g TOUR~E~, TR~ eANADIA1~ STATESMAN; EOWMANVJLLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, P~EB. Srd, l~5 Cordon Àgnew, Edil Social and Mr. and Mrs. George Walton mad Miss Ruth Bonathan re- turned home on Sunday even- i.ng following a five week vaca- tion, spent in.the southern Un- ited States and Mexico. Mr. Jack Rutherford, teller at the local branch of the Bank of Commerce has been transferred to the Avenue Rd. and Dun- blairne Branch in Toronto and his position here has been fi- ed by Mr. Ralph Murray froim Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce and fàmilY visited in Scarbor- ough on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. McMuilen and family. Mr. John Hawley of Lake- view spent the weekend with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gould. Mrs. Hubert McKinley of Sea- ley's Bay returned home on Sunday following a ten da%, visit with her son. Mr. Floyd McKinley and family. It is rumoured the great Lib- erace suffered a severe drop in listener ratîng on Sunday even- ing when our popular Edîtor, Mr,Geo. James took to the air at the same time. It was a reai thrill to hear our editor being commended for his part in es- tablishing the Neighbourly News program which was cele- brating 15 years on the air, and aso to. hear the voice of the man whose written words have been the voice of Durham County for so many years. Con- gratulations Mr. James. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allison, Mr. Chas. Corinaldi, and Mr. Ralph Murray of Belleville and T 1C K ETS TO EVERYWHIERE Air, Rail or Steaniship Consult JUJRY & LOVELL 3owmanville 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 EXEATIRW -DO' Fri., Saf. - Feb. 4, 5 1 Looking1 TELI At the Loi AND ONE YEAR WR! MARC. ELECT DUMC SERVI j'f Televisio SALES - .1 Division St. South wha was honored at Ontario County Flying Club dinner re- cpntly, when lie was presented with the "A. C. Storie" Trophy A/ew cutte 9 p4 u dfor the most efficient graduiate piot during the year, in the club competitions. and the "Grind- for ly" Trophy for spot landing torPhone 3621 çcompetition. He also quaiified for the commercial pilot's licence ànd -private pîlot's licence dur- mng the year. The fourth annual *iembers' dinner, was held ini rIL the recreation hall at the Osha- 1 PersonalOrono Skaing Club-Prepares wa Airport on Stra vn Miss Dorothy Stapleton of Osh- r bnfluai Ic150arnivbeI - ands awa were weekend visitis wit or A n ua Ie IIlII uets Mrs. George Smith.i rn iki etil a lbu ledara rop. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jose, ac- O, n ikI etil i u led eltopr companied by Mr. and Mrs. "bec hive" of activity these The system tis year leaves theKE D L WelntnFarrow hvele! t dasith tefulli hduleo! professional teacher. Diane Wellngtn hve dys he ceu Hambiy, free ta give full timne for a vacation in Flarida. hockey for- the boys and the ta the teaching o! figures te *Mr. and Mrs. Milt Robinsor Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wallaee ambîtious program o! Orono the several g and Mr and Mrca vstd SayCfeL Gasswih and children are living in To- Skating Club for the. figure ska- students. are.ath Mu .Ccimproved ixh ronto for the next few months. ters. Better than usual ice con- Behing the scenes, aithougbh aealth mc mrvdi Mr. and Mrs. J. Dubeau and ditions prevail this winter-and nlot as apparent ta the visiter Mrs. Mary Luxon, Miss Mar- famiiy have moved from King more than 50 young members at the rink. is the feverish ac- ion White and Orvilie Zeaianc street ta a cottage at the Gien of the club are busy training tivity of the committee o! la- visited .Mrs. Patterson and Mr. on the Lakeshore. for the annual Carnival ta be dies preparing the attractive and Mrs. Wm. Wannan, Sun- Mr.andMr. Mugan ndheld on Friday and Saturday, costumes for the event. Mary day. daughter of Toronto, have