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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1955, p. 12

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7 ~ ~ m~-~ PAGE TWELVE Pushovers af Opening Barons Redeem Selves ln Third Period RalIy Left-winger Chuck Armstrong of the Orono Orphans made ike a 2th-Century Nero hast Wed- nesday night and danced while, his team-mates burned out dur- ing the third period of their game with the Bowmanville Barons at the Memorial Arena. When the f ire set by the Barons with a four-goal torch in the third frame had dîed out, they had climbed from behind a 4-1 deficit to win the game 5-4. The Orphans dressed only 10 players for the game, and A- mstrong's departure to trip the light fantastic at the end of the first period lef t thema with only nine from then on. The Orpbans' carefree approach to the game was probably justîfied at that time, however, as the Barons were trailing 4-1 and showed few signs of narrowing the gap. Their play in the second period was littie better, but they really caught fire in the final frame. Barons Work Hard Spearheaded by the fast skat- ing and hard work of Frank Hooper, Bihl Berwick, Dan Gi- rardi, Ja1ck Marshall, Ernie Dickens, Buck Cowle and Maxie Yourtb, the local pucksters came through with four goals to pull the game out. Jack Marshall Stafford Bros. Mlonumenfal Works Phone Whltby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AN- MARRERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detai] are your assurance when You choose from the wide selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbles in stock. counted the first of these on screen shot from fairly close ii at 5:26 o! the period after takinj a pass fromn Playing-Coac] Ernie Dickens. This narrowed the Orphan' margin to 4-2 and Dan Girard further rcduced it with a goa at 9:41. The elongated right Winger got a nice pass fror Frank Hooper right in front o the Orono citadel and he madi no mistake in flipping the ruD ber into the open side of the net Ernie Dickens also drew ai assist on the nice scoring play Frank Hooper, a standou player for the Barons ahi even ing, tied the counit at 4-4 onI: 17 seconds later with an un assisted goal, and Bihl Berwîc] compieted the realiy remark able comeback for the Bowman. ville squad by sinking the win. ning taily at 12:42. Berwicl fired a long one wbich Buc Hooper, the Orono goahie, block. cd and then fell on. He did noi quite get bis body on the puck bowever, and Berwick dug il out from under him and siappcc it in the side o! the net. Orphans Pull Goalie The marker proved to be thE Winning goal in spîte of a stroni attempt by the Orphans to tic il up again. Tbey puiled Hoope. from the net with 12 seconds tc go, but the manoeuvre did noi pay off. An important reasor for their failure was the faci that their five remaining for- wards were pretty well worr ragged by this time after play. ing about 40-minute hockey each. Junior West and Dor Mercer on defence played closE to 60 minutes each, as Lloyd Jbhnston was used sparingly. Frank Hooper scored thE Barons first-period goal on a pass from Dickens, and the Orphans scoring was accountec for by Dean West from Junior West, Junior from Gerry Rob- inson and Irv Welsh, Welsh un- assisted, and Robinson froir Welsh. Bud Hooper piayed a good game for Orono in the nets and both Mercer and Junior Bowman ville MemorialArena Public Skalting 8 Ia 10 p.m. FR1., JAN* 7 ADMISSION - - - Aduits 35c, Chuidren 20e Public Skating 2 Io 4 p.m. SATop JANe 8 ADMISSION - - - Aduits 35c, Children 20c L akesh are Intermediate "A"r HOCKEY sAT.