iv.,--- YËU UIDAy, DEC. 2srd 19«4 -Miss Nellie Burk, OrnUi apent the weekend with hE 21IWther. Mrs. T. S. Holgate. ,Miss Carnie Painton attend .4tefuneral of her aunt, Mr- Malter Gurney in Toronto o ,M~ursday. sure, to, phone ln th humnes of your hollday visitor t The Statesman. Our numbe i MA 8-3303. 'Mis Helen Morris has re tflrned home after a pleasan "'lit with hen niece, Mrs. An ~W Clark, Toronto. Major Bill Brown, Mrs EBrown, 8a?4e family, Ottawa, art 9 nin,~hristmas holidayý 'ýret B1wmville visiting theh --Miss Eleanor Moody, Alberl Cblege Belleville, 15 spendinf cVni~ holidays with her pernts Mr. and Mrs. G. E Mr. Ralph H. Carnuthers New York City, is spendin, Christmas with his parents, Mr. anid Mrs. W. H. Canruthers, Scugog St. çMiss Ruth Bley of Charlottes- 'Ville, Virginia, arrived hene 'usday to spend Christmas liblidays with her mothen, Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson. 'Mr. Douglas Cator visited his gýandmother, Mrs. F. Caton on tkie weekend. Mns. Caton will be spending Christmas with her chîldnen i Tononto. .Mrs. Geo. S. Pattenson has corne up from her home in New Brunswick to spend the Winter with her aunt, Miss Eva Hellyar and hèn sisten, Miss Mn. James Barnes left or Wedrpesday.by train for Mon- treal where he will take the ilane 'th Tevensey, England, foi a three month visit with his parents, sisters and brothers. Don't fail to read W. J. Ber- ry's travelogue on Page 12 this week. After neading his expen- fence in "A Bathroom Episode"> we think Bil should take a ChaPerone on his trip next year. The marriage of Verna Viola Étephens of Bowmanvile ta John Samuel Hawkshaw of Oshawa took Place at North- ininster United Church, Osh- awa, on Thursday, December 16, with Rev. H. A. Mellow of- ficiating. 1Weekend visitors with Miss- týj Edith and Ida Weekes, Duke §twere Mn. and Mrs. E. F. Evangelistic Centre (Pentecostai) Rev. F. B. Fifield, Pastor Sonday, Dec. 26th 10 amn. - Sunday Sehool Services il*.m. and 7 p.rn. ALL WELCOME TU.E Cft'AAL'< TATI:SM. 5OWLngVZLLE, ONqTAIO Trinity Unied Church Minister, Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. il A.M. - "On the Other Side of Christmas" Intermediate Choir wiIl sing at morning service 7 P.M.- "Chrisimas Customs" Organist, Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. ------ -- ----------------- St. John>s Church. (ANGLICAN) Rev. Warren Turner, B.A., B.D. Christmas Eve 11:00 p.m. CAROLS 11:30 p.m. - CHORAL EUCHARIST Christmas Day 8 arn. - HOLY COMMUNION 10.30 a.m. - FAMILY EUCHARIST. Ist Sunday Aller Christmas 8:00 a.rn. - HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 a.rn. - MATINS 7:00 p.rn. - Carol Service Sunday School will meet at the usual thnes St. John's Church extends Warmesi Greeiings to the Community and a cordial invitation toalal services vaniaus service clubs and organ. izations. There is neyer any shontagE of draws and raffles in Bowman- ville at any time and Christrnaç icetaînly no exception. ThE Canadian Legion Pipe Band beld thein draw on Saturday night with the following being the lucky winners: îst prize, D. Bradley, Bowmanvilhe; 2nd, W. BaIent, Oshawa; 3rd, R. Onm- istan, Bowmanville; 4tb, G. Cockburn, Cabourg; sth, W. G. Prestan, Bowmanville; 6th, E. Kellett, Whitby; 7th, C. Smith, Newcastle; 8th, G. Butt, Sea- grave; 9th, N. Veitch, Willaw- dahe; lth, J. Knox, Oshawa; llth, F. Wahahley,- Osbawa; l2th, L. Taylor, Oshawa. The Christmas draw of the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club was held on Monday cvening with the falowing nesuits: lst, Jim Stutt, Bowmanvilhe; 2nd, R. Vincent, 403 Division St., Osha- wa; 3rd, Murray Werry, Bhack- stock; 4th, M. Waod, Dunbarton; 5th, Bill Woodward, 287 Leslie St., Oshawa. A dnaw was held by the Civil Service Association in cannec- tion with thein Christmas party hehd at the Boys Training School auditorium