee Club held in connection wt n with C.G..T. iddesa leaskrts, abM ripymer Preôttentas- E. Prfet 20 bard resdedforthe usi th Roal Wnte Far ad Mrs. Barbara Carmen and Mrs. ter Feeds and visited the plant Dr. K. Siemon 241 ness meeting and Mrs. Ralph sponsored by the Maple Leaf lK hn. ae o be ograed nTrnoand temadel fr B.Baes234 Davis, secretary , read the min. Milling Company, were alsa in arranging so inspiring a at Tbarnhill. G. Elliatt 230 utes o! the hast meting. Mr. introduced ta the gathering. servir.Miss R t an M re e - A. Piper 228 Ernest Hockaday presented They were: John Cruicksbank, _________ R. Heanle 224 the treasurer's report. Newly who phaced faurth; Garnet cott and Miss Lamna Cochrane B. Hearle 219 elected trustees are Wes. Yel- Riekard, who placed sixth andS d e Pssn- were recent tea guests witb Mr. H. Janzen 216 lowlees Wes Werry, Charles Ed. Ruthven, who placed fldnPasn and Mrs. Dick Wood, Bowman- D. Taylor 215 Langmaid, Everett Cryderman ninth. Mr. Summers painted vle B. Oliver 213 land Mrs. Bruce Taylor. Ern- out that Durhami was the only vMs ao opr saa M. Dale 213 est Hockaday was re-elected as county with more than one 0f W.Arth-ur Edger stdt Miss ao Hoer, e ohwa J. Graham 212 treasurer. Auditors are Ralph winner in the top ten in the rane. S. Trewin 212 Davis and Tom Baker. The Ontario-wide campetition. i $ound v van'y Christmas tree snatchers are Dr. C. Austin 211 program committee is Joe He also stressed the tact th at I I d by Ma 1roamning the cauntryside again. J . Cale 210 Snowden, Harvey Yellowlees, Mr. Ruthven had tapped ail The suddeiî passing o! Wil- A farmer's smahl son here who A. Spicer 207 Eunice Leask and Pearl Leach. the Ontario growens in the size liam ArthurEr on Wediies- didn't know that people dîd G. Piper 198 Lunch wa.s served in the lower o! yieldper acre, growing an day, Dc. 8, cdgera he uhtigwthdalw H. Bennett 197 hall. exceptional crop- o! Genesee ta his wide circle o! triends down character cut a tree from . WCorasn5196 issonary Service wheat which produced 72.8 and acquaintances in this can- is father's ence side. The J.Ca9a Mrs. Bruce Taylor read a bushes ofwetoa single muiy. r. Ege wra na- government should passa w Dr. H. Rundie 194 !stary from the missionary pro- acre. tive of Bowmanville and spent emtigfr rs osht G. Clarke 191 gram at the church Sund ay a!- Other prominent Durham bis life in his home tawn where these varmints. How we would R. Fry 190 ternoan. Rev. Merrill Fergu- farmers and livestock exhibi- lie made many lasting friend- lave sucih spart! R. Wright 189 son was guest minister and his tors intraduced ta the meeting ships. He was a son af the latel BEngley 188 message cantained interesting were: Past President Ralph William Edger and Elizabeth LO G SA L P. Cancilla 187 incidents o! bis mission work Larmer o! the Durham Feder- Ham. He was 64 years o! age.~ J~J~ U I R. Halîman 186 in Africa where be bas been ation o! Agriculture and lst Mr. Edger sutfered fram F. Blackburn 185 for 20 years. There is a great Vice-President Clarence Allin, athritis for several years, but Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Flet- G. Lander 182 need for trained leaders there Frank Stenger, Boyd Ayre, recently had seemed improved. cher were Saturday supper R. Brock 182 who wi]l offer Christian lead- Ralph Glaspeil, Francis Jase, He passed away suddenly at his us oMran Ms.Rbt P. Yo 182 ersbip and teachings to these Club Leader o! tbe South home, 131 Wellington Street. gsts aMr. and Mrs. Rob. er- ]B. Begley 179 people who have yet ta leam» Durhami Dairy Club;, Alex Muir,. For many years he was an warden were also visitors in I). Little 178 o! Christ. Art Blanchard, James T. Brown, employee o! tbe Goodyear Tiretevnighln ocle D. Parks 175 A speciai Whiite Gift service Harvey Brooks, Hector Mor- & Rubber Company here, but brthe M.ening heligto cel M. Vanstone 172 and Christmas prograrn will ton, Percy Van Camp, Stanford left theme several years agobatM.Sisbrhdy H.. Palmer 169 bc pnesented next Sunday Van Camp, Wilbur Ogden, Fred awing ta pon health. He later Mrs. Fred G. Smith spent a B. Elliott 163 during the Sunday Scbool per- Trewin, and Lion Lloyd Ayre, worked as a saiesman wtîu wdv with MrIadlr. B. Cale 159 iod. Members of the schooi are a wel-known raiser o! prize- C. Downiiam Nursery Co. Ltd.