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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1955, p. 12

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______________________THE___ J CAN~dUA1JIAN TATJ MAN. BOWMANVMIE, ONTARIO THMWq~vWIU1W ~ Large Number Women Take Institufe Course On Brighten Your Home Forty-seven Bowmanville and Maple Grave ladies took advan- tage of the Women's Institute extension service meeting heic in the Maple Grove churci basement on Feb. 4th. Miss Jeanne Armour, Home *Economist of the W.I. branclh of the Ont. Dept. of Agricul- ture staff, Toronto, provided a xnost informative discourse on color and conducted a demon- stration carried out by seven groups of ladies. Miss Armour said that the subject "Brighten your homne with clor" chasen by the Baw- manville and Maple Grove groups had been very popular this season and there was thAe thought that the reason might Yelverton- W.A. February Meeting Yelverton-Twenty-two mcm bers and three visitors took ad. vantage of this occasion ta in. spcct the parsanage, pick haie. in the hospitality and look fa' dust under the rug - in othe: words spend an enjayable after. noan. The event, if you haven'i guessed it, the Rev. and Mrs Bonsteel of Bethany were "AI Home" Thursday p.m. ta the Yel- verton W.A. This goodly num- ber of ladies with Christian cause bravcd sub-zero weather ta satiate their curiosiF and their appetites and ta lend physical and moral support tc the arganization. President Mar- jonce Stinsan was in the chair. Devotional, with Eilcený Mal- colm as canvenor, consisted of a reading. Ruth Wilson read the scripturc.- Eilcen narrated an Interesting story on how three different men lead their separate lives. Business session opened with the minutes and rail caîl. $20.77 was rcalized from providing lunch at the Geo. Hamilton and Son sale. The usual indecisive chatter taok place re articles and things too numeraus ta, mention, culminated in the for- mnation of vaniaus cammîttees. President was appointed ta re- present W.A. in Opening of the Shed Committec. Mrs. James Shcckleton wiil welcome the W.A. next month Pragram complled by Mrs. ]Ralph Malc6lm and M.C.'ed in her absence by Mrs. Ray Robin- son corlsisted of: readings-"ý'The Way ta Happiness" by Doris ]Rowan; "The Price of Love" by Isabel Wilson; "Schoal Learn- ing" by Mrs. E. Hendersan, Marj. Stinson May Sheckleton and Mns. Ïonsteel. "In a Friendly Sort af Way" was con- tributed by Myra ;age Two ceste rinon Butiful lunh ceste werenconBucted by En-h was served hy Mrs. Bonsteel, Myra Page and Carnie Malcolm. i be that people are turning to -pleasant homes ta be away efrom the outside and worid à tensions. Tracing. the history of colnr from the creation when God Lsaîd, "let there be light" ta the ti theory of three prîmary colors, - red, yellow and blue to the 3 tints, shades and complimentary i colors, Miss Armour stressed .the very great cnjoyment which idaes and decidedly should add ta the enrichmcnt of living from an-appreciation of color in thc world around us. Since few bomemakers can re-do a bouse or even a cam- plete room re-do at anc time Miss Armaur gave hcipful ad- vice on how ta achieve desired results over a pcriod of time. Color. bas a definite effcct on mental and gencral well be- ing, it refiects ligbt sa if care- fully used can be made ta brighten a dark room. Each of seven graups of ibdies were given the apportunity ta choose fabrics which were pro vided for the purpase and decorate an imaginary room. Miss Armour gave helpful criticisms and comments on each display. It was mast a- parent from the lecture and demonstration that color does play an important part in everyday living. Tea was serv- cd by Mapie Grave ladies. Miss Armour was introduccd by Ma- pie Grave president. Mns. C. Milîs and was given a general appreciative round of applause. Mrs. T. Buttery extended thanks on behaif of the Bowmanville graup for Maple Grove's haspi- tality.1 HAYDON 