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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1955, p. 16

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iF - 5 -~- 1' flNAMfl TECANAD!AK STATESMAIN, !TEUIWMAT, JAf. -ethl, Real Estate For Sale 1,Reai Estaie For Sale BLACKSTOCK-10-room brick housé, - double corner lot oan main street.' Beside store and schools. ' Asking fPice> $5,2G0.ý Terrns. Pon 17 r- 10, Orono. J. VAN NEST REAL ESTATE NEEDS .LIST]INOS - Let 'U&'S cR Your Home, Farm or Business Cail in and tàik it over 118 ING STREET EAST BOWMANVILLE' Phone MA 3-3230 42-tf 9SI-m 1v-* ltemnOry Of fatlv ics Fredemick SIP -d away Jan. 8. day the cdgc a! y turni bock evemy ,nissed by Ruby, Earl vily. 11 r"S....n loving. memory of ý-ý father, Charles Fedrick .aams, wha passed away Jan. ith, 1938. In my heart youm memomy lingqrs, Swcetly, tendér, fond and truc; There is not a day, dear Father, That I do not think o! you. -Sadly rnisscd and ever re- mernbercd by daughter Pearlie. BUTRNS-In loving memory o! Norman W. Burns, who passed away January 4, 1952. -Ever emembcred by the fam- ily. l*-1' KERR-In loving memamy o! a dear wife and inother, Sarah Jane Kerr, who passed away Jan. 4th, 1939. What we keep in memory Is ours unchanged farever, Yet tho' thy smile be lost ta sight To memary thou art dear. -Ever remembered by husband and family. 1-1"' MARTIN-In laving memamy of aur dear mother, Janet Martin, who passed away Jan. 7, 1948. In aur home she is fondiy remembemcd, Sweet memories cling ta hem name, Those, who laved hem in life sincerely, Stili love her in death just the sarne. -Lovingiy rcmembered by Bessie, Douglas and families. 1-1' SHAW-In loving memrnoy of a dear husband and father, S. Charles Show, who passed away suddeniy, Januamy 8, 1951. He bade no anc a last faewell, He said goodbye ta none, His spirit fied before we knew That he from us had gone. At night the sulent stars look down On a grave not f ar from heme, Where slecps the anc we can't forget, The anc wc loved so dear. He is gone but nat forgatten, And, as dawns another ycar In aur lonciy hours of thinking, Thaughts o! him are always near. *More and i,, -I each day we miss 1, rn *Though ouf, . ioughts are not revealed, Little do they know the sorow That lies within aur heamts concealed. *Sdymissed and ever e- membered by his wife Edna, and bis sons George, Jim and RaI 1h. TREWIN-In loving memory ai Anne Evelyn Trewin who pass. cd away Jan. 1, 1942. -Ever emembered by mother, *father, sisters and brothers. If 1-1- VACUUM, no further need. Phone MA 3-5916. 1-1 SMALL Frigidaire refrigerator, $49.00. Frank Hoskin. Phone Biackstock 2. - STEEL crib and springs, _good condition. Phone MA 3-2584. SCISSORS sharpened. Meryn Brock's Barber Shop, 26 King St. W., Bowmanville. 1-1* 7.50x24 8 ply Goodyear. tire, slightly singed. $30.00. Phone MA 3-3042. 1-1 ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bags, delivered in Bowmanville. Pho ne MA 3-2473. 31-tf SAVE on lumber, direct from min ta yau. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone Vril. 13-tf DRY hardwoad, $18.00 a cord, sawed and delivered. Telephane Newcastle 3776 instead o! 2146. 48-tf APARTMENT cook-stove equip- ped with oil burners, also kitch-ý en buffet. Phone MA 3-5922. 1-1 PIANO and bcnch, apartment size, full 88 note keyboard, nearly new. Phone MA 3-5815. 1-1 KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf STEEL snow plaw, used very littie, can be attached ta any truck, hydraulic lif t; sacrifice. Phone MA 3-2035. 