j~AY, 1. ,fl~, mu ___________________ - ~ ~ ~2IÂ JV UMAI V 5.A* iLE i NAMO U.IPAGE ELEVEN Stiohn's Annual Vestry Meeting Presented Gratifying Report s Obligations Met in Ail Depts. It was wlth mixed fNèlings s<he congregation of St. John's met ta review their year's ac- coinPlshments at the annual Vestty Meeting, in view oi the tact thât the Rector, Rev. War- ren X. Turner and his wife and taînily were ieaving St. John's, ta carry on Christs work at St. &tvde's, Toronto. The Réctar called.4hè meeting ta order with hymne and pray- eia. Reviewing. the year just past he pointed out 'incréases over Previous years in baptîsms, inarriages and confirmations. The eight ô'lock Communion had lncreased, as had the Cor- porate Communion. Services on week-days, the eleven and seven o'clock services had de- creased: He feit it was hard for him tô look ahèad with St. John's as he Wà laving on the lot of March, but he revlewed the accomplish- rn-entsana~d imfprôvements in the Sast four years he had served t. John's. The parish was free of debi and a Restoration Fund had been set up ta restore the church in the near future. The club room had been lined andi painted and a new piano instail- ed therein. The heating system had been re-arrangcd and re- built. New hardwood floors had been laid in the rectory. Dining-room had been redec- arated as well as kitchen and bathroomn this past Vear. The outside of the rectory had been painted durlng his stay there. He exprcssed his commenda- tion to the two Wardcns, whd carried hihi through the past year, their help and support was sincerely appreriated. He saiti he could not ha ýe done it with- out the help, en.,uragement and sympathy of his wife, and the three other young ladies in the rectory who ail bring hlm a lot of happiness. The Wardens' account was 'presented by Mr. D. V. H. Gib- son, who addressed the Vestry ~4and commented on the givings ta the church. He paid tribtite- to those mnen who are contîn- uously working nt the church to improve its facilities. He ex- pressed personal thanks to Mr. A. Campbell, Mr. E. Hennîng, Mr. Ormiston, and the Parker Co. for a job wel1 done. He &-ai.d tribute ta the Guild, Guildettes and the Evening Branch for support and contri- butions ta the running of the ehurch. He was thankful ta the caretakers for their contribution. th the services in the church. He* expressed his appreciation ta the organist and choir for their assistance in the worshjp in Gad's house att he Sunday services. Turning ta the Rector, he sald 14 was most difficuit to say a Vfew words an the Vestry's be- haif ta Mr. and Mns. Turner. 'They had beeri welcomne frientis sin aur homes, they will find Is therneselves nô bétter 14ôl5lé no - mattéif where tb4y go, thâh Ihere. We wish tbem Cévery buc- e cees and enjaymnent of bappinesa .- in their new Parish, and take d this opportunity ta thanlk thêm Ifor ail the guidance, counhtel and tencouragement they haVé giVeln ta us, the pat four and àaie Syears. The Wàrden's report shOwed ;t total income from Éli sources, s$12,033.71. A donation af $200 ihèd been received from *Mrs. ;Maitland Gauid ta be ueéd as n a sultable fiemonial ta ber late -parents, Dr. and Mr$. G. C. sBonnycastle. Mr. John A. Living presentcd -the mission aeccunt, showlng the. mission allôtmef 0f si 1,400 ~ Dhati been paid ln full, aiea the eSynôd asseesmênt 0f $282.00. Donations had béen given ta Iniglis Housé, Toronto, and tit Ê lood relief. Mrs. Forrest XDilling ouilincd the Advisory Board's actîvities tand Mies Betty Flaxmxan report- 1cd as Envelope Secretary. Mrs. cW. J. E. Ormiston neported fon the Altar Guild in the absence 1of