1 Due ta the illness in aur rcommunîty, C.G.I.T. concert planncd for Friday evening, bas been cancelled. Bill Ashton, Jim Madore, and Miss M. Ashton, Toronto, Miss A. Hay, Peterboro, were Sun- day visîtors at Mr. and Mrs. Hcnry Ashton's. Mr. John Tamblyn, Onono, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ash- tan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bruce and family, at Mr. and Mrs. Kenncth Walker's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLaugh.. lin, Mrs. W. Bryant, Burketon, were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton an Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gay, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mn.. C. Garnard. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martyn and family, Bowmanville, at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin's. Mn. and Mrs. 1. Cook, Scar- haro, Miss E. Knapp, Burketon, visitcd Mr. and Mn.. Norman I Saturday - 6:30 ti 9 0 p t] bi gi rE th F( Of ev B. st To ere Tc gr( Ca evi Re Di( vi( ror Fe] Ad Bir Dih ehb.-i lOthat .30at th7homt( dMrs. Charlie Rankine's. M St. John's Charch News The preacher next Sunday 'ening at St. John's Church il be the Rev. W. E. Askew, A., B.D., Senior Assistant at t.Clement's Chuxch, North monta. Mr. Askew for sev- al ycars pnior ta coming ta oronto was rectar 0f a rapid1v rowing suburban parish in iilgary, Aita. Mr. Askew is )ming ta St. John's an Sunday ening in order ta permit the ector ta preach at the Annual ocesan Girls' Auxiliary Scr- [e at St. Hilda's Church, Ta- anto. 4emnoriaI Hospital Veekly Report F'or the weck of Jan. 30 b. 6: imissions --------- ------- 50 iths, 6 male, 4 female lo1 ischarges -_----_ 9 porary relief for a necdy fam- g iiy;l cd lv1 al 1apulspor Four rmembers, Henry Jake- ail pupi i scosueafoan-man, Rev. T. S. Gault. Mrs. vers at cast of $58.08 and ah Mortona Setnd Misseaura expenses of the Volunteer Home ro tcddteana Nursing Class met. mee t i ng of Peterborough Mn. Jakeman expnessed bis branch, the previaus week. thanks toalal volunteers whù These officers were elected had assisted in îast yean's caun- fan 1955: Hon. President, Rev. paign for funds, Alvin Mitchell, T. S. Gault; President. Mrs. Ballyduff; Hildon Johnston, Or- Ross N. Carr, Bethany; lst vice, lac Marshall, M. Kellett, Jan- Mrs alAgeR .N.1 etville; James Gray, Lotus; Fen- s.arAguRR.N.1 ton Fallis, Charles McNeil, Pan- Pontypoal; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Han- typool; Laverne McKinley, ry Richardson, Pantypool; 3rd Lawrence Staples, Lifford; John 'Vice, Hildon Johnston, Janet- Coburn, Marie Carr and Grace ville; treas.. Henry M. Jake- Bigeiow, Bethany. man; Scc'y, Mrs. Wellington Mrs. R. W. Pricc reporting Fallis; assistant sec'y, Mrs. for the Loan Cupboard, stated John Whitet campaign director, ail three hospîtal bcds were in Earl Argue, R. R. 1, Pontypool. use, and listed ail the supplies In charge of First Aid Kit, at present in the boan cub- George Smith; Canvenor of loarp board. cupboard and home nursing,, Mrs. Edgar Beer, Reg. N., supplies, Mrs. R. W. Price and gave a report of the Home Miss Lily Thompson; directon of Nursing Class of which she is Home Nursing volunteers Class, instructon. There had been 10 Mrs. Edgar Beer, Reg. N.; re- students, with 9 campleting the presentativc Ontario Provincial "Refresher Course". One pa- xecutive, Miss Laura Morton. tient had received regular cane Several of the members serv- ail during the year. As this cd lunch during the social bouc. last class had been held in Bethany, Mrs. Beer expresseci tehope that during this yearWEDIT( arrangements could be made for W D IG classes in the othen parts of the township. It was decided to KILGANNON - ALLIN maj r- p-ra'io-n ________- ,, cntnu iIJdncing the Vajun- Hampton United Church was Major operations ____ 71 teer Nursing classes, with Mrs. the scene of a very pretty wed- Miorapnaios-----20 Beer having full autbanitytadnonatraan22 when Emergency