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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1955, p. 15

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- ~ -~ '1NenumAY, JAN. 27th1955 TM CANÂA%7 q'I'A95VMAN. BUfILAMVffTX.OT AM Postmastfer- Vice Gives History Postal. Service AFrom Ancient Times "Postal service bas filled no kICOauierable roIe in Caniadian progres. and today, as in h eears gone by, it proudlylis up tai its- motta "Servire Populo" (to serve the people), Postmas"t- er George Vice declared in bis -âassification talk ta the mcm- 'bers Of the Bowrnanviile Rotary Club lait Friday. Pointing out that the Canad- fan Postal Service maintains a, wide variety of services in ad-: ition ta its basic task of hand- ling and transrnitting ail typesi Of mail matter, the Bowman-', 'ville -Postmaster traced the bis- torY of- mail service back ta ancient times. In- 2,000 B.C., he said. letters. wVritten on tablets of baked a were addressed and delivered ta Amenophis IV of Egypt.Th Romans had a well-organi Postal service which was limit c d ta official despatches carriedi by harsemen and Postal ships. First British Mail The.earliest reference ta post- ai service in Great Bitain was in 1482,. but in the next 200 years a system of Mail coaches WSM NASHVILLE TENNESSEE é,~ Grand ~' ~Or Op'r4 Present5 Rai-io and Recording Star COWBOY11 -COPAS kigGre with daughter (Çathy GoreVie and hi% akn deliveries from Londor Ioal] parts of England wasbuiI Grad !'O' *up..B 1840 penny postage wa Grand l' P'y a reality, he said,anth is SHOWV starnps were issued in Canad in 1851. The earliest posta seice in this country camene W ed., Feb. 2 1705 whenthe French rulth E ficial and private letters betweer Red B oin i Quebec, Three Rivers and Mont 0 S H A W A A regular service was set Ur Dancing after last show between Montreal and« York + (Toronto) in 1811 when boat 0 0 00 & 00 0 6were used on Lake Ontarioand Now is the lime .., Te let us look over your farmi machinery needs an~d repairs se, that you are ail set to go first thing in the Spring. Give us a cail to-day. ORDER, NOW Now la the time to place your order for Swift's Canadian Fertilizer WeHe BROWN :w . DEALER FOR Case Farmi Machinery Firestone Tires DeLaval Milliers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equipment KING ST IV. BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5497 Lo oking - for Qualit j TELEVISI At -the Lowest Prices AND ONE YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEE ON A] MARCONI "The Gneatest Name ini Tele, ELECTROHOME "Pledged to Quality", DeUMONT' SUR%"Reserv'e Power Television" SERICE "Saine Day, Professional Sen Tele vision ServicE SALES - SERVICE - 3 Division St. South Winner of- Television Set Handling Local Mail Before tht letters are ready ta be sent on their way a con- - *siderable amount of work is donc.- in the past office. They are arranged witb tht stampi tht same way and run thnough aý cancelling machine whicb can- cels tht starnps and prints thte'* time and date of posting on each - letter. They art then sarted ta ~ ~ their correct railway post office - and tied in tht correct bundies before being placed in the bag - ready ta be taken ta tht train . by tht caurier. These bags arc sorted on the trains and the bags cantaining tht mail for each tawn alang the route are made up and dropped ' off when tht train reaches that tawn. Mail which mnust be transferred ta another - railway or other carrier ta ' reach its destination is also sort- ed and dropped off at tht cor-. rect transfer point, Mr. Vice- cn stated. it "The introduction of the Rail- - a s way Post Office into Canada in st 1854 was ont of tht greatest la advances made in the history :al of tht Post Office," the speak- in er asserted. "Instead of having he ta send letters ta large distribut- )f- ing centres where there would an be sufficient volume of mail ta it- make individual bags for thte diffenent tawns, the letters are ipdropped off at their proper des- tinations". This system works Young Billy Wade of Courtice has won furtherl rksa well, the Bowmanville post- distinction for himself, and a handsome 21 " General ts master stated, that a large vol- Electric television set as well. 