1-1* INSULATION, blowing niethod, with rock woal. Workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf FINDLAY coal and wood çook stove with warming aven;. an ash sifter, a two-burner , heavy wired electric stove. Phone MA 3-5898. .1-21 PAIN of rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, can be helped by tak- ing Rumacaps. Recommended by thousands of thankful users. Ask your druggist. 1-1 STUDIO couch in good con- dition. Phone MA 3-2994. 1-2- HOT water jacket heatèr'. Brock's Barber Shop, 26 King HEARING aid service, testing service and camplete stock of batteries and .cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E. Bowmanvilie. Phone MA 3-5438. 20-tf Phone 3S-SSL 25-tf The South Darllngton Township School Aiea Board is offerlng for sale by tender, the following schocdl propçrties : 1. Present 2-room school in H4mpton. This is a two-storey brick building in good state of repair; can be remodelled intoaa duplex apartment if desired; suitable also for' business pur- poses. Prospective buyers can inspect this building at any time by arrangement with the under- signýed. 1 2. One-raam brick school on Base Line, just outside westen town limits (S.S. No. 2, Daring- ton). This building must be re- Pioved from the property. Ten- ders wiil be rcceived until Jan. M. J. liobbs, See'y-Treas. South Darlihgton Twp. School Area Board, Enn.lskilien. Phone MA 3-2984 52-2. .-nly, at Bowman- n. 3, 1955, Ad husband dear father John and in his 46th Northcutt& orne, 53 Div- icl. Service Interment 1-1 1-1 Ihcmks .dgert a! the Home wishes in any way ;tmas bright- 1-1 ik ail aur the beauti- have e- 'Cersey, 'ae, Ont. 1-1' 'ir sin- ion ta ,r the -.rom t-1 .1. -1 ýre ,he rds ux- N o. ,ds, ,ids. eiends, e -foi 1m. K. .iurses vman- mng my ,arry. nephews af Cullens wish to eart!elt thanks to Pike for his con- the Bailow Fun- y riendà and ncigh- or their floral tributes iy acts o! kindness. 1-1* rlelp Wated .cL over -18 years aid fai usework. Permanent. Sleer At. Apply Statesman Office 1-ti RELIABLE persan for general housework in Oshawa home Phone Bowmanville MA 3-3807 116_Scugog. 1-V TWO cxperîenced waitressc. wanted. Appiy in persan tc Kingsway Lunch, Newcastle.1- CLERK for local store it knowledge of book-kceping anÉ typîng. Write, stating expeienct and partîculars ta Box 276, c/( The Canadian Statesman, Bow. rn iI1île. 1 De WITH REAL ESTATE 200 acre farm, 70 acres work- able dlay loam land, 100 acres bush, pasture, cmeek, 50' x 30' bank barn, drîving shed, hen hause;-6 roamcd frame house. Price $4.500. $1.000 down. 60 acre farm,, ¾/ mile of! the highway, 58 acres workablc, 80'x45' bank barn, silo, garage; 7 roomcd frame home, heavy duty wimed. Price $5.500, hall down. .226 acre !arm, 1/ mile from highway, 130 acres wolýkable, 30 acres woad, remaiiider pasture. Large L-shaped bank barn, with water bowls, silo; 8 roomed frame bouse with watcr pres- sure, bathroom, hcavy duty wir- cd.' Price $20,000. Terms. 150 acre farm, 80 acres work- able, 20 acres hamdwood, cmeek, remainder posture; 68'x44' bank barn, dniving shed, hen house; 9 roamed brick house, hydra thraugho.ut. Asking price $12,000. Terms. 200 acre f arm, wqiereof 125 acres workable, 20 arrs wood, rest posture; creck, 9WM32'and 48'x40' bank barn, dmiving shed, garage, 9 roomed ýbrick. bouse with bathroom, munning water, hydro thmoughaut. A sk in g $15,000. $5.000 down. ý4'x36' un!inished cottage- roafed bungalow with water and sewer available. Composed o! 5 raoms (3 bedraams) and full basement. Price $4,600, bal! cash. * 24'x38' unfinished ranch style bungalow cansistmng of 5 rooms (3 bèdrooms) and full basement. Sewem and watcr avaiUable. Price $4,200. 4 roomed insulatcd bungalow wlth new garage, extra lot, ihydra throughout. Price $4,000. 6 roorned insulated f rame house in- Newcastle- wof full basement, heavy dutiVFwired, goad size gardon, creek. Price $4.000.' 