tak- Fbur 8hadlt. Rtefrtepeiet0 Ivory Little left Friday fora en the upper apartment of the The beginners are getting the club supervises and worlvs holiday in Tuscon, Aritona, U. Smith duplex on King Street. expert instruction from Adele with ahl the committees. *Jean S. where he"will join Max Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Rutledge recentîy Cooper, Caroline Joncs and Allun (Mrs. Vance) is doing a tin, who spent the summer here moved into the îower apart- Mary Ann Armstrong. These wonderful work in charge of with hlm. ment, girls with the expérience o! the costume committee. More Gardon Langstaff, Bill Jack- seven carnivals behind themn about the other committee3 son, Jr., Hughie Westheuser and The Evening Branch o! St. have worked out some spien-, next, week. In the meantime Gib Metcalf spent the week-end George's W.A. met in the Par- did routines for the chihdren, don't forget, spectators are wei- at the latter's hiome at Spruce- ish Hall on January 26th with possibly the youngest o! whom coe at the rink any time the dale and other points north. 16 members in attendance. Foi- is Gordon Hooey just two years, rehearsais are being hcld. Kendai district have had a lowing the opening exercises, a réal taste o! winter this pasi new member, Mrs. Ootjer xvas we.Tusa ihisna wehcomed ta the Branch. The O o oFiDae r.H lnR d l zro temperature ail day, and ing and at the conclusion deli- Se o e t.9 10 Fi-.dsi. lu pelled the idea that aur climate clous refreshmcnts were scrved. rreanpwas getting more tropical. It Mrs. Cecil Carvcth servcd ne- J. Rickard President President For '55 took the snow plows until Mon- cently on the Petit Jury in Co- day ta get the side r'oads ail op- bourg. She reported an inter- Annuai meeting of Directors The first meeting of the year ened up. esting experience but not ex- of the Durham Centrai Agri- was held by the members o! the The Friendship Circle met citing. cultural 'Society was heid Jan. F ri en ds h ip Club in Sun- Tuesday evening January 25 ai Miss Olive Thorne recentîv 24 at Orono, with Carlos Tamn- day S c h o o i Room o! the Starkville with a number frrn entertained at two tables of blyn, president, occupied thc United Church on Wednesdav Kendal présent. The new offi- bridge, chair. Sccretary, J. C. Ganrfcy evening January l9th witli 27 cers were elected. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ca read the minutes. The finan. members and four guests in at- Another of Kendal's forme! have taken up résidence i oper ciai statement was discussed tendance. residents, Henrietta Little, wife J.~~~~ A.Stthomen i afid compared teo the 1953 state- Te15 ieprsdn iso! the late James Henry passed Street East ment which showed a more Evelyn Allun, opened the meet- aaurdat her homien Toont Stee as.successful year in 1954 and an ing with the reading o! a short meatrayinng wt enatmb Mr. and Mrs.-Alden Wheeler ovcrdraft o! 9575 Mr. Tamn- pocm and ail presenýt were ask-. mnt n n o Tuyiestda ate called on friends in the villa-ce bhvn thanked the members for cd ta join in the singing o! the noon. Smpty s e xtnded tce last week enroute frorn Mon- thir lhelp and ca-operation hymn, "Standing at thse Portai". be Trontami TheLenor ysdLimed treal ta Cold Lake, Alberta. Mlr. during the year. The annual report of the club,o!Trn.ThHerslie Wheeler is a recî'eationai dîrec- Jh ikr teddtepeae o rsnaina h where George Mercer ives no'w tan ttaced t theR.C..F. Annuai Fair Board meeting at Congregational meeting of the onf oe the fartattheen Mrs. K. H. Stephenson, R. R. Port Ferry, wherc it was de- church, was read by the secre- o!te street.y oler ta l, Orono. xvas the winner of thL cided ta hoîd the Durham Cen-~ tary', and treasurer. We weMre and Mrto leaornta case o! grapefruit in the draw tral A '1cutua Fair atOrn Duning the business PartOf ath Ml].an Mrs. M cRoberha conduted b Toms I.G.. onSept. 