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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Dec 1954, p. 6

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PAGE six TMICANADIM STATESI Gordon Àgnew, Edilor Phono' 3621 Social and Personal Mr. J. P. Lovekin, Toronto, mas in Boston, Mass., lasi week atiending the funerai ai his' great aunt, Mrs. A. Charles Lovekin. Mr. E. Dick Lovekin made a flying trip ta bis home "Kicol- man Farm" from Edmonton, Alla., this week. His many friends took the occasion ta congralulate hlm an being the proud father af a young daugh- ter recently. A surprise birthday party was heid for Mrs. Merkley Clark ai the home ai her daughier and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reid, Shannanville, on Sunday, Dec. l9ih. Jean and Bertha Clark presented their grand-, znother with a mauve orchid corsage and Mrs. Lewis Clark pinncd il an her. .5he opened her many gifts ai a table beautifully decarai- ed and with a lavely birthday cake adorning the centre. Ail her fan-iiy were ihere ta help her celebraie the occasion, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Burley, Mr. and Mrs. Don Bunley. Toron. ta; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Delvin and Mary, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Tomlinson and fam- îly, Bowrnanville; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clark and family, Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson and family, Newcastle; Miss Mytie Clarkl Mr. Art Clark and Mr. Ji.n Braad ai Belleville. Mi ss Joan Gable and friendl ai Uxbridge were Sunday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. John Voutt and family. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clark and family accompanied by Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson, Nancy and Jimmie, attended a sur- prise birthday pariy for Mrs. Merkley Clark in Shannon- ville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoback and daughters Heather and Marlene ai Toronto were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Barchard and family. An afternaon walk an the Bay ai Quinte near his home on Sunday provcd fatal for eight year aid Franklin Rouse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rouse ai Paint Anne, when he broke through thin ice and drowned in five feet ai water. Mr. Rouse, father of the boy is a nephew ai Mr. Percy Hare of Newcas- tle. It is expected by the time this paper reaches your hands, caretaker Chas. Collins wili have a perfect sheet ai ice on the local Memoriai Arena and public skating wilI be the or- der ai the day for the Christ- mas holidays. At this jayfui scason it is aur wish ta jain with the New- castle Merchants listed on this page in wishing toa ail ur read- ers A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Verna and Gardon Agnew Durir1g this special season ... we wish yau special pleasures: the warmth of your bearth, the presence of your dear ones, t e spirit of gaod cheer, goodwill and gaod fellowship that is Christmas. Geo. W. Graham NEWCASTLE Youngsters Give Fine Showing In Local Shooting Competitions The work being done by the members af the Newcastle Sportsman's Club in teachlng local yaungsters how la use and care for guns has paid off, ac- cording ta the reports ai the competition held on Tuesday evening, December 141h. The Junior Club with a mem- bership of 20 was divided ia iwo classes for the competition. Class A was compascd ai boys whose average scores during the season have .been above 90 while thase wiih a lawer aver- age score were put in Ciass B. Each boy was allowed ta fire ten rounds ai each ai two Dom- inion Expert Targets making a total possible score of 200 points. In the Ciass A raiing the first prize (a hunting knife) was won by Bob Porter scoring 100 and 99 for a total ai 199 points. Winning second prize (a flash- lighi) was Ted Lane scoring 99 and 93 for a total ai 192 points. Five Day Week For Local Bank After New Year's In kceping with the practice staried lasi year in many banks thraughaui the country, the lo- cal Bank ai Commerce Branch will be closed on Saturday's cammencing the firsi ai Janu- ary, in order la allow cmploy- ees ta work only a five-day week. -i h aei te Also, as i h aei te communities, the bank will be open for an extra anc and anc hali hours an Friday aiternoon from -4.30 ta 6 p.m. commenc- ing an January 7th. ta