5 roomed frame and stone hause ini Newcastle on large lot, wlth creek, nice firepiace, heavy, duty wired.. Price $3,000. Ternis. 15'x26e- unflnished bungalow with hydro -installed. Price $1,500. $500 down.. Besides "the 'above xnentioned we have approximately 70 mare ta choose from in Oshawa, Bow- f, nvmille, Pomt Hope, Cobourg *àd suimrounding districta. jqhn P. ie Wîth.- Realtor 1Newcastle Phone 3341 gotice ta rabbit hunters. $ 1.00 Il be paid for each rabbit. ease be carieful when hunting nursery prope-rty. Braokdale fgsway Nurseries. 51-tf We are now,-maxuufacturing ment blocks, bath interlocking d standard, -and-* would be ýased ta serve you witb a good dut at a reasonablé price. ipp Construction. Phone 392W. St Perry. 40-tf $12,000-120 acres, good 6- oom house, bank barn 40'xlOO', two other barns, silo. Buildings alone worth more than price asked. Will accept as low as $3,000 cash down, 10 years on balance. The owner also has 200 acres cattie ranch that he wili sdil on easy terms. $5,000-Two 50 acre lots, thec home 50 is ail workable land. Nice frame house, bank barn with stanchions and litter car- riers, implement shed and oth- cm buildings, hydra, telephone, lots o! water. The adjoining 50 acres is ail wood, with trout stream. 12 roorn brick and cernent block house with garage attach- cd, ail newiy remodelled, easy terms. 200 acres, good fmame bouse, small barns, hal! workable, $5$000. Hal! cash. We would appreciate listings on farms in the Bowmanville or Oshawa district, waiting cash buyers. H. C. Pedwell, Boe Newcastle hn 3-S NIXON REAL ESTATE Beautiful brick dwelling on a go 'od residential street offered by the owner for the first time, containing kitchen, dining and living room, 4 bedrooms, clothes closets, oak floors throughout, fireplace, 4-piece bath, hot wat- er heating with ail, brick garage, many extras, $$12,000. Terras.' Will have ta be seen ta be ap- preciated. 8-room solid iýrick dwelling, good location, hardwood floors, tiled bath, ail fumnace, modern kitchen, living and diining-room, fireplace, insulated, $8,750. Terms 4-room. frame bungalow, sun- room, 4-piece bath, ail furnace, modern kitchen, attached ga- rage, garden, $8,500. Terms. 6-room solid brick home, bath, aoil furnace, hamdwood floors, basement, verandas, garage, stomm doors and windows, $7.000. Terms. New ranch style brick bun- galow, 7 moams, 4-piece bath, radiant heating, insulated, fire- place, rubber tule flooring, at-I tached garage, good lot, $14,000. Terms. Immediate possession. A beautiful 6-roorn brick home, living and dining-roam, modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, fumnace, garage, garden, many extras, $9.500. 4-room frame bungalow, 4- piece modern bath, heavy wir- ing, clothes closets, blendair heating, fully insulated, $6,000. Terms. Possession 30 days. 200 acres pasture and Wood and lots o! water, $4,500. 112 acres dlay loam, large barn with other buildings, 7- roam, trame house, heavy wir- ing, on good road, good water supply, $11000. Terms. * 500 acres, hip roof barn, frame bouse, 150 acres clear, hardwood and pîne on remainder o! land. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Dial MA 3-5682 1-1* Cars For Sale '52 FARGO hait-ton, one '50 Mercury 3-ton, anc '49 Dodge combination dump; anc '48 Farga 21/ ton stake; anc '47 In- ternational 1-ton express. Cars -One '52 Pontiac sedan, anc '51 Meteor sedan, one '47 DeSoto sedan, anc '47 Dodge sedan, anc '38 Chev. coach. Palmer Motor Sales.-, Phone MA 3-5487. 