?!!~T7R8DAY, 3AK. 27th, 1955 ?NE CAKADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMA!qV!LLZ. ONTAflIO Sf atesman Editor on Anniversary Pro gram of 4'CBC 'Neighborly' News" *(Special to The Statesman) Toronto, Jan. 24.-The On- tario edition of the CBC's Neighborly News, anc o! thc most populan features on Canad- ian radio, will mark its lSth anniversany this coming Sun- day, Jan. 30, at 6:3Gýp.m., E.S.T., with a special Trans-Canada net- work pnogram in which Editor Gea. W. James o! Tic Canadian Statesman will be an important participant. For this broadcast the CBC has reconded messages from al the Neigliborly News com- mentatans acrass the country, in- cluding Les Way o! thc Britisli Columbia seies, C. F. Greene o! the Prairie program; Don rFairbairn o! the annîvcrsary- celcbrating region o! Ontario and Quebec; Jack Bnayley of the Maritimes, and Gerard Brady wlio does a French- language 'version o! thc programn for Quebec. Editor' James'- contribution ta the broadcast was recordcd Producer Reid Forsee the man with a stop-watch, has been with Neghborly News since it began 15 years ago, starting out as its announcer and later switching to CBC produc- tion. earlier in the mantli, when Don Fairbairn and CBC producer ......... .........Reid Forsee visited The Canad- ian Statesman office to record the story of liow Neighborly News began. Mr. James, when Commentator Don Falrbairn President of The Canadian will be on hand ta celebrate the Weekly Newspapers Association, 15th anniversary of the CBC's in co-operation with C. V. Chart- Neighborly News. He has been ers of The Brampton Con- with the program himself for servator, who was at that time o ver seven years. Managing Director of the C.W. PQSTPONED ONE WEEK.i BQWMANVI LLE BOY SCOUT PAPER DRIVE starting at 6 p.m. Postponed Until Fri*daly, Feb. 4th C.itizens are requested to have their papers tied in bundies and placed on the boulevard in front of their homes. Your co-operation is respectfully solicited. N.A., were the orgmnal promot- ers of this popular weekly spread right across Canada, H o pe listed in this article giving the i names of the commentators and and James made a special trip ta Ottawa ta interview Major Hooper's Jewellery and Gift Gladstone Murray, who was the Shop presented a very modern General Manager of CBC at that and smart appearance today on time, who was favorably im- its re-opening following an ex- pressed with the idea of start- tensive program of moderniza- ing the Neighborly News broad- tion and redecoration. cast, with Andy Clarke as the Two handsome new wallcae first commentator. On the an- of blonde jillwood have been niversary broadcast SundaY added ta the equipment and the night at 6:30 p.m. E.S.T., Mr. walls have been painted a very James will reminisce on how attractive shade of Canyon Rose. this weekly feature came about. One of the 20-foot wallcases Other guests on the programn occupies the west side of the will be A. Davidison Dunton, store, and the other the eàst.side chairman of the CBC Board Of behind the showcases and caunt- Governors; Gregory Clark, fam- er space. Each are 7 feet 6 ed writer on the Rural Cana- inclies high and contain gjass dian Scene and W. D. Sowdon slielving for display of the many of the Sackville ,Tribune-Post, jewellery and gift items carried president of the Canadian by this progressive store. They Weekly Newspapers' Associa-lare lighted by fluorescent liglit- tion. ing installed at the top. The new wallcase behind the counter space also contains cup- MAPLE GROVE boardis 21,à feet deep ecd through sliding panel doors of Mr. and Mrs. Ferg. Aberne- attractive jillwood. An added thy, Oakwood, Mrs. Alex convenience is the sliding slielf- Creigliton, Oshawa, ail were boards which