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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Dec 1954, p. 17

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'XU!DAY DE. 2Srd, 1954 TEE CAKADfM( STATECSMAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTAMU PAGE SEVENTEEN pots, for =ntac by Elizabeth iAustin's. Wark was continued cated Authoress Gives Barett Brin against child Good Wishes, Congratulations on thecurrent pjctand on labor in England in her poem, teBbesuy usRyAs "Cry ofthe Chilren," by Hood t in and Rannie Dinner attend- an da lbG u p in bis "Sang of the Shirt", Ka- E xc hanged at Final Meetingo 0F hir mortin ope.e rop ani2dian Club Group gawa ini "Sangs framn the i otHp.l Slums". Te werge ulmuch T L"" ..-ILi Parnell of the RCAF more vivid and powerfu than Daruingto Tow~nshiIp C u cl W.D., at Chatham, N.B., is home me dd es o P et xany more words of prose Dtnfor a month's leave.t ine ddrss o Poery culdbe, an loreached many lands, since the appeai Darlington Township Cotin- authotity ta pay road accounts Owls are very plentiful in1 In the midat of the rush lowed, they kept re-reading of poetry is universal. cil met December 15, ini the due ini 1954 an December 31, the district and one big fellow ich preciedes Christmas an these books, since no others Miss Chapmai alma spoke of Township Hall with ail mem- 1954. Carried. crash lsnded in Harold Barrow- sPnt inth Mpria tioh ereaabe hyso i the value of poetry in bring- bers present and Reeve Roy Moved by Councillors Vice clough's henhouse the other Pma inth ppýcitio wee vaiabl. Teysoo tieding cIsrity ta literature. Cer- Nichais presiding. and Stevens that Tenders be night. The disturbance brought Pogetry Wa.s dubl enjoyable of the novels snd found them- tain poems bring history alive Letter from Mr. Heal com- cailedi for a Maintainer with a discover_ and extinction for Mtenbers of the Women's selves reading poetry, return- in a wonderful way. III wish iplainlng of the condition of minimum of 100 h.p., 12 ply the fellow who must havet adian Club. Miss Chapmsn, ing ta it again and again. They 1 could have had poetry ta in- ditch on roadside next bis pro- 13.00 ;x 24 tires ahl round, snd thought he had arrived in thet r oV f two books and sev- read it aioud and discussed it. terest me when I was studying perty ws referred ta Rosd wlth ;snaw plow and wing at- land cf plenty. When Haroldt es for some years A neighbor dropped in, becarne British history ini school," said Suo.210tpstorz tschments. &arried. Viewent eut lie was busy eating aeditor oth amrsinterested, sud joined i.Ee Miss Chapman. AieDuer BylwN.21 aatoie Moved by Councillors Vieoehen and three or four mare u e, snd now with the tually a whoie group was form- Miller's "White Ciiffs" gives a a Bank loan wss passed. and Stevens that G. B. Rick- were dead, evidently from tg en'& Inhtitute Branch cf ed. They Olten quated from wanderful picture cf an Am- By-lsw No. 2011 ta restrict ard bp ssked ta sccept the- ap- trampling. The bird which si e DePartment of Agriculture, their aid schooi readers, ane gerican's appreciation cf the loadiug of trucks ta eue haif pointment ta Durham District had a four feet wing span hsd ii Rtc, was the speaker at carrying au wbere another for- British people. 