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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1955, p. 9

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T '~~r - . V RSDAY, ,ZAN. Oth, 1953 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Armstnang visited Mn. and Mrs. Eari Grady, Hamiltan. on Sunday. MIrs. John Cawliog, Bowman- ville, and Mr. Wilbur Burnett, Part Perny, visited Mrs. Fred t Tamblyn. &-aMr. and Mns. Sid Barrabal ~nd family, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Adams, Miss Bannie Adams and Mis Gloria Pigott visited Mn. and Mrs. 0! Adams, Raseneath. Mr. Alex Drummod, Toranto, visited Mr. and Mns. A. A. LDrummand. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley. Chap- mian and famiiy, Miss Bertha Cain, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brysan, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. L. Jahoston, Oshawa, New Year's g uests of Mrs. M. Sherwin and Laurence. Mr. and Mns. Wm. Davey vis- Ited Mn. and Mrs. C. Caverly, Whitby. Mr. Kenneth Tamblyn, Dallas, 'Texas, came by 'plane ta visit his mathen, Mrs. Fred Tamblyn and with Mn. and Mrs. Russell Van Horne, Whitby. Mr. and Mns. Carias Tamblyn and family wene New Year's guests with Mn. and Mrs. Chas. E. Miller and Mrs. F. Tamblyn. Holiday visitars: Mr. and Mms. Ken Hall and Elizabeth, Toranto, visited Mrs. Jae Hall. Mms. R. A. Famester visited Up to 20% More HP. for Your Tractor M&W Add-POW'R Pistons " Larger, diameter gives mersengine power " New higher compression ratios give amoother tracter performance These Iarger aluminumn alloy pistons give your tractor more engine dispiace- ment . . . you get up to 12 more hp. Specially designed tronger sleeves slip i original block - no reboring - no macblning. Balanced higher compres- sioni Gets maximum power fromn every drop of fuel on every piston stroke. Light-weight eluminum construction reduces piston weighb by one-baif. Means less wear on bearings, less wear on rings, less wear on crankshaft. Yors get 50% faster load piclcup. Cam grmnd- ing and weight balancing cuts tractor vibration - gives you a smoother run- ning tractor. Chrome rings give sealed compression on every strolce with no power and fuel.wasting blowby. Add- 50 different niodels and makes of tractors. Over 150 thousand sets now in use on U. S. faims. iOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT M and W Add-POW'R PISTONS Farm Equipment & Automotive Tom Cowan, Prop. 134 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5689 ber sistens in Toronto. Mns. Fred Cornish, Morrish, vîsited Mn. and Mrs. Carl Ten- nant. Mrs. A. Saunders visited Mn. and Mns. Roy Barabaîl, Whitby. Mrs. Win. Cobbledick and Mrs. H. Walsh with Mr. and Mns. Lamne Thompson and Jean, Blackstock. Mn. and Mrs. Lau Buckley, Peterborough, and Mr. Win. Buckley, Toronto, visited Mrs. Hanvey Curtis. Mn. and Mns. Frank Ardmon and sons, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mns. Madison Hall. Mn. and Mns. Ross Stonehouse and family, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Fred Truil. Mm. and Mns. M. J. Tamblyn with Mr. and Mns. Chas. Cawk- er, Belleville. Mr. Anson Gilray with Mr. and Mns. W. W. Cowan, Oshawa. Mm. and Mrs. Harld Hancack and famiiy, Belleville, with Mr. and Mns. Egetan Hancock. Mm. and Mns. Harold Awde and Donald, Tononto, with Mms. Chas. Awde. Mm. and Mms. Win. J. Riddell with Dm. and Mms. John H. Les- lie and Susan, Petenborough. Mns. R. McGnath, Bowman- ville, with Mn. and Mrs. Fnank Hall. Mns. Fred Tamblyn visited Mm. and Mrs. Arthur Macklin, Peterborough~. Miss Mary Somervîlle visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Somerville, Toronto. Mns. Wmn. Cowan with Mn. and Mrs. Austin Turner, New- castle. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hoapen and Mrs. E. Storie with Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson, Hampton. Mn. Jack Wilson, Panny Sound; Mn. and Mms. Keith Wood, Osha- wa, and Miss Donna Fonder, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Wilson and Ted. Mr. and Mrs. Don McGee and David visited Mr. and Mns. Bradley, Stittsville. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood and fami]y, Lakefield: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barabali and family, Whit- by, Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Crowthem and sans, Newcastle, Mr. and Mns. Fred Brooks, Miss Dianne Phasey, Oshawa; Mm. and Mrs. Harold Murphy and baby, Long Sault, spent New Yean's with Mm. and Mns. Chas. Wood and David Phasey. Mm. and Mrs. Junior West and family, Peterborough, and Miss Manie Armitage, Cavan, visited Mm. and Mrs. A. E. West and family. Mr. and Mns. M. Chatterton and Mn. and Mrs. Glenn Allin wene New Yean's guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Onville Chatterton. Mr. and Mns. C. F. Duncan spent the holidays in Ottawa and with thein iamily celebrat- ed "-eir 35th wedding anni- ve, y on Christmas Day. Mý.. and Mrs. Jim Major and iamily were in Trenton an Sun- day. Mm. and Mns. Hanry Mercen entertained thein family an New Year's. Miss Kate Fosten visited in Toronto fan the haiidays. Miss Bertha Cain, Mrs. M. Shenwin and Lawrence with Mm. and Mrs. Stanley Chapman and iamily. Mm. and Mrs. R. E. Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Aluin and iamily visited Mm. and Mns. E. G. Hay and -family, Islington. Mrs. Garnet Gansby, Bill and Judy neturned home ta Kings- tan for New Year's aiten vîsit- ing Mrs. Robent Aluin ion the holidays. Mrs. R. Allin and THE CANADLM! STATESMf, BOWMANVIL!, ONTABRIO The Orono News Sympathy is extended ta M,-I joy, INestieton. Garnet Johnston in the death IMn. and Mns. Roy Graham ai bis sister-in-law, Mns. Roy Ieotertained Mm. and Mrs. W. Jahostan af Oakwood. Vivian Thursday evening. Christmas Concert was held Mn. and Mns. Norman Avery Dec. 23rd. A short pnogram and famnily visited Mr. and consisting ai two plays and Mns. R. Wilson, Oshawa. chonuses by the children was Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton given aiten which Jollv Old and family, Mrs. M urni el Santa made the children'happy Brownlee with Mn. and Mrs. bv his presence. R. J. Ommiston, Enniskillen. Christmas Cantatta, "Xo- The public sehool teacher, ship at the Manger' given in Miss M. Bauck, spent the the chunch Dec. 23rd was muchi Christmas holidays at hem home enjoyed and wvas a pîeasiog at Osgaode Station. prsnain Congregationai meeting wil Mn. A. Bl attended the be held in the chunch an Mon- funeral ai a former iniendf and day, Jan. 10, at 7:30. neighbam. Mn. Cephas Rundie W.A. January meeting at the ai Bowmanville. and was one home ai Mrs. J. Patts on Thurs- ai the palîbeaners. day aiternoon, Jan. l3th. _______________Annual school meeting was held Wednesday aiternoan with Eaeh 4H Club plans and con- a faim attendance. Mr. J. ducts ils own program depend- Walker called the meeting ta ing an the needs and interests onder. Mr. Les Thompson wvas af the members and the com- appainted chairman and Mrs. munity. Over 8.000 valuntary A. Read, secretany. ion the leaders. manY former 4H mern* meeting. Mr. D. Black read bers, are available fon ad\-iceljthe miniutes and gave the ne- and instruction. 