can be pulled out recent visitors with Mrs. F. from this wallcase at counter Swallow. lieight and used for displaying MissMilredSnowen peni merchandise ta customers. The Miss Milend Snoweon sntinterior of the wallcases is fin- the aend r ithLlier cousins, ished in a restful green shade. Dr.anodr. L .Cae, Attractive Linoleuin Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden, Arthur Hooper, proprictor of accompanicd Mr. and Mrs. San the store, lias also laid down at- Snowden, Oshawa, on Tuesday, tractive linoleum floor covering to visit Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert in an attractive pattern of black, Budd, Welcome, whcn ail had red and cream squares. a- very enjoyable time. His enlarged repair depart- ment is at the rear of the store as it lias been in the past. LONG SAULT In November of this er Mr ad rs Wn.Aaic adi sons, Courtice, with Mr. and -ivro ne W.v1. Mrs. G. Kovaos and Gabriel. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sim wereC Sunday dinner guests o! Mr. and SeeS How ta Mrs. Gardon Fletcher. Mr. Stanley Fletcher, Toronto, also spent the week-end with hisk M at parents. Mr. A. J. McLaggan had the The Januarv meeting ol hydr tuned n lst wek. Tyrone Women's Institute was Plan ta attend the social even- hled an Wednesday, January 19 ing in the school Friday night at tlie home of Mrs. George AIl- under the auspices of Club 50. dread. The meeting was opened Mrs. Edith Murphy had the by the singing o! the Institute surprise of ber life last Wednes- Rally Song with aur President day around noon when she look- Mrs. E. Wliite prcsidîng. Rol ed out and saw a wolf down by caîl was given by some newv lier lien liause eating at a deer idea which was given by each which lie liad killed. She plioncd member. Communications from several hunters but wlicn tliey Mrs. McPliatter was read by arrîved Mir. Wolf liad taken ta r.DnSano eadn the woods, leaving aboAxl 20 lbs.Ms.DnSatnrerdg of deer for andther day whcn tlie UNESCO praject for 1955. he would be hungry. Sa came Mrs. Alden Hoar taak charge an, hunters, there is plcnty of of the program and Mrs. Gordyn snow ta track Mr. Wolf and if Brent read a paper on "A Radio these liungry animais are flot Survey." Faliawing this we al killed before spring several o! enjayed a demonstratian on aur farmerse will spend many how ta hook a mat, by Mrs. anxiaus liaurs watching over Norman Waadley. Mrs. W. their flocks of shecp and yaung Ralim demonstrated haw ta braid lambs. and sew a braided rug. Mrs. Little Brucie Goble's many Artliur Richard told liow ta cut friends are happy ta know lie the rags. CshomedrcsositaeiToroteo is Cihoen' frosptatherono ik seriaus bout with the "bug"~. E V R O The families of .Johinson, J. Jolinston, R. Clapp. C. Wood- lley and W. Penwarden are th~e Congratulations ta Reeve Allan pragram convenors for the Feli- Beer on being elected Warden of ruary meeting of the Home and County Council. We of Manvers Scliool Club. Township sliare thc honour Sorry ta repart several have which aur youthful and respect- otlesick list with cold s ed Reeve has successfully badeen lubu" brouglit ta this' township after an theabenceuf 3ug'ar. A&P PREMIUM QUALITY- COFFEES GIVE YOU FINER FRISHIR FLAVOUR ...GREATER VALUE WVacuum Pack - Just Reduced New Lew Price A& P COFFEE b n le11 Mîid and MelIow - Custom Ground JANE PARKER 8 O'CLOCK lb99c 3Ibbag2.89 n RAÏÎSi N P1 ERici, and Fuji! cd d - Customn Ground RASIN3 PI RED CIRCLE lb 1.05 eac-i9 DEEP - CJT SPECIALS 1 A&P Choice WAX BEANS A&P Ch.oe (Halves) PEACHES Choice (Llngraded as ta Size) AYLMER PEAS Lbys DEEP BROWN BEANS Solo MARGARINE Kraft Cheese VELVEETA Navy TOILET TISSUE Robin Hood White, CAKE MIX Baby Cereal PABLUM SUPER -RICHT MEATS STEAKS OR ROASTS Red or Blue Brand