'II thfr>k it their regular capacity on cer- High School Board. Carried. dived right through a large IV e Wmen'u Canadian Club gat. should be included in ail Social tain Township Roads was pass- On' motion of Councilaors pane of glass. s( eetln t onsPrs isCamnsok fteSuisi eol"Ms hp ed. Stevens sud Vice the general Christmas Concert ry .L>ein S. JonsPrsh Ms hpmnsoeo bee Suisin. ol, is h Moved by Cauncillors Werry accounts be paid. ti music ta beound in poetry anand Vice that Bowmanville On motion of Deputy Reeve Whe Chersmasc c eajo y cn f Chapman's pleasing per- sud gave several Illustrations Maiesty of Bible MeoilHsia b rne ikr sdCudlrVc nit~ anm e r auiy taq ocf lyric poetry sud the martial The speaker also pointed out $2,000 wss csrried. .the road accounts be paid. yeo waud gik ta setat rual m eory aan passages beat cf sorne cf Kipling's. Pic- the humor which is found in Salaries of members of Coun- Since it wss the last meeting persol ghita onete A t rura PErwiltkyhÇhich ta illus- tures in poetry were graphic- some poetry, sud the majesty cil wvere crdered paid. of the year, Deputy-Reeve BcolCrsms ocr. A ate éer remarks, captured slly illustrated by the poem cf the uoetry in the Bible in Moved by Counciliors Stev- Garnet Rickard, who wss de- no other tixue doges such happi- r~dene t nce "f ou"Dethcfa arm b Mlcimthe Psafms sd Songs cf Sala- es snd Werry that calls for feated by eeve Roy W. Nich- nea hirne faom the fesr of na gmusic, pictures or staries, Cowley, and Thomas Hardy's mon, In keepiug w th Christ- suowplaugh-ing on Sundsy and cils for the position of Reeve wsno xep are pretty sure ta like poe- "In Time of the Breaking of mas she quated the simple but after office hours in case cf a durin 195 congratulated Mr. tic aï ngteoen wano ee- r said Miss Chapman. Nations." As for the number of impressive poem af Nina Moore pesngtgti otro Ncoso i itr u orn. amiv en Ropnn e ne "In a group of yaur own age, paerns which tell a story, their Jarnieson. "The Cattle ini the wishing a doctor at the borne wished success ta he sud the ta the laît gocd-night by the ve you ever got quoting poe- number is endless, Miss Chap- Stall", aud other poems ou the may be called ta the Road other councii members in thejuirpentdbth va-l from your aid school read- man contiuued, sud quoteci birth of Christ. Supt. or auy member of the coming year. .uios, pubrsent the ar-ofs s?" Miss Chaprnan asked. one poignant one, "Farmer'. "Reading for enjoyrneut alous Council. This ta appear as an Mr. Nichais thanked Mr. unmbrwihteescfS cm the ripple which weut Bride", by way cf illustration. can becorne a dissipation, bow- advertisemeut in The States- Rickard for bis ca-aperation trainet hperf es sudt s ra- nP er her audience, one could For The Mmnd ever," Miss Chapmau warned. man. Carried. Iduring 1954 sud cougratulated diant hppuess the atcloedP Il the .answer was iu the "If . atyursu n Some people wvba read one no- Mcved by Deputy Reeve Ithe council members who bad rh thrh The uackn Iryative. The speaker weut su ftr ather witb little Rickard sud Cauncillor Vice been re-elected by acclamation Austin remarked cn the irn- ttel cf a farniiy in Saskat- spired sud your senses awak- thougbt, are in danger cf be- that Reeve and Clerk be gvnfr1955.patnecthsnuacoer ewan who after years of edra oty" Miss Chap- comiug "chain readers". Read-potnef hsaulcner ought, maved north in the mari advised. "Poetry should in . udntb eeya