t4ten "'Durham County's Gréat Fcimily Journal" 'VOLUME 100RDI XTM .T ci MIvrn mywrrn=tTOTA W .- MUV./I .L'1VAJ.JLiI UJ1AIU, LflU1RbUAI, UI!ilVtIii!a d, 195b4 10e FER COPY NUMBER 1 àq -1 Burketon Store Robbed By Two Armed Bandits Wearing Black Hoods Two gunmen who obtained first saw them, as Lott bad just $139 in a holdup at- Arthur been in the store," Mr. Ribey Ribey's general store and posI said. office in Burketon at 5:30 p.m. .1 was annoyed because we Monday missed a bigger haul Of were ver busy", the storekeeper $900 in currency by flot knowing stated. 'IY said: 'Are you fellows about, and failing to see, an open kidding' and told them to get safe in the post office section at out. The taller fellow, who did the rear of the store, aIl the talking said, 'You get This leads officers of the Bow- out' and then asked, 'where's nianville Detacbment of the On the money'." Mrs. Ribey had tario Provincial Police who are walked out of the living quart- investigating the armed robbery ers, Mr. Ribey said, and she told te conclude that they had no them the money was in the cash knowledge of the layout of the register. The taîl bandit said, store prior to entering it to hold "Go and get it Smitty". He then it up. This belief is further berded them ail into the store strengthened by the fact that proper without noticing the they did flot know where the open safe wbich was concealed cash register was located in the by the open door leading into the @tore. post office. The two bandits, one of whomn Mr. Ribey stated that the was about 6 feet 2 inches in shorter bandit did flot know bow height and slim and the other to operate the cash register in about 5 feet 10 inches and the store and the taîl gunman atockier, entered the store wear- told Mrs. Ribey to get the money Ing black silk boods with sîits from it and give it to them. cut for their eyes and mouths They obtained $120 from the during a luil in business at tili. The leader then ordered b0:30 pm Mr. Ribey, Mr. Lott and a third customer, William Stephenson, Force Customer Inside to give him the money from Dick Lott of Burketon was their wallets, keeping them cov- .just leaving the store when they ered with what seemed to be an égntered, and they forced him automatic pistol aIl the time, ~lck into the building at gun- They took $15 from Mr. RibeY ý>nt They marcbed him to the and $5 from Mr. Lott, but Mr. Post office section at the rear Stephenson told them he had of the store where Mr. Ribey not been paid and had, no aj his clerk, Mrs. T. G. Breck, floiiey. e sorting Christmas mail. 441 They then made Mr. Ribey, 'ught t. a a Joke when I (Contnud b,,,a oi-A Young Barons Night on Wed. To Meet Orono The Bowmanville Barons will flot be playing on home ice this week due to Christmas activi- ties but they will be meeting the Orono Orphans here next Wednesday, December 29 at 8.30 p.m. in what should be a fast-and possibly a rugged- game. The 29th wil be "Young Ba- rons Night" and all children under 12 accompanied by a parent will be admitted free of charge. In addition te the Ba- rons-Orphans clash there will be a Pee Wee game between the Hawks and the Red Wings at 7.45 p.m. The practice of holding a Minor hockey game before the regular Intermedi- ate "A" game was begun last Saturday and proved se suc- cessful that it is being continu- ed. Ail local hockey fans, and es- pecially the parents, are invi- ted to attend next Wednesday 's Staff Children Entertained at B. T. S. Tuesday The children of staff mem- bers o Ithe Bowmanville Train- ing School were entertained *royally on Tuesday night at the Christmas party beld by the Civil Service Association in the auditorium of the Boys Train- ing School here. A very beautiful Christmas tree set in a model village hadl been arranged by Arts and Crafts Instructor Tom McHugh and this was the focal point cf the party and the distribution of presents by Santa Claus which followed. Each of the 75 children present received a. very attractive present, a cup cf ice cream and a bottie cf soft drink in addition te apples, or- anges and candy. Two cf the youngsters; Peter Werry, son of Ken Werry, and Glen Rabb, son cf William "Mac" Rabb, sang a duet which was much