1poZt for the year, Mr. J. Mr.H. McGowan, Toronto, WA spntth wekndinKingston. H DON M Mrs. Addison Rickaby and tri Miss Marion Rickaby, Toronto; New Year's visitors with Mr. ti Miss Audrey Billings, Oshawa; and Mns. T. Tabb were Mr. ni Mr. and Mns. J. Rickaby and Lawrence Tabb, Trenton, N.J., Tr Narman. Mr. and Mrs. Neil U.S. Air Farce; Mr. and Mrs. ta, Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Murray Tabb and Kenny, Baw- Bl Watson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Sauch, manville. SEq Mrs. D. Bailey, Mary Lynn and Mm. Bull Patts and Charles, mr Wayne were dinner guests af Mr. Ronald Patta and Mr. Tom MI Mn. and Mrs. Carl Billings on Potts. Callingwood, with Mr. hi New Yean's. and Mrs. J. Patts and Mrs. W. me Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rans- Martin. tri benry and sans, Mr. and Mrs. M.adMs Gog etbe Mr.andMrs Gorg Bet-fio Ken Hale returned to Darval rim, Oshawa, with Mn. and after visjting Mrs. Fred Duncan Mrs. M. Bertrim. and attended the Goldèn Wed- Visitons at Mn. and Mrs. ding Anniversamy af Mn. and Lloyd Ashton's were Mrs. Mur- Mrs. James Ransberry i the !el Browrxiee, Toronta; Mrs. new I.O.O.F. hall on New Yean's. Garif Trevail, Mrs. James Master John Tamblyn treat- Noxes and Je!!, Oshawa. Y ed aven 20 o! his chums ta a Mr. and Mrs.* Fred Ashton "hay ride", foliowed by games and family, Mr. Jim Madore, Dé and lunch at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton' and mi~ Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Bawen family, Toronto; Miss Audrey do and Sandra maved ino their Hay, Petenborough; Mn. and 1 new house iast week. Mns. Henry, Miss Margot Ran- wi Mns. Meneilley, Warkwanth, kine were guests a! Mn. and 1 has neturned ta spend the win- Mrs. Arthur Read on New Nc ter with Mns. Chas. Awde. Yean's. M Mr. and Mns. S. Liptay and do family, Islingtan; Mr. and Mrs. Mi J. Fajkas at Mn. and Mrs. J te HAMPTON Liptay's. P Dr. and Mns. Conrigan and 1 Mn. and Mns. Stuart Daw Vilda Taronto with Mn. and en, and family, Pont Credit, and Mns. 'C. Rankine and Margot. br Misses Gweodolyn and Jacque- New Yean's visitons at Mr. da: line His, Mn. Kenneth Ache- and Mns. Charles Garnand's o son, Toronto; Mn. and Mns. weme Mn. and Mns. Harold Gay, tc Hugh Grant and family, Rag- Robent and Eleanor, Oshawa. o lan, wene visitons at Mn. John Mns. Bernard Houseman was i His'. in Toronto with lier husband, hi' ;Mr. and Mns. Austin Barman Cpi. Bernard Hou.%mao. p and Evlyne, Mn. and Mns. Lor- Mns. L. Stinson, Cadmus, mi enzo Truli, Franklin and with Mr. and Mns. D. Black. he Wayne Truli spent New Year's Mn. and Mrs. D. Black, Jean e Day with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. and Donna with Mr. and Mrs. t Young, Peterborough. Bob Youngmao, Pontypool. ai' rM. and Mns. Dean Hodgsan New Yean's guests at Mn. Ja and Glenn, Bowmanvilie; Mn. aod Mns. Lloyd Slemon's wene Bc and Mns. Raymond Clapp, Ty- Mn. and Mns. Fred Toms, En- ai none; Mn. and Mns. Dave niskiileo; Mn. and Mns. Wilbun Hoopen and Mrs. Eliza Stoney, Toms, Helen and Wilma, Mn.- Onono, wene New Yean's guests Keith Van Camp, Blackstack. ai Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson. Mm. and Mns. Chnis Sheffield, Miss Mauneen Bolton, Miss Oshawa, with Mn., and Mns. Sandra Gustan, Mr. Jerry Rice, Ronald Rahm. Tonoto; Miss Caole Robnson, Mn. and Mms. E. A. Werryj Oshawa, with Frankln TrulI. and Betty Jane wene Sunday I Mn. and Mns. W. W. Hon callens on Mn. and Mns. Wm. wene with friends in Pont Hope Trewin. on New Year's Day. Mn. and Mns. Silas Tnewin~ Mm. and Mrs. Menwin Mount- and Judith, Anne, Elizabeth joy spent New Yean's at Mn. Mantyn, Bawmanville, visited Kenneth Samell's, Nestieton. Mr. and Mns. Wm. Tnewin. Miss Flornoce Werny spent Mr. and Mns. J. Jones and the wcekend with hem sisten, family