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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1955, p. 16

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THE. L*LA UAL TATI \\u \%% \181 OP dIMM - - M W ump QrTTUc; i tT A(mrDTÇA g i..v .rr q - _ - JD.LL1 laJ. J 1 11-1ivr in ui BELLMAN-Carol and Michael Beliman wish ta announce the arrivai of their baby brother, John Arthur, at Memarial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, Jan. l2th, 1955. 3-1* KING-Eva and Jack King are proud ta announce the arrivai of their baby daughter, Patricial Dianne, on January l4th, weigh- ing 8 Ibs., 4 ozs. 31 PEDWELL-Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pedwell are happy ta announce the birth of their son, Jan. l7th, 1955, at Women*s College Hos- pital, Toronto. 3-1 DEATHS DOWN-In the Oshawa General HosxfItal,on Friday, January 14, 1955, baby Down, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Down, aged three days. The funeral was held Saturday, January 15. In- terment Ebenfe7pr Cemetery. 3-1 "EARING-Entered int rest in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- 'ville, on Thursday, January 13, 1955, Joseph Gearing, beloved husband of the late Mabel Viola Curtis, in bis 75th yeai-. Mem- criai service was held in the Armstrong Funeral Home, Osha- wa,,January 15. Interment Eb- enezer Cemetery. 3-1 SQUAIR-At Deloraine, Man- 1toba, on Friday, Jan. 14, 1955. « Mary Clara Squair, daughter of the late Frank L. and Clara Squair and dear sistçr ai Kyle, Lawrence and Ruth (Mrs. W. S. Moffatt). Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Wednesday, Jan. 19 at 3 o'clock. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 3-1 RANCOCK-At Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Wednes- day, Jan. 19, 1955, W. Frederick1 :Hancack, aged 81 years, husband( of the late Minnie Lovekin.E Xesting at the Morris FuneralJ Chapel, Bowmanville. Serviceé In Newcastle United Church an Priday, January 2lst at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bond Head Cemetery, Flowers gratefully declîned. 3-1 Cards of Thanks I wish ta thank Dr. Witzel gnd the nurses of Memorial Hos-c pital, Bowmanville, during myv stay in hospital, also thanks ta friends and neighbors for 'phone calîs and letters and car.ds. Mrs. P. Tamblyn, Newcastle.P 3-1 I wish at this time, whilst ly- f ng in Sunnybrook Hospital, to - thank the manv friends of St. b Paul's Church, iCanadian Legion C and Ladies' Auxiliary, and oh e-s who have sent me such kn tokens of welfare. P John H. Swindelis. a We wish to express our heart- feit thanks and appreciation to Xev. Pike of Newtonville and for the acts of kindness, mes- Fages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received by us irom our many friends, Kendal United Church and Heather Re- bekah Lodge, neighbours and relatives and a special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Porter, in the 1055 of a dear husband and fath- er. Mrs. Greenwood and family. 3-1 Help Wanted STENOGRAPHER for local bus- iness office, some experience preferred. Write, stating qual- ifications, to Box 294, c/ o The Canadian Statesman. 3-1 SALESLADY wanted, no exper- ience required but must be ex- tremely pleasant personalitýy and neat appearance. Apply Bres- lin's Ladies' Wear. Bowrnanville. 3-1 CLERK with some knowledge of typing, book-keeping, etc., for local store. Address replies, stating particulars and exper- ience, to Box 292 c/o The Canad- ian Statesman, Bowmanville.