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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1955, p. 12

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PAGETWELE TE CA~ADI( MAT~MH~.~OWMNVTL~. NTÀWO T~1~A~ .TEl9nvhI£N Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry1 home on Saturday from Mem- znd Mr. and Mrs. Perey oanal Hospital, Bowmanville. WerBowmanville, visited Mrs. A. Sherwin, Waterdown, lMvrs. Chas. Awvde on Sunday. is staying with Miss Sherwin Peggy Hancock is a patient and Mr. R. Sherwin. in Memorial Hospital, Bow-' Miss Bertha Cain spent Sat- manville. urday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Cole, Master Larry Luxton, Bow- Miss Lois Archer, Port Hope;1 manville, spent the weekend Miss Camnil]a Irwin, Tocno with Mr. and Mrs. Herry .Miss Shirley Porter and Ms Mercer. Audrev Bilings, Oshawa; M r. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan and Mrs. Neil Porter, Mr. and and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones Mrs. Heber Souch. Mr. and spent the weekend in Buffalo, ïNrs Cari Billings. Mr. and Mrs. N.Y. Chas. Wood and Mrs. H. Bailev were dinner guests Saturda Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith,. c'. nin ofMr. nd rs.Aly Niagara Fails, visîted Mr. and e,,(-nngof r.andMr. AexMrs. Chas. E. Miller. Mrs. Watson. Fred Tamblyn who returned 1Mr. and Mrs. HarrY Mercer, home with them and spent the Mi-. H. Linton and Miss Alma past week in Niagara Falts. Cutteli visited Mrs. R. R. Wad- Mis .Arorsapten aeil nt Tonto General Hos- i eoilHsiaBw pi;aIJ on Sunday,. i eoilHsiaB Mr. and Mrs. Bob Barrabaîl, mnvll. hrtnWloisv- Maple Grove, visited Mr. andi.Ms hrtnWlo svs 1.1i. Luther Barrabail. iting ber sister, Mrs. Earl Misýs Viola Gilfillan returned Grady in Hamilton.*vstdMs home after scveral wecks ij Mrs. Chas. Wood vstdMs 'ïI rronto with Miss Viola Gil- Gea. Crowther, Newcastle. fillan. Mxs. Thomas Miller passed Recent dinner guests wîth. away Jan. l7th in Oshawa Hos- Mr. and Ms Dave Hooper and pital. She is survived by ber Mrs. E. Storie wý,ere: Mrs.* C. v. daughter (Mary D«) Mrs. Char- Curtis, Mr. and Ivrs. Dean les T. Miller, Orono, and two Hodgson. Mr. Glenn Hodgson, sons, T. Martin Miller, Osh- Bow,ýmanville: Mr. and Mrs. R. awa, and Wreford D. Miller. J. Hodgson, Hampton; Mr. and Toronto. Interment was in Mvrs. Raymond Clapp, Tyrone; Oshawa Union Cemetery on Mrs. Chas. Awde. Mrs.' Men- Wednesday. ielIly, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rab- Miss Mary Clara Squair, irîson and Robert. formerly of Orono, passed Mr. Wm. Grad -y visited bis away at Deloraine, Man., on father, Mr. Earl Grady, Ham- Jan. 14th. She leaves twa ilton. who is in the bospital brothers, Kyle and Laurence, there. and Ruth (Mrs. W. S. Moffatt) Sandra Bowins broke ber af Orono. Interment was in leg while skating last week. Bowmanviiie Cerne t e r y on Mrs. Chas. Behee returned Wedne-sday. from Oshawa Hospital and is Mrs. Frank.Ardron, Toronto, s,,aving with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. visited Mr. and Mrs. Madsan Glanville. Hall. Miss Camnilla Irwin. Toronto, Mrs. E. Lunn visited her and Miss Shirley Porter, Osh- sister in Peterborough en Sun- awa, spent the weekend with day. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Miller, Mrs. John Cowling, Bowman- Larry and Wayne visited MrxTvile, and their neice, Miss tand Mrs. Ross Gilbert, Brant- Hilda Cryderman of Vernon, ford. on Stiiday. B.C., who was guest speaker Miss Editb Sherwin returned at the joint meeting of the ______________________Bowmanville B. & P. and ______________________Rotary Clubs. Mr. W. C. Crossiey is iii at bis home. Jo Anne and Paul Ruther- SALE ford spent a few days in Ot- SALE tawa las t eek. h Continues! been ili at his home i m Mr. and Mrs. Ross McRob- Our pre-inventory sale erts and Mrs. Tom McRoberts, Tyrane, were guests Sunday of Continues. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller. Corne in and see the many Mr.