9th and 10th. Mr. Rick- the meeting 1955 officers of the bee npo elhfrsm Store hast week. Mr. George ard stated thiat tîsere are no club svere eîected by secret bal- cie a nd po a elt orsowe Crowther made the draw. fairs in tise district being heîd lot, and it xvas announced that tmeand svMeras take pitalW or those dates. the next meeting would be again on Frlday. Cari Billings and M. H. Sta- lheld on February 9th at 7.15 1Cnrgtoa ples. who are in chorge o! the sharp and ail members were e Congregaionalmetn Heavy Horses, said it wvas the urged ta attend. TasheldCongreational meein hest year yet in that uine. While refreshments were be- aseld n tharescurhGiay a George Carson. in charge o! ing prepared the group eisjoy- afdteronthnes Grc bard wa the classes of Bec! Cattfe ad- cd games conducted by Mrs. addt h hrhbadt vised that the variaus chasses Kay Kimbali and Miss Verne fi the vacancy le!t by Hlarper LA should be roped off for easier Milligan, and during the social Carscaddén's passing. Leonardi liandling. E. A. Summers haur the variaus groups chose Fanhs sucerede Ar t hep tugtthe fiower show at the their graup leaders and it wvas sondays supenintendent o!ache W AN ILEfair hast year was exceptional. also decided ta appoint an as- sundwayschooina aMrs. tant Jac- In thc Field Crop Competi.- l ta each group leader. ganist for the church services. Te-e.tion it was decided this ycar 1955 officers elected were as A letter was read fromn New- bon., T e-e.7.8 ta sponsor bath a siheage corn follows: President. Mrs. Helen tonville requesting Kendai ta and Fall Wheat showing. Rudeill first vice president, Mrs. aîîow them ta have the morn- A motion wvas passed ta pay Marjonie Gray, 2nd vice-presi. ing service at Newtonvillc dur- the annual $12.010 fee ta the dent, Mrs. Betty Brown; secrL- ing the sum-mer from May tai *Ontario Fairs Association and lary, Mrs. Margaret Rudman; October. This was nat agreeable the delegates ta attend thse con- treasurer, Mrs. Marion Jase, ta those présent but it is ta be Il ventinFb -0i oot Group leaders and assistants piaced before the cangregation. wvere Mr. and Carl Bilhings and chosen wcnc as foilows: Group W. A. Meeting Mr. and Mrs. John Rickard. i leader, Mrs. Velma Scott, as- Teana etn !teW New directors for the year sistant, Mils. Jean Aihdread; Ahéva hl e t ing the W.a 1955 are: Hon. Président, Car- group 2 leàder, Mrs. Marjorie Sho om Wdedyatr las Tamblyn; Président, John Patterson, assistant, Miss Ev- onwt h rsdnMs Riekard: ls t Vice, Ross Stevens; chyn Aluin; group 3 leader, Mrs.no ihtepédnMr 2nd Vice, Carl Biliings. Eva Hoar, assistant, Mrs.' Reta Garland Cathcart presiding. The officers wcre re-elected as Fintof!; gnoup 4 leader, Mrs.I follows:Prs - Mrs. Garland I ~~~~Helen Baskerville and assistant, Cahat ltc res. -Ms ' NTON SEEL* SHEILA Si' Durham Suet Mrs. Aithea Laking. .Jatc tapltn vice pres.--s ____________________~ ÂIMrs. Mary Luxon; Secretary- AvvRHRRNKîIAINPRSNAIN W n Top onors i Mrs. R. Eiliott; Assistant-Mrs. Top v4id'iet J. Stapleton: Treasurer-Mrs. Tie 7ad I < 'Local M d t Gardon Martineli; pianist-Mrs. Tm 7an9InPublic .Speaking J. Stapieton: sick visiting cm StudntsfromDuram ount Te r'n v~a es it tee - Mrs. Milt Robinson, Studntsfro Duram ouny Te m M kes Mrs. A. Low; Parsonage coin- Wednes., Thurs., paced second and third in the mittee-Miss Catherine Stew- Februry 9- 10 public speaking contest held at o d at art, Mrs. Milton Robinson and F rar 9 -10 the Kcmptvilie Agicultural G o t r Mrs. N. Kennedy. Two Favourite School on Wednesday o! last The Newcastle Midget Hoc- A hle artime cucheandKen:- Old English Stars week. key Tcam made a good.showing dalnol pry , w as.e8d in en GEORtGE FORMBY inl Speaking on the topic o! cx- ins the first playof! game of the cight tables o! euchre and tw: T RN D O T aminatians, Harvey Graham, 1955 scason when they met tise o! crokinohe being in play. "TURNED OUT Nestîcton, took second paéBobcaygeon tcamn on the ice Of Those who werc fnot in hard il hcnars, while Ewart Les the local Memorial Arena last time costume were penalized; NICE AGAIN"' eaeda ekng Taunton, placed third with h edesayevnig the ladies by serving the lunchi GRACE FILDS tah on FoodFor he uture". 