J - ~ R otarians Enjoy Films 0f Golf Tournaments Featuring Blind Golf ers Tvo very interesting golfing1 films produced by the House ofI Seagram were viewed by the members of the Bowmanville Rotary Club at their fin al n,eeting for 1954 held in thie Baimoral Hotel Friday noon. The f îrst of these showed the Caradian Open Gold Tourna- ment held at Point Grey courze, Vancouver, last summer. Th i tournament xvas won by a (anadian golfer for the first tine in 40 yvcars when Pat Flet- cher of Saskatoon defeated a larre f:eld of top-flight golfers, including some farnous Amer- ican professionais. to capture the Sezagramn Gold Cup. The second of the color films wa's entitled. "A Feel for the Ciam&' ai-d showed the inter- national tournament for blind golfers of Canada and the Un- itcd Stales held last summer zat the Lamnbton Golf Course, Toronto; alt:o under the spon- i,,orsliip of the House of Sea- g r.This movie brought home to the aud'ence the wonderful vay in which the blind can overcome their handicap when given the proper help and en- cou ragcme ot. The movies were obtained by TI1CK E TS TO EVERYWHERE Air. Rtail or Steamnship Consuit j U R Y & LO0V EL L 3oWî-nanville 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 Dodd's PUS 590 Cystex Tablets 1.00 -2.00 Gin PUIS 59C -890 Rotanian Mel Dale, anti he was' thanketi on behaîf of the clutb by Program Chairman Tomn Rebtier. Extends Best Wishes President O. F. "Oddy" Rob- son extendeti to the Rotarians his pensonal wish that 1955 woulti be a prosperous anti hap- py year for them. He -weicomed two guests to the meeting; Ray Muirhead of Regina anti Jay Brown of Bowmanville. Rotar- ian Garnet Rickand, in intro- ducing Mr. Brown, pointeti out that he has been the assistant to Durham Agricultural Re- presentative Eti Summens for the past two years but was ieaving this position at the endi of the yea: to take his Mas- ter's Degree at the Ontario Agicultural College, Guelph. Rotarian Morley Vanstone urgeti members to give hlm their final returns on the sale of Rotary peanuts. anti Rotar- ian Don Morris announceti that Rotary bowling woulti resumne on January 13 anti there woulti be open bowling on Januany 6. Rotarian Arthur Morgan an- nounceti that Keith Shackle- ton has consenteti to be the Scoutmaster of the lst Bow- manville Boy Scout Troop spcn- soreti by the Rotary Club. The sing song was led by Bob Stevens with Dave Mon- rison at the piano. Let them work for you-The Statesman Classifietis. . Geritol For tired blood In capsules or liquid 3.29 ,mins Take Extra Vila: Haliborange 1.00, 1.75, 3.25 Cadol Drops ----1.00, 2.90 01 Percomorphum 1.10, 2.95 A.D.C. Drops-- 1.60, 4.25 Alphamettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 Halibut 011 Capsules ---75c, 1.29, 4.79 Ayerst 10-D Cod Liver Oul 1.00, 2.25 One-A-Day Multiple Vitamias 1.25, 2.50, 4.25 Wampole's Extract -- 1.25 Scott's Emulsion 1.00, 2.00 . 5.95 Aika Seltzer 34o - 680 Vacuum Botties Noxzema Cream 98o - 12 Buckley's Mixture l500 - 850 Vlck's Pub ___ 53ç,. 98e Johnson's Special BABY POWDER AND Vick's Nose Drops -- 53e SHAMPOO - 88c Value Vick's Cough Mixture 59e 69C COWLING'S DRUG STORE WE FI TRUSSES caxi bct the whole world that I stop, for a big milk night- cap, then I'm off for My nap, andi this is for certain: snooze like a top!" ~nRae Dairy Bowmanville THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SIX sons at rn Cas. Johns, Bow- Kedron. max 'i l]e Mr. anti Mrs. Ray Mititleton, Rone anti Larrv Broome Toronto, Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. _______________________-Cullings, Oshawa; Mr. anti Mrs. Jim Potter anti sons, Maple Grove; Mr. anti Mns. Harolti Potter anti familv, Hampton, at IIr. Alex Potters. IThe Three M's met Montiav I.. Mt with Lois Yellowlees co- I" ***d president opening the meeting with a poem anti prayer for the New Year. A committee u as nameti to plan the program for id ith 1955. These officers were elect- îd i theed. Presitients, Ray anti Dor- oty aco- vîce-presitient, DnTaylor. Press Reporter. . ' iGlatys Yellowlees, se'y-treas. to enmdMuryadFy Vice led In a Christmas wor- ship service when canois were Ispent for recreation the members renaineti the choir hyvmnanies. Lunch wvas servetid bv the ladies. Next meeting Jan. 31. Symnathy is extendedta.t Ooil"where to buy le" Mrs. Hary Beauchamp on te phsi as of her mothen on -'HURSL)AY. JAN. 6th. 19435 SOLINA ITourist Establishments in Ontario- Ineddfor last week) l.