~-~- ~-t--~ PAGE FOURE CCS * , ~ *UflS* OS TEE CAMADIAN ~TAT1~MAN. EOWMANVTLLE. O~<TAWTO '~7TTflCr~av Y~Vf' Ia4~'. IURA e Current and Con fidential 13y Elsie Carruthers Lunney A GREAT PICTURE We had the pleasure last week af seeing again that clas- sic of the screen, Gone With The Wind. This picture almost çleserves ail the extravagant adjectives which Hollywood is wont to apply ta so many of its productions. It is beyond daubt one of the best pictures ever mnade, good casting, wonderful acting and photography al contributing ta make its view- ing an unforgettable experi- ence. Margaret Mitchell's story is Its lieblood, however, for in order to have a great picture, one must first have a great stary. Many tonies have been written about the Civil War in the United States, and still the books on this theme pour from the presses. We are in no posi- tion ta judge this the be.qt, hav- en read few of them. But that Margaret Mitchell's book has everythifig 'essential for an ab- sorbing story is beyond dis- pute. That it is aiso xvell writ- ten la known toalal those who have read the book. We re- mnember when it first came out, sitting up every night until the small hours until we had fin- Jshed it. At seems a tragedy that Miss Mitchell died (we believe in an accident in her native Atlanta) before writing another book. And yet, it would have been almost impossible for her ta have equalled her first suc- cess. Not that that makes her death any less tragic. but as far as the novel goes her name will ]ive an, ber reputation resting securely on this one great novel of the Civil War. The picture has been revived, and there is no picture more worthy of this second lufe. We sat enthralled for three and a hali hours, absolutely unaware of the passage of time. For Vi- v~ien Leigh and Clarke Gable we venture ta say this was the best' acting of their careers. The supporting cast is superb. If yau didn't see this picture the first ime, do try to see it CHRISTMAS ~NEW YEAR'S FAST, CON VENIENT, DEPENDABLE S*Sendap.pcoZRii Ticket- 1 ha perfect Christmas Gif t Information end reservations front ony Cadian Pocific office, your own trovei agent or King & Yang* St., Tronto Tols EM. 6-7411 naw, and if yau did see then, see il again. It is aj experionce. Great mavies very few ina number. LOOKING AHEAD eil, rare are i Looking aver the reviews ai new books these daya we see at leasî four that we hope la read witbin the next iew manths, and by coincidence, lhey are ail by Canadian wri- ters. Incidentaily, ina Ibis con- noction, we note -that tbree Canadiara novels are second, third and fourth on the popu- larity list of the Toronto Pub- lic Lîbranies, and two Canadian non-fiction books are listed woll up ina that section. The second novel an the list is one we want ta read, Mazo de la Roche's latesl, 'Variable Winds at Jaîna. Aiways a mas- ter story teiler, we can depend on Miss de la Roche for good enlertainment, well tld. The next navel on aur awn list is Grace Irwin's new book, An- drew Cannington. Sho is the author of Least Of Ail Saints, you remember, and Andrew Canninglon a young minister, xvas the main character in il. Il is always rather nice ta con- tinue with one or more ai the sanie characters-wo feel that we already know them. Isabelle Hughes does the sanie thing in The Wise Broth- er. This is anothor in tbe Tel- forth senies, and reported ta be the besl yet. The background is Toronto ina tbe last century, and il cames alive for us in theso books. Then lbere's a book ai regionai history that we are iooking forward ta roading, Up And Down The Glons, by Donothy Dumbnille. This is the story o! Glenganny County, Ihe history afitis set- liers, ils buildings, and by-ways -just the sont of book we en- joy. Mrs. Dumbrilie lives at Alexandria ira Glengarry. Per- baps you will liko these books lao. We hope lbey will ail be ira aur own library before long. And ai course it's nico la awn or give books, and think bow you are helping the author thereby! A very special book whi we hope ta bave before t, long is PioneernLirns and Ta erras by E. C. Guillet. Whenv do. we'litell you about il. HOLDING FAST*TO THE REMNANT ch oo Ae As we write this, thero are stilil wo woeks ina which ta have one's nerves whipped up ta a frenzy by the constant cny ai such and sa many shopping days left beforo Christmas. We wander if the human beîngs an the receiving end