1-1 (Repossessed Vehicle for Sale) 1933 CHEV. COUPE Serial Number 602617 1954 License Plate Number * V8697 To be sold to the hlghest bidder atethe DURHAM COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE, O R O N O, ONTARIO, beglnning at 2 p.m. on January 131h, 1955 Art's Car Market 175 King St. W., Bowmanville We - Build - Better - Customers 1-1 (Reposseued Vehiele for Sale) 1941 OLDS. COACH Serial Number 1351101214 1954 Lîcense Number W9841 To be sold to the highest bidder at the DURHAM COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE, O R O N O,' ONTARIO, beglnning at 2 on January 131h, 1955 Ari's Car Market 175 King St. W., Bowmnanvllle We - Build - fletter - Customers 1-1 ~J4Ii Articles For Sale. Pets For Sali SIX Labrador Retriever black; il wceks ald, meg Phone MA 3-2571. 11 Wood, Tymone 1. Business Opport $12,500.00 in a $1,000.00 in a We have an opening, l- Bowmanville area for* man ta join aur topp mostly in their 5()'9,w drawing $8,000 to$2 year. . $1,000 ta $2, month. WE NEED a man who 1f 1. 40 ta 60 years aid. 2. With selling experie#~ 3. Able ta travel a wèe tume .. . and owns a WE OFFER a fine buslne 1. No Investment needed. - 2. Earnings paid in advance. 3. Long-range sécurity. HERE ARE A FEW 0F THE EXCEPTIONAL EARNINGS MADE BY SOME 0F OUR CANADIAN MEN: E. W. Coskey, $2,301,51 in a month; N. H. Somerville, $1.201.15 In a month; J. D. Me- Kay, $557.83 in a week; G. Bour- deau, $527.66 lu a day. Our company is over 21 years aid, internationqlly known, and is a leader ln thxe field. Some of aur men, like C. H. Llbbey, J. H. Peacock, W. D. Michael, and others eamned over $20,000,lii a year. if you want ta make zood Iu a1 new business, thon iapl- vited ta write ýme s*Iy tellnr about yo -OW experleuce. AÀ, - dentlal. PRES D-2, P.O. BoX,; 1, Texas. 4'i HOOVER isérj. aur store eVE~ yours in orFl tric Limited,4& man ville,MA- REPAIRS to-I emators, dornei doal; milkinig Eicctric Limitai, Phone MA 3 RADIO and. Prompt serI delivemy. Lor E. Phone MA partnem in "i WATCH,1' JEWW 48 King St. W., HUSBANDS! "Wives! WJant pop. vim? Ostrex * Tabiet.s ne- vitalize ran-de cicnt bodly; in- HYGIENIC supplie - rubber goos) aild pstralidin plain goolds) maiie P5.h price list. sexaledcnes 25c,.24 s amples $1,00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Ca., Bcx 91, Ham- ilton. Ont. 1-52 Let us labojurfor that larger comprehiension of ruth, and that more thomough :'epuduationi o! error, which schaIV make the history af î-i-ankinda, series o! ascending developnents.-lir-, ace Mann. Iit 1954 neariy a--rnany girls as boys were mem!'r3 Of 4H Clubs.1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 5 roomed, 3 bedroom, brick bungalow, 2 yrs. aid, où forced- air heat, tubs, a beautiful home. Asking $9,400j with $2,800 cash. 6 roomed frame on No. 2 Highway west, 125 feet frontage, 1 acre of land. This property is very suitable for business of two or three kinds. 6 roomed brick, ail heat, 5 yrs. oId, garage, on nice size lot. Asking $10,000 with $4,800 cash, balance on easy tcrms. 4 roomed frame, very close ta * school. Asking $6,000 with good terms. One new 5 roomed brick, under N.H.A. requiring $1,600 cash down. We have others. J. Van Nest Real. Estate 118 King E. Phone MA 3-3230 1-1 Pedwell Real Esiate P'reaiship r, ens Mrs.,M Brg members Scc'y -- lcy; Temperanué rs Citizenship,- *_7 Missionary Monthli Collacutt; Mite )W R. Stevens;, Piâz%ý Beech; -Asst-'.Mr.s- den; F1owgr, Com. Worden, Mrs. -H.. , crature Sec'y-Mtï; cris; PressScy-M man; Prograrn Coin, Morton, Mrs. M citors-Mrs, H. i Mrs. R t. Wordcn; Bir--Mrs C. H. Snowden;-:::.A. Beech; Sr. Missi 1 - r J. 'Holtby, MS. unda Jr. 'Mission nd - S. Flint, Mrm .C. . Missioa Band-Mrs. L, adn ;Mrs.'R. B aiîey - .Wýs. H. Brad1 y, 'Hr sic; C.G.I.T.