îdcW. Grady istn bargains now- featured. STORE Solina Library STORE Board Holds CLOSED!Annual Meeting The annuai Library meeting! was held on Saturday evening, Our store will be losed January 15 at the home o! Mr. for stock-taking on Charles Shortridge witb Mrs. tWes Yellowlees, chairlady, pre-j Many New Canadians Attend Night Cla.sses Two'of the classes for New Canadians given at English and Citizenship in preparation for exarninations the Central Sehool each Thursday night from 8 ' ta set by the Department of Education. Miss Marjorie Couch 10 p.m. are picturedý above. There are three classes is pictured with her first year class, and Mr. Slute with altogether, for first, second and third year pupils, with a the third year group. Photo of Mr. A. A. Merkley and total attendance of aver 60. Classes are given in Basic the second year class appears elsewhere in TheStatesman. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope M anvers L.O.L. Elects Officers For the Year PontyDool-Manvers District L.O.L. met ln Janetx'ille an Tuesday evoning with the District Master W. Bro. Deibect in the chair. Most o! tbe primacy lodges were r4present- c d and gave good reports for 1954. The foliowing officers wece ce-elected and installcd by P.C. siding. fIvaster W. Bro. iK.. ioncrîief: The Board o! Directors for District Master-W. Bro. Del- aur library for 195-Mrs. L. bect Bowins; Deputy Master- Keliett, Mr. Chas. Shortridge, W. Bro. Norreil Marshall; Chap- Mrs. J. Knox, Mrs. Heai, Mcs. lain-Bro. Fenton Fallis; Rec.- E. Spires, Mcs. (Rev.) Rced,' e'-ra.--.Bo .J Mrs. Wes Yeilowiees, Mcs. Payne, P.D.M.; Ist Lectuer- ; George Knox and Mrs. Hooev , W. Bro. T. Staples. P.C.M.; 2nd with Mrs. Heal as chairlady. Lecturer-Bro. Lloy,,d Clarke; Secrtar-Mr. J.Kno. Tea-Marshall-Bro. Clifford Curtis.i secer-Mrs. Jha. Knox. idca- Short speeches xvece made by sucrr, Mrs. Cha. KhortridAg-; County Master W. Bro. Bill ibran, Mrs. R. Iavi ; s-Bateman, W. Bro. Moncrie f! and sistnt, rs. . Dais.others. New members wiii be wei-f Lunch served by the mcm- comed. Many ncw books have1i bers of Janetville L.O.L. 64 been added ta the iibcarv tbis ibcought a x'ery'success!ul meet- year as veli as Mlean's Maga- ing ta a close. zinc and the Reader«s Digest. Books arc aio obtained fraým the travelling library. Edison instailed the generator Watcb Coming Ex'ents for for Canada's f irst industriai! date of the Pic Social in Fcb- j ighting plant at Cornwall, Ont., rciarY,. fin 1883. SOLINA Our sincere symypathyr is cx- tended ta the family of the late Mcs. Rose Blanchard wha pass- ed away last Tuesday' v after- noon. Many fram bere attend- cd the funeral service on Fri- day afternoon at the Northcutt & Smith Funeral Home in Bowmanvilie. Interment was in Bowmanville Cem etejMu The three beauti i buet of flowers placed in the church foc the service on Sunday by Mr. and Mcs. A. Blanchard in loving memory of their mother, were sincerely appreciated. W'omcn's Institute Ladies of the Womensq Insti- tute entertained their husbands at a progresszive Lost Heir par- tv in the Cornmunity Hall, on Friday evening. Prizes for bigh- est scores were woan 1by Mrs. Harold Pascoe and Mcr. Gardon Leask while Mrs. G. Leask and Mr. B. G. Stevens rceived con- solation awards. Lunohi was served b v Mrs. C. Hamer and ber group. The nexmt regtîlar meeting wilI be on Thursday, FebrVary 10. ('G.îT. The C.G.I.T. met on Satucday afternoon with Barbara H-ooey, piesident in charge of opening exereises. The ra Il cal was an- swered with 'Mx'ý Favorite Pas- time"'. An inxvitation \vas accep- ted by the girls ta be guests ofZo ....on Februarv!