Mrs. H. Sutton, shawing they had a balance on hand af $40.57 iafter suppiying the Altar wlth .fiowers for the past yatr. The iAitan Guild is made up ai sev- . eral young ladies ai the church who prepare the Altar and 1Chancel for Communion terv- ,ices, weddings and funerals. iThéy welcome donations ai memnoriais te loved ones at any The Men's Club itill continues iof the parish, and wclcome ail l atefrscn lmen Who arc newcamnera ta join I atefrscn .with them cach Tuesday even- of the Bowmanville Minor EI 1ing. the Bowmanville Recreation The Women's Guild report Hsis hw bv.Lf bwas presented by Mrs. D. V. H. ukesonaoe e Gibson and Is a complimenit te Reynolds, John "Red" Mille thiff bodyr cf women who work. no bard and buslly te auch a Wamen's BranCi, the Girls' Aux- successful finale at the end Of 'lllary and the Junior Auxiliary. the year in raising over $1,500- Al four branches have success- This is accomplishcd by aC ba fully paid thein pledges in full, zaar, béas, catering ta dinners made layettes, ciothed Indian and a turkèy supper et Thanks- girls In baarding schools, sup- glvlng. One of their membere, parted a boy in the Boys' School Mn.. J. Gunn, bcd coliected and et Paiampiu, India, resident contibuted $114 In birthday school in which Rcv. Thomas A. maney. Duutan, ministens. Thcy have Mi. Jaek Parker In 'eport1ng contrlbuted substantially ta, the for the Young Men'% Club, ex- 'restoration fund and supplied preseed the feeling af their club, memonial flowers for the Altan. waa to, jain wlth the Tuesday Ail have continui their mis- cvcnihg Men's Club. slan study and nthly devo- The Chair, besides being et tional meetings. -h the leav- practIce- and the Sunday serv- ing ai aur Rcct' .1 family, a tces, #00a purchased considerable new leader is ded for the fiew music and given Cbristmas G.A., ta ncpiac ivrs. Turner. giits ta the boys and ta those ruembers wha had moved away. The Guildettes, an active They, bad presented the Canton- group af youngen ladies ai the bury Singera ta St. John's at a parish have given most generous week-night service. contributions ta the Wardens, Thene are four branches cf as well as ta the Restaration the- Women's Auxiliary (the Fund and the choir. Their Misslanary organizations) in St. f u n d s were raised mainly Jobn%, Lc., the Afternoon through teas, talent money, Wo~sB ranch, the Fvening bazaars and weekly home bak- Bantam Huskies Tied For Second Siot 3place in the Bantam Division left ta right: Robert Allun, Robert Wallis, Captain Ron Iockey Leagues sponsored by Pollard, Dave Parker, Joe Balson and Coach Ai Clarke. iDepartment are the Bantam Absent when the picture was taken were Manager Joe to right, front row, are: Dave Cuddahee, Ted Bartlett, Stanley Stevens and Alvin er, John Clarke. Rear row, Masterson. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope ing sales at the lake. carnying God's message to these The Little Helpers arc the cbildren and for being regular little tata who meet once month- in their places. ly with their mothers, and en- Olficers for 1955: joy an intercstîng and instruct- Rectar's Warden - John 'H. ive afternoon and a social haîfLing ep'sWrn-.V hour. They hcld a picnie in theLingPopcsW dnD.V gummer, and. gave donations ta flowand Gibson; Lay Delegates the choir and Restoration Fund. to Synod-J. J. Brown and W. The Sunday School is the J. E. Ormiston; Substitute Dele- fasteat growing association in gates-J. A. Living and Miss St. John's. The attendance bas Betty Flaxman; Parochial Tri- grown beyond the accommoda- bunal-Rector, Wardens, Mrs. H. tion until the Sunday School Humnphrey, Mrs. R. M, Cale, bas been