\A 1 - i~ 'Ifor Baker's School C ta eep :e ith Déman concert was a pleasant event on Dec. 21. With Miss Na n Al-Ik lin, music supervisor, at the 'M ~ore and B te c o o a in piano the choruses vere welI d ete A c m o ati rendered and the remnaining 1 Accommodation of good quai- dence since heavy investments prgam under the direction, ity for travellers and vacation- are entailed. The most marked ofte teacher, Mrs. Wmn. 4sh-' ists has shown *a notable ex- increase has been with the1 ton, was equally as enjoyable. pansion in the past two or three '«motel" type of establishment. Wes Yellowlees was chairman .Iyears according to Ontario's These have been building for Santa arrived with candies for Travel Minister the Hoh. Louis two or three years at the rate the children and his helpers P. Cecile, Q.C. of about two - er week, and assisted in distributing gifts "It is just another evidence have cost from $3,000 to $5,000 from the tree. of Ontario's vigorous expan- per furnished room ail of which Miss Shirley Quantrill, tea- sion in every branch of her have private bathroomfs. Con- cher of Bradley's school, and commercial and industrial life" struction costsin the urban ha-, Mr. Workman. music supervis- Mr. Cecile said. "It is very evi- tel field have been threè or four or, presented a splendid con- dent that the operators in our times that figurea. matter of cert of dialogues, choruses, re- accommodation industry view regret. since many of our towns citations and drills with the their future with great confi- and cities - could do with mor2 Nativity scene at the climax hotel -space of -top quality. As Chilrens hertswer glaen-wit ther cusis, Rt handa matter of fact since 1946 it is Chilrens hartswer glden wit thir ousis, uthandstated that only 115 hotels of ed with candy and gifts when Loran Broome at Tyrone. 100 rooms or more have been Santa came. Mrs. W. O;miston, Brooklin, built in the whole world, 61 of The story of the first Christ- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ormiston, themn in Greater Miami, Flor- mas xvas beautifully presented Billie and Bobby, Columbus,I ida."1 athe churchsevc Sunday r and Mrs. A. Blair, Mr. and Figures supplied, by Mi,, Ce- evening. Rev. Reed conducted Mrs, O. Jackson, Brooklin, Mrg. cl hwta e 94cn the sriewihban th Addie Tink, Hampton, at Mr. struction in Ontario has includ- carol which were led byth Bruce Tmnk's. ed 110 motels, 24 cabin estab- choir. Taking part in the pag- 1 Mr. Bruce Tink and children îishments, 28 lodges, and 1()1 eant were Eunice Leask as' were supper guests on Christ-cotg esaihmts fra May, Jo Kno as thoseoh, mas Day at Mr. Clarence total of 1733 new rentai- units. Harold Yelwesasteby Tink's, Hampton. To this should be, added 1134 Bsjoa M.h.G.Stvnsa Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Darch en- rentai units -added to existinig saiah Ray Watkins, Tony Er- MORE, MORE MORE establishments, and to urban. vine and Trevor Arnold as tertained relatives of the Darch hotels. the shepherds, Donald Taylor, family on Christmas Day. Sun- "15hsbenaodyar Wes His and Bruce Taylor as day guests were Mr. and Mrs. 154 d Mr.agodyer the Three Wise Men. Pearl D. Clark and family of Willow- j saidMr Cecile. "The volume Leach sang "O Holy Night" and dal.e of U.S.A. visitors was off a few at the manger scene Jean Ba- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake points chiefly due to poor wea- ker and Edgar Werry sang very Jr., and family, were supper ther, but I arn glad to say that sweetly "Away In a Manger. gue sts for Christmas at Mr. inter-provincial travel is on the The choir sang