-Iirk ltft 'Mcl EdWru 'f.c/j Thity-wobusinesg organi- 4tis ytw % icntinaî agri- ýtltrl sociations and feder- al and pqoviflcial departments ,of agricuý.ur make up the :Çanadian .Council an 4H Cluba which tlti year brought 116 boys -fnd girls between the S o! 16 and 21 ta Toronto ndOttawa for the 24th Na- *tional 4H Club Week. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALI LIVESTOCE FORSBALE FOR RENT - IIEP WANTE CARS FOR SALE LOIT - FOUND . ETC. Cash Rats, - , 3opur word wlth ai minhbnm ai 500 Must hé paid by date et insertioNs Il cbcrqed. an additional 23C wil hé added. aIl replie* directedtth" office. NOTICES . commaO EVENTI AD CARflS OF TIIANES Sc a word wlt a mnuim ci S1.00 foi 33 Words or lie. sRTES -EgaA4EI4ETS ARRIAdES .- DEATHI $1.00 pet tgséMton - M NEMORAMI $1.00 plus i0c a lino foi vetoe 1CO4MERC1AL CLASSITIEDS laclude, al >advertiling loi persons ou firms eliservices. ida gdeue c ci anydsrption -cprword; minimum charge t 75c cash wilh ,zdr. To reçuwl advertisers payable mouthly. Dts lay asifiad at 31.S0 pe:t ICrzwith a' minimum of oneU inch; Additional insertions aor the soa.ratas A»JClassUIed Ads musit bu 1 this office nat latet thonx 12 o'clock acon. Wednasda- Baud cash. stamps oz mo-' ' 45 and %av* e yt wio re i7. an-' 1-if O. E. CARSON REAL ESTATE Oshawa-Incomc home, 10 large raoms, two storey brick, secluded yet convenient, al modern conveniences. Full price $16,500.00 with $4,000.00 down. Bowmanville - Solîd brick, central, compact with plenty o! ooni, 3 bedmooms, kitchen, din- ing-room and living-room. Full price $7,000,00 with, $2,000.00 down. ' Maple Graove' - .- eW wiÏe brick, 1 Y2 starey, 6 rooms, as modemn as tomomrow, attached garage, on onc acre of land- scaped grounds, circular drive surrounded by beautiful four- foot h-edge. Full price $12,500.00 with $4,000.00 down. ,Service -station and repair garage-. Gallonage over 44,000, priced ta sell at $6,500.00. In Pontypool on No. 35 Highway. Homes--m Oshawa, Bowman- ville and Part Hope vicinity. Businesses - Theatres, stores, garages, factories and summer properties. O. E. Carson Realtors Chas. D. Rankine 52 King St. W. Bowmanville Caîl MA 3-2762 for appointment 1-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties SoId. Rented. Manated and Appraised IL M. A LL L 8 S0ON iteal Estate Br4>ker Phone, 256,i Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks norTh of'traffic signal. Newcastle. 20-tf Pedwell Real Esiate k-arms and alother praperties, businesses., etc., for sale. H. C. Pedwell, Broker For Rent APARTMENT ta rent, 4 rooms, central location. Phone MA 3- 5897. 1-1 HEATED apartment, 3 roams and bath, $55 manthly. Apply Apt. 7, 63 King W. 1-tf LOW priced apartment, running cold and hot water. 3-piece bath, at Newcastle; children welcome. Phone Oshawa 3-7244. 1-1 TWO rooms at 143 Duke St. Apply ta Brookdale Kingsway Nurseries. Phone MA 3-3345. 51-tf TWO unfurnished or furnished rooms, private entrance. Doug. Curi, 5 Nelson St. Phone MA 3- 3321. 52-tf THREE-roomed apartment on main street in Orono, redecorat- ed, private entrance, heavy wir- ing. Apply E. White, Orono. Phone 18 r 15. 1-l* TWO large roomed heated apartment, privat,' entrance and CQMING EVENTS tubs, $25 a month. Phone MA _____________-3-5813. 1-2 Euchmc paty, Jan. 7, Tyrone Hall. Admission 35c. Every- EIGHT room house in Biack- body welcorne. Free lunch. stock, garden, garage, hydro. Sponsamed by L.O.B.A. 1-i'* hard arld soft watcr, ent $30 per month. For further infor- Theme wili be a Teen Town mation Phane MA 3-3085. 1-1* Dance in the Lions Community -- _______ Centre, on Friday, January 7th. ONE 3-roomed heated apart- Admission - Non-members, 50c; ment. newly decorated, sink and niembers, 35c. 1-1 cupboards in kitchen, ail con- ________veniences, use o! telephone, A Travelogue -A new Tolreasonable ent. Phone MA. 3- Travelogue ta, be presented by 5813. 