TEE CAKAD!AI( STATESMAN. EOWItM~VLLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, DEC. 23rd, 1954 5~ZŽCurrent and Con fidential Bly EMe Carrthers Lunoey CHRI97MAS - MAGIO IN M TE VERT WORD Christmnas again! In spite oi the campaign which begins. in *November ' ta remiànd us that Christmas is coming, how quickly it lorna up at the endi, the great day bemng here andi gone again before we can be- lieve it. But the trce will be up for another week, and the wcek between Christmnas and New Ycar's is when we can more quictiy cnjay its beauty as we sit about it with friends. But as we write, wc still have Christmas Day itseii ta look forward ta. Our trec went *Up yesterday and now stands decked in al l is ovely glitter- inag ornarnents and tinsel and spreading its fragrance al through the bouse. If there la a heart Sa hardened by the worid that it cannat respond to the sait magiecof. a-- âghted Christmnas tree, thcen we are in- deed sorry for that heart. Saine af aur ioveliest tradi- tions and much of the great mu- sic ai the warld are centred about the festival whlch, coin- memarates Christ's birth. The carols in their awn simple way are as beautiful as "The Mes- siah". And music is a universai language which speaks the saine message toalal peoples. Many of aur Christmnas cus- toms have been adopted froin other countries. For instance the Christmnas tree custam cornes froin Germany, and the iights on the tree are sup- posed ta be ai Jewish arigin, se. we rend recently. The Jews celebrated the feast af the dedil- cation ai thelr temple, and ac- cording ta Jewish legenci, gui- ficent oùl was found in the temple ta laat the seven branch- ed candlestlcks for eight days, the length of time it would take to p repare new ail. A.crdingly, the 3ews on the 25th day of Kisley (carres- panding aimant ta aur month af December) lit a candie in every house, the next day twa candies, and sa an until the last day oi the feast when eight candies shane li every home. How the candies camne ta be transferred ta the Christmas tree, we do nat knaw. Perhaps sameone else has read or heard a legend inlxthis cannection. Nowadays,* the electric llghts are safer and pretty to, but we can remnember that breath- less moment in childhaod Christinases when real candies were lit on the trce for a brief turne while ail the family sat around It ta sing carols. ABOUT DICKENS" CHRISTMAS CAROL Andi here la a bit about Charles Dickcens '"Christmas Carol" which we had never reaci befare. Dickens wrote five Christmas staries, and "A Christmnas Carol" was the fiit ane. He was already farnous at this time, and iccturing in Manchester li the early part ai 1843, the idea for the story seized hlm. He became very excited as he wrote it, laugh- lng and wceping aver it, and waiking about the streets at night when ail others had gone ta bcd, as was his custamn when writ lng. "A Christinas Carol" was an immediate success, appearing for Christmas 1843. [t brought hlm somethiag more valuable than fame. aad that was deep personal affection froin his readers. The story gripped the folk of England then and bas continued ta grip aIl English speaking people in the century intervening. Thackeray, who was flot given ta distributing praise and who is said not ta have iiked Dickens, wrote of it: "Such a book as this secins ta be a national benefit, and ta every man and worman who reads It, a personal kindness." Dickens had a perfectly mar- vellous talent for creatîng un- forgettable characters - funny, pathctic, fearsome -his books abound in thein. Andi is not Scrooge one ai these uniorget- table characters? We shall nev- er farget Dickson-Kenwin's in- terpretation qf Scrooge this past Spring. This was acting at its bcst. He simply was Scraoge. How we wish we could sec hlm do it this Christmnas Eve. We arc very happy that this veteran actor's ability -is finding recognition ln the new medium ai television. The evening ai dramatie interpret- ations which he gave in B aw- manville was a rare delight for those who attended. What a pity more dici not realize the experience that was there for thern ta share. GOOD WISHES TO ALL "'Twas the night before Christ- mas when ail thraugh the bouse, Not a creature was stirring, flot even a mouse." Before St. Nicholai left the railroad station ln Metz, France, on his traditional parade through the streets, he stopped to talk to two-year-old Leslie Fehr, son of CPI. and Mrs. I. L. Fehr, of Camrose, Alberta. Looking on at the lef t, is Mrs. Fehr. Cpi. Fehr is stationed at the RCAF's No. 1 Air Division, Metz, Franoe., 1 -National Defence Photo St. John's Church Again Plans The Observance of Christmas Christmnas at St. -Jahn!s Church will be observed with ail the traditional devotian and beauty, begianiag with carois at il p.m. Christmnas Eve and the Choral Eucharist at 11.30 p.m. Christmnas morning there will be Haly Communion at 8 o'clock and a Family Service at 10.30 arn. This latter service ta which children and their parents have been coming in increasing aumbers each year is planned ta last just anc hour and includes the Church's usuai Communion Service. On the Sunday after Christ- mas the spirit ai the, Yulc sea- Is there any magic ta equai the night before Christmnas? Nat for chiidren anyway. And no excitement, no anticipation ever equals that ai the dawn of Christmnas morning when children waken long before it is light ta see what Santa Claus brou ght. Our blessings are many in this land. We have warshipped in aur Christmas services, and naw aur familles gather again about the giittering tree and the laden table. Our hearts shouid be truly thankful. And let us flot forget those who thraugh iliness are separated froin their familles and must spend this Christmas Day and holiday week in hospital. May they soon be restored ta heaith and