ý F. O. Smith, Bawmanvihhe. asked to bring their offering i» sbeep. andSreccnt]y with Palmer Mo- Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Baker 4~~unshine db ~~~tor]ae.H a ra pr and famîhv, Cookstown, spent a white envelope. Guest Speaker Introduced enrusas.te and an bis aungr the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Reed wiil have a Christ- Assistant Agricultural Repre- das when hie was known ta adnBkr miimas message at the church ser- sentative Jay Brown introduced aIl as "Ginger", lie played bac- Mn. Stanley Fletcher, Toron- ,Wolds eetingVice and the choir will provide1 the guest speaker o! the eveîî- key and was aiso a re!eree. He ta, spent the weekend with his special Christmas anthems. 1 ing, T. R. Hilliard, Associate continued ta be an active sup- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Members a! the Sunshine Club The follawing Sunday even-l Director o! Extension o! the porter of Bowmanville teams Fletcher- who make cancer dressings for ing December,26 the Christmas Ontario Department of Agri- in ahl sports. Tribute was paid Mm. and Mrs. H. C. McClure, nee 1dy persans- in the Northum- Stomy wihl be presented i» pag- culture and Secmetary o! the ta this long record, wben a Happy aLey; Mr. and Mrs. J. berland and Durhami area, met eant farm by the chair. There Ontario Junior Farmers, who minute's, silence wvas abserved C. Cook and Lauraine, were on Nov. 24 for their regular wihl be no Sunday School. is also a member of the New- at the Amena on Friday even- Sunday guests at the Smith meeting, at the home o! Miss Women's Institute market Lions Club. ing, prior ta the hockey game. home. Jean Runidle. Eigbteen meni- The Christmas meeting of the Mr. Hilliard for the eîght He was intemested in coni- Miss Velma Pritchard and bers wqre present. Women's ntue was bdld on weeks since Hlurricane Hazel munity activities and served on Mr. R. Fowler, Millbrook, g!z thATen Woksbopd a simlayd hursday attemnoon. A Christ- has been acting as liason of- Town Council and was also were Sunday guests o! Mm. and orga Tnizto n sh aa.wear mas letter tram Doris Milîson, ficer between the Department chairman o! the Bowmanvîlle Mrs. Orme Miller. orgaizaionin shaa, wre issonay » Bolivia, telling o! o! Agriculture and the Holland Public Scbool Board. He was a Mm. and Mms. Roy McLaugh- telcde trcenThnemence on- Christmas festivities was read. Marsh vegetable producers who member of Trinity United lin and family, Blackstock; cancr wak hed inHamitonTh e play cast was tbanked for suffered such large lasses tram Cburch. wr udyget tteMr canr d old osoelo!ntHadmess-n th eim repeat performance and the hurricane. Funeral service, which was phy home. ead tvt i oe af theaconers- te praceeds amounting ta $50 Before speaking on the flood lamgely attended, was hcld in 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson es nd ctiitis t tat onfr-was donated ta the Flood Re- disaster at tbe Holland Marsh, the Marris Funeral Chapel on» and Wiliie, iveme Sunday guests Atthsmetig mmbr lie f Fund as were tbree'quilts Mr. Hilliard paid tribute ta the Friday, Dec. .10, conducted by 1O! Mm. and Mrs. Bert Johnson. made plastic ditty bags for recently completed. The roll fine leadership Mr. Summers Rev. T. A. Morgan. Mrs. Albert-IMnan Ms. yeGbn neey edpaiets pacngincal was an exchange o! Christ- bas given as Agricultural Re- Cale played quiet music pre- were Sundav visitons af Mn. each a washcloth, soap and per- mas necipes and a gift for the presentative o! Durhami for 25 cedihg the serouice f and MvsCortaley al. fue h opadprueChildren's Aid Society. years. "I know that Durham Aogtepouino ir os orie wrkidydonated by Alex The motta, "Take pains with 'Caunty and Mm. Summers are ah tnibutes were those o! the Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Millson McGregar's Drug Store and youn meals and youll neyer known ahi across Canada be- following onganizations: Palmer wr udreeigvstr Cowling's Drug Store, Bowman- take pains after," was coin- cause o! their judging teams," Motor Sales, Outboard Marine o! Mm. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk. ville.niented an by Mrs. J. Yeliow- he said. and Manutacturing Ca., Peter- Mary Marchant and Sandra, lees. Mns. Frank Westiake, Mr. Hilliar aehssd borough; Genenal Office, Out- Mr. Thomas Galagher, Bow- leader o! Group 3 presided for ience a detailed repart on flood Board Marine; Outboard Marine mniiwr udyget Let them work for vou-The the program under the heading conditions caused by Hurricane Baebaîl OTeoard Eninee Drng o Mm. and Mns.A hrMisan. .Statesman Classifieds. a! Home Economies and Health. Hazel on tbe 7,000 acres of etOtor aie u- o' ogtyu hita -Mrs. Harold Pascae and Mrp. HladMshwic afeted ham County Lîberal Associa- Concert Thumsday evening at Holn ash )) fec to;DrhmCatr O.E.S., the col J )o) lke Christa cnls and wa estimated that between Neighbors o! Chur StreAe.; Ms. Westiake conducted a eight and fine billion gallons Noeigbr So!uprinC lubtret; " TA Christmas contest.lo water flaoded the marsh as odyaqSpriso Cuàr em ea 'IIUMI)AY, VICC. 1M. 1954 110'Te OuoaIcfom next Fadwee augbter, Dbebaîah rNIrJyear is good, however, as 90 per 1 rienas nonour Kathleen spent the weekend Y'.O .U n FOR. CHRIST centaoMiss lSnirley Bate wio th their parents, Mn. and bercaIe ynx spring.i s S rly Bt ws AF. Spencer, alsa Missf Th nai ure Re- Rut Snowden, Toronto. ic te ic! Fund had provided cloth- rrior to Marriage MO.hawad Mrs. L. t onebung ing and furniture ta the floodOsa.Ms.LtyHday B wm nvll Twn Halvictims, the speaker said, and Pnior ta lien mamniage ta Mm. and children, Bian and Robin, Bow anvll To n H llthose who lost their buildings Robert George Bickle on Dec. 4, spent Sunday evening with are eligible for Up ta $5,000 in Miss Shirley Bate was much M. and Mi. . F Pren repamations. 1cntertained. A miscehianeous 1,tMnMr. and Mrs. t.Pirr Fe-. Surd December i 8th figu~H gave same interesting shower w~as held for hcr at the trandM.adMs .F Urday Dec mber 18th figmes on the productivity of home a! Mms. Donald Loscombe, 1 Spencer ta a dinner on Sunday at 745 .nî.theHollnd arsh EnughWhitby, when the girls o! thej evening, it being Mrs. St. at :45p.i. egeabes regron ter PatsBilling Office o! eea Pierre's bi'rthday. 1 m anu ny e 5510, to provide al*Sl'", '-.Lawa, wiire the bridej bushel basket o! tnixed vege- i employed, were guests. tables to every Canadian fani- Mss Margaret Quinney, Mrs. iiy. Each year 380,000 crates J a C Bishop, Mms. Frank Hoop- O! lettuce, 1,000,000 bags o! em and Mrs. James Nickemson onons, 650,000 busheis of car- were hostesses at the latter's. rots and 500,000 bags o! pata- home, Bowmanvilie, at a uine»! toes are grawn at the marsh, showem for the bride-to-be. in addition ta large quantities She i-as also guest o! honor o! ceiery, cauli!lower and cab. at the borne o! ber aunt, Mrs. J. bages. Cuddahee, at a miscelianeous showen. She was the reciplent Mr. Hilliard was thanked of!rnany lovely gtfts on ail oc- for his interesting address by casions. Lion Wilfrid Camuthers. Clarence Allin thanked the Thîis Christmas give a Gi!t Lions on behal! o! the ural Subscniption ta The Canadian guests for the invitation ta Statemntayrfiedad attend the meeting. 1laivs.3 oyu red n DR. BILLY GRAHAM'S Filiii "STORMS 0F LIFE" See anid hear Dr. BiIly Graham and the team 'vith America's beloved gospel singer Gea. Beverley Shea Sp.cial Music - Duets Instrumentais, Etc. Corne! Enjoy this Christmnas Programme T". eAmAnTA" enqAniveigAu PAGE NINETEEN served lunch anct a very happy'- time was enjoyed. Mrs. We-t- heuser expressed the thanks of the" ladies to Mrs. Etwell lor the pleasant evening at lier home. Mrs. Orme Falls imv-i.'- ed the ladies to meet at lier home in January. This Christmas give a Gift Subseription ta The Canadian rs. is, id ie st id p t .1 taIned Shiloh W.A. hast weel The roil caîl was answvered b, Christmas carais with the gnoul singlng a verse as each mem. ber answered. Mms. - Dobsor read the lesson thoughts or God'à GiLU, and Mrs. Pike meac the scripture lesson. Atter thE business discussion, the electiai of affîcers for the new veai was made as !ollows: President -Mrs. Llewv Halloweli; Vice- President - Mrs. Wcstheuser; Secretary - Mrs. Carl Todd; Treasurer - Mrs. A. Dobson; Corr. Secretary-A. Hahlowell: Flower Committee-Mrs. Lamne Todd, Mrs. Percy Farrow, Mrs. Harold Souch; Parsonage Com- mittee-Mrs. John Stark, Mrs. Orme Falls, Mrs. Etwvehl. Rev Pike distributed the excbange gi!ts tram a prettily decomated tree. Ladies a! the committee S TARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robin- son and daughters visited Mrs. W. Prouse, Osaca. ,Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell, Port Hope, at Mr. Llew Hal- lowel s. The Variety Concert of the Fellowship Group at Newton- ville last week was well at- tended. Mrs. Jim Stark in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch and famiiy vîsited Mrs. J. Wannan, Kirby, recently. Miss Stewart and her pupils are busy preparing for their concert next week. Choir practice was held at Mrs. Llew allowell's. The choir is preparing special music for Christmas Sunday. Mrs. George Etwell enter- * TO EVERYWHERE Air. Rag or Steamshlp * Consuit JURY & LOVELL 3owmanville 15 Rint St. W. MA 3-5778