* 3-1 STAFnT 1955 %vith a permanent year-round business. You begin, earninga good money the first ciay. Your homne-town and sur- roundings as territory. Full de- tails on request. Familex, 1600 Delorimier, Dept. B.. Monitreal. ___________3-1 APPLICATIONSfor- the pos- ition of Clerk and Treasurer for the Corporation of lte Township af Manvers tvill be received up j ta Monday. February 7th, 1955., Address ahl applications to Henry M. Jakemian, Actinfg Clerk, Bethiany, Ont. - MAKE lü0l< profit. W\ýe are te nianufacturers of the fastest sell-i-l ing popular price uidren 's! pyjamas, T-shirts and 22-piece1 suits. Granting tg profit ta ail aur agents. Write to: Trico- Product, Dept. 0-5. 5190 Bess- borough Ave., Montreal, Qule. WANTED - Reliabie mani as dealer in Bowmant-jlle. Ex- perience not necessary. A fine opportunitv la step into aid profitable business where Raw- leigh Producîs have ben sold for years. Big profits. ProductsI furnished oni credit. Writp! rawleigh's Dept. - A-140-163 -s Montreal, P.Q. 3-1 Pets For Sale 9 SIX Labrador Retrievers, male,S black, Il weeks aid, regîstered.S Phone MA 3-257î1. Mrs. L. 1 Wood,, Tyroue 1. 1-3 i BOYD-In loving memory ai Hamilton Bayd, who passed away, Feb. ilth, 1952. Three years have passed since the sad day, The ane I loved was called away. God took hlm home, il was His will, But in my heart he liveth stili. A faithful husband, one of the best, May God grant hlm eternal rest. -Ever remembered by, wife Lillian. 3-i BROWN-In loving niemory of a dear mother, Ruby Mae, who passed away Jan. 2Oth,*1935. If we had àll the warld ta give, We'd gîve it, yes and mare, To hear ber vaicean sebr snîile, ,an ehr And greet ber at aur door. But ail we can do, dear mother, Is go and tend your grave, And leave behind takens ai lave To the best mother, God ever made. We like bo think when lufe is done, Wherever Heaven may be, That she'll be standing at the door, Up there ta welcame us. -Sadly missed and ever re- membered by daughters, Mil- dred and Jean, and sons-in-law, Murray and Tom, and grand- chiidren. 3-i BURTON-In loving memory ai a dear wife, Jennie Burton, Nestleton who passed away January h0, 1952. Three years since the sad day The ane I loved was called away; God took ber home, it was His will, But in my heart she Iiveth still. -Ever remembered by husband Kitchener. 3-1* GAY-In laving memory ai father and mother, Wm. Henry Gay and Annie Gay, who pass- ed away Ju]Y 9, 1939, and Jan. 15, 1953. and sisters Laura, Jan. 28, 1952, and Marjorie, August 28, 1952. We who loved you sadly miss you, As il dawns another year. In aur loneiy hours af thinkcing Thoughts ai yau are ever near. -Ever remembered by the family. 3-1* MVITCHELL-In ioving memory of a dear husband and father, wvho passed away Jan. 24, 1954. Vlemaries in aur hearts taday Mean mare ta us than words can sa3V rlthough we smile anid seeni c carefree1 Nobody misses you more than v _Wlwe. V -Wiilalways be remembered a wbis wife Alice. daughter t Charlotte, Garfield and Dorathy. 1 3-1 V PERRETT-1IA îoving memorv aiof a dear busband and father, Wil- I iam Talbot, who passed away January 19th, 1951. -Sadly missed and lovingiv ne- membered by wife and faimiiv. 1PHILLIPS-In loving memnory a; afur mother and grandmother, 1Emma Phillips, who passed .away, Jan. 18, 1954. 1There's a sad but sweet reern- brance, There is a memory fond and trtie, And a token af affection, mather,, And a heartache still for yau. --Lovingiy- remembered by daughters, Pearl Craig and Lillian Brine, and families. 3-1* For Rent ROOM with or withoub board. Phone MA 3-3460. 3-1* FOUR-roornfIlat, unfurnished, East Beach, Bowmanviile. Phone MA 3-2875. 