~arFl? WSPTECNDARSATSA.3WAVLZ NAI j HRDY A.Oh 0 Rev 10W .anuary7 "Ricky" Woodcock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Woodcock, Ty- rane, was the first baby ta be barn ini Bowmanvile in 1954, arrivlng at 6 a.m., January 2. The 1954 Bowmhanville Town Councîl was inaugurated, with Mayor Morley Vanstone serv- ing his second term ai office as chief magistrate. A surgical. hospital and me- dical plan and insurance and sick benefit coverage were the important points in a new con- tract signed between the Good- year firm and Local 189 af the United Rubber Workers. January 14 Howard Jeffery waa elected Chairman of the Bowmanville Public School Board at the first meeting of the organization. Arthur Hooper and George Vinish were new members. It was reported that a total of 3,591 persans received care or treatment at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanvilie during 1953. Everett L. Eliiott, a former Bowmanvîlle resident, purchas- cd the shoe store f ormeriy ow,ýned by Fred Knox. January 21 Wilfrid Carruthers was elec- ted to'the executive ai the On- tario Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association. Rev. Warren N.'PTurne'ras- $273,744 on an assessment ai $6,221,455 was set by Town Council for 1954. This was a one-mili increase over the pre- viaus year. Clarence Oke was appolnted as the first building inspector for Bowmanvilie ta eniorce the town's new building by-law. Tentative approvai was given ta the bid ai Bradiord-Hoshal Limited ta construct the town's third public school at a cost ai $124,883. March Il The Oshawa Truckmen, who had been playing their home games in the Eastern Ontario Senior "B" League in Bowman- ville Arena notified the Arena Management Commîttee theY would switch their playofi home games to Kingston. President Ken Nicks af the Bowmanviile Kinsmen Club was elected Deputy District Govemnor ai District 8 ai the Association ai Kinsmen Clubs. The Bowmanville Chamber ai Commerce was revived aiter being dormant for twa years. March 18 A delegation ai 14 property owners petitioned the Bowman- ville P.U.C. ta extend water services along Concession Street east ai Liberty St. Miss Irene Shaw, Reg. N. was appointed Superintendent oi the Memorial Hospital, Bow- King St. W. was extensively damaged by a fire which start- ed in a box of fireworks. Governor General Vincent Massey consented ta allow his name ta be used for the third Bowmanviile Public School. Three pupils had suggested this name in a cantest held among local school children.' May 6 George F. Vice of OshaCTa was named Postmaster of the Bowmanville Post Office to suc- ceed John B. Kent. Town Council voted to widen severai downtown streets by remaving the curbs. Portions of Queen, Temperance, Silver and Church Streets were chas- en for the widening pragram. May 13 Over 60 persans. including private citizens as well as thase representing businesses, had jained the Bowmanville Cham- ber of Commerce in less than three months. Clarke Township Council re- hired several township em- ployees wha had been discharg- ed a few days previously. The Bowmanville High School Cadet Corps was warmly prais- ed for its efficiency at the an- fluai inspection ceremony. May 20 The congregation of Orono United Church held a mort- I ghlughts Treasurer of Darlington Town- ship. The Bowmanville Publie Utilities Commission instituted a sewer rentai of $1.25 a month for each household connected ta the sewer facilities. Tha charge was made to help pay the cost of the new water sup- ply systemi from Lake Ontario. O. F. "Oddy" Robson took over as President af the Bow- manville Rotary Club for the 1954-55 season. A record crowd of local re- sidents attended the annual Community Picnic held at the Cream of Barley Park and spansored by the Recreation Department. July 15 The fine Tyrane Juvénile Band won two cups for their fine performance in the huge Orange Parade held ini Oshawa in which 12,000 Orangemen and 24 bands from ail part of On- tario took part. Town Clerk Alick Ly1e