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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1955, p. 11

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TILURZDAY. FEB. 3rd. 1953 THE CANADLIN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ne __________PAGE X1EVHN Wee Canadiens in Good Form * %UNOR HOCKEY Saturday morning to defeat the Pee Wee second place Cornets 13-0. The * I Huskies could do no wrong. The Pce Wees once againi This is not an indication#«f the ."ipa3-d a full siate of games strength of either team. The ç cn Saturday morning at the Cornets were way off their heLeafs won the first con-1 The last place Tigers claw- test 5-1 and cernented thcir ed the first place Cuba 4-1 in hold on second place in the a fast Bantam game. The ].er-ue standing. Tigers are improving fast and The Pruins defeated the last: sbould give any team trouble * ýplaLe Hawks 2-0 ta keep their lin the playoffa. first place margin of two Bantam Standings points They were bard pressed 1. Cuba 'the lowly Hawks, who are j 2 Cornets improving with each outing. 3. Huskies The Rangers battled the Red1 4. Tîgers Wings ta a 2-2 draw in a close Little NH.L. -contest. The faurth place Red1 :Wîngs were pushed aIl out tu- The Canadiens defeated the' corne up with their'draw. Hawks Saturday night in a1 Pee lVee Standings close 2-1 contest. The Canad- 1. Buinsiens were hard pressed for I. Buinatheir win and came up with 2. Leafs their winning goal in the final, 3. Canadiens minute of play. 3. Red Wings ~' 4. Rangers 5. Black Hawk, HIGH SCHOOL CLASS Town League Miller's Taxi continued their :Iong undefeated streak in the "Town Hockey League last ,qbursday, nigbt by downing ,'ront Street 9-6, wbile Cour- ,,ice f ook a firm grip on second ,klace in the loop by edging the zFUoresteÉs .6-4. J Bill Ellis led the scoring pa- iade foi the Taximen, notching ~our goals, while Jack White- Ian anti Morley Richards were close behind with two goals .!rpiece. -im Cox contributed a iingle goal to the score sheet. 'rhe Front Street goals were Nvell distibuted with Ray Pres- ton, Jack Parker, Don Bisbop, ]Ray Tuepah, Chuck Kilpatrick ,,end- Iip Richards ail sconing ïingletons. Jlohnson Leads CourtUe. Bob Johnson was the tap *jàand for Courtice i their 6-4 win over the Faresters, picking up' two goals. Barry Johnson, Bob Muir, Ray Osborne and Glen Pickeii ail added single tallies. For the Foresters Bob Craig, Larry Dewell, Jiggs Colwing end Jim Levitt were the scor- ers. Tbe Courtice - Foresters game was very cleanly played with only two penalties hand- J ed out-both ta orie CHORAL SOCIETY The local choral society will make their initial out-of-town appearance at the Eglinton United Church on Sunday ev- ening, Feb. 13th. Choral Dîrector Hugb Martin arrAnged the guest appearance for the group. The society isJ counting on a one hundred per cent attendance for its fîrstj outing.J B. Bates Has High Triple Legion Bowling Bill Bates rolled the high triple of 743 in Legion League bowling last Wednesday rîight and Ernie Perfect had the high single of 315. Bates' team la still in first place with 18 points and 12,313 pins. Bill Bates--- 18 12313 Rosa McKnight -' 17 12506 Frank Samis - 17 12497 Doug Taylor il 11530 Jim Pair -___ il 115131 Ernie Perfect 10 115391 £**.WITH ALL-TOURIST STRATOCRUISERS LET US BOOK YOU TO IRITAIN on the finui and only transatlantic tounist service by spacious, quiet double.deck Stratocruiser witb downstairs lounge. Enjoy run-of-the-plano freedom, and meols at no added cost. il yB0A 4*JURY &LOVELL PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMAN VILLE Jury& Loveli Phone MA 3-5778 Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Although boasting no Rocket Richards or Boom- lef t to right: Coach George Perfect, John Terhune, Allan Boom Geoffrions, the Pee Wee Canadiens of the Bow- Woodlock, Gary Ormiston, Paul Hancock and Arthuri manville Minor Hockey Leagues, shown above, are play- Foran. Absent when the picture was taken were Manager ing good, sound hockey. Front row, lef t to right: Blain Murray McKnight, Monty Emmerson, Allan Brock and Pickard, Dave Higgon, Captain Alex Wiseman. Rear row, Wayne Ray. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port H-ope Averages Bill Bates -- Pete Dobbins George Elliott Ross McKnight Frank Samis______ E. Ballantine-_____ Jack Geddes ______ Ernie Perfect- Syd Murdoch _____ Art Brooks ____ C. McDonald _____ Morley Etcher ____ M. Conway - - Jim Woodward_____ Bob Hayes Tom Graham ____- Stu Jarvie - __ Frank Burns ___ Doug Taylor Cliff Anderson___ G. Perfect ___ Jack Martyn J. Newman ___ J. Barclay - Farmers Union 'Hold Meeting At Enniskillen An organizational meeting of the Ontaria Farmers' Union was held at the cammunity hall, Enniskillen, Jan. 27 witri Albert V. Cormack, President of the Union, as speaker. Panity Prices for Farmera, National Producer Controlled Livestock Marketing Board, and United National Farm Voice, were three of the main planks on which the Union is built, stated the speaker. Mr. Cormack claîmed the farmers have every ight ta receive a price, as worded in the Agicultural Support Act- a pnice in fair relationship between the returns for agri- culture and those from other occupations. A National Producer con- trolled livestock marketing board is a dire necessity. Man- itoba and Saskatchewan now have a producer controlled plan, entailing cattle, sheep and swine, and now is ready for a plebiscite vote of pro- ducers. Ontario is lagging away bebind. We have no national farm voice stated Mr. Cormac and neyer had. The farm voice of the Western Provinces is the voice of the Farm Unions. He called on the Ont. Fed. of Agri. ta join hands with the Union ta form a National Voice. OBITUARY A. J. McKenzie Penfound A well known resident of South Darlington and distriut for many years, A. J. McKen- zie Penfound died at the home- of bis daughter, 181 Coldstrearn Avenue. Toronto, January 30, in bis 81st year. He had been in failing health for two years. Born in Darlington Township on Aprîl 28, 1874, the deceased Jwas a son of the late John and Mary Penfound. Prior ta mav- ing ta Toronto two years ago Ihe bad lived aIl his life in the vicinitv of Oshawa. By trade Mr. Penfound was an electric- ian. Mr. Penfound was a memb- of Christ ian Science Church.! Healso wvas a member of Sun shine Rebekah Lodge. Cori n-1 thian Lodge, I.O.O.F.; Ontario fEncampment, No. 11, and was a major in the Cantons. Mr. Penfound was prede- ceased by his first wife, the; former Mary Charlotte Van i Nest. in 1939. He is survived by his second wife, the forn-.r Mlaude Howard. whorn he ma- ried in 1951 and one daUghter Mrs. J. W. Sleeth. of Toronto. Funeral serv:ce xvas held a' the Luke - -.cIlntosh FUneraI Home Feb. Ist, followed OV interment i n Bowrnnfv;lI,' Cemeter \. S. G. Sav,:well. lav vor-or of St Stephoz% tn'e Chuireh .coud rte- t'h. r- ci- uce; canada !S on*ý of ti9 o1? fargest prodcu:-s and ~ c electricity on a per capita ba'sis. Rundle's Team Leads Major Bowling League Second Sehedule Standing at1 Team Rundle Taylor - Bates --___ Bagnell- Fair Brock. Slemon Little McKnight- Milne-- Cancilla End of 4th Week 1 Naine Pius 13265 13247 13030 12888 12993 12647 12341 12305 12514 13360 12739 12333 OBITUARY PREDERICK R. ARNOTT Frederick Richard Arnott, aged 59 years, died suddenly at bis homne, 16 Fair Ave., Lindsay, on January 24th. Born in Manvers Township, in the Fleetwood district, forth of Bethany vil- lage, he was the only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Simon Arnott. In early life he was a farmer, later going to Lindsay where he became a well known salesman of farm macbinery and impie- ments. In eanly life he was a member of Fleetwood Metbodist Church, taking an active part in ail the affaira of that com- munity. About 13 years ago he suffered an illness which lef t him in a paralytic condition. Despite this handicap, he was a familiar figure attending ail Lindsay events in his wheel chair. His cheerfulness through suffering was something to marvel at. Death came suddenly on Mon- day, shortly after eating his evening meal. He is survived by bis wife, the former Lillian Patton, and one sister, Mrs. Clarence Neals (Jessie) of Bethany. Funeral service was beid at the Mackey Funerai Home, Lind- say, with interment in River- side Cemetery. Averages Games Ave. Jîm Fair -_____ 12 236 Jack Knight 12 234 Bill Polley 12 229 îErnie Perfect 12 227 îGeorge Elliott ___ 9 227 Norm O'Rourke - 12 226 John Graham___ 12 224 Elton Brock____ 12 224 Frank Blunt - 12 222 Bill Westlake 12 219 George Piper 12 219 Bill Bates 12 219 Bob Stocker____ 12 218 Bruce Milne____ 6 215 Bert Engley 12 214 Ross McKnight- 12 213 AI Osborne ---___ 9 213 Bob Williams ___ 12 212 Ted Bagnell 12 211 Dr. Howard Rundie 12 21il Wilber Craig 12 209 Russ Halîman - 12 208 Jack Lander ___ 12 208 Jack Coole ____ 12 207 Reg. Heanle 12 207 Murray Larmer - 12 206 Murray Tigbe 12 205 Pat Yeo--- 12 205 Dick Little ____ 12 205 Bill Hearle 12 204 Bill Oke--------12 204 Karl Bickell 12 203 Ab Piper 12 203 Doug Taylor - 12 203 Bill Oliver 12 202 Mel Dale 12 202 Morley Vanstone- 12 202 Jack Gay 12 201 Ray Fry 12 201 Ron Richards - 12 200 Russ Oke ___ 12 200 Jim Callan -____ 12 200 An Aberdonian promnised bis wife a circular tour and took ber on a roundabout. Friend.: "How's the baby keeping?" McGubbin: "He's coming on wonderful. Last nigbt he was crying, and when the wife. got up he said: 'Give me a penny and VII1 go ta slee"I want some Gas - Oit - Water .. and make it snappy, Bud!0 Wýe've yet to sec a car that could speak for itself . . . but our service speaks for itself to ail motorists who appreciate çoimpctence and courtcsy. If this means y ou, drive up! 