~ jrF eot 16 at a Valentine party. Mrs. ajr oiteRe ot Ralph Davis, leader, con duotedo£ L the worship service with Sha- Opening of A'notrher con Robb assisting. The chap - ter from the study book xvas iHospital ai Guelph cead by Helen Knox. The pro- gram included a piano solo by Opening of a new prison Patsy Knox and a reading bY ho spital, with equipment or the Gail Baker of the C.G.I.T. and a piano solo by Phyllis West- treatment of both bodiiy and lake and a reading bv Annoenmcntal disordie.s.. as announc- Werry of the Expioror's Group. ed today by Refonm Institu- Recreation was led by Patsy tions Minister Foote. Davis and the meeting closed with Taps. The next meeting It xiii be at the Ontario re- twill be on Januarv 29 with florratory in Guelph. Sharon Robb in charge of the pragram. The hospital wiil be strîctly A baptismal service ,vill bc for' the treatment of Ontario's beld on Sunday. February 6. prison population, he said. The The Congregalional meeting. ground floor wili contain op- wiii be held on January 27,1 ecating rooms and x-ray equip- Thursday.I ment. The second fioor xii ho The missionarv prograrm on .itted ,vith a complete neuro- Sunday afternoon included a psychiatric unit,.f piano solo by Dianne Tink, the The psychiatrie ward xvii scripture reading by Jean Crv-i aiso bc used for research, he dierman; a vocal solo by Eveln' said. Hockaday and a story read by 'I know of no similar set-up Mrs. Tom Baker. inan other penal jurisdicticon Mr. and Mrs. John Broomie in Canada," the ininister said. and cblîdren, Tyrane. visited We believe i, is the first of its at Mr. Lio.vd Broome's. kind in Canada." Mrs. 'Addie Tink and Mrs. Bruce Tiank, were recent guests WITH US, TOP MEN OVER at Mc. Bcvce Bcown's, Oshawa45CN IA E$000N Mr. and Mrs. Keith MGl,4 A AES0OOI Bowmanville; Mr. and Ms Rov THE NEXT FIVE YEARS McGili and Reva, Enniskillen, visited at Mr. Chas. Langmaid's. Mr. and Mrs. L. Peston and Wl a aeta ubi vour present work? If not, Gary, Bowmanville, were Sun- here's samething of "interest ta day visitors at Mr. Roy Lang- you. Eight of our top men av- maid's. erage at least $50,000 each in Mr. and Mvrs. Bert Montgomn- the last five years. Nuxv, with ecy, Mcs. Gertie Ferguson, Osb- nîowd eadicesg awa. visited at Mc. Bruce Tayý,- A lacs. ndMcs W .T Sire, L SIGNS POINT TO EVEN lor's.GREATER RECORDS FOR THE Mi]lbcook, visited at Mr. E. t MN IEYAS Spires'. Xhat does that mean ta 'ou? Mr. and Mrs. A. Muir. Cour- It means you can join this or- tice visited at Mc. Wcs Werrv'.s. ganization nuw . . . .%vith this Mrs. S. E. Weccy is visi ting tre mendous boom coming on . . . Mr. nd rs.Harr Gromsin and sh.are in aur million-dollar Mc.rndMo. H yGom expansion pcogram. MIDDLE-1 Mc.andMrs HavcyYelow-AGED business men and sales- lees, Karen pnd Brenda, visit- meal t rvl o e j cd on Sundav at Mc. E. La"- weeks at a tîrne, are învîtod tao 1mer's. Blackstock. jain oui' top-brackot incarne Mr. and Mcs. T. Flett, Col- gcaup. umbus; Mc. and Mrs. Jim Middie-aged mon, J5 - 50 - 55; Woods and children, Taunton, - and up - are pacticularl *vý vted at Mc. D. Flett's. quali!ied for aur ly~pe of busq- M.and Mcs. Harry Knox mness, where earnings, start aU and Dean, xisited Sunday even- once. Bert Licbti hegan on ing at Mr. C. Vice'.s. part-time basis - x- hi-n ho start- Mr. and Mcs. Rav Pascoe' cd full-tinie xx'th us, avei-aised werc Sunday tea guests at Mr. j $787.31 per monLh bis first thrce Ross Cryderman's. months. John Chrisfensen av- tMr. and Mrs. Ralph Craw- ergd1725 ann1 e fardi. and sons, Whitby, vîsited mnonth bis first seven moîths.; at Mc. John Knox's.: G. A. Holland, nev. man starting, Misses Jean and Elma Cr%,-!nid-.veaic. earincd S2,194.116 in derman and Mr. Helmier Fréi-i thrce-mointh peihod.- Avorag' tag. Oshawa, and Mcr. Jack'af aver 870(.00 uer nionth. Paul. Freitag, Eganville. vi-sited at Frase~r, nov: nman, Parnod l22 îMr. E. Cryderman's. bis vers' . orking da. Mr. and Mrs. D. Coates and These aile unusuiai earnings of' Pvlus, WAhitbv. were Sunday top mn ie annsarc li-trsat Mc. Stan Millsion'-. available ta vou oca'îse wveic Mcs. Dell and Mr. Clifford:nat put a ceiling an your in- ;Deii. are visiting relatives aI came. St. Thomas.i We bave an OUTSTANDINC Mc. and Mrs. Ralob Davi.s product (Canada Patent No.: and Patsy. ,vere Sundav even-! 456591). jîut.t a:; imporiant, %vo ing vis:itors at Mr. J. E. Il. Da- bave an OUTSTM'>DIN(;, prov.