an- nounced that Bowmanville would receive about $10,277 in per capita grants from the On- tario Governments. based on a population of 5,873. July 22 Fire destroyed the home af Edmond Harris, Blackstock, leaving seven members of the family homeless. From League for the iirst time ln several years. Several property owners along Liberty St. north ci Concession St. who had petitioned Town Council in August ta have a sewer installed aiong the street, changed their minds and peti- tioned council flot ta buiid the sewer. The first Christmas tree auc- tion in Durham was held at Pontypool and the trees brought very good prices. September 16 The Bowmanville Barons Hockey Club was re-organized ta enter a team in the Lake- shore Intermediate. "A" League and it was announced that for- mer N.H.L. star Ernie Dickens would coach the local squad. Mrs. Edna Anderson was elected Grand Conductress of the Order af the Eastern Star in Ontario. The Bowmanville Lions Club donated $550 toward the cost oi renovating the auditorium oi the Town Hall. September 23 The new -telephone number- ing system. using a two-letter and five-figure combination, went into eifect. Roy Armstrong, Janetville, was named as the C.C.F. candi- date ta contest Durham Riding in the next provincial election. September 30 Pumpers from eight munici- pal fire brigades in Durbam, Northumberland and Ontatio Counties gave a splendid dem- anstration of mutual aid in fire- fighting along Scugog St. us- ing water from Vanstone's miii- pond and hydrants in the im- mediate area. John E. Stout, 34, was kîlled by carbon monoxide fumes in the garage at the rear af his house at 39 Beech Ave. October 7 The new Cartwright Central Public Schaol was opened at Biackstock. Arthur L. Pascoe, former Reeve of Darlington Townshîp,I and a well-known citizen of Sauina and Durham County, passed away. The Ontario Department (if Highways assured Mayor Mor- ley Vanstone that the construc- tion of a cioverleaf on High- way 401 at Waverly Road was deiinitely planned by the De- partment. October 14 The Newcastle Bantams base- bahl team, won the Ontario Bantam "D" Basebail Cham- pionship by defeating Dash- wood 10-1 ta bring an Ontario titie ta Newcastle for the first time in histary. B o w manville's population passed the 6,000 mark for the first time as new assessment figures showed a population of 6,117 and an assessment of $6,- 363,780. Lyle Jones, 38 af R. R. 2, Bowmanville, escaped wiih only a fractured skull when he fell over 32 feet fram the top of a silo ta the cement floor below. October 21 Although roofs af several buildings were tamn off, many trees were blown down and hydro service was badly dis- rupted, Durham County escap- ed fairly lightly as Hurricane Hazel swept the province. Manson Coulter, 60, was in- stantly killed at the railway crossing on Scugog St. whicli he had crossed daily for 31 years when the bicycle on which he was riding was bit by a speeding "Dayliner" of the C.P.R. which had beeen re- routed ta this line because ci Hurricane Hazel. The Ladies' Auxiiiary ai the Bowmanviile Branch, Cana- dian Legion, began a collection af clothing and food for vie- tims af Hurricane Hazel in the manvule. uor sive yearsdent gage-burning ceremony ta mark tejonveaunw ars sumd bs dtis a Prsidnthad been Superintendent ai the the paying off of over $90,000 in tr oed ta Bowmanville ta ai the Bowmanville Boy Scouts Brampton Hospital. . debt on the beautiful new establish a law practice here. Association. The Bowmanville Business church only three and one-haif The first water irom the new Rev. Warren N. Turner as- and Proiessional Womnen's Club yeams aiter it bad been cam- $320,000 water suppiy system It was annaunced that rent staged a most successful Spring pleted. from Lake Ontario was pump- contrais would end in Bowman- Fashion Show at the High Atu oprwseetde noBwavlehms ville on March 2 et the saine Sho aPtrim rsdn ithu oprwsde Bwavle Dr. E. Derry ubbardomest.b time the Province abandoned Shol audtrium.rsdn o h omnile D.E