split ta, accommodate J. A. Living; Sidesmen's Con- Senior and Junior Schôol. The venor-Philip Patrick; Envelope Senior Sunday Scbool gathers Sec'y-Miaa Betty Flaxman. at 10 a.m. and the Junior at Advisory Council or Board- il a.m. A Kindergarten Class Rector, Wardens, 2 Delegates ta has been formed ta allow parents Synod' Vestny Clcrk and En- ta attend church services, whilc velope' Sec'y; members elected these littie tots are introducedt (four), Mrs. R. M. Cale, Mrs. M. ta Sunday School routine. Marchant, E. Henning, F. Hoop- Rev. W. Turner exprcsscd bis er; members appointcd by Rec- thanks and appreciation toalal tor (four). J. G. Parker, Mrs. the teachers and leaders in the V. H. Starey, Mrs. O. Presson, Sunday Scbool for their faithful- C. Evans. bon. members, Mrs. ness in their weekly task in W. H. Dcnsemi. Auditos-T. Gatcheil and E. L. Oliver; subs- titute audtor-Mr. Lucas. Great Chapter - Rector and Wardens, H. Sutton, E. W. Ber- il, Gea. Young, Phil Patrick and V. Snider; Restoration Com- mttee-J. J. Bnown, Miss Betty Flaxman, Wardens, and W. J. E. Ormiston. Mns. W. H. Densem cxpnessed the thanks ai the Vestry Meet- ing and spoke'for ail the congre- gation their thanks ta Rev. and Mrs. Turner for thein graclous- ness, thoughtfulneas and kind- ness ta al ai us duning their stay bere, aiso ta Mrs. Turner and the ladies who provided the Vestry wxth a dehicious lunch ai coffee and cookies. Rev. Turner paid trîbute ta all those who werc absent due ta ilîness and led in anc minute's silence for those who had gone an ta bigher service duning the past year. We wisb ta express ta Rev. and Mrs. W. Turne r and the NE WTON VILLE Miss Kirkpatrick, our prinm ary teacher, spent the weekeni with her parents at Battersea. Mr. and Mrs > Ërl Mctwei and family, Peterborough, spcn the weekend with her parentc Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Burley. Mr. Melville Cox and Mis Belle Beatan, Toronto, with Mi and Mlrs. Wilfred Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitta ker and family, Toronto, wit] her mother, Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Miss Jenflie Thompson le on Thursday ta %pend some timý in Toronto. Mr. Melville Merrll and ladý frlcnd of Watkworth, returniný from the Ice Faillies spent thi weekend with his aunt, Mrs Willis Joncs. Grant Wade celebrated hi- 8th birthday on Thursday, Feb 3rd by giving a party for seve of bis schoal chums. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruci spent the weekend with hei sister, Mrs. Florence McGce Toronta. Miss Jessie Mcçrca, Toranto with Miss Annie Nesbltt for thý weekend. Mr. and Mns. Roy Burlay Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr and. Mrs. Willis Farrow. Congratulations ta Mr. kn Mrs. Ernest Webster (nee He. len Elliott) who wcre marric at her home on Saturday, Feb 5th ait four o'c lock by Rev. S. J Pike. There passed away at Pari Hope hospitai on Manday, Fec 7th, Mr. Shuter Nimrod Haskil] in bis 86th year. We cxtend oui sincere sympathy ta the fan- ily. Mr. Hasklll has been con- nected with aur local telephone company almost from its incep- tion, belng presîdent for forty. three years. S. 9. Meeting The annual meeting of thE United Church S. S. was heic Sunday morning after Sunday School session. Rev. S. J. PlkE was chairman and Clelanc Lane secretary. Very few chan- ges werc made in staff whidh is as follows: Supt., S. J. Lan- caster; assistant Supt., C. M. Joncs; Recording Secretary, Tec Lane; Corrcsponding Sec., Mrs. C. Farrow; Treasurer, Clelanc Lane; Bible Class teacher, Mrs. C. Burley; Assistant, Harry Worrall; Senior Girls, Mrs. S. J. Lancaster; Assistant, Mrs. J. T. Pearce; Junior