1- thi,-e!rs ae-!~ Ad the-men1by weeping t+he Mrs. _J. _C.-Macnabà, Barbara iii -healt-h for -samr-e time but the M ~UMand Chanlene, visited Mr. and news of her passing came as a WO N Mrs. Keith Bilhett and family, great shock ta this commun- Bowmanville, on Tuesday. ity. Although prcvented by in- 'The Greatest Name in Television" Mrs. Gerdon Martin and !am- different heahth ta take an ac- ihy, Richmond Hill, visited lier tive part in the many churcli R 0 parents. Rev. and Mrs. F. Reed organizations o! Wehcome Cir- R O H O M E dMrn. Mhor e atngsTorot , he oved t oin n it dMri. thor ee atngs, cuitt , eheal t h penmin ttede 'Pledged to Quality"' at G. Adcock's and calhed on oth- project a W.A. or W.M.S. gnou P er friends during the week- was engaged in. Mrs. Hard- end. ing was a genthe and lavable )N Tr Congratulations ta Mn. and lady and wili be greathy miss- Mrs. Gardon Wilbur on the gi!t cd by a lange cincle o!f fiends. 'Reserve Power Television" o! a son. We offen aur deep and sincere Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- svmpathy ta the Rev. A. W jav attended the funeral o! Mn. Harding and family in their 'C EFred Arntt, Lindsay, on Thurs- sad bereavement. A very large C day. number attended the funeral 'Sarne Day, Professional Service" Mrs. Charhie Warren lias been service held in Wehcomc Unit- supphying at Salem School fon cd Churcli on Saturday, the the past three weeks, for Miss 29th with interment in Port Beatnice Craig who has been ill. Hope Union, Cemetcry. The IlMn. and Mns. Dennis Marshall, manv beautifulflrltiue P rotection Brampton, spent the week-end testi!ied ta the love and esteem ýn erv cewith lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. in whlch the late Mrs. Hard- C m a yGea. Gilbert. ing was hehd. * SERVICE - ANTENNAS o! the Women's Institute wili be and !amily a! Mille Roches, held on Fridav evening in the spent the wéekend witli lis Phone MA 3-3883 Sunday School room and wiîl mother and brother Jack. take the form o! a crokinole Mrs. E. Wilson visitcd wifli'; party . .ler daughter ini Toronto over _Mwý Congratu.lations to Gary Chant the weekend. e 9 ci e n d d n h . d d d a ;t x d e It !t kt n e d 0 d kt 's s e 73 King st . W. Three Rebekah Lodges Visited by Âssembly Presideni OBITUARY JAMES E. ANDERSON Bowmariville and community was greatly saddened by the untimely passing of James Elmo Anderson on January 2lst, at the age of 55. Hehad been critically iii for eight weeks in Toronto General Hospital. Prior ta his last illness, Mr. Anderson had been in good health. The deceased' was born nt' Seiby, Ont., the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Anxderson. He came to Bowmanville. at the age of 20 and began work with the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Com- pany. He had just completed 35 years and, received his 35- year service 'pin before suf- fering a collapse on his retu-n home. The cause remained un- determined and rcsulted in lus death eight wecks later. Hf. wvas employed in the Shipping Department at Goodyear. Mr. Anderson was well liked and highly thaught of by his fellow workers and ail who knew him. He was a member of Trinity United Church, being a mem- ber o! Session. He was a member o! Jerusalem Lodge, A.F. & A.M.; a Past District Deputy of Florence Nightingale Lodge I.0.0.Y!. and a member fo Ontario Encampment. He was alsoa Past Patron of Durhamn Chapter 181, Order of the Eastern Star. In his leisure hours he enjoyed gardening. Surviving are his wife. Edna Fletcher, end one son, Donald Arthur of Bowmanville, also a brother, W. Gordon Anderson, Belleville. On January 23rdl at 7 p.m. service 'vas conducted by the Odd Feilows, and at 8:30 p.m. a Masonic service was held at the Northcutt & Smith Fune.