- Yba'. Oshawa. .en methoci lor i hin pru- Mr. and Mrs. C. Hamer and duct ta h bum<nc,.rc an. cbiidren visited on Sundav at prafessional mcm en :rdc far!±.sr7 iMc. M. Bird's. Brookiin. on lang-tercn cced't. Your-.ea'rn- iBradlev's Communitv CIlub ing checks nailecn in adý.'ancj'. ,wili be in the form of a LostlYou have, nothing t-) b.v. Wo .Heir partv on Fciday night. make &ilel e.~ d d-- January 21. liveries . .. EXCEI.EV N HOME _______________ OFFIC E (O-OPE RAT-lici.O Cormpan- h&.s ucnLzj He thought foc a moment, for bein1- ýa r n Èv theni replied: 'll1 just run in BIG SEASO(N il S' .ii.\> and out and kcep siamming the,. Age is iib'o r ' h:iî door tili they sasv, 'Foc good- and age.for fuil t otuIo Vice-; ness' sake, came in or sta,,-aut.' President, Dept. A-I.P Box M hn Ii go in."'Tb Brand,'88, Station J., Dan!ortb, Toronto San Angelo, Texas. 6, Ontario. Hampton W.I. Hampton Women's Tastitute meeting held in basement with the president in the chair, opened in usual way. Rail caît "Sometbing I would like ta know," was answered by a few ';aitho' we had a wonderful at- tendance," minutes and carres- pandence were read. $10,00 was voted ta help W.I. work away fram home, aiso $10.00 ta "Save the Cbildren Fund.- Mrs. Tyrcil, Sr., gave a belated 42 KING ST. E.- BOWMANVILLE , .ute HAMPTON Visitors recently at J. W. Balsozi's were Mr. Lloyd Stain- ton, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Noble Stevenson, Burlingtan; Mr. Anson Balson, Richmond Hill, Mcs. Victor Parkin and niece Lais, Brooklin; Mrs. Jack Hooker and Nancy, Kinsale: Mrs. erryWebb, Orangeville. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Maenab visited their uncle in Barrie on Sunday wbo is 88 years aid! and bas a broken arm in three places. Mr. and Mrs. J. Balson spent last WedInesday at Mr. Keith Biliett's. Mr. Gerald Balson and Dad visited the latter's sister, Mrs. Adeline Trick, Oshawa, xvho bas a broken arm and back' injuries, but is impraving siowly.1 MA 3.3211 Nonday, Jan. 24 Tuesday, Jan. 25 We sel at sale prices ail the time BUT YOU SAVE EVEN MORE DURING OUR January Clearanc'e 0F 13UR Winter Stock! Friday Only MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Re&. $2.98 each SPECIAL FRIDAY ONLY $1 75 FAMOUS "IBEX" FLANNELETTE B LANKETS Large Double Bed Size- 70" x 90",i Whbite with Coloured Borders $5605 PAIR MEN'S Jackets ail Reduced 2(0 00 Bowmanviile Surplus Sales To Introduce Our New ..q Laundry Service 'sre wiII launder FREE 0F CHARGE of Dry Cleaning FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Gi*llard Cleanit Service 10 ýKing St. E. Phone MA 3-3121 - MA 3-5888 This offer subject to withdrawal. without notice. repart on the convention on "Public Relations." She couid flot be present at Decemicr meeting. Next mneeting ta t~e Feb. 4tb. An cvening witIt% crokinole, open la anyonýX March meeting ta be an even- ing meeting with a mixed pro. gram, and the executive ta ar- range samie. Mis. flarn took charge of the program. Mrs. White spoke on the motta: "If s aunust xvaý'k befare breakfast, have yajr breakfast first," and gave sev- eral poems. Mrs. J. Balson ha11 caming events, but read sorte bumoraus readings mnst e ad. _Mrs. Caverley conducted corn- munity singing and sanie rounds. Mrs. Balson a-ssisted Mrs. Cavecley in sing-ing "Long, Long Ago." Mrs. T he ro n Mauntjoy liad the tapie '0n "Citizcnship." She read Paul- ie Johnston's poern 'Canadian Born," alsa a wonderful paper on bier subjeccl interspersed with clippings. Miss L. Rey- nolds spoke a few words or good advice. on trying tq, get more children out ta Sunday Scbool, and the parents ce- sponsibiiity. Sang the national anithem and the centre groun served refreshments. Canada's first public electrie utility was born in Pembroke, O0nt., in 1884. -PAGIC TWELVE. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. 'BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. JAN. 2oth. i4l.qit - 1 7

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