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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1955, p. 4

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PAGE roux Current i and Con fidential o-. By Elsie Carruthers Lunney THE SPELL 0F THE YUKON We have had a x.i-ost delight- fui expenience during the past week. Sitting in warmth and comiort, we have had a trip ta the cold and beautiful land of the Yukon, made immortel by the verses ai Robert Ser- vice. We have elso had the pleasure ai meetinga very fine lady, w.ho with courage, lave and the grace of humor, made a home ta be remembered for her husband, herseli and child- ren, la the Klondike. Yes, Laura Beatrice Berton married the Klondike, and neyer re- gretted it. It is tbrough the pages of ber book, "I Married The Klondike" that we have met, ber and a hast of other wonclenful and amazing people. I It was la 1907 that Laura Thompsoh, e young school teacher frani Toronto, chose edventure and a job in the Klondike instead ai pursuing her eccustomned routine. Thp clîoice was ta change her whole 111e. She went up ta Dawson, for e ycar, as a kindergarten tea'her, and stayed 25. In that amazîng country which hed seen one of the greatest gold rushes af histary la '98 but by 1907 was full af ghost tawns and camps, she feli in love with the North, and with Frank Berton. Like sa many others wvho came ta the Yukon, he was what anc might have least cxpected ta find there. He was e university graduate in Engineering, and like so many others tao, Dlot finding gold, he stayed on working eat a varicty of jobs, strangely enough not wanting ta leave a coxnry where the tenîperature goes 50 and 60 bel ow zera in winter and the black flics and mosquitoes in suimmer cen cet anc clive. The only explanation is "the speli of the Yukon" that Robert Ser- vice wrote about. f 4- la these pages, the reader meets the pale young bank clerk, Robert Service, whose ballads becarne known the world over; the dynamic per- .sonalities af Mr. and Mrs. George Black, he et first being the Commissioner, then the member of Perliament for the Yukan; Bishop Stringer and bis wiie who did sa much for the North; men living in lone- ly cabins, stili hoping for gald. cultivated Englishmen some af them, set down incangruouslyl in the wilderness; and a. hast of others whose stories give a cross-section af the history of thet, country. Perticularly interesting ta those of us in BoWmanville and district, is th'e fact that T. G. Bragg, Superintend ont of Edu- cation in the Klondike, and the authors "boss" in lier teaching position, came from Bowman- ville. He taught Latin here in Bowmanville High School, and his first wife was May Clem- eris, a dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Clemens. According ta those who knew hlm, he was a quiet, scholarly man, not the type one would have ex- pccted ta mnake ýuch an ad- venturous move. But in this respect, there is noa accounting for people, as Mrs. BertaxV's book sa amply proves. 'I Married The Klondike" neyer legs. There are marvel- lous stories in il, about the' corpse frozen ini ice and staring out et the people who stared in et hlm; the man so harribiy Imangled by a griz-ly; ai graves dug in the Feul ready for wha- ever might die during the win- ter; of the wonderful trip, 400 miles down the Yukon river ln a flat-bottom boat which Mr. and Mrs. Berton and their two children took; ai the elab- orate balls in Dawson City; of huskies and Malemutes; af boarded up dance halls; of the 811000N ELECTRUC LIMITED EUECTRIC WIRING, REPAIRS AND REFRIGERATION MA 3-5438 38 King St. E. AgTHORIZED GENERALOQELECTRIC HOME APPLIANCE DEALER -Box 360 Bowmanville Ontario M:FOOt- IN MY iýOCK' efi'VE 3Y/2%y GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATESP' " Authorized investment for trust funds. " Short term-5 years. a ~i yearly interesr, payable