TM OAAMMN UAjMAN, DOWXEAUTRM , OTAK IIThe Orono Nei k Mr. and Mrs. RaY Powers, in Peterbarough on SMr. Grant Pawers and Miss B. Miss Joan Bruton, .Herrnan, Scarbaro, visited Mrs. spent the weekend at Cecil Pawera and Mr. A. E. M.adMs r Clemnce.Oshawa; Mr. and Mr- Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan Crowtber, Charles an and Madeline visited in Ton- Newcastle iitda entaan unda. . witb Mr. and Mrs. Chi Mr. and Mrs. Jack Danis and Mrs. R. R. Waddc famiily, Bawmanville, sp e nt Harry Mencer, Mrs. W Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. rafle and Mrs. H. L M. Myles. Peterborough on Monc Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pleau Mr. and Mrs. Harc and John, Oshawa, and Mr. and Danny, Toronto.s Jîrn Hardy. Port Doyen, visited weekend with Mrs. Ke Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White. by and family. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Claus, Mrs. W. Sherwin ar Oshawa; Mr. R. Pattenson andi ence visited Mr. and N Mr. Douglas McGee, Toronto Bryson on Saturday. were weekend guests of Mr' Mr. ýJack Stobart and Mrs. G. L. MeGee.. frorn E'giand last wee Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dclesbury, Brce Mercer.Mna To0ronto, spent the weekend Bannie Graham eni with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hudson six of ber friends iastc and Jim. ta celebrate ber tenth1 Mrs. Fred Tamblyn visited Mr. and Mns. Jack ________________________were supper guests of Mrs. Coatham on Monc TI1C KETS8 Visitons with Mn. ai TO EVERItWHERE Luther Barnaball were A. Rail or Steamship Mns. R.' Gimblett, Consult Grave; Mr. and Mrs. JVR Y & LOV YE LL Essery and family, R( 3owmanville1 Mrs. L. M. Somervil1e 15 Ring St. W. MA 3-5778 tice. ______Mr. and Mrs. Georgf -~ - and Debbie, Mr. and M~ -- - ---Stephens and daughte. manvîlie, 'visited Mr. ar Cecil Jones on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Beas February awa, spent thue weeken Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Yaoi Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Clearing Sale visited Mr. andi Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Penc Oshawa; Mr. Morley1 Pants Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brocl P il aiLloyd Reddick, Picton. oI Mns. L, Cooper and Mv 3 0 o5% f Mrs. 0. Cowan on Sundi 30"'b 5O anMr. and M, r Juior These are first grade paints Miss Marie Armitage,i ln dlscontinueil shades were Sunday visitons wi and lines and Mrs. A. E. West. Membens of Onono A Real Money-Saver Trustees and Clarke Toy Council held a joint r eem hiwhie te ooic IJan. 27, wben Townshir C-oe l whletheehoce Protection and an in h KOOdTownship grant ta thev wene cbief problems disc Neithen of these questions satisfactorilv solved and Aberriethy's tabled for 'future considei Paint &Wallpaperj 85 Rng t. W MAA grain of go]d willj 85 Kng t. . MA3-531* great surface, but flot so as a grain of wisdo-] David Thoreau. Bowman ville MemorialArenc Public Skatinç 8 le 10 p.m. FRID AY, FEBe 11 ADMISSION - - - Aduits 35c, Children 20 Public Skating, 3 Io 5 p.m. SATURDAy, FEB. 12 ADMISSION - - - Aduits 35c, Chidren 20e 1L akesh are Intermediate HOCKEY 3ATURDAy, FEB. 12 8:30 p.m. LAKEFIELD L UMBERMEN 80 WMANVILLE BARONS Prior to the game - at 7:45 p. Pee Wee Hockey BRUINS vs. RED WINGS Admission to both games ;eneral Admission and Reserved Seats - 75e Students -___________35e Public Skating 8 la0 10 p.m. WED., FEB. 16 EMISSION Aduits 35c, Children 20c I Tuesday. 