- ~.,, y ~ -~ t - - 1' s 11tIMSAY, ZAIN. !7th, 195à E. Warbur ton Elected New Superintendent ti For Courtice S. Se The annual meeting of the Mrs. C. Penfound; Bible Ciass, Courtice Sunday Schael was Mmi. Jce McKenzie; assistant, held in the chumch Wcdnesday Mmi. Cecil Adamns. Missienary evcning, January 12, 1955 and superintendents, Mi-. and Mmi. opened with prayer by the su- H. Couch; Temperance super- peintendent, M. E. Warbur- intendents, Mr. Clarence Pen- tan. Rev. Samnervile wes found and Mi-. Sim Penfound; J chairmen and thanked officcers Cradie Roil superintendent, and teachers for ail their work Mmi. E. Werbui-ton and Mrs. in the past and asked every- N. Adair; Pianist, Miss Louise one te co-aperate and work ta- Wehnert. Mrs. Don Cawle and gether in the coming year. Mrs. R. DeCce. The fellowing were the siate A vote taken for an ennual of afficers appointed. Superin- Christmas concer-t end date to tendent, Mr. E. Warburtan; be set eerly ini the fall was Assistant Superintendent, Mr. camied. Sunday Scheol, anni- Carl Adamis; Beginners, Mrs. versai-y ta be held May l5th. Earl Gatcheil and Mms. Don Rev. Sornerville and Mr. E. Thompeon; assistants. Mrs. R. Werbumton were eppointed ta Cook and Mrs. N. Couch; Pri- be in charge ef arranging for mary, 8 years, Mrs. D. Robert- the speakers for these services. son; girls 7-8 yeers, Miss Shir- Turne 2 and 7 p.m. Music cern- ley Antil; boys, 7-8 years, Mmi. mittee, Mr. Frank Walter, Mrs. R.De Coe; assistants, Mrs. Carl Robert Barber, Mrsý Den Adams, Miss Joan Kinsman, Cowle, Miss Louise Wehnert, Mrs. P. Dalby; Junior girls, Mrs. R. De Cee. Miss Louise Wehnert; assist- Thanks was extended ta Mr. ant, Mm&. H. Scorgie; Junior Frank Walter for his ca-oper- Boys, Mmi. George Reynolds; ation with the anniversary ser-- assistant, Mr. Bai-iy Johnson; vices. Mrs. J. MacKenzie vol- Intemmediete girls, Mrs. H. unteered te look aftem meals Hemen; assistant, Mrs. Stan and recins for Caravaners dur- Kinsman; secretary, Mr. Lin- ing a vacation school in the ton Hem-en and Allun Tharnp- summer. son; assistants, Mr. Grant Hem -_ Bible Study Gmeup spansered 'ran and Orville Thempsen: yteAutCasi ob Treesurer, Mmi. Cecil Adams; by othe AductnCha is t b pi-css reporter, Allin Thomp- Thldaonfthe secon endfo .son; Intermediete boys, Mn.. E7Thursdayof intechumonh.f-r Wai-butan; assistant, Mr. Carl - 'lc ntecu h Adams; Senior beys and girls, Treasumer's report wak given by Mrs. Cecil Adamns. Sunday Schoai met 43 Sundays with an average attendance of 120. Balance in Bank January lst S IN U S 1954: $59.27; yeei's collections, 195, $13.8;Cash outiays, 17hos. Tudrble Heaoes in the li $78.57; Supplies and upkeep, dark.o.d avons of photo now $480.79; Donated ta Building MO e b. rIIved by Tasblete, Fund, $400.00; Balance in bank Januarv lst 1955' $13.49. The meeting losed with prayer by Rev. Somerville. Ibw. suffeut90gocil out in h.;. ipruse of the wondrous roel ie rm thos. Tablets. Get a boni. todoy, TRUMAC TABLETS MTONC PouCIs (IIILTOI) STATINa FOR SALE AT DRUG STORES EVERYWHERE Farm Forums. S. S. NO. 4, DARLINGTON FARM FORUM The S. S No. 4 Darlington Forum met et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Osborne wîth an attendance of 21. The subject was "Binging Up the farm family" and the results cf the discussion were as foiiows: 1. It is generaliy admittcd that the ways df bringing up a farm famiiy today are differ- ent frein those of 25 years ago. What are the differences? (I) We have many mare cars new and much fester cars, which means the modemn gen- eration can go much further in a lot iess time. (II) There is a much better chance fer the farm famlly te T~ CANAMAII' RTATUMM~AW - ~AWJAMVW.?.U é%Vq. AU?