Girls, Mrs. Don Vinkle; Assistant, Mrs. C. M. Joncs; Senior Boys, Cleland Lane; Assistant, Jack Kîmball Junior Boys, C. M. Jones; As- sistant, Mrs. Milton Kimbaill Beginners, Miss Gloria. Lane; Primary, Mrs. Ernest Elcry; As- sistant for Beginners and Prim- ary, Mrs. Jack Elliott; Planist, Mrs. Roy Be8t. The assistant teachers were appointed a cammittee ta study class awards etc. Sunday School Anniversary will be iast Sunday in June (26th) with executive ta plan programn. girls, Godspced and blessing In their new parish, and may thcy be blessed. happy and success- fui. Legion Ladies ', Make Plans M For Banquets ýs' Thé Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canadian Légion met Ili the ss Légion Hall on Monday, Feu. 7 r.wîth Pres. Com. Knight in tne chair. Com. McKeever and J. Reader werc inîtlated into the ýh Auxiliary. Minutes of last nmeet- .lng were read andi approved, t along with several carda of te thanks. one application for membership was favourably ne- lyceived. Lg Com. Lawrie offered ta con- le vene banquet on March 5th. The SAuxiliary aiso accepted the job of convening bowling banquet, as n April il and a wedding on bApnil 16. Special committees ýn gave their reports for the month of January. !e With several banquets commng tr up and the stove in a very bad condition it was movcd and pass- ed that a new stave bé punchas- cd immedlatcly. le Plans were made ta entertain Oshawa, Ajax, Claremont% Dun- barton and Uxbnldge Auxillar- ies an March 21. Ahl members who arc going d ta, Uxbridge on Monday, Feb. 14 are remlnded ta be at the d Légion Hall at 7 p.m. Meeting adjourned and lunch was served. WEDDING ,r CLAUS - BLACK In St. Andrew's UTnited 1Church, Oshawa, last Saturday -afternoon, Cameron Claus took as bis bridé Joan Théodora Bladk. The bride is the daugh- ter of thc late Mr. and Mrs. eJohnson Black of Ottawa, and the bridcgroom le the son of Mr. cand Mrs. Hanley Bird Claus af yOshawa. e The Rev. George Telford, D.D., ci officiated in the choral service àand Mr. E. Kelvin James play- cd the wcdding music. -The bride was given in mar- niage by Mr. Leslie McGec af Orana. She wore a fuil-le gown of bnidal satin ending in a train, and ber fingertip yeli was beld by a satin headdress. She carried a cascade af plnk roses centcred with white. -The brideamaid was Miss *Isabel Maulds af Toronto Who -was in dark ncd velvet with a matching hcaddress. She car- ried a cascade of ycllow Chry- santhemums. Mr. Adrian Claus was best man for bis brother. A reception followed In the lowcr hall of thé church. Re- ceiving for the bride, Mrs. Les- lie McGee, Onono, wore navy blue with white accessonies and a corsage of white chrysanthe- mums. The bridcgroom's math. Ser was in blue wîth pînk ac- cesaries and pink carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Claus icft to spend their honcymoan in Buf- ifalo and wiil return talilve in rOshawa. For travelling the *bride chose a blue suit and a gréy fur coat. Announcing. Location Tle.vîsion, Sales Prof essional Service- An#ennas- Appliances ut 33 King St reet Name in Television * Quality Ail-Transformer Chassis * Dual Speal:er Models * Clear Super-Steady Picture * Aluminized Picture Tubes * Prices fo Suit Every Pockel Priced from s219.95 to $l OOO.oo ELECTROHOME "Pledged To Quality"' * Deilcrafi Cabinets * Full 22-tube Chassis (ALL TRANSFORMER) * "Noise Suicide" Circuits' * Crystal-Clear Picture * Full F.M. Sound EU M L Arnu town, Model NT141B s349.oo plus base r*4ame in i eievision DU MONTIhe Most Respected QUALITY TELEVISION * Big 245 Sq. In. 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