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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Dec 1954, p. 15

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?RURDAY.DmC. 2Srd, 1954 TEE C~AINAJJIASTATESMAN. HOWMANVILL.ONTARIO PG nM Cobourg ý Takes Barons To Strengthen Position At Top Spot of League The league-leading Cobourg long, however, as Cobourg Cornets strengthened their hoid came back less than a minute on the Lakeshore top spot bere later to narrow the gap 2-1 on Saturday night by edging the a blueline shot by Daug Fisher Sey were forced ta go ail out and got by goalie Denny Pal- chalk up the win. lister. Wilcox drew an assist It was the most exciting on this rnarker. Another rising home garne oi the season and shot tram doser in by Dave the Barons gave anc of their Casey also beat Pallister at best efforts in the action-peck- 18.49 ta make the second period ed contest. They cerne from be- score 2-2. Harris McKeen, who hind ta knot the count et 13.38 -played defence for Bowrnan- of the third period on a pic- ville two years ago, cîairned an ture goal by Bill Berwick assist on Casey's rnarker. tram Frank Hooper. The visit- Both tearns were working ors had améttle ta rnuch polish bard and on fairly even terrns and speedjhowever, and they et the start of the second per- ~~hed the winning goal et iod, but an interference penal- Ar la5 nd heid the Barons off ty ta Frank Hooper proved ta fo.the reinaining time. The be the break the Cornets need- at 58 seconds sew Bowman- ed. They scored twn quick ville using six men up front goals witbin 30 seconds while after puliing their goalie, but Hooper was serving tirne, with they couîd not manage the Bun Flesch getting the first eoualizer. an a pass tram Mulholland. The Pia'ying.coacb Ernie Dickens, second was scared by Len Col- Who piayed an ont standing l Iey, who parked rigbt in front geme for the Barons, put the af the Bowmianviile cage and hOMe forces aheed eerly in the cashcd e nice pass frorn the game when he scored on a long side af the rink by Jeckiin. shot tramn the blueline et 1.02 Ken Medhurst alsa was credit- that neyer iett the ice. He du- I d with an assist. piiceted this fcat et 11.37 on!Bawrnanville*s first line of anather low shat tram abaut 12 Frank Hooper, Bill Berwick and feet ont ta put the locais in Ron Burgess began ta click in :front 2-0. ernest in the third trame ta Cobourg Cornes Back 1a ccount far two goals. Frank The lead did nat stand up too 'Hooperbenged in a siap shot - -~ Ini the glowlnt spirit cf Chrlisimas w. take Pleasure of extending holiday greet. ings to our old and new frienda. COWLING s DRUG-STORE BURKETON W.A. was held at the home .o Mrs. Ken Roblin. Election o officers for 1955 took placi with a good attendance. Recent visitoË.ý at home c IMrs. Ken Roblin were Mr. on( Mrs. H. Thompson, Mr. enç Mrs. H. Lowery, Mr. and Mrs 0. Kotchapaw, Picton., Visitor with Mrs. E. Caughý il was Mrs. E. Strutt, Ennis killen. Mr. and Mrs. George Tomp. kins and Georgie, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Tompklns. Mr. Jack Galley, Orillia, and Miss Barbara Angus, Oshawa, with the Hoskin Bras. This correspondent extends ta the readers and staff of The Statesman best wishes for a Merry Christmnas and A Happy New Year. the pre rred gi'tfor 0 0 and wbere you live. Aufhozd bottier of Cocci-Cole under LOgifrUf wth Coco.Cojql lfd I-ambly's Beverages (Oshawa) Limited 15KING ST. WEST "C. - .8a 'oisIfond hud*.-um OSHAWA, ONT. 4.» > -36ç "ER CARTOèt fade&" à..m Je from about 15 feet out et 2.24 after taking a posu front Ber. wick. At 13.38 the oame combina- tion was responsible for the nicest goal af the evening, with Ber*ick being the trig- german this time. Hoop carried in and laid a lovely peusa on' Berwick's stick directly In front of the Cobourg goal. Berwick in the side cf the net behind Clarke Somerville ta complete a beautitul acorlng play. With the count tied, 4r4 the Cornets were forced ta go all out, and Normi Dowdell gave them their winning goal at 15.25. He took a shot paso from McKeen in close ta bang home the winning goal . Vince Dowle also had an assist. - Ice Chipe Denny Pallister and George "Gunfighter" Heath shared the goaling chores fur the Barons, wîth Paflîster working the first inning and Heath finishing... The Gunfighter was called on for some nice saves in the iast two trames . . . Bowmanville was short bath Buck Cowle, and Lloyd Hamilton. Bob Sher- idan centred Lyle and Don Mas- ters in Cowle's place, while Dan Girardi and Irv Brooks filled in for