1Toranto, lier home.I ýd Brooks, .~ George r±d Jamie, ni Sunday as. Wood. dll, Mrs.I lm. Coch- Lintonini ody.el dadSny spent the en Gami- BOWrnanville's fi ind Laur- by a turkey banquet heJ( %ins. Jack Over 100 attended. Aboi Hedley, regional director returned Blackwoad, directar of eand ifi d Rev. A. G. Scott, ind Mrs. Mr. Hedley gave a ver3 itertainecl Christ. Told of the gro' Saturday Merc~ IL.h blrsanthem, apprecity Mr. ad ~ ouncl Ses Ro d AstonE. Wright, Remainden ngte fort required ta e ran lar e ou ci et'ioa eniflg was spent play. aete or practice. There day, .j-ng gms,conests and stunts. wsna Scboa withfSu4eni and Mns. A Mns. H. McGill in ber pleas- udySho wt uprn Mr.andtN pprop'o' 9tion ai 4$ 52,V00 ng manner moved a vote ai tendent Murray Payne in Maplei thanka toalal wbo in any wa charge. Eldon Clarke Townsb .,uncii met Roads, $26,500; Bridgezanaj wene Tesponsible fon a mosi de- Albert and George Ralllngs ev. and Fe b. lt. Presen r,'ee Reeve Cuivents $3,000; Total $29,500; ligbtful evenîng. af Cobourg, and Mns. Fred e, oar ArýurMcKay, ( ,ncilors F. New macbînery -Roads,, $3,500; A short business meetinpSmtan Sm e udy B. Lovekin, J. H. Lowery and Miscellaneous-$6,000. Ttals- foilowed whicb included the visitons with Harold Barrow- e Jones Clerk H. E. Milison. Roads, $39,000; Bridges and Cul- voting ai $20000 ta the Panson-coghs ms. Don Followîng conrespond'ence was vents, $13,000; Total, $52,000. age Board. Sympatby ai this cammunity nd, Mo-rs ead: St. John Ambulance ne, Cauncil nesalved ta requesi A most enjayable evening was is extended ta the iamily ai request for grand, received. Dept. of Higbways ta subsidize b.roughîtat a close with the M.Sue akl bs et n, Osh- Bunnen Mond Canada Sales this municipality an an addi- singing ai "Now is the Houn" occunned this week. Fan younsg- nd with Ltd. ne, Calcium Chianide, con-J tionai road expenditune ai $8,- and "The Queen." er than bis calendar yeans, Mn. rk. luded by esolution. 000 Ofor ard surLacing 1 V2 miles Haskili was always ready 'ta My'les Onono Electric ne, estîmateldrn 1955. Tl&se raads being ibleei nedmscashane in even3' new experience Kvlifo ntii1 uedungprvdb he Iblev nfedo -oil that lufe affonded. His going Ki Tl or psinstallg e onjx et _ ihas exit lights in tesnae a eapoe theheeconamical, domestic, political, marks the break ai another1 TonME al ald anxtDp. imwy.entai and spiritual.- Elbent link witb that peniod when thisE Cooper, meeting. . Mach îst, at 10 a.m. mee Hubband. country was gnawing Up. Brooks, -Dept. ai Municipal Afiains neMrhIt a 0am ks, Mr. Police villages in Township, leit visited aven ta next meeting. dr. and Resolution from Police Trus- ENNISKILLEN ry tees ne, Gamsby Estate, tablea ý, aest ta n ext meeting. Mn. Frank Smith, Columbus, Cavan MacPbaii ne, unopened noad with Mn. and Mns. Eatl Tre- itb MnIr allowance, table ta nexi meet- wlfl. ing, Mrs. G. Yeo, President ai En- Police Signed petîtions ne, nequest niskillen W.A., and Mrs. M. J. I )%mhpta grave] east boundary side HFbsT! are m oshaarees .neeting road between Newcastle andi bytery W.A.,,,attended the exe- F I a e o e p FieTwsi9iCak nmN cutive meeting ai the Oshawa ncrease 2 Hligbway south ta Base LinePresyey WmnsAsca village, referned ta Road Superinten- tion beld at Trinity United cussed. dent. Churcb, Bowmanville. is were Granted Orono Libnary Board Mn. and "Mns. Cecil Wilson, Iwere $25,00 for 1955. Gwen and Unice, Nestieton, at ration. Couclpttoe eta Mn. and Mns. L. Lambs. 