-A om T= eCANAmAN w SAEMAN. EsvwXA1Ti.Lu. xq, a a. ~cnJ~na~ ~ ** J * Ed Youngmnan's Column m m aas rasRotu Columnia Seeing that this ls the last Issue befare Christmas, yaur scribe would like ta wish his readers a Merry Christmas, and ta say "Thank yau" for the many pretty cards, contalning sa many diffenent expressions o! goad wiil. Best wishes ta al who help tai make this paper the best of its kind in Canada -the editors, office staff, back raam staff, rural correspan- dents, and adventlsers. On Dec. 11. Jean, Art, and their three barnyand gavages, my wife and I jaurneyed ta Hoiiand Landing ta see that cammunity's eighth annual San-i ta Claus parade. While waiting for the affair ta get started, I met Jack Carruthers, Editor of the Newmarket Era, who struci me as being a damn nice, wide- awake chap. The parade mar- shall was aur long-time friend, Peter Walker, in his kilt, anc medais, leading Laddie, hi3 huge cole. Next came the pride of Dur- ham County, the Bowmanvillh Legion Pipe Band, who put on a good show, and drew many admlring glances, and fa- vourable comments. I noticec Russ Baison, the band's bus driver getting quite a lot of en- joyment out of the shenanigans. Close ta four thousand people jarnmed. inta the tiny village af Hoiiand Landing to wltness the Limited" MO NTREAL- TORONTO -CHICAGO On business or pleasure, travel the fast and comfortable way on Canadian Nationai's International Limited. Put usible time to your advantage as the engineer does the dri'ving. 'Work or relax in madern coaches, duplex-roomettes or luxurious bedroom-buffet.Iounge cars. Overnight, enjoy the wide variety of restful sleeping - accommodations from berths to drawingrooms. Dine well in bright, g r - -à up-to-the-minute dining cars. MARVIILOUS MIALS esyfood, .icoly nrd, moka moutime a pleusure Wl«un . go Canadien NaflonoL For rosnaf Ions end Informa. tion ragerding your buin..s end ploosurs trarvel consuit your local Canadien National Poatnger Agent. Asic about train travel Gift Coetfwletes, For mare than fifty years the International Limnited bas served Montreal, Toronteo, Windsor, Detroit, Chicago, on dependable, all-weather achedijies. <Pool serv- ice Montreal -Taronto only). Go by The International Liinited andl arrive refreshed, R- &wy THE ONLY RAILWAY 551 VINS Att YEN PROVINCES M- fb R- - Friday from the United Church om in Bethany, with Rev. Richard O Bonsteel paying tribute toaa life weil lived. Mrs. Clarence Rowan pnesided at the argan.f aid Lowes o! Bethany; Harry P Jemison, Mount Pheasant, Ross Jemison, Oshawa and Harny Lee, Toronto. Bunial was in Mount Pleasant Pnesbytenian Cemetery.RY e NHO MA3-3303 ' fer Chevrolet -Olismobile Cars Chevrolet Trucks j Courtice BowmnanvUllo SIR ICE... e. ' . c n - .t . .tp 't -"' - n - ". r-'.r - .............................................................'~--..- ___ i _ J. t t ievent. which la remarkable, l 'IE VII an, were Sunday visitars of Trewin, at Mr. and Mrs. Wxr. when it is known . that a few Users of Ol dG asneating R Y O Mr. Bob Vivian, Janetvile. Trewln's. *peopie, starting from ih r dM R G Mr. and Mrs. C. Andero Iyearu aga, were determined ta p 1.ni 'and i1 M. Murray Tabb M.and Ms. OY ra andCroy, onsview, wr al giveathineayoun stylea sea-. n u s a n s s is and Kenny, Eowmanville, were were Sunday evening visitors Sunday visitors at Mr. and UM :id. ~traitona stle B~%>esI Sunday viuitors Ipt Mr. and Mru. of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ab-. Arthur Trewin's. tertain, nine hundred and fifty Faulty use of il and ges tilation. . b'. bott, Burketon._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ large bags af mixed nuts. and heatmng equipment accaunt forj 9. Keep children away