Rev. Merrili Fer guson ~Outlines Work in Africa At St. PauI's Service Rc.v. Merrill Ferguson, home on furlough from bhis mission station in Angola, Africa, was guest speaker at St. Paul's Unit- cd Church for their special Mis- sionary and Maintenance service on Sunday. A former resident of Cartwright and well known te many Bowmanville citizens, Mr. Ferguson bas spent the last 20 years as a missionary in Africa. Mr. Ferguson explained -ta the congregatian some cf the work being done by the rhurch in Africa. "When Jesus began bis ministry he went ta Galilee and there began teachfnd in the syn- * agogues, prearhing the gospel and healing the sirk. That is what aur missionaries are doing today in Africa," the speaker de- clared, "teching, preaching and healing." *They are attempting te conquer the darkness cf ignorance and fear and disease in order ta bring out the truth cf thc,text, "The people who sat in darkness h ve seen a great light." The main work cf the mis- * sionaries, who are known te the natives as evangelirals "men cf the gospel," is teachîng. In ad- dition te the regular sçhools wbirh enable the children te complete their high school edu- ration there are special scheols for those wbo are toe old to be- gin elemcntary school work. Teenage girls with ne previeus eduration are able te atténd vo- cational schools where they study the Bible, learn rcading, cooking% sewing and in general ready themselves fer homemak- ing. There arc also "rural life srhools" for boys with at least five years cf schooling. Here thcy continue their reading and Bible study and aise learn agri- culture, carpentry and masonry te better equip tbcma for life in the native villages. Boys who show promise ran be sent on te leaders' srhools and trained te art as lay pastors for their people. These lay pastors are a very great help ta the pastors who often bave as many as 30 charges under their jurisdictîon, and are left with little spare time te help with smaller prob- lems. Work with the sick is aise a very important part cf the mis- sionary's program. In additioni Pee LEAFS Wee Hockey vs. BRUINS Admission to both games General Admission and Reservcd Seats - 75e Students __-____ 35c to the regular mission hospitals there are several leper camps being started in West Africa. "The work may not seem spec- tacular as you look at it from day te day," said Rev. Ferguson, "but when you get the overal picture you realize that it is this day te day work which is the ministry of light." "The Church in Canada is joined with the Church in Africa," he stated. 'There is a need for us te be faithful in our country s0 that some day God may fuif il His promise "I am come that ye might have life, and have it abundantly." Music for the specîal service was provided by the choir and by St. Paul's men's quartet. ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. George Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee, Wayne and Terry, Mr. Harry Ferguson, Oshawa; Mr. 'and Mrs, Keith Ferguson, Bowman- ville, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson. Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Maple Grave; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston, Mr.. and 'Mrs. L. Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. M. Stain- ton, Mr. and Mrs. R. McGill,' Mr. and Mrs. L. -Ashton at 0. C. Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett and family with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bradley, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke,l Master Alfie Bender, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pcthick and Robin, Mrs. Verna Wood, Toronto, ,vith Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethirk. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fergusan and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson and Mrs. Char- lotte Stephens, Bowmanville. Mr. Murray Barrie, Newton- ville, witii bis aunt, Mrs W. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lead- beater and boys with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. D. Yeo and Lorna, Oshawa. with Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fergu- son at Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fer- gusonIs, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. James Simpson and family, Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Page and family, Newcastle, at Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bradley's. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Bradley, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethirk. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wright and children, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. N. Wright's. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and family, Haydon; Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. Keith MrGil], Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill. Addie Blake, Maple Grove, visited Keith Ellis on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Werry, Saunia, were Saturday evening guests cf Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry. Mr-. and Mrs.,John Oke and Randy, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke and Garry, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kay, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs.-Clarence Avery and girls, Burketon, at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms were Sunday visitors cf Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Moore, Shir- ley. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry w ere Sunday evening tea guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Ked- ron. Mr. and Mrs. J. Oshorne, 'Courtire, at Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater's. Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Svane- feit, Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson and Kerry were Sunday dinner guests of Mr~. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wilson, Taronto. Master Ronnie Kersey, cf Hampton, with bis cousins, iMaster Clare and Douglas Ash- Iton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill and Reva visited Mr. and Mrs. Chai-lie Langmaid, Sauina. Miss Betty Jane Werry with Miss Heather Mitchell, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Italph Van- stone, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. FrdCowling, Blarkstock; Ivir. Fredbb Haydon, with Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil. Mr-, and Mrs. Oliver Hub- bard, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Don Samis, Toronto, were Mon- day visitors cf Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke. Glad te report Mrs. Oke is improving. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry wcre Sunday evening dinner guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mitchell, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt visited her father. Mr. W. Mark anîd brather, Stewart, and w'ere rallers an Mr. and Mrs. Orr Jeffery. Port Perry. Miss Kathryn Slcmon enter- taine d a number cf friends te ber ninth birthday on Satur- day. Service Club met at the home cf Mrs. A. Bayd on Jan. 4tlî witli 13 present. Lunch xvas sevd by Mrs. N. Wilson, Mrs. T.îWlon, Mrs. A. Leadbeater and the hostess. Next meeting at Mrs. J. Slemon's Jan. 18th. C.G.I.T. met in the basement cf the church. Opening wer- ship xvas led by President Shir- ley Mills, singing by Mrs. Sey- moeur. Crafts were directed by Mrs. O. C. Ashton. Plans were made for Christian Youth Ser- vice on Feb. 13th. Mrs. Ash- ton condurted elertion of these officers: President, Ruth Lamb; Ass't., Gloria Wright; Sec'y., Shirley Milîs; Ass't., Carrol Wright; Treas.. Mary Griffin: Ass't.. Reva MrcGiil; Pianists. Nancy Wood. Elenor Heard and Lorna 'Wearn: Audlitors, Mrs. M. Hobbs and Mrs. R. Sey- mour. A delicieus lunch was served by Elenor Heard and Linda Stai.nton. Next meeting Feb. tb. Women's Misionary Society W.*M.S. met at the home of Mrs. J. Slemoui on Jan. Il with Recreation Revues Minor Hockey played before the Barons game There was a full siate of Ion Saturday evening. games run off in the B.R.D.*** Minor Schedule on Saturday Winter Prograni morning. The Bantamns were Crafts classes are now in théir' first to hit the !ce, at 7:30 a.m., second week. Anyone wishing and came up with two very to join a group may do so at close games. one of the sessions. * * *Memorial Park Clubhouse will Bantams. probably have a Smocking Class The Tigers and Cubs fought during the winter months. There to a 1-1 draw in *a fast gamê. were several w,ýho registered at Pat Gould blinked the red light the clubhouse and others who for the Tigers and Singular scor- showed a good deal of interest ed for the Cornets. in a class. If there is a large In the second game, the Hlusk. enough group of women in the les shut out the Cubs 1-0 in a South Ward interested then very close contest. Reynolds there will dcfinitely be a class. picked up a loose puck a few 4'* * feet inside the Cubs' blueline Memorial Park Association and potted the Nvinner, for tIce Many of the people in Bow- Huskies. manville have no idea of the * * *work this association has done Pee Wees in the South Ward and with- the The Bruins eked out a 2-1 wi clubhouse. They have raised over the fast-improving -Rang- money in miany different ways ers in the fîrst game. James to pay