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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Dec 1954, p. 10

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PAON TEif ÂDi-S 3 A .EMA. . OWMANVII.aK, ONTI O c~THURSDA ,DE.2 Packed Trinity Church Enjoys Carol Service The caral vesper service held music, beginnig with a grou ln Trinity United Church on Dutch carols by the Senior C' Sunday aiternoon at 3:30 was a The Junior Choir from the departure irom custom NIhich lery on the right handi met with great response and ap- "Christmas Is Corne", andi praval. The church was nearly Intermediate Choir situate( filed and many iniends from the gallery on the left hand other churches in Bownianville tributed "Star of the East". and vicinity appreciated the op- sweetness of the chldren's vc portunity of joining in the choral floating down aver the con service which was an inspira- gation was a joy ta alI presE tion to all. Furthen groups afi c: The Junior, Intermediate and French and Russian, weres Senior Choirs, unden the leader- by the Senior Choir. The lac ship and direction of organist quartette composed of Mesda and choir leader Arthur Collison, D. Van Driel, M. James, J. R Mus. B., L.R.S.M., ail contribut- miond and E. Alldreads ed to the service which opened "Christmas Lullaby" by Gat with a processional hymn, "The in which Mrs. Richmond sang First Nowell". Visitors were lead. extended a cordial welcome by Following a carol, "It Ci the minister, Rev. T. A. Morgan. Upon the Midnight Clear' The entire service was given which the congregation jaii ta the singing o! Christmas the Senior Choir gave the sec, portion ai the service which, composed ai selections irom1 I ai "The Messiah" by Harn This wonderiul and difi: work which has been an inspî tion toalal who have heard i Spart or whole since its comi itian by Handel in 1742, was v -creditably rendered by Senior Choir under Mn.C r ~ lison's direction. The solo î sang. thein highly difficuit ~citatives extremely weîî. TI k ~ ~were, in arder ai their appe Lài.ti mmna~ ance in the work: William Bu A ley, Miss Vivian Sadler, 1V thart adom ra t e 4 Alnme Ayre, Mrs. R. Merkl Z'i and Mrs. Gwen Black. holidayThe entire congregation sz mal jour lia the canal, "0 Little Town SBethlehem", t h e n remair celebration be standing as is customary, for1 Achoir's rendition ai the "Hal Iestooa.d wlth funa lujah Chorus" which concluc the service. and gal.ty. The decorated Christmas tro and garlands of green baui in the church auditorium w( S ID IAN CASTER'S contributed by teJc n Club.i, They made a beauti: etngfor the Christmas S G rage day services. Following the service,t R.R. 2, NEWCASTLE choir and their families enjoy ]PHONE CLARKE 2703 a pot luck supper in the chur Aparlors. Canais were sung a gifts exchanged. This friend and informai gathering forn, a pleasant conclusion ta thei ternoon service, and was a rela ation foliowing the hard wo: which the leaders and membe had put into the preparationf this vesper service ai sang. Intenest and service charj 4 on the federal public de' amaunt ta about $10 million -ly lm,.MU Ilweek. Bowman ville MemorialArena Public Skating ai 8 p.m. FR1... DEC 24 ADMISSION . . . Aduits 35c, Children 20e Christmas Day SAT., DEC 25 Public Skcating 2 la 4 p.m. ADMISSION and 8 la 10 p.m. - - -Aduits 35c, Children 20e L akeshore Intermediate HOCKEY Young Barôn-s Night WED... DEC. 29 8:30 p.m. ORONO ORPHANS 80 WMANVILLE BARONS Before lte game ai 7:45 p.m. PEE WEE HOCKEY HAWKS vs. RED WINGS -CHIIDREN FREE- Llp of :hoir. gaI- sang I the c! in~ con- The aoices ngre- sent. araIs, Sung dies' ames Iich- sang Lbniel g the ame in ned, cond was Part del. ,icult pira- t in ipas- very the Col- oists! ne- hey ýear- VIns. ley, ang ined the lie- ided rees ighs ere iful ýun- the yed and d ýdy JV ned T ai- ax- S( ork Honored at Choral Concert Little'~Gai1 Mulholland presented bouquets ta guest soloist Norma B. Martin and accompanist Mary D. Cale at the Bowmanville Choral Society's concert on Thurs- day night in the Town Hall. The Choral Society under the direction of Hugh A. Mlartin of Toronto presented a program of Christmas music on Wednesday and rhursday evenings in their second public appearance since formation under the spon- ;orship of the Bowmanville Recreation Department last January. -Photo by Carson Studio. Part Hope TYRONE Mrs. Alma Yellowlees and girls, Miss Allie Wood, attend- ed a Christmas party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rundie, Harmany. Mr. Roy Spry is having a week's holiday at his home. Miss Gladys Maynard, Mrs. H. Wood and children and Ken Chamberlain, Oshawa, and Miss Phyllis Maynard, Bowman- ville,ý visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maynard. