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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1955, p. 1

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. r * - '~ .~.-, r "Durham County's Gjreat Family Journal" ï[,tt#m4 VOLUME 101 tChamber Makes Plans Rural - Urban Banquet Discuss Weekly Market The Bowmanville Chamber t! Commerce will hold a rural- urban dinner meeting in March for the purpase of acquainting the farmers in this district with the work of the Chamber and promoting better relations be- tween the people of Bowman- ville and the people of the ru- ral districts. This decision was made at the January meeting of the Chamber held at the Balmoral Motel Monday night, and W. H. Brown and A. H. Sturrock were chosen to make the arrange- mnents for the dinner. Eacn chamber member will be asked to invite at least one rural guest to the dinner, which will probably be held in the Lions Community Centre or the Le- gian Hall. Mr. Sturrock and Member- ship Chairman Elmer Banting remînded members of the im- portant roe the farmers of this district play in the prosperity of Bowmarwîlle and stated that such a dinner would show the Chamber's appreciation af this tact. Mr. Sturrock also feit that the Chamber should be *P~,ocaI Man Falls Off Roof Breaks Heel, A 12-foot fali from a ladder which slipped on icy ground sup.porting it resulted in a bro- ken heel and ankie injury ta Nelson Wilkins, 26 Carlyle Ave. "Ihe accident took place two weeks ago when Mr. Wilkins was helping workmen erect a 1elevision aerial on the roof of his. home. He was a patient at Memor- lal Hospital* Bowmanville, for six days anýd went to Toronto General Hospital on Friday o! l ast week ta have a specialist examine thebroken bane. He is X ow resting at his home and ex- pects to - be off work at the Goodycar plant tram three to six months. working toward the cstablish- ing of a weekly market in Bow- manville at which farmers could seli their praducts. The merchants in Peterboroughi had found the weekly market there very satisfactory, he said, and much of the money obtain- ed by the tarmers thraugh selI- ing their produce is spent in their stores afterwards. Mr. Banting stated that such a meeting would be valuable in getting the opinions of rural people an what can be done by the Chamber toward improv- ing the town. ]Invite Council to Meeting It was alsa decided that the Bowmanville Town Council should be invited ta a dinner meeting with the executive of the Chamber o! Commerce at which problems o! industrial expansion and the establish- ment of dloser co-operation be- tween the council and the Chamber could be discussed. It is planned ta obtain a man experienced in Chamber work ta answer any questions or dis- cuss any problems which may be brought, up at this meeting. There was a discussion on the establishing o! a park in the valley of Vanstone's Creek south of No. 2 Highway and improving thc present parks. It was felt that the' formation Mf a Bowmanvilc Parks Commis- sion might be a valuable step and this matter will be turther invcstigated. R. P. Rickaby asked whether John M. James, M.P. for Durham, had been approached on the subject of pressing for improvements ta the harbor facilities at Part Bowmanville. Mr. Banting sta- ted that he had talkcd this aver with Mr. James and it seemed a question of which was ta came tirst-the chickcn or the egg? The government seems ta feel that sutticient industry ta use the harbour should be es- tablished first betore the work is donc, whereas many persons teel the facilities shotild be im- proved and industry could then be obtained. This is anc of the matters with which the Cham- (Continued on page seven) Boy - Scout- Association Plans Father and Son Banquet Nearly 100 per cent of the executive members o! the Bow- manville Boy Scouts Associa- tion turned out in support of President Warren N. Turner at the tirst meeting o! 1955 held In the Lions Community Cen- tre Tucsday night. Chairman Jim Presson of the Paper Drive Committee an- nounced plans for a paper drive on Friday, January 28 starting at 6 p.m. He pointed out that it la necessary for all the Boy Scouts ta assist in making the collection in order ta do a tho- rough job. Mr. Presson also askcd all citizens ta co-operate by bundling up their papers .,and magazines and placing b"em on the