ai Ibis bar- rage will over gel the courage ta rebel ina a sit down stniko. Will the time ever came whera this total onslaugbl will kili tho gooso (or geese) that lays the golden eggs? We think lb a sad commenlary on aur west- ern civilization tbat a sizeabie poncenlage ai aur praspority Ès based an Christmas sales. Is il only bocause as a child anc had no rosponsibilities, Ihat lookirag back wc ail think Christmas mearat more then? Or bas the situation roaily de- teriorated? Thal Christmas is a religious festival is largely lost sughb ai by a good propor- tion af aur population, in spile ai Sunday church services. This is probably nol the only counatry ira which it is happen- ing by any means. As individuais, ahl we can do is refuse ta laseoaur beads; re- member the siinpliciby an!J heauty ai the story af Christ's binlh, thon onjoy the attendant music of jay, the good-wuli, the lighled Christmas troc, the iamily gaîborng. A middle course of common sense can surely triumph yet. Keep Christmas A Merry Occasion '? . ,le, -'. h 'M Statistics show that residen- - t!ia fines reacb a peak anaund - Christmas lime anad continue high tbrougb March and Apnil. This mearas that the tradition- A DURO Purp all y bappy yuletide seasan rmay A DURO PU '~' be one af tnagedy and nuira for Meams Better Living !! anyi Canadians tbis year.ai 0UR DURO Water S3-s- fires? Safety experts say that '1tem gives us fresh, pure comitan sense will rule out 90 waîer when and where we per cent ai them, and ira any need it -... adds ta aur con- case a fine need nat lalally des- venience and comfont of daily troy your home. life. Tho best lime ta take pre- cautions against fine is when DURO Pumps are avait- building or remodelling your able in ail sizes ta mccl in- hoLase. Propor insulatiora with dividuat needs. Sce your minerai woot can minimize tbe Plumber or DURO dealer spread af fine if it does stant, for full information or write at the same lime making your for FREE foiden, «U-- .nn bouse a btter irsurance risk. Wat.r, thi. Far.m Neceaity". Safcly experts list four main points la remomber when 1building a bouse if you wanbta -avoid fine: 1. Joists should not extend i\ mb chimneys. - 2. Walls should cortain fine -. stops at each floor level, at the OUR lne of eaves and whene the DURO chimney passes through each floor. 3. When insulatirag youn bouse use anly approved non-com- bustible mnatenial, sucb as min- oral wool insulation. 4. Fireptaces aiwavs should be safely imsulaled. Mlinerai wool irsulation bas man\' other ad%-anitages btoa. that should be appreciated during PUMPS &SOFTENERç nte.Ira addition titis fine resstacequalities i keops the LIMIITED PPB82 hanse at a comfartable temiper- LONDON - C AN AD13,0alune by koepirag the heat wilb- ira the walls. Ina Ibis way, heat- j A C . 8 a0 U ra g costs can be reduced by as J CKDGUImuch as oetid PLUMBJNQ AND HEATING Theo orly guide ta a man is FEIONE 615 BOWMAN1'ILLFn bas conscience: the anlv shielil P Division Street S. () hNs emonv is bbe rectitude andsifcerity of hisactions_~ sirWiAe-nÇl' -h WEDDING Women's Institute Are Putting At HaptonUitd Curh Christ Back Into Christmas an Nov. 27th Phiilip Jeyes, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Jeyes More and more the Women's ing ane member fram ea of Oshawa, took as his bride, Institutes seem ta recognize the Church denamination was aç Nancy-Biilie Coutts, daughter meaning of Christmas in their ed ta contribute a number ai Mn. and Mrs. Hugh Stewart programs and their actîvities Coutts ai Hampton. at this seasan. In camman with the pragram. This consisted Rev T.J. ee oiicitedatother arganizations they have salas, readings and the Chri Rev É.J. ee oficitedata good deal ai canal singing at mas stary. The denaminathc the. ceremany. The wedding their December meetings and taking part were Anglicai~, U music was piayed by Miss Mary demonstrations ai giit wrapping iTed Church, Presbyterian, Ba Niddery with Mrs. Kay Smale and Christmas decorations. Sev- tist, Roman Catholic and G( as soloist. eral branîrhes have reported the pel Hall. Everyone came aw Given in marniage by ber fa- reading ai "The Christmas Ca feeling that unity was anf Iher the bride ware fioar-length roi" and at Jubiiee Institute senrta" at.ite hi white net aven satin. A pearl the members acted "The Christ-Sirt trimmed crawn heid ber fingerP mas Canal". Oflen there is an