3-_2 NINE-roarn brick bouse in Biackstock, hydro, furnace. Earl Donreli. Phone 48-w. 3-.1 TWO raoms and batbroorn, cbild welcome; location, Kunv Inn. Apply Box 282, c/o The Canad- i an Statesman. 3-1* LOW priced apartment with running bot and caid water, 3- piece bath, for rent at New- castle. Dial Oshawa 3-7244. 3-1* TWO rooms aI 143 Duke St. Apply ta Brookdale Kingsway N-umrseries-. Plon-e MA 3-3345. 51-tf HEATED faur-roomed apart- ment, separate entrance, on King St., balf a block from post office. Phone AïîA 3-5650. 3-1 HOUSE-5 rooxn5 and bath, bot and cold w'ater, on Highway No. 2, Mlapie Grave district. H. J. Brooks. MA 3-3961. 3-1 BRICK building suitable for \vork shap; heavy wiring. central location, about 50o sq.'it. floor space: o rent. Appiy Apt. 7, 63 King W. 3-tf SIX-roorned bouse with auto- matic ail heat, bathroom, 50 acres af land optional, in New- lonville. Available April lst. Appiv Leiand Payne, Newton- Ville, ler 7 'cock. 2-3* Personai IfUSBANDS! \Vives! Want pep, 'irn? Ostrex Tonie Tablets me- vitalize iron-deficient body, in- crease vîgor. *'Get-acqttainted" sire only t60c. Ail druggists. 31 HYGIENIC-supplies - (rubber goods) mailed pastpaid in plaini sealed envelope with price list.1 Six samples 25c, 24 sanîples $1.0' Mail Orden Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- iton, Ont 1-521 LU UU1~5 roi ~aie.~ '..~ars ror bale SPY a p p 1 e s. Apply Leslie Coombes, R.R. 4, Bowmanvrnle. Phone MA 3-2581. 31 BALED straw, baled hay, set of farm sleighs. Phone MA 3-2271. 3-1* TWO Quebec heaters, 1 pair of white figure skates, size 8. Cali MA 3-3720 aiter six. 3-1* ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bags, delivered in Bowmanvifle. Phone MA 3-2473. 31-tf BARNS and hen house for sale. Best offer. Apply to C. Fallis, R.R. 1, Nestleton for directions to see same. 3-2 SAVE on lumber, direct fram mini to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount. Ont. Phone 17rll. 13-tf SPACE heater for sale, in very goad shape, priced right for quick sale, $50.00. Phone MArket 3-3841. 31 LLOYD convertible carniage, silver gray, dlean, good con- dition, $20. Blackstock 66 r 11. 3-1* KEYS cul automaticÉlly, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf ALL-electric separator, medium size, anly run a short while. Phone MA 3-5683. Ethen Joncs. 3-1 INSULATION, biowing method, witb rock wool. Workmanship guarantecd. Free estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf DO yaur awn iloors -rent a sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf HEARING aid service, testing service and camplete stock of batteries and cords at Higgan Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bawmanville. Phone MA 3-5438. 20-tf PRINTS of photos af public events appearing in this paper taken by Carson Studio may be obtained for $1.00 an 8x10 inch glossy prints. Carson Studio, Part Hope. 48-tf MIAN'S two-buckle avershoes, size 7; iady's goloshes, size 6, )ed spring and matlress, buffalo robe, i heavy home-made qult, arge bag ai feathers and a dresser. Mrs. Cynil Rutland, Newcastle. 3-1 DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made, or draperies sold by tbc yard. Our representative wiii call aI yaur home any lime with a camplele range ai samples and suggestions without obliga- ion. Fabric Town, 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-3609, Bowman- vhie. 48-tf Singer Sewing Centre For Used or Newv Sewing Machines Rentais or Repair Phone OSHAWA 5-5443 for Prompt Serviire DO IT YOURSELF 71,-.c each and up - All kinds Expert instructions snpplied CUSTOM FLOORS LAID H. G. HEAL 28-tf DECORATING 'For the Latest Papers *For the Finest Paints For tlie Besh Workmanship S. G. Preston & Son Phones MA 3-5912 MA 3-3701 44-tf MAPLE GROVE SASH AND DOOR Bob Bothwell - Phone MA 3-2619 Storm Windows, $10,00 - $10.00 Monthly COMBINATION DOORS WVood - Alumlnuin Doors Entrance Doors and Inside Doors KIiehen Cupboard, Garage Doors Windows 7-f t. Pichure Windows as low as $43.00 24x24 Glass size, Check Rail $14.00 Casement and Basement Windows - any sixe 3-2 Wanted To Rent A bouse for twa aduits. Apply Box '87, c/o The Canadian Statesman office. 