Crip pied Kiddies Need' More Un ders tan dinq elurse States at Rotary Aplea for more understand- have it done for them. "Treat 'ýgand moral support for han- themn asý a normal person ath- dîcapped children beyond any er than as a cripple", she umg- financial support that might ed. le offered the'n was made to The district nurse outlined' the Bowmanville Rotary Club the growth of the Ontario Sa-' inembers at- their meeting on ciety for Cippled Children Friday by Miss Marion Rudd, since it was fommed in 1922. Reg. N., District Nurse of the and the facilities and camps' Ontario Society for Crippled which it now has for rehabili- Children. tation work. It was begun irn "The best of braces and the Western Ontario by servicem best of training at Variety Vil- clubs there who felt the need! lage are of no use to the handi- for a central body to coordin- eapped unless they feel thev ate their efforts on behaîf of "belong", and unless they can crippled children. Famous <r-; she declared. "We must help ously of their time and talents them physically and mentally to help this work, she said, as well as financially if they -and by 1935 the Society had are to be properly ehabilita- reached the point where il te".was able to hire a public health Miss Rudd, who supervise% nurse and open an office in the treatment of crippled London. There are now 13 dis- children for the Ontario Socie- trict offices in different sec- ty in Peterborough, Victoria, tions of Ontario, each with one }Ialiburtan, Ontario, Durham or two nurses and a district and Northumberland Counties, secretary. commended the Bowmanvill-2 Summer Camp Opened Potary Club and the other ses- v:ce clubs in her district for In 1937 the first sumrmer Ve great help they give to the camp for cripplc-d children was Society. She pointed out that opened at Blue Mountan near il is the Eastes Seals Campaigns Collingwood - the samne camp conducted by the service clubs which sevesal Bowmanville in the various communities Rotaians helped to put in1 which provide the finances shape for last summer's activi- which enable the Ontario So- ties. In 1946 Woodeden was ciety for Crippled Children to started neas London; Merry- operate. wood camp near Smiths Fa~is b Pay Medical Costs was opened in 1948, and camps In aditon, hes sericewere started last year at Nos- In ddiion thse ervcewood and Lakewood. clubs pay for surgery and pro- aitVlaghering ,vide equipment such as wheel cVaremietyVlae, heanining d chairs and braces for crippled yce ntre wh uere han dedd: children from theis own dis- wysounpen leain a94sefundtrade, tricts. They also provide a val- was opfein 1949 and haain uahe sidiby bringingoto tyt-teaching them skills which will t shesai, y bingngto ls t-enable themn to make their ini tention the children in their own living in their commun-- area who need help. "The fam- iy isRd hne h ily doctor public health nurse. ity.manileRddtank ed tes service club member and gen- fowmainvîl a Roardrmebese eral citizen can ail assist usya for so oyvid ing rbasingC tremendously, o only in bring-tyeareforadboy ting taan- thi *ing cases to aur attention and otherboyan mntinetaton-i 1.elping ofnneterra- there at the present time. Wý Eent, but also in helping us Woodeden is now open in the crJ tersho the ar ccped ion the wintes, she said, for training at stes tey re ccetedin hechildsen with cerebral palsy vil community," Miss Rudd point- and other handicaps. ed out. This moral support is, In some of the 13 districts it by cf great value in helping the is necessary ta conduct surveys thi crippled youngstess preserve to search out crippled children mi the determination and initia- in need of attention, but this shi tive necessary to bring about is not necessary in her dis- ve h ehapoitottatnt nytrict, she said, because of the gr he chid o ut tue a ents good public nursing system and tal thechlde thihmorarppotthe excellent co-operation of foi eîso, need ti oa upr the service clubs. Miss Rudd M( from the community fromn the sae htteeae60ci-a tîme they discover that their staed hat enithe srex00Crtip- an children will be handicapped(. Ied whchcoren e ierhe