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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1955, p. 6

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PAGE six T~CNDA TTSA.B~AVLE NA! HRDY A.2t,15 Mi. and Mis. Alan Duesbuiy, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mis. Jack Hudson and Jim. Mr. and Mis:' L. Pears, Bow- manvil.le, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bail on Sunday. Mr. Jim Hardy, Port Dover, upent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer, Xendal, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lux-, ton and family, Bowmanville, were supper guests on Sunday with Mu. and Mus. Heîîy Mer- cer. Mis. Aithur Saundeis, Bow- manville, visited Mis. Ja-ki Reid.1 Public Schaol Teachers of Clarke Township held theirl mnonthly meeting et Orono; school last week. Slides w"eie shown by Mi. G. M. Linton. Mis. Bradley, Sittsville, is, visiting Mi. and Mis. Donald McGee. Mi. and Mis. A. Keane and Mi. Sam Kes-ne, Oshawa, visit- ed Mis. J. H. Morris on Sun- Clay. _n .rs. L. Hooey spentMonday Mrs. Dupis, Windsor, is staying with her daughter, Mrs. Ken Tolmie and farnÀfly. Mi. Tolmie is attending the Ranger School at Dorset, which is spon-I sared by Dept. of Lands and Forests. is. T. Williams, Bowman- ville, visited Mis. A. Harris. Mi. Ken Hall, Toronto, visit- ed Mis. Joe Hall on Satuîday. Mi. and Mis. Harold Awde, Donald and Neil Awde, Toron- to, visited Mis. Chas. Awde and Mis. Meneilley on Sunday. Mis. Gaînet Gamsby, BilI and Judy, Kingston, spent the ,week-end with Mus. Robert Alin. Miss Audrey Billings, Osh- awa, spent the weekend with Mi. and Mrs. Caîl Billmngs. Mi. and Mus. Haîîy Mercer in Toronto on Thuîsday and Mi. and Mis. R. R. Waddell, re- tuîned home with them. Mis. Leslie Alldîed was in Toronto on Monday. Mis. Victor Robinson spent a few days in Toronto. Mu. Madison Hall, Mi. and Mis. Jim Tamblyn, spent Mon- day in Toronto. Mi. and Mis. Carl Flintoff and daughiters, Oshawa, visit- cd Mi. and Mis, O. Cowan on Sunday. Mi. and Mis. A. E. West, Mr. and Mis. R. West and family, Mi. Dean, Keith and Ronnie WTest, weîe dinneir gucsts of Mr. and Mis. Harold Dean last week. Mi. end Mis. Neil Wood, Gal and. Sandra, Lakefield, Mis. Geo. Cuowtheu and Jamie, Newca.stle, visited Mi. and Mis. Chas. Wood. Mr. and Mis. Chas. Reesai and George, Maîkham, visitcd Mis. M. Sheiwin and Lauirence. At Orono United Church next Sunday, January ath at Il o'clock. Service for oui Sport friends, held undei the auspi- cess of the Orono Ouphans Hockey Club and the Chuich. The guest speaker will be the Fiîst Vice-President of the Ontario Hockey Association, Mu. Frank Buckland, of Peter- borough. Ail membeis o! the veriaus Oîono Spart Orgenize- tians are coîdially lnvited to join us in the service. Mus. Donald McGee gave eý shower in the faim of a tîeas- uic hunt et heu home Satuîday evening for Miss Joan Black, 1 -oý NyaI Creophos Stops stubborn bronchial coughs Builds up your system Large bole, 1.25 Home Permanents Cold Breakers New Self-timing Tont 1.15 Groves Prom, takes every time 1.75 Bromo-Qulnine -.49c, 19e Bobbi -______ 1.75 Pyrithin Comp - 5e Hudnut's New Quick 1.75 Laxacold ____35e Buekley's Capsules 35c, 75e Tonnetle for Chlldren 1.75 Chase's Brand Tabs 59c, 1.49 Tout Curlers_____ 1.29, 4-Way Cold TabasO3c, 59a Buceiy ia i ds Jack & 3111 Medicine Vtmn Pous for eoughs à0 - 85o Wampole's Extract - 1.25 500 Sevott's Emulsion 1.00, 2.00 Mason's SeoWts Emulsion White Pin. 409" Caps 1.65, 3.00 and Tar 500 750 Neo Chemical Food-6e 50e 75c Capsules 1.65, 2.95, 6.60 60 Llquid- 1.55, 3.35, 5.90 