-al 'Home, Division St.. On Jan- uary 24th. Rev. T. A. Morgan conducted the regular funeral service whîch was Iargely at- tended. Friends were present from Strathroy, Blenheim, St. Thomas, Toronto, Belleville, Napanee, Hamilton, as well as Bowmanville. Many beautiful floral tri- butes from friends, neighb&'s and organizations evidenced the esteem in which the de- ceased was held. Among thesc were remembrances fromn the Eastern Star (General Chap- tors), I.O.O.F., Masonic Lodgc, Local 189 U.R.W., Goodyear Depts. 271C - 292. Belleville Teachers' Association, Belle- ville Quecn Elizabeth School, 1Belleville Publie School Prin- cipals Association. In answer to a betting circu- lar an Aberdonian replied: "Sax- pence each wav on Oxford for the Boat Race." Pres. Sis. Florence Moore. They wcre welcomed with a guard of honor, and the president (if the Rebckah Asscmbly o! On- tario was presented with a bouquet of !lowers. Heather Rebekah . Lodge, Orono, then took their chairs for the business meeting, after which Beehive Lodge, Bow- manville, conferred the decgree. Orono Lodge officers took their chairs again for the clos- ing ceremonies. The President wvas prcsented with a gift froin the three lodges, by Sis. Mau Allen,, Orono. Sis. Priestly spoke on the real meaning of Rebekah - Odd Fellowship, and congratulated ail those wvho took part, wîth special mention for the degree cap- tain, Sis. Bertha Hackncy and her staff. Dis. Dep. Pres. Fiorem.'" Moore thanked aIl the sisters for their splendid co-operation in arranging for the joint meet- ing for the president. After closing the lodge, ail enjoy.ui a delicious lunch in the baw- quet hall. SomeJnhing New! , Try a colour shampoo to highlight your hair.,. AFeaturing the newv look for prematurely gray hair. ,~ SPECIAL! CoId Wave SPermanent - only $6.50 Offer goodfo two weeks onlyJ Joan's Beauty Centre 38 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE ' $ Phone MA 3-5455 for appointrnent 3-5578 h Phone MA Bowmanville, Ont. 4' I Guaranteed to outperform ail others How would you like ta:, 1. Eai more nutritions food. 2. Save one Io Iwo hours a day kitchen work. 3. Own a heautiful AMANA home freezer. 4. Duy -guaranteed food ai far helow your present cosi. These are but a few of the thîngs you receive when you join the ANANA Plan Why nol 'phone, write or drop in Io Ktson's Amana Plan 'A Division of the Bowmanville Frigid Locker System TMMSDAY, AB. Srd, 103_ THE ý CANADUN STATESMAN, BOWMANVT=, ONTARIO - ý On Tuesday cvenîng, Jar. 25th, Beehive Rebekah Lodge, Bowmanville, entertained the President of the Rebckah As- sembly, Sis. Meta Priestly, of Toronto, at a dinner i St. John's Parish Hall. Head table guests, besides Sis. Prîestly, wcre District De- puty President, Sis. Florence Moore, Bawma n v il11 e, Sis. Kelly. NG o! Port Hope, Sis. Percy, VG o! Port Hope. Sis. Murray, Orono NG, and Sîs. Major. VG of Orono. Bow- manville officers at the head table were Noble Grand Sis. Edna Goheen, and Vice Grand Sis. Ruby Hutchinson. The two charter members of Bowman- ville Lodge, Sis. Jessie Prout and Sis. Mabel Bagnell com- pleted the head table. Foilowing the banquet, a joint meeting of the three lodgcs vas held in Orono's new lodge hall, with Port Hope Ganaraska Lodge officers con- ducting the opening ceremon- ies. Sis. Mary Broadbent. Port Hope, introduced Sis. Priestly, and Sis. Bertha Hackney, Bowv- manville, introduccd Dis. Dep. At tise church whicls McGub- bis attended, a new missionary box liad been pmovided but it wasn't until ten yeams later that an English visitor pointcd outi there wvas no siot for the money at the top.1