Women's Institutes have vi tlp veil and she carried a bau- usrea nedieaa hi1ed ways ai creating what quet af red roses and white time. The December meeting cail "the Christmas spirit". Wl baby chrysanthemums. She mytk h oma at loughby reparts: "e e wore a peani necklace, the guifta which ail the women ai the bring sametbing ta put in bo aii s the bnidçgroom. cammunity are invited. Tre- es for the needy in the cor Mis Los Dve wa mad-quentiy there is special enter- munity and something for of-honor wearing a street- tainment for children. soldier in haspitl. It brir ienglh coiiee colored taffeta 1aut the Christmas spirit ai dress. Miss Isabelle Coutts, sis But the Institutes' observ- we usually have a good tur ter ai the bride was brides- ance ai the seasan gaes deeper out". Rockwod says: "We pat maid, in biue-gney. Bath wore than this. In reports. ai last ed a seventy-five pound box f ieathered bats ta match their year's December meeting we a needy family who had r gawns and carried bouquets ai fînd such items as these: Ber- cently îost their mother. chrysanthemums ini contrasting nie had a talk on the motto' contrast ta other meetir hues. "Let's Not Leave Christ Out of which were mostly for aur ov Mn. Thomas Jeyes was best Christmas" and a paper on the entertainment we feit thatv man and the ushers were Mr. Christmas story. At South Ri- wr xrsigtetu i William White and Mn. David ver a clergyman spoke on oef exrsn the tte.Hrue au Coutts. "Putting Christ Back mb Ilement secretary wrote: -'0 A reception was held at the Christmas". Sevenal programs Christmas party for the men Church. For the occasion the included the reading ai Van bers' familles did a lot fora bride's mothen chose dion blue. Dyke's storSr "The Othen Wise ai us because aur childr( The bridegroom's mother w.s Man". were a part afiti". Cowal ei in navy blue. Bath wore cor- The Salem Nilestown wom- tertained pre-schol childrE sages ai rases. . en feit that the Christmas sea- and the attendance ai mothe For the wedding trip ta son was a gaod time ta have was mucb larger than usu. Montreal, Buffalo and New a Salvation Aimy afficer tell Often the Inistitute joins wil Yark the bride wore a gray them about bis work with de- ather groups in providing suit with a white satin bat and linquents, and their own re- Christmas tree for the chul a corsage ai pink carnations. Ispansibility for the. unforlun- non of the community. T] The couple wili live in Osh- ate. And the Lakefield repart South Mountain women mac awa. savs: "Far aur December meet- 1 a Sntas Clau~ s otfit for c-on Gîeve meh isk- .ta it ins Una- osp - May es- mas Far- we Vil- ach Jm - a ngs nd ýrr -e - In ngs wn ;et- un al oen en- rn lai. 1ih a 'ho ide munity use. So sociability and iniendlineas have a special place in the Institutes' observance ai Christmas. Tniendliness la expressed In veny tangible ways, tao. In many Institutes the members answer the rail catI by bring- ing guifs for children, ta be distribuled at Chitdren'u shet- ters and hospitals or through a iamily welfare agency. This practice is followed, too, witb guIts for the residents ai aid peopie's Homes. A number o! branches take a ChrLitmas par- ty ta their county Home for the Aged; others brlng the re- sidents of the Home la the In- stitute's party. Hempeler, asat year, parked ninety-atlx Christ- mas Cheoir hai4kets for the slck, the ag'.d and theit htjt-in of the neighbairhooc(l of hoopitaIx undI sanitrririum uNsalIy try 10 ret- m e m b e r tl'- fripn dloiso or needy iatcritm ut Chril.%mei time. Occasi'-inalIy an lnr,,ttuto rt- ports hilvig a sr c ii Crîxt- mas rncetins4 ji 'ut for it <'n members, but trom iau'th rmett- ings a donation uzujally licis t', some outaide need. Foir exarn- pIe, a I)Shirl '-y'h lje:"'rrbder mieeting 1a;ityear 1hs "lamrr,r boad a parly fo)r il me',.s an-d their <)wf lrlutren atid oth"rx. A mernber tlinthe - (hristmraa, slary, the children were i'c balloons and candy; thon the. memnbers measur'.d their wiaien and gave a penny for t-ajch inch ta pravide a treat f or thr- childrnr in the Shelter. Th#ey report that they had quite a sizeable contribution. From: Ethel Chapman, Womcen's Institute Branch,j 1207 Bay St., Taranto. Christmas Meeting Trinity W.M.S. HoId The Aiternoon Auxilaryai Tninity W.M.S. held thein Christmas meeting on Dec. 7th with a good attendance. President Mrs. Ives openeld the meeting with a short reading and prayei-. Mrs. Squatr and ber graup were in charge ai the devotionai tbe topic being Misa Ruby Aldsworth read [ Z the Christmas Story from Luke . III I and readinga were given by Mrs. SPuair, Mrs. Ganton and Mrs. Sisson. Miss Mary Ail- dread accompanied by Mrs. 