treatments-----3' organize a new class.t M iss Irne Auna, Hamn. a d These facts are published Mrs. R. W. Price expressed Mr. David Kilgannon, Toronto, weekly in an effort ta acquaint were united in marriage. Rev. this commuraity with the ser- P. . . J. Reed officiated at the vices of aur hospital. G.irl G.uides ceremony which was performed against a background of yel- g low daffodils and pink and OBITUARY Plan Annua white streamers. Weddîng mu- suc was played by Miss Mary MRS. WESLEY J. VIVIAN P Niddery, Hampton. Sumrner Ca The bride is the daughter af In ili hcalth for the past 'aH > Mn. and Mrs. Harold Aluin, threc months, Ruby Viola Fiee, Hasmpton, and tegomi h beloved wifc of Wesley J. r. A. J. Frank attended a Hmtegomi h Vivian, 247 Simcae St., North, meeting of Girl Guide tCamp son of Mrs. Jack Mercer and died in the Oshawa Generai Advîscns held in Aurona iast laeM.JcKianno Hospital Tuesday, Feb. 1. 19,53. week. The weather ail week Bowmanvilie. in ier46t yer.had been 15 below zero, but Given in marniage by bier in br 4th yar.plans were discussed for camps fatber. the bride wvore a gown Born in Darlington Town- ta be heid ail oven the province Of white satin adorned with ship, the deceased moved ta this summer, as well as the lace peplum and cnding in a Oshawa with ber parents at an Adventure Camp ta be hcid in graceful train. The yoke was eariy age. She was a member British Columbia. 1 peani cmbrajdercd and the long of King Street United Cburch. 100 girls wiîî travel across siceves endcd un a dainty lily Mrs. Vivian is survivcd by the entire Dominion to camp at point on the back of the hand. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lake O'Hana, Yoho National Her veil was heid in place by Fred Fice; ber husband, whomn Park, B.C., in the heart of the a tiara set with peanîs and she she ma'rried here in January, Canadian Rockies, from julv carried a bouquet af red roses 1940, and anc brother, Milton 8th ta 22nd. The camp -fee wilî and lily of the. valiey. Fice of Oshawa. be $30.00 plus transportation of The bride was attended by Rcv. M. A. Bury, minister of $73.90 and food enroute. ber sisters, Miss Lorraine Allin King Street Unîited Chu rch1 The purchase of a permanent (Maid of Honaur) and Miss conducted the f umîrai service camp site for the use of ail Marilyn Aluin, Hampton, an d at the Luke-Mclntosh Funeral Girl Guide Campanies in this Miss Jýay Kilgannon, ToronTro. Home on Thîrrsday, Febrîîarv area. is being investigated and The .Utaid of Honour %vas gown- 3rd. lnterrnent was in Oshawai thiý- ou]d soive many campj1ed in a al dress of rose Umm aCemetery. siteprobIL n~a~ ,M~ IlftIURIl VI1~Il Fmi LO TI119-. & WED. *L . I I RETURN JMT -w- 7 Pf Return fares betwee R~ owmiarvili, - and Y011 SAVE TORONTO -**--$1.75 $1.05 MONTREAL --- 11.25 7.10 OTTAWA------------790 4.95 Bargain Fares ai.. appW 'b.tween TORONTO and SAVING OWEN SOUNO- -- 4.75' $ 3.00 'LONDON-----------4.40 2.80 WINDSOR . . .- -.- 8.65 15.50 HAMILTON - -- 1.55 .95 Aloo between points liztêd and INTSRMEIA?-E stations o hse fares do net rapPPl'y ce RIC i"Dayliner'" service between T-oronto-Windsdr and intermnediate stations. * aag aUowance 150 ibe. IIIl~~\\ -Chlda,.9 under 5 travel fret 5 and under 12 balftLare. Watch for Barqalna O.cgh PFr e ective Marah i5th-ieth. ~9 -~ k PA« ?WUJU - ULEALm SWUNVU FRIDAT - SATURDAT FEI. i11-12 also "Capt. Smith & Pocahontas"h Color Valen fine Preview SUN. NID-NITE - MON. - TUE. - WED., FEDRUARY 14 - 15 - 16 AUESDAY,e FEBRUARY 17 ONLY Special 4 o'clock Matinee for School Children "OLIVER TWIST" Mon. to Fri..- 7 and 9:10 ed Manager Vincent Jacksajm Bantam Cornets Fi ght For Second Place Bail TeamladCchBueReyote and Ce oa Brue slelont. Banquet Guests lng"h VicnIacsn reietof Athletic Association, expres-cli A t Betflany __Friday evening Bethany remarks, also for is good - Athetc Asoiatonsistance throughout the yt Ae ic Assooiati erai-Mr. Hannah is the afficy Il ed i hoor f thir asealiscore-keeper for the team a;ld team, who were champions of rightfully dlaims to be "The North Durham League and oldest boy on the bench"l. A!