1-2 Mm. and Mrs. Leroy Toil in Trin- ONE or two bedroom r.parmnnt, ity United Church on Friday, private entrance, kitchen cup- January 21, at 8:15, sponsomed by boards, heated, hot water, Woman's Association. Admis- laundmy tubs in basement, tele- sian 50c. 52-4 phone privileges, avoulable Feb. n st. Ben Brown, Mople Grave. A dance will be held in the'Phone MA 3-2639. 1-1 new Odd Feliows Ilall, Oono, Friday, Jan. l4th. Ruth Wii- P t son's Orchestra wiil furnish the St Mtusic. Admission 50c, lunch RG extra. Pmoceeds for thc build- RGSTERED beagle stud for ing !und. 1-2* service. Phono MA 3-3537. 1-i Plan ta attend the Burns' Found Night, Saturday. Januamy 29th, at 6:30 p.m. at the Canadian WIRE gate, found Novemberl Legian Hall. SUpper, entertain- 2nd or 3rd. Owncm can have ment, modemn and aid time same by paying for ad. P hone dancing. Admission $2.00 per MA 3-2250. C. M. Carruthers. persan. 1-4 1-1* Cartwright Pannions' Union Loat monthly meeting, Friday, Jan- usry 7 ComMumity Hall, Black- TWO mole black andi tan stock. Biels presented at Domn- hounds. Sid Tomllnsari. Phone Isiion . provincial Agriculatural MA 3-5629. 1 Conhrcnb., Ottawa. by Mr' Haum, Mr. Phelpi and Mrs. Room =d ~BocardJ Pxmm; will be re. Everybody ws1c=no-a"i urged t. attend. R00)£ md board avail4l. U4-2phone MA 3-32M0 r 2 f 1 * s o 1 e o i 1Newcastle PRINTS o! photos o! public events appcaring in this paper taken by Carson Studio may be obtained for $1.00 on exl0 inch glossy prints. Carson Studio, Port Hope. 48-tf DRAPERIES and venctian blinds custom made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our representative will caîl at your home any time with a complete range o! samples and suggestions without obliga- tion. Fabmic Town, 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-3609, Bowman- ville. 48-tf FREE televislin in yaur home on demonstration boan. We can give you the best pictume and value for your money in Bow- manville - and we'd like ta prove it. Absalutely no obliga- tion. Cali or visit us taday. Television Service Company, 3 Division St. S. MA 3-3883. 1-1 Singer Sewing Centre For Used or New Sewing Machines Rentais or Repair Phone OSHAWA 5-5443, for Prompt Service 44-tf TRADE-INS-V h.p. motors, wa s h ers, rangettes, kitchen tables, beds, and spmings, radios, buffets, space heaters. New chcsterficids, bcdroom suites, rangettes, springs,' mattresses, chrome and wraught iran kitch- en sets, end tables, coffee tables, automatic washers, ranges, me- frigerators at Murphy's, 47 King St. W., Bowmanviilc. 1-1 IS your television acrial gijving you ail the enjoyment from'youm set that you are entitlcd ta? Low cost, prompt, professional acrial work of ail kinds using only the very best quaiity materials. Our 19 years exper- ience with acrials enables us ta give you more for youm invest- ment. Inquiries invîtcd. Tele- vision Service Colnipany, 3 Division St. S., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-3883. . 1-1 DO IT YQURSELF T IL E 7%ec eaeh and up,-Ali!klnls Expert nstructio7k* juppile CUSTOM FLOORS LAID Hf. G. HEAL Phone MA 3-2902 Bowmanyille 28-tf DECORATING " For the Latest Papers "For the Flnest Paitgt " F tr the Dezt WorkmanshlP IS. G. Preston NOTICE is hereby given that the Corporation a! the United Counties o! Northumnberland and Durham will make an applica- tion ta the Legislativc Assembly of the Province o! Ontario at its next session for the Passing o! an Act. 1. Ta epeal Sections 12 and 13, Chapter 72 of the 1859 Statutes of!