accepi, laie receipis fromn places ai business as well as ta carry oui general banking business. Mernorlal Hospital Weekly Report F6r the week ai Dec. 12-19: Admissions--_ - - - - 32 Births, 6 male, 7 female 13 Discharges - - -30 Major operations- - 3 Minar operatians- - 3 Emergency trealments 4 These facis arc published weekly in an efforita accjuint this community wiih the ser- vices ai aur hospital. Cost of federal old age peni- sions this year wil be about $377 million, about $75 million more than will be collected through the special old age se- curity taxes. May the warmlh and peace of this gloriaus Christmas season abide with you thraughout the year and for S many years ta corne. We hope your days are as bright as the star of Noel morn . lighting your way ta a fuller if e of peace and goodwill toward men. We extend aur heartiest Christmas greetings ta each and every one of aur friends and patrons. R. B. Rickard NEWCASTLE In Class B, Peter Be]sey took top honaurs scoring 96 and 98 for a total ai 194 points foilow- cd closely by 'J. DeWlth scor- ing 98 and 95 for a total ai 193. George Chard, George Gra- ham and Albert Naylor, werc in charge ai the range' for the competitions. while Ted Bel- sey acted as scorekeeper' and judge for the events. The members ai the Sparts- man's Club are ta be commend- ed for the fine work they are doing in cntertalning and training an average ai 15 boys ai the cammunity cvery Tues- day evenlng wiih ittie, if any, help ftom outside sources, and ihough lhey have neyer ap- pealed for assistance, we itre sure the gis ai money for the purchase ai ammunition and supplies, or articles ihat could be used for prizes for future competitiaus wauld be deepiy appreciatcd by the membens ai the club. Friendship CIub's Carol Singing Brings YuIe Cheer If there are any of our read- ers who have flot yet been blessed with the Christmas Spirit we guarantee a trip through the village any even- ing after darlc will remedy the situation. During the past week or more business and home decor- ations have made aur village a place of beauty with its many multi-caloured lighted Christ- mas trees and other electrically lighted decaratians in addition ta the fine display at the com- munity and fire halls. Ta add ta that Christmasy feeling created by these scenes of beauty, a godly number af the members af the Friendship Club braved the cold winds on Sunday evening after church services ta travel ta variaus parts of the village singing the beautiful aid Christmas Carois ta bring cheer to the shut-ins of the community. The Statesmnan Sold At Following Stores Trull's Store, Courtice Strong's Store, Part Hope Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany Johnsan's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonville C. Pethick, Enniskillen T. M. Slemon. Enniskilen F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton A. E. Ribey, Burketon H. T. Sayweil, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrrell, Orono H. K. Reynolds. Kendal Gilbert Food Market. Milibroolc Henderson's Book Store, Oshawa 0 .** - Bowmanville -- R. P. Rickaby . ddBig 20)b W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shop Rite's Smoke Shop Jury & Loveli Elgie Harnden's Handy Store The Statesman Office es on cars, radias and television sets made in Canada amaunt ta about 25 per cent af the manu- facturers' price. p MM" Echoing through the land .- . Joyous chanta of hope and cheer. May we Join the rmnglng chorus ln wlshlng you and your loved ones aJil the warmth and merriment the season offers! JOHNSON'S DRUG STORE NEWCASTLE Hooray! It's the Holiday Express . .. and it's brint- Ing a full earload of sur very beat holiday wlshes 10 ail sur friends and patrons! QUINN EY'S BARBER SHOP NEWCASTLE rAW U~WIIA1IVW.?.U AV'PAUT~ -~ UV CN V - -~ COURTICE The Courtice CircuitYog People's Union held its r7egar meeting on Monda y evening at Ebenezer United Church with 22 members present. The meet- ing opened with ail repeating the Young People's Purpose foilow- ed by a formai business period. The devotional was taken by Mrs. Ila Crago and Miss Marlon Wyman with many Interesting facts af God. The recreation perlod was in charge of Marion which brought many laughu and enjayment. In the absence of Rev. Somerville Bible Study wl continue next meeting. C.G.I.T. The Caurtice C.G.L.T. met at Courtice Church Wednesday ev- ening, Dec. 15. Minutes of last