for the clubhouse, instal scored twice for the Bruins with proper heating. tables, chairs, Terry Black assisting on thxe canteen, etc. The people of the second goal. Flintoff saved his town would be surprised to se team from a shutout when hie their financial report for the scored for the Rangers. year of ',54. This group have The second-place Leafs piled a building of which to be proud up a 6-0 score in defeating the and they are planning many im- Red Wings. Brenton Hughes1 pro vements. scored the first Leaf goal from . There have bren many people, Crombie. Larry Piper scored in the Association who have the next from Bothwell, then worked liard to dcveloptepr Piper unassisted. David Thomp- and rlubhouse to U rsn son scored bis first goal of the state. No one has workedt with season unassisted on a nice play. more drive at this task than The fifth goal was scored by Irwvin Beauprie. He bas given Larry Piper on a Play from of his time and efforts for sev- David Thompson. Br en t on eral years to, this projeet. Irwin Hughes srored the sixth Leaf xvould net run for the chair this goal. Year when elections were held; The Canadiens won the last ho-ever, lie has stated lie would game Of the morning 1-0 wben serve on several cemmittees. We they squeezed by the Black hnwle will keep up his ex- Hawks. Woodlock scored for cellent work to hc]p further re- the Canadiens to give thern creation and the development of their margin of victory. the park. 1He is a solid citizen * * who likes everyone. Atoms YugCnd ih TheAtoins are out on the ice PounHpeCanabedaigts every Saturday merning for PoY oun eCnaa igbeh inPot some organized shinny. Now Hpoun Thunday Jat na rt 0 that we have the new uniforms Heyon haveinitday au to 2en for the Pee Wees, the old Pad Pee Wee av ivteamu to play Wee uniforms are being passed ionstatheirs. iamt pa dlown to the Atoms: They will agais hr. be plared on teams and will play and appreriate the invitation regularly on Saturday morni n d wl be scnding a teami The ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n Atm-r yesu r1 down to Port Hope. The team easof age. will be handled by George Pip- yearsN..L er and Sam Black. Litte N..L.The kids will play an early The Canadiens defeated the game and be treated to a lunch. Rangers 1-0 on a goal by Wise- They iviii return home early in man in the Little N.H.L. gamethe evening.1 Fellowship Circle With Executive of Presbytery Union Newtonville - The opcning mîeeting cf the Fellewship Cir-ý cle for the New Year beld-ini the United Church Sunday Srhool hall on Tuesday evening cf last week was of sDeiLin terest and good profit te those1 who attended. Theîe was a fair representation from bath Keni- dal and Shiloh as well as New- tonville. Ross Elliott, vice-president, of Kendall conducted the first part cf the meeting in devotions and business and then wecomed the Presbytery Union Exeru- tive team. Rev. S. J. Pike in- troduccd Misses Phyllis Parker and Ruby Morrow, Messrs. Francis Jase and Harvey Yel- lowlees and Mrs. Ycllowlees, who teck charge cf the pro- gram for the remainder cf the evening. Harvey Yel]owleei led in a* couple cf '"acquaintance"clanies before the paniel-discussion took place in which the whole Pres- bytery srheme of Commission gro ~s and projects study was preYented. This had te do xvith Evangelism and Faith, Stew- ardship and Service, Citizen- ship and Culture. Missionary and World Outlook. The clos- ing features took on a candle liglît devotional period which was bath inipressive and cdify- ing. Refreshments werc served by the local group durig the social hour which. followed. Mrs. E: A. Werry presiding. Roil cail was responded to by payment of fees. Mrs. W. Fer- guson gave the devotienal. Mrs. R. Seymour gave an out- line of the meetings srheduled for 1955. A special film is ta he obtained for the Easter Thank - Off ering. Serretaries gave splendid reports cf the year's xxork. Treasurer Mrs. T. Slemon reported rereipts cf S169. Money was voted te the United Church Hurricane Re- lief Fund. Program xvas in charge cf greup leader Mrs. J. MeLaugh- lin. Mrs. R. Ormiston read an interesting letter on how anc missionary worker had used the money received. Mrs. H. McGill favoured with a piano solo. Mrs. O. Ashton gave a re- xiew cf United Nations events for the past year, and also semne up-to-date world news. The study chapter on religion in India was dealt with by Mrs. M. Hobbs in question and answer form followed by a busy session. Enthusiastir re- ports from the buzz groups on question: "If we followed tlhe Christian way of living in our homes, our community and aur church, what changes would we make" were given by Mr3. A. Boyd, Mrs. R. Seymour