in a child's life, and from bis OvInce. They took aIl their awakeu aur minds as weîî as escpeg should atimrei and ýsago itrofcnitions SpoSrie wn experience felt its absence c mmdin, nldn terOý eloms thes anhoctiv" awaken us. We should apl in s country with a low standard wouid leave a big gap in any ir kis snd piano. Shed wet one t se shc th the feeling that goes into art Of living sud tche uuderpriv- HeI a t ~ 'child's education and most of ,! Returnint To Peetry crSde fto socia efor hc and poetry ta aur way of liv. ileged countries which take in HeldU a St uls us agree. Id lu he oney hfe hic fo- a ee frcia reo by c vaiau ng, rnaking it more worth a large part of Asia, Africa,. There were recitations by re In he only if whch ol ha ben arredon y ariuswhile. Iu paetry sud gaod lit- South America, but we were Christmas services were helà Bil Barrowclough, Barbara In erature we can fiud the kind more cancerued with the quarter in St. Paui's Uuited Church onl finuer sud Carol Thorudyke, lui of refresbmeut for Our souls of worid's population that lives Sunday morning sud eveniug. piano salas by Gloria Nichais,w To O r C so eswhich Jesus Christ fouud iu bis in south-east Asia. Iu the mrning the Christmnas Donna Oughtred, sud Bannie RE To O r C stimer an7 i e7 7 1 solitarv comrnuniug in the wil- Chairman Richard Van Camp message was delivered by the Austin, vocal solo by Marie Isi deruess. He then returned ta srranged two groups for dis- minister, Rev. Harold Turner, Austin sud a rases' drill by six G bis work and mission in life, cussion sud an bour hater calied who urged Christians ta lead girls. JO Best Wishes £iuspired sud refreshed. In this them together ta report. the way iu the celebrations a!, The tableau af Christmas was ar regard, Miss Cbaprnan quated' The groups agreed that we "Christmas in Particular,". very well doue with Glen er by Wilson Macdonald. She con- ing them in sucb a way as ta Iu Generai" is joined in by Ford as Mary, Carol Thoru-1 ciuded bier taik an this inspir- heip raise their standard of liv- those o! many other faiths than dyke, the Christmnas angel sudi at liiMerr'y Christmas ignote. ing by education or by techuical Christian, hie said, sud by kneeiing shepherds were Her- 1'Miss Chaprn was. iutroduc- assistance. It could also be doue those who have no particular hie Malloy, Sharon Thorudyke, Mi a JI /f vad a ed by M rs. M . E. Leask sd by radio sd by helping the r ta beliefs at a il. It as become a Paul Austin. Three wise men - n'o tanked n behaf f the club be more capable of helpig time f good-will, friedliness dressed iu the flowig robes af tii ap ySucesfl by Mrs. 1. Munday. themseives they appreciate it sud gift-giving when for a time the East sang as they presented t Chrstms Tememore than gifts. Wben countries the best in human nature i5 ahi uu tergfst th Tu eeiu wthth Crit-are of ec4ual streugth they are brought out in most people. king. Older pupils ini the back" ne, mas seasne hmeing w at heCrst mare apt ta be agreeshle sud This is good, but flot gaod grouud sang accornpauying ca- N w ea aeedatth sgesio c tedeal on s more equal basis sud enough, Mr. Turner said. rois. presideut, Mrs. O. W. Rolph, by Tenx meined. b hl Christ is thshowe n theat Two dialogues brought plen- tre 1,nging cil "Suent Night", J i t Mr nxt s me tn or Van beg ofteldtva Christi h eteadma- ty cf humour