with Harry and Ray an:l Mn. and Mrs. Rowan at Beth- Miss Coma Degeen. any. Mr.. and Mrs. Ronald Rahm Mn. and Mrs. Garnet John- and family with Mr. and Mrs. stan and girls at Mn. Morley Cecil Rahm, Union, and Mr. Johnston's, Manilla. and Mns. Wm. Dawson, Onono. Mn. and Mns. Bruce Hogarth Mn. and Mns. Norman Avery and family, Pickering, at J. D. and family wene dinter guests Hoganth's, and at Salter's. ai Mn. and Mns. Geange LutesP Mn. and Mns. M. Mouintjoy Scarbono. were in Toronto on Sunday. Visitons with Mr. and Mrs C. 14r. and. Mns. C. J. Wray, Rankine wene Mns. Wilsan and Maxine and Debora and Miss fniend, Bowmanville. Elleen Wnay, Oshawa, at T. Mr. and Mns. Roy Gnaham Wnay's. and famîly and Mns. H. Cross- Mn. and Mns. W. B. Cunning- man wene dinnen guests ai Mn. ham, Mn. and Mrs. Allan Gra- and Mns. Leslie Gnaham on ham and Alana, Fenelon Falls, New Yean's. were guests ai Mn. aod Mns. Mns. W. Thompson accom- Hanland Truli. panied Mr. and Mns. Walter Mn. and Mrs. Hilton Peters, Bidgett, Bowmanville, an d Mn. Ralph Petens, Mm. and Mns. were guests ai Mr. and Mns. Keith Petens, Toronto; Mr. and Gardon Taylar, Enfield, on Mns. Gea. Davey, Pont Penny; New Yean's. Miss Reta Kersiake and Miss IMr. and Mns. Ross Ashton M arny Petens, Bowmanvîlle, and famiiy wene dinner guests guests ai the Salten's. ai Mm. and Mns. Harold Me- Women's Institute will meet Laughlin, Blackstock, an New on Thunsday aitennoon in the Yean's and, suppen guests ai chunch basement at the usual Mn. and Mns. R. J. Ormiston, time. Pnognam is in change ai Enniskillen. the Centre gnoup. Subject: Visitons at Mn. and Mms. W. "Citizenshîp". Ail ladies wel- Blackburn's and Mns. T. Cowi- came. ing's were Mr. and Mns. D. Communion will be obsemved Colbary and family, Mn. aod at the Sunday nlamnîng church Mns. Munray Tabb and Kenny, service. A pnepanatory senvice Bowmanville; Mr. Lawrence will be held on Friday even- Tabb, New Jersey, U.S. Air ing. Fonce. Visitons at Mns. W. Thomp- (Intended ion last week) son's were Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Christmas guests at the home Thompson and family, Toranto, ai Mr. and Mns. Ken Cavenly Mn. and Mrs. Earl Thompsoo were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert and family, Mn. and Mns. Don- Cale, Mr. Donald Cale, Miss ald Thampson and iamily, [Marjony Cale, Mn. and Mms. J Bowmanville; Mrs. R olan d Douglas Cavenly and daughter Thompson. Karen and Donnie, Linda, Bowmanville; Mm. How- Hampton. ard Pye, Enniskillen, and Mn. Mn. and Mrs. W. Vivian and L. S. Caverly, Tononto. family at Mr. Robent Vivian's, Mr. Wilbur Burnett, Pont Janetville. Penny, is \'isiting Mm. and Mrs. Mr. and Mns. Henry Ashtan Will Wilbur.1 weme dinner guests at Mn. E. Mn. and Mms. Keith Tennant Syem's, Bowmanville, on Mon- and iamily, Mrs. J. Cowling da.y. Mumay nd ian, ale, 'rl Mr. Anchie McNeil, Miss bor ys anwithaMm , alm. L-D otiT no 1etonwithMn. ad Mr. Ge-a Ha mtoneandMn. ndMrs. A 43c 24-oz. Jar ea. Sliced or Plain - Fresh Daily Richnîellc BREAD 24-oz. u Loaf 15 VEAL ROASTS A tamous paet once wrote that ther,'s "a heap o' dilferenc." between a "bouse" and a "home". On. la juat a building, while the ather is a warm, friendly place where you know you'r. aiways _ weicome. People make that wonderful difference. There's "a heap o' difference" in stores, toc. Some are lust buildings. But DOMINION is a warm, friendly place, where cheerful amiles and caurteous assistance aiwaya make you feel welcome. From where you take a shopping buggy . . . right througli the store and out with a helpful carry-out boy. . . DOMINION people make a wonderfui difference in your shop- ping pleasure. No wonder