& - --- - ---------.. -- .. v ~ ~.v4s~~b&~F FADE acquire an educatioli, thanks to school buses etc. (III) The modemn convenien- ces ini the farm home makes the daily work of raising a fam- ily casier and brings up the standard cf livng (IV) The fanriily used to be to- gether more both for work and recreation. (V) We don't have to use as mnany «'hand nme down" clothes new and theme aise were no ba- by sitters 25 yeams ago. II (a), What are the most im- portant problenis ta be faced brînging up farm famiies ta- day? Ta have a business under- standing ta keep both parents a'nd chiidren satisfied. Toalalow the chiidren to voice an opin- ion in farm affairs. To try ta keep the family tagether as a graup. (b Which can ve solved by action, (1) Within the famiy? <2) Through the community? (1) The first twa answers cf (2) (a) can be solved .by action mn the family and ta a certain extent the third answer. (2) The third answer cf 2 (a) can be partiaily saived by the fam- ily going together ta church affairs and cornmunity func- tions.--- The Editar, Dear Sir, May I, through yeu, exten ta the peopie cf Canada th very warmi thanks af myse and ather members af the P* Office staffs fi-rn coast 1 ceast for the exceptienal cc eperation extendcd- in th mailing cf their Christmn cardà and gifts. Reparts naw being reccive fi-rn pestmasters in ail parl of, the country indicate clearl that mare than ever beforx the public shewed its anxîet ta assist the service by mailin early. with the resuit that th Pestai staffs were able ta el fect most Christmas deliverie in geod time for the heiiday. The reports aise indicate tha the proportion cf correctiy ad dresscd and well-packagei mail was higher than ever be fore. altheugh. as in the pai delays and difficulties were ex perîenced as a resuit ef failur on the part cf some mailerst observe good mailing practicee Much of the credit fer th, success achieved in aur han< ling of the Christmnas mail must, cf course, go te the news papers, who in many cases tecl great pains ta remind the pub lic of 1the advantages te i gained in observing the var bous mailing dates and in cer rectly addressing and packaj ing their mail. Neediess te say this assistance has been mucl appreciated. Yeurs since-el, W. J. Turnbuli, fleputy Pastinaster Genemal A welcome letter from Mrs. Janet Jury, Silver Street, Baw- nianville, tells me thet, net enly is Charlie Carter Jr., an excel- lent baker and caterer, but a pretty observant naturalîst, who has seen cardinais wintering in the woods north cf the Feun- dry and the Whiz plant. Mrs. Jury says the folks araund hem place get quite a kick out of feeding a ration of sunflewer seeds te saine star boarders this winter, conslsting cf car- dinals, blue jays, nut hatches, chickadees, three verieties of woodpeckers, 'stariings and sparrows. Spéaking of sparrews, re- minds mce o the schoel teacher teihing her class about the worms eating the settler's ci-eps, until the settiers import- cd sparows te eat the wamms, and then the sperrows became a biggem nuisance then the worms.. Neticing a bey being. his team of heavy draught hor- 'ses (calied Boy and Girl> ta zremove their nase bags, Boy kicked and broke Bili's leg. ,One of the qhaps galioped for an ambulance, while saine of us piaced the injured man on a stretcher. The quartermaster zbreught a large enamel mug ba!fiiied with patent Army 'rum. Bill taak a healthy siug and passed the mug back. The quarter bieke laaked surprised ýand enqquired if he didn't like 'rum. Bill quaiified the remain- der, looked up at us with a grin and said "Carry me back sa Boy can break the other ieg, for the ather haîf cup." It's hard ta realize that any one with a smashed leg cauld lay there, on a stretcher, in the open air and joke. But that was Bill Harber -tough, yet lav- able. Ed Youngmnan's Columni The Statesman' Grdu Roiots ColumnaW inattentive, the teacher asked *I've neyer forgatten the tirne calls; 131 hespitel calis and 115 sharply, I'Jehnny, which Jis the îcamp suddenly developed books i-ed by Our members. worse, the werms or the spar- an awfui case of hcumatism, Meeting wes brought te e rows?" To which Jehnny me- so bad he couldn't possibly sit close and delicieus refresh- plied: "Dunno, I ain't neyer in the saddle. Sa I effemed te ments were served by the has- had the sparrews." Thanks Mrs. teke bis trip up the line. Upan tess. Jury.