Pinex Chase's Enerjets _ 5.95 Robert's Syrup Haliborange 1.00, 1.75, 3.25 Syrup 300 - 850 Aiphamettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 75o ROT WATERI BOTTLES 1 SACCHARIN TABLETS Guarntee grain - 19c, 55c, 79o 1.29 - 1.79 - 2.19- 2.49 1/ grain - 23c, 65e, 98o Geriiol for iired blood - 1.35, 3.29', 5.49 COWLING'S PHONE MA 3-5695 WE FIT TRUSSES Oshawa. Mis. Cecil Jones is visiting I 'O arn C u ch R po Mr. and Mus. Don Stephens and Mis. H. Murray, Mis. J. Me-s H. E. Milîson attcnded thba-P get tBeehive eebekah o e, 0f Gand le.Tuesdey evening. n l D e a t e t Sisteu Meta Priestley, Piesident"i a t e ' r m n sn of GandLodge, wes guest ofA honou. The Annual Congçiegational fidence in the minister was Meeting of the Orono Unite.d expîessed, and Mi. and Mis.c Chuîch wves held in the Sun- Kitchen were lnvited ta con- . O rono St. Saviours day School auditorium on tinue on the charge for can-V Monday evening, Januaiy 24, other yeaî. A iccommendiition H old Annual with the minister, the , Rev. by the Officiai . Board,anad Johntry Meetingesidng. T airen ed tin mad e aten Vestr Meeing mmber and dhernts o thein Mi. Kitchen's salaiy, n The annuel Vestîy meeting chuîch. cieasing the transportation al-c of St. Siu" Anglican Afteî a short devotional ex. lowance by $200.1 A o! t.eucise the business of the ev- A pleasing feature of the dayr evnici Jenîy 12 ani en ing was enteied upon. En- evening was the gift of an en- fi thye atennce hawer 1,dthe uueging reports weie given velope conteining a sum of! coneationdn el.icpesente on the past yeei's activities money ta Mis. Kitchen and Wigrtbvi. Dwewdnee nte by the Session, the Tiuztee whlch was suitebly replied ta.T cihiu andM. DP. H. in thn Board, the Board of Stewards, Mis. Kitchen is expecting toa cair nds Mr.tîyPou H evn-1 W.A.. W.C.T.U. and the choir. leave for Norway early in thev ing, the business was s? ooh- The Sunday Schaal repaît sumTmer ta visit her aged ly disposed of, end a few gave a membeuship of 150 with parents.L changes made in the existing 13 officeis and teachers, and At the meeting thanks were a list of officers, the new list an averege attendence of 108. expressed toa ah those who being as follaws: The Building Committee, contributed s0 much duîingm Rectou's Warden, Mi. F. j. having campletcd its work and the past year ta the ceîîying N Hall-, Peaple's Warden, Mî1r.bringing in their report for the on of the woik af the chuîch George Mouton; Lay Delegates lest time, îefeîîcd ta the fact - in the little things as weilla ta Greet Chapter, Mi. P. H. thet we have now a debt-free as in the laîgeî- things. This F Hinton, Mi. Robert Morton; chuich following e "Blitz" Congiegetional Meeting was Rectors Sidesmen, Mu. K. lier- campaign in the spîing of 1954. ane af the bcst held in recentv an, Mi. P. H. Hintan; Lay- when $1,535.00 was then yeaîs. Theîe wes a spirit of J D el1eg a te ta Synad, M.ruaised and the martgage on happy fellowship, and ail cen- George Morton; Substitute, the ehurch buuned. teîcd in the woik and respan-N Mr. P. H. Hinton; Envelope The treasureu of the M. & M, sibility of this, what hes be-V Secîeteiy, Mus. Graharn; Aud- Fund îeported an increese of came indeed, a ucal commun- itou, Du. R. J. Taggart; Sunday $113 ta thet fund. Cantribu- ity chuich. Following th:i Schaol Treasurer, Mis. M. tions weue 'also sent ta the benediction, lunch was seivedh Moris, Press Repuesentative, Bible Society, the Tempeî- by members of the congrega- P Mus. C. E. Grant. ance Fedeîetion, the Huiricane tion. a On campletian o! the busi- Relief Fund and the Landon ness adjustments, eveiyone