enjoyed. Three me-! vies for children, including one on the Christmas stery, were shown. A sing song cf Christmas carols was led by Superintendent J. J. Brown, assisted by Matt Harrison. Mr. Brown aise conducted a drawv for turkeys which were won by John Smith and John Nimi- gon. Arrangements were made by. John Graham and Ken Grum- mett, and Fred Yates made a jovial and hearty Santa Claus, The town's petty thieves do net even change their ways during the Christmas season it would seem. Several bouse- holders who have beautified their grounds by placing elec- tric ligbts on evergreens in front cf their homes report that light bulbs bave been stolen from these displays. Such cheap sneak thieves do net even rate the title cf "meanest thief" which is us- ually applied in pcases cf thefts cf this kind. Dog's Barking Averts Tragedy For Geo. Butler - ~ on Page sev eVtfl> The continueus barking cf "Topper", a hound dog owned M~K igh A~ôinHeas y the Lake family oae shere Road attracted a group cf MeKi;*ht A He ds oys playing hockey and was .qainresponsible for saving the 111e cf GereButler, Newcastle, about fur o'clock an Sunday after- Legion s ".55 resident no A lbert fia vin First Vice tothe lakefrent and sen h boys playing hockey seme 300 President Ross McKnight was dent te succeed Comrade Jack Yards upstreamn decided the ice re-elected b clm t e oKigt n Comrade Jim should be sale for him te cross the top bfaccla heBman- ithtdefeand fu te a-tethe family cottage. Wben 'il rnoffiec h omn it eetdfutheher can-Po tio nearing the west side cf the vile Banh c th Cnadandidates te capture the psitin Channel he struck some thin ice Legion at the election of 19555 of 2nd Vice-president. wîhgv aalwn l Comrade Lloyd Preston won te drop shoulder deep inte the a three-way centest for the water below. Clutcbing te a position- cf Sergeant-at-Arms, piece cf the broken pier be was and Rev. John Kitchen, Orono, able te bold himself upright was re-elected Padre cf the until help came. *Branch by acclamation. The dog attracted by the cries The 61 Legion members for belp and the threshing cf the present elected the following water started barking and kept s-,s' ight members te the execu- it up until the Lake boys came tive from a field of 18 candi- te investigate. Soon all the boys dates: Comrades Frank Burns, were on band and helped the Ernie Perfect, Bill Bates, Ed unfortunate man eut of the Rundie, Pete Bathgate, Bill water and te Bill Lake's truck Mitchell, Orono; Bob Finnigan and started up tewn. About haîf and George Meadows, Newcas- way between the scene of the tle. near tragedy and the Butler The Secretary and Treasurer home a flat tire on the truck will be appcinted by the new forced the boys te caîl a taxi te executive at their first meeting cornplete the trip. in 1955. Comrades Ron Abbot On arriving at bis home, Mr. and Jack Rice held these pos- Butier was given a stiff rub- itions during the past year. down by Messrs. Art Randal Ross MeKnight Comrade Joe O'Neil acted as and Percy Hare and made cern- returning officer for the bal-1Ifortablen bed. At latest reports offîcers beld at the Legion Hall lotihg and Comrades Frank Mr. Butler seems te be suffer- Sunday afternoon. 1 Samis, Elgie Harnden, Deug ini. ne iii effects from bis bar- Comrade Albert "Ab" Maviii Johnson and Bill Mairs were'rowing experience in the icy was elected as lst Vice- presi- scrutineers. waters. Over- 400 at Goodyear Christmas Party mwp In tune with the timnes, we want te wish you al a merry and magical Holiday Seasen in a good old-fashioned way. May yeur. hearth crackle and may these dearest te you be close at hand! lTlèrry tC/irisz5mas frcm the Staff and Correspondents Post Office and Banks Alter Business Hours Christmas Weekend Wbile Monday, December 27 from '10 a.m. to 3 p.m. but wilJ will be observed in Bawmanville not re-open between 4:30 p.m. as Boxing Day and bas been de- and 6 p.m. as has been the pract- clared a civic holiday, the Post ice for several months. Both Office will be open during reg- banks will also be closed on ular hours, since the day bas Boxing Day. They will revert not been made a holiday by the to their former Friday heurs Federal Government. The Post after the