ta their family circle and firesîde. To al af you who are aur iricnds through thi8 column, we wish the merricst ai Christ- mases and a happy holiday season. Christmas Morn The day was drawing ta a close As down a country road, There came two travellers scek- ing rcst And sheiter froin the cold. The weary beast by Joseph led, Naw scnsed the dews ai night, The day was done, his strength was spent, Aithough he traveiled light. "The night grows cold, I'm sare afraid." The weary Mary said- To Joseph as he dloser drcw The hood araund her head. "Yes, sec the city lies ahead, The iights shine through the gloom, Soon you willi rest and shelter find, Within a quiet roam." He ieads her gentiy ta the house Where lights are soft and dim, No welcomne waits the wcary guests, The doors are barred within. A watchman swings his iantern high, They stand within its light, «IYou corne toa late. there is ne room To shelter you tonight." Tho' stera ai face his heart was kiad, He saw their need was great, "'There is a stable warm and dry, Through* yonder wicket gate." Oh, Gloriaus Morn whcn Christ was bora, And shepherds knelt in fear, As angels sang and music sweet FelI on the midnîght air. Peace and Goodwiil toalal man- kind- The Saviaur Christ la borri, Sing and rejaîce where'er. you are, This Merry Christmas Morn. And sa through ail the ages dawn, There sounds the sweet re- frain, As church belis ring and child- ren siag, The Angels' sang again. -Minnie E. McHoln O0rono Holstein Lfetime Producer Segis Pontiac Inka May, a purebred Holstein owncd by Carias Tamblyn, Orono, has qualified for a Redi Seal certi-1 ficate ai Longtime Production' by producing in her lifetime a total ai 121,552 ibs. milk con- taining 4,858 lhs. fat, average test 4.00% butterfat. May made this lifetime totalli ten lactations ail on twice-a-day miikiag. Canadians voluntarily donat- cd 345,069 boties ai biood ta the Redi Cruss in 1953. son ls continued at the regular services ai the day, - Haly Communion at 8 arn., Mora- ing Prayer at Il arn. andi a Carol Service at 7 p.m. At the Christmas Season St. John's Church usualiy has the happy privilege ai weicoming visitors froin out of town as well as from the cammunity and we look forward ta the con- tinuation ai this joy. The Choir, under the cap- able direction of Mr. John Smart, has prepared an excel- lent selection ai Christmas mu- sic which wili culminate la the Carol Service next Sunday evening. In this latter service the Chair will present several beautiful carois while appar- tunity will be givea the con- gregation ta join in the singing ai many ai the best loved ones. Ail the Christmas services will be la charge ai the Rectar, Rev. Warren Turner. ZION (Intended for last week) A very successful bazaar was held here Nov. 26 regardicas of the aumerous events that took place that particular evening. There were a number of aproas etc., and some blankets uasold at the close, but la the meantime many ai these have been disposed of, bringing the proceeds ai bazaar well aver the $200 mark. Messrs. Lloyd Williams and Peter Wood, students of Toron- ta Teacher's College, are at Zion school this wcek. A presentation arranged by their friends froin Starkville, Zion and Newtonville, was held Mrs. Meneilley, have returned well, at Newtonviile Commun- ity Hall recently. The young couple were presented with a floor iamp, china cabinet, oc- casional chair, coifee table and step table. Dancing and lunch iollowed the preseatation. We are pleased ta report Mr. N. Gerow wha has been off duty with a bad cold, ja back on the job again. Mrs. Edwin Ruthven spent Wednesday, Dec. 8 in Toronto. Mrs. Dunbar and Elliutt were guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Ruth- yen recently. Mrs. Arthur Walker, Port Hope, attended the W.A. meet- ing at Mrs. Menielley's Thurs- day afternoon. Student teachers L. William- san and Peter Wood, who spent the wéek with Mr. and Mrs. Menielley, have returned to Toronto. A car stolen froin a Peter- borough used car lot last Mon- day night was found abandon- ed in Fred Raby's front field Tuesday morning. The Christmnas meeting ai the Zion Women's Association was held at. the home ai Mrs. C. Meneilley, with attendance af 14 members and four children. Minutes were read by secre- tary, Mrs. C. Irwin. Mrs. Ken- neth Whitney gave the treas- urcr's report. It was maved and seconded that $25 be given ta missions, alsa a blanket be described how people in other lands celebrated Christmnas. ter. A committec was appoint- ed ta sce about tables. A spien- did devotional prograrn prepar. cd by Mrs. }3ost, Mrs. Ruthven and Mrs. M~'orton, wvas- very much appreciatcd. Mrs. Iluth.1 yen \vith readings and picturýs eilley, and a jaily social tiiie Christrnas carals were s«3. and a Bible contest iollowedl. The rail was called and gif ts exchanged. Lunch was serveci by Miss N. Raby ank' Mrs. Men- ielley, and a jaily social lime enjoyed by ail, climaxed the meeting for 1954. Mrs. Del Whitney kindly aifered her home for the Jariuary meeting. Rail cali ta be payment ai fees. The writer of this columa.l takes the apportunity of i ws1* ing toalal A Merry Christm and Heaith, Happiness and Prosperity for the New Year, Let thern work for Vou-The Statesman Classifieds. mmo Mason & Date HARDWARE s,. -'---5* --'~ t ~le- *~4 ~ktsbas~hc At this tirne of the year, it is most fiucing that we take time to express the appreciationi of our entire staff for your good wiI - L an der Hardware v oe TU JOY beitI, eoWtbis bap»y season - h the sincere wisb ive ext end to ail of our ingny frlendsl IlMerry CJ.irstmnas"- !1s stuli th'e warmest greeting of the season. The Sheppard & Gi Lumbpr m Co.. Limited - an tIw op -jimt for youl BLAIN ELLIOTT HEATING AND PLUMBING THURSDAY, DEC. ffl, 1954 PACM YOM TEE CANADIM STATESM". BOwwAxvffjý& ONTARro