pue- Rescue Mission. sent canveyed biîthday wishes Mr. W. J. Riddell, treasuici ta Mrs. Heih Muriay after e of the chuuch, wcnt into detail surprise puesentation of a veîy of the chuuch's finances and pretty cup and saucer from the gave a splendid repaît show- W.A. members. ing receipts af $8,477.09 and The cvcning wes ended with exýpenditure of $7,026.21, leav- an enjoable cup of tea and ing a balance at the end o! refueshmcnts which included the year of $1,450.78. Mus. Muriay's birthday cake, The membership of the servcd by the ladies o! the chuîch stands et 262 with 68i W.A. Mu. K. Heran took aveu non-resident membeis. Receiv- bis new duties as caietaker of cd duîing the yeer on Puo- thc cbuuch made evident by fession of Feith 12, Beptisms the comfautable wermth of the 28, Marriages 10, and Burîals ~ îaam. entered on the church re-f gister 26. n: ~*' During the year six panels nTITITT1TIV of stained glass memorial wîn- . **c. ". daws weîe plaed in the - EARL GRADY church and dedlcated. A lovely set of Maas Tubular Chimes A resident af Hamilton Mr. weie puesented by an anony. Earl Gîady died on Tuesdgy mous dopai and dedicated. afteinoan, Januaiy l8th. The Mu. W. E. C. Woîkman, who deceased wes an cmplayee o! hes given sa geneîausly of bis the Hamilton Steel Milîs and time and talent in assisting reccntly had been in iii health. with the choir was remnember- Mr. Gîady leaves ta mouin cd with a taken gi!t. Ilis death, his wlfe. the former Membeuship ini the Boards Mary Armstrong of Orono; of EIders, Trustees and Stew- Hariy o! Part Arthur and ards weîe edjusted in view of George of the United Stetes deeths and retirement during Aîmy, also thîce daughteîs,I 1954, and new repiesentatives Daîlene of Simcoe, Pet of!1ta Pîresbyteuy appointed. Toledo and Ruth of Dundas. Al A unenimous vote of con-4 son Jonn was killeci in action1 during World War II. The funeral service was held in Hamilton on Thursday ev- ening. Friday afternoon, Jan. 21st, a service was helà at the Lang Memoîlal Chapel, Orono. Interment Orono Cemetery. KENDAL Mrs. D. Low visited in Toron- to this past week and returned home with Miss Joyce Low when she came for the week- end. Harvey MacInnis, Trenton Air Station, and Mrs. N. McKay spent a few days wîth Mr. and Mrs. R. Mercer and left Thurs- day to visit Rev. and Mrs. Mac- Innis, Beaverton. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes and Gloria visited with Mrs. Luxon and Marion, ais9 Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Sunday. Sunday guests with Mil and Mis. Percy Buîley were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Buîley, Raymond Ronnie and Bobby, Port Hope; Spencer Burley. Mrs. D. Van- natto and Cecil, Mr. and Mis. Earl Burley, Barbera and Shar- on. Miss Audrey Graham, Burke- ton, spent the week-end with Announcin g... A NEW SERVICE for Bowman ville and District O1* Burner Service and Furnace Cleaning Service For prompt, efficient service, cal LEO PHONE MA 3-3658 MUTTON BOWMANVILLE 14 LIBERTY ST. N. Miss Joyce Buriey. Mi. and Mus. Wm. Mercer visited Sunday afternoon wlth Mu. and Mus. Wnt Wannan and Mis. Pattersan, and weîe veiy glad ta sec Mus. Patterson up aîound again end looking se well. The Kendal Girls' Stitch ln Time Club held their meeting Mainday evening with six girls present at the home of Mis. Luxon. The girls aie making a blouse. Paît of the time was spent on their recoud books. They aie ta practice rnaking button-holes before their next meeting. The Ouangemen held enother successful dance in the Hall on Friday cvening, with an ochestra fîam Oshewa supplying