1 I ighways tpt tranfer $2006 on Mn. and Mns. John E. Gniffmn gild a Road Maintenance ta Bridge adfml eea n.Ga -Hensv in accordance with approved Mn. and Mn.. Mickelsen, Tn- ' uc cosrcin No. 1236. ronta, were Sunday visitons af J.rbL. Loweny was appointed Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Svanefelt. labeFly Inspector for 1955 Mrs. C. Sçper, Mn. and Mn.. N Lat..bourly rate af $1.25 ana T. Yeo, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. mileage at .08c per mile. S. Johnson, Dennis, Mark and .I et er o occupation conce n- M les, W hitby M rsL . G raham , O d fx e s s m t m s y a n f r t e g a l 1 0 ~Lot 28 concession 5, ng, Blackstock, were necent vi- go l Tow)nshîipaf Clarke was filed. sitars af Mn. and Mrs. R. Mc- days when lufe was ions hochec than in these ApNeil. hurly-burly modern Urnes. Bt few would epproach and changed drain- atI ieuthmornDMNO wy age tTikey's Corner enacted Miss Joan Grawbanger, ai Mn. wn agv ptemdmDMNO a by Dept. af Highways as refer-lfand Mns. Lamne Lamb. of food shoppng. with ifs soIf-serve con- ned ta in January meeting was 1Mn.adMns. Earl Tnewi, nience .. . its dependable seefor-yourseîî referred ta Road Supeninten- Doreen aand Donald, with Mn. quality ... its exciting variety ... and ifs greater efflciency that enables dent. and Mn.. Roy Taylor, Black- YOmi ta buy more for a day's pay than girandma ever could. Especilily ship wta provide for 1955 stock. Cu e a oe sînce et DOMINION you stili gjet old.fashianed friendly courtes. . expndiureon noads in Town- Servie;Clu e ttehm a cheenful smie ...a sincere intereet in your sopn rbes ip Clanke and supplemen- af Mn.. .4lan Wenry with 12 makes-you-wanttoomeback welcome. No Wonder so many shoppers tary by-law ta provide for 1955 1present. A veny successiul say: "Folks Are mare FRTENDLY at DomiNiom r' expendîtune on roads in the jrummage sale was held durmng Township of Clarke wene pas.- the eeig uc was served ed. 1by evni. ELuMnh ,Mrs. G. eo rafs rs The sum ai maneys appro- Yeo, Mns. H. Ashton and the eo rafs rs priated are raised by levy, de- bostess. Next 'meeting ai Mns. ( bentures and govennment sub- G. Yeo's on Feb. 15. S A ISA hE "*35C <sidy fan total expenditune upon Mn. and Mn.. Elwyn Dickey, cosrcinand maintenance Bowmanville, with Mn, and ofth cnroadsunder its juis*- Ms MlonSaitn tion during the yean as o Mns. Mlo tano.FRI I fConstruction - Roads, $3,000; Our sympathy is extendeed Devon or Daisy - Rind on * Brides and Culvents, $jîo,00; ta Mn. and Mn.. Arthur Brunt 1 Total.__$13_000;_Maintenance on the las. ai iheir house last 49cIL Toa. 1,00 Miteace- wee-.. S I 'E B A CONI Mrs. A. Werry, spent last- B ETHANY. Monday with lier parentMr.Pael-SP enV Mn. and Mn,. Lyle Johns and 'Mn. and Mns. Howard Oke daugbten Sharon, Radville, and Garny, Oshawa; Mn. and PeRn Sask., Mn. and Mns. Jack Kempt Mns. W. Sanderson, Columbus, COTTA G R OLLI r and Sns ayne and David, Pe with Mn. and Mrs. Walter Oke. terborough, wene guests of Mr. Mn. and Mn.. L. Cheeseman c and Mns. A. H. Monk. and Linda, Oshawa; with Mr'. Mrs. Ceci Waite, Toronto, land Mn.. W. HoweIll'a. PeamniE I - Lean Cent*. Cnt - visited Mn. and Mn.. Fnank Mrj Er Bottreli, Newcaastle, Bigelow. 