Hamilton . . . Joe Mcloskey worked on let, de- fence with Jack Marshall in place of Larry Chant . .. Mar- shall turned in another nie game, as did Terry Masters.. The first line ai Hooper, Ber- wvick and Burgess was going good ail evening ... The crowd was small at less than 500. Cobourg-Goal, Sommerville; defence, Flesch, Hanna, Don- levy, McKeen; forwards, Casey, Wilcox. Doug Fisher, Jacklin, Mulholland, Dowle, Medhurst, Colley, Irvine, DoWdell. Bowmanville - Goal, Pallis- ter, Heath; defence, Dickens, Terry Masters, Marshall, Mc- Closkey; forwards, Hoaper, Berwick, Burgess, Brabin, Gi- rardi, Brooks, Yourth, Sheri- dan, Lyle, Don Masters. Officials-Herbie Payne, re- feree, Russ Halîman, linesman. rhompson f ired one apiece. WINTER CARNIVAL SCHEDULED- Quebec City is busy laying plans for a winter carnival which wîll produce scenes such as the above, featuring skating, skiing, tobog- ganing and similar winter sports. The carnival, which. opens officially, on January 6, or "Little Christmas", will run for six weeks, ending with a "Mardi Gras" celebration. Many of the color-laden winter sports events scheduled for the carnival will take place on the ski his of Lac Beauport (upper lef t) and in the shadow of the famed Chateau Frontenac Hotel (Iower right). Ross McKnight's Team Wins First Schedule Major League Playoffs- >j Ross McKnight's team p 1e together scores of 1171-1062 anc 1230 for a total af 3463 ta nosi out Dr. Rundle's teern score c 3436 and 'take home -ail thE dmoney for the first schedul( playoffs. The big gun on McKnight'e team was Ken "Lucky" Luxtai who came through with scorec Of 301-260-271 for 832. - Congratulations are:in ordez for the winning teamn made up cfO Captain Ross McKnight, Ken Luxton, Murray Larmer, Norm d O'Rourke, Bob Stocker anc Clinton* Anderson. 'Ted Miller was out af action due toa sstreined beck... We hope Ted ewiil be around for the second isçhedule. SaMe good scores were bowl. ed in the second haIt with Butch Milne having a triple of 825, Ed Rundle 785 and Murray Larmner 708.BueM ebaa singe gmeof 300. ALLEY CHATTER The final standing of the teams is listed belaw along with the averages of the second haîf. The second schedule wilI start an Wednesdey, January 5th. Congratulations ta two ot aurý major leegue bowiers for being elected ta Bowmanviile Coun- cil for 1955, Jackç Brough and Glen Lander. In the officiaI mIle book is- sued by the Ontario Bowling Association we noticed same- thing of interest ta bowling, fans of Bowmanville which we wauld like ta bring ta their attention. The game of 5 pin bowling was originated in 1909 by Mr. Thomas J. Ryan of To- ronta and the first league )vas formed in 1910 and it was not until 1918 thet the first score af 400 or better was recorded and it was made by a Bawrrnan- ville boy. the famous, long dis- tance ru nn er Mr. Alfred Shrubb. The tirst perfect gemne was bowled in 1921 by Bill Brom- field. On behaît of the bowling ex- ecutive of thé Men's9 Major league we wish ail bowlers a STUART B. Insurance Office MA 3-5681 King Street E. ut very Merry Christmnas and a id better average for the New se Year. of Final Standing le le Major Bowling League Playoffs Teern Pins ;s McKnlght . - -3463 )n Rundle----- .3436 s. Bates------ -- - --3334 Slernor- 3331 rTaylor -- ---- -- . 3327 ýp Begneli---- --- ----- ---- ---3290 fl rock------ ------ -- -3257 nMine-------------3235 dFair------ - .3200 -- Little-3151 aOsborne ---- -------------..399 dCancilla . ..~- -2977 d Nane Ave. K. - Luxton --- -- --------- 277 B3. Mine ----------------- ..275 E. Rundie --- ----- 262 M. Larmer --- ------------ - 236 A. Osborne 231 W. Creig --- -------- -»----230 R. Richards - ------- --224 N. Henning ------------ 224 R. Oke -----223 J. Pair ---- -----2 16 R. Maynerd -----215 1 C. Anderson ------ --- ----212 R. McKnight ------ -------206 D. Wright------ ---206 M. Harrison ---- 205 W. DeGeer ~203 G. Stephens------------------- 202 1 B. PalleY ----- ----------- 201 B. Kent ------ 200 B. Oke --------00 J. Gev ---- - -------198 N. O'Rourke 197 F. Blunt ---- - --------195 'T. Bagnell----i ---------------- - 194 B. M oses ---- ---------194 B. M utton ----- ---------- 191 C. O ke -- ------------------189 D. Pettieid -- ------- 187 J. Stainton - -------------187 J. Coole ---------------------187 E. Brock ------ -186 B. Westlake ---------186 J. Brough 1831 B. Stocker ----1831 J. Lander 182 M. Tighe --- 180 .1. C ale i ------------------ - 76 , F. Sem is ------------------ 1691' H. C. Osborne --1641 D. McKnight --------------163 Volunteer women workers of the Canadien Red Cross made almost three million surgicali dressings in 1953. j More than 457,000 articles of clothing and hospital supplies Ili 1zlia uy in-~ - teer wurnen workers -of the Canadian Red Cross. Volunteer workers of the We are grateful to ail our old friends - and our j anadian Red Cross Women's ï Work Committee used over six Wfaynwoe-Whhve eped nake193abs * tons of yarn ta knit sweaters eVn nwoes-wb ae l k15 abs and socks for ernergency relief 1.and satisfying year for us, and we look forward to a i1953. ontinuance of those pleasant associations in 1955. YOUR EYES and I~f !. 