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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1955, p. 8

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~rfl-~=j~ 'm r TffE dANÂAUN STATESMAN( BOWMANMM~L. ONTAUO N a Iu SOLINA -The C.G.I.T. met Saturc atternoin with Barbera Hoo president in the chair. The .G.I.T. Purpose repeated unison was followed by pray The next meeting will be h on Febnuany 12 with Barl Hoie in charge o! thep gnam. The rol eaU, "Where ";k. ta spend my holidays.' -waa decided to purchasep -for the members. The chap from the study book was rg 1y Patuy Davis. Dianne Ti president of the Explori -group presided for the remE ing program--the wonshipe vice being led by Jean TJ lor, Marie Flett and Eve Hockaday of the Explore Other numberg included a st by Deanne Vance, piano5 by Gail Baker, reading Petsy Knox and piano solos Phyllis Westlake and Sha Robb and a poem read byN Ralph Davis o! the C.G. Iand a recitation by Arl Westlake o! the Exploi group. Recreation was led ,Helen Knox and Gledys ' lowiees. The meeting clo *with Taps. *Mr. and Mrs. Murray Vice tertained very pleasantlya party on Friday night. Pi ,for highest scores in Cc Whist wene won by Mn. Mrs. Bruce Taylor, while and Mrs. Ross Cryderman reived the door prize and l Joe Snowden held the lu. cup. A baptismal service wil] held next Sunday afterno February 6. The Temperance prograir Sundey e!ternoon prepared Mrs. Bruce Montgomery, cluded a vocal duet by Ai and Edgar Werry and a st read by Gladys Yellowlees. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce TJ and chiidren visited Mrs. A. Ormiston, Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Don Harris John, Oshawa, visited at l Hazel Harris'., Mr. and YIs. Frank Wi lake, S., visited on Sunday Mn. Tom Westlake's, Bowr ville. Mr. and Mns. NelsonF Taunton, were at Mn. Fr Weatlake's, Jr. Mn. and Mrs. A. Hardyi Billie, Toronto, visited at IV ors. John and Harny Knox's. Misses Jean and ElmaC derman and Mr. Heimer Y tag, Oshawa, visited at. NC As a s"eeal gervil& to EeetCryderman's. ZO ,Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires and ZO children visited at Mr. Percy day Bent's, Oshawa. Mns. Wes Cameron and Mrs. Sey, Murray Fiett spent the week- Russell Stainton visited their *' C. end with his grandparents, M.r. aunt, Mrs. W. J. Trick, Osh- in and Mrs. T. Flett, Columbus. awa. tyer. Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and Mr@. Keith Stainton visited held children visited at Mr. N. her mother, Mrs. Clarke Moore, bara Leach's, Taunton. Oshawa, on Saturday. pr-' is Pearl Leach visited her Mrs. Wes Cameron visited . pt' parents at Taunton on Sunday. her aunt, Mrs. Ada Flintof!, pins Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox Oshawa. ýpter entertained relatives on Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton .ead day, the fîrst birthday of their and Laurel visited at Douglas ink, son Dean. Those present includ. Shackleton's, Oshawa. ,er's ed Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Currie, ain. Brougham and Mr. and Mrs. Miss Marie Killen, Hamilton, ser- Hilton Tink, Ebenezer, grand- at Robert Kiliens'. ray- parents; Mr. and Mrs. Walter, Mrs. Russell Perkins and elyn Tink, Miss Muriel Tink, Mr. Mrs. Wes Cameron t Toron- 'er's. Ken Tink, Ebenezer; Miss Lii- to, where they visited at ;tory lian Cole, Bowmanviile andj Charles Mitcheil's. solo Mrs. Addie Tink, great-grand- Very sorry to report Mrs. by mother. John Nemis is very jîl after su!