3-1* TWO young men wish ho rent 50 10 100 acre farm with build- ings. Appiy Box 291, c/o The Canadian Statesman. 3-1* PROVINCIAL Constable ne- quires apartiment for Ist oai March; smail baby. Phone MA 3-3,168.«3-i* A four or five roamed bouse, near Pontypoal ar close ta scbool zone and stores, for famn- ily witb weil behaved children. Will give eferences. Apply Box 2189, c/a Canadian Statesman. '37 CHEV. in good running order, five good tires and winter- ied. Phone MA 3-2500. 3-1* 1'39 CHEV. sedan, radio, heater and defrosters, A-i condition. Regent Garage, Bowmanville. 1MA 3-3432. 3-1 1949 G.M.C. 1-ton truck, good mechanical condition and wint- erized, adaptable to body hoist. Apply at Barton's Garage. 3-1 (Repossessed Vehicle for Sale) 1938 DODGE COACH Serial Number 9482128 1954.License Plate No. JN716 To be sold by publie auction to the highest bldder at the DURHAM CONIMUNITY AUCTION SALE, ORONO, ONT., beginnng at 2 p.m., on January 27ih, 1955 Ari's Car Market 175 King St. W., Bowmanville We - Build - Better - Customners (Repossessed Vehicle for Sale) 1940 Studebaker' Sedan Serial Number 933936 1953 License Plate No. U6271 To be sold by public auction to the highest bidder at the DURHAM COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE, ORONO, ONT., beginnlng at Z p.m., on January 27th, 1955 Ari's Car Market 175 King St. WV., Bownianville We - Build- Better - Customers 3-1* (Repossessedl Vehicle for Sale) 1942 BUICK SEDAN Serial Number 2440900667 1953 License Plate No. U5709 To be soid by public auction to the hlghest bidder ah the DURHAM COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE, ORONO, ONT., beginning at 2 p.m., on January 27th, 1955 Art's Car Market- 175 King St. W.. Bowmanville We - Build - Better - Customers 3-1* (Repossessed Vehicle for Sale) 1947 Mercury Sedan Serial Number 003H47-59944 1954 License Plate No. Y340 To be sold by public auction to the highesh bidder at the DURHAM COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE, ORONO, ONT., beginning at 2 p.m., on January 27th, 1955 Art's Car Market 175 King- St. W., Bowmanville We - Build - Better - Customners 3 - 1* (Repossessed Vehicie for Sale) 1941 G.M.C. PICKUP Serial Number 1931400154 1954 License Plate No. C71206 To be sold by public auction ho hhe hlghest bidder ah the DURHAM COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE, ORONO, ONT., beginning ah 2 p.m., on January 27th, 1955 Art's Car Market 175 Klng 5St. W., Bowmanville We - Build - Better - Customers (Repossessed Vehicle for Sale) 1942 Plymouth Sedan Serial Number 9830044 1953 Lîcense Plate No. 7216S To be sold by publiei auction te the highest bidder at the DURHAM COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE, ORONO, ONT., beglnning at 2 p.m., on January 27th, 1955 Art's Car Market 175 King St. W., Bowmanviile We - Build - Better - Custamers 3-1* (Repossessed Vehicle for Sale) 1937 DODGE SEDAN Serial Number 9478013 1954 License Plate No. Y5942 To be soid by public auchion ho the highesh bidder at the DURHAM COMMUNJFTY AUCTION SALE. ORONO, ONT., beginning ah 2 p.m., on January 27th, 1955 Art's Car Market 175 