ta the pragram. op, place of the usual "O Canada", amr. saud rs. Stafor Van5 eiug fc thefetvlc chr s "Wanted a Housekeeper" show- I'Ç flIT MssHeenMori pesided ~ ani'Jnay1,15.Seilmscb h hi ed ail the waes cf bachelors tihelno Forrthesoca ha! The recreation committee took unider the direction a! Mrs. C. Bill Barrowclougb sud Freddie ------ heur precediug the meeting, Moun tjov. Norman led usistentrgidwt an a sthe tes table was festive with vri teasnc fMs H. leade, dtorganist' a u- choirgan with appli- Chrstms cntr picemintesofstunts adfun. The tiful selections added ta tbe in- nin, sd tashin d is o he I Christmas ~~hostess served lunch whicb wss spiration of the service. Thewic hdtaedocnth Christmnas cake sud tes were enjoyed by ahi, chair sang, "And There Were week it didn't ramn, sud their served. Mrs. CA.Wight, first ___________________t, i wcrse discomfiture ihap- vice-president, assisted Mrs. Sheph hes bys Weea s i cant bausekeepers. Pearl Aus- TV , he est gif Roph i wecomng embrs Mre han300000Candi whic thney saist ere .A Mrc- tin as the mother with tbe "'dar- *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a TtI, th e t i olp nornin meb woen thav n 0,O0Oa din GrlrM~ u r ~i c ing" cbild, played by Paul, Greor ats theet doar. corne yinRo IRed Cross *Home Nursing tributed the loveiy solo, "Star whon Paruld aoo c tbae sudy à a it! (Before AND After Christmas) rÂIM Classes. o! Bethlehem" by Stephen fry pak ut ask cabove ash- ~tAdams. iug dîshes, Donna Oughtred, Y ~'.iEec 9 5Ofiesâh.eein a h Marie Austin sud Bannie Aus- evrbd -ng Decembfer CG..T we tin campleted the cast. In £~h irl ervi er the ClGadeTrshbp "Heck Says It" Rau Dinuer, You please evrbd i eem e Meeting th il ne h edrbpthe frustrated suitor, wbo could M twhen you give ÉIo! Miss Rutb Bragg sud Mrshv ug'lN erGtM - St. TalsWMS e tteHeyldTrr were sse in chage gie Alone" finally popped the * TV!j S.PusWM..mtate THral Trer wsere in hpc avesn eyrGtMg ~~ home of Mrs. H. G. Shaw, Dec.mscb h hitelde question before the whole fam- . ..2lst. The meeting opeued witb ipsing "bri Ah chr, ean-e Jl' whicb consisted of most of the Christmas caudie-ligbt serv- o ette, sabellA Miss JeanM- teschool. ice. Mrs. K. Werry cpeued the o 0 Â Gegor, sangla" a s at sMc- Two very happy Christmas Mers.c witb the poemn "Candies". tion, "Jesus Our Brother" songs were sung by the jun- Cana. H TunrrpeetdThe story o! St. Francis o! iors holding up figures cf Ru- India, sud Mrs. H. Ferguson, Assisi wss told by Rev. Harold dolpb sud Frasty the suowman. Ç 3~The h sevicCwastaka.> Turner foliowing the Cahl ta Without s slip sud cleariy sa TewarsipWoip pevc give by is Mri everyone could hear, Wauda b M s p .A .ç on th a r Gorsia S mithe n a Purd dis Mh roaronie, vo by different members. The grou Fergusn. Cadle ligters were sd Gwennie Ford, Linda n leadrs pok onthewor ofGlora Sith Laa PrdyandParnell, Barbara Dinner, Her- misionries:MssE Orchardpr bie Malloy, Gle lre n Educatianal; Mrs. Otto Bragg, wa edb abr rhmPu Austin sag Evangelistic; Mrs. C. Lunney, sud Camile Smith sud Carnile Psu oo itauinofalag Medicai.:virs. Ross Stevens gave ES lorathpem"TeCrstsiued glass window wss sus- Famous Make 21" table eitrsngitems ou India, penter o! Gaiilee"?. mbdeh. Precision-made Sudteneomnuss r.C The girls taking part in the pended from tbe ceiling sud foat unmatched perfarm- .