tram Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ormi- Mr. and Mrs. C. Rankine anid 1,200 miles of new ralwaYý f cnd, ad ivecaes ! r-neariy 15 per cent of aIl resi-I heating equipment of ail types,.oEnaiiea r n Margat, visited Mr. and Mrs. line sudrcntcio o, ofcad, ndfvecae o o-Mrs. Lloyd Ashton's. Gill, Bawmanviile, SaturdaY has just been completed in Can. kanges were passed out ta eager, dential fires at a cost of mare 10. Keep atoves clean, and Misa Jean Black, Oshaa evenmng. ada, bringing the country's ta- hpycide.than $5 million annually, ac- have ail leaks repalred prompt-set h we9n th ome Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith, Mr. tai of single track up t 300 Mn oftetitfoascording ta the Ail Canada In- ly. etteweeda e oe and Mrs. Ray Smith, Mr. and miies-nearly en o 3ta00o; taed fadverti favos tasurance Federatian. 1.So nchmesad Miss Audrey Hay, Peterbora, nMrs EdViý dthe crowds. Besides mounted Officials of!-the Federation, heaters shouid be remaved a at Mr. and Mns. FAjkThuron-ead'a. .MrgarndornOshawa.Mrs. iearoudtewrl tt r iding clubs, there were other warnied that any farm a! heat- least annuaîîy. M.adM.FjoTrn popular featured performers, ing equipment may be danger- 12. Unused flue holeu should ta, at Mr. and Mns. J. Liptay's. -in ciuding plenty of clowns. But ous if flot praperly Instalied be closed safely wîth nan-cam- Mr. and Mrs. C. Rankine, and the one salient feature is the and aperated. Aisa particular- boustible caps; neyer papered Margat, were dinner guest, o! tungrudging cammunity coop- ly dangerous la the practice o! aver or left open.. Mr. and Mns. Norman Avery eratian and community pride pouring kerosenle or coal ail an 13. Firepiaces shauld be an Saturday. which enables this village of wood or coal tires, they said. safely insulated. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ga M.. nine hundred people ta stage Insurance experts recam- rard, Mrs. Bernard Hausemanm thsannual extravaganza sa mended the faiiowing precau. Ma, and Wayne, were dinner guest succsfly One ushdldtions i te"s"o olan gs n fh a!ors fMr. and Mrs. Harold Gay event caused a lat a! merriment equipment: and famlly, Oshawa. an Sun- when the fine truck had ta back 1. Chaose anly recognized 11 eb day, and attended the Christ- t'- up on the parade route ta ex- and approved equipment. mssriea iio tetAeyu rsn otl omt *tinguish a fine that had broken 2. Installations shauld be Detroit 6, Mlch mssriea lceSre reyu rsn otl omt out on an aid "model A" float. made anhy by authorized dis- Dear Mr. James: MrUnitdhrh. JhnLiptay, $mestoheytocr? Another unreheansed act was, tributors and qualified mech- Please find enclosed $5.00 for n aiy M. and Mrs. oh Consuit Beilvue today for an easieo one of the clowns turning a anics. the home town paper for and family, at Mr. and Mrs.cia hand-spring, sipping, and land 3. Neyer buy second-hand ather year. In paying the raise Badnar's, Hampton. wayt ihe o r fiania ing flat an his back in an incn- equipment wlthout campetent it la flot very much a weeic 50 Mrs. Cecil Slemon at Mr. and Wriu $ of muddy gao. Don't think we advice. there is nothing ta kick about Mns. W. E. Lymer's, Maple A plan to suit every icorne. didn't yak at that ane. t 4. Use only clean, first quai- 1 arn sure. Grave. j Most people willhl lae oty kerosene or No. 1 fuel ail. Chaniey has been very mis- Mrs. W. Thampson, Bowman- $' A Bellvue Loan is s near $ believe the foiiowing stary, 5. Fi stave ail reservoirs erabie for quite some time. He ville, at her home. "a which is true. A few days ago, tram metal safety cans with is able to get around and go C.G.I.T. girls and leaders , as your Ph-one. when some loggers were travel- pour spauts, leaving space