'Ring St. W., Bowmanviile We - Build - Better - Customers tiiIon Sales Auction Sale Wby do more fanmers every week feel 1h pays ho sel their Livestock ah hhe DURHAM COUNTY SALE ARENA? Because they have tie privilege Of sellng 1h cither by the pound or bY the dollar. Sale every Monday at 22vi.. Owned anid operahed by JACK REID, Auctioneer. For pickup PHONE 5 r 18 ORÔNO The place where buyer and seller meet b1-tf COMING EVNTS Be sure to attend the St. John's Guildettes Valentine Tea, Feb. 121h, 3 - 5:30, in the Parish Hall. 13-1 Order ai Eastern Star home baking sale at Hydro Shop, Fni- day, Jan. 28, 1955, starting at 2 p.m. 3-1 Teen Town dance, Friday, January 21st, at Lions Commun- ity Centre. Admission: mem- bers 35c, nan-members 50c. 3-i Plan now td attend Sid Lan- caster's Massey-Harris-Ferguson open bouse on Friday evening, Feb. il, 1955. Further notice later. 3-1 Reserve Friday, February 18 for sale ai home cooking, at 2:30 pan. in Hydro Shop. Sponsored bv Calbolic Women's League. 3-2 * The Durham Counly Holstein Club are having a dance and social evening in Solina Com- munity Hall, March 4th. Bryce Brawn's Orchestra. Admission, $1.00 per persan. 3-1 A Travelague -A new Tol Travelogue ta be presented by Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Tol in Trin- ity United Church on Friday, January 21, at 8:15, sponsored by Woman's Association. Admis- Sion 5Oc. 52-. Plan ta attend tb~e Burns' Night, Saturday, January 29th, aI 6:30 p.m. aI the Canadian Legion Hall. Supper, entertain- ment, modemn and old lime dancing ta Otis Foote's Orches- tra, Admission $2.00 per person. 1-4 Better reserve a date ta see thîe Bowmanville Rotary Club present the 3-adt cornedy "Se How They Run", ln Town Hall, Feb. 161h, l7th, 181h. Admis- sion 75c. AUl seats reserved. Tickets from any member ai the Club on at Mason & Dale Hard- ware. 3-41 Annual Meeting ]Bowmanville Public Library The annual meeting ai the mnembers ai the Bowmanville Public Library will take place on Tuesday, January 25, in the Reading Raom ai the Library at 7 p.m., for the purpose ai ne- ceiving the report ai tlhe Board for the year 1954, and ta eiect the Board members for 1955. Ail aduit subsenibers are mcm- bers of bbe Librarv and are ask- cd ta attend Ibis meeting. Glenholme Hughes, Sec*y-Treas. 2-2 The Annual Meeting of the Cartwright Agricultural Society wil be held in the COMMUNITY HfAL1L Blackstock Friday, Jan. 2lsi at 7:30 p.m., when the Annual Report wili be presented. Election of a Board cf Directors for 1955 and other Generai Business AUl members have a vote and are requested ho attend. Fred Trewin, President Henry Thompson, Sec'y-Treas. 3-1 Livestock For Sale MALE Collie pups, while thev last, $2.00. MA 3-3961. 3-1 A blocky young Angus bull. Godirey Bowman, Enfield. Tele- phone MA 3-3829. 3-if 560 RHODE Island and Leghorn hens, 8 manths aid, laying 65- 70%7. Phone MA 3-2549. 22*1 TWO four-year-old Holstein cows due ta freshen soon. Mur- ray Byers. Phone Blackstock 80 r 11. 3-i Cars For Sale CARS '51 METEOR, 4-door. white- walled tires, radio '51 METEOR, 4-door, radio and overdrive '52 PONTIAC, 4-door, radio '51 AUSTIN, 4-door '47 DESOTO, 4-door, radio, engine only run 14,000 TRUCKS '49 DODGE, 3-ton, comnb. dump '48 DODGE, 21/2-ton stake '50 MERCURY, 3-ton chassis -and cab '52 FARGO. %-ton Pickup Used Tractors and Farm Equipment 1 ALLIS-CHALMERS W.C. 1 ALLIS-CHALMERS C 1 ALLIS-CHALMERS B 1 M~ASSEY-HARRIS 101 Jr. '50 ALLIS-CHALMERS COMBINE '51 ALLIS-CHALMERS COMBINE Notice to rabbit hunters. $1.00 will be paid for each rabbit. Please be careful when hunting* on np.rsery property. Brookdale Kingsway Nurseries. 