* my return, I was surprised ta Ebenezer W.M.S., Report i * elearn thet his rheumnatisrn had L disappeared like magie ight The Afternoon Auxiliei-y of Lest weck, I sew the death aftei- I left the trenches, enab- the Wornan's Missienai-y Socie- notice of ance o my old l9th ling him te tramp for about two ty held their eguhar meeting Battalion buddies, William kilometres, through the mud, on Januany ilth in the Sundey John Harber. ýBih1 was quite e ta an estaminet, where he and School room with an attend- nd lad! His dark heur and large saine others made merry. ance of 25. Mrs. Chai-les Faund ýhe brown eyes, with e complex- When I upbraided hum, lie presided et the piano fer quiet elf lon that turned very dark in waited tilh I was through, then music and president, Mrs. El- Dst the summer made hlm, look looking contrite, said in that tcWrycnutda n te like an Indien, which eex-ned soft voice of bis, "'Gosh, l'mi pressive opening for our i- st '0- humn the nickname o! "Siwesh". glad you didn't get kiiied or- meeting in the new yean. Rev. ýhe Wc crossed the Atlantic ta- waunded, Eddie". L. M. Semervilie conducted the Las gether and Bill was given the The hast time we met wes at installation service, Mms. R. R. job of beiling the coffee and the Coi-ps Reuniont, Toronto Gay, corresponding secretamy, ed bringing oui- meais frian the 1938, we laughed over the.sa gave a detaiied repart cf aur ts gehiey te a place on deck where and 'many othen escapades we ectivities in 1954. Iy we fourteen feilows ate. After had shared together, and whih Two beautiful vocal solos, e, ue eai Bh wuldacqqre wiîî remain on a speciai page "Such e Little Way Together" ýty saine hot weter in a dish pan, in my "Bookc of Memories". and "A Song of India", were ng then, with his back ta the after rendered by Mrs. C. H. Dud- he wheeihouse and sitting on thce ley, accampanied et the piano fdeck, he weuld wesh the en- During a cold spehi, our by Miss Louise Osborne. es ael pates cup andcutiry.A chapter frein aur Study Oenael paye, cthe o d f *teyhases. and mules (these nt Book, entitled "The Faitls On -ay siede frei sier on duty at be exercised They Foiiexv" was in charge d-s.S uddeniy ahi the plates, by being ridden ini a large cii'- of Mrs. Gai-net Tubb, assisted cdcups and cutieny went siiding cie in a field near the trans- by Mmi. Esli Oke and Mrs. e- down the dock, and into the port lines. One day a herse Glenn Pickhe. An inîpressive soceen. Bill.set with e look cf kicked Chariey ]Junn, causing woship service was prescnted 'x disbelief an bis face, thon, him te feu off the mule, inte by Mrs. R. R. Gay, who deelt ýr placing the dish cloth in the the mud. We picked him un' with thoughts for the New todishpan, he fiung it ever the After a whilo, there set Char- Yemr. LIS side. An enraged sergeant ley, on e îtmetchei-, in e tent Meeting closed with Mizpeh he wantat know "Why?" Bill îeughing and chatting, wheý Benedictien. Meeting was er- d-. shug his shoulders, and in the transport officer stuck his renged by Mrs. Gai-net Tubb, Il e quiet voîce said "ne dishies, head in te enquime about the Mmi. R. R. Gay and Mmi. R. E. 'S den't need ne dîsh pan". The injuned knee. A look ai pain Osborne. k sergeant was sene, the eit of came ever Chanley's face, lie Young Peophe's Union b-us howled et Bill's bland ex- gnasped the right knee with On Monday evenîng the Cour- bepression, uni-uffled demoanon, bath hendi, saying: 'It hurts tice Circuit Young Peopie'î Un- r- quiet voice. and fatalistic phil- something awful, siri!" The of- ion heid its regulai- meeting r- osophy. - ficci- expnessed sympathy, loah- et Ceuntice United Chunch 9-* ed puzzled, and said "Why with 29 present. The devotional ,y, Dunn, I theught it was yaur opened the meeting in chargel hDuring the summer ai 1916, we leit knee." Chai-iey prornptly o! Bruce Down. Rev. L. M. weme statiened et a place cali- let go the ight knee, gasped Somenvihle led the Bible Study cd Roningheist, in Beigium. his left, and in a voico pneg- which was veny interesting. Oui- honses weme on a picket nant with pain gesped: "Sa Dui-ing the business pei-iod I. line. Just as Bill went between it is, Sur." . plans wei-e discussed foi- the COURTIICE (Intended for lest week) Ebeneser W.M.S. Executive