'Billy was the winner in an idurne of Toronto mail is sortcd -by the time it reaches that city. amateur contest at the Plaza Theatre, Oshawa, which has Bags of mail for tht east end been in progress since September last year. Hie had to of the city can be dropped off1 win on three separate occasions ta be the grand champion. at tht Danfonth station and belCnetnswr falae.H optdaantfv on their way ta tht househalder Cntsasweeoaiags lecmeed gastfv by mail carrier before tht train. other finalists in the last round and came out the victor. arrives at Union Station down- Billy who is six years old, the son of Mr. and Mns. William town. Wade of Courtice, is photographed above with his drum, Clerks Hithly Skilled and behind him his prize television set. "These raiiway mail clerks -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope are bigbly-skilled workers, as they must nat only know ail thte towns, connecting railways, etc., er services offered by local posts on their own nuns, but must offices. These include selling of SLJ-. also know tht best railway, stamps, of whicb $1 10,000,000 steamship and 'plane cannec-1 worth were sold in 1952-53, re- Salem W.A. held thefr Janu- tians which can be made fan ceivîng and delivering register- ary meeting at tht home of through mail their train is carry- ed mail, insuring parcels, accept- Mns. Leslie Weish. The presi. ing sa that when tht train reacb- îng and deiivering C.O.D. art- dent. Mrs. S. Buttery, opened es tht terminal point, tht icles, transacting of maney ord-. the meeting and conducted tht thnaugh mail can be transferned ers, of which 43,067,940 wvene business. Mrs. Ken Shackleton ta its destination", tht speaker issued in 1952-53, and providinig and ber graup were in charge. declared. a banking service thnough tht Mrs. S. Buttery gave the deva- Ht pointed out that ail postal Pas t Office Savings Bank. Over tianal. Readings were given clenks in Canada have distnibu- 1,500 post offices in Canada pro- by Mns. Harvey Barrie and tion books which give tht best vid1e this bankîng service at Mrs. Les Coombes. Miss Grace distribution for ail tht post of- present, he said. Tht past of- Blackburn favoured with a va- fices in their province. They, 01d Age Pestion and cme Tax, cal solo accompanying herseifi mutler ti dsriuin n OdAg eninand Family on tht piano. Lunch was serv- mite iearn thais ditiution it AlI owance formns. seil Unem- cd and a social time enjayed. If thcy do not pass these exam- ployment Insurance Stamps and Tht National Film Board pic- mnationrs they do flot get their accept Government Annuity turcs were shawn in tht scbool annual increases. A second ex- pay'ments. ls rdyngt aminatian is also held on tht Lest Letters Traeed ls rdyngt rates covering postal matter, Tht inspection service of thé .Mns. F. Cator was a patient rules and regulations of paît Postai Department traces îost -i Memonial Hospital for a office work. letters and parceis and handIts few days but ih able ta be home To provide better service ta misdirected or other dead letter again. Hope she wîll soon be the public, Mr. Vice stated that matter. "In 1953 appraximate- feeling better. tht Postai Department employs ly 7,1000,000 pieces of mail mat- Mr. and Mns. Ken Shackleton transportation officers who visit ter xvere handled by tht inspec- and family were Sunday 'visit- local post offices and help local tion service," tht speaker stat- ors with ber sister, Mn. and postrnastens ta arrange faster and cd. "This represent a consid- Mrs. Bruce Little, Agincount. more efficient rautings for tht erable ioss of money ta business Mr. and Mrs. L. Welsh and despatch of mail. Training of-i finms. Many of tht larger mail- famiiy with Mn. and Mns. L. ficers also visit tht local past ing agencies bave made surveys Rundît. offices conducting short courses and they estimate tht cost ta Mr. and Mns. Wm. Laird,' ii puiblie relations aqd other tbem of an