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wright and Marion, with Mr. and Mns. W. Jewell. Miss Florence Gardiner, Bowmanville; Mrs. Norman Ir- win, Whitby, Mrs. S. T. Hoar, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilîs. Mrs. Karl Colbary visited Mr. and Mrs. George Sears, To- ronto. Mr. and Mns. Harvey Hardy, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. S. Hall and girls visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beech, Burketon. Joy and Vivian Chamberlain spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wood, Oshawa. Mrs. W. Miller and Douglas Miller vîsited Mr. and Mrs. Clinton English, Peterborough. Mr. Cecil Alldread, Bow- manville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread and Mr. James Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phare, vis- ited at Cedar Grove on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rundie and Karen, Bowmanville, visit- ed hîs sister, Mrs. Alma Yel- lowlees. Miss Margaret Crowe, Whit- by, with Mre. L. Boumne. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm. Mrs. S. Walker and Douglas, Miss Phyllis Maynard, 'Bow- manville; Miss Gladys May-1 nard, Oshawa, visited -Mr. and 1 Mrs. H. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harrison, Bowmanville; Mr. a nd Mrs. Harold McRoberts, were guests .1 . 1 fors Nonumenlal Works N'ew i ear may tie nappy d lake and iamily, Mrs. Tom West- So t a l t n c.l o r lake and Howard, Bowmanville, Phone Whltby 552 were at Mr. Frank Westlake's, 318 Dundas St. E., WhItby A d P o p r u Hameo S. rIEQAIT nhro p r u e Considering H m tnSho [r1n r. o ae ndFN ULf i andMs.Tm aerad MONUMENTS AND a amlily attended a a iiy gather- M A 4RERS y e IU<E T - ndBu tr ow LneAra ing at Mr.Howard Ormiston's, WeHeBRWN To the Editor and Staff ai The careful attention ta detail DEALchiERyF loieTlo South Danington Township also was discussed. It was con- Canadian Statesman and ta ail aeyu suanewe aeFaime School Area Board held its De- sidered best that this matter readers ai thîs weekiy coîumn you choose from the wide DeLaval Milkers and Separators cemben meeting at Maple Grave should be leit aven fan funther the Solina Correspondentex selection af imported and I.J Beatty Bros. Stable Equipment on Dec. 14th. The matter aidsusin tends sincere greetings and best doestINGanitsTadW. The question ai building the wishes ion a Mery Christmas Marbles in stock. INGSTWMA-59 provîding bus service for child- new school at Hampton was and a__Happy___New_________ ren caming from the Town Line again considened and in order ta o ap e en _____________ area. ta Courtice, wgsprg&e~pted claiiy the problemn it was de- ta the Board. In tbis connection cid&d - ta ask Mn. E. A. Varcoe, ~ the Board decided ta get in touch Building Inspectai' fan Darling- with Mn. C. Garton, ta find out tan Township, ta look aven the . what service hie could provide. present schaol building at Hamp- ! vR The understanding was that the ton, in order ta get some ideas cost ai this transportation should as ta its possibilities, and ta place be borne directly by the parents a value on it, and ta be present concemned. at a meeting ta be held at Maple The matten ai installing tele- Grave on Dec. 27th ta present phones in the schools ai the area bis report. S O INAary classes recitations by Be: Sauina schaol Chistmas con- Iowlees, Lamne Tink, Larry cent in the hall, Friday night, Spires, Edgar Werry, Bnian av was weil attended. Mn. Lycett Knox and Donald Hamen, and and his pupils are ta be congrat- White Gift recitations by Doreen uiated on the splendid presenta- Hamer, Arlene Westlake, Joan tion of the play and also af the Westlake, Phyllis Westlake, Car- cantata "Trouble in Toyland". ol Staînton, Jean Baker, Sharan The costumes designed and made Spires and Sharon Robb. by each characten are deserving The church was well iilled ior . of special mention. The Juniors, the