Tuesday night - an account of whîch appears else- where in this issue. Winnens of tunkeys in this dnaw wcre John Smith, brother of Stan Smith, Bowmanville, and John Nimigon of the B.T.S. staff. ie Le Lions Club (Continued from page one) which are given in the social news in this issue. Birthdays were celebnated by Lions O. J. Presson, Rance Dilling, President Jim Manr, Art Constable, Jack Ross, Bob Mutton, Russell Osborne. Lau Dewell and Bill Aluin. Crnlval Cheque Recelved A cheque for $6,623.54 was tunned aven by the Lions Car- nival Committee ta President Marn, representing -the profit on the carnival and car dnaw staged by the club hast sum- mer. Presidtnt Manr reported that Januany 10 will be District Gov- ernor's Night and that ai car- mittee chairmen arc expectedI ta have written reports ready fan that evening. It was reported that Lion Ennie Laird is in hospital at present for a check-up and ob- servation. The pennies, nickels and dimes raised by the Canadian Junior Red Cross for Cippled Children*s work amounted ta $150,679.63 last yeare __ý visitons with bis' parents, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden and othen relatives. The many friends of Mrs. Eben Snowden werc sorry ta leann Monday that she had fallen in the bouse and fracturcd ber night ankle. She is at present in Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mrs. Frank Swallow is also unden the docton's cane. Wc wish bath a speedy rccovery. Rev. L. M. Somerville had a special, Christmas message on Sunday, aiso special music by the choir. Mn. and Mrs. Sam Seymour had thein cbildren bap- tized, Sbeila Ann, and twins Wendy Lau and Wayne Joseph. Intermediate Sunday Schooi class of girls and their teachen, Mns. Russell Gimblett, an Sun- day presented the chunch with a pulpit Bible, with the assistance of Mn. Stan Snowden. The BibleJ was accepted by Rev. L. M. Somervihle. On bebaîf of the girls and thein teacher, Miss Barbara Flintoff made the presentation. Special New Year message next Sunday, also speciai rnusic by the choir. Bride Injured ï ~, 'New Members jo U-'ersonat Are Initiated YOUR SU MA3333Legion Auxil. end of this mon.Tes -i making prompt payr ia, Weekes, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Thnee new members; Com- preciated. ter Weekes, Mn. and Mrs. j. K. rades L. Kilgannoný, E. Dgrch Weekes, Mr. and Mrs. R. j. and T. Little were initiated- in- Ail Statesman sut Ld- Weekes and son Kipper, Mr-. G. ta the Ladies Auxiliary of the advance. It is impossible * s. W. Weekes, Toronto. Canadian Legion at the final tosatrte alde on Mi. and Mrs. F. O. McIlveen meeting of the year held in the tosatrte alde writing to the editon from 485- Legion Hall on Monday night. and rules of the Audit ie 1 lth Ave., North, St. Peters- Retining President Mrs Ed- which this newspaper is ors burg, Florida, state: Had a wand Rundie read several carda hsae nyu er lovely trip down and we are of thanks and Christmas greet-Th laeonyu now enjoying the sunshine. ings. and two applications for which your subscription Corne on down. Please send The membenship were also receiv- assist our book-keeping d, nt Statesman direct ta the above ed. 1 subscription promptly w1h itaddress. It was reported that the Le- Winners in the Lions Club gion Ladies Auxiliary will be The Statesman'o dnaw for tickets for the next starting the new year in their Friday until 5 p.m., and 5tbree home games of the To- usual busy maniner as two ban- the convenience of subsci e rente Maple Leafs are as fol- quets will be catered to in Jan- their subscription or to se ýs lows: December 25, Jack Hayes uary. President elect Mrs. Jack Ir and Bill Fairbead; December Knight will be convening a din- friend. 29, Blain Elliott and Bill Fair- ner and draw at the Lions rt bead; January 1, Gordon Elliott Community Centre on Januay Ig and Wilfrid Carruthers. 