half-yearly. In five years, $420.36 accumulates ta $500.00 Write for descriptive f5ide r THE STERLING TRUSTS COR PORATIO N HIMOOFFFICI J72 bey s., T ouu BRANCH Oamcu 1-3 Dulp. SSdsv last boat out ini the Fail. You will enjoy every minute af this book, which is so alive and sa different. Mrs. Berton is naw living in Vancouver we believe, and ber son, Pierre, who was bora in Dawson City, is naw the editor of Maclean's Magazine ln Toronto. He re- cently returned ta hie homne town ta write a series af arti- cles on the Yukon, thus bring- ing back a fload af memories for his mother. It is sad ta leara that Mr. Berton bas pass. ed on. but this book is a tribute ta his memo-y and ta the Klon- dike. If you haven't yet read it, by all neans give yourself this treat. THE ART 0F LIVING In speaking ta the Men's Canadien Club bore recently. Major Gladstone Murray said that he felt this town had mas- tered the art ai living ta a blgb degree. Me went on ta say that a happy balance of industry and agriculture provides a ver- led and productive econamic base, and "you have the rare wisdom ta cherish yaur cana- tryside." This follows what we have always meinteined. OtIliers of-, ten admire and envy smell town residents the unique com- bination af things which makes life in such a towa enjoyable. It is that balance ai industry and agriculture, and, we em- phasize, nat growing tao bigý,, thet maintains life on a level whicb is bath camiortable ad interestiitg. When tawas grow taa large, the résidents arc the lasers-la increesed taxes ta pey for ser- vices which must be provided; in the ipss af that iriendlinless on the street and the tremen- dous importance ai the home teamýs progress; la the ais pearance ai local "characterés" drowned by sheer numbers; la the decadence ai once fine bouses inta multiple dwellings;I la the stretching out ai -raw de- velapments into thet beautiful countryside that we are said ta cherish. Are we cherisbing it enough? There has neyer yet, ta aur mind, been a valid argument for sheer numbers. One has only ta look et the record of the troubles itt whicb other com- munities hàve tangled them- selves ln rapid expansion of population. Why is bigness such a God ta some people? Where is the compenisan be- tween the quiet, shady streets ai a pleasant town and the bare acres ai an industrial city? Here an the shore ai a beautiful laite in old Ontario, with the rolling acres of fer- tile farmlands on three sides ai us, we bave an ideal situation for cultivating the art of living. We should be thenkiul, and cherîsh and keep that country- side for the generatians ta came, instead ai encauragiag its despoliation. Let thase who prefer cities retura ta them. Pragress 13 more than industry or increased population. It is preserving, and imprav- ing, the art ai living. A.nd la this field, this meterial age bas fallen fer short, as ehl the best thinkers ai aur time have seid, and continue to sey. In ail tbe hue and cry about pragress, we wish those wha 50 erdently cry for smokestacks would give a little quiet thought ta their reasons for wenting ta benish the enjoyment ai living, which is a gaod step iorwerd ta the Iapprecietion ai the art ai liv- ing. Mrs. C. Welsh New President Scout Mothers A demonstration of knot-tie- ing presented by Mrs. T. Chant, was much enjoyed by Mothers attending the regular meeting of the Scout Mothers' Auxiliary held in Lions Centre on Wed- nesday, Jan. 12. Mrs. T. Buttery introducing Mrs. Chant, also gave a talk on work done by the Tenderfoot Scout. President Mrs. C. Welsh conducted the business part of the meeting. A request was made ta members to corne with needie and thread to the nextl meeting, prepared to help bastel seams on neckerchiefs for Cubs and Scouts. It was also decided to hold a rummage sale some time the last of March. The executive for the com- ing year is as