individual letter aý Maple Grave, Mr. and Mns. Ray subjects which will help cm- from 50 ta 75 cents. These firins Bowen, Town, werc Sunday ployets bave a 13etter under- are now making an effort ta cut 'strwth r.adM.E standing of their job. Tht Postal down loss of mail by obtaining Twist. Department also seeks tht help correct mailing addresses of al of business firms in pasting their their custame'rs and keeping Mr: F. Blackburn attcnded mail more of ten than once a day, their mailing lust up ta daté at tht Hockey game at tht Maple ta cut down ptak peniods and aIl times". Leaf Gardens Saturday night. enable the post offices ta give Mn. Vice was introduced by better service. Public relations Rotar'ian George Moady, who sell their tickets ta tht Rotary officens from the departnmtnt art pointed out that be was barn in Play, 'Ste How They Run" ta i ready ta heip private firms with Toronto but had spent moît of be pnesented in the Town Hall their mailing problemi at any bis life in Oshawa, wbene he lon February 16, 17 and 18, as jtime. joined tht postal service 16' soon as possible. Rotarian Dave Mr. Vice also outlinèd the oth- years aga. Ht bas been witb it! Morrison distnibuted display _________________________ ever since, except for four ytars posters for tht play, ta be paît- in the Army - two cf -which cd in members' places of bus- were spent overseas. Ht WaS 1miess. appointed Postmnaster at. Bow- President Robson presentcd a manville in May of lait year. Rotarv spoon ta Blain Elliott fan Èotarian Jim Stutt thanked bis adopted daugbter and ex- iMr. Vice for bis very interesting; tended the congratulations of tht and informative addness. clbt oainWteRyn jPresident 'Oddv," Rabs on vcl- clusobe oin Wte rmRen- coied ourguetsta tht meet- oionf binth e ra trCirmani ioned fouar guis c or adSh ofttDam DisntictHgh ON 4 AlStevns f Osawa Nor Roaria WRois Strike, whoil. Ung: otaiahs, .Bo.ryand second iBoarHtn ote thatn ! Wllam Coggins Sr., Pembroke, tania Hydro Commission, was father of Rotanian Bill Caggins.1 being mentioned as possible suc- IHn Taeaow naypeet-cesrt h lt oetH in Ttn maeabrhaypeet-cesrt h lt oetH tian ta Ratarian Jahnny James,' Saunders as Chairman of On- a member of the club since 1946.! tarioq Hydro, and stated that tht LL INEW SETS SOLD Stress Ticket Sales 1 Rotary Club membens are pull- Rotanian Mcl Dale asked-mcm- ing for bim. Protection aCompany ANTIENNAS Phone MA 3-3883 i. . .LATI( &40< . 3-361 Rexail POLYMULSION VITAMINS A. Bi. B2. C. D. FR11 30 DAYS SUPPLY with purchase 0F 8 OZ. SIZ]g Reports Show St. Paul's Hlad'Excellent Year Increase in Finances the uppor St. Lawrence in suum- mer, end stage coaches and dog leighs or horseback were used in the wnter. In 1851 when stamps were introduced 'ini Canada there were 601 post of- fices li Ontario and Quebe. In 1953 there were 5,129 in these two provinces and 12,259 in al Canada. Mr. Vice pointed out that the number of mails received and deàpatched each day is based upon the means af transportation and thetfrequency and volume of mail handled by a local post office. In Bowmanville the mail is moved in and out by train, since this method Is the most economical and efficient for present needs. There are four trains a day carrying mail to and -from Bowmanville - two each way. The time of the ar- rivai of thèse trains at the local depot deternuînes the closing time for the mail at the post office. Woman's Association Reports fram the Woman's Associations discloscd that these graups continue ta be among tht most active in tht Chtinch, naising av-en $1900 thnough vol- untary givings and vaniaus wonk projects. In addition ta the ne- gular task of attending ta, tht upkeep of tht Manse and Church Kitchen, notable achie- vements in 1954 were tht com- plete refunnishing of tht Churcb Vestry by tht Afternoon W.A., and the procuring of new choir gowns by tht Evening- group. Speaking on behaîf cf the Men's Club, the netirýng Pnesi- dent, Mn. Allan Cuthbertson, Off icers For 1955 Session-Rev. Harold Turner, Chairman, Rtv. George Mason, Secnetany, W. H. Carnuthers, J. H. Abennethy, D. A. McGregon, D. H. Williams, Dr. H. Fergu- son, K. Werry, O. R. Bragg, C. M. Bragg, C. M. Carruthens, W. C. Pansons, W. D, Carru- thens and D. Lawson. Stewand-Geo. Gnabami, D. Boe,-D...R. Morrison, S. McA.