eryHbadetb them. Mrh2 Kinsmen Club. lished a genemal medical prac- January 28 The Durham County Junior The Bowmanville Choral Sa- tice in town. The United Counties Coun- Fammers seed judging team ai ciety scored a big success with JuIy 29 ci riue t acetth apî-Donald Green. Gerald Brown isirtcnet edai e Walter Polley. Ronald Trim- cion ai Or ono for incorapra- and Maurice Haiioweil, won theimonfths following , itsoformation. ble and George Roberts ai Bow- caton as a village. orora Agrico Trophy, emblematic ai Some 2,590 Bowmanville e- manville pleaded guilty ta R.on P.s aicka ikge.ur the ahmios io the Quinte sidents had free X-rays of their charges ai robbing Patrick R. P."Rick Ric 'B i ur Seed Judging Competition, for hs tkniteNohub Wie,6,f$20 sngpr cbased the J. W. Jewell "Bg the 24th cansecutive year. cests turaX-aenth N rumb-onalhit ne , a $20 sin pr 20" stationery and giit shop. Art hum Hoaper was elected emadDMay XRa2 Suve. o violceutatdo so. Reeve Reg McCann ai Brigh- President ai the newîy revivedMa27woyr-d Juih Ln ton Township was eiected War- Bowmanvilie Chamber ai Com- Ivan Hobbs was elected Pre- Cobbledick, daughter ai Mr. den ai the United Counties ai merce 'ý sident ai Local 189 ai the Unit- and Mrs. Elford Cobbledick, R. Northumberland and Durham Higbiway 115, tbe new high- ed Rubber Wokers at the R. 4, Bowmanville, was killed for 1954. wey between Peterborough and Goodyear plant here. in a tagic accident when ber February 4 Newcastle, was expected ta be The Bowmanville Detach- nine-year-old brother released Town Council decided ta pur- paved irom Peterborough ta ment ai the O.P.P. leased the the brake on the iamily truck chase a new police cruiser and Orona by late faîl. Middle Green Villa Nursing as it was parked on an incline discussed the feasibility ai set- April 1 Home east ai Bowmanville for and the vebicle ran aver the ting up a tawn garbage collec- __ In spite ai a big increese use as detachment headquar- littie girl. tion system. in revenue which braught this ters.i Rosslyn C. Stevens was ep- The sum of $35,000 was a- figure up ta $158.533, the 1953 A good cowd attended the pointed Grand Steward ai the ]otted for street paving and operations ai the Memoriai openîng bail ganie of the Bow- Masonic Order at the 99th an- brig o1954. o i tw, osptal showed a deficit ai manville Brookdale Roses, at nual communication ai the The owmnvi1e9Rtar $1,069, caused mostly by loss which a new flag donated by Grand Lodge ai Canada. Th omavle. oayon came ai indigent patients. Mrs. W. J. Bagneli and Mms. C. August 5 Club oiiered ta donete $500 ta- Don Laird, outstanding young T. Ross was raised on the paie Hardly a feramhed not been ward renoveting the stage at player ai the Bowmanville in centre field. bit by a plague ai army worms the T irdHanlua Burs Badminton Club, won the- boys'1 Junie 3 sweeping across Durham Coun- Tigbthupper waldi ?' Junior Singles Championship The Bowmanville Rural Op- ty. LegiH all spo soreld bn the ai the Central Ontario Badmin- erating Area ai the H.E.P.C. in- The Bowmanville plant ai BwvieLegion Pipsonoe Bytedtan Association. stalled a two-way radio at the Canadien Canners Limîted FomnvlebruarilPp ad April 8 local office for more efficient completed packing 60,000 cases Daringon ownhi11~ An amendment ta the town's communication with line crews. ai ungraded peas, and packmng cilaprgoed owsho p B oar lns treifie by-law was passed pro- Alan Strike was elected Pre- ai corn was expected ta begin taild a new dSchool etarMitca- hibiting taxi firms from reserv- sident ai the Bowmanville Ten- later in the manth. eoll' Corne scand taadtwch ing parking space on Bowman- nis Club as the organization Town C'uncil decided ta rooms taotescndoosadtwpl ville's main street. On streets made plans for reviving inter- pave Wharf Road fmomn the rave nd Caurtce.l t al other than King, the by-law est in the game iocally. point the Ontario govenment Thoe ad urm edeaina limited reserved parking spece Commade Alex Mairs was leit off, down ta Harbor