27 and Comrade Mrs. G. C. Pal- ýr More than even thîs year re- me ilcneeteanal E. sidences around town have as- Burns Night Suppen on Jan- sumed a neal festive appear- uary 29. ance with their gaily decorated President Rundle announced 1g colored electrlc ligbts and that President Ross McKnight r. Christmas trees. An outstand- of. the Bowmanviîîe Legion D u tch M ini Sing feature is the attractive il- Brancb will present the La- 'lumination on the steeple of St. dies Auxiliary with a standard John's Anglican Church which from the men's branch at the 3- can be seen from miles around. first regular meeting tin 1955. i S ide of ee The installation of new offi- S.was pleased to receive Christ- meeting. mas greetîngs from Mn. SamFo e a c Goard of Vancouver, B.C., who A delicious lunch was serv- is served his apprenticeship in ed following the meeting. Dec. 2lst, 1954 n The Statesman office back in h Eio o h Il the 90's. It's bard ta believe TheCandianSta tea i but Sam says he will be 78 anadi -m BwanvillesmOn years oadidnmFebruary. Many M5V icJiaLJ i n Daen.Jms will nememben bis brother Jîm Dei.r.Jaes a Gar wi-asa el kow We would like to write a few e igoard wo aswell known e.But O ld Sant ords with regards to the letten singr ad jwellr b trde.of Mr. W. G. Bowles of Nestie- a A family Christmas gathering LCL ton, which appearcd i the last swas held at the home of Mn. Sieais Shilow week's issue of this papen under and, Mns. Clarence Turner, Pro- the heading: "Writen Praises avidence, on Saturday. Attend- The magicians who enter- Dutch, Urges Caneful Thought ing wene Mn. and Mrs. Chas. tained the 400 chîldren and 200 on Sepanate Scbools." Sabon, ra odadRn adults attending the annual In the first place, we are, of * lM. and Mrs. Murray Os- Goodyear Employees Recrea- course, pleased with the fiendly borne, and Bruce, Ebenezen; tion Club Christmas party Sat- and appreciative words which MsarM. and M ns e s.bobe urday afternoon made a big hit he devotes te the Dutch im- OsMuir,;Gar. and MRtBaub with the kiddies, but it was migrants. His experience with tie; Mn. and MnsbeAutinCour- stili Santa Claus who stole the Dutch farm help since the finst s nie;r and eln, ewAstneur show. years of the postwar immigra- > The genial old gentleman tien seems to enable bim to à Christmas holiday ggests of bnought down the bouse during wnite as be did i the abave *Mn. and Mrs. E. V. Ha ast bis two appearances in wbich mentioned letten. Harold Hoan M and an, he distributed pnesents, bags of' Perhaps he exalts the Dutcb Harod Har, nd anGail, candies and oranges to each a little toa high; they are also Natalie. Mandia and Janice youngster. Santa had assist- human beings with faults and Woolnaugb, Aurora; Mn. and ance in his distribution chones defects, as well as ahl othen Mrs. Chanlie Hoan, Barbara from members of the Goodyear people. Anyway, we thank youE and Tommy, Toronto; Miss3 Employees Recreation Club. sincerely, Mn. Bowles, for yourc Donothy Hoar, Mn. Russell The recreation hall and the friendly compliments. Smith, Toronto; Mn. and Mns. ra ftesaewr eui But what is really the affair Harny Kerr and Patsy, Osbawa; attentioneosttheereader? He ha aiso Mns. Hoa's cousin, Mrs. fully deconated for the par, ty tio n fichr Bowl es cals e M. Westington and children c w al eekd______________ Barbara and Murray, Hanove, Cereista trees 12 feet tal Indiana. ly se up. The affain actual- MÂ L G O E Indiana. ly ~consisted of two parties at ALGRV9 The English couple, Ena and 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. and both t Ian Hooley of Windsor, who wene entertained by Billy and Mn. and Mrs. Jim Ewig, t sought to locate their fiends, Kay Annott, two magicians Seven Island, Quebec, spent the Mn. and Mrs. Bll Charles, from Toronto. Glenn Prout act- week-end with ber sisterMn. through Tbe Statesman, were ed as