- lister, J. W. Porter, C. Papin- eau. M. Stacey, F. Thompsan, A. Cutbebrtson, N. *Wilkins, Rais Stevens, L. Hancack, Jas. Thompson, Rat Abernetby, Ralpb Colt. Auditors-C. C. Purdy and D. Williamns. Predictions for 1955 As Forecast by Babson Predictions as to conditions for 1955 corne from many sources, but one of the best and moist reliable in forecast the future has corne, year after year, from Roger Babson, well known American analyst and ecanomist. Although his fore- casts apply primarily to tht United States we in Canada may read his sumxnary ,with considerable interest and bene- fit. "The initiative in internai. tional affairs itill resta with -Russia-but I forecast no World War III ini 1955," Rag- er- W. Babson foretold this week. For business li general, Bab- son predicts that the trend wiil be upward at least for the first six montha. In other conditions, he fore- casti:, Business in general despite wails from some quartera for 1954 saw a drop ini the average Physical Volume of only 5% frorn the record year 1953. There could be a risc in 1955 of about the same amount. Cer- tainly, the direction of busi- ness until mid-1955 will be up- ward. During 1954 mnany business- men rediscovered the meaning of the word "camnpetition."i Sales will continue ta b. made only with real effort in most lines. Consumption in a number of lines bas been proceeding at a more rapid rate than has pro- duction. 1 fonecaît a better re- cord in early 1955 for bath- steel and automobiles. I fonecast that home build- ing and general construction will be somewhat lower in 1955 than in 1954. but thîs impor- tant industry shouîd stiil op- Tht Annuaý Congregatianai declared that bis group had Meeting of St. Paul's United not been idît in 1954. Thtenem- Church was held in the Church 6ers bad given much fret time Hall an Friday nigbt, January ta the maintenance* of chureh 21. Rev. Harold Turner acted property and bad provided the as Chairman and Donald Wil- new churcb sign. Their major liams was appointed Secretary. project had been the growing Aftcr tht Chairman had con- of peas and corn on rented ducted a short devotional per- land for the Canning Factory. lad, the reports of the vaniaus This had tntailed a gaod deal organizations were presented, of bard work but had netted showing a year of great activity tht Club well over $300. and progresi. The leaders of tht C.G.I.T. In nepor ting for tht Session, and Sigma-C groups indicated Mr. Alex McGregor stated: that useful work li through-, "Reports presented tonigbt the week Chnistian training will indicate that 1954 bai been was being dont by these organ- a most successful year for St. izations. Paul's Cburch - perbaps thte nra.ToMsin most succîssful year of its long IéeeT iin history. This success is due ta Duning 1954 St. Paul'& main- the excejlent leadership given tained and strengthentd its ne- our churcb by aur Minuster and putation as -a "mnissioii-finded" his wife, and ta the faithfulness church. Givîngs ta the Mission- and bard. wonk of the officers ary and Maintenance F'und and m#fmbtns of aIl tht argani- amounted ta $1959, an increase zations . . . May yau ail be in- of almost 20 % aver last year.i spired and be given health and Tht vaniaus organizatians of strength ta continue your bard the Woman 's Missianary So- work for tht year 1955". ciety (Afternoon Auxiliary, Sesio satstii hoedEvening Auxiliary, Mission, Sesson tatstic shwedBaby Band) continued ta keep 230 familles' under pastoral tir ebr elifre oversight ýan increase of 24, hi mebr wllnfmd overtht revaus ear) 22on tht missianary work of the Baprthes 1priages and 2I Church, and were able by sacri- burils E5 igbteennew ads12 ficial giving ta send $991 ta the burils. igheen ew nmesPresbyterial Treasurer. Added were added ta the Mernbership ta these Missionary givings RaIl. were donations1 ta