-thc Dominion o! Canada passed in the 22nd yeam o! the Reign of Qucen Victoria estabiishing the Town Hall at Cobourg as the Court House for the Corporation o! thc United Counties o! Northumberland and L(umham, sa that the Corporation o! the United Counties o! North- umberland and Durham may establish a Court House in ac- cordance with the provisions o! the Public Statutes o! the Prov- ince o! Ontario. DATED àt Cobourg this Seventh day o! December, A.D. 1954. The Corporation of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. By its Solicitor, Harvey M. Brent, 17 King Street East, Cobourg, Ontario. 50-6 Work .Wanted GIRL wants houscwork, day or day and night. Phone MA 3- 2583. - HOUSEWORK by the day. Mrs. J. Van Dyk, 23 Temperance St. 1-2* DARLINdTON A4battoir, Hamp- ton,.for customi killing. Phone MA 3-3243. 32-tl YOUNG man wants farmn work or work as truck driver. Harold Cain, Orono. Phone 44 r 16. 1-1 DUTCH woman wants house- work by thc day, experienced, capable. Phone MA 3-3134. 1-1' PART time, afternoon prcferrcd, by married wonian. Apply Box 279, c/o The Canadian States- man Office. 1-1' EXPÉRIENCED femnale book'~ keeper would like office work ta do at home; incarne tax forms fillcd out, etc. Phone MArket 3-2663. 1. 1 TIME ta repair your brakes, check' your car, overhaul jobs donc, any kind o! repair work; aiso, orders' taken for cernent building blocks. F. S. Allen. Phone MA 3-2833. R.R. 3, Bow- manville. 1-2 GENERAL CONCRETE AND MASONRY Construction or Repair Estimates Free L. TURNER P.O. BOX 177, BOWMANVILLE 52-tf SAVE MONEY AT D.AYE'S SHOE REPAIR Skates Sharpened 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (i rear) - 46-tf BULLDOZING EXCAVATING TRENCHING - LOADING DRAGLINE - CLAM WORK Trucks and Loader for Gravel and Fi Jobs FREE ESTIMATES Tripp Construction PORT FERRY 392W 32tf A. E. (SAMMY) COLE Plumbing and Heaiing AGEPtT FOR Mor-Sun The Furnace with the lQ-Vear guarantee 26 Ontario St., Phone MA 3-3473 BO WMANVILLE (Formerly Bothwell & Cole) 30-tf Woemted To Buy GOOD used child's hockey g me. Phone MA 3-2862. 1-1* WHEAT, up ta 200 bus.- Nowak's Chicken Fan. Phfiue MA 3- 2720. . 1-1* LOT wanted for nice brick home. Cash immediately. Write particulars to Box 246, Bowman- ville. 12 REGISTEItED certif led and com- mercial oats and barldy for seed. Apply Swain Seed' Cleaners. Phone Blackstock 8 r 11. 49-6 BEFOE sding your iive o* Phoine 7 r 13. Reverse çh«Ses. SonlIWANTE-4ve poultr3. 9gOos fem*hems Mathe« tiskàs crap- t roii, ragi anci metals. Raw a 8-3i1in7 ifuns sud derskina. Phono 3404 j 4 RU ,4m IE7~WANT/ ) r'~ 1 ý, .eaq JL pp - m Auciion Sale~ Why doMr.Gore tamrt weeknLt pasCon. 3.M 2%mlvesto ok t the Rcaul)oselthey pbve aepivlg ofl sheing Il sckerby te pu Sale, nevetry Mnay at 1230 sat u Oed ad eraed forsae riaC RIAuctionerSFral u he plame wher bue n Livestock For Sal 12l YORSHRE pigs seve wEDs Auid. aee Short, Bow- maneil.Poe MA -279 51-1f TEN pigs, 9 weeks aid; 5Pon 12hORKSnHeIfEs,3gsseve reeding purpose S.hotnew 3-2662. ONE registered Shorth dark red; ane registerédý horn cow, due :Februi, dark red. Phone OronO* -IW' go ÂV ar, 9,'e oilet o- 'imited' 60-tV for: feed when lsïéed grain. Get eBiackstock 89-11. MAP 'fl'LiVE Mr. and P$ts.'Sain DewlI, Hampton, w)ae G ?> cr dinner guests wftfi her sister, Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Mrs. Stan 'Little, Campbell- croft, visited Mt. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden. Mrs*. Everett Hall, LoPib'h, Mrs., S. T.. Barti<t, Tronto, wîth their s'I rs . H. R. Foley. Mr. and Mâ. Rosàe ,Tenouth, Toronto, with his sietcr, Mr.1', and Mrs. RO~ Metcalf, Base Line. Mr. and Mrs. Jim, Ewing, Seven Island,« Que -iWith her parents, Mr. ' nd iUts. Lloyd Snowderi and thez $èlatives. Ted foar- 'i, 'supplY lé at ewè"W - for a enlibgug r rid Ms. Roy etTo: a , É%--l

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