'tý Cau-mnnville 72 Scu-oi: St. Newtonville W.A. Will Compile History of Group Newtonville W.A. held thefr flrst meeting of the new year at the home of Mrs. C. Brown on Jan. 26th. In the absence of the president Mrs. S. Lan- caster, Mrs. E. Walkey took ]Business Direclory Àccouniancy WM. .IH. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 64 King St. E. Bownianville (Above Garton's Bus Station) Phone MA 3-3612 J7. HUNTER AND COMPANY Certified Publie Accountants 64 King Street E. Oshawa 5-1621 Successors to O. S. H-obbs C h ir opr ac fi c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Office: Chiropractor Specialty Paper Products Bldg. 63 Temperance Street Phone MA 3-5509 Office Houes: By Appointment Dent al DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Office IHours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. dally 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Ciosed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23- King St. E. - Bowmanvflle Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 daiiy 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday . Closed Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 L egal1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barnisters, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike. Q.C. A. A. H. Stnike, B.A. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanvllle Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 JOHN REGAN, B.A. Barrister Notary Public 33' Temperance St., Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3292 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanville Op fo m eitry KEITH A. BILLE'rr Optometrist 141 King St. E. - Bowm-anvllle Telephone MA 3-3252 jOffice Hours: 9 amn. to 6i o.m Monday ta Saturdav excepi Wednesday, 9 - 12 Evenings by Appointrnent JOIIN A. OVENS Optometrist Turv & Love!] i%'rranville -Plire M.% 3-e73 J ~ ARTHUR itCOL! ISON PhueMArket 3-3900 the chair. The minutes of the1 Mrs. C. Brown. last meeting were réad and; Mrs. Porter read the 'f irizt approvei. 'The treasurer's rc-, part of the devotional lIeaflet. port showed a satisfactory bal Mrs. Truman Henderson gava ance on hand. Many thank you the scripture reading follow- cards were read. ce by the 2nd part oi the de- Mrs. C. Burley offered to votional and prayer taken byr sort out, and make a complete Mrs. G. McCullough. history of the Wornen's Asso-ý Mrs. Chatterton of Orono, fa- 1 ciation if ail the back books. vored with two solos. The available were turned over to , guest speaker of the evening h er. Mrs. Howard Ormistoai was Mrs. Jim Tamblyn, a]so read a list of the groups for of Orono, who gave a very vi- the coming year. It was moved vid, and interesting talk on W. to have Mrs. Gilmer look af- A. work, citizenship, happiness ter securing a piano tuner for and our everyday Ilfe in con- the Sunday school piano. It nection wîth our church. Mrs. wvas decided te cater for the Pôrter gave a humorous read- Massey Harris and Ferguson ing. demonstration at S. J. Lancas- After repeating the Mizpah ter's, on Feb. 11h benediction, Mrs. Brown and The meeting was turned over ber group served a deliciou's to the devotional convenor, lunch. Core ne u nd se, s MRLLLY NEW Ronge.! Mason & Date HARDWARE MA 3-5408 Bowmanville se KIug st z Bowmanviile MemorialAreria Public Skating 8 Ia 10 p.. FRIDAY, FIS. ADMISSION - - - Aduits 35c, Chlldren 20e Public Skacting 3 Io 5 p.. SATURDAY, F15. a% ADMISSION - - - Aduits 35c, Children 20e 1 Lakesh ore Intermediate HOCKEY SATURDAY, FIS. 5 8:30 p.m. PORT HOPE DOREEN 45 King'st. E Bow manv il REDMEN 80 WMANVILLE BARONS Prior to the game - at 7:45 p.m. Pee -Wee Hockey RANGERS vs. MAPLE LEAFS Admission to both games General Admission and Reserved Seats - 75e Students - --. -------35e Public Skating AD.ALS'iC!l . . . Adul.s 35c, Children 2be *a@@- 14 - 1 ..lit .»e,ýcr ,le ý # 'ffl. 1 "I'l ', .% m 1 MA J-32Ù-1 "A'#'p làJ e

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