'XTAI Alldread sang very sweetly "0 , Hoiy Night"l. The Ôffering was taken by Mrs. Ives and Mrs. 1Bragg i"d dedicated by singing "Ange1g Tram the Realms of GloryS. Mrs. M. Hutchinson tld tM% story of "The Well of lhe Star" and made it very interesting. Mrs. Brooks spoke briefly a Chnistian Stewardship. Reports were given by the different secretaries. The meet- ing closed with prayer by Mr. Ives. BORROW $2O5'.5,1- Repuy in 15 monthly instelments of only $16.00 each Get up go $1000 on sensible terme-on yonr own signature. Requirements are easy te meet. Fast, one day service. Call HFC todayl @ HfOUSEHOLD FINANCE 11 '/a Simcoe St.Souqh, second floor, phone Oshawa 5.-1139 OSHAWA, ONT. PORT HOPI BlANCHi 71 WaIfon St., 2nd ff..r, phon, S303O YARD LEY tIhe gift that makes YOU remembered ail year long Yerdley Ladies' Set $ 10.00 lnspircd E nglish Lavçrader, Iragrant Lavender Bath Salts, Lavender Tai cumn Powder, English Complexion Cream, Lavender Compressed Blossoms Sachet, Complexion Powder anad 3 tablers of Lavender Toilet Soap. Yardley Mon'.s$et $6.75 Five distinctive roilet luxuries-After Shavirag Lpriora, Shaving BowI, Aftet Shower Powder, Lavender Toilet Soap and Hair Toraac (Y) . Yardley Ladies' Set $295 Rcfrcshiing April Violets Bath Saits anid 2 tablets of April Violets Soap. "LOTUS" BY YARDLEY She'1l be enchanted by this refreshing floral fragrance ira a delightful 'scent sequerace'. Lotus Perfume ............. $1 1.00, $7.00, $3.75 Lotus Cologne $ 3.00, $ 1.75 Lotus Solid Cologne. . $1.50 Lotus Sachet Powder.. $2.00 Lotus Dusting Powder. $2,50 Yardley Men's Travel Kit $ 10.00 A handsome leather travel kit ira Dark Brown or Tarn with After Shaving Lotion, Traveller Shaving Bowl and Invisible Talc. Yardley English Tavern Glas. $6.50 For the man who 'bas every- thing'-the English Taverra Glas& containing Afrer Shaving Lotion, Cologne for Men an d Hait Tonic ina an exclusive Yardley designa. Yardley Men's $et $2.35 After Shaving Lotion and Shaving Cream- in eirher Lather or Brushlless. Yardley Men's Set $3.65 A distinctive set with Cologne for Men and Ai-ter Shaving Lotion. BATH LUXURIES Yard.y Beauty Kit $7.50 Canraining eighr essentials for the weil-groomed waman. New Feather Fouradation, Complexion Pawder, Cream Rouge, Lipstîck, Cieansing Complexion Miik, Dry Skin Clearas- ing Cream, Night Cream, Toring Lotion and Cleansing Tissues. Ina Antique lvory, Grey and Maroon. Yardley Trio Package $3.50 Bond Street Toilet Warer, Lotus and Fragrance Co- lognes in a navet pack. Yordley Engllsh Lavender Soap The Luxury Soap of the World., Toilet Saap ... 500per tabl box of 3 tablet s .$..50 lt Bath Soap ...850 pert ableti box of 3 tablets $2.50 Yardley Lavenclames .. ..... $2.00 und $3.50 Yardley Bath Saits in Lavender, Red Roses, Aprit Violets, Fragrance $ 1.50 Yardiey Lavender Bath Oil... Yardley Bath Dusting Powder in Lavender, April Violets and Fragrance .......... $2.00 In Bond Street and Lous... -..-... -------$2.50 GIFTS FOR DAD'S STOCKING Yord.y Ladies' Set $2.95 Popular Lotus Co- logne and 2 tablets of Lotus Soap. Yardley Ladies' Set $ 1.85 A tabiet of Lotus Toiler Soap ,with a special botrie of Lotus Cologne. Also avail. able an April Violets. Shaving Bowl #...............................$150 Travelier Shaving Bowl......................$.1 Shaving Stick ............................... $1.00 Shaving Cream (In Lather or Brushiess) .......... $ .75 After Shaving Lotion ............... $1.25 und $2.00 Iisible Talc.. ................$1.25 $1.5 AfterSoe owe... ..............$ 1.25 Cologne for Menr............... i............. $2.00 $50 Hait Tonic ...................... $1.00 und $2.00 JURY & 'i k LOVELL Your Rexali Drug Store . 15 King St. W .' Yordley English Levender A masterpiece in fragrance $6.50, $3.50, $2.50 $1.75, $1.25 I Phon eMA 3-5778 LEAGE' YAR DLEY GI FT SETS For Her-from $1,85 te$10.00 For Him-from $2.35 te $10.00 THESE AND OTHER DELIGHTFUL YARDLEY GIFTS ARE AVAILABLE AT 1 - TEM CANADIAN STATLESMAN. BOWMANVILLIC. ONTAIUO TnintsnAy. nitc- inth- im cg ýJ al l tel %., I CL Uà UU LIIL IUL- CUI] 1 - YAK [)LE Y ÎP 1.7m 0't Phone MA 3-5778