holiday season. Office will be closed, however, The Royal Theatre will be ail Christmas Day. open both Christmas Eve and The local branches of the Christmas. night and there will Bank of Montreal and the be a special midnight show on Canadian Bank of Commerce Sunday, December 26. The will change their bours slightly Memorial Arena will be open for on the Fridays immedîately pre- public skating on Christmas Day ceding Christmas and Ne between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. and Year's Day. They will be pen I between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. Memorial Park Assn. Holds Christmas Part y The Christmas meeting cf the Memonial Park Association was held on December 14, witb d good attendance. Mr. R. Bate conducted a short business ses- sion. Mrs. D. Park read the correspondence. We now have the 10-year leasé te the land, on wvhich the clubhouse is bult. It .vas decided te take eut lire nsurance on the contents cf the building, but we can net get insurance against theft. Mrs. E. Mitchell gave the treasurer's report, and Mrs. N. Wilson re- eotted fer the kitchen. Motion vas made that the preperty 'emmittee consisting of Mr. R. Bate and Mr. E. Bromeli look in the matter cf installing a 'entilator in the clubhouse. Annual Hospital Part y Voted the Best Ever This year's staff party at W. Cawker, president of the Memorial Hospital, Bowman- Ladies' Hospital Auxiliary, and ville, was voted the best ever. A Mr. Cawker; Mr. Ray Dilling, total of 76 members of the nurs- treasurer of the Board, and Mrs. ing, kitchen, laundry and maint- Dilling. Mr. Dilling also acted enance staffs were guests of the as Santa Claus. A gift te each Hospital Board at this annual member of the staff was given event, Thursday evening, wbich by the Ladies' Hospital Aux- took the form cf a delicious iliary. Members of the staff also turkey dinner. exchanged gifts, and gave to The dining-room of the hos- Miss Irene Shaw, superîntendent, pital was gaily decorated with a a steam iron and cup and saucer; Christmas tree and other festive and te Miss Frances Hincks, decorations. The attractive place assistant superintendent, a travel cardswere made by Mrs. Mabel alarm dlock. Brown, coojc, and Mrs. Jessie Farewell gifts to two members Prout, dietitian, was in charge of the nursing staff, Miss Helen of the dinner. The tree was Miller and Miss Kathleen Smith, donated by Mrs. Keitha Alldread. were aise presented bv their Among the guests were Mr. fellow nurses. Mâiss Miller and Joe O'Neill, chairman cf the Miss Smith are returning ta their Board, and Mm O'Neill; Mn. T. »iative Nova Sçotia. - -1 ci ti ti gi One 'Christmas event in 'Bowman ville which Santa Claus neyer misses is the annual Christmias party for the childi-en of Goodyear employees held by the Good- year Employees Recreation Club. Old St. Nick is shown above at the affair, which ,-was held in the recreation hall at the Go odyear plant on Saturday afterneen. With hlm are some of the 400 children who -e ceiveci presents, bags of candies and other goodies at the very aucceusful party. chbarge cf Ada Dadson and Mrs. A. Lyle was given, accerdion selections by Miss Susan Lux- ton and Master Lajrry Vesna. Bill Luxton sang two numbers and accompanied bimself on the guitar. Everyone then enjoyed singing Christmas carols with Thomas Park at the piano. A ]ively session cf games andi stunts followed with a number cf people winning prizes. Every- one received a Christmas gift and a delicieus lunch cf sand- wiches, ceokies and homemade candy was much enjeyed. Next meeting on January llth. Everybody welcome. Be- fore we left fer home Mr. AI Vail dropped. in and wished *1 I s Lions Club Announces: Fair Profits $6,623 At Christmas Meeting Santa Claus bas been find- to the familiar Christmas carolt ing time te make al is usual sung by the gathering, Lioý, rounds this ear and he appear- Joe Cooper sang "O Bol~ ed on scbedule at the Christ- Night" as a solo, and this w4,~ mas Party f the Bowmanville much enjoyed. Lions Club held at tbe Lions President Extends Greetng.; Community Centre Monday President Jim Marr extendm nigbt. In this instance, how- ed Christmas greetings to al ever, he received