follows: Past President, Mrs. J. Shackletoni; President, Mrs. C. Welsh; vice- presidents, Mrs. H. ibson, Mr. E. Twist; Secretary, Mrs. M.1 Wiseman; Treasurer, Mrs. C. Allin; Sick convenor, Mrs. R. RichaV"s; Sewing convenor, Mrs. M. Vetzal; Telephone com- mittee, Mrs. 0. Plummer, Mrs E. Thornpson, Mrs. W. Ruddell. Any Mothers of Cubs or Scouts will be made welcome at the meetings. It is rumoured there are no, pick-pockets in Aberdeen. There is nothing in it. W. A. K e A*I PLM. N THE CAI;ADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIC5 Darlin gto n Township Coun'cil HôId'its Inaugurai Meeting Business of -a Routine Nature The Inaugurai meeting of Darlington Township Co ncil was beld January 1Oth, ea i o'clock. Declaration af Office was administered the members elect: Reeve Roy W. Nichols, Deputy Reeve Everett F. G. Vice, Councillors Ross C. Stev- ens, Perey Werry and Charles Osborne. Rev. Fred Reed delivered anl address ta Council which was výery appropriate for the.'occa- sion. Deputy Reeve *Vice moved a vote af thanks ta Mr. Reed for bis services. The old members of council welcomed the new member and expressed their willingness and desire ta co-operete and work in harmony throughout thz caming year. Membership fees af $10 each were ordered sent ta Rural and Urban Municipalities Associa- tion. Ontaria Good Roads Asso- ciation and Ontario Association ai Rural Municipalities. R1esolution frorn the City af Port Art1Aur re pensions for wi- dows and dependents under the Workmnen's Compensation Act wes endorsed. Clerk will order 40 tons af Calcium Cblor- ide delivered by tranSpart on May 1, 1955 and Roïd Supt. was authorized ta order a supply of culverts. Deputatian af E. Summers and R. Glaspell appeared ask- ing - financial. aid in carrying out the Brucellosis Caitpaign. Inspectors feel that they are flot recelving enougb pay for their work. ayment was set et 30e per cal!, retroactive ta July 1, 1954. Representative from the Compressed Air Equipment ad- dressed Council re Grader. Deputation from North Dar- lington appeared re the 7th Concession line asking Council ta improve the road west of the Scugog Road. On motion Clerk ta write the Engineer ta meet the Raad Supt. and others re straightening raad at the saw mili road and Moore's bil -n California - Large - 126)s LEMONS Emperor - California Finest GRAPES California - Large Bunches Green Onions. FROZEN AYLMER -CHOICE FRUIT COCKTAIL RED & WHITE - PURE - 14-oz.1 PEANUT BUTTE HEINZ KETCHUP BLUE SURF Large, 39 JAVEl 4-forl15C 2 Ibs. 35c 2 bch. 1U3c FOODS Birdseye Beef Pies, 8 oz. ---____.39e Birdseye Chicken Pies, 8 oz.----- - -9 LIBBY'S PRODU( LIBBY'S - 15-oz. tin lVixed Vegetables 15-oz. tin 25c Hour Glass lio.27c Giant 16o.15c 77c1 25C1 ~'NURSAY,».N. 2Oth, 1955 This is our first big canned food sale of 1955. Buy in three, six, and dozen lots. RED & WHITE Stores offer extra savings when you buy the full case. ---= ý Canned Food Features-ýý Libby's Deep Brown B3 eans ko-os. tin 2 for 37C Culverbouse Cecn Coron 2:0 hice2 for29 Libby's Green Peas Fancy Quality ti-on Wethey's Cherry Poe Fillei. 2 for 35C 20-oz. 3 l tin M 't Kraft- 8-oz. jar CHEESE WHIZ 35C Easy firs! Shortening Lb. Pkg. 5L C w BOWMANVILLE Yeo's Marketeria 0 MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove Groceterla ORONO Cornish Groceteria OSHAWA McKenna's Super Market 9'48 Simcoe St. N. Sproule's Food Stores 272 King St. E. and 458 Simcoe St. S. LITTLE BRITAIN Bullock's Groceteria PORT HOPE Roberts Bros. Food Store Roberts Uptown Market COBOURG Jeffery Food Market BROOKLIN Brown's Groceteria PORT PERRY Dowson's Food Market AJAX Ajax Marketeria f-ý Fresh - Picnic Style - Hockless PORK SHOULDERS 35c lb. Fresh- Lean and Meaty PORK BUTT ROASI 45c 1lb. Quality - Blade Bone Removed BEEF BLADE ROASI 41Uc lb. Swift's - Pure - Skinless - One lb. Package BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 