- sby Mr. and* Mrs. George Knox fering a heart attack in Osh- aron and children; Eldon and Russell awa General Hospital 'where M'rs. Sloan, visited at Mr. H. Far- she has been since breaking ..T. rows,' Starkville. her ankle several weeks ago. lene Mrs. Dreil anti Mr. Clifford Sympathy is extended to the .er's Dreli visited relatives in Tc- family ofJohn Jacks who pass- [ y ronto. ed away in Memorial Hospital, Yel- Mr. E. Ormiston, Ebenezer; Bowmanviile, on Sunday. ,sed Mr. and Mrs. J. Smales and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas 5kmn- S David, Hampton, visited lit ner and daughters, Oshawa, at en- Messrs. Tom and J. Baker's. Jim Stainton's. at a Mr. and Mrs. I. Hardy and Mrs. John Monahan has ne- rizes Stanley visited at Mr. Gordon turned home from the hospîtai ýourt Hardy's, Maple Grove. with her baby Osn- and aDr.Gog Werry, aoy Miss Grace Stainton, Oh Mrn. Donald, Oshawa, were at awa, at Russell Stainton's. re- Messrs. Wes and S. E. Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beli Mrs Mr.s. Florence Pearce and and family, Harmony, at Ray ucyDouglas, Lansing. were Sunday Cameron's. visitons at Mr. Harold Pascoe's. Messrs. Douglas Skinner, Mrs, Dave Dyer, Columbus, Oshawa, Keith and Jim Stain- 1be was a guest of Mr. and Mns. ton at Lake Simcoe. Son, Ray Pascoe. Mrs. Ray Cameron was in Mr. Harold Balson anfl chil- Toronto on January 26 attend- ri on dren. Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. ing the funerai of Mrs. Harold 1 by R. Balson and girls, Courtice, Ollivier. in- visited at Mr. A. J. Balson's. Congregational Meeting ýnfl' The Womnen's Institute wi]'l Pot Luck supper and congre- ;tory meet on Thursday, Feb. 1th gational meeting had a small with the program in charge Of attendance. Rev. F. J. Reed [ink Mrs. Ernest Hockaday's gnoup. was' chairman and Mrs. Ray W. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milîson, Cameron sccretary for the Glenn and Grant visited onl meeting. Mr. Reed announced and Sunday with Mrs. Ella Taylor five new church mnembers, Mrs. and Sandra and also with Mns. making 82 on the roll, il bap- E. M. Carr, Toronto. tîsms and one death. Vs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox Following reports were read es-and *Dean were Sunday tea and adopted: Chunch tneasu.r- y at guests at Joe Snowden's. er's report by Alan Thompson; rian- Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman Sundav School report by Her- were Sunday tea guests at Mr. man Htaass Jr.; Wiliing Work- 1!ice, J. Leger's, Oshawa. ers class report by Mrs. F. B. rank- Mr. and Mrs. Cal Myles, Or- Glaspell; W.A. report by Mrs. ono, Mn. and Mrs. Milton Ste- Alex McMaster; Young Pea- and phenson and Ileen, visited at ple's Union report by Bertha Mes- Mr. J. Kivell's. Geissberger; C.G.I.T. activities s. Mr. and Mrs._ Ralph Davis by Mrs. Reed. Mrs. Glen Glas- Cr-1and raisy were Sundy ey Frei- guests et Mr. Lorne Hoskin's, Mr. Blackstock. ITICE eour frlends and customers for EMERGENCY HEATING and PLUMBING REPAI RS Please cal! any of the following numbers a! ter hours or on Sundays: GEORGE HEATH____ MA 3-5814 ERNEST PERFECT____ MA 3-3540 GORDON WILCOX____ MA 3-5490 BLAIN ELLIOTT ____ MA 3-3648 S.Blain EIiot't HEATING ÀND) PLUMBING (Cut out for handy reference) IMore Health per Glass 0, with Homo genized MiIk from Glen Rae Dairy The whole family Can be assuwd of