1with Mn., and Mns. Carl Fergu- B X N Lb. teei MAKE Pi lage wha attended the funeral Miss Jane McClure, Bowman- O R service ai Mn. Anchie Kennedy ville, Mn. and Mn.. Ralph Vin- in Millbrook on Tuesday wcne tue, with Mn. and Mrs. Lb. B Eti Bnlea got Mn. and Mns. Mansel Finney, EB EIa Mn. and Mns. John White and Mn. and Mn.. Grant TenetLb Mn. and Mn.. Donald Lowes. Countice, wlth Mr. and Mns.. O. OU N Dl U *A IK- Mrs. R., R. Bonsteel enter- C. Ashton. tained members ai the Women's Mn. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid SWIFT'S Association ai Yelverton Unit- and girls, Sauina, Mn. and MnE..Brs-Pg f4- edr-8o.p ed Churcb Thursday afternoon. Lloyd Preston and Garny, Mn r s-Pg Mn. and Mn., D. R. Cutts, and Mn.. Keitb McGill, Bow- Southampton, were guests witb manvilie, witb Mn. and Mns. iMn. and Mn.. Alex McMaster. Roy McGill MI NUTE STEAKS 47c p I 1Mn.. William Hannab was Our Christian Youtb Service taken ta Civic Hospital, Peter- i. ta be beld in the cbunch on borough, Saturday and will un- Sunday, Feb. 13. Service wull ______Cu Pr d c C ss dergo an operation this week. be taken aven by aur local u Pr d c Co t Hen many friends wisb her a yaung people. Guesi speaker_______ speedy necovery. i. ta be Mn. or Mn.. Stephen Mn. Frank Hamilton, Mon- Saywel Oshawa. Solo by Mar- Just Dripping with Juie - FLORIDA - No. 1 treal, Que., with bis mother, got Rankmne, Haydon. and duet Mns. J. J. Hamilton, alsa visit- by Miss Marilyn Spicen, Bow- T M I ing with bis father, Dr. J. . manville and Miss Shirley T M P LE SizO V vHamltn who is a patient inMi.12 M. a tnd n.En aaoMnli. l1nMat0 2e o C1icHopitai, Peterborough. Congratulations to Mn. an d DOZ. and Mn.. Hannah Cairns were Brunt) on the arrivai ai a fine _____________________________ guests at the Ingram-Steink- baby boy.---- on F MsidaKnndy.wa. I auss wedding in Peterborough M . . K n e y o m n. - l a e j M . H a nr y M c G e e , I d a , s p e n t v i l l e , s p e n t a f e w d a y s w i t h M r . AI N o d B u a h e t he.weekend witb Mn. -and Mrs. and Mn.. H. Stevens.Am RLilkUÀMa&MA fiist year in the Youth for Chrisi ld at the Lions Community Cen- ove is the picture of the h-ead ta] ý of Eastern Canada Youth for Bowmanville Yo uth for Chris tMrs. Scott, Mrs. Ham and Lt, ry challenging talk on the' Hoi )wth of the work in Canada, U.ý Youth For christ Celebrate period, twith Mrs. Henderson Ghurch service wai heid as readin the scrlpture and Mrs. usual an Sunday, coinducted by' Thomas Jennings giving lessori Rev. ?&. Gardener of Canton. thoughts and leading in pray- Unfortunately, very Iew were er. present to enjay the very fine it was decided ta send $5.00 and Interesting sermon by Mr. ta the "Save the Children Gardener and special music an- Fund" in Toronto. Announce- ranged and given lby aur organ- ment was made of the Warid's ist, Mrs. Helen McHoim and Day* of Prayer in United Mru. E. Wilson, piano. Church on Feb. 25. A request Sunday School was at il ar.. to cater. for a wedding in Apnil There was a good number was accepted. On Feb. 23rd a present. We expect and hope joint meeting of ail the wom- this will be the lasf Sundpy en's