si ctn- c She stated that when the par- te hc opiehrdsrc.H ents are able to accept their Summer Camp Important far child' handicap, then the chili She pointed out that summer 1 liimself is well on the way to camps are a very great he1o vol acceDting it. Miss Rudd stress- in ehabilitation of crippled drE e d the fact that crippled child- children. These not only build be ~çTnwould much ratherbe them up physically, but als) ccr f'h clued ta perform a ertain give themn a great mental boost task themselves rather than as they are with children xith1 soi ~*m 'A**r* 'P*Pm* ~~~~uaaw~m. a- C C~ VVAVJZ~4 Y .LI&~ .LLE1'~FPAGE FIY Cu bs Bantams Goo d Hockey Pictured above are the Cubs team of the Bantam Malloy, Gary Bagneli and Dennis Clarke. Standing, left [vision of the Bowmanville Minor Hockey Leagues. They ta right: Don Osborne, Lionel Rowe, Norm James, Bill iave been playing good hockey in the Bantam League and Bates, Wilbert Siemon and Coach Jack Parker. Absent re hoping ta take the honors in this division. At the time when the picture was taken were Bill Crossey, Winston he picture was taken they were holding down fisst place Vanstone, Gary Cox and Arnoldj Damant. n the Bantam League. Kneeling, left ta right, Vince -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope hom they can compete on an qual footing and under the Lre af adults who understand .eir needs and prablems. "We have indeed came a long ay from the days when the rippled child was locked up thome or hid from publie ew<', she declared. Miss Rudd xvas introduced y Dave Higgon, Chairman of e Crippled Children's Com- ittee, wha painted out that .e graduated from the Uni- ersity of Toronto with a de- ree in nursing and has since àken special courses in caring )r crippled children at the ontreal Shriner's Hospital nd the Sick Children's Ras- tai in Toronto. Rotarian Dr lward Rundle thanked her )r hem very inspiring addres3. Walter Reynolds asked for lunteers ta type the ad- resses on 6,000 envelapes ta Eused in the Club's forth- )ming Easter Seals Campaign. President O. F. "Oddy" Rab- )n welcomed twa guests; Ro- tarians George Slocombe and1 Presbytery W ./ M. S. Lance Beath of the Oshawa' club and made a birthday pre-1 Plans RaIIy at sentation ta Clame Garton. Mr.TiiyC uc Garton in turn congratulated~TiiyC uc hlm on his own birthday anni- Teeeuieo h o vessary.Th xctvofteWr Well Pleased With Draw en's Missionary Society, Osi The President stated that he1 awa Presbyterial, met a North was well pleased with the turn- minster United Church on Wed out of Rotarians at the Lions-1 nesday, January 26th, Mss. E Rotary dinner and elimination C. Hopkins presîded. draw the night previausly. He Aftes the minutes af the prE also urged members ta seli as viaus meeting had been mea many tickets as passible for the and appraved the yearly re Rotary play, "See How They parts. were given, each show Run", ta be presentÉd in the ing a. substantial increase i: Town Hall an February 16, 17 new members and maney rais and 18. ed in ail departments. Walter Reynalds announced Plans were made for thi that the Bawmanville Club has Spring Rally ta be held ii received invitation from the Trinity United Church, Bow Part Hope Rotary Club ta at- manville, on Wednesday, Feb tend their meeting of Febru- ruary 23rd. Registrations ti ary 14 at 6.30 p.m. when a start at 9 o'clack. Mss. W. Spa well-known explorer will be 1fard, president af the Bay o the guest speaker. Some 14 Quinte conference branch, wil members signified their inten-J be the guest speaker in ti tion of attending. morning and Miss Margare Halliday, missionar from An- .1gala, in the afternoon.j *1- ;h- h- 1d- K. 1,- ýn Ts- i1- 'o a.