Beef PORTERNOUSI, WING> SIRLOIN, RUMP OR BONELISS ROUND BLADE ROAST SHORT RIB (Full Cut) (Blode Bone Remnoved) SHOULDER (Meaty> 2 20-oz tins 29c 20-oz tin 21c 2 15-oz tins 29e 20 oz tin 19c 2 i-lb pkgs 4 9c "z,-lb rkg 29< 3 rolis 29c 12-oz pkg 27c 8-oz pkg 19c lb 65 C lb 39c PRICES EFFECTIVE LINTIL SATURDAY, JANtJARY 29th. Golden Ripe Ne. 1I BANANAS 2,bs29e Floride No..1, Math SUtditu su er96',sA ORANGES dcx 29c ffl M ma àmm *4 =oarmaNy Ly Two local inliabitants have received a summans ta serve as 1 juror at Cobourg this week, namely: Don Johinson and Wil- son Heaslip. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey were Friday evening callers at the Don Johnson abode. The family Club held their first progressive euchre party Friday niglit in the church hall. Despite the hydro failure which caused a temporary black-out until other illumination was pro- vided, thc show went on, with nearly 30 players participating. The prizes for high score, lady and gent, were claimed respect- ively by Mrs. Dave Wilson and Marlow Thampson. A number a! visitors from neighbouring communities were particularly welcomed at this social event. The party was under the capable supervision o! Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stinson. Next event is a crokinole party on Feb. 4. Miss Trews Boon of Coaks- vilîs was a week-end guest o! lier sister. Mr. and Mrs,~ Clarke Pomeray and Paul, Betliany, were Sun- day supper guests o! the Floyd Stinson's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Henders and Mrs. Bertha Lane were din- ner guests of Miss Em Henders. The \Tance Wilson's of Toronto spent Sunday with bis folks. Mr. Reg. Ruskin, Toronto, at Gea. Heaslip's on Sunday. IMr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm wr dinner guesis recently of the Heaslips. Mrs. Annie McQuade rcturn- ed home Sunday with the Dave Wilson's after visiting the Alvin McGill's at Lindsay. Saturday guests o! the Bert Gibson's, Lindsay, were Mr. and Mrs. Amas Rodd and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tobin o! Grecnbank. On Sunday the Gibsons spent tlie day with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trewin at Blackstock. The Family Club The business session of Fam- iiy Club conducted by the new President. John Wright, includ- ed the joining for '55 o! the 22 members present (not caunting the 15 kiddies), reading minutes, appointment of a delegate for the "grand apening" of church hall committee: accepting val- unteer sponsors for crokinole party on Feb. 4. Ncxt meeting is Feb. 23 at the Dave Wilson's with the Spencely's in chiarge o! devotional. Devotional taken by Mr. and Mrs. Normnan Wilson. A very interesting topic by 1 thc Wilsons dealt with New! Ycar's Resolutions and the paint- ing of 'Praying Hands' by'All- bredlit Durer and true staries connected with same. Thiis was followed by a resume of theirj trip ta Florida by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm. Lunch, and a social hour of raucous wrangling at a pitch calculated ta be beard aven and, above the off-key rantings o!; the younger set, concluded the evezi".'S entertaùinmeuL- . ' m.Re-opens ' weIry Store LHaoper's Jewellery and Gift iShop will mark its. lOtli anni- ivensary, as Mr. Hooper opened the store November 9th, 1945, an receiving lis disdhfge fnom the Royal Canadian Air Force. Born and educated in Bowman- ville, he jained the R.C.A.F. in 1941 F_ tic age o! 18. He servcd &s an instrument mechanic at Dartmouth, N.S., and St. Johin's, \ewoundland, and lield tic rank o! Sergeant on disclarge. Active in Community He was married in 1944 ta the former Lillian Ash!ord of Toron- ta and tîcy have thrce children: Ronnie, 7; Dannie, 5, and Nancy 2. In addition ta lis store, Mn. Hooper lias found