51-tf We are noW~ maiufacturing cement; blocks, both interlocking and standard, and would be pleased to serve you with a good product at a reasonable price. Tripp Construction. Phone 392W, Port Perry. 40-tf Annual Meeting Bowmanville Publie Llbrary The annual meeting of the members of the Bowmanville Public Library will take place on Tuesday, January 25, in the Reading Room of the Library at 7 p.m., for the purpose of re- ceiving the report of the Board for the year 1954, and to elect the Board members for 1955. Ahl adult subscrib.ers are mem- bers of the Library and are ask- ed to attend this meeting. Glenholme Hughes, Sec'y-Treas. 2-2 NOTICE is hereby given that the Corporation of the United Counties of Northumberland'and Durham will make an applica- tion to the Legisiative Assembly of the Province of Ontario at its next session for the Passing of an Act: 1. To repeal Sections 12 and 13, Chapter 72 of the 1859 Statutes oi the Dominion of Canada passed in the 22nd year of the Reign of Queen Victoria establishing the Town Hall at Cobourg as the Court House for the Corporation of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, so that the Corporation of the United Counties of North- umberland and Durham may establish a Court House in ac- cordance xvith the provisions of the Publie S tatutes of the Ptov- ince of Ontario. DATED at Cobourg this Seventh day of December, A.D. 1954. The Corporation of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. By its Solicitor, Harvey M. Brent, -17 King.Street East, Cobourg, Ontario. Work Wanted SAWING wood wilh tractar Phone MA 3-5496. 3-1' HOUSEWTORK by Dutch girl. Phone Orono 58 r 6. 2-2* DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, ion custom killing. Phone 1\1A 3-3243. 32-tf MARRIED man desires position as truck driver or machinist. Write Box 290, c/a Canadian Statesman. 3-l* SEWING and aiterations, aise have sorne new clothing, hand- made, for sale. Phone MA 3- 2890. 3-1* GENERAL CONCRETE AND MASONRY Construction or Repair Estimates Free L. TURNER P.O. BOX 177, BOWMANVILLE 52-tf SAVE MONEY AT DAVE'S Skates Sharpened 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) 46-tf BULLD OZJNG EXCAVATING TRENCHING - LGADING DRAGLINE - CLAM WORK Trucks and Loader for Gravel and Fi Jobs FREE ESTIMATES Tripp Construction PORT FERRY 392W 321f A. E. (SAMMY) COLE Plumbing and Heating AGENT FOR Mor-Sun The Furnace with the 10-year guarantee 26 Ontario St., Phone MA 3-3473 BOWMANVILLE (Formeriy Bothwvell & Cole) 30-tf1 RADIO and television repairs. fPrompt service Pick up and deliver.y. Lorne1Doreen, 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf HOOVER service man wîll be at our store evcry Thursday. Bring vours in or Phone Higgon Elec- tric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bow- manville, ?.,A 3-5438. 52-t REPAIRS ta al nakes ai reirig- eratars, domestic and commer- ca;milking coolers. Higgon Electric Lirnited. 42 King St. E. Phane MA 3-54t8. 25-tf WATCHBREPAIRING rajiner mo±ior baiies i3EWELLERY BROWNIE Hawkeye camnera 20 King St. E. B3owmanville 48 King St. W., Phone MA 3-5463 with flash attachment, ah Var- Phone brLA 3-5487 BOWMANVJLLE cae's Pavillion, New Year's Eve. 3- 1tfLPhone MA 3-3294. 21 Real Estate For Sale Reai Estate For Salùe LOVELY home, 7 rooms, r ic wood floors, pressure pumps,.house, double cone lt, t 243 ar f adn ad Apply main street. Beside store a 243SimsonAve., Bowman- schools. Asking price $5,200. ville. Phone MA 3-2680. 3-1* Terms. Phone 17 r 10, Orono. 