curbs outside their ~Uaes. Plans were alsa made for a Scout Sunday in February when ahi Scouts and Cubs wihl attend divine service at St. John's An- glican Church. Date of this event will be announced later. A comInittee was set up un- der John Regan ta arrange for the annual Father and Son Banquet in May. It was an- nounced that Keith Shackleton will be the leader o! the lst Scout Traop and this troop will meet reguharly on Thursday nigbts at the Lions Community Centre. Mr. Shackheton' will be assisted by Don Williams and Cal Breen. Plans for the Scouts summer camp were discusscd and a committee set up ta make ne- cessary arrangements. W. Reynolds Chairman Durham H. S. Board. Mebrof the Durham Dis- trict High Scbool Board for the past three years. Walter B. Rey- nolds, Bowmanville, wvas ap- pointed Chairmnan of the Board for 1955 at the inaugural meet- iîîg at Port Hope Migh School on Wednesdey evening of last %week. Mr. Reynolds succeeds Read Btîdge of Port Hope xvho was and Bruce Tink arc the present Darlington Township Trustees. fIas Previous Experience In addition ta serving for three years on the Durhain District High, School Board, Mr. Reynolds had four years' experience with the aid Port Hope Migh School Doard which operated before *e District Board was formed. He farmed for 20 years on No. 2 High- ways, west of Port Hope. priar ta moving ta Bow.manville in 1948. Mr. Reynolds was born ir, Guelph and is a graduate of the Ontario Agriculturai College there. Mis father, Dr. J. B. Reynolds, born at Soina, was ,Principal of O.A.C. tram 1920 ta 1928. Mr. Reynolds is a mem- ber of the Bowmanville Rotary Club. Committee Formed At the Board meeting on the l2tb. R. R. Waddell, Orono, was named vice-chairman and the foliowîng committees were ap- pointed: Finance: D. A. McGregor, Dr. J. W. Wright, Miilbrook, J. C. Berger. Management: H. J. Thoms, IL R. S. Ryan, H. B. Tink. Praperty: J. F. Heyland, G. Water jKeynolds. L. Brackenbury. L. A. Parker. Trai)sportation: R. R. Wad- -ClaixInan last year. D. Alex dcli, J. Richard, R. Fa.Uis, N. McGregor of Bowip'anville who Strong. lield the position in 1953, is stil a Board member, and is Chair-B Building:: C. Nichols, J. C. manof he 955Finance Com- Berger, D. A. McGregor, J. man o the1955Rickard. '2L A Bert" Parker o! Bow- Furnishing and Purchasing, a ;ýavilie also took bis seat on new committee fortned: N. "t e Board at the inaugural Strong, G. L. Brackenbury, J. meeting as Bowmanville's third F. Heyland, W. B. Reynolds, L. representative, which the town A. Parker. The first named is h. allowed as its population bas tbe chairman o! the cammittee.ý Inow passed the 6,000 mark. A Teachers Trustee Relation- D)arlington Township is also ship Committee is composed o! elWgble for a third representa- the Management committee and tive but he bas not yet been the chairman o! the Finance &ppojnted. Forbea Meyland committe.. BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, -JANUARY 2Oth, 1955 Public School Board at Inaugurai Mee.ting The nexv Bowmanville Public Sehool Board held Treasurer Stuart R. James, Robert Mutton, Chairman their inaugural meeting last Thursday evening in the Howard Jeffery, Bill James, Supervising Principal Andrew Central School Board room. Above are pictured the mem- M. Thompson. Front row: Norman O'Rourke, Arthur bers of the Board from left to right, back row: Secretary- Hooper and George Vinish. Teen Town to Hold Dance Friday Night Tomorrow evening uit 8:30, another Teen Town dance will begin at the-Lions Community Centre. The nexv recorci collection at the last dance provided the very bcst of music, xith oniy requested numbers hcing play- ed mare than once. Even those who pickcd out the records have not heard bath sides of every one, so there is stili plen- ty of good music which was not played. Marc records, in- cluding severl!of those which were sutgested bY members at the hast dance have ber-n or- dered through the record bar at Miggon Electrie. The policy of the record con'fiittee,... "The best music on records". Prizes for special spot dances wiil be given ta some lucky people. The dress? Samne us hast time. Nothing extra special, and no- thing old and -ragged or "bard- time Those who receivcd their membcrship cards at the tirst dance of 1955 xiii be admitted for 35c. To non-members, the price is 50c. Membership cards are 25e extra. The Easter Prom was dis- cussed at a meeting of the exe- cutive in the Lions Commun- ity Centre Tuesday night. The date for this (,vent -xxill be set at the next executive meeting, on Feb. 1. Severai mnembers of the cxc- cutive stated that thiey xished ta attend the Ontario liecrea- thon Association annual coiu- ference. ta be fr-ld this year ini Sudbuîry, on April 29. 