and Mrs. A. Sharp. Lunch w-as serve d. Nestieton Church Ladies Aid HoId January Meeting Nestieton Preshyterian La- dies Aid met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Dick- ev for the January meeting with the Presîdent, Mrs. George Wolfe in the chair. Mrs. Wm. Hooey led the devotional period xith Seripture reading, explan- ation of the passage and pray- er. The president welromed our new minister's wife, Mrs. A. S. MeLean. hoping she will enjoy happy fellowship with the members and have new ideas and suggestions for the work of the arganization. After reading the minutes of: the previeus meeting the serre -1 tary Miss Ruth Proutt announ e- ed the sale of another qult to add to the funds. Mrs. H. Mc- Laugh]lin told nf the gift of a 1 partiallY completed woollen quilt top %Aich she proposes te finish and prepare for tying by the ladies. Mrs. McLean xvas added te the committee comn- prised of Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Gist and Miss Ruth Proutt to pur- chase blInds for the mane Members paid their dues for* 1955 and several ordered "The Record" for the coming year. Since last meeting the manse was cleaned and kitchen paint- cd for the new occupants, and those who did such a fine job I were ta be paid for their work. Rev. Mr. McLean joined the ladies for the close of the meet- ing. During lunch served by the hostess and her helpers Mrs. Farder and Mrs. Nesbitt, aIl en- jeyed an heur. of fellowship with Mr. and Mrs. McLean. Mrs. Klaas Vîciger was aIse present and gave somne inter-, esting farts cf her homelandi Friesland, Holland. Ail joined in a hearty thank you te Mrs. Dickey for the splendid meet- ing. In February the ladies xviii rocet at the home of Mrs. G. Thompson. NE WTON VILLE Mrs. Harriet Medcalf, Port Hope, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Melville Joncs. Miss Minnie Randal under- went an operation in Bowman- ville on Tuesday'. Mrs. Edith Johnston is work- ing in a flower shop in Toron- te while the owner is ln Fier- ida on holiday. Mrs. Cecil Burley ý spent Tbursday with her aunt, Mrs. John Lancaster at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Buttery B oxma n ville. Mrs. Mînnie MrHolm of Mer- rish, visîted Mrs. Wm. Uglow 'for a few days. We were shocked te bear cf the sudden passing cf Mr. Neil Stewart. Our sympathy is ex- tended te bis family. Mr. and Mrs. Porter cf Man- vers Station xith their son and family at Porter's Store. Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle and Mr. and Mrs. Cecii Burley xith Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bur- ley, Cobourg. .Mrs. G. W. Joncs arrived home from Bermuda on Sun- day. W.M.S. Meeting The January meeting cf W. M.S. was held on Tuesday af- ternoon, Jan. il, in home cf Mrs. C. Burley with five pres- cnt and ail taking part in ser- vice. Looking bark aver year the following report was given: 13 members, 3 life mnembers; 12 nmeetings held, Baby Band par- ty. a missicnary eiitertained te nicet public school children and Good Friday Thank Offering and Womnen's Day of Prayer, 2 layettes sent direct ta Korea, a bale te Canadian mission sta- tion and large bale cf used rlothing overseas. For the rom- ing year the following offirers were elected: Mrs. C. Burley, president; Mrs. A. Wade. serre- tary; Mrs. S. J. Lancaster, trea- surer; lst vice, Mrs. Gea. Mc- Cullougb; 2nd vice and assori- ate member serretary, Mrs. S. J. Pike; Mrs. G. W. Jones, press secretary, and serretary of rommunity friendship; Mrs. J. T. Pearre Missionary MonthlY secretary and secretary cf Christian Citizenship; Christian Stewardship secretary is Mrs. Cecil Robinson. Mrs. Milton Kimbaîl was elected to office cf Baby Band Lake Shore, Clarke Mrs. W. Holmes spent the;j weekend in Oshawa Nvith Miss, Hazel Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rutherford, Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Whitney, Newvcastle, with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Skeld*,ng' and Betty with Mr. and Mrs Harvey Mabee, Tottenham. Mrs. Roy McKay and Miss! Sharon Englehart, Bronte, wîth Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Wilkins and family, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bedwin. The Lake Shore Ladies K.S.' and C. Club met at the home cf Mrs. Jack Holmes. The next meeting will be beld at the home of Mrs. Sam Powell. Mr. and Mrs. AIf Brown visit- cd Mrs. H. Brown at the Queen The Lake Shore H. and S. Club will hold its regular month- ]y meeting Thursday, January 20. KIRBY The W.M.S. and W.A. held their monthly meetings on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 12, at the church with Mrs. Allîn, president. presiding. Mrs. Ai- lin