the music. Mr. and Mis. W. Mercer weîe dinner guests Sunday evening with Mu. and Mis. Haiiy Meîc- er, Orono. Friends and neighbouis ai this district joined the many who gathcued et Orono United Chuuch on Wedncsday, Jan. 19 fou the funeral seuvice o! Neil Steiker Stewart, who pessed ewey suddenly et bis home Sun- day evcning, in bis 5tb yeaî. The service was conducted by Rev. S. J. Pike, assisted by Rev. J. Kitchen, Orono, and Rev. Fisheu o! Newcastle, wbo spoke veuy sincerely of his associatians with Neil, wha had been ougen- ist et Newcastle for five years, as weli as instructor o! music in the scbools for many yeaus. The lest rites o! the Masonic. Oudeu weue pcîfoumed under the leadership of Rt. Wau. Bua. Chas. B. Tyrrell. The bank of beaut- iful floweus surounding Neil bespoke the higb esteem in which he wes held by ail with whom he ceme in contact. Deep- est sympethy is cxtended ta bis twTa sisters, Catherine, et home, and Jean, Mus. G. E. Lofthouse, Oshawa. Interment at Orono Cemeteuy. ENNISKILLEN1 Mirs. Verna Wood, Toronto,; spent the weekend with her' parents, Mr. and Mrs. S . R. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. N. Wright, and Mvrs. Martha Wright, were din-1 ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry. Mrs. Harold Mills, Shirley, Chester and Bruce, were dinner guests di Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry. Mr. and Mis. Reg. Wearing and Rickey, Thornhill, spent the weekend with Mr. and1 M'rs. W. H. Moore.1 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Acton, j llxbridge; Mr. Fred Stannard,' Oshawa, weîe at Mr. and Mrs. A~. L. Wearn's.1 Mr. and Mis. L. Stainton and family were with Mr. R. Hopes and Mr. C. Milis, Port Peîîy. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater, Tommy and Georgiei with Mr. and Mrs. M. Tabb, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. D. Yeo and Laina, Oshawa, were with Mr. and Mr§. G. Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt with Mr. and Mis. Gordon Mfarks, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill and Reva at Mr. and Mis. Fred Billett's, Scarboro Bluffs. Miss Joan Grawburgeî is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Joe Stevenson. Mr. Roy Spry, Rochester, N. Y., visited Mr. and .Mrs. E. Wright. Mr. and Mis. Lorne LamD visited Mrs. W. J. Stainton at Mir. and Mis. Gaînet Towns', Peterboro, also, were with Mr.1 and Mis. W. Lamb, Caesarea.' y LA I Mr. and Mis. Walter Oke! EW O IL at Mr. and Mis. Bruc~e Ash- E T N IL ton's, Purple Hill. Air. and Mrs. Adamn Shar,: Mis. Robert Uîry, Ottawa, is with Mr. and Mis. Wilfîed.ispending a few days with her Sanderson, Columbus. sister, Miss Minnie Rendall. Mr. and Mis. Frank Hall.1 Mrs. Grece Wade, Willowdale; Oshawa; Mrs. John DorlandIMr. and Mrs. Jack Haskjll and with Air. and Mrs. F. Doîland., son Stephen and Mis. Hakl's Mr. and Mis. Russell Coates, m nother, Mrs. M. Steven oL. Mr. Murray Coates, Mrs. Lorne!Torontoý weîe week-end visitorffl Dufi, Mu. and Mrs. Cortenay with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Graham, Purple Hill, wereL re- Ai. and Mrs. George Engle- cent visitors of Mr. and Mis. hart and daughter Sharon of Fred Toms. IBronte with Mr. and Mus. Mur- The flu geîm and cold haveljray Porter on Sunday. vlsited meny homes'here. Ms e reHgln Mr. nd Ms. M J. obbsCreek, spent a few days with were Sunday guests of Mr- Mr. and Mis. Sid Brown. and Mrs. W. G. Pascoe, Bow- Congratulations to Mrs. Chas. 1%. menville. Reid of Toronto who celbuated Mi. and Mrs. Gerald Sharpe, heu 8lst biuthday on Sunday. Linda and Elinor, Oshawa,.