30 and Mav 1. A none-makingc pro- ject was initiated ta Taise the necessaî-y extra tunds to send these representatives of the Bowmanvilir- Teen Town Club. Sa ha on the look-out, and be prcpared ta spcnd a little bit ta help the exec. go north, and bning hack information and contacts ta help aur club. You ma~v nlso w'in a irize, so voîn. County Council Shows Its Preference for Beer Don't be misled by the head- the Wardenship for the United ing, for this isn't a report of a Counties of Northumberland shawing of hands as ta the pre- and Durham held Tuesday ference of aur Reeves and De- night that Reeve Alan Beer of puty Reeves sitting at Cobourg Manvers Township was the as ta their favorite beverage. successtul candidate, defeating Far be it tram such an idea. Reeve Sid Little of Bowman- What we wish ta report is ville on the first ballot by tha- the tact that in the contest for narrow margin of one vote. Kilmer New Chairman Recreation. Department Report Excellent Year Clauide Kilmer was elcctcd Chairman of the Bowmanville Department of Recreation at the first meeting of the year held in the Lions Community Centre Tuesday night. He suc- ceeds Ralph Mclntyre in the position. A former town councillor, Mr. Kilmer bas served on the Department for two years. Vice- Chairman is Coun. Tom Ren- der, Mr. Mclntyre was named Treasurer ta succeed Fred Cale who is retiring tram the De- partment. and Dora Purdon was re-elected Secretary. Other Department members are Lion- ei Parker, A. M. Thompson and Cotin, Jack Brough. Mr. Brough is a new member this year. Mr. Cale gave bis report as 1954 treasurer and this reveal- cd a very successful year. Mr. Thompson moved a vote of thanks ta Mr. Cale for the ex- cellent service he has given the Department as treasurer during the past two years and as a member for several years previous ta that. Recreation Director AI Vail reported that he had sent the entry tee ta Toronto for Bow- manville's Minor hockey entry in the "Little N.H.L." series ta be held in Maple Leaf Gardens. money will not bc just a dn Budget Committee Named ation for someone else's vaca-j A Budget Committee of tion. Messrs. Kimer, Mclntyre, Vail Dance-, in the near f uture: and Caole was formed ta draxv Teen Town dances Jan. 21, up a 1955 budget by February Feb. 4, and Fr-b. 183. Highl School 3. lit was decided ta hohd the "4At-Homie'. Frb. Il.' i re'Lilar meetings of the Depart- Dont forget toi-orrow night 1 ment the first Thursday of each at 3:'0. and bring ail yourI month duringr 1955. friencis. It was announced that Jack Eihbeck, Field Representative for the Camrnunity Programs N ew Brownie Pack Branch of thieDepartrnent o Formed at School netmeigo the Recreation Department. On O..ntario Street M'.r. Vail reported that the A ne Bronie ack smocking class will be held at A nev BrwnicPack ia the Memorial Park Clubhouse been formed of girls framn the1 on Wedresdav evenihigs at 8 Ontario Street Seho0ol, u)o meetr arn. This is the only smocking in the Meniorial Park Club class being held and Mrs. Les- House on Alondav afternoons, ter Highfield is instructress. tram 4 ta 5 p.m. There xvere 2-_Dancin classes under Miss little girls on hanci for 'ho tirst irenie Harvey are being held meeting and wcro registered by at the Lions Cammunity Cen- Mrs. A. J. Frank. This is the' first time sinice 1943 there has10 been a Brownie Pack in the ý South Ward and there is stili hieves Take room for a few girls tram 8 t years of age.I ew r n ac This Pack xiii be in charge'ýN w P n i of Mlrs. Barbara johnston, as-1 sisted by Mrs. David Park.Fr m R b n Barbara 'Was assistant ta Mwrs, r m R b o V. Jetfery when the first Paclç was formed in the aid Sauth I Robson Motars was a victimn Ward School andi is weîl quali- i last week-end o! wbat is be- fied ta take over this ;group.l lieved ta be a ring of car Mrs. Park lias livec in this ý,i thievés operating in this dis- cinity for a nun1ber of