mnore Shealth in every glass of our homogenized milk because the rich fat of our millc is evenly distribut- ed throughout the entire bottie. % I PHONE MA 3-5444 FOR DELIVERY in Newcastle our bomogenized milk la availabi. through the Newcastle Dai"y. Gien Rae Dairy I A -U Bowmanvile Activities are Planned By Canadian Legion Make $100 Donation COURTICE (Intended for last week) Womlan's Asuocltlon The Courtice Woman's As- sociation helçl thein regular January meeting on Januany 20th with the new president, Mrs. Robent Barber, presiding. After the minutes were resd and approved, and treasurer'ii report given a letter of resigna- tion was read and accepted from secnetary Mrs. O. Robert- son. New nominations since last meeting were Christian Leadership -Mns. W. Parker; Christian Stewardship-Mrs. E. Warburton; Secretary-Mrs. H. Vetzel; Assistant Secretary- Mrs. E. Essery. Rev. L. M. Somerville conducted the in- stallation of officers service. The worship service was ln charge of new executive. Bible readiing Nwas read by Mrs. R. DeCoe; a reading on "Christ the Door" was given by Mrs. Carl Adams. Mrs. J. McKenzie led in Prayer of Confession which ail repeated. Mrs. R. DeCoe reed the scniptune and Mrs. Carl Adams followedl with reading; a short poem by Mns. DeCoe and hymn closed the devotional. A poem "Because" reed by Mns. A. Wilkins humorously gave the numerous reasons thought of "Why I Don't Go To Church.'" The correspondence was read which consisted o! many thank you notes for Christmas boxes. A solo I Shail Not Want" was beauti- fuily sung by Mrs. E. Essery. Wonld Day of Prayer will be held in Courtice chunch on February 25th. Ail ladies please keep that in mi. Next month will be our Friendship meeting and it was decided that each member bring another lady with her. The budget for 1955 was pre- ýI sented and adopted. It was de- cided that a work meeting wil be held on the first Thursday of every month starting ini the morning for those who can go early. On February 3rd the first work meeting wiil be held and a quilt is ready to start on. Will anyone with odd scraps of prmnt please bring thtm as new patterns are needed. Mrs. 0. Robertson will continue to have everyday greeting cards" and wrapping paper for sale. C.G.I.T. -Meeting C.G.I.T. met, on Wednesday evenmng, Januar 26th. Ail en- joyed time spent on sheli woric under the supervision of Mrs. C. Simmons. All were remind- ed of Christiani Youth Weelc from January 3bth to February 6th when there will be a church service followed by a candie- light service.. The girls will have a display in Davey Shoe Store window, Oshawa, froni Monday to Friýday. Girls are requested to wear uniforms if possible. Young :People's On Monday evening Courtice Circuit Young People's Union heid its meeting at Maple Grove United Church. The meeting opened with President Dorothy Somerville occupying the chair. A toboggan party was discussed during the busi- ness period. Devotional was in charge of Belle Alexandra and Clifford Barber. Marion Wyman led the group in a very interesting recreational period. Cub Pack The Eighteenth Cub Pack are collecting newspapers. Any- one having any papers and would like to dispose of them get in touch with Mr. D. Wil- son, Phone 3-9056. The Scout Mothers regular meeting wili be at the home of Mrs. Oattes, Courtice. Inquire at Roy Nichoi's garage. Members o! the Bowman- ville Branch o! the Canadian Legian decided at their regu- lar