meeting were given by the Sec- retary, also executive minutes. Rail calaf members by Eva Evans. The offerlng was taken care ai by the Treasurer. Girls decided on carol singing on Wed- nesday, Dec. 22 ta the shut-ins. Worship service was in charge af Dorothy Barber and Mary Carolyn Warburtan. Christmas parcel wrapping was demonstrat-1 eby Mrs. Sim Peniound. Scout Mothers The eighteenth Scout Mothersi Auxiliary met recently at Court-1 ice School. It being the first regular meeting there was a fair attendance. The President, Mrs. Lyle McIntyre presided. I was decided ta donate treats ta the Cub Pack. A very frlendly social time was enjayed by ail. Waman's Association The annual business meeting af Caurtice Woman's Association was held an December 8th. The President, Mrs. C. Peniound, presided. A short play "No Room in the Inn" was presented. The players were: Matthias, Inn Keeper-Mrs. D. Robertson; Jes- sica, the wife-Mrs. Robert Barber; Mary-Mrs. F. Balson; J:seph - Mrs. C. Penfound;, Stranger - Mrs. S. Kinsman; Shepherds-Mrs. H. Vetzel, Mrs. R. Stephens and Mrs. A. Wilk- ins; Wise Men-Mrs. C. Sim- mans, Mrs. D. Thompson and Mrs. Cecil Adams. Christmas carois were sung during inter- mission of this three-act play. The new executive officers fori 1955 wili be installed at the Jar*iary meeting and are as fol- lows: President-Mrs. Rabert Barber; lst Vice-Mrs. C. Sim- mons; 2nd Vice-Mrs. H. Herron; Secretary-Mrs. 0. Robertson- Assistant Secretary-Mrs. H. Vetzai; Corresponding Secretary -Mrs. R. Stephens; Treasurer- Mrs. D. Thompson; Press Sec- retary-Mrs. Carl Adams; Lit- erature Secretary-Mrs. J. Mac- Kenzie; Parsonage Board-Mrs. S. Kisman; Pianist-Mrs. R. De Coe. The Nominating Commit- tee was Mrs. A. Wilkins, Mrs. Cecil Adams and Mrs. E. War- 'burton. Mrs. C. Penfaund con- gratulated Mrs. R. Barber, the new -Presideni. The annual Christmas party was held on Thursday, Decem- ber l6th. Carols were sung and enjoyed by ail. The travelling apron was reiurned and Mrs. Welsh and Mrs. G. Johnson judged winner ai the funniest Patch ta be Mrs. D. Thompson. An impromptu programme with each lady called on ta do some- thing, was enjoyed, and closed with Santa Claus arriving ta wish ail a Merry Christmas and distributing presents. A very deliciaus lunch was served ta end a very enjoyable evening. Cub Pack The l8th Cub Pack met at Courtice Public School on Friday evening, December 17ih. Bryce Johnson, Donald Harban and Paul McIr)tyre were invested as Sixers ai their Pack. On behali ai the group commiiiee Mr. W. Parker presenied ail the Cubs with a Wolf Lapel Pin. Several ladies were present for the cere- many. Members ai the group comriitee served sandwiches, cookies and pop prepared by the Scout Mothers' Auxiliary and each Cub was given a bag af treais danated by Mr. H. Scorgie. Home and School The manthly meeting ai Courtice Home and Schoal As- sociation was held Tuesday, De- taok the chair. Christmas carol. were uung and Mrs. G. Chariran tld a Christmas story enltIted I'Tweive Day. of Christmas". Miss Mary Ann Grace sang a sang ai her own composition and spoke briefly ai an opercîla she is working on. The meeting closed by singing Gad Save The Queen, suter whlch the usual exchange af gitu took place and a social lime enjoyed. Evenlnt Auxillary The December meeting ai the Courlice Evening Auxiiary was held aI the home ai Miss Jean Gay. The President, Mrs. W. Brçwn, opened the meeting wlth a hristmas verse iollowed by a Christmas carai. The Christmas devotional was given by Mrs. Lloyd Courtice and aiter Mrs. E. Gearing read the Christmas Story irom the Bible. Ms.. Courtice gave us many lhaughts ta take with us through the Christmas seasan, ciosing with prayer. Master Denny Gay favoured us wlth lwo piano scieclians and Mrs. A. Muir read the loveiy Christmas story entitled "The Littlest Angel". The story was greatiy cnjoyed. Mrs. W. Brown favourcd with a piano solo, in- cluding severai Chnistmas sangs. Mrs. H. Gay gave a reading, "Let's Keep Christmas". The INominating Commiittee present- cd thcir slate ai officers for the coming year. As thcy were un- able ta obtain a President, the January meeting is ta be con- ducted by the Vice-President, with the new executive ta be in charge ai same. A pol-luck supper an January 5th. A meeting ai tis ycar's ex- ecutive is to be held at Mrs. W. Brown's, December 29th. The officers are as follaws: Vice- President-Mrs. F. Owen; Sec- retary-Mrs. H. Gay; Press Sec- retary-Mrs. W. Brown; Treas- urer-Mrs. H. Sweetman; Lit- eratureSecreiary-Mrs. C. El- liait; Christian Stcwardship- Mrs. M. Newton; Community Fricndship-Mrs. G. Gayne; Cil- izenship-Mrs. Walter Brown; Supply Secreiary-Miss Jean Gay; Baby Band Leaders-Mrs. Archie Muir and Mrs. Alec Muir. CADMUS Cadmus W.A. met ai the lovely home oif Mrs. Kennedy Gray, Dec. 141h, with 15 members, four visilors and same children pres- ent. Meeting apened with hymn "Joy la the World", followed by prayer by Mrs. Tennyson Sain- cils. Devotional, I'God's Gi" was given by Mrs. Louis Stinson who aiso read a Christmas story. Ral caîl answered with a "Christmas Thoughi". "Oh Corne AU You Faithful" was sung. Meeting was closed by Mrs. Hulton. The programn was very fine. Mrs. Gray >ad inviied a lady fnom Orono, Mrs. Rowe, who recited several limes; Miss Lynda Gray gave a sala;, read- ing by Mrs. James Gray; a lively sing-song ai Christmas carols; a contesi was given by Mrs. Lloyd Passant and won by Mrs. Gerald Stinson. A dainly lunch was servcd, and a hearty voie af thanks was gîven to aur hast- ess. Your Cadmus correspondent would like ta lake this appor- luniiy la lhank aIl who helped put this column out, and ta wish ahl ai you a Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year. I would also like ta wish the samne glad lidings la aur Ediior, Mr. Gea. W. James and Mrs. James. The children ai the surround- ng cammuniiy gave their splend- ing community gave their splendid Christmas concert aI Blacksiock lasi Wednesday even- ing. Mr. and Mns. Norman Rohmer, Kenneth and Barry spent Sun- day aiternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rohrer, Nesileton. Mr. and Mrs. Don Edmunds and Ross, Millbrook, were home over the week-end wiih Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMuilen. Mr. and Mrs. Venu lMeMullen and Ailan, Bowmanvilie, wcre alsa Sunday visitons at the McMullen home. Miss Jane Passant, Oshawa, was home for the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Passant. Mr. and Mns. Kennedy Gray and David visited with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutan on Sunday, David slaying with his grand- parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thampson Tay- lor and family, Bowmanville, were Sunday guesis ai Mn. and - - - - - - g m- Mrs. George .ohnston. This cammunity would like ta welcome Mr. and Mru. McKay and farmlly ai Brante. They have bought Mrs. Cooke's home ln Cadmus. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Passant vislted il11their friends ln Baw- 0, -----------___ -_ _ -_ ----------____ -_ ---------------------____ TrDRUDAY. DEC. 3Md. manville o Saturday. and had There was quite e number out ta church on Sunday, and the children were very happy' aver the Christmas tree and lovely presents. A g.od old-lashloned Yuletide la sur wlsb for &Il sur friends and nelghbors. May your Holi- day be a happy eo» 'Indeed, IiIIed with gay surprises and hearty fellowshlp. QUEEN'S HOTÎ#L NEWCASTLE Bright as candle-glow... warm as your tamily gathenlng 'round the hearth . . . may thîs Holiday Season fulfilI Your fond- est hopes. May Its llght remain with you always. WARRINGTON'S B.A. SERVICE STATION Hi there! We're just peeklnt in to say a qulck Hello and to wish you and your famlly the brlght- est, merrieat, most heart-warm- int Holiday Season evert HONEY HOLLOW. RESTAU RANT AIl of us bere want 10 extend 10 ail of you - our tood friends and neighbors - incere wluhes for a happy holiday, filled wlth warmth and cheer and hearty iellowsbip: K ingsway Lunch PHONE 2411 NEWCASTLE -gM J/oy to th Ç/>Qf/ At Christmas time we realize mare than ever howà much it means ta have the friendship and goodwil oDf folks like yau. One of the nicest things that the Yuletide brings is the opportunity of putting aside the routine of everyday business - ta reflect on the pleasure aur relationship bas brought us ail year, and ta contemplate with equal pleasure aur conlinued assaciatian. May the Spirit of the Christmas Season be with you and yours, and the New Year la came, one of Happiness and Prosperîty. With warmest wishcs for a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. HJ. Toms and Family .' A I s EtIOtim Helen's Gqeteria (Helen BErvi l) ------ ------------------------------- W". nawilAmviriýL ONTAIM IL

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