3. VAN NEST REAL ESTATE PdwlRelE ae NEEDSLISTINGS ew lRalEte Let Us Sei your Home, $11,000--100 acres, good 8. Farni or Business room house, hard and soit watgr Cali in and talk it over in house, hardwood floors, baiik 118 KING STREET EAST barn, double deck 'hen house, BOWMANVILLE large asparagut bed, 10 acres Phone MA 3-3230 fall wheat, plowing done. Will 42-tf accePt $2000 cash down. $15,000 - 200 acres, brick REAL ESTATE FOR S ýE house, large bank barns, 5o Properties Soid. Rented. acres valuable timber, 30 acres Managed and Appralsed in fail wheat. Owner will con- L.M. ALLISON sider ahouse or asmall down Real Estate Broker payment. Phone 2566 . Newcastle, (Ont- If Pd el roe Two blocks forth of traffic signal. Newcastle. Newcastle Phone 38-SSL Pedwell Real Estate il arms and al ather properties, businesses, etc.. for sale. H. C. Pedwell, Broker Newcastle Phone 38-SSL 25-tf DELUXE nug brick corner bungalow, beautfu.lly landscap- ed grounds, ail raoms extra large, tiied bathroam, Arborite kitchen tops, ail heating, iran railing, aerial, storms and screens, etc. 5 Southway Drive, Bowmanvîile. Apply 2 ta 5 - 7 - 10 p.m. 31 O. E. CARSON REAL ESTATE In Oshawa- 8-room brick, nice in every way, North end, full price $1,500 with $3.000 down. 10-raom income home, very spacius, weil equipped, asking $16,500 with $4,000 down.' 6-roam rug brick, 11/2 -stoney modem, canvenient, north end, asking $10,000 with $2.000 down. Courtice- Wire brick, i½/-storey, 6-room attached garage, as modemn as tamorrow. Beautiful grounds, circular drive, surrounded by 4-fl. hedge. Full pnice $12,500 witb $4.000 down. Bowmanville-. l½/-sorey, 6-roomn rug brick, attached garage, ail heat, etc. Priced ta sellat $9,500. Terms. Solid brick, centrai, corner lot, ail heat, 6 raoms, verandab, garage, $7.000 full price. Only $1,500 dawn. 140 acres good farm land, 2 miles from pavement, No build- ings. Full price $6,500. 220 acres of Christmas tree land, 2 trout streams. $7,000 or best offer. On Highway No. 35, thriving repair ga .rage and service sta- tion. Pull price $6,500. Homes-In Oshawa, Bowman- ville and Part Hope vicinities. Farms-We have' several ai Ontaria's top iarms, neyer be- fore listed. Businesses -7 Theatres, stores, garages, factories, summer pro- )erties. r 3-1 De WITH REAL ESTATE 90 acre farm, 2 miles from bigbway No. 2, 85 acres work- able, 5 acres ai cedars, creek, well, 85'x35' bank ban with L- shaped extension, driving shed, garage; 7 roamed frame bouse wiîb heavy duty wiring. Price $6,000. Terms. 103 acre farm, top quality, Llevel tabacco land, 80 acres workabie, 20 acres bush, 2 bank barns; 7 roomed fmame bouse i n gaod repair, full basement, garage, etc. Pnice $8500. Terms. 190 acre iarm, 2 miles from Oshawa, 100 acres workable, 30 acres ai valuabie wood, remain- dem pasture, cmeek; 102'x36' bank brn, sheep pen, silo, impiement shed, water bowis; 8 roomed brick bouse with furnace, bard- woad floors, running watem. 100 acre farm on higbway, all wamkabie land, creek, wells, good bank barn in exicellent ne- pair; 8 maomed brick bouse witb basement, beavy wired. Asking pnice $16,000. Temms. 100 acre famm, 80 acres work- able clay-ioamn land, 10 acres wood, weli, spming, with 80x32- f. bank barn, with L-sbaped extension; 8 roomed farne bouse, bardwaod floors, bult-in cupboards, heavy duty wîning, sila, garage, etc. Pice $ 12,000. Terms. 6 noomed bungalow, in New- castle, with 3 bednaoms, 4-piece batbroom, ail furnace, garage, pressure system, eiectic heater, storm windows and scneens, bult-in cupboamds, large garden with fruit. Pnice $8000. Terrns. 