evc fcrl n ed too, provided enjoyable rhythm ie s wt erv ai coanducread bandnumersand eciatins.Preceding the service, Mrs. E. Anne Werry was the capable Cyemna h in n imistress ai ceremonies ion the Cyemna h in n progamm. Snta aid hîsGladys Yellowlees at the argan progamm. Snta aidhisplayed "A Christn'ias Fai4asy" annuai visit in a jolly mnood andTh Coienedtechchkr bis assistants distributed gifts sinengCoCme Ail Yte Faîth- fram beneath the nicely decorat- fui", and later sang the anthem4 ed Christmas srves er hd"0 Bethlehem". The ladies' trio, *t rsas eroons we hedMrs. Wes. Yellowlees, Mrs. H. Sund y ater oon hen a W ite M ilison and M rs. E. Cryderm an Gift service was the main sag wo pîeasing numbers Schooi e id. rs. E.heR. Tay ar est Lord Jesus" and "Sleep read a stry Gail B.R. ake r Cd Divine". Readings and te Chnstmr a stBakrm te scripture passages were given by sctuCrestadnneery gav te Ray Pascoe, Trevor Arnold, Ray scipurs ndAneWerygaeWatkins, Mrs. Tom Baker, Helen i a necitation. During the sing- Knox and Mrs. E. Cryderman. ing of canols White Gift aifer- Two lighted and decorated ings were pnesented iromn each Christmas trees also added ta thef class. bat fti oeysrie Fallowing this service the beau.yaidthis.lovely service. Christmas programme includedsn.Deand r.hav r3vednox and piano salas by Dianne Tink and se on eihaethevdvi ntathei Pats Davs; avoca due by Next Sunday evening at 7:30 Patsy and Helen Knox; "Away o'clock a Christmas pageant wil in -a- Manger", sung _by the Prim- be presented in oui' chunch. Ii -4i vz cý Thene wiil be noafaternoon U0 1, Y~ ~ services. .' -Mn. and Mrs. Joe Snowden wvere godparents at the chnisten- ing service for thein nephew , JmsFosten Pengelly, son oif4 Mn. and Mns. J. Pengelly, at 4y SKedron Church, Sunday aiter- Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Vice entertained relatives ai the Hep- h ening on Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. S. E. Werry were tea guests on Sunday at a iamily Party at the home ai Dr. and Mrs. George Werry, Oshawa. Mn. Don Pascoe was a Sun-Ma orYltd gowbihywt ht day tea guest at Ray Pascoe's. *,Fi Mr. and Mrs. Ross Knox and u, good old fashion.d Christmas cheer tat daughters, Brougham, visited at ~ i'trfinai Mn. John Knox's.. makes every heart lgt every redh Mn. and Mrs. J. Wittinghem" and ay visiton tMn. sWm..vrya aundam iy, on atMsr. e -. warmer, eeyhouz' licher in happineuand Darch's. Mn. and Mrs. Wes Hilae, C cl .cnnm n arjd Anne were Sunday %ea guests at Mr. Stan Millaon's. W A M 9S Mr andMrs. George Knox, Canal and Marilyn, Russell and Y UL T8aDE ldn lo arawsd Sçay. ~Bowma nvi le Y U L ET I DaEEldo. HFoan 'vs t n unayi W 8 S E S 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knoxand Dean were Sunday tea guests at Mn. Ross Crydernan's.D Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Spires, PM 'ec U i@itbs Cmiso viitlbos atMr. E.CSpire.n W A .Norma, Oshawa, were Sun d BSSSRIEQ.9 GEO. VAN BRIDGER, K P T I KMn. and Mns. E. CnydermnnCara aae KIP T I K were Sunday tea guests at Mn. Cara aae PLUMBING and HEATING Ken Me.Minii*.;; Oshawa. ___________________ Mrs. N. Fice and sons, Taun- . . .... f .-' -- 'ton; LMr. and Lirs. Percy Weàt- ai Mr. and Mn.. Gardon White. On Tuesday evenmng the Christmas concert was held in the hall with a large attend- ance. Mn. Will Jewell was mas- ter ai ceremanies for the jun- ion and senior public school pu- pils. The splendid concert was much enjayed by aIl. Much credit is due ta teachers, Miss E. Knox and Mr. P. Maclntosh, aiso the childnen ion the love- ly Christmas decoratians they BLACKSTQCK MOTORS (Under New Management) EXTENDS TO EVERYONE jSeason's Greetings A. E. CLARKE, rop. hall and the Christmas( tre which was a perieçt settlng for the evening's celêbration, don- ated by Mr. Cox. The ~ide were giad ta see Santa arrive. Each child received a bag of candy and gis, along with grownups. To the Editon and Staff af The Canadian Statesman and Tyrone Community, A Merry Christmas and A Prosperaus W.H. Brown and Staff join together all hei frend an uterwsh The Very Merriest of Christmases aNd---pe that0yoU-. y 1, > , 1--ý , 1, - - -M . , 1 1 - 1 - ýT . 1 , 1 fl 7 PAGI TM q9« rAvAnTAlcr «Minq""ALle isrct to wish and hope that your Sf afford Bros. "A'f'f

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