rears, trîct. Twa new 1955 P~ tiacs and bas always been intereszted! were stolen tramn the 9bson in young peopils artix'it;es. lot on the weekend, and three Within the next rnon'.h the cars %werý stolen late last week question of Browvnie uniforms tram a Part Hope lot and two will arise. Girl Guide and Boy tram a Peterborough lot. The Scout Suindav,, is beinc abserv-! cars stolen tram Part Hope ed the end of Februarv.1 wh.eni were flot 1955 models, however. it is hoped ta bave everx- girl, Theft of the two new Pan- in uniform. if vou have anv! tiacs fram the Robson Motors Brownie uniforrns for sale,'1 lot was discovered wber 'àe please contact Mrs. Rance Dili- garage and showroom I jd ing, phone 3-5519. 'for business Monday 1 - tre',6n Tuqsday evenings. The Recreation Director an.- nounced that four classes in puppetry are being given in Oshawa on January 31, Febru- ary 2, 7 and 9, and he was given permission ta take some of the summer playground supervis-' ors over ta attend these cour- ses. To Form New Course Several High School girls were reported interested in tak- ing the Health and Beauty course now being given ta an aider group of ladies at the Lions Community Centre on Wednesday evenings. Mr. Vail was instructed ta make ar- ranagements for setting up a similar class for this younger age group. It was decided that the Min- or Hockey games on Saturclay mornings would get under way at 7 a.m. Mr. Vail was author- ized ta make plans, in coopera- tion with the Arena Manage- ment Committee and the minar hockey coaches, for the annual Minor Hockey Night ta be hield in Marcb. ' The. Bowmanville Choral Sa- ciety are interested in raising funds for the purchase of a new piano for the Town Hall audit- orium and the Department gave its approval for them ta pro- ceed with a money-raising pro- ject for this purpose. New Members Are Installed Make Survey Liberty Street Interchange Engineers o! the Ontario De- partment of Highways have evidentiy surveyed the Liberty Street interchange witb High- way 401 preparatory ta mak- ing it a more, graduai curve, rather than the abrupt turn which it is at present. Several new surveyors stakes have been driven into the road- bcd at the interchange, in any event. In October o! last year ex- Mayor Morley Vanstone receiv- cd a letter tram the Deputy Highways Mînister statîng that the department would take steps ta widen the radil of the Liberty Street interchange tram 50 feet-ta. 80 teet, and the- stak- ing is evidently the first step in doing the wark. Rotary Club Casi Busy Rehearsing Three Act Comedy There is a new face or two in the cast and a change of venue in the comedy "Sec How They Run" chosen for this year's presentation by the lo- cal Rotary Club. The scene is laid in a presumably very se- date househald in E ngland. Several men of the clath, along with an actress, are amang the parties who, for var- hous reasons, became emeshed ini the web. There is plcnty of action as the plot moves toaa clim ax. The Date-Feb. 16-17-18. The Place - Town Hall, Bowman- ville. The Price-75c. AIl scats reserved. The plan opens at Town Hall, Fniday, Feb. llth at 10 a.m., atter that date at Mason & Dale Hardware Store. Tickets available at the store or tram Club members. Slicing Meat Knife Slips Cuts Tummy 10e PER COPY NUMBER 3 H. Jeffery Ré-elected Chairman School Bd. Attendance Now 1060 Howard Jetfery was re-elect- ed Chairman of the Bowman- ville Public School Board for 1955 at the inaugural meeting of the Board held Thursday evening. Mr. Jeffery was given an ac- clamation when Arthur Hooper and Bill James declined the nomination. In his opening re- marks the Chairman thanked the Board for again electîng hlm ta head it and asked for the same excellent ca-aperatior. he received last year. The standing committees were appointed as follo'ws, the first named in each case is the chairman: Property-Norman O'Rourke, George Vinisb and Robert Mut- ton. Management and Finance - Hooper, Mutton and James. New Building-Vinish, James and O'Rourke. The necessary resolutions ap- poînting the Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce as the bank at which the board will do busi- ness was passed. Authority was also granted for the borrowing up ta $25,000 at not more than 41,%7 Any two of the Chair- men, Chairman of Finance Committee or the Secretary- Treasurer