- ill BLACKSTOCK, Mr. and Mrs. Norman-. Mount- joy and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dor- reli started out on Sunday for a holiday in Florida. They were staying over night in St. Cath- arines with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Wannan and family. Mrs. C. W. Hutton visited for a few days at Oxford Station and Hexton with her father, Mr.. William Carson, and her sistf rs. Mr. George Wolfe took sick at his work at the General Motors plant last Thursday and. had to be rushed to the Oshawa Hospital. We are glad ta hear he is improving. Mss. Wilbert Werry visited hes relatives in Cavan for sev- eral days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wilson. Port Perry, were Sunday sup- per guests with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy. Little Bryan Forder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Forder had a peanut removed from his lung at the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, on Sunday. He has ta stay in the hospîtal for a few days. We are very sorry that the little fellow had this misfortune. Mss. John Marlow, Ms. and Mrs. Gilbert Marlow were Sunday tea guests with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Marlow, Nestleton Mrs. Ronald Scott, Tyrone, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mar- tyn and family on Sunday. Mr. Merlin Bailey is home from his business trip to Geor- gia. He has to be in Winnipeg next Monclay. Mrs. Ira Argue is visiting this week with Mrs. E. Darcy. Mrs. Lorne Thompson, Mss. Roy Taylor, Mrs. Lewis Fitze and Mrs. George Wolfe attend- ed the aiternoon tea and op- ening of the children's room last Thursday afternoon at Community Hospital, Port Per- ry. Rev. and Mrs. George Nich- olson were Sunday supper guests with Mss. George For- der, Nestleton. Mr. Gale Gunter was home all last week from Chicago Un- iversity. Dale and the Roy Turner farnily went to Coe Hill for the week-end. On Wednesday evenlng last, the Tyros and the Sigma Ca8 (younger boys of the United Church) enjoyed a skating par- ty at the rink with lots of hot- dogs and hot chocolate at the Sunday school rooms after. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Capstick and their nephew little Stevie were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hamilton. This week Rev. M. R. San- derson, Toronto, is on the CBL radio station for Morning De- votional. On Sunday evening we were very pleased with the Nelgh- bourly News special broadcast and especially to hear our own editor George James. This past week has been the coldest this winter and kept so- cial activities at a minimum. United Church W.A. Mrs. Mervyn Graham was hostess last Tuesday for the January meeting of the United Church W.A. The president, Mrs. Hector Shortridge open- ed the meeting by reading a poem and the W.A. theme song was sung. The Devotional was well given by Mrs. Ross Duff. Mrs. Russell Mountjoy, trea- surer. gave a splendid report of her work. The secretary Mrs. Percy Van Camp, reaci several thank-you notes from the ones wvho received Good Cheer Boxes and get well cards. I The first two groups are to serve the dinner at the Short- horn sale in March. A committee was named ta look after the decorating at the church. Mrs. Nieil Werry kindly offered to type the pro- grams and the groups will have to arrange them as soon as pos- sible. After the business Mis. Harold Swain's group was in charge of the program. Mrs. George Wolfe 'gave'us the interesting story of Dr..Al- bert Schiveitzer, missionary doctor of the bush hospital in French Equatorial Africa. Mrs. Gilbert Marlow gave two readings. The hostess and group served refreshments and a social time was enjoyed. M To My Friends- and 0f ePa Bowmanville and CNTACTORAN District BUILDER Ne.HeAs and Va.L.a Homes and Private Homes Re- modelling a Specia Ity Let Us be Prepared to Start Your New Home First Thing in the Spring DON'T BE A LATE- STARTER PREPARE ALL THE PAPER WORK NOW ... SUCH AS SITE, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC., AND BE ASSURED 0F EARLY DELIVERY 0F THE HOME 0F YOUR DREANS. WE ALSO HAVE CHOICE RESIDENTIAL LOTS UP TO'75 FEET, AND THERE ARE NEW HOMES IN THE PROCESS 0F BEINC COMPLETED THAT ARE FOR SALE. PHONES DOUWAN VILLE MA 3-5602 OSHAWA 5-0650 THANIK YOU FOR TAKING NOTICE OF THIS AD! For Ho mes Buif Better and Farlier .Cali DON BROOKS Li 281 LIBERTY STREET X, DOMWAN VILLE ONT. "I know you'd find 9, luN ME I~ .~ .,..** ,< F ind the -nberodilick aça wlis" 1: . ~in the EO P4 S of your telkphon. 'Look 'E TA§ eA*AI91AIt WPA14mm,&w * nmopalpin ro 1