Corn- Agriculurhappoinedraica- for taxi operatars ta 30 feet in presented with an easy chair' mission property et the East Agite aptud ehdsaicofi- eny one location. - and other gits et the annual Beach. nning ethe hiring ai a fufi- Public Property Committee ai Legion Ladies Night in recog- Residents noticed a stmong time Fieidman ta promote the ca oci ndwas iven authoy a nition ai his long and feithful chiorine teste ta the new wa- growth ai the arganizetian. cl o edr o eeoa service ta the Bowmanville Le- ter supply being pumped froni L. M. Rathbun was named tium ai the Town Hall auditor- gion Branch. Lake Ontario, but Manager Cheirmen ai the Board ai the 1 The town traffie by-law June 10 G eorg eBdge athe P.ul ]Bowmanvilie Public Library. was eltered ta create additianal The Retail Merchant's Cnm-UC pedcdthttswud Fcbruary 18 stop streets and eliminate oth- mittee ai the Chamber ai Com- disappear when automatic Al bydro power in Bowman- ers. It was decided ta make merce decided ta switch frorn chlorinating equipment wes ville wes knocked out for an Queen St. a through street at Saturday night ta Friday night put ta use. hour when a stray cet stepped the intersection ai Ontario St. opening for retail stores ini August 12 on copper bars cerrying 4,000 April 15 towfl. Miss Eleanor Smye was ep- volts in the sub-station ai th-- The beautiful, modern new The Public Sehool Board ex- pointed Home Economist for Bowmanviiie P.U.C. et the rear Sundey Schooi section ai Trini- pected a record enrolment ai the caunities ai Durham, Peter- oi the Commission offices. it ntd hrhws eia-1,116 public schoal childmen in borough and Victoria with P.U.C. and Ontario H.E.P.C. Seitybe United Church was dedîcat- Lidsay ai icials throughout Ontario ed and apened for use at a s eptmer-up1om15,0adurtr9i.insy gathemed in Bowmenviiie ta cial dedication service. 1,009.lesne Rcra honor George A. Chase, Man- A. A. Merkley wes appoint- Tenders were called for con- tion Director, AI Vail, arrived ager ai the Bowmanviile P.U. C. ed principal ai the new Pub- struction ai 4,765 feet ai new ta take over bis duties. fur 37 years, an the occasion lic Sehool ta be opened in the sidewalk construction. The new Bruick car reiiled ,Df his retirement. feul. June 17 by the Lions Club in connection .\lanager Frank Williams an-, Mrs. Mel Wiseman was el- Two Burketon familles werp with their carnval wes won by i oiniced thet a new telephone' ected President ai the Bowmanu- leit practically destitute when Duncan Laidlaw ai Hagemsville, nuinbering system in Bowman- ville Home and School Associa- fire destroyed a store owned while the Chevrolet wes won ville would go into efiect in the tion for P. second terni. hy D a ni a i d H-icks and a by John Donato ai Hagersville faîl.1 April 22 bouse owned by Frank 11,1- wha sold the winning ticket, February 25 A sping flood caused by rayd Jr. was about balf gutted. August 19 Bawmanvilie Public School beavy reins washed out e large A fund was set up ta assist the Capt. James E. Knox ai Bow- Board budgeted for $128,212 portion ai the earthern sides fire victims. mianville, was selected ta serve for 1954 education pumposes, in- ai the dam et Vanstone's Miii. Higgon Electric moved afl2 on the Indo-China truce team cl uding $20.000 toward the costB Postmaster John B. Kent left door east ta new premîses pre- fromn Canada. ai the new puîblic school et the Bowmanvilie ta take e position viously accupied by The Radio Fire gutted the top floor ai foot ai Churchi St. between Lib - in the Operationis Branch of Shop, Bawmanville Surplu'i the Waverly Road home ai Mr. ertv and St. George Streets. the Canadien Post Office Sys- Sales moved inta the store va- and Mrs. Fred deJong. Mrs. Eliza Storie, Oronu, ce- tem et Ottawa. cated hy the electrical fimni, The-show ai the Oshawa and ebrated hier 93rd birthday an The Bowmanville Depamt- and Bowmanviile Auto Parts 'District Giadiolus Society wes FcbruýLary17 ment ai Recreetion reported e maved ta the vacant former held in Bowmanville for