association groups on the when the aid wood heater wiil Manvers circuit will be held in be used. Dish-pans must be Bethany and Bethany group piaced araund as safety mneans was requested ta serve lunch. from faiiing embers. The re- Rai cail was answered by 20 placement means a brand new memnbers with a tbought on ail heater which may very weli Friendship and hymns relating be a forerunner af an ail furnace ta this were sung. The hast- for the church later on. At ess assisted by members of present just wishfui thinking Group 2 served lunch. and planning. A TASTY TREAT - »C4 OLE URA-ND PRE-DRESSED UCKLINGS m.59 *gs or B.e.#fa 69 C UN-DENDJ IE-DRES PANCAKES AND WAW.UB U MA, M NSYRUP 2-lb ,E HlVE 2 47< P- < Ef5f WA e TK'Ea1. Clark's Fancy or Libby's - 20-oz. tin Tomcito juice ROYAL B » Gt One% Pri.e Instant Pudd ings 2 FOR 23c VALEI"NuDAY SPECIAL On. Lb. Box Chocolates 719C mraFebruary 10,1,12a Bowanvile, Ont. '9£ k - ~ t. li 1 PAI 19C ý!7MA'T, .11,1 Anniversary WESLEYVILLE' lBethany w. A. NOIRRISR wzVf once again we have been 1l i Mr. and Mrs. William Hena subjected to the abrupt changei uea rs Adduress Iderson have maved across tht lu tmpeatur whch mkes raa tathe bouse recently ac- ln erpeacupledh aks by Mr. R. J. Ashtan. Part Ontaro climate far from mon-n Fl renasnip ' ai the house has been remadelled OtOfUS.Frambniht dan cPdi and dcoated and Is now very to aprlng-llke air bnoughta Woman's Association of Un-coarae.Waeveypes range of temperature i n onej ited Church were entertained d see this nome ccupied day greaten than same parts af at the home af Mrs. Bruce Ry- agan. M. aend lisinortohe ley for their Febnuary meeting.Hednaaenalingoth Uic onld kna lu Yea. IP nog nam was in charge ai M r. h m fa . A loat dag didn't enjay the Clarence Rowan, with tapic un Mns. Wm. McHolrn, Mrs. F. cold weather very much fon be "Friendship." In a mast inter- Cornish and Miss Beckett were had been seen araund vaniaus esting talk, Mns. Rowan listed entertaîned ta afternoon tea by pldces for same days and fin- two important factors ai frienci- Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Cress grn- ally driven by huliger iound sbip ... the art af graclous giv- denson on Wednesday, Feb. 2nd. -an entrance ta a henhouse and ing and receivlng. "TwoAaten Mran s.G do Flw cleaned up an seven chickens we think af giving ln a mone- r. and Mgt n ne. Gardono- and a duck. tary sense. We have much ta ta viuitedo audy e.5h ýOrganization was celebrated Trail Rangers hel hi give ai aunseives, aur time and 1 do uudy e.5h tre ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l onSlra a.2t. eua etn tt e imer talents. The greatest gi * swith Mrs. F. Corriish, grand- itreon Sturay, an.29t aiofRonnie Dinnen an Fiday love and understanding, which rnther, andM. owh oni tble. Left to right: Mr. Eivon evening, altbough two af the makes for lasting friendship." fthnaMr. oat. Christ; Mrs. Hedley, James boys wee absent on a trip ta Mrs. J. P. Henderson gave a We ame pleased ta report that ~t; rs. Fifeld Rev. F. . Fonia. eading "Go the Last Mile" and Mrs. Leo Bevan is prgressing st Mr. ThF gefse akeRe.F B r Re. . Grie iMns. Earl Weatberilt a por nioely from her unfortunate ac- w and Why of Youth. for us on Sunday mannring ta con-"If We FrinkBuein-rei now able foreCnistma andtotip Lm awm -14 12-«. Tin SI .ý6-47c "A""