meeting last Thursd&iy night to donate $100 to the Sal- vation Army to be used ta pro- vide meal tickets to needy. veterans' passing through the town. Comnade J. E. "ýHae Hobbs stated that there had been a big increase in the num- ber o! meal tickets given out by the Salvation Anmy recent- ly. Date o! the Legion Carnivel was set as July 15 and it was decided to hold a car draw as usual in connection with this event. The car wiil be purches- ed fnom Roy W. Nichois. Ticks- ets will be printed and distni- buted to members in the near future. Chairmen Ab Mavin o! the Special Events committee ne. ponted that he has obtained the film o! the 1954 Grey Cup football game and parade for showing on Februany 3 at 8.30 p.m. in the Legion Hall. Enter- tainment is being arrenged for the mortgage-buning cere- mony on Febnuary 26 and the Zone Fl Raily on March 12, he said. By-Laws To Be Aznended Vice-President Mavin aise reported that he and Comnade Joe O'Neil have nearly com- pleted the job of arnending the by-Iaws of the Braneh and gave notice that he would introduce a motion at the meeting o! Febnuary 10 to give the amen- ded by-laws their first reading. President Ross McKnight in- stalled Comrade Lloyd Preston. in his position as Sengeant-at- Arms for 1955, and a new miember, Comnede Thomas Barker, R. R. 3, Bowmanyille, was ,initiated by President Mc- Knight, lst Vice-President Ma- Morrish Church Reports Progress At Annual Meeting pell is leader fonu.tG.I.T. anadi1"orrish-The annuai Con- Mrs. Tom Sobil is leader for'geainlmeigwshl the Explorer's group. ingteetina meetin Tes-i Representative for the Con- da he Sunay 18seholones- gregation-Mrs. Carl Bradley, day, Januar 18sn. Thewr M.v an .n report onbyrhwok meeting was opened with pnay-;n emortery er by the Rev. A. W. Harding, Gerny Gapll eey in the absence of the secretany, Board report by Tracy Glespel.l rLoy e Church Eiders are - Charles M. Lod avin. It was moved Naylr, ackCruickshenk, Ne,- and seconded that Mn. Herry sn e r ac lselAe Beckett act as secretary that McMaster. atron Church Stewards are-Gerry The minutes o! the last meet- Glaspeli, Alan Thompson, Her- ing were read and edopted, a manHaas, r.,Frank Pesene, committee was appointed to manMrgn Haas sr., sbege look into the heating system o! Mcl MoergenHans GeJssbergen the church and possibly the Brad. emnHas rCr buying of a new heater for the Bnadey.Sunday sehool. Mr. Harding gave the report o! the session which wvas laten adopted. L HA I JJN turn each organization of the church gave a report and in' Russell Webb, Hamilton, shortened formn are as follows: Reta Webb, Dundas, spent the, Treasurer's report for church weekend with their brother, 1 per Dawson Beebe, expenses Jim Webb, et the home of Mr. 1 $845.17. Cash on hind S70.26, and Mrs. Don Cemeron. Mary M. and M. church, $96.70-, W. Jones, Bowmanville, was also A. $60,00; S. S., $33.00, Total e visîtor et the Camenon home. $189.70. Sundey visitons et Mn. and Sunday School report, Mns. Mrs. Ross Ashton's wene Mn. Harold Osborne, $202.71. Cash and Mrs. R. Ormiston, Enni ci hend $82.96. 1 skillen; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. A. report, Mrs. Dawson IAshtona, Ronald and Ray. Beebe; In benk, $305.27. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Mur- Mission Band. Mrs. Hanry phy, Tyrone; Miss Grece Smith, Beckett; To W.M.S., $29.00. Long Seuit, visited Mn. and Cash on hand .26 cents. Mrs. Harold Murphy. Ail reports were adopted as Gied ta heer thet Mrs. Cecil read. Siemon his home from Mem- The resuit o! election o! of- anial Hospital, Bowmanville. ficers was as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Roland Thomp- Elders-Mrs. M. J. Osborne, son, Karen, Donna and Hea- Mrs. Dawson Beebe, Allen Pc- then, Hampton; Mrs. Frank ters, Isaac McConnell. Stew- Osmond and femily et Mrs. W. ands-I. McConneil, Dawson Tbompson's. Beebe, Allen Petrns, Fred Mc- Mn. * Fred Ashton and Bill conneli, Harold Osborne. Con- Mn. Bert Ashton and Eddie. gregational Secretary-Mrs. H. Toronto, were Sunday visitons Beckett. Chunch Treasurer at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ash- Dawson Beebe, also for M. and ton*s. M. Ushers - Fred McConneli, Mr. and Mrs. Farewell Harny Beckett, Harold -Os- Blackburn and family, Salenm, borne, Floyd Beebe. Truistees were tea guests of Mn. and Mrs. are appointed for life. Organ- W.. Blackburn on Saturday ev- ist-Mrs. N. McHolm, assistant, ening. Mrs. Wmn. Mervin. Auditors- Mr. and Mrs. Burrows and Mrs. H. Osborne, Mrs. F. Mc- femilyv, Toronto, visited Mr. Connell. Caretaker - Mrs. D. and Mrs. David Malcolmi. Haines. Sundey 'School- Su- Mrs. Leslie Graham clled penantendent, Mns. D. Haines; on Mr. and Mrs. R. MVcNeii Assistent, Mrs. F. McConneil. Enniskillen, on Tuesday. ' Secretary treasuren and assist- Mrs. W. Thompson is visit- ant - Mrs. H. Osborne, Floyd ing friends in Bowmanville. Beebe; Pianist and assistant- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton Mrs. Helen MeHolm, Mrs. L. visited Miss Emma Wenny et Marvin. Auditors - Mrs. Leo the Toronto Genel Hospital Bevan, Mrs. H. Beckett. Flow- on Sundex evening. en Committee - Mrs. Dawson Mr. Milton Slemon, Mn. and Beebe. Mrs. M. J. Osborne, Jun- Mrs. Lloyd Siemnon spent Set- ior Gils-Mrs. Win. McHoim, urday evening with M. and Mns. Wm. Marvin. Primany Mrs. Theron Mountjoy, Hamp- Class-Mrs. H. Beckett, Mrs. ton. Dawson Beebe. Beginnens - Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Vivian Mrs, Helen McHolm, Mrs. Mor- and fanily were Sunday vis- ley Harncss. Bible Class-Daw- itors et Mr. and Mrs. Bob Viv- son Beebe, Allen Peters, Mrs. iar*s, Janetville. J. Brimecombe, Mrs. F. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rahi- Connieli. Mission Band- Mrs. and daughters visited Mr. andî Morley Hanness. Cradle Rol- Mrs. Dawson, Orono, on Sun- Mrs. George Harness. Temper- de". ance Supeintendent - Mrs. Betty Dawson, Orono, spent Wm. MeHolm. Missionary - the weekend with Mr. and Mission Band. Mrs. Ronald Rehm. Mn. Harding thanked the of- _________________ ficers o! the church and other organizations for their good The st4per-optimnist knocked work duning the past yeen. et the Aberdonian's door. The meeting closed with ! "The compliments o! the sea- Benediction by Rev. A. W. son, sir I'm the fellow that Harding. )emnpties the dustbins." "The same ta you, my man. S O I'm the !ellow that fis t hem."l FAS RELIEF O . yRb ur Rest . igliVaruLt %Jban m ad abu--".. M8C LE8S vin and Conades Preston, Jim Fair and Bob Lockhart. It was decided that a plaque would be purchased to be awerded annually to the crib- bage champion of the Branch. An eliminetion tournament wil be held soon ta decide the winner o! this awand.