everybody saya: "Falks are more FRIENDLY at DOMINION!t" CLARK'S - In Chili Sauce - 20 oz. tin Becons with Poirk 2 for 33c CLARK'S - FANCY - 20 oz. tin Tomato Juic 2- for 25C LEALAND - 24 oz. - Three Fruit Marmalade 33c RICHMELLO - CANADIAN MiId Cheese lb. 45c CLARK'S - TOMATO OR VEGETABLE ilh. 3 9c DELICIQUS - LEAN - PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLLS 1.1).4 5 c SDE VON - RIND ON - SMOKED SIDE BACON One Lb. Pkg. 49C CLOVERLEAF - FANCY - RED SOCKEYE SALMON,/½'s TIN 39c Values effective at Bow~manv ille Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January 6, 7, 8 soUP Tins .2 for 25C PURE TOMATO - 11 oz. bottie HEINZ27 KETCHUP Cut Produce Costs Sweet - Thin-skinned - Size 216 Florida Juice ORANGES 'r Dot. California - Fresh Green Top - Bunches NEW CARROTS3 Sweet - Juicy - Marsh Seedless Florida - Size 96 GRAPEFRUIT il Zper skinned - Easy to Peel - Size 210 TANGERINES 2 33c For 29c 0 'w49C 1De:. 45c DOMINION STORES LIMITED) PAGE ND~U Xallcer resigxIed. as trustee. Ur. J. Liptay was appoirited ,xstee ta fill Mn. Walkem's erm. Mr. Arthur Trewin was e-elected for another term. mrustees are: A. Trewin, J. Lip- ay and R. Gmaham. Mr. D. 3lack gave up bis position as ;cretary-t. aasunen as he is noving ta Courtice. Mr. David Waicolm was appointed ta take is place. Mr. M. Siemon noved a vote ai thanks ta the rustees for the wonk that had )en done on sehool such as oom covering, etc. ]KENDAL A Happy and Prospenaus New ear ta everyone. Mm. and Mrs. Roy Mencen, avid and Donnie spent Christ- nas with Rev. and Mrs. Mur- Io MacInnis, Beaverton. Roy Sleep spent a few days vith bis sisten in Toronto. Guests with Mr. and Mns. Zorman Patton Christmas wene 4r. and Mrs. Alvin Lowes, Gar- tn and Joan, Mn. and Mns. lilton Lowes and Rannie, Pe- nrbaro, Mn. and Mns. Ross latton and family. A numben ai Kendal couples njayed the New Year's cele- )ration at the Country Club lnce in Port Hope white some dthe youngem folks journeyed o Petembono ta see the aid yean it and the new yeam in. Miss Colleen Lowe spent the liday in Belleville wîth hem )arents, who, with hem friend, Iiss Manie Lampoas, bmaught ir back ta Kendal Sunday ai- eroon Harland Eliiott, Ray Cour- )x, Kenny Martinell, Rois Fackson, Wayne Foster and obby Inwin are attendiog cubs tt Orano each Monday eveoing.ý Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson,l Kathleen and Billy, were New- Yean's visitons with Mr. an<i Mns. Vennon Peacock. Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Glass, Ray Glass, Mrs. Neya Little, Alec Little, and Mm. and Mns. Bill Turansky, Dianne, Kathy and Wilma, speot New Year's Day with Mm. and Mms. Milton Rab- inson. Miss Theresa Counoux, Mr. a nd Mrs. Eddie Coumaux, Ray and Marie, Gardon and Carl Langstaii also Mr. and Mns. Ray Moore and sans, Toranto, spent the New Yean's holiday at Cache Bay. New Yean guests with Mrs. Mary Luxon and Miss Marion White wene Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes aod Gloria, Mn. and Mns. John Thompson and Mar- garet Anne, Onville Zealand and Mns. W. Mencen. Masten Ross Jackson spent bis Christmas halidays at Mil- liken with Mn. and Mns. Wm. Honey, Mary and Phyllis and neturned home Sunday with his parents, Mm. and Mri. Wm. Jackson. Mr. and Mns. Wm, Mercen spent New Yeam's wîth Mr. and Mrs'. George Mencer and iam- ily. Mm, and Mns. Norman Patton spent New Yean's with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Patton and family. Harvey MacInnes ai RCAF, Trenton, spent New Yeam's with Mn. and Mrs. R. Mercen. Mm. and Mns. Bert Thomp- son enjoyed Jan, 1 with Mn. and Mns. Lamne Paeden and Jean. Mm. and Mrs. Cy Elsey and daughters and