~IDJU cradie scene were Connie Nid- ligbts dimmed for the singing ae.Trfivau!Lunuey gave a report on the of~ww. mncfof the Iovd Chit arc.Trifcvle United Nations. W*ISUUI. dery as the angel; Dianne Cou- ma y ao ey ove clris- Mrs. Harold Ferguson thanked aghan as Joseph, Linda Purdyma crosb teciden ~ Complet@ h ebr o h hita as Mary. The offering was tak- was cne o! the rnuy tbiugs thte Roter enr thp byhrGistmasbrssu required for this prograrn, $39.5-00 Atenn RoEtorNNG message sud extended greetingsenu yCGITmmbradwhcsoe ttmc ok Atna OE VNNSta the Society. ouf pockage of Chrifmas wss received by Miss Ruth whnicb s e thatin uhwrk- and OneYear TI CHRISTAS Repat o! Ncniuatin Com-;uqs~ ~, ~Bragg. The order a! service fol- etititpraaio.T- anmiettr'I CRSTA eepor1 officers wa Cain- r*1A fOufi9g4 lowed by C.G.I.T. groups across man expressed apprecistion for Written Guarantee! mite forp. 195 appeecia«o Canad was se Mrs. Craig's work sud for the ed by Mrs. H. Turner sud read h_________ brpe nOMiden Cnd a sd elp of Mrs. Carroll Nichais - o BsnssAl bitmsWek -by Mrs. D. S. McGregor as fol- ofyw6c pfoye ho accornpanied ahi cf the Open fo uiesA hita eklows: Presideut-Mrs. Harold ~~~ <TITTv ubr ntepaosdgn There was a good crowd at the ýurch service on Sunday even- ng when the Christmas Cantata, ;A King is Given" was present- d. The choir furnished the nusicai part with the girls and oys of the Sunday School tak- y' ng the parts of the children, ise men, shepherds and angels. Lev. F. J. Reed took the part of saiah with Mr. and Mrs. Glen 'laspeli as Joseph and Mary. oyce Fisher was leader of the ngels. Mrs. Arnold Geissberg- rread the Christmas Story dur- ~ 'g the cantata. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geissberger tHerman Schmid's. Newcastle. Mrs. Russeli Stainton visited Irs. Keith Biiett, Bowmanville. .1l this year 22 were there at many of the 50ý Sundays rm one November end ta the ext. Pearl Austin was present 9Sundays, Valerie 48, and elen Austin and Donna Ough- ENFIELD The annual Christmas tree sud concert beld Friday nlght sud wss wehl atteuded in spite o! dissgreeabie weather. Mrs. E. Taylor's pupil, gave tbe first bal! o! the progrsma whicb consisted of recitations, dialogues sud charuses. The latter part o! the eutertainment was a Christmas pageant pre- sented, by the young peopbe's class sud directed by their teacher, Mrs. W. Bowman. San- ta arrived as- usual sud helped to distribute tie gifts. Rcv. R. M. Seymour climbed up sud suid down sarne icy buls to be witb us for aur Christms services Sunday, sud we ail en- aoyed bis Cbristmass message. Mr. Bram Van De Heuvel sang s solo sud Miss Mary Helen Bow- mlan accornpanied the pianist througbout the service witb ber .ccordion. Two added attrac- ions were the presentations n! white gifts by the adultesuad miite boxes by members of the Baby Baud. The cburcb was niceby decorated for tbe occa- ion with evergreens snd the [rge Bethlehem scene which made s beautiful background rr the pageant. A Very Happy Christmas ta fie workers on The Statesmnan baf! whase courtesy sud kiud- less make this job a! carres- ýodiug a pleasant oue. 1' 's w ~d 47. HAPPY ~ HOUIDAY,ý< aM c y..r Chdotu.s ho fic1l Of fo d.. mdfrllel 1- 0wlw--«-ig«F JL H. ABERNETHYi PAINT and WALLPAPERS1 TO ALL OUR FRIENDS GREETINGSI 0« b.gI whhu for' o hIhoy Wrn le cheo&-ff l fmy. offy go.d IMwgs - Macà « - hopphime,9"od ohw ed the w.dro.e loi anid .....of a MOLY' CHRISTM4AS. Staff and Management Durham County Sales Arena --- -- - - -- --- -- -- -- DANCE NEW YEAR'S EVE Newcastle Community Hall Fr1., December '31 GEORGE WADE AND HIS CORNHUSKERS RATS - STREAMERS - NOISEMAKERS Snack Bar in Basement ADMISSION -.