the Thi'wcvs stole a 2oopound baace ai $480 on 1953 opera- Surplus Sales Premises. first time and ettracted a very rat frm Hg«oi Eecticbuttions ach.ieveçl mainly because The Canadien Statesman plac- large audience. Dr. E. W. Sis- obtaitned less than $0 foairc ic tie lowdte d third in the General Excel- son and Ed Summers ai Bow- their trouble. Mnor Hockey Leagues by' the lence categary among weekîy manville wvon a very large num- Mrh4Aena Management Committee. newspapers in Ontario in towns ber of prizes. A xr ha 4 iî ari~ uce' April 29 aver 4,500 population.Aust2 A tx at o 4 iils o aiý,1 ulhe'sSmoke Shop on ust2 _______- -June 24 Aiter making e perfect land- Debenturcs of the Town ai ing just off the East Beach Bowmanvilie ta the value ai duing e sudden storm, a sea- $470,000 were sold for the pur-' plane pilated by Pierre Que- pose ai financing the new wa- neau ai Montreal was tippedi new Vincent Massey Public braught ta shore by Harry De- School. pew and Harold Knight. ed ili Lake Onitario during a 000)(-acr-e tobacco crop had OF Storm which came up while started anîd it xvas predicted they xere returning from Bow- that the 1954 crop wvould be the mianvilie ta Oshawa hy motar- largest ever grown in the coun- W A L L___R Several citizens complained A special service wes beld et that yaung people weme hold- Bieckstock United Church ta Over 100 patterns from which to choose 1 ing drinking parties and ceus- cammemamrate the enviable re- ing e disturbance et the Bow- cord ai Bleckstock in contribut- manville West Beach. The ing 21 native sons ta the min- Bowmanville Police Depert- istry. Reductions1 ment was instructed ta checkSeemr mare closely inta activities Ro et I emeldonto from aio teen-agers theme. Rbr il eadoto over the operetian ai the Roy- 3 3/~ o 5~ ' FFJuIy 1 ai Theatre lucre imomn the for- 33/Oo 5 F Rev. A. W. Schaafsma was 1 me r owners, Owen Nicholas inducted as Minister of the an d Mrs. David Buckspan. also a Bowmanville Christian Reform-! James S. McLean, a Durham cd Churcli. ; boy born near Kendal who -Don M. Shay regigned frOm îiarse ta be President ai Canada LARGE NUMBER 0F REMNANI S hqn.iinn p-,ainD-1TiinlA- irAý of 1954 O Ur ;ere Jack Brough, Glenn Lan- er and O. F. "Oddy" Robson. CKEY's Sports Directar Joe ysdaie was special speaker tthe testimonial dinner for he Orono Intermediate base- dl team, which won the Prov- .ciel Intermediate "D" Cham- onship. December 16 Mrs. Lea Goulah won the Know Your Bowmanville" 'ntest sponsored by 43 mem- *rs ai the Retail Merchants 'ommittee ai the Bowmanvilie 'hamber ai Commerce. Twenty-fîve crippled cbild- en in West Durham were iests af the Bowmanville Ro- ary Club et a Christmas par- yin the Lions Community ,entre. Two holdup men who robbed he Orono Branch ai the Can- han Batnk af Commerce ai 1,500 an October 21 were sen- enced ta five yeers in peniten- ary. December 23 Two masked bandits robbed West Toronto suburbs. A few minor changes were made in Bowmanvilie's new Zoning By-law at a public meeting heid in the Town Hall ta discuss this important mea- sure. October 28 M. Slute, Principal af Bow- manville's new Vincent Massey Public School, was eiected Pre- sident af the Teachers' Insti- tute af Oshawa and West Dur- ham. The Bowmanviile Kinsmen Club voted ta donate the pro- ceeds af the Golden Mile Chair Concert sponsared by the club ta Ontario flood relief. Elsie Carruthers Lunney, cal- umnist ai The Canadian States- man, had a mystery novelette published in Chýteiaine ma- gazine. November 4 Officiais of the Bowmanville Lions, Rotary, Business and Professional Women's Club, and the Bowmanville W. I., al ai which had donated funds for the renovation ai the auditor- ium of the Town Hall, took part in the officiai opening held in conjunction with the ptesenta- tion oi "Twelfth Night" by the Earle Grey Festival Company. The Arena Management Com- mittee presented its annuai f i- nancial statement ta Town C ouncil and turned over a cheque for $2,000 profit on 1953-54 operations. Mrs. Paul Haynal ai Maple