35c lb. swift's -1 CANNED FISH Fo 3PUNSWICK -ln Oil COVERLEAF - White - TUNA FISH - 1/4'S tin 3 For 2k S o l i d - /2 " s t i t i 3 C AMERICAN BEAUTY ' i FANCY LOUS TER 79c PARAMOUNT Fncy - 12's tin SOCKEYE, SALMON 39c, STOKELY'S - Fancy - 15-oz. tin CREAN CORN 2For 31C GREEN GIANT - Fancy - 14-oz. tin V.P. NIBLETS CORN 2f'or37c CULVERHOUSE' BRANDS CLVERHOUSE - 15-oz. tin - Choice Red Pitted Cherries 21C1 Choice 2 For 23C CUVERHOUSE - 20-oz. tin - Ch ce DICED CARROTS Fer 23cý P I i Premium - Sliced - Four Varieties PLATTER-PAK 12-os. 45c SEverv Durchase of $3.00 entitIe! tO pur this m Brush for or 6Ç or over scustomer rchase odern Broomf "ly 'c Regularly selling ai 1.69 - Save iOO'dat il s f r b p Red & White]j rStores in this district Fruit s Florida- Large - Zipper Skin - 150's TANGERINES 29c doz. Green Tops - Crispy, Crunchy Rosebuds Radishes 2 bch. 13c LIBBY' - FANCY - 28-oz. tin SAUERKRAUT 2 For 37ci LIBB'S Wih Tomato Sauce - l5-oz; tin CANNED FRUITS AYLMER -FANCY -15 -oz. tin APPLESAU E 2 For 33c: GOOD TASTE - Choice - Halves - 15-oz. tin PEACHBES -24c 4-4. CLVERHOUSE - 20-oz. tin - DICED DEETS the 7th% Concession, somne time - rgà ÀI.noved on behaîf of the Ca- in April. 'Nevw' i embersl dian Club members by Charlie M.I. Hardy addressed Coun-i Osborne. cil re accident on road allow- Pon iven Sedt flv.M.R. Sdanderon, ance between Lots 16 & là Con-lJ i M e s dtrRe..R.Snro, cession 6, Darlington. Clerk to T .g inister of North Parkdale write Insurance Company ardidTitd î Club 'ornt. find out their actuel findings è elkon uhmCjt belay, wili be the speaker ath ,regarding this accident.t. Several new members jo:n- i rnext nccing on February 9, Tenders for Mainteiner are to ed the Bownanville Mens Cun- 1 and it is haped that Air Mar- be opened January 25th et 1.301 adian Club at the Januairy shall C. R. Slenaon will be the p.m. and the firms whd tender- 1 meeting beld bn St. Paul's lec-j speaker at the March meeting. ed and the Dept. Enginecr are1 ture hall on, Wednesday even-1 to be notified to that effect.l ing of lest wezk. Those jaining Bank Signers Resalution wasi the club were: A. H. Sturrack-, "Leave it ta me!" sald thel passed as read.î Ross Hallowell, M. P. Passmore,' Aberdonian. It was a tip. Township will establish a1 L. Lucas, Allan Strike, William sizeable pile of sand niixed with Quick, -R. P. Rickaby. W. R salt sotht inan emergency Pickell. hiarold tSkinner eaSndod Brs we my us allequiprnent t Re1v. M. C. Fisher. Safr rs sand roads. In addition, guests Ed Youn g- ~ Clerk was instructed ta write mri, Allan Richards and Harry MnOumUental WorkS Mr. Donald, Registrar's Dept., Jose wcre intraduced by the informing hira of the cost of Pres-dent, Frank Dorland. Mr. Phone Whltby survey in Lot ?5, Con. 2 and 3,! Dorland also pointed out that M0hawk 8-3552 Darlingitan, and asking hiai the club xvas pleased tb see 318 Dundas St. E., Whltbr what should be done ta coin- the MVayor, Reeve and Deputy FINE QUALITY plete the survey and if grants Reeve of Bowmanville and two MONUMENTS AND are available for this purpose. Darlington Township Council- MARKERS Clerk xvas instructed to write lors at the meeting. the Dept. of Highways, Toron- The sing song at the gather- Precise workmanship a.nd to, describing the intersection ing, et which Major Gladstone careful attention ta detail et Ebenezer Church and askiniMra a us pae,~a are your assurance when for authority to erect a stopI led by Wilfrid C'arruthers, with you choose from the wide sign et the eastern epproach ta Dave Morrison at the piano. A selection af imported and the intersection, vote of thenks ta Mrs. Wiîbert domestic Granites and Next reguler nmeeting ta be Teeple and the ladies of St. Marbies in stock. on February 3, at 1.30 p.m.. Peul's Afternoon W.A. was 1000 roob 7ýý il iii

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