for out for little waiks. Otha lives Mrs. Read and Mrs. Arthur'B L VUEFI\A IC$ ling, in a car, a couple o! miles expansion if ail is cold. quite near ta us and we get Trewin, held a Christmas and east of aur home, 'a red fox 6. Use fireplace screens ta out in the car. Hope yau are vesper service on Sunday even- E L U I A C ran across the road. followed check sparks. keeping well and we wish you ing.G.HWisnMa ge by a determined hooking woif. 7,, Neyer place portable and yaurs A Very Merry The correspondent extends dG..WloMage The fox cincled in the bush, heaters in doorways where they Christmas and a Happy New ta the Editon and staff best 29% Silfloe St. S. Oshawa $ then high-tailed it back across might block exits. Year and many of them. wishes for a Merry Christmas PHIONE OSHAWA 5-112J the road with the woif about 8. Neyer aperate a portable- Yours sincerely, and a Prosperous New Year. thirty feet behind. First time heater In a room lacking yen- Mrs. C. L. Brown M.r. B. Vivian, John and Ah- anyone around hene has seen - that happen. Was the wolf try- ing ta catch the fox ta kili it? Or was the spirit of Christmas sufficient ta make them enjoy a game a! foihow the leader? You've gat ta hand it ta the personnel o! the Bowmanvilie Chamber of Commerce for making the front street look Christmassy with those, ever- greens adorning the light stand- . ards. The boys crawled out of the hay early one monning, put on their woollies, and clutch- ing axes in their dainty ittieM- hands, sallied forth ta the aid pine nidge, where your scribe observed their herculanean ef- é forts. Paul Bunyan and bis mighty axe had nothing on Art Hooper when the latter dons a habitant taque, and starts swinging a tomahawk. With a ioud cry of timber-r-r, Art gives the last lusty stroke a! the fifteen or twenty needed, . - ' » s"t~> then spnings back as the mighty j4, f '~ < -' tree (about five feet high, andj. , three inches thick) fahis ta . y .. We ail rush up ta observe his handiwork, which looks as though a frozen beaver, from e' the petnified forest, with worn- out teeth, had been workingM with its eyes shut. Weil, every man ta his trade. If Art wili allow me ta fix a few watches, l'Il guarantee bis customers-- won't neturn. because I'm the m. worid's expert at putting 4%. watches together, and having ' " Ipienty o! wheels left aven. Orono Rebekahs heid their annual Christmas party on Dec.1>1,.1D 14, by enjoying a turkey ban--s ~~'-,',t~~" t~tt quet. After which we exc: gi"t ., t ed gifts. Everyone unwraps and exhibits each present ta the othen guests. I neariy fainted when I gianced at the words on the box coven o! my pres- ent, "Lace Dainties". I readily admit to weaning "dainties," but flot lace trimmed, which e is why I baiked at showing my e"'t present ta the tbirty-five la- _ " dies present. Howeven, the box contained (accarding ta the instructions) "Lace Dainties, 'i- correspondence notes wîth en- velopes, for ail friendiy occa- sions." Oh boy, what a scane' ' OBITUARY t I MRS. MARGARET JEMISON Mns. Margaret Jemison, aged 90 yeans, of Bethany, died in Little Bitain Nursing Home : on Dec. lSth, folhowing a ieng- thy iiiness. She was born in Cavan township, daughter o!f~' Robent Lee and Mary Rhein- P bard, who were amiong the very l For a Gufi Filled wilh Neaning . Give Flowers Flowers can express the spirit cf Christmas in so many ways - as a friendly token or as a symbol cf love, they convey a world cf meaning! Delight your friends and loved cnes wlth floral gifts this Christmas, order yours from our complete stocks, today! Buckley's Flowers 35 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-5474 -9r- -- - ------------------ el 7-7-7--7 - -i %ýý -7 -7"« 91mmtmAv- nw__ SIPA