~- winners of the Duncan Trophy ways active in ail sparts in last ear.younger years, follows everv last with keen interest and STeamn members, Orloe Chai- since taking over the score. lice, Bob Reynolds, Morley Me- keeping chore, which he hn.g Gi, Howard McGilI, Reg. Ed- done for over 30 years, bis score _Amunds, Cameron Rowan, Bill sheets have became qit Row, RySeat ar y collection. The players, wearine ~ eVin cent Jackson, Wilfred their new jackets were lined up SReynolds, Karl Finney, Bob on the stage for phatagraphs. 2 Ryley and Bruce Ryley (coach) Progressive euchre %vas piav. îwere each presented with ed with prizes for high score smart bench coats and crests. going ta Mrs. H. Bristow anti William Hannah presented Orloe Challice; consolatiorn the jackets and gave a brief awards ta Mrs. Thomas Me. commentary on each member's Camus and M. Finney. j.ayng abuily, also teiling some Eariier, tickets had been s014 oftehighlights o h seasan'sfo prizes and as Bigelow games. The North Durham drew winning numbers on a series had been full of surpri- mator rug, which went ta Per- ses. Early in the season Beth- cy Mantie and an electric table any was at the bottom of the lamp which went ta Dr. G. Mi., list, with Miflbroak in first Longfield. Lunch was served .. place. In the semi-finais, four and for the remainder of the out of seven ' the Keene boys evening dancing was enjoyed. took aver from Millbrook and in the east section, Bethanv, playing improved bail, forged~ uP ta win the four gamesm i~g ~ w straight fram Janetvilie. In thet Z w vp final battie, a three out of fivel series with Keene, Bethanvîtes~ u u~eimq Ci again took the three closely l 'l h îýatam omes, sown bov; ar curenty ro, let contestedachTogameshllwith ontheIdgame wit th 'Ihe±~aLar Conet, sownaboe ae crretlyrow le t a rght Coch om atceli Frd Vanstone, scores, 8-3, 5-1, and 2-0. Cn i nuw in. a battie with the Huskies for second place in the Bantam Bob Osborne, Brian Hughes, David Singular, Don Oke, uing, Mr. Hannah congratulat- W N A Division of the Bowmanville Minor Hockey Leagues. Bob Burgess. Manager Ab. Mavin was absent when the Front row, lef t ta right, Larry Hancock, Wayne Mavin, picture was taken. Captain Dan Cattran, Nelson Hawes, Merton Mavin. Rear -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope H J orC ide Avery. ad~~ fashioned of rose net. The To Look Their Best and family, were tea guest, ojf S .Johnl S unuay SCflooI bridesmaids wore similar gowns Mr. and Mrs. Shackleton, Sa- - of blue net aver taffeta witb n etuo lem, on Saturday evening. LIJ n al A/-., u .h stoles of blue net. They carried f r e q u ndr Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Colgary, HIIIJIÇJnua YVillIe Party nosegay's of white gardenias and am4y, owmnvilewer AI th teches ad aand pink sweet peas. The at- cleaning and Sunday visitors, at Mrs. T. bîanda hgh Choir Boys' Class; violin solo, tendant's bats were fashioned p re s si ng for Cowling and Mr. and Mrs. W. percentage of the pupils were Alvin Quinney, who played as of ice-box roses. their clothes. Blackburn's, onl hand for the Annual Wintcr an' encore "The Gaod Lord The little flower girl, Miss Biess and Keep You" which he Sharon Fitzgerald, Hampton, Good treatment pars off lu lont wear for Mr. J. D. Graham, Bowman- Party of the Senior Division of dedicated ta tbe Rector and niece of the bride, wore a dress erby'clts.Orerieeto! ville, called on Mrs. H. Cross- St. John's Sunday Scbaol on Mrs. Turner and the family. of green net over taffeta with vrbdn lte.Orsriei o@ man on Monday. Friday evening last. Mr. Turner then led a sing- a corsage of yellow flowers at POEM -50FRFE IKU N FLVR Mrs. Bernard Houseman, The programme began with sang.which was followed by a ber waist. PHNIA352 O REPC-pADDLVR spent the weekend in Toronto. items cantributed by the boys film. Mr. A. Thompson wasý a Mr. Charles Taylor, Toronto,J BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS AND DYERS LTD. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton' and girls: piano solo, Connie gucst for the evenlng and acted acted as best man and the usb-I Ronald and Ray visited Mrs. Henning piano solo, Judith- as projectionist. ers were Mr. Bob Kilgannon Brownlee, Leaside. anne Sparrow; skit, Murray Games followed, enabling the and Mr. Don Wilson bath of Mrs.Harod MuphyMcKnight's class; duet, Carol young people ta work up an Toronto. ~~M U U U U U U U E U IU.u. Mr. and Ms aodMrh Coombes and Patricia Cooke; appetite which quickly reduc-wa ~w.Mary Betties; sang, Marie do-nuts and Pepsi-Cola. beld in the cburch tbe bride's Mrs. David Malcolm spent a Dunn; guitar, moutnaorgan and Acoighmnsn ytemather receivcd wearing a rMet 4 NnhAna few days witb Mr. and Mrs. violin, Glenn and Alvin Quin- Choir Boys' Class and a prayer wine dress with a corsage of Burrow's, Toronto. ney; chorus, Mrs. Cabbans brought the evening ta a close. white flowers. I Mr. Cecil Siemon visitcd Mr. -- The groam's mother wias un- un S mumwt 0 and Mrs. Arthur Bell, Hamp,- able ta attend because of 111- BiM iafl V i RtdnCross Reports ness. Friday adSaturday on, ondMda.ArhrRa M anvers R d C o s prs For the wedding trip to To- MF n ntertained friends on Satur- ronto the bride ware a suit of * aebruary 181h and 1u ofMr nd~ .TabYear Full of Activities nayble8-h0mtchng c- sharp, at Mrs. H. Crossman was tea eisada white corsage.B gues of r. nd Ms, . Tab .The couple will reside in Ta-: )nMna.Annual meeting of Manvers thanks ta Mrs. Beer for the ronto where the Oro s m r o n o R ink township Canadian Red Cross very wonderful work she is pioyed as a machinist at A. V. Oe 0BaeAtssi ayDzln ubf Adult Bible Class February Society was held in Bethany daing. Mrs. Beer receives noa17P- Roc, Malton. Oe 0BaeAtsal ayDzln ubr neeting was held at the borne Tuesday evening, with Miss muneration for ber work, other Prior ta ber marriage th This show surpasses ail others lu rieh costumes. )f Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slcmon's. Laura Morton in the chair, due than travelling expenses ta andbrd wagusofhnrta* exciting oomedy and exquislte beauty 'resident Mrs. Lloyd Siemon ta the illness of the president, from the homes of patients. bridcella est sls o r vnbaIKTt O aea rn eel i fie )pened the meeting. Devotional Milton Wright. Mrs. R. Carr paid tribute ta the ladies of Hampton in the * u reyu eucay-Sa.erl vas prcsented by Mrs. A. HRt IARed ead. Rev., F. Jackson, led i.i enry Jakeman gave the fi- two members of the executive Hampton United Church and aM iv or et al AfSasa e he dscusio ofStuy Bok.nancial report, audited by John who had passed away, Dr. G. at a pantry shower held at the* There are 10 lucky FREZ SEATS each night Coburn, shawing a balance of McNeil of Pontypool and Mr. home of Mrs. George Dilling, A Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Black- $229.41. During the year $340.65 Allen Gribble, Bethany, bath Bowmanville, where she receiv-*ADMISSION. .............5 )urn, wcre in charge Of P170- bad been forwarded ta head of- of whom had been very active ed many lvely gifts. ou uoe uu*u**..8* 0*** ýram, wbich consisted of piano fice, clothing and groceries in workers in the branch, nstrumental Lynda Patts; the amount of $50.00 given ta isLuaMraamm eadngMr. C Grrad.At the family of B. Brown, R.R. 3 ber of the Ontario Provincial he close of program, lunch Pontypool, whose home bad Executive, attended two meet- m- - 'as scrved. been destroyed by fire; $20 00 ings in Toronto, giving a sum- K KA E M U M m W.A. February meeting wiil given ta Miss G. Raikes, distr'ict m* - f-RedCross -- -i e held Thursday nfternoon. hea1fh nr +;e tinruilp m ar fRe rs wr1n m s v a ff E ai tc el dý gi 01 m of Pl 01 w R( th bt -yr n .*e )e @Mcm OqAILTAIVJLILIP MfflAý-.-

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