1S1O~Y ~Meanwhile, frorniail of us, our sincere good Re-written wishes for the happiest of Christmnases and for a previocu New Year of health and prosperity. 9 C. B. Tuck. Optonietrist Disney Bldg. 31 King E.,nerl yours, f Opp. P.O." W OSHAWA *phone 3-6143 Ail the above mentioned are! MARR'S JEWELLERY important factors having a bear-. e AMSMR ing uipon the accuracy of th,>PrJM SM R strength and are ail the more certain where methods of pre- and JANE~ cision follow every &ct. Even, ISADEYRCAD JAMES ~~~~~every detail in the work con-!MSAURYICRD tributes to the accuracy of the Reai Estate finished product. Perhaps you have noticed how Regldence 1clear is an aptical lense as com_ MA 3-54931 pared ta ordinary .,lass The , Ig Bowmianvilie: glass used for optieid purpose.ý mnust be quite clear and of an even colour. .~(Copyrightedj. LESKÀRD Tt is with deep regret that we hear of the death of Mrs. Lulu Hawkes. She will be sadly miss- ed in Leskard cornmunity. Sympathy is extended ta ber husband and daughter, Julia. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Devey visited with Mrs. Mary Spry. She is now confined ta her bed. Mrs. Spry rernains cheer- fl and we wish her a apeedy recovery. We are sorry ta hear that Mr. Moore is not toa well. We also wish him a speedy recav- ery. Mr. and Mrs. Art Rabbins, Mr. and Mrs. E. Syer, Mr. and Mrs. J. Syer, Mr. and Mrs, E. Green with Mr. F. Robbins, Mr. N. Rabbins and Mrs. N. Brad- shaw, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. D. Marshal, Éowmanvllle, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Green. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. James Buckley on the birth of a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prust ýand Llyn and- Mr. -and -Mr. Sirnms, Toronto, were recent viaitora with Mr, and Mrs. L. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hamilton recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Fisher and family, Guelph, and Mrs. William Gawan, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. E. Green, Alex, Burt and Brenda, spent Satur- day in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Rabbins ,and Gail, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Rabbins. We are sorry ta hear that Mr&. McDonald senior is ill. We wish her a speedy recovery. A hundred years ago many Canadien city dwellers bought their dxinking water from pedd- lersat a cent a pail. Since 1939 the number of Canadiens directly employed in the mnanufacturing industries has Increased tram 658,114 to about Sonto loins us ln wishing you the. jofllast Chrstmas you've ever knowgi, with lots of Osborne's Sports & Cycle andJ Osborne's Fuel Company, Dear Customers t Two day. more and Christmas wiIl be upon us. The rush will be over and we will ail have a few moments in which to refleet upon the year that is past and upon the opportunities in the year to corne, that lie ahead. 1- -.---- --~ru~ duluit 2c > St . Joseph**s Church Euchre and Draw Announce Winners The euchre and turkey draw et Union Hall, Dec. 30, under auspices of St. Joseph's Church was a real success. Euchre winners were: Mrs. Geo. Young, Walter Cochrane, Joseph Green and Mrs. Taylor. Following were turkey win- ners: C. Greenham, C. Burton, Mrs. S. O. Martin, Della Quin- ton, Marjorie Watts, &. McLean. Those who wan a chicken were: Mrs. W. Connelly, R. Lockhart, Doris Holroyd, Mrs. Paul Butka, Frank Westlake, Maureen Regan, F. Preston, Mrs. Frank Britton, K. A. Con- way, Jack Hudson, Jas. Cooper, FOR SALE VACANT LAND on KING STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Clos ing date for receipt of offers- January 28, 1955 For details including Conditions of Sale, apply to Mr. L. W. Burton, Chief, Toronto Office, Crown Assets Disposai Corporation, 3rd Floor, 35 York Street, Toronto, Ontario. 1288 it;d opuip oqiLUALIeàqkv ---. . .- - - - - --- r qo

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