opened the meeting with a few thoughts fori- i" T" Year. The worship service xvas e,. Evangelism when srripture readings were given by Mrs. C. Harris, Mrs. H. Lowery, Mrs. Cochrane and Mrs. L. Harris. After earh reading a discussion followed on the kind of -evangelism. shown by the incident. The treasurer gave the annual report showing that we more than reached our allocation. The third chapter of the study book was taken by Mrs. R. Chapman assisted by Mrs. S. Chiapman and Mrs. L. Harris. Rev. Kitchen took charge of the installation of the new of- ficers as' follows President, Mrs. Wni. Allun: Vice-Presi- dent, Mrs. Lawrence Harris; Rer. and Press Sec'y., Mrs. Wm. Wannan: As.s*t.. Mrs. Gus Wil- son; Treasurer, Mrs. Wm. Rutherford; Christian Steward- ship convener, Mrs. S. Chap- man; Temperance, Mrs. James secretary to work with Mrs.ý Bruce who is in charge of the Cradle Roll Dept. Pianist Mrs. Frank Gilmer. Regret was v'oie- ed that allocation had not been met $114 being sent to Presby- terial treasurer, but we face new year with new hope. Miss Jennie Thompson in To- ronto Tuesday attending fun- eral of Mrs. Howard Richard- son (formerly Mabel Wakelin). Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Waters and son Bruce visîted in Ban- croft. TRURSDAY, JAN. 2Oth, 1955 THZ CANADIAK STATESMAN. EOWMANV!LLZ, ONTARIO Thoe sufferers go ail oui ln iheit praise of th* wondrous relief from thoe .Toblets. Get a botti. todoy, TRUMAC TABLETS *10MIW PRODUCTS (HAMILTON) STATION a FOR SALE AT DRUG STORES EVERYWHERE Get ... ECONOMICAL HEAT -%ith FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE The RED Coal Fi up today with Reading Anthracite and you wiIl be amazed nt the splendid heat you get. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE Osborne's Coal Co. 26 Kinl: Street E. Phone MA 3-5897 Bowmanville Coal Yard Phone MA 3-5410 y, Staying at home or away on vacation, ne matter what your plans or where you'll be ... let Playtex ]Jryper keep your baby neat, sweet and dry. For Playtex Flushaway Dryper lets you make changes quickly and easily . . . as often as needed te help prevent diaper rash and guard baby's health. Dryper Panty's exclusive waist flaps prevent wet- iness from spreading ... keep clothes and bedding dry. And Dryper Pads sirnply flush away when soiled. Corne, write or~ phone today for the perfect answer te your diapering prübiemns. Playtex DRYPýER doos away with dLaper drïdgw TRURSDAY, ZAN. 20th, 1955 Bowman ville- MemorialArena Public Skaiting '8 Io 10 p.m. 1FRIDAY, JAN. 21 ADMISSION - - - Aduits 35c, Children 20e Public Skating 3 Io 5 p.m, SAT., JAN. 22 ADMISSION - - - Aduits 35c, Children 20e L akeshore Intermediate HOCKEY SAT., JAN* 22 8:30 p.m. LINDSAY MUSKIES 80 WMANVILLE BARONS Prior to the gaine - at 7:45 p.m. Pee Wee Hockey' RED WINGS vs. HAWKS Admission. to both games General Admission and Rescrved Scats -- 75c Students --------------------- 35c L akeshore Interme dia te 8:30 p.m. ORONO ORPHANS 80 WMANVILLE BARONS Prior to the game - at 7:45 pm. T1C K ET S TO EVERYWHERE Air. Rail or Steamship Consuit JURY & LOVELL 3owmanviUle 15 King St,. W. MA 3.5778. JURY & LOVELL When W'e Test Eyes It le Doue Properly YOL'R REXALL DRLIG STORE PHONE MA 3-5778 J30WMMAX~ TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOVaUNVMLE, ONTARIO i.!»%VUr\; Orgarnst. Lwr;Ass't., Mrs. R. Chap-r imaa; Supply Sec'y., Mrs. Wm. ;Reid; Audi' .r, Mrs. E. Quan~t. r] Vitng convener, Mr&, 'Wrn..Cochrane. Mrs. Wm. Wannan openaut the W.A. meeting wîth prayer. Rev. Kitchen then took charo of the installation service. Mt& Wannan gave a few New Year rthoughts. Mrs. Wm. Cochrafie gave the devotional p tr bascd on the scripture. Ms. H. Loverv favoured with a iNewv Year's solo. 1A.fter minutes and reports an intensive. businesspre folloxved. spro The officers for 1955 are as followq: President, Mrs. Wm. Wannan: lst Vice, Mrs. Gus Wilson: 2nd Vice, Mrs. Clar- ence Allin: Rec. and Corr. Sec, Mrs. Stanley Chapman; Assi&t- ant, Mrs. Evan Quantrill; Press Ser'y., Mrs. Wm. Wan- nan: Financial Sec'y., Mrs. Wm. Allin; Treasurer, Mrs. Hart- well Lowery; Organist, Mrs. Raymond Chapman, Assistqnt, Mrs. Lawrence Harris; Floral Comm ittee, Mrs. James Low- erv,, Mrs. Stanley Chapmnan, *Mrs. Wm. Rutherford; Visiting Commnittee, Mrs. H. Lowery, Mrs. R. Chapman, Mrs. Wm. Rutherford, Parsonoýage Com- mittee, Mrs. C. Hafis, Mrs.- R. Chapman, Mrs. G. Wilson;, Social Activities, Mrs. Wm. Allin, Mrs. Wm. Cochrane, Mrs. Ken Henderson. Cork-tipped cigarettes ares flot popular in Aberdeen. The. natives do not like the taste ot" burning cork. SINUS- Thos, Terrible Headaches le ti dorlc.ned croas of photo nov# anay 6. velievmd by TaibIt. "A"'