carols through- Cyril Smith's at Fleetwood. up-and-up an-d also that our out and the angels Donna Vice, Mr. Ciare Avery, Salem; Mr. own people seemi to be explor- Patsy Davis, Gail Baker, Pat- and Mrs. N.' Fice and sons, ing our own Province more sy Knox and Barbara Hooey Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. Percy widely." also sang a carol. The reader Westîake and children visited of the soripture was Mrs. Roy Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake, Te itrainl tnes Langmaid. Mrs. J. Baker very Sr.Te itraonl unls kindly directed the acting, as- Mvr. andi Mrs. Cecil Pascoe bridges and ferries between sisteti by Rev. and Mrs. Reeti entertained Mrs. J. Naylor, Osh- Canada andi the U.. S. are used and Ewart Leask was in charge awa; Mr. andi Mrs. H. Cross- by more, than 16,000,000 vehi- of the lighting. Through the man, Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. dles a year. courtesy of Mr. Hans Geissber- Boyd Ayre, Stuart andi Lou- ger of Zion the cast andi friends anne, Zion; Mr. and Mrs. C.I were pleased to hear a tape Naylor, John, Stanley and Bri- recording of the pageant fol- an, Columbus; Mr. andi Mrs. lowing the service. Chas. Naylor. Janet and May; Suntiay School next Sunday Messrs. Gordon Pascoe and Jim January 2, will be at 1.30 Cunningham, Kingston. o'clock with church service at Mr. and Mrs. John Knox and 2.45 o'clock. family at Mr. Howard Mal- Mr. andi Mrs. Ralph Davis colm's, Brougham. anti Patsy, Mn. anti Mrs. J. YelI- Mr. and Mns. Roy Langmaid lowees and Miss Gladys Yel- hati as guests for Christmas lowees at Mr. Gordon Davis, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Lunn and Ted- Oshawa. dy, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. anti Mrs. Wes Yellow- L. Preston and Gary, Bowman- lees, Hanolti and Murray, were ville; Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGilI guests at Mr. Jack Mark's anti Reva, Enniskillen; Mr. andi Scarboro. Mrs. K. McGill, Bowmanville, Mr. anti Mrs. Harvey Yellow- and Mr. L. Squair, Salem. lees, Karen and Brenda; Miss Mr. Chas. Scott, Hamilton, Lena Taylor, Bowmanville; Mr. spent Christmas at Mr. Burney, and Mrs. E. Larmner, Mr. Glenn Hooey's. Larmer; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mn. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy Larmer, Sharon and John, anti Stanley at Mr. anti Mrs. Joe Blackstock, at Mr. E,~ R. Tay- Snowden's.I lor's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vice Mr. anti Mrs. Tom Baker and! and Mr. Everett Vice entertain-l family with Mr. anti Mrs. Keith eti the Vice family on Christ- Ormiston at Ebenezer. . mas Day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker andi Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden Miss Helen Baker with Mrs. hati supper on Christmas Day EthelCouch at Bowmanville. at Mr. Foster Snowtien's, Ke- Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnston anti tion.I chiltiren, Peterborough, visited Mr.. and Mrs. Murray Vice at Mr. J. Baker' s. and Katherine, were ý; dinner Mr. anti Mrs. George Knox, guests on Christmas Day at Mr. Carol andi Marilyn, Russell and M. Gilroy's, Enfielti and supper Eldon Sioan at Mr. H. Farrow's, guests at Mr. R. Vice's. Starkville. Miss Luella Hepburn, Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hay- awa; Mr. anti Mrs. C. Vice and dien, Mrs. J. S. Tomenson and Donna, joined a family gather- grandchiltiren, Roger, Walter ing at Mr. R. Vice's. anti Susan Tomenson, Toron- Mn. andi Mrs. Gordon Hod- to, anti Wendy Mayer, home gson, Brougham; Messrs. James on vacation from Pennsylvania and George Bennett, Box State College, enjoyed Christ- Grove; Mr. Oscar Hagermnan, mas at Mr. L. O. Mayer's. Locust Hill', Mr. and Mns. Mr. anti Mrs. Wes His, Ca- George Knox and daughters, roi and Anne at Mr. M. McCar- Russell and Eldon Sloan at Mr. rell's, Omemee, anti at Mn. A. George Hamlin's. His, Tynone. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryder- Mr. anti Mrs. E. Taylor and man and Elien at Mr. C. J. Miss Lena Taylor, visited Miss Wray's, Oshawa. Evelyn Taylor at Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Jimn Stainton, andr. E. Crouse, Oshawa, Mr. Carol and Beth7 at Mr. Henry adMrs. Arnot Wotten anti Stainton's, Tyrone. son at Mr. E. Spires. Dr. and Mrs. George Werry Mr. anti Mrs. Ray Pascoe at and childnen, Oshawa, at Mes- Mr. J. W. Dyer's, Oshawa, anti srs. S. E. and Wes. Werry's. PMr. E. Cryderman's. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Neals, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman Davidi andi Ruth, Peterborough; had as, guests MisseýÂ Jean and Mn. and Mrs. Bert Montgom- Elma Cryderman ,Mr. anti Mrs. ery, Donna and Manniam, Mr. J. Leger, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mc- and Mrs. Ian Montgomery and pMinn, Mr. and Mns. Chas. Smith Dale, Mrs. Gertie Ferguson and Sand Anna, Oshawa; Mr. and Betty, Oshawa, Mr. A. MeLeod, With Bell Telephone Many Statesman readers wili be interesteti in a despatch from Chatham Ontario announcing the retirement of Herbert L. Creeper, as manager of the Bell Telephone Company in that city as of January 18, 1955. Mr. Creeper is a weil known native son cf Bowmanvilie, being son of the late Mr. anti Mrs. H. B. Creeper, anti eldest brother of Mr. Lorne Creeper, Horsey St., Bowmanviile. Mr. Creeper was appointeti manager at Chatham on May 1, 1936, anti now re- tires after 40 years service. He thon rtes chargedl by Most other companies for liobility, collision, and comprehensive coverage. For details cal!:- Dimrk Bvimnkman NEWCASTLE Opposite Co-Op. Cold Storage Phone 3671 c 0 Back in the days wi'tc the well-attired man considered a sword and dagger -part of. bis walking-out dress, a social encounter was likely to be a matter of the survival of the fastest. That's when the handshake was first accepted as a token of friendship. It showed that a man's sword arm was flot engaged in reaching for bis weapon. The warm handclasp is stili a symbol of friendship, a gesture of welcome to old friends and new. ào&mo C GOLD EN A LEF Àdg-â%b, BREWERY LIMITED will be succeeded by A'idrew A.1 decade in newspaper wvork àe- OBITUAItI Gillespie, Montreal ., who was ,fore entering thiý telephone.bus- manager at Oshawa several ines. For about, eight vea'-s, ROBERT LAUGHLIN years ago. begt-.nning in 19(12. lie wvas on the Robert Laughlin, 85, of 12381 Mr. Creeper joined the corn- sa & L C1ada Sats Janette, St., Windsor, a retired!pany in Toronto as a directory "an ixn his home town. Later i avetisngsalesmai n Fet, ho was manaer of the We&tý Furniture designer, died Mon- advirising-Ii~am Beview. day, Dec. 27, at Hotel Dieu a£- ruary, 1915. Foi the next 13reeri ntv ter a lon illness.years hie was active in directory Mrs. rerisantv tern n longl ness . sn fand-saleswork, becoming a sales Dui-haiiiCounity, being thp,,form- Born in BJoe Lagn'le. Sflad supervisor in 1925. On Januarv er Elva Puwer, and is a sister the a~eJoeLauglin hehad1, 1930, he wvas aopointed _-I of Mrs. H. J. Knight, Division lived 30 years in Windsor. Ear- district manager in Toronto! t.,Bowmanville. They have lier resdences rncluded South- where he remained until assum- one son Tonm, wlao is also assoc- amtnand Kitcl'ener. ing the Chatharnmangrhp iated with the Bell Telenhone He was a 33rd degree Mason, Mr. Creeper spent over a Compan.' belonging to the Southamptou - - -- -___________ lodge. He was a member of Central United Church. State Farmn M utual announces 1Surviving are his widow, An- nie; two sons, Laird, at home, and Robert, of Walkerville; two (Kathleen) and Mrs. Clifford .NEW RATES* Murdock (Velma), both of De- troit; three grandeilîdren, and on a t su nc av rg g one great grandchild.ona t su nc av r g g Service was Thursday at Sut- ton funeral home, 937 Ouellette, Rev. J. W. Houston officiating. Burial was in Windsor Grove 145% LESS Nyal Creophos Stops stubborn coughs Builds up your body 1.25 Juniper Pills 350 - 6( PHONE MA 3-5695 "l3efore under covers 1 31A 3-3-,144 M BRoy, loi YEZOW PAi i I r Bowmanville Native Retires After 40 Yrs.