Report The executive cf the Alter- nobn Auxilîamy of the Woman'si Missionamy Society held theiri annuai meeting at the home of the president, Mrs. Elton Wer- ry on January 4th. First vice president, Mrs. G. F. Annis op- ened the meeting with New Year Thoughts and prayer. Treasurer, Mrs. Carl Down me- ported a total cf $762.04 has been forwarded fi-arn the var- ioug Missioniary groups cf aur church; this being the largest emeunt çver contributed fer ane year. It wes decided thet oui- mîssionaries fer speciel prayer wouid be Miss Eiieen Ratz, Rev. and Mrs. Merrili Fergu- son and Miss Lule Rouse. Mrs. K. E. Ceurtice, secre- tai-y for younger graups, re- ported on womk accempli.shed in thet depaÉtmprlt., Mrs. Elmer Down is te be senior counicillor for Expiai-ci graup. Secretery reparted fer the produced raw materiais. heaven'?" ToMy F riends of and Bowman ville an d CNTRACTOR-AN Peo pie District BUILDER Ne.HeA@ and V.L.A.O Homes and Pr ivate Homes Re- modelling a Specia Ity Let, Us be 'Prepared . fo Sf art Your New Home First Thing in the Spring DONRT BE A LATE STARTER PREPARE ALL THE PAPER WORK NOW ... SUCH AS SITE, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC., AND BE ASSURED 0F EARLY DELIVERY 0F THE HOME OF YOUR DREANS. WE ALSO HAVE CHOICE RESIDENTIAL LOTS UP TO 75 FEET, AND THERE ARE NEW HOMES IN THE PROCESS OF DEING COMqPLETED. 4 THAT ARE FOR SALE. PHONES BO WNAN VILLE MA 3-5602 OSHAWA 5-0650 THANN YOIJ FOR TAKING NOTICE 0F TRIS AD!1 For Homes BuilfBetter and Earlier DON 9 aCali BROOKS 281 LIBERTY STREET IL DO WAN VILLE ONT.. * ç ~ - ~ - -----' ~ - -- skating party on Friday even- ing at Orona. The graup de- cidJed ta heip the Yung Pe- pie of the Oshawa Presbytery whe are geing threugh the ministerial. The young people ail went skating at Downs Pond fer recreation which al enjoyed. Mrs. Narman DownI prepared a ver'y deliciaus lunch ta complete the evening. The next meeting at Maplei Grave United Church an Mon- day, Januar 24. Scout Mothers The Eighteenth Scout Moth- ers' Auxiiiary held bts manthly meeting on Wednesday even- ing, January l2th at the home cf Mrs. T. Gladman. The pre- sident, Mrs. L. Mclntyre pre- sidcd. RaIl call and minutes cf hast meeting was read by the secretary, Mrs. C. Archer. Sev- eral items cf business were discussed and plans arranged fer an afternoon tee andsl of aprons at the home of IMrs .1 T. Gladman, Wednesday, Jan- uary 26th. Committee Mrs. Gladman, Mrs. D. Wilson, Mrs. C. Thampson, Mrs. A. Pen- wrîght. It was decided for members ta donate tea tow- els. Severai new members were weicomed and a social time was enjoyed with sand. wiches and tea being served, by cemmittee in charge. Six- teen ladies in attendance. In 1953, Canada's electricai manufacturing industry used $383,750,000 werth cf Canadian- Hampton W.M.S. Insta Ils Off icers For New Year The Wemen's Missionary Sos- ciety' heid their Januamy meet- ing at the parsonage with a goed ettendance, and president Mrs. Werrick in charge. Open- ing hymn, "0 Jesus I Bave Promised", follawed by Instal- lation cf new officers for 1953 by Rev. Reed. Reports af 1954 were read. showing a geed financial stand- ing in oui- society. Several items cf business were discuss- cd for the new year. arrrge- ments were made fer the "Werld's Day cf Prayer" Fco). 25th aise for the Memerial Service et the Oshawa Presby- teriai. Mrs. Caveriey and Mrs. Blanchard had charge cf the pi-agi-arn. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Ceverley gave readings. Rev. and Mrs. Reed having spent several years as mission- eries in China, Mrs. Reed gave a very interesting talk cf their, trip home, travelling by 'planeand boat, aise their stavs in India, and Australie, during a war year. The hestess served lunch. Mrs. Wemnick xviii b. hostess for the Februery meet- ing in the Sunday Schooi roem. A littie bey, caught in mis- chief, wes asked by i'is mother: "How do you expect te get inta Now preferred by thousands as their fuvourite COLA drink i 12 OUNCES COL4A Botter QUALUTY Blgger QUANTITY PLUS DEPOSIT Your choice at ai Coolersl s ~ TUE CANADUN STATESMAN, BOIMANVfflVL MWAlM Pl à