were authorized ta sign the 'Board's legal docu- ments or cheques. Appointments Stuart R. James was again hired as Secretary -Treasurer at a salary of $1,200, an in- crease of $200. Alan Densemn was appointed Attendance Of- ficer at a §alary of $150. The $2,000 bond an the secretary- treasurer was renewed. Next Statutory Meeting of the Board will be held at 7.30 p.m. Thursday, January 12, 1956. A letter was received tram Norman J. Scott regarding the conditions of the lunch rooms at the Central School. The board looked over the situa- tion and decided to ask the Health Unit for advice ln solv-' ing the problem. A letter of tbanks was received frQm the Kinsmen Club for the use af the school piano at their con- cert. To Make Repairs Property Committee will in- vestigate question of an elec- tric hot wate: heater for the Ontario Street school, instead of the present coal fircd jacket heater. They will also investi- gate the cost of a night light on the Duke Street side o! this scbaal as some protection against break-mns. It was again brought ta the attention of the board that some slates at Central School are loase. Several companies have been contacted Who migbt rem- edy the situation, but ta date no warkmen have appeared ta do the job. A letter ta another campany will be sent immedi- ately. Report li7m the Nerthum- berland-Durbam Health Unit on the sanitary inspection at the three schoals revealed that no defects wére found or were any recammendations made. To Make Survey Supervising Principal A. M Thompson was granted permis- sion ta make a survey regard- îng school population by streets ta assist in deciding location for either a new school or an addition ta Vincent Massey School. Prices are being sought for black-out and sun drapes for the new school. One of aur local teachers was granted permission ta apply to go on the teachers' exchange ta Great Britain next year. The population at the three schools now stands at 1,060, an indease o! .3 pupils over the previaus month. Star y Canada's Scenîc British Columbia Told Rotarians-B & P Club Bowmanville Rotary Club has otten joined with other men's service clubs on special oc- casions, but on Monday evening, Jan. 17, Rotarians comrbined with the Bowmanville Business and Professional Women's Club for a joint meeting. the first such event ever ta be held here. The result seemed ta be a par- ticularly happy ane. The din- ner meeting was held in the Lions Community Centre. Miss Hilda Cryderman of Vernon, B.C., a former National treasurer in the Business and Professional Women's Federa- tion, first woman president of the B. C. Teachers' Federation, and almost successful Liberal candidate in the 1953 Federa, election in the new riding of Okanagan-Revelstoke, was guest speaker for the occasion. Miss Cryderman, a niece of Mr. Frank Cryderman of Bow- manville, brought ta some 52 Rotarians and 34 Business and Professional Women, the story of ber native province, British Columbia, in an address that' was packed with interestîng in-1 formation, and delivered in a forthright and pleasant manner wbich received at its conclusion warm and prolanged applause. Fourth In S cries This xvas the fourth in a series of talks which are being featur- ed at Rotary on "Know Your Canada Better". Provinces prev- iously covered by speakers have been Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Rotarian Mark Roenigk, who spent 10 years in Vancouver, introduced Miss Crv- derman. He also read cordial Rudolph Selbach, proprie- greetings received on Miss Cy A t Legion Auxiliary tor o! the Darlington Ab- derman's behaîf tram theVrn batoir, northeast of Ilamp- The Ladies' Auxiliary af the ton, reeeived a painful, but g * Canadtan Legian heid their not serions, eut ln his ab -I< regular meeting in the Legion carcass at his plant Tues- d e n with Pres. Com. Knight in the His sharp cutting knite i s eC , chair. Meeting opencd with, siipped and siashed through Cam. Palmer installing 2nd several outer garments to infl*ct a three-inch cut on The mappets took over at the Vice Com. Piper, and ance his stomacb. fHe calied a regular meeting of the Bow- executive member, Camn. Overy. ta'xi to take him to the of- manville Kinsmen Club at the Four new members. Comrades fice of Dr. Howard Rundie Bloa oe usa ih in Bowmanvilie for treat- Bloa oe usa ih