an assist frorn the members and expressed th*, Lion Stu James and four jolly hope that the coming year woul elves-Lions Ralph Mclntyre, be as happy and prosperou.s11 Jack Ross, Russ Oke and How- the past one for the Club ani ard Jeffery. the individual, members. He They lost ne time distribut- welcomed guest Don Foulds ing a large number cf mirth- an officer cf the Bowmanvilýl1 provoking presents. as each 0.P.P. detacbment, te the meet- Lion bad purchased a small gift ing. for one fellow-member. These Lion Gen Lander announe.l ranged from the ultra-practical ed that tickets are available gift received by Lion Lloy~i for the Lions-Rotary stag dia- Ayre, "one for every corner cf ner and elimination draw on the ý)arn", te the more aesthe- January 27, and Lion Jackr tic type received by Lion Fred Brough reminded members of Cole. In between were every- the Lions New Year's 'Eve thing from piggy banks te cig- Dance.7 arettes. Tailtwister Laurence God?, The Lions had previously dard conducted a draw for a enjoyed a very tasty turkey turkey which was won by Lioâ banquet complete with al the George White. Lin Stu James trimmings. Guest Glen Hodg- conducted the hockey draw for son provided the oiccompaýi- tickets for three games at Mt- ment for a sing song led by ple Leaf Gardens, resuts of Lion John Watson. In addition (Cotinued on page seven) Family of the Late J. S. McLean. Presented Hammond Organ The congregation of Kendal and heartfelt gratitude- thé United Church is the proud Kendal people receive -this possessor of a beautiful 2-man- lovely and useful gift from -thé ual-and pedal Hammond or- family of one who was held:iri gan, the gracious gift of the such a high and coveted place farnîly of the late J. S. McLean, in the life of the community.' a Kendal boy, wbo for many The time of the dedication et years was president of the Can the organ is being- considered. ada Packers Limited and h made good in the larger busi- the tentative date set, being ness world. That it cornes at Sunday. January 3th, at 2.30 this Christmas season gives to p.m. when it is expected the it the real Christian touchbhoth family concerned and other in. for the recipient, as well as terested friends will join wiitIh donor. the congregation in this sacredl Installed on Saturday last ceremony. Meanwhile many the organ was used for the ser- other items must be attende($ vice on Sunday morning, the to in order to make the occa1r organist, Mrs. Jas. Swarbrick, sion one of history in the life leading the congregation Inl and progress of the Church, as carol-hymns in ber usual effi,- well as to do honour te the one cient -way. to whose memory this organ ie It is with deep appreciation1 being presented. Retires After 25 Years "Ted" Southey Given Boost Edwin C. C. "Ted" Southey received a "boost" at the Christmas party cf the Bow- manville Lions Club Monday night from fellow Lion Fred Cole. Mr. Cole pointed eut that! Mr. Seuthey's famiiy bas strong reots in Bewmanville and Durham County as bis mother f was bhem bere and bis grand- mether came te tewn as a-- bride. Mr. Southey was hemn here himself and educated in .Tim Ccr,, le, Who is reiirho in the grewng staff- local schools and at Royal of the H. C. Dewnham Nursery Company branch here at Miiitary CoIlege, Kingston. the end of the year, was presented with an easy chair ii He was married in 1922 and appreciation of his 25 years of faithful service to the firrn the couple have a son, Jim, and at the annual Christmas party held in the Liens Corn. a daughter, Mary. Mr. outhy bs ben amunity Centre Saturday night. Mr. Coyle is shown enjoy.' member of the Bowmanvîlle ing the comfert of the gif t, while H. C. Downhamh Lions Club for five years and President of the H. C. Dewnham Nursery Cempany Ltd., acted as interlocutor on the Wiho made the presentation, is standing at the right. At first minstrel show staged b t he lef t is Elnier Banting, Manager of the Bowmanville the club.0 He bas been employed by1 branch of the H. C . Downham firm. Mr. Ceyle has worked General Moters Corporatioin , fer the Bownanville brancli of the company since is bega* Oshawa for many yeas __ operations ini 1929. Sneak Thieves Steal Lights From YuIe Trees