Grave held a "Last Supper" for 350 af ber friends in the Ma- ple Grove-Bowmanville area. November Il Several changes were made in the new Zonng By-law foi- lowing a meeting between the Department oi Planning and Development and severai inter- ested property-owners. The first public meeting in the modemn new I.O.O.F. Hall at Orono was the Rural-Urban Meeting of the Bowmanville Rotary Club, at which Mcmn- tyre Hood was guest speaker. November 18 Preliminary grading work was started in connection with the new $387.000 addition ta the Bowmanviile District High School. The Durham County Junior Farmers set a new Ontario re- cord at the Royal Winter Fair by winning the Jeffrey Bull Memorial Trophy for the cham- pionship Inter-County Live- stock Judging Team for the third successive year. Saiecrackems obtained about $300 from the shattered safe at Smith's Beverages aiter biowing it with a mixture of putty and explosive. November 25 The new Courtice United Church was officially opened and dedicated at speciai ser- tvices attended by high officiais aio the United Church af Can- ada. The colors af the Midland Regiment were deposited for safekeeping at St. Mamk's An- glican Church, Port Hope, in an impressive ceremony. A survey conducted by the Bowmanviile Public School Board revealed that at least eight, and probably 12, new classmooms wili be needed for public achool students by 1958. December 2 Clean thein up ail at one trne! Loans of $50 to $13000 made et HFC on your own signature. Easy-to.meet requirements. One-day service. 24 months ta repay. Today . . . keep your credit good, start fregh with an HFC loan! Need money ? Bis to pay ? Call HFC todayl1 HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 1 11/2 Simce St.South, second floor, phone Oshawa 5-1 139 ~ OSHAWA, ONT. PORT HOPE IRANCH: 71 WaIt@n St., 2nd floor, phone 3030 HIlOGON ELECTRIC LIMITED ELECTRIC WIRING. REPAIRS AND REFRIGERATION MA 3-5438 38 King St. E. Box 360 Bowmanville Ontario Among the satisfactions of a Bank Account...q It's reassurinj ta watch savings grow .. . to have your bank book record your progress. It'a a comfortinj feeling ta have cash on banid for oppor tumtia, einergencaoe. Muitipiy by 9,200,000 deposit accounts the satisfactions you enjoy from your bank account. The grand total of comfort, security and peace of mind shows, better than a dollar total, the essential value of a bank account. More deposit accounts than there are aduit Canadians, with new accounts opening every day, reflects the confidence of the nation in the chartered banks. THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITI ".,~'V,. i -t- ArthrRibeygenera *' $140 et gunpoint in a daring early-evening holdup. Jim Cayle was presented with an easy chair on ~sre- tîrement aiter 25 years W!ser- vice with the H. C. DownhaM Nursery Company branch here. Ross McKnight was re-elect- ed President ai the Bowmný ville Branch ai the Canadisa. Legion by acclamation. December 30 The Salvation Army dlstri- buted 40 Christmas baskets to needy familles in Bowman- ville. Three Hampton men were ar- rested by Port Perry Policé Chief Archie Menzies aiter al- legedly holding up a groceryr staî-y and post offie et Prince Albert the day before Christ- mes. Twa members oi the trio are beiieved ta be the same men who held up the general store ai Arthur Bibey et Burketon a few deys previous- ly. AtITTHORIZEO ÇENERAL4 E LE CTRIC- HOME APPUANCE DEALER , 'J 1 TFR CANADIAN STATESMAN, ISOWMANVn= ONTAMO ý', ïNIeed money t pay à da -- Nelson Osbarne received an acclamation for the office 0f Mayor for 1955, Reeve Sidney Little and Deputy-Reeve Wil- f rid cerruthers aiso received acclamations ta these posts. The Bowmanville Chember ai Commerce made plans for a "Get-Out-the-Vote" Cam- paign in connection with the municipal elections. December 9 Reeve Roy W. Nichais af Dem- lington Township was re-eleet- ed for 1955 in a close race wîth Gamnet B. Riekard. New members elected ta Bowmenvilie Town Council THtMSDAT.-ZAM. M, 1989' iMAGE miqjjmrr