- President McKnight annaun- ced that Conirade Bob Stock- er had donated a chesten!ield suite to the Branch and a mo- tion was pessed that a letter o! thanks be sent him for this genenous contribution. Com- rade Preston anrnounced that he is ready to decorate the kit- chen et the Legion Hall as soon as the Ladies Auxiliary noti!y hlm what colon scheme. they wish. Dominion President at Oshawa A number o! members signi- fied thein intention o! attend- ing e meeting o! the Oshawa Legion Braneh on February 3 when the Dominion President o! the Canadien Legion will be the special speaker. The Branch Dents League wiil hold thein dance on Feb- ruary 5, President McKnight announced, and this will be free to the playens but other members o! the Legion, La- dies Auxiliary and Pipe Band will be changed a smell amount. Poppy Cheirman Pete Bath- gate reported that Comnades Glen Hughies, Monty Goslett and Bill Bates were iii .A lunch brought by the memliers was served following the meeting. DO STOCK UP AT THIS PRICE! LIBBY'S UNGRADED Lettuce TEURSDA 'iY, FEB. Srd, 1955 OBITUARY WILLIAm LYMER A former fermer o! CourtUce and Maple Grave and formerly a nesident o! Oshawa, William Lymer died Jan. 25 at the home ot his sister, Mrs. Ann Hob . i 23 Lamb's Lane, Bowmanvilm' He would have been 85 years of age on Manch 22. Born in Glossop, Derbyshire, England, he was a son o! the late Mn. and Mrs. Moses Lymer. Coming to Canada at an early age, *he settied near Bowman- ville and subsequently took upNt farming. After retirement, he lived in Oshawa, but for the last five years, resided with Mns. Hobbs in Bowmanville. He had been seriausly ill one week. Twice married, Mr. Lymer was pnedeceased by his wives and by one brother Thomas, who died in Bowmanville two months ago. Surviving are: two daughters, Miss Alice Lymer of Fruitland and Mrs..E. J. Hart (Gertrude, 1065 King Street East, Oshawa; two sons, Arthur J., 234 Bruce Street, Oshawa, and William E. of Bowmanvilie. There are three sisters: Mrs. N. Hayes of Bowïnianvilie; Mrs. George Sal- ter o! Oshawa, and Mrs. R. Hill o! Toronto, one brother, Moses, o! Oshawa. He was a member o! the Unit- ed Church o! Canada. Funeral service was held on Sunday at the F. F. Morris Fun- eral Chapel, Bowmanvilie, -with Rev. Harold Turner, Minister o! St. Paul's United Church, con- ducting the service. Palîbearers were five grand- sons and a nephew: Stanley Douglas, Donald Hart, William and Ray Lymer and Ailan Lym- er. Burial was in Ebenezer Cemetery. 'o 15-oz. tins Fancy Peas 2for33c 4 ~LJ ~bfETT~ HEALTHFUL, INVIGOftATING LIBBY'S FANCY 20-oz. tins Tomato Juice TIME-SA VER LIBBY'S CHOICE 2for 25 -MONEY-SA VER 15-oz. tins Fruit Cocktail v Libby's - In Tometo Sauce with Pork - 15-çz. Deep Brown BEANS 2 for 3 3c Repeat Specials Stuart House - 1-1b. MARGARINE 1 Pineaipple s' 2for *47c Ocean King or Isis Sockeye 35c Salmnon Fancy - Vs - Ea. -I Gu aranteed DEVON BRAND - BREAKFAST - FRESH SAUSAGE 1-lb. Pkg.c ea.24c ea.'9c ea. 29C ONTARIO No. 1 WHITE M ushroonis lb. 59c FLORIDA No. 1 - PASCAL - 48's Green Celewy M eats 1 -- -- fo -r - - -- - California - Sunkist - Navels Oranges GIANT SIZE BAG (Holds 18) LOW A PRICE 4yc bag CRSTIE'S - Pkg. of 12 CHESEROLLS Values effective at your Dominion Store in Bowmanvi1Ie until iFeb. 5th jFruits & Vegetables I ARIZONA - FIRM HEADS - Size 24 t RIPE - SWEET - CUBAN - Size 12's ~r4 i. 4 I I - I Il ~ t PEAMEAL - S.P. - LEAN Cottage Rolis I.5 FRESH - GRADE A - Roasting or Frying - PRE-DRESSED CHICKENS lb.45 DOMINION STORES LIMITED Brown an Srv1i6C pkg. 1 a ri

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