time for a wide range o! community activ- ities and is President of the Bowmanvillc Chamber of Com- merce and the Bowmanville iKnsmen Club. He is beginning lis, second terms as a member o! thc Bowmanville Public Sdhool Board, and lie las also been very active in tic local badminton and tennis clubs. He is assisted in opcrating bis business by Murray Larmer, w-ho lias been xvith the store for the past year. The Screech Owl The B.H.S. junior, basketball team really bit their stnide last week trounicing Port Hope 55- 24. Led by Fowler witli 27 points the other scorers werel Cowling, Il points, Manlow 9 points and Richards and Lunn with 4 eacli.% The bantams, howeven, thaugli sliowing improvement, couldn't overcome thc Part Hope oppo- sition and lost their game 29- 20. Smith, wio got anc of tlie tîree baskets in their fa.3t game, lieaded thc Bowmanville point-getters witli 12 points. Wcnry was ncxt with 6 and T. Cramp tallied for 2. By ail means turn out for the neturn match with Port Hope in the gym this Fridav at tliree thirty. The teams will be displaying their new uni- forms (very. very) and will1 probably put on quite a show themnselvcs. The bantams havei ta xvin this anc ta keep their chances at the championship alive. In Pickering, on January 21, tlie senior and junior girls' basketball teams successfully opposed O.C.V.I., OC.CI. and Pickering with four wins, a tic and anc defeat ta w-incý. up on top of tie finst round o! inter- sdhooi competition. O.CV.l.1 came second and was followed1 by O.C.C.I. and then Picker-C dmu W A -,JI ing. Thc Senior tcam lost theiri a mu .I'. *IoId first game, tied the second anc and won the last anc, while the aur Metn juniors wenc victoniaus in alJnuay Me1n tlirec. The teams will visit the Thc Cadmus W.A. and W.M. home sdhool of ecd participant S. met at the -home of Mmu and tic juniors and seniors1 George Johnston's oié Tucsday ecd play threc games per en- gagement. * *evenin. Jan. l8thrswith the~ Tli SudetsConclfr Gray in te chair. wards a ncmindcd ta make The meeting opened by tliosc DATES for thc 'At singing the theme sang and fol- Home' early sa the girl friend1 lowed by liymns. Mrs. Hutton won't FIG une voti're a PRUTNE led in pràyen. Mns. Marwvood and start RII arsga. McKec led the devotional per- iodItIe theme bcing "A Ne Ycar". Mie oril H spial Minutes o! last meeting were MemoialHosptal rcad and approvcd, and the rail cali xvas answcred by pay- w eekly Report ing aur dues for anather ycar. There wcree sevenal thank you For the week of Jén. 16 23j cards read. Admissions------------------ ---- 3 The ladies decided ta have Birtîs-5 male, 2 female . - a crokinole party in the base- Disdliarges -------- - 4 nient of the dutrci on Thurs- MVajor operations- ---- 6 day evening o! this xveek, Jani. Minor operations ----- 13 97. ith Mrs. Sameils ta look Emergency treatments -----10 âher the- taliy cards. These facts are published week- Th rgancsitd o ly n a efor toacuait tisreadings by Mrs. Larmer, Mrs. community with the setrvices o! Mielton and Mrs. Passant, and aur liospital. music by Bernice Larmen, a contest gîven by Mrs. Les "Did yau say Sandy wa-s a Joînsion w-as won by Mrs. Nor- famous after-dinner speaker?"1 man Rolirer. "Ave, le is that. lie ave nman-! Lunch was served by the ages tae lie speakin' on the tel-1 ladies of the group and 'a spe- ephoiie w-hen 14le waiter brings . cip] thanks to Mis. Jolinstan the bll!" !for- the us-e of lier home. You Are Cordîally Invîted 's. To Inspect Our Completely REMODELLED STORE Open ing 'Thursday, January 27 HOOPERJewellery and HOPE'S Gift Shop ;iil SPECIAL I OGILVIE CHOCOLATE CAKE MIX 16-oz pkg 29< SPECIAL ! CRISCO b33c PRODUCI SPICIALS TEE CANADUN STATTZMAN. BOMMANVMR. ONTARIO ýTHUMMAV, :AN. 27th, 1955 PAGE Trnm