Mn. Martin, Osh- awa, were Sunday guests witth Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Gray and famnily spent New Year's with Mm. and Mns. Ai Stevens and family. Tuesday evening in the Sun- day School noamn Miss Irene Inch gave a very intenesting WESLEY VILLE The annual meeting of the ratepayers of this school sec- tion was held ln the school -house last Wednesday evening. A new trustee. Allan Clarke, was elected to take the place of the retiring member of the board, Arnold Austin, and Har- oid Austin willi replace Len Oughtred who resigned. Both of these trustees have given many years of service to the community, many o! them years when the work oi a trustee wvas a warrisame busi- ness because of teacher short- age. We are very glad to say little Robert Dinner and Car- roll Nichaîls are both home fram hospital and canvaiescing satisfactorily. Truman Austin was ini charge oaf Sunday $çhoal in the ab- sence af Murray Payne on Sunday marning. There was a fair attendance at church ta hear Rev. Harding's New Year descriptian af her seven week's taur last summer. She illustrat- ed the many points of interest visited an the 9,000 mile trip by beautifully coloured slides. 0f especial interest were the three huge buses which accam- modated the 120 teachers. The Calgary Stampede, Banff, Van- couver, in Canada, and the ci- ties of the U. S. Pacific Coasit and Tiajuana, Mexico, alsa the return trip thraugh the desert were very colounful and inter- esting. Rather made ane wish ta visit the same places. AUl also enjayed the lunch and sa- cial chat with Miss Inch and seeing the novelties etc., which she had brought back. Hearty applause expressed the appre- ciation af the audience ta Miss Inch. - Bowmanville -' R. P. Rickaby - "Big 20" W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shop Rite's Smoke Shap Jury & Lovel Goheen's Handy Store The Statesman Office message and the special music by the chaoir. The negular meeting o! the C.G.I.T. girls was held et Mrs. E. Barnowclough'u on Monday evening with the six girls pre- sent, and Berniece Best. The allotted time Éeems aIl toa short for ail the girls want ta do, so sewing time was cut short. The president, Donna Oughtred, was in charge o! the business. Bannie Austin conducted the wonshîp and for this meeting the ever popular game "guess initiais" was played following the meeting proper. Helene Barnowclough and Jane Reeve returned ta Sean- bora and Niagara Fails after spending Chmistmnas halidays at home, and Mrs. Craig =n the local children are deep i 1955 business at aur school. The Statesman Sold At Following Stores Tnull's Store, Countice Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethaqy Johnson's Dmug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Bnowvn, Newtonville C. Pethick, Enniskillen T. M. Slemon, Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tynone G. A. Barman, Hampton A. E. Ribey, Burketon H. T. Saywell, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrnell, Orono H. K. Reynolds, Kendal Gilbert Food Market, Millbrroek Hendersan's Book Store, Oshawa Fok~are nmore DMINMl Jury & Lovel Phone MA 3-5778 Eyes Exarnined - Glasses Fitted Westinghouse Clothes Dryer and labour and the headache of drying clothes- Use a Westinghouse Clothes Dryer. Drying clothes in the new Westinghouse Clothes Dryer is fun . . . just load it . . . set it -... forget it! Check these features - 3-way dry dial, direct air flow, handy loading sheif. Lander Hardware 7 KING ST. E. PHONE MA 3-5774 7 Cut Meat Costs SWIFT'S - PREMIUM - BONELESS f/J 4 LEALAND - With Pectin ,St rawberry JAM A-ý -PAGE NM

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