%"s- Heu daughteu and son-in-law ited Mr. and Mus. Geo. 1rwin. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wooý Mi. and Mis. Bruce Ashton,, went up for the occasion. Leîuy. Doris and Dennis, of Mr. and Mirs. Roy Hall and Purpie Hill; Mr. and Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Heard, Bow- J. Bragg and Allen, Provid- maniville, and Mr. and Mrs. ence, at O. C. Ashton's. Mark Marchant, Meple Grove, C.G.I.T. meeting ln the S.S. were Sundey guests with Mr. îoom of the church on Satur- and Mis. Roy Hall. day, Jan. 29th, at 2:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Watteîs The Christian Youth Sunday and son Bruce, Oshawa, with service will be February l3th Mu. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce. at 7:30 in the chuîch. There Mr. Earl Walkey is in Toronto wvill be a guest speaker and this week attending a course of special music. instruction supplied by The BOJJ Our play "Happiness Aheed" Telephone Co. for employees or had its 30th performance etcnncn cmaes the new community hallat The annual congregationel Sicervice Clbme.a meneeting of the United Church Servce Cub mt atthewill be held in the basement this home of Mrs. J. Sienion ofl jThursday evening. Jan. l8th with il present.1 Lunch was served by Mrs. Hl. Milîs, Mrs. J. Mulligan, Mus. P. 1 An Aberdonlan took the poc- Ellis and hostess. A rummage'kets from his old suit to his sale is planned for next meet- tailor and asked himn if he couid ing at Mus. A. Werry's on Fb fit them into his utility suit as lst. they weîe stili as good as newl 1 0 This ls the. final week of our January Sale. Don't fail to take advantage of these outstandlng velues. Cnt food costs - Shop here! SLICED or UNSLICED- Fresh Daily Richmello Bread - 24-oz. lbaf 15. PEE-RESSD - OUNG Three Logg.di CHICKENS SPECIAL, PACKAGE IDEAL Lb. MANWSING'S BISCUIT PEATURE CHOCOLATE MALLOWS 49C Om eExtra Legt Ia Baeb Chieken - Ail at Ihis 14w Prie DELICIOUS FLAVOUR DEVON OR DAISY SIDE BACON 20-Bise. Pkg. .33c FANCY - CREAM STYLE STOKE LY'S CORN 15-oz. 2for 27C Feature Christian Youth Week Here MONARCH - SWEET - 16-oz. Spcil ctaiie replannecl M I X ED on!aadan Churcstin dfoIC LSr3 Christian Youth Week begin- ning Sunday, Jnuary 30. The P C L cation o! the . Canadien Coun- cil of Churches, spansors of Christian Youth Wcek, have chosen "One Fellowship in OCEAN KING FANCY RED Christ" as the theme. In Sundey and mi-ec programmes of C.G.T.T. guaups, t TalRangers, Tuxis, Young- OKY Peaple's and simiier organiza- tions, the church gives in - struction and traininALM ON Christian service. The therneI coe so! importance in ta- S MN day's worid wheîe toaften "divide and conquer" seems ta be the slogan.1 Trinity C.G.I.T. plan tb have j 12,s tin- a pan the theme in the1c window of Stuart R. James'i insurence office. Citizens are 1 urged ta watch for it and re- 1 membeî the training of Christ- Values effective Thursday, Fîiday, Saturday, ian youth.1 i ~~January 27 -28 -23 7eo OntarioPk No ooking - POTATOES 10()Lbs. 39c Florida - No. 1 - Long Green CUCUMBERS 2 FOR 25lc RICHMELLO CHEESE 'S LI CES 8-oz. pkg. 25c DOMINION 1- 49c Peamneal - e -Lean C07iTAGE ROLUS Lb. 45c B3oneless - Swift's VEAL ROASTS Lb,. 39c STUART HOUSE REGULAR Margarine-%1 One Pound Packagesf FOR d47 4: STORES LTD. BOWMANVILLE. ONT. A motauist should always ap- proach a school slowiy-asi he did when he was a child.-The Knitty Spoke. La Jara. Coloça4io. DRUG' STORE DE VON SAUSAG E One Lb. - r THURSDAY, JAN. 27th, 1953 THZ CANADIAN STATESMAN. BO'% %ANVUM. ONTARI.0 il W oopwo--- myý

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