the Ontario Stewards Report Hurricane Relief Fund, .Slbu- The report of the Committee, dents' Aid, Temperance Fed- of Stewards revealed continued eration and Bible Society, six high outlay for praperty main- that aitagether tht Congrega- tenance and impravement, sa tiari sent out almost S.1400 for that, despite increased incarne, the larger wark beyond its tht credit balance at year's end walls. was somewhat smaller than At the conclusion of the meet- usual. Major expenditures ing tht minister commended were a new oil-burning unit forJ the members for their loyalty the Sunday School Raom, and and Christian endeavors, and- new cernent approaches at bath1 invoked God's guidance and church entrances. blessing in the înonths ahead. Kenneth Bragg announced The meeting passed a vote of that the Sunday School,\ under appreciation for the fine ser- the leadership of Superinten- vice being pravided by Mrs. dent Wilfrid Carruthers, had Dudley and the members of another successful year with a the Choir; Misses Ruth Bragg decided increase in attendance and Janet McGregor, Junior of over 25%. He vaiced tht ap- Choir Leaders, and Mns. E. preciatian of the Schooi ta tht Dilling, caretaker. Apprecia- men of tht cangregation who tian of the many years of had given generously cf their faithful service on the Com- time in enlarging thtermorn for mittee of Stewards by Mr. Boy tht Prirnary Dept. Hope was Lunney was aiso voiced. Mn'. expressed that tht treasurer, Lunney did nat îeek re-election Mr. John Swindells, would this year. After tht benedie- soon be out of hospital and able tion, tht Evening W.A. served ta resume tht dutieg ht bas refreshments, and thase pres- carried on sa faithfully for ent enjoyed an hour of fellow- many years.1 ship. se Husbands! Wivesl Want new Pep and Vim? Thousands of couplet are weak worn-nut, ex- hau3ted soleIy bevasise bindy Jacks iron. Fer acu v'iM,vitality, try Ostrex Tonic Tablets, Suppliet Irnn "eutoo may n",ed for pe;uplm- trv dnses Vitamin BI. lntroductor$,y a.,",ý ae.uamnted" nize only 60e. At ail dnzauta, W tn t ed FULL TIME Telephone O'perator in BLACKSTOCK le te as rue of ai Seme kWih u"eo eution ft iquiralent fletiOl. Nu eafrumel requisel Pald wlsIelernlag le' Ap*I ta ion to CUIEF OPERtATOR Blon Tîlphon c. Dlsekutoek ua. -M PAGEMri POLYMULSION WITR PURCHASE 0F 8 OZ. SIZE REGULAR... THIS $9 30 DAY F R E E-q SIZE CHILD) I~ OZ. SIZESPCA (FOR CID REGULAR... $195 "0 F FL JURY & L@VELL 5 PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVILLE s 9 YOU CAN DEPEND Wl,,, kidncys fail to remove .xcenu ide and es, u, ,0fL II ache, tired feeling, distucbed ru'i 'f"e' Kidney Pil stimnu- normai duty. Vor fesi betlec-sieep better, work bettel Cet Dodd. eat any ', drut Rta. om ., as Mrm depend on Dodds. - ý -e-etwIle" )ýj ID à piv- vTv""pý ente at high levels next yiar. I forecast that puablie con- struction will increase during 1955. This should mean a rise in the output of eîent. The agricultural equipment has been suffering from a de- dline xin demand, but should, now iniprove. Government- sponhored planting curtailment and crop boans have reduced fret supplies, and, may make for higher agricultural pnices later in 1955. The armament industry will still be ane of the main floors beneath the economy. The elec- trical and chemical industries wiil move at a rate close to that of 1954. I amn somewhat optimistic on clothing, aircraft manufactur- ing, air-line transportation, of- fice equipment, electricity out- put, petroieumn production, nat- urai gas. and shots. I arn also fairly builish on rubber, paper, electrical oquiprnent certain types of building, and nonfer-. rous metals. 1 farecast that the autlook for retail sales is encouraging, at least through the finit hall of 1955. Stiffening competition i. chip- Ping away at the profit mar- gin. Return on invested capital is mn a long-term downtrend. The first few years after World WRr II were the golden years for the novice in business and for the inefficient. Those days are gone- for awhile.

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