Grittin, Goudy, Hibbon and ment. Dr. Rundie stopped a.s they had every right ta do, Shackleton were initiated inta the heavy bleeding from since it was the club's Cblld- the Auxiliary. the eut and took hlm to ren's Night. Minutes of hast meeting werei Memorial Hospital m-here Each cbild received a whis- read and approved, aiong with tour stitches were taken in tic, bon or noisemaker at the numeraus cards of thanks and the wound and Mr. Seibarh start of the meeting and they an invitation ta visit Uxbridge wvas ailowed te return used them ta full advantaga. Auxiliary on February 14. Two home. He was back at work The result was that President applications for mcm bership the followlng day. Art Hooper was obliged either were read and tavourably re- ta keep bis announcements ta ceived. a minimum or risk laryngitis. General business inc'uded A. LJi The kiddies alsa made good use Com. Sommerscales behuig left in Mvemlo rili ospitam of the gingerbread 'men cookiesi chajrge of euchre in January. g they received. Com. Piper ta be in charge o! vveekly Re or Folhowing the dinner each unifarm supplies for the com-i proud Kinsman introduced bisi ing year and the AuxihaI*ry ac- For the v -eek o! dan. 9-16: sans and daughters or small cepted the job of convcning ai Admissions 50 ' guests, and the youngsters e n- dinner ta ha held on March 5. Brh,4ml, eae-9joyed several movies includin'g' At the* chose of the meeting 1 o ~ ne on "Sparky the Colt", ' Com. Palmer presented C i.'Discharges --------591 "1Mickeyý Mouse" and a safety Runde wih br Pa1 Prs. ajor operations 9 film. Kiin Howard Corden led Medal and Pin. Meeting adjourn-1 Minor operations 201 them in a sing sang which lean- cdein and thenminer o the Emcrgency trealbrentS cd heavilv an the animal king- evnig vs pet na oca dom of "Rudoif the Red-Nosedi get-together with Pres. Knight These tacts are pubiished Ricieecr" and I'Three Blind and Com. Fair looking atter the weekly in an effort ta acquaint 'Mice". A drawi for a giant pa n- games and Com. Cowan supply- j this community with the ser- da was won by Leslie Lander, ing the prizes. 'vices o! our hospital. daughter o! Kin Jack Lander. on Business and Professiona! Women's Club and Vernon and District Tourist Association. Miss Cryderman expresscd her pleasure in spcakîng to Rotary and B. & P., both inter- national organizations. Sl5cak- ing for the B. & P. organization Miss Cryderman said, "lWc ar- (Continued on page seven) Barons to Play Here Twice Within Week If the Bowmanville Barons are ta make the fourth and fi1- nal playoft spot in the Lake- shore Hockey League they must hit the winning trail soon. This they are determined ta do on home ice Saturday night when they meet the Lindsay Muskies at .8.30 p.m. They dropped a squeaker to the Muskies here on December 10 by a 7-6 score but they are determined ta turn the tables Saturday night. A win will pul them up on the tail of Lake- field in their race with the Lumberinen for the last, play- off berth, and they will be go- ing all-oiît ta get it. A good turnout cft fans will help thein achieve -his resuit. On Wednesdlay of ncxt wcek they will meet the Orono Or- phans at 'lie Memorial Arena at 8:30 and this game should be a real thriller. Corne out and root the Barons on ta that fourth playoff spot. joy Special ub Meeting New Meinhers Welcomed President Hooper welcomed twa new members; Kînsmen Harvey "Slip" Rowe and Jackc Parkin, into the club and pre- sented thcm with lapel badges. Vice-President Lionel Parker presented them with their club rasters. Guests at, the meeting were Kin Bll Gartland of Lindsay and Ted Bates of Bow- manville. Kinsmen Lloyd Preston and Jack Samis volunteered to drive members of a Bowman- ville Minor hockey team teaa game at Port Hope January 20 lin response ta a request tram the Bownnanville Recreation Department. iKin Bill Dadson called for volurîteers for Sunday for work in connection with the Kins- men Inter-Club and Quartette Night ta be staged by the Bow- manville Kinsmen at Club Bay- view on February 1. Registrar Chuck Cattran Dre- scnted birthday roses ta How- ard Corden and Howard Brook- ing. The attendance draw was won by Kin Clarke Wilson. Kin Ken Nicks acted as Ser- geant-at-Arms for the meeting. c" r7. - -7 i, T,7ý- - ý 7-4- ian NUMBER 3

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