-.-*-*-$2.00 per person am Farmers' Co-opera tive Phone 37-1 nagenient Sr members oe a rosperous a r istnias Holidays 3ecember 27th Mr. Ivar Gerry. Toronto, at Mrs. F. B. GlaspeUl's for the weekend. Mr. sud Mrs. R. C. Stainton attended a bowling banquet at Oshawa on Saturday night. Mrs. Jim Stainton atteuded the Christmas party o! ber knit- ting club at Mrs. Aun Northey's, D)sbawa, on Manday nigbt. Mr. sud Mrs. Anson Balson, Richmnond Hill, called at Russell Stainton's sud visited Mr. R. W. Bail and Dora. Mrs. R. C. Stainton was hast- ess at the Christmas party o! ber kznitting club on Mcnday even- ing. Mr. sud Mrs. Hans Geissberg- er entertained the choir at their bomne after the cantata on Sun- day eveuiug. Mr. sud Mrs. Russell Stainton visited at J. W. Balson's, Hamp- ton. A very Merry Christmausud a Happy sud Prosperous Nev$ Year ta the Editor sud Staff ai The Canadian Statesman. R Wýe>istèe.ed ta the broadcast, won by Mrs. Lorpe Calfe, Portî Urono thnEthel Wight took charge o! Ve opea 'odeo Hope, R. R. 2, sud Mrs. Ewart J (/a~ Ie the f:llowing prograrnmne sing- U + Robinson, Shiloh.attehm PP<Y ïIeo Y eaî- Sang a! carohe led by Douglas eatews«COnWednesday evening the The Directors, Mau ct f the secretary, Mrs. Ken Ash- by Mrs. Orville Osborne. soo O5 casmoeen a by, taranegupsd y and Staff sud encore by Orville Osborne, oe' arrang~. t e grouud ark foa155 monologue by Vers Alibi, solo&d adthRgon okfr15.l jiinwsn t sud encore by Grant Brooks, m..Rcreation Club held a Christ- alji nwsigc duetI .yBl rg n oga mas party at the home o! Mr. Jac Sys detbyBii Bag sd oulansd Mrs. Airan Clarke on adcsonr oly JckSy:Wight, solo by Bibi Bragg, a 20- tThursday evenlng witb theancutmr question contest, won by Aileen bappy crcwd o! young sud ohd Turner's group. eujaying au evening cf games. 4 C H LChristmas gifts were received Donations of jarn were brought Very er C 4 L C O H O L ~by everyone and adelcious . .o a hit a pr.ntto .n . a *ON YOURluc evdicuigCrs-fraCrsmspeetio BRE THMrForbes Heyland thanked Fr~ ida3y night was quite BREATHthe Barrie faiyfrter hos ih.o n suad rain MAY CAUSE ptit.of the vaung fry. sne o! whom Happ nd P went ta Port Hope ta sec San.- ORUY01 ET BLACKSTOCK FARM FORUM ta Claus sud bis parade, whiie INJURYDEATHthe Trail Rangers weut with Farm Forum had s very good thelr leader, Clarence Nîch- Y meeting at Mr. aud Mrs. Ernest Ne teteCrsta ocr "IF YOU DRIVE DGN'T DRUINK amr' on it odat on F DeWih Sa thae afhaistmad s or- tenane. oewthago t in Port Granby. frIt was rather bard for us ta get ta meution that the sir We will b. elosed for Chr follow the broadcast on account REALTOR 3C.G.I.T. girls met on Monday 1EDcme 5hadI 'Tou May End Up in ihe Chink" of the two speakers with foreign Newcastle Phone 334 clug th er Ece Bo. nDeft, 5h n -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - acn. Hawever th3341v-- -- -- - evenig' th M r E Brow speaerson he roacastga~*huI.hmaih~ma.a.uh.mb..,Jbefere the other meeting at Mr. 't f. FOR A ZION

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