master of cenemonies for and Mrs. Wm. Lewis and 'othen delighted to hear fnom them the most successful panty. relatives. following the appeanance of this Mn. and Mrs. Walter Smith, request in this column. Mn. and Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Ccci Mns. Charles were thought ta Yuletide Drw Rahme, Burketon; Mn. and Mrs. have corne to Bowmanville af- Austin Larmen, Bowmanville; trmignating fram England. Brng HMn. and Mrs. Lloyd Beech and They turnnd'out to be living at Brng H ppiîae. family, Bunketon; Mrs. Donald 187 Kig St. E., Bowmanville. T arr, son Kennetb, Hampton, A letter of appreciation bas To Ma ny People were hast week visitons with been received by the Editor Mrs. A. Beech. from Mrs. Hooley who says. The Cbristmas season is also Mn. and Mrs. Ray Snowden, they hope ta get tagethen with the season of draws, during Mn. Bill Snowden, Toronto, werc their friends for Christmas. whicb articles and menchandise Sunday visitons with their pan- A "You can be sure," says Mns. nanging from imported and ents, Mn. and Mns. R. R. Stevens Hooley, "that we will drink a native "Cheers" to turkeys, and Mn. W. J. Snowden. toast to the editon of Tbe Can- geese and chîckens are raffled Mn. and Mrs. Stan Snowden, adian Statesman." Iof asfundrising irojects for son.Tom, Toronto. were Sundav BSCRIPTIQN subsc *riptions fail due at- the Sco-operation of subscribers ment will be greatly ap- ,scriptions are payable-in- for us to continue subscrip- owing to postal regulations Bureau of Circulation of a member. rpaper shows the date to is paid. You can greatly .epartment by paying your hen it falis due. ffice is open Monday to 1Saturday to 12 noon, for ýribers who wish to renew end a gift subscription to a isfer Gives FArgument dfe Schools been informed about the Dutch being busy with the planning of a school of their own. He is afrai4 this will eventually be to the disadvantage of the Dutch themselves. He writes: "Such a step (the establishing of our own school) would inevitably delay by a generation or two their integration into our Canadian pattern. It would mean the beginning of small and con- tinuing Dutch communities i an overshadowing Canadjan picture." We would like to write a few words in reply to these state- ments. The special s c h o o 1 we inean to establish in this communjty, shaill ot be a school with a Dutch character, flot at ail; but it shai be a school bas- ed upon our religlous convic- tions, and that is what will make it such a special school. Without rloubt this school will be open to ail children whose parents, and ail teachers who agree with our religious convictions with regard to the education and rear- ing of our children. If there be one thing "the excellent workers, first class dairy men, and generally good fellows"ý-whom Mr. Bowles is glad to call his friends-thjnk ;o be in a far distance. and want to be in a far distance, then it is exactly that whlch Mr. Bowles desires toi prevent, naniely, an Insular Dutch group within the Canadian society. On the con- trary, we desire and intend to become Canadians as soon as we meet the various requfrements, and wish te take an active part i aIl the activities that con- tribute ta the welfare of this, aur new, country - Canada; but only if these activities are not i con- flitt with aur rcligious convic- tions. Similarly, we want ta express these religiaus convictions pas- Itively in the educational pro- gramn of oun children. To my opinion this bas nathing to do, and neyer will have anytbing to do with a distinction: Canadian- Dutcb; but it certalnly does mean a choice, a choice na anc can deny, flot even if be. with- draws bimself from the scene on a sham-basis of n'eutrality. We intend ta explain aur ob- jective mare broadiy and pro- faundly in the near future and we would be pleased ta sec Mn.1 Bowles present at that