* JAN. 8 8:30 p.m. PORT HOPE REDMEN 80 WMANVILLE BARONS Prior to the game - at 7:45 p.m. Pee Wee Hockey elruins vs. Maple Leafs Admission to both games General Admission and Reserved Seats ____75c Students --- ----------------- 35e MINOR HOCKEY 8 P. M.. WED.,, JAN. 12 JUVENILES Cobourg' vs. Bowmanvilie MIDGETS Port Hope vs. Bowmanvîlle JÈDMISSION - - - Aduits 25c, Children l0e k THIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO IE. A. Werry. Grant, Bert and Garth, Janice, Faith and Cis W e d n f L c l Int r vey McGill and Garth, Mrs. H. tine, Fairview, Penn., with Mr. W eddi ng o Loc i inteest iMlls, Chester and Bruce were and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. New Year guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Oke and Mrs. F. W,. Werry. Randy with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson Walter Oke. and family with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Werry fdwin Sandercock, Orono. and June, Mrs. A. McKinnon, Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto; Mr. Miss Louie McKinnon, Mrs. and Mrs. Stanley Turner and Muriel Brownlee. Toronto; Mr. 'Helen, Oshawa; Mrs. John Dor- and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Marie, a i land with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ronald and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. ýgDorland. Ross Ashton, Sheryl, Glen and -h Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson and Beth, Haydon, were New Year's Karry visited Geo. Wilson's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. and Ted Wilson's, Toronto. J. Ormiston. ý's Master Allan Cole, Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm, Ji !ville, with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Tyrone, were Sunday tea guests t- Werry. o Mr. and Mrs. John E. Grif- rn Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton fýin. nf and boys visited Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. N. Wright spent leS. Kersey, Hampton. the weekend with his sisters in eMr. and Mrs. R. McNell with Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cowling, New Year's guests of Mr. and t.Blackstock. Mrs. John Siemon were Misses n i Mr. and Mrs. T. Bell and Jeannette Snyder and Betty Y. ifamily, Toronto, with Mr. and Knox, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. A. L. Wearn. J. R. Knox, Hampton; Rev. and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry Mrs. R. Seymour, Mr. A. Mill- y t~were Wednesday dinner guests son, Mr. and M rs. H. Milîson of Miss Elenor Stainton, Osh- and family, Enniskiilen. ýkawa. Mr. and Mrs. F. Spry, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- Messrs Roy and. Harold Spry, ton and family with R. Hopes Rochester, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. and C. Milîs, Port Perry. W. E. Sanderson, Ray and ýk Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick Murray, Columbus, with Mr. dI with relatives in Toronto. Miss and Mrs. Edgar Wright. t1 Nancy Wood returned home. Mr. and Mrs. «A. Leadbeater, )t < Mrs. T. M. Siemon, Mr. and Mr.* and Mrs. L. Leadbeater, Mrs. John Siemon, Kathryn Murray and Dale, Toronto; Mr. it and Robert with Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. J. Osborne, Courtice, d Lorne Griffin, Blackstock. with Mr. and Mrs. A. Lead- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Werry, beater. vDonald and Dennis, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brun t 2e with Mr. and Mrs. Allan were Sunday tea guests of Mr. Werry.and Mrs. Howard Bradley, it Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt Mapie Grove. ýr with Mr. and Mrs. Orr Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Svanefelt 0Mr. Leonard Arthur Swatri dge of Stratford, who Port Perry. with friends in Toronto. )t this year joined the staff of Bowmanville Central Sehool, Mr. and Mrs. Cliffordý Hetz, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton non Dec. 27 took as his bride Margaret Joan McLeod, ýt- .- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. McLeod, also of Strat- n ford. The ceremnony was performed at 12 noon in St. 1- Andrew*s Presayterian Church; Stratford. The groom\yis the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Swatridge of that city. n -Photo by Fowier Bros., Stratford e LESKARD ENNISKJLLEN e Mr. and Mrs. Dewell Sr., Mr. Mission Band 1 and Mrs. L. Deweil and family Mission Band was heid Dec. rand Mr. A. W. Pickard, $Ow- 29.- Pictures were shown, stor-1 -manville, spent New Year's Day jes of India were given by Mrs. -with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davey. Lloyd Ashton and games by .1 Mr. and Mrs. A. Young, Mrs. Seymour with Mrs. G.i El Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Yeo at the piano. A piano duet SMartin. Loraine Martin has by Linda and David Stainton; returned to Toronto as their Mr. L. Ashton read Proverbs guest. 22:6, for the devotionai; piano 1 Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fee and solo by Charles Ashton -T"eas-' son with his parents, Mr. and urer's report was given by Bert Mrs. W. Fee. Werry. Piano solo by Lois Ash- Mr. and Mrs. E. Green with ton.- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Godwin,ý Election of officers xvere as,! Dunbarton.1 follows: Presjdent-Garth Mc- Mis May Tompon nd r.Gi; Vice President - Irene Mis. ar Thompson and, it Mr. Ferguson; Se'y-Doris Wright; J. Wtsonandornto. wit r. Ass't Sec'y - Garry Beckett; A. atsn ad rs.I. hatr.Treas. - Jim Rowan; Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Art Robbins Box - Bruce Mills; Worlc<! were New Year gusets of Mr. Frien&L-Ted Yeo and Tom LIM ITED SUrrI.. and Mrs. R. Moffatt, Orono. Wilson; Peace Sec'y- Linda Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spry and Yeo; Temperance- Cheryl daughter, Tyrone, with Mr. andj Rowan, Linda Stainton and Mrs. E. Spry.1 Vicki Pickering; Pianist - Lin- Mr. and Mrs. E. Green, Alex, da and Ted Yeo, Lois Ashton, C.on sole-IVodels Burt and Brenda spent Sunday Doris Wright and Kathryn Sie-1 with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morris, mon; Press Reporter - Garry Hespler. Beckett; Ass't - Lois AshtonGat2" Mr. an dMrs. E. Duvail with A delicious lunch was served âin 1 Mr. and Mrs. Herb Duval and by the older ones. - John, Orono. Mission Band and leaders Mrs. Bassinet, Miss Bassinet iwere ryall entertained by I and Miss Wanda Hobbs, Toron- Mrs. R. Steniger and Miss Ju- towih Mr. and Mrs. Robert dith Stenger at their home. Ali 3 N LY stories and explained some Model C2315 West turned in nice efforts on Christmas customs of Germany. defence. Lunch was served. jIce Chips Mrs. Seymour and Miss Mar- REGULAR $379.95 Buck Cowle was the hard- garet Seymour were hostesses luck guy for the Barons, being at the parsonage for the C.G. robbed on about three occasions I.T. Christmas party Dec. 27. 2 9 by Bud Hooper ... Denny Pali- The gay decorations and glow- ister was shaky on two Orono jing fire place created the real Clas 39s goals in the first period but re-1 atmosphere for a delightful Claance deemed himself with nice saves time. After an hour of games $ 3 later in the game - especiaily the usual gift exchange follow- when two of the Orphans skat- ed. A delicious lunch was ed right in on him on a break- served by the hostesses and the_______ away late in the f irst frame .. party ended with Taps. Frank Hooper jolted Merc-er On New Year's Day Mrs. E with a tremendous bodycheck C. Ashton with her children in the third period, and Dickens and grandchildren had a fam- 'R spiiled Robinson hard with ily party at the community 3 O IV what looked like a perfectly hall. I3~ I legitimate body check midway Mr. and Mrs. Fochier and thrug te erod Rfeeefamily, Toronto, with ber par-1 Model C2305 Ted Topping, who also made ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Grubb. other weird caîls, saw it differ- Women's Association entiy however and gave Dick- Women's Assocrbiation 4-metaRE LA $39 favorable treasurer's report was given by Mrs. R., McLaughiin. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Scott, ~ Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Scott and, fmlOshawa; Misses Louise and Marjorie Mclntosh, Whit-I by, at Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ir- 1 VO LL SEND Mr. and Mrs. John Slemoni FOR US IF and famnily with Mr. and Mrs.! s'UARE Dave Hall. Hampton. Miss Janice Beech, Maple i WISE, Grove, with Miss Lois Ashton. VIS UAUTOMATIC. WASHERS y A>J r'o Mrs. J. Henry, Miss Doris ÏA ý ID 1 FtV U Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne; ViOUL.D Griffin, Miss- Jean Griffin, 1 Blackstock; Mr. Alfred Ger-i W ASHING t rard, Haydon, were New Yearl _______________________ guests of Mr. and Mrs. John E. i Griffin.1 M IIJ S Ir. and Mrs. Milton Stain-!AB Il Mrs. W. ,T. Stainton a d :Mr.' andi Mrs. Garnet TwnPeler- borourLh. Glad to. krow i\Irs. YStainton is improving. £M r. and Mrs. Edgar Horn, O0shawa, visited Mr. and Mre-. i T Mr. and M,%rs. John Barrow- dale and B:ian. Oshav, a:Mr *and Mn,. JA. Wrv Mr. andi 3 K n t .B w kld1is.Aln '.1.adMrs. j11n t .B w THURSDAY, JAN.' eth, 1955 goals, Bill Ellis and Jacic M illr's axi Whiteman eacb had four, Har- vey Lunnèy sniped three, Tiin Co rie W i Coxcntributed two and Bar- Cou tic ney Woodward added a single- ton to the Taximen's lopsided -. win. s Town Fixtures For the C.O.F. Clint Ferguâj sniped a pair and Bob Craig, Miler's Taxi ran wild against Jini Levîtt and Mac Macfou- the Foresters last Thursday gaîl scored one apiece. nîght in a Town Hockey League I h te aeo h gamne, and when the smoke ha I ccn th ouhrt i done dOf rt clercdhadposed 1-5 land-' Street by a 6-2 count, with slide win. Grant Heron lcading the Cotir- Don Childs racked up five: tice squad's attack with two goals. Glen Pickeil, Bob Mur. and boys were New Year' v Bruce Dowvn and Bob Johnsoà,,e Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. AI- accountcd for the othercoe Ian Wrry.For the lo-sing Front Street- Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeaterc rs Chuck Kilpatrick got one Tommyand eorge wih Mr goal w ith assistas frorn Don Tmyand Georgi. MotheM 1 Bishop and Rip Richards, and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wer r- Jerry Marerrison scored the Were New Year dinner guests I t.eirion a pass from Don O f M r a n d M r s . A r t S t a i n t o n ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Peteroroug. - A backer aielcaled por hA la sane iel cr.and Sprt b.A stay ithMr.and Mrs.i E. A.oWur y and ft amis hegoin hofour yiearsbt tae thend holday lie spcthidrhnistd mauoitsHespethismChtrs- d holdas.withnbismars, Mr.e Osand MrsoneBooe daew, Osa etrdhm Mr. Ya rs.Day. dLab Bomnl;Mr. and Mrs.DnadLab Milonmainc; rand Clrnc Miton taitoand Cs.Lrne wiahm. an Mr.Ln r,.C.Aho Mr.s and Chrls. O. C.ashton, Loi s n 1h.l wrels sawa. adMrs. I. TrevailbsOSmhawa Mn r and rshwaet Sith; Mn. Cadrothythsada, with Mrn. Cad mt n r.M -Hun------------ The average value of a mink peit to the Canadian fur farm- er is under twenty çioliars. Dead Stock Removed Highest prices pald for Dead. OId and Crippled Farrn Stock. TELEPHONE COLLECT Cobourg 1787 NICK PECONI, PETERBOROUGH 2-2080 Model T-2325 - Wooden Cabinet Regular $249.95- Clearance$2 19.95 2 ONLY Model T-2302 - Steel Cabinet Regular $229.95 Clearance $ 199,,95 AND DRYERS AND M'ACHINES SA VINGS r SROP iianville MA3-3262 -- i I. I f I 'B m j MA3-3262 \xx Televismon., manville

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