4 rooms and bathroom, marne bungalow, partiy iinished, with heavy duty wiing, weii, double1 garage, built-in cupboards, etc. Pnice $2,500. Temms. Brick apartment house In Bowmanville, yearly incarne $1.536. Price $8,500.' 8 raamed stucco bouse, in very gaad repair, wýitb batbraom, ail furnace, bot and cold nunning waem, eiectic heaten, laundry tubs, garage, 3 acres ai land niceiy iandscaped, nicely itut- ed for rest home, etc. Price arranged. In addition ta above mention- ed, we have 65 mre arins and bornes ta choase tram in the Oshawa, Bowmanville, Port Hope and suraunding districts. Contact John F. De Wihh Realtor 'I Newcas L o e 34 - 0 ÉNA'UAVIrA%& &3MAý TSMAS. BOWMANVMLIC. ONTARIO 40 Ucirs For Sale NIXON REAL ESTATE 4-roomn frame bungalow, 4. piece bath,1 heavy wxring, diathes closets, hot air healing, fully in. sulated, $1,500 down. Tmnmpcl. laIe possession. Soiid brick borne, centre hall plan on 1 a r g e iandscaped grounds, pnivate drive and double garage. 16 roins on 3 iloors, 2 complete bathraoms, 4 firepiaces, hardwood floars, library roam, office, large sun- noom, ail can he heated from ail furnace. This is a No. 1 buy, in immaculate condition, close ta shopp~ing centre. Many more dwellings. 60James Nixon, Broker 10Liberty St. N., Bawmanviile MA 3-5682 3-1* iWanted To Buy LOT wantedfor nice brick home. Cash immediately. Write particulars ta Box 246, Bowman. ville. 3-2* WILL pay cash for goad used typewriler. Please Write Box 293, c/o Canadian Statesman. 3-10 WOIJLD like te buy Y4 acre at land for bouse. Please apply to Box 288, c/a Canadian States- man, stating information and price. 3-3 BEFORE sehling your live poul- try. try us. Our prices are high. er. M. FlatI, R.R. 1, Bethanv. Phone 7 r 13. fteverse charges. 51-tf WANTED-Live poultry. goos feathers, feather ticks, scrap mon, rags and metals. Raw furs and deenskins. Phone 3-2043 Oshawa. collect. 46-tf Notice fb Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F Florence Evalena Parker, late ai the Township ai Clarke, in the Counly ai Durham, Marnied Woman, deceased, wbo died ah the Township ai Ciarke, an or about the i2th day ai Septem. ber, 1954. THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O., 1950, Ch. 400, Sec. 51. Creditors and others having dlaims against the above estate are rcquined ta send particulans and full proof thereof te the undersigned on an befare thîe 4th day of March, 1955, aller which date the assets ai the estate will be dislributed liaving regard ta the dlaims that have then been received. DATED at Bawmanville, On. tario, the i8tb day of January 1955. Lawrence C. Mason, Barnister, etc., 30 King Street West, Bowmanvilie, Ontarro, Solicitor fan the Administrator 3-3 Wanted HAY wanted. Apply Bert Johnson. Phone MA 3-2290. 3-1. )EAD STOCK remaved frein aour farm pramptly for sanitary disposal. Telephonë caileet: Co- bourg 1266 an Taronto EM 3-3636. Gardon Young Limited 110-tf VHY grow grain for feed when Yeu can make up ta 20% more nm grawing registered grain. Get aour contract naw inom E. Swain. Phone Blackstock 89-11. 3-1 The, Canadian Shahesman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCI FOR SALE FRsRENT -HELP WANTE> CARS FOR SALE LOST - FOUND- ETC. Canh Rat. -*- 3c parword with a minimum o1 30C Must h. paid by date of mngertico Ul charqed, an addjtjonal 25c will b. added. A charge of 25c wili b. made foi all replies direcied ta tht, office NOTICES - COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F TRAitS U 3ca ' word wih a minimum @i $1.00 for 33 words or los. »IErRE.ENGAGEMIT MR MEMORIA PAGEP SIXTE= nngtTRgMAV -IrAir ,,\%' Il /, ///,* .anicies ror ziaie- 1 91 Notices MARR"S

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