meeting, in arden ta rcmove the mis- understanding whicb has arisen1 between bim and part of bis Dutch friends. Let us keep in mind that in Holland only about 30% of the children go te tbosej sa-called speciai schools. Yours truly, A. W. ScbQ.afsmag. LONG SAULT Mrs. Harold Murphy was tbe iucky winner of the quiît draw sponsored by Tynone Unity Lodgc L.O.B.A. Mns. Murphy Was aiso anc of the lucky ones ta win a turkey at the draw heid in Osbawa the same night. Mn, and Mrs. F. E. Alexander, Bawmanvilhe, Mn. and Mrs. Dick Evens, Toronto, were Sunday suppen guests of Mn. and Mrs. Robent Sim. Mn. Stanley Fletcher, Taran- twkend arnt.oerth twit hs arnt aenth Youn cornespondent sends the community's Yuletide greetings ta the Editon and Staff of The Statesman i wishing them A Merny Christmas and A Very Happy New Yean. Mn. and Mrs. Mansell Wright, Bethany; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Duvail and family, Orono, were Sunday guests'of Mn. and Mrs. Orme Miller. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Baker and family and Mrs. May Johns wene Satur- day cvening visitons at the Miller home. A Merny Cbristmas ta eveny- anc and the veny best in 1955. Mn. and Mns. Fred Pantnen wene Sunday gucsts of Mn. and Mns. Herb Powell, Bowman- ville. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Harold Murphy an the an- rival of a baby daughten Tues- day in Bowmanville Memonial Hospital. Scugo Roadat Daey-s-tore--ti-- Alex McGregor's VOUR LOCAL I.DA. DRUG STORE In Car Crash 'Near Courtice Mns. Genrard Couture, 25, of 238 Arthur St., Oshawa, is sîtill a patient in Oshawa Genenal Hospital suffering fnom a frac- tured leg, bead injuries and la- ceratians af the scalp she ne- ceived in an accident an Na. 2 Highway at Courtice at 10 p.m. Saturday. The car in wbich she and hen husband were driving oniy a: few houri aften their wcdding went out of contrai aon the icy noad whihe travelling east and plunged aven a 20-foot embank- ment and through a fence. It ended up in a field and bath oc- cupants wcre tbrawn dlean as it hit a sturnp, Mn. Couture suffened severe shock and body bruises and was aiso admitted ta Oshawa bas- pital. Icy roads caused severai other accidents near Bawrnanvije an Saturday. A car driven by Cccil Chutron, Caurtice, railed aven sauth ai Tnuil's store eanly Sat- urday manning. The vehicle was badly daxnaged but Chutron was nat hurt. About $1,500 damage was caused whcn cars driven by Fnank G. Foster, Peterborough, and Harvey Johnston, Omnemee, coliided near the junction afi Highway-s 7A and 35 narth af -Pontypool during the aiternoga. Burketo Theft and service %tation. The silk Burketo Theft worn by the gunmen dur- (Coninue frm pae on) ig sh anduw ogrk aen- (Coniued ram peckanteseng c hupane afound by bi s fe Ms Br e on the Russda eh Coh ane at 10arn.h to' ctens ail lio n theesdrne nea his aiox at the fnloothey cnghte sta the5reIfcoBre o tisidbodadR.R.ile u e nti hy ount ed up ta15f 2 BuWet onth abuout tRee ile I ec nysody",she a upbefnitwest afiersuog teRod. n thre,.'l Hoot", ethe airandilleP. offcen of te owan- wrnmte. H elned hoeincsheville detahmin thpatnolhedoaI ftorem nthe p a dtlpoe nthehe sy ienoads in thaatMon stre an the aikrdcathein d iht, boping th arthn Clarke and Grant Werry en- the icy roads. Tbcy alsa seancli- tened tbe store irnmediately after cd the area where the coats wene they lef t but were unable ta 'faund on Tuesday but cauld find descnibe the getaway car, other no funthen trace of the gunmen. tban that it was black. The CpI. Gardon Keast and Con- bandits drove sauth about a stables Art Watsan